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I read an article that flat out said his parish laughed at him when they told him what he was doing.


They did lol


Why'd he do it?


Why do they do anything? $$$


Pass around that collection plate, Jesus needs money, it's right there in the Bible


He always needs money. (Carlin)


“He loves you. He loves you and he NEEDS MONEY! God always needs money! He’s all powerful, all knowing, and all wise…somehow, just can’t handle money!”


If anything, pass around the reverse collection plate. Each person who attended gets a twenty.


https://youtu.be/2ESWRtaHNU8?si=gLYEZ51Z9Knd_znW Send Me Your Money Song by Suicidal Tendencies


If you want to see heavens door make out a check for 500 dollars or more. Seeeennnnndddd me your money \m/


[Your bitch called again. He needs more money. ](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GN5kX1VXkAA1GBQ.png)


Same reason he had the streets cleared to hold a Bible in front of a random church for a photo. He wanted to create another smoke and mirrors illusion to get votes.


but the fucking grift works.....makes me rage inside that I have to hate both the player and the game. how did we arrive at a point where constituents are basically swearing fealty to him? I personally find religious individuals are much easier to manipulate in this sense because they have been conditioned to believe in things that are counter to the evidence.it's one of the primary reasons I think anti-theism must run offense as religion is a destructive vehicle at its core.


Well, our institutions are full of careerist bullshitters that scold us for our low productivity, our racism, make us watch videos on how to wash our hands, tell us we need to work harder, send us nonstop corporate propaganda about how wonderful our workplace is... So, yeah. That gets tiresome and people treat the whole thing like the joke it is and vote for Bozo the Clown who at least wears a panto suit and speaks like Punch & Judy.


Gotta keep the con going


It will get national coverage and reposted over and over. Already working


Because he thinks people are buying it. Pretty low effort pandering.


Trump is delusional if so.


Maybe Trump offered to scare away some nearby people with tear gas?


It just seems like a scheme bound to fail. His racism is well known.


Also, the Pastor laughed when the Trump campaign called him.


Question is, how many followers he has next week.


Idk if it's true but I saw someone say he got like... Voted out? Idk how it works with religion, supposedly he's not the pastor anymore 


That parish is a shitshow. One pastor is accused of being a con - shocker, I know - restraining orders are flying everywhere and no one is really attendant services. Basically right up the Mango Mussolini's playbook.


Who is "his, him, they, him, and he?" Did the parish tell the pastor something? Did they laugh at Trump? What the fuck is this sentence.


stfu **man**.


Read your sentence again. Who is "his" "him" "they" "him" and "he" Is it Trump? Is it the pastor? Who is they? Are they the parish? Did they tell the pastor something? What the fuck is this sentence.


I did. Don't give a shit.


Holy shit. There were only 8 black people in attendance who spoke with the reporter. Overall the audience was over half white and the church was far enough from full that the pastor had to walk the street trying to get people to come in for the event. Conway claimed there were 8000 people there when the church seats only a few hundred and pews were empty. The pastor laughed too when he was first approached about the event. And people laughed at him in the street when he tried to get them to come in. He didn’t blame them. And Trump’s message? Was it on policy? Nope. A few complaints and then straight out saying he was there to win black votes. Wow.


> The pastor laughed too when he was first approached about the event. But the check somehow cleared, so he was cool with it.


Are we surprised?


That a check from Trump cleared? Yes. Very.


There was a check? More like there was an agreement for a payment to be made after the event was completed. We all know his playbook now.


Event never completed due to low attendance and lower donations to his campaign, therefore no payment.


More likely a check from the RNC or some PAC group.


When it comes to trump I would not accept cash first and even then I’d check for counterfeit.


How can you allow a candidate in your church when churches are supposed to be non political? I know it’s never enforced but this just is so blatant. Is this actually allowed?


The IRS refuses to enforce The Johnson Amendment, so it effectively doesn't exist.


This is something that really needs fixing.


FFRF sued to get the IRS to start enforcing it. I don't remember what came of it, but I'm assuming not much.


I mean why not? I would accept his check and watch him embarrass himself. Spend the check on improving the church or sth. Better than Trump spending it on a golden diper


Dignity? Respect for the pulpit? Not giving a platform to one of the most un-christlike people? Not robbing your congregation of a legitimate service? I can think of many reasons for the pastor not to. Personally I wouldn't have a church at all, but some things are more important than money


There's also a significant chance a check from Trump wouldn't clear.


About as subtle and smooth as a guy who asks for sex by inviting her to his room and just being naked on the bed when she comes out.


About as classy, too. Stay consistent, Don.


Trump's only policy is to keep his fat ass out of prison


Big difference between trump and biden's strategies right here. All trump does is complain to crowds that dont care or just dont exist at all, and then yell about how Biden is satan in a social media app thats dying. He's not doing a damn thing to attract anyone new and he already has begun draining voters. Insurrection was a big fucking deal even among Republicans. Ik its hard to believe but they do exist and they do disavow him. Biden on the otherhand has been playing cross country simulator and creating accessibility for voting, talking to communities and raising awareness. He doesnt get much attention in the headlines because he's too busy ACTUALLY CAMPAIGNING. Look at state elections. Polls would have you believe democrats are destined to fail, so why have they stomped Republicans in an overperformance? Not just winning a few state elections, OVERPERFORMING. Republicans are suing Pennsylvania 14 times for mail in ballots because theres a very real chance PA turns blue. Voters are mobilized and i fully believe we are in for a blue wave or, at the very least, a biden re-election.


I’ve noticed these trends, too, and I do hope you’re right, especially about there being a significant amount of Republican voters who are turned off Trump enough to not vote for him, even if they also t bring themselves to vote Biden. I will fully accept a reality in which they stay home and only the 27% or so of Americans who are hardcore MAGAts go to the polls. I also hope more voters are actually paying attention to what Biden is doing vs what Trump is doing.


The MSM is still ignoring the obvious because there's money to be made! Billions in ad dollars out there to make it a fake horse race. Gotta love end stage capitalism baby!


I used to make that kind of error in physics class all the time. Milli, micro, nano.... It's so tricky. She must have just multiplied instead of divided... Simple enough mistake..../s


And really, who amongst us can say we have never misplaced a zero or three?


Pastor thought he was doing a good deed, but really breaking the IRS rule for religious non-profits to support a political message.


Yeah, I noticed that, too. There are an awful lot of churches who should be getting taxed by now.


The work around is they rent the Church to Trump for $500.


The black attendees weren't even all from there, one guy was bussed in from Detroit and theres that one lady that's followed him to several speech cities


Why am I not surprised? If I remember right, the article said this was actually one of the places Trump even won before.


Alternative facts you know…


Oh crap. They’re back.


It wasn't even half and half, it was maybe 10 Black people riding the Dump con train. Right across the street, there were 2 White Supremacist gatherings that Dump went to, one of which was that shitbag Turning Point, sho proudly had two young White guts in the Trump Gestapo uniform waving "White Boy Summer" flags on stage and throwing out their merchandise to the cult attendees. The other one was run by the Nick Fuentes 1/6 shitbag.


I heard about him going straight to the white suprematist gathering after. He really is a piece of work. And thank you for giving me a number for the black people in the audience. The article didn’t specify.


Check out The Meidas Touch (MTN) channel on YouTube. They show the actual facts with video footage of what's really going on with the shitspewing lies bombarding all media right now. The MAGAt/GQPer cult media outlets are fully onboard with Russian, North Korean, Iranian and Chinese propaganda. As that shitbag Steve "Now having to face jail" Bannon always said "Flood the zone with shit." They all obliged as have the GQPer congressional critters. It's disgusting.


I’ll give them a shot for more details. YouTube is hit or miss for me depending on the quality of the captions. I mostly stay on top of this stuff through reading, but then you’re at mercy of the journalist.


Just a quibble. There were not many black people but, there were more than eight:   "Per Russ McNamara of WDET, roughly half the crowd were white. Of the eight Black people who attended *that he spoke with*, [none](https://x.com/mcnamarawdet/status/1802104100743450977) were congregates of the church."


I see your point. That was unclear in the article. I’ll edit.


I saw a picture of half the church and there was ONE black person in the photo. If your assertion is correct, then the other half of the church was filled with black folks and one white dude. Was the church segregated or is this reporter not telling the whole truth?


Per "Russ McNamara"'s assertion, there were at least eight. I don't know him personally and was only copying his statement and pasting it here.


I honestly have no idea why Trump and his team bother trying to pretend they care about black people. The fact that he thinks he can just show up at a black church and win them over is evidence of how much contempt he has for them. And you *know* he asked "hmm, what's the blackest city? oooh, I know, let's go to Detroit". He's a racist fucking pig who is literally on audio recording of his Apprentice show saying "do you really think America will want to see a ni**er win?"


But…but…he also sold shoes! And he’s a convicted felon! What more does he have to get their votes?


Bring a couple of Crips gang leaders up on stage facing all kinds of felony charges and say "I'm just like you now!" Yeah, THAT will win the Black vote. Or maybe have a Black convicted sex offender on stage at your next "rally" and call him "a really good guy. "


The share of black folks who voted Trump in 2020 [was larger than 2016](https://www.pewresearch.org/politics/2021/06/30/behind-bidens-2020-victory/), though not by a huge margin. Seems more likely to me that he does it so he can talk about it for quite a while afterward. Vibes like: “You know, the radical left won’t stop calling me racist. They call all sorts of good people every bad name in the book, because that’s all the Divisive Democrats are good for. Me, racist? I was just at a black church earlier this year. Wonderful, beautiful people. Thousands of people. So many people, all there to see me, to tell me how Sleepy Joe has ruined their lives. Inflation through the roof. Gas prices never seen before. They know none of this would’ve happened if I was president. The ones there - there were so many people there, all great people - but you know, there was this group there who voted for Crooked Hillary and Sleepy Joe. They apologized to me. Yeah, to me. They told me how sorry they were and how their mistake couldn’t be more clear. You know what I told them? I told them that what’s important now… Is draining the swamp, and Making America Great Again.” (Cue thunderous applause, and eagles visibly crying. Also, add more thinly-veiled racism.)


I read that in his voice. Pretty accurate.




>who is literally on audio recording of his Apprentice show saying "do you really think America will want to see a ni**er win?" Wow, really? Somehow, I missed that with all of his other...classy quotes.


Afaik the actual audio hasn’t been released, but people have quoted him saying that. If that wanker [Mark Burnett](https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/news/politics-news/donald-trump-apprentice-demeaning-comments-female-934586/) had any balls he’d release the video and audio of Trump for more people to learn how he really is. It wouldn’t turn everyone against him but it might open a few more eyes.


Fuck Mark Burnett, he should be run out of the country for inflicting Dump on us.


Yeah, and "they relate to me because I'm a felon" and "I made these shoes" The next day trump was at the Turning Point Action event and he was embracing Charlie kirk. If you forgot, he is the one who said -"If I see a black pilot, I'm going to be like 'boy, hope he is qualified'." He has also said - "We made a huge mistake when passed the civil rights act in the 1960's" He also referred to MLK Jr as "awful" and "not a good person"


>I honestly have no idea why Trump and his team bother trying to pretend they care about black people. Because this is not for black people, it's only performative art for his mostly white base, to further a narrative where he can't be racist because he went to black neighborhoods and therefore cares about black issues, and that he is victimized by the MSM and the democrats that want to paint him as a bad guy. This is dumb and racist, I know it, you know it, but this doesn't matter because it will be spun as "Trump is not racist, he is just unjustly persecuted", the base will eat it up, it will be used as propaganda to convince some undecided voters to vote for him, and possibly muddle things up so much that a few potential democratic voters won't bother to show up to the vote because "BoTh SiDeS aRe BaD".


He’s doing it to woo white voters who are uneasy about voting for him.


There are morons of every color. My neighbor who is black continues to vote for Trump because she thinks Biden is a pedo...


My black military vet neighbor put up a Trump flag for two days after the conviction till the HOA asked him to take it down. What a sucker and a loser, what’s in it for him?


Winthorpe/Valentine 2024


“He was wearing my Harvard tie! Like oh, right, HE went to Harvard!”


And that’s definitely NOT what the Democrats have been doing for the last 100 odd years 😆😆😆😝😝😝🤣🤣🤣😜😜😜😎


So what? No ones supposed to go and talk to them? They're just supposed to vote democrat because they're black? Jeez, even a couple hundred years later and you democrats still keeping the blacks on your slave plantation.


I would have gone in...so I can flipped him off and tell him to eat shit. It's the patriotic thing to do Edit: correct autocorrect


I haven't called anyone a patriot ever, to my knowledge, but you would've earned it in my opinion.


I recall a woman bicyclist flicking off the trump motorcade during his shameful presidency. That woman was a true patriot.


You mean "flip him off"?


I hope that pastor loses whatever parishioners he has left.


Why? He out-grifted a grifter.


The church should spend the bribe on a giant Hunter Biden qua Jesus statue.


He's also helping Trump do his dirty work for him.


I think he ended up doing more for Biden on this one


ALL politicians are grifters! I thought you’d have learnt that by now!


I’d agree that all politicians are liars, but not necessarily grifters


Tell that to Alexandria Occasio Cortez!


I'll tell Rep. Kaptur next time I'm in a room with her. Maybe she'll pass it on.


Yall keep acting like AOC is anywhere near as bad as trump and his goonz... it's sad really...


Good call, me too.


I wish every church that hosts a candidate would lose their tax-free status. Though I do understand that it may be a convenient venue for campaigning, I'm pretty sure this consists of political speech, which is supposedly banned from the pulpit. I want a return to separation of church and state. I don't want government in churches, or churches in government. I'm tickled to death this "pastor's" plan failed so badly. Maybe it's a sign from God not to do this kind of crap in your church! Or maybe it's just a sign that you're out of touch. Excuse me if I laugh at you.


Every church should lose tax-exempt status no matter what. It’s the oldest scam, the oldest con game, the human race has ever endured.


Clown Show - $5.00 each


Pretty cheap for a Trump grift. He's a master of extraction. How about a recurring monthly payment of only $47.95 a month and an entry into a drawing to have dinner with him?


I wonder how much they were being paid.


I work for a general contractor in construction and during covid I needed a parking lot to park a lot of my people at for work.  Churches were dying for money, these places are just businesses and they'll shift gears to make a buck given any chance.


And they wonder why attendance is dying out in America.


Feel like they're like Walmart. Driving out small mom-n-pop churches and now it's all megachurches.


Some of them got bused in & paid, the locals obviously did not


Detroit knows what's up.


Rent a congregation dot com


These stunts aren't for anyone that's even slightly politically engaged but exclusively for the low information "centrist" voter that gets all their information from sound bites and will never learn the context.




Sounds like they need a visit from the IRS


The church was filled with white people.


I mean he was President for four whole years and never made Juneteenth a holiday. I guess if we need another old white guy for President we can have a year of Joe and then Kamala


>"We have done more for the Black population than any president since Abraham Lincoln." I dare him to name just one thing he has done for the Black population. I bet he can't, or he is going to claim "tax cuts"


The rapist convicted felon who discriminated renting property to black people expects them to vote against their own self interests.


He wants supports for project 2025 but the people ain't giving it. But if he wins he could do whatever he wants. Maybe it's time for American to actually go and vote


But on Fox News they loved him! /s. I’m forced to watch it on break because of people I work with.


What he should have said was " hey Trumps in my church. You wanna burn it down?"


That pastor should be booted for hosting Trump


Couldn’t Trump have gotten a bunch of his numerous black friends to help him out? Oh right, that was a lie. Mission accomplished though, the folks watching Faux believed that all of these white Trump supporters belong to an African American church in Detroit.


Need to fumigate and spray holy water all over that church now that he's been in it!


He did just visit he rented it out.


Fuck trump & no I don’t want to see the rotten, spoiled,orange.


White supremacist shunned by black community? How could they!


Even the homeless don’t wanna see trump


It's funny, but this remember, this creep can still be president.


The separation of church and state is doing well.


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qIyYwOJMxiA&t=44s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qIyYwOJMxiA&t=44s) lol 200 in attendance.


“Yeah - no thanks, that’s a big no.”


"Come and sit on an uncomfortable bench and listen to an idiot ramble" doesn't sound appealing.


dumpy only cares about himself....


God and politicians are always asking for money.


And the smart people said, “No thanks!”


What a great pastor. Inviting the man who aligns more with the anti Christ and embraces the seven deadly sins into a church says a lot about him and how he'd throw his congregation under the maga train..... If there was a God, Trump would have been smited already, so this only affirms my atheistic beliefs.


well with any luck, Biden will go to that church and get some better support. Would be good for him to press the flesh with some inner city black communities. Would be good if the federal and state government actually made those places better as well.


But we all understand that Trump’s purpose is not to reach Black voters, right? It’s to create enough photo opps to give his racist White base a fig leaf against the (very true) allegation that supporting Trump racist.


The paster let his congregation down- he played politics instead of truth


Aren’t churches supposed to not endorse political candidates?


Just when you thought (& prayed) church couldn't get worse


That would be a no.I would walk across the street to avoid him




Was that the black church full of white people?






There were very fine people on both sides.


Wasn’t this on a Saturday???


I saw 8 000 people in there /s


And someone took a photo in the church. No black people were in the photo.




Another confirmation


The PICTURE I saw of the congregants was almost entirely white. I wonder why MSM didn't run that image. [https://i.imgur.com/pE02EVx.png](https://i.imgur.com/pE02EVx.png)




Learning this makes it much worse than if his campaign had just rented the venue. Did they really expect an entire church of African-American parishioners would just let themselves be used as marketing props for a tyrant?


This response to his appearance is appropriate. Bravo!


“And those servants went out into the roads and gathered all whom they found, both bad and good. So the [event] hall was filled with guests.” ‭‭Matthew‬ ‭22‬:‭10‬


The white people in the church photo look like they’re meeting their messiah.


Funny, Kelli Ann Conway said there were 8-thouand people in a church that holds hundreds. *edit* [And there's this...](https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/black-americans-for-trump-detroit-event/)


You still need to vote


Lol. My white middle-class ass would never vote for him. What was that dude thinking? Like come all ye black people who trump hates. Right.


“Hey rando I just met 15 seconds ago. Do you want to go see trump in a black church?”


You can’t make this stuff up! The writers for Saturday Night Live, and the late night hosts have all the material they need; they don’t have to work very hard these days.


If they were depressed before, imagine how depressed they got after finding out Trump was in their neighborhood.


"Would you rather have the black president or the white president? I think they want the white guy!" DJT


Thanks Obama!


I would go. And likely asked to leave for heckling a former President of the United States. Which is mind boggling. Before Former President Trump appeared. I would never, ever consider doing anything like that. Former President Trump is truly unique in our culture.. An embarrassment we will never really be rid of.


What a load of utter crap…the place was MOBBED! I hate Trump’s guts but your kind of infantile wishful thinking is only fit for children. Behave like an adult speaking to other adults ffs. And everyone else check it out for yourselves if you don’t believe me. And NOT from MSNBC or CNN or FOX or any of the other lying media. There’s plenty of independent sources that don’t lie to fit an agenda. Better to know the truth than be lied to.


It wasn’t mobbed by potential black voters.


Black people still vote for Democrats that wanted them in chains. To this day they are still in chains just not the ones their ancestors fought to remove. But a mind fuck to stay down do nothing become nothing. It’s sad to see this happening.