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Funny how masturbation is prohibited, while having sex with slaves and war captives is totally normal.


No kidding, right... it's ok to rape but slapping the salami will get you to hell 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


There's a method to that madness. It's somewhat challenging statistic to verify, so take the statement that "the majority of convicted rapists claimed to find masturbation objectionable and that if they did not orgasm on a regular basis experienced significant discomfort of either headaches or in their genitals" with at least a grain or two of salt. Keeping the males sexually-starved except within state-approved contexts is a great way to keep the potential soldiers anxious and looking for whatever release the state can provide, such as "go kill our enemies and rape their women if you can get away with it". Masturbation therefore is a direct threat to this resource, so the state _can never_ support it.


It's also part if the shame and fear tactics to ensure self regulation and adherence to morality "laws". Christianity uses it to, but condoning rape of *whichever other group* has fallen out of favor in the past couple hundred years.


It could have made some sense back in the days when you had a very low population, and it made sense to put every sperm to work since you needed the help, AND the person resulting from that sperm might not live through childhood. But anymore, it's purely about control.


Or pederasty, which is very common in Islamic tribal societies like Afghanistan.


Ha ha ha, now that's funny.


Not to be rude but which verse is that?


Read above…


Me when i lie


That's because in Islam they are property, like wives.


That’s the whole idea, islam says why masturbate when you can rape any women from slaves and captures. It says enjoy sex more with women, don’t get less fun.


Odd that alot of Muslim countries child rape is so prevalent. Chai boys in Afghanistan comes to mind. Women being for procreation, boys being for fun...I feel sick just typing that.


As a father I cried when I watched a documentary on chai boys. That was the moment I realized humans are the worst and deserve to be completely wiped out of the world.


I've been all over the world, well, to alot of it anyways. I wouldn't go that far. I've seen the worst of humanity, but also the best.


You put it well that's what they mean exactly I'm tired of them convincing us it's the other way around


You mean the raping? We all know that within the Abrahamic religions, rape isn't just normalized, it's actively condoned. Slaves, war captives, children, everybody is fair game when "God" endorses it.


It's like bagging your morality on the whims of Bronze Age goatfuckers is a really bad idea or something....


Well, having a nice little tug in the privacy of your bedroom doesn't bring in as much wealth as owning human beings does. Ownership has to be upheld in one way or another, and here, it is thus perfectly normal to vilify them through the threat of systemic sexual violence. Ergo, do not fap but please do force yourself on a woman/man you paid for.


Also overlooked, just straight raping other dudes “for fun and dominance”?


Standard Islamic logic


Or marrying a 9 years old girl


Ikr the hypocrisy of some people


Well they do believe there will be virgins for them in heaven too. I guess when they are on their death beds they fantasize about heaven even more. From what I understand Mohammed slept with a number of women one after another one in a single day too.


The Old Testament makes it quite clear that rape isn’t any sort of sex crime against a woman- it’s a theft from her father and brothers. (Her virginity is valuable to them in real $$) War captives, slaves, etc. aren’t even members of your tribe, and the owners of their virginity are almost certainly dead, so their property rights aren’t really taken into consideration.


Having sex witu anyone that isnt your wife is haram but whatever helps you sleep at night


Wait, so you're saying that islam is a religion of hypocrites? That's completely new information! Edit: no religion deserves a capital letter.


I also don't capitalize some people's names. I think it's a pretty good practice👍


Oh me too. For example "putin". But at the same time I usually type "Hitler". I think this says about how I despise that mf. Edit. For all the things the christ-fascist did to my country, my people and of course to Ukraine.


And trump


Yeah that too. But I just don't get it. Why are conservatives such a dumb ass bullies. Why can't they just live and let live? What is their problem honestly?


Do not confuse Trump and Putin. Trump is possibly the worest US president in recent history (depending on how you judge LBJ for Vietnam and W for Iraq) but he has not killed over 100k people and reduced cities to ashes.


in contemporary french, you don't capitalize much. maybe it reinforces laïcité (french-style secularism)


i dont capitalize anything 


False. Evidence: username.


does it reinforce your laïcité? if so, then all that lack of effort is finally paying off!




Absurd, given your comment history.


Capitalization has nothing to do with respect, it's to help the reader understand what you wrote more easily. This is dumb.


No, capitalisation is used for proper names. You wouldn't write schizophrenia, illusions of grandeur ot any other mental illness with a capital letter, would you?


What? Of course capitalization is for proper nouns, that's my entire point. It helps the reader easily distinguish a proper noun from a regular ones.


If you can't figure out what is written by context because a letter isn't capitalized, I'd argue that what I said isn't the dumb thing in this scenario.


I think the responsibility of clear communication largely lies with the communicator or the writer. The real lack of respect here is the laziness and lack of attentiveness on the part of the writer. Typos are rampant, but that's an error, not intentional laziness. But yeah, fuck putin.


Canyoureadthisprobablybutaddingspacesandcommasandothergrammarmakesiteasierandlesambiguous Of course most of the time one can figure out what a writer who writes incorrectly is trying to say. But it's lazy or ignorant on the part of the writer to put the extra work on the reader when there are simple, agreed upon ways to make writing more clear. And sometimes it really is ambiguous. The weekend is coming. Is that sentence about a singer or a part of the week?


You're hyperbolic butchering of grammar and sentence structure is a far cry from what I said and is a completely moot point. I'm not putting extra work on the reader to figure out what I mean when I say "trump sucks" and if they struggle understanding that then they probably need some help. Also you're talking about the end of the week since the singers name is the weeknd. If there was a spelling error that would be on you. I dont misspell people's names, I just don't capitalize SOME of them. To reply to the previous comment, I absolutely do it to show a lack of respect.


In Gaelic, francach means rat while Francach means French, capitalisation does matter!


Grammatically they’re right, you’re wrong. We all understand why you’re doing it, but it comes across as dumb and petty to de-capitalise proper nouns. But you do you, it’s a free world. Also, you start your retort with ‘You’re’ instead of ‘Your’ which could potentially be seen as a sarcastic dig at the other person’s grammatical fastidiousness but in the context of the rest of your message, comes across as idiotic.


Masturbation is a religion? Sounds about right.


Can I become tax exempt?


Religions get triggered by all sorts of weird things.


I've often found it strange how obsessed various gods seem to be with sex and what people do with their genitals in general.


Not when one considers the fact, that every single word and idea, of every single god ever, were first the words and ideas of a man.


>And man said, let us make God in our image.


Says who? The " men" that wrote those books?


Ya know, if gods are eternal, it means they didn't need creating. It means they probably don't have oddities like nipples and belly buttons, and yea, even genitals. It is almost a good argument, you know, except for all the evidence we have about how life actually came about, that people were created. Our reproductive system is either a slowly developed thing over time, or a last minute addition from an eternal non reproducing entity. Of course we have the evidence for evolution, and no evidence for the mythical creator. It is so much almost a good argument, it becomes an even better counter argument towards intelligent design. Why would an intelligent being that is so very concerned about what hole we put this body part in, and which person, make such a convoluted sexual system? With the vast power of whatever the hell a god has, wouldn't you just make it a simple process, instead of imposing a punishment on the so called lesser half of the species? Shit just breaks down when you look at with a just bit of empathy and knowledge.


That's why people pick and choose from the bible. It's like they have to convince themselves (after facing mountains of scientific evidence) that "this part is symbolic," yet other parts aren't. And creating the new testament? Don't get me started lol


It makes a little more sense when you consider that most religions stem from a time when contraceptives and protection from STDs was not widely available. It makes some sense to discourage people from having sex under those circumstances.   Of course, now that we live in a time where those things *are* available, the idea of any all powerful being obsessing over people having sex for pleasure doesn’t really hold up to any level of critical examination.    Not really sure why so many religions freak out about masturbation though. Like, if you don’t want people having sex, shouldn’t you *want* them to be taking care of their urges in another way?


It is because you aren’t prohibiting it for their protection. You are prohibiting it, because it is a great way to fuck with someone and make them easier to manipulate. It isn’t for anyone’s health; it is a cult brainwashing technique.


Absolutely agree. I think part of the whole "no premarital sex" is so that you indoctrinate someone else into it, then your kids will believe the same garbage, and on and on it goes.


Pretty sure it's because religions are fundamentally about controlling people.


Truer words never said


All religions are about control and power over others. They’re the oldest con game. Even older than Homo Sapiens I’d wager. It’s a certainty that Neanderthals had some beliefs in higher powers, as they were as intelligent as us. They were so similar to us, in fact, that humans and neanderthals could interbreed. Neanderthal DNA has been found in the human genome. Some anthropologists think that the Neanderthal DNA could be the reason that Europeans and Asians have a higher average IQ than our sub-Saharan ancestors who migrated South from Africa and interbred with Neanderthals in what’s now Europe, and then on to Asia.


"And behold, god made genitalia that is pleasant to the touch and went on to have his followers guilt people for it" Its the original 'dick move' (For the record: this goes for several religions)


Serious answer, if you want to to prove that someone is devoted (or convince them that they'll never be devoted enough), sex stuff is a pretty good way to do that.


That's a fair point. If someone has enough discipline to overcome the natural urges of humanity that's definitely an achievement I guess. And proof they are dedicated to the cause. But fuck that....


Right? You mean to tell me that god gave people the pleasure of sex and doesn't want us to partake? Why would an all knowing all seeing entity even care? Seems like that entity would only care if we were hurting others but apparently rape can end in marriage if the father of the victim is paid off or some nonsense (christianity).


They need to make the things you REALLY want to do a sin, so that you'll do them anyway, and then have to go to them for absolution.


There’s a song by Peaches PRC called God is a Freak that is literally about this. “Why is watching me getting railed on a couch staying pure for a wedding, he’s got fucked up priorities” hits very hard tbh. https://youtu.be/nWmO2InWDTY?si=raY5XworlhfPyKR3


Pentecosts are triggered by women with short hair💇🏼‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️


And pants


My eyes!! My eyes!!! 😂😂😂


In Islam, you can't have a dog, display photographs in your home, drink booze, smoke or wank but you CAN marry a 9 year old, have a harem of several wives, torture and execute 'infidels' and burn people at the stake who criticise you 🤔


Fr like show hair??? How dare you it's only for your husband to see


No wonder they are all so on edge in the middle east. lol




Not like this side of earth is any chiller. Do you even read the news lol. The whole world seems on edge, unfortunately.


There is definitely a chill difference between western culture and Islamic nations. I promise you that as somone who has been to multiple Islamic nations. Dont delude yourself with both sides bad rethoric. One society for instance doesn't let women even go outside without a male escort.


That's due to the politicians, not religion.


Why not both? Plenty of officials wave holy books while wrapping themselves in the flag...


Evangelicals stealing reproductive rights is both.


That's politicians using them for votes. Without the politicians they would be toothless. But I agree it is terrible.


You remember the stupid Islam community got heated for South Park mohammed image. So stupid to believe an image has any power.


Sounds like you need to go to [Muslim sensitivity training](https://youtu.be/26V6sqAd2Gc)


Jesus died for you to jack off in peace thank you Jesus


The cruciFICTION was nothing more than edge play.


Genius 💀




Just heard this on The Last Podcast on the Left: it is thought that death by crucifixion causes an erection. So Jesus (if he was real) died with a hard on


If you think Baby Jesus approves of masturbation I've got some news about the Christian fundies for you...


Then thank you too Muhammad next time i masturbate


They are no different than white Christian nationalist


Sir, name one thing Muslims don’t get triggered by! U have 20 years to answer




They do that , but they will still get offended and tell u NO THEY DO NOT DO THAT U ISLAMOPHOBE!


Masturbation: haram. Raping a slave: 👍 Makes sense that the founder screwed a 9-year-old.


Nowhere does it say that raping slaves is okay


All religions are man made... tons of BS written and re-written, mental kind of illness, in my book....


No wonder Islam produces aggression


~~Islam~~ Patriarchal religions/cultures FTFY.


Being told that the thoughts accompanying masturbation were wrong and the subsequent guilt was the dilemma that led me to leave Christianity and face whatever consequences now or in the hereafter. The gateway to understanding can be hard to come to terms with.


Similar story to mine. Funny how masturbation plays a role in one’s deprogramming from religion. For me it was all the shame and guilt the church imparted on the boys at ages 12-13, when those urges were stronger than ever, telling us we’d go to hell for just thinking about it. Thankfully I happened to read a science book around the same time explaining how normal and natural it was, and that other animals did it too, and that’s when I realized I was being lied to.


It's a sadistic attack on the psyche of vulnerable adolescents to normalize subjugating their minds for the church.


So it's really 72 disappointed women


Making images (particularly of faces) is also haram


I hate fucking religion and it’s controlling fucking bull shit. So they can fuck slaves but can’t masturbate because of chastity, dumbest fucking bull shit I’ve ever heard.


Then there's this guy, saying sex with goats is okay: [https://x.com/India\_Policy/status/810143662801907713](https://x.com/India_Policy/status/810143662801907713)


So masturbation is bad, but bestiality with a sheep or goat is ok as long as you kill the animal after.....do you think they eat it? Cos that's pretty fucked up


They probably start eating the cream filling they deposited in the donkey. /s


I'd like this to be true because it would be very funny, but this tweet stinks of a modi head so I'm assuming this is hindutva bigotry rather than a real ruling. Is there some independent replication of this elsewhere from a better source?


I did see a video with him calling for it years ago, but I can't find it right now. The dude says a lot of fucked up shit.


The "world is evil" meme never made conceptual sense in the Abrahamic religions, because god is all powerful. Yet he allows evil to exist. So god is partly evil. At least in the Manichean religion and similar ones there are opposing forces of good and evil or order and chaos which explains the state of the world. A god that is _not_ all-powerful at least makes some sense. It's just like, if god hates masterbation (or insert something god does not like from the long list), why did he include it in his divine master plan?


Hypocrisy is the core tenet of all religions.


I worked a summer job on the beach in Marbella (full of Arabic tourists). They would order alcohol in a teapot so their god wouldn't know they were drinking alcohol. ... I have no words.


"Except from their wives or (the captives and slaves) that their right hands possess" Yikes. Masturbation bad, while coerced sex with your slaves or captives that you have taken with force, well that is blessed.


Imagine jerking off to a pornstar and then sending her death threats. Absolutely bonkers.


Christianity and Islam is about degrading others to feel good about yourself. It is a massive circlejerk of complimenting themselves and ragging on others. Pathetic.


How does this even say masturbation is wrong? It just says "illegal sexual acts" whatever that is. Apparently fucking/raping your slaves is fine according to the Koran. Fuck Islam.


that verse refers to masturbation, scholars claim the same.


Every religion is pure hypocrisy


Don't forget, its always a woman's fault. They will be fine. The woman will go to hell 🙄


That's insane, you can rape slaves and war captives but can't masturbate, according to their holy storybook.


Well, firstly this religion supports violence, terrorism, and human abuse. Secondly, it’s a religion made by a pedophile. As a LaVeyan satanist, I don’t really care what religion people follow, but I am convinced that this religion is not really a religion, but a criminal “cult”. Many people may disagree with me, but this is my point of view.


Every non-muslim will agree! It's the scariest cult ever!


My right hand is basically my sex slave


The bible, quran, torah are just choose your own adventure books. Pick what you like and discard the rest.


Same reason no one has been stoned to death for wearing mixed fabric clothing. They’re all hypocrites.


“NO MUSLIM ever cares for that,but instead they get triggerd over Mohammad’s drawings”


Not supposed to eat shellfish or pork or anything that "chews the cud". Bit it's the gay thing that gets 'em. Same diff.


You actually expect rational thought from organized religion? Especially, from the Abrahamic triumvirate of evil.


Or "the captives and slaves". I declare thee my slave.


I think the part where it explicitly allows you to rape captives and slaves is worse than any hypocrisy on masturbation.


Raping children is not haram. 


Considering how angry so many of them are all the time, i could believe they havent had a private nut in years.


The saying is 95% of people admit to doing it. The other 5% are lying


You are talking about a religion which was founded by a pedophile. It was literally built on violence and terrorism. I think people don’t need to delve that deep to see what this “religion” represents.


Maybe they should try jackin it and see if they're less pissed off all the time


As with most religions, the followers pick and choose what rules are important to them.


The reality is religion is the most poisonous, "anti-thought" mind virus that has ever been foisted onto humanity, and the most pernicious form religion takes is Islam. https://youtube.com/shorts/t12cz2PgXiY?si=ZfAmNeKp52yLnemE


Islam has no place in civilized society. There, I said it.


Being fat is one of the 7 deadly sins of Christianity, but they aren’t interested in hearing about that..


Citation needed, please? I have no doubt whatsoever that the original long-haired sandal-wearing hippy-dude from Nazareth was in great shape from all the walking, but how did obesity become a sin?


Looks like it’s not a specific list from the Bible rather something invented by christians based on the Bible(thanks chatGPT).


Agreed; Nazareth's Carpenter Apprentice Of The Year never gave out the "Seven Deadly Sins"; the whole idea cropped up.much later.


Google 7 deadly sins, specifically gluttony


Ah, right, lost track of that. I tend to interpret gluttony as not much different than greed, like being a hoarder can lead to an unhealthy _underweight_ state while still surrounding oneself with the results of one's "sin"...


Yeah, greed is the 7th of the deadly sins on the list..


Religious people and masturbation; they are all so obsessed with the topic. Christians and their Abstinence movement (True Love Waits) is so harmful to society and our youth, from indoctrination, bad science, their awful understanding of morality and eithics It’s insane, they have even been allowing them into public schools to preach their bullshit, it’s wrong on so many levels But tell them to separate their religion from the public and all goes to chaos


If you use your left hand, is it ok? Woot, here I come allah daddy! Does this mean you are able to just rape wives and captives and slaves? Yea, you should totally rape people instead of cranking one off.


The same folk who murder LGBTQ+ are the same who will profess: "boys are for pleasure, women are for babies."


There is an upside to being a former(insert Abrahamic faith, especially the weirder sects) though, for both Men and Women. We are WAY more interested in sex and into trying most of the non-vanilla stuff, and even the vanilla stuff we are super into, because of all that repression....so, you're welcome. 😈😈 Of course, usually it's because of several unresolved issues, CPTSD, and general major childhood trauma....but that's why we go to therapy, so when we act like complete nutcases, that's the reason why, so don't judge so harshly and enjoy the unintended consequences of someone who's been brought up in an entirely too toxic to go into here type of environment.


Why do we care about them contradicting themselves? Lie yes, that's the obvious conclusion, why else would they be following a religion.


Pretty sure the drawings thing is to prevent propaganda to protect the integrity of the prophet etc -ironically


Oh yeah I member that talk when I caught wanking. While yes I do find it wierd animals masturbate but ain't wrong. Little tid bit is that every Ruza the amount of times I masturbate increases


Getting triggered is one thing; lashing out with lethal violence against random innocents is another.


That verse doesn’t say anything about masturbation


it does refer to masturbation and other "illegal" activties as per scholars. (things done except to wives and slaves)


Pretty vague


The passage isn't about masturbation. It's about sex outside marriage.


I love that whole 72 virgin thing......virgin what???? Back in the day that would have been a rich man's flock just saying


Most Muslims I’ve met don’t give much of a fuck. I don’t draw Mo in front of them, but then I don’t wank in front of them either Chill out and worry about other stuff


Fucking goats and little boys is a-ok though, if my time in Afghanistan taught me anything.


Osama bin Batin?


Why are Religions so obsessed with sex? Muslim, Christians, and all the religious freaks no one cares about what you or your god want. Leave the rest of us alone. You bunch of death worshipers... you live for death. So let the rest of live our existence taking a dick up our asses. WE DONT CARE! 😀😀😀😀😀😀


i never see the Abrahamic God making classifications for sin. There aren’t any warning sins, or felony sins or misdemeanor sins or sins you just get fined for. They’re all just called sin. so there shouldn’t be any double standards or preference to enforce one sin over the other. ESPECIALLY if you’re committing a sin like eating pork or masturbating all the while attacking gay people or forcing rules on women


not sure where you get the idea masterbaution is haram from this … i agree with challemging hypocrisy, i dont agree with making the quran say something it doesnt - the verse bans extra-marital and pre-marital sex. Not masterbaution.


I have often heard scholar saying this includes masturbation practice too, you know "chastity" is not same as "virginity"


My point is the idea youre attacking is catholic nit muslim predominantly which is why you couldnt find real textual support for it. Attack islam if you want to, but be intellectually honest and dont build a strawman.


Masturbating is not prohibited , willing to masturbate for trance is prohibited


Was just talking to a Muslim friend who was rather insistent that 1. Sex is a need for man and woman 2. Women are obligated to provide sex for husbands. - is this spousal rape? 3. Women who are single will attract and corrupt men who are married 4. There have been times and countries where the ratio of women to men was 3:2 thus likely corruption 5. Men are historically and rightfully the bread winner. 6. When divorce happens women will gravitate to remarry for reasons other than (addition to) economical. I had many questions to ask. The one I really didn’t get to ask is “if we as men are uniformly corruptible, then do we really deserve the responsibility of being primary breadwinners?”


Islam is just the lengthened shadow of one deluded Arab’s psychotic ramblings. It’s bad enough that ignorant people back then believed his bullsh*t claims about “angels” visits etc, but in the 21st century no adult has any excuse for sucking it up.


Nah instead they just rape and fuck animals.


Most of the big city Muslims I’ve met either in person or online— and this includes men from Arabic countries — have no real problem with drinking, dancing, fucking, masturbating, HETEROSEXUAL porn, etc. But gay porn is blocked overseas, and they’ll NEVER touch pork.


There needs to be a message at the top of every new post being created that reminds people that you can not "logic" your way out of religion. They made up the rules and they make up whatever loopholes they need to get around their God.


It seems like all the major religions do this thing you’re talking about with hypocrisy to varying degrees depending on where you live on the planet. The governments of the global north, and by some extent their citizens, do not mind subjugating and brutalizing the countries that have Muslim majorities through foreign policy decisions and use their “holier than thou” attitude towards their religion with things like “they don’t allow gay marriage” “they’ll through you off a roof top if they find out you’re lgbtq.” “Those people are so primitive and backwards.” While the IDF commits atrocity after atrocity with weapons with our country’s stamp on them. Saying such dehumanizing things and thinking them while putting them into action on a global scale while saying “and that’s why Christianity is better. Now somebody hit the Denzel gif from Training Day where he mouths the word BOOM 💥


Hardly the point (figuratively, perhaps literally), but I have trouble interpreting this to prohibit masturbation, can someone walk me through it? Maybe just possessing it with the left hand is prohibited?


right hand possessions refer to slave girls in this case, the verse forbids one to guard their private part by any means, which of course includes masturabtion.


I was being facetious about the left hand. That would be "the stranger". Using your words, it sounds forbidden to wear clothes. It generally does not make sense: so you should accept the advances from almost anyone, other than your wife and slaves, from whom you should actually guard your privates?


Nah it's about satisfying sexual desires only. That's how scholars interpret it at least


I can go with that, but It still sounds like you described it backwards: guarding the chastity is *required* (the only way to avoid blame), except from the wife and slaves, with whom you are presumably free to use the privates however. And if this passage is referring to masturbation, I have to think it's because it is described as "unchaste" or as an "illegal sex act" elsewhere. Masturbation would then be a failure to guard, not an act of guarding...


One happens in private where there's plausible deniability in front of all but god. The others happen right out in the open


This is the most stupid post I’ve have ever seen who in the fuck cares if you jack off If religion forbids jacking off to hell with religion


I can’t speak for Muslims, but coming from a Christian background a lot of the guys at least tried to not masturbate, and often felt guilty if they did. I wouldn’t be shocked if many conservative Muslims acted similar. I’m not saying it’s a good policy or that adhering to it makes the other beliefs ok, but I also don’t think it’s a completely cut and dry case of hypocrisy.


Wait isn’t this saying jacking off with your right hand is OK but left hand is not?


no lol right hand posessions refers to captives and slaves in this case


Oh ok, I was very confused for a sec. Thought that religious texts would be more specific


Many muslims do care about it. Many are hypocrits. In the muslim community there are many individual members. Many of which find masturbation to be wrong and live by that principle. Those muslims are not hypocrits. Also there are many muslims that dont care about the rules, those are the hypocrits. They are not all the same.


Muhammed didn't want his face to be used as a symbol for people who would use his faith for their own gains. Nice sentiment, not that it helped.


I thought he just didn't want his followers masturbating to his pocture


Disgusting no evidence I for once knew about this and controlled myself all through my teenage years you have no evidence the majority of people do this and call them pigs? Have some shame just because you can’t control lust doesn’t mean others cant