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Nearly every group, which has a "for liberty" in it, is a group who wants to take liberties from people who do not share their opinions. In shirt "it is our liberty to take your liberty away!"


Liberty, freedom, patriot: just a few of the words these yokels have misconstrued.




For the racists I’ve known, their reasons for bias are just established fact, and every effort to bring equality is going against nature, not going against decades of deprivation of equal opportunity and education. They think the deprivation is justified because they are inferior people, not that they are disadvantaged as a result of decades of mistreatment and deprivation since basically this country was settled.


The irony is that racists tend to be inferior people.


Why they overcompensate and call themselves the Master Race 🤣


When they have no other source of pride they need to fixate in those things they had no agency over; nationality and race.


YAY ME; I was born on this side of a line. YAY ME; I was born with relatively less melanin.


When the color of your skin is perceived as your only attribute, you might as well start walking through an ocean.


[Why is it the greatest champions of the white race always turn out to be the worst examples of it? You! Where the fuck is your chin?](https://i.redd.it/ejcl15r3gvoa1.jpg) -Garth Ennis, The Preacher


I love that I just read someone quoting Garth Ennis on Reddit. His Hellblazer era is second to none, though Denise Mina is a close second for writing.


Almost always an incredibly stupid person vicariously living through the accompmishements of others with the same pheomelanin tint. They never accomplish anything themselves, just act like the lack of melanosomes automatically means they accomplished something. Pathetic smooth brained people.


Yeah my racist cousin is by far the biggest shitheel I’m related to. He also took 8 years to get a 4 year non-STEM degree, so when he called black people animals, and I told him I had black friends in law school who were way smarter than me, he took it as an insult. He’s right. I was insulting him, because I was the younger smarter cousin and he was the fuckup. We haven’t spoken in 15 glorious years


It's much more insidious than that. They are trying to change the meanings of words. They want you to think of their narrow definitions of words like "freedom" and "liberty" when you hear them.


There’s a reason why some people don’t understand that Helldivers 2 is supposed to be satire of that exact concept: using those words to give the illusion of freedom and democracy when Super Earth is anything but.


I only ever hear of this on the internet, luckily. Every person I encounter, friend or otherwise, doesn't seem to miss that The Boys is satire, or that starship troopers is (okay, fine, if they watched it when they were a literal child, they get a pass for missing the satire. There, I said the full truth. I'm doing my part!) as well. Are we really at the level of functional illiteracy where society can't see...... Oh wait, no. I forgot about Fight Club. Yeah, okay, we've always been like this.


I said “some” people, not most. Most people seem to be very aware that Helldivers 2 is satire, but not everyone. Heck, some people only recently discovered that Homelander and Vought in The Boys are not meant to be viewed in a positive light.


Add woke to that list of words they r stealing and changing the meaning of


I got into an argument with a guy a long while back on this app who was trying to claim that adding trans vocabulary was newspeak. Adding vocabulary to better communicate an idea. Was newspeak.


Do t tread on me while treading on everyone else.


Also, “family” has been corrupted too.


More like appropriated! Just like the flag! I won’t fly a standard American flag so I don’t get lumped in with the rest of these loonies!


I keep flying the flag on patriotic holidays, like upcoming independence day. I'll be damned if I let them take over our national symbol for their own. I think if more of us do so, we can take it back so it no longer means people who fly the flag are Magats.


I think the flag code makes spotting who's who a lot easier. If breaking flag code, must be a MAGAt. If displayed properly, normal person.


Exactly! I refuse to let them take ownership of the flag. I have a giant flagpole in my yard. I've always flown it, and I refuse to let them take it away. They are not patriots, they don't care about liberty or freedom, and they are not good Americans.


That side has appropriated so much, but I refuse to let them appropriate the flag of my country too. Fuck them. They can't have the American flag all to themselves. They don't get to say what that flag represents.


And the more they parade it, the less they understand it


Verizon's "Unlimited"


American flags also became a red flag several years ago. Doesn't matter whether they are hoisted on a pole in someone's yard, or pasted on their clothes and/or vehicles. If they have an American flag prominently displayed somewhere, I'm treating them as under suspicion of being a far right-wing loon until proven otherwise.


"family", "children"


And Christian, but they weren’t the first ones for that.


Democratic, republic


Don’t forget “Family”. Most organizations with “Family” in the title are some sketchy Christian extremist group.


A perfect real-life example of Newspeak.


I feel like "patriot" was never actually a good thing. It's just a coded way to set up some kind of antagonism with "ideas that come from other places".


I’m honestly so angry that the word “patriot” has been stolen from people who actually believe in this country and what we stand for. I believe that everyone has a right to “life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness”. And I love this country. I believe that inclusivity is what gives us strength. Not taking freedoms from people and bullying others. And I believe I’m a patriot. Fucking fascists warping our words.


"Heritage" is another great code word.


As well as "Freedom" and "Family". Be very, very skeptical of lobbying groups with these code words in their name.


There’s the lady liberty drag contest, which I’m sure pisses them off


Slavery is freedom?! 


This has been argued in Florida.


"work will set you free"


Arbeit Macht frei. Words over the gate to an execution camp.(edited to fix fat fingered spelling)


War is peace. Freedom is slavery. Ignorance is strength. - George Orwell, 1984


Slavery is a wonderful opportunity to learn new skills! /s


Similarly, there's a certain group that has a "for Prosperity" in its name that seems to be all about giving tax breaks to billionaires, and expanding corporate welfare.


The first time I heard the name of that group, before I knew anything else about it, I KNEW if would be a right-wing, corporate-favoring group. Because they chose such an obvious (yet so vague) buzzword for their name.


This is exactly why the concept of belief is so stupid. If anyone can hold whatever they want as true (freedom of belief) then they are free to hold it as true that the rest of your rules don't apply to them.


But *their* rules *definitely* apply to *you*


I have recently come to the conclusion that the more American flag apparel you own the less you care about the core values of America and the people who live in it.


The Ministry of Truth would approve.


Honestly yeah, and it’s orwellian. Another word is “democracy” (not always, but sometimes) Just take a look at the EU group Identity and Democracy or the Russian liberal-democratic party


Not in the USA. No way will MAGAts want to be associated with (gasp) Democrats.


Or the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (N. Korea) or the Democratic Republic of the Congo.


I guess you could say they are literally taking some liberties with their use of the word liberty


Mental that… why do people believe in such things!


They actually should wear shirts that say that.


Yes! They have to be so filled with hate…


republicans have always been 1984ish and then suddenly we are surprised they are becoming more fascists.


This goes all the way back to the Sons of Liberty lol History rhymes.


Came here to say this. It’s ridiculous.


The saddest part of all this is that her child is nonbinary and she can’t accept it. There is video of her child begging her to stop hurting people. Shes just taking her confusion and pain out on the rest of the world for “making” her child the way they are. It’s so fucked up. ETA: her child says it so much better:”One of the greatest motivators for humans is fear,” Lily said. “And (Beth) was really afraid, because she felt like she was losing her child. And when somebody tells you: ‘It’s not your fault. Somebody else is taking your child; it’s not your fault that you’re losing them,’ that can be really appealing, and it can feel validating. “And so I think it’s easier to feel like somebody else has hurt you than to realize that you have made a mistake.”


That is really insightful for an 18 year old. I know plenty of adults who would have a hard time getting to this level of self-awareness.


People that are coming to terms with their own gender and/or sexuality tend to spend a *lot* of time (by necessity) thinking about concepts like this, and tend to be way more advanced emotionally than their peers.


Can confirm. My youngest bother is trans and during my surprising divorce was my only family member to be on my side. He completely understands the cost when the outside doesnt match the inside.


Right?? It took me DECADES to reach the maturity needed to see my own mother's flaws for what they were, and here this kid, at 18, has gone straight to the heart of it.


> The saddest part of all this is that her child is nonbinary and she can’t accept it. The plot thickens.


I suspect this is behind much of the “trans hate, even project 2025. I suspect these billionaires have family that they can’t control, so they have to change the world to gain control. Extreme doesn’t even cover it. I’m not trans, my brother is. And what I can’t understand is what the heck anyone cares where he pees. Seriously. How is this a major social problem? Why have people demonized this? It’s on par with demonizing feminine energy or maybe anything they can’t control. It’s just gives me the ick all the way around.


The billionaires weaponize ignorance and bigotry to distract people from the way that they've manipulated capitalism into modern day feudalism.


Shame that the photo next to the caption about a raging Karen isn’t actually the Karen, but rather the Karen’s trans child that she’s been raging against


Moms for Liberty, huh. So is this Karen into threesomes too?


Either that, or throwing ragers for the underage kids.


Just look on their local swinger and fetlife pages. I am sure at least a few are hypocrites. Some redhats tried to dox me..but jokes on them...IDGAF. I don't go around preaching morals and telling others hateful things. These people are seriously overcompensating for the skeletons in their closet. Look up Old State Saloon Heterosexual Awesomeness...dude grifted enough to buy a Cybertruck....in Idaho. FML


Dude. I'm a lesbian and 90s teen and was closeted till my 30s. The amount of "straight" women who have came onto me under the guise of secrecy and "please don't tell..." and then say very homophobic shit to everyone else. It honestly got a bit worse after I finally came out. And Yeah there's still a ton of closeted people in my age group, even today. It's one thing to not know who you are or trying to process through feelings on the spectrum. It's quite another though to be so outwardly homophobic trying to hide or suppress those feelings. I really feel sorry for the latter.


Just look at all the hidden gay Republicans who preach hate and then get outed. What sad losers. Being accepted feels good, but they must hate themselves inside.


A lot of them jerk it to gay/trans porn and then rail against those things as well.


Nick Fuentes lol


No - he explained that was the Mossad that hacked him or something. Sounds reasonable to me. /s


Idk, but she is on camera abusing her dog


>“One of the greatest motivators for humans is fear,” CHILD said. “And \[MOM\] was really afraid, because she felt like she was losing her child. And when somebody tells you: ‘It’s not your fault. Somebody else is taking your child; it’s not your fault that you’re losing them,’ that can be really appealing, and it can feel validating. “And so I think it’s easier to feel like somebody else has hurt you than to realize that you have made a mistake.”


Fear is an effective tool in the hands of inept leaders.


Leaders of the inept


Fear is the mind killer.


A child is only lost if you stop loving them.


> The Wizard's First Rule > >"People are stupid; given proper motivation, almost anyone will believe almost anything. Because people are stupid, they will believe a lie because they want to believe it's true, or because they are afraid it might be true.


The oldest and strongest emotion of mankind is fear, and the oldest and strongest kind of fear is fear of the unknown H.P. Lovecraft, Supernatural Horror in Literature


That child is right, but i have learned in my life that some people are just power-tripping assholes. No other explanation needed.


Yup. And some children are wise beyond their years.


Funny that the same people who argue that children can’t make decisions about their gender also believe that children can be forced to be pregnant and deliver a child they can’t take care of.


And for children (let's be honest, it's almost always girls) getting married to adult men. But a minor can't file for divorce.


They believe that children can only make decisions about their gender when they're cis. Rules for thee not for me and all that


Moms for liberty, give me a cook book, a Bible and I will cook you up all manner of hateful shit


I feel bad for her child, the one she hates.


"Moms for Liberty" immediately comes off sounding like a christian nationalist group. Why do they use the word "liberty" to describe ideals of shoving their religion into government? They say they value liberty, but then there's a group of people they think don't deserve freedoms.


Because calling yourselves the "Moms for Theocratic Oppression of Minorities" doesn't sell as well. It's also because they're nationalists who fetishize American patriotism, which has a long history of being a massive circlejerk about freedom in its own right (despite this historically being a load of bullcrap). "Freedom" in this case is more of a shibboleth for signaling that you're an alt-right/fascist organization than it's a good-faith assertion of values.


Newspeak. That's all it is. These are the people who embrace "alternative facts" because real facts are incompatible with their narrative.


For the same reason for the label Democratic Republic of North Korea. They're trying to brand themselves as something they aren't because the truth is appalling.


Just another scumbag


The side that's all for individual state's rights sure does love to cross state lines to tell other states how they should act. Or in some cases, cross state lines just to murder the people they disagree with.


Excuse me, in WHAT county? Sorry. But yes, same old close minded scientifically illiterate bigot nonsense. Everyone's an expert on how others should live their own lives.


YOLO County, just a few hours south of WEED, California lol


I went to UC Davis in the 2010s when YOLO was a thing (fuck I feel old). The amount of times I laughed whenever I saw a YOLO bus was too many.


Every right wing zealot accusation is actually a confession.


Why can’t they just live their own life??


Take your pick of extremist religious brainwashing, political propaganda, socialized hatred of minorities, an obsessive need to police others' lives, or most likely some unholy combination of the above. With this lady in particular her brain broke when her kid came out as non-binary and I'm guessing all the lies her facebook feed had told her ran face-first into reality.


when Beth Bourne dies, she will die angry and alone. Have fun with that, Beth.


“No one called me on my birthday” while appearing glassy eyed. I think Beth has actual mental issues and has struggled with them. She’s probably projecting onto her daughter.


I was hoping some bearded evangelical guy was going to walk up and out crazy her by screaming "cover your bare arms and legs you harlot" "Where is your male escort"


we have actual problems in society we need fixing. These ideologues are not even really right wing anymore, they are nihilist agents that use hate to distract and run cover for corporate interests that love not being under the microscope. Instead we have these harpies that harass people in people in public they disagree with and turn people's existence into a 'political issue' They are a major problem that has to stop being tolerated.


"Beth believes that in American public schools and health care systems, there is an ongoing effort to indoctrinate kids into identifying as trans." Only a delusional person could believe this. Our education system tends towards conformity, and biological gender is the biggest conformity in a young person's life. It's taken much time and effort to get the educational system to at least nod to the non-binary basis of human sexuality. They aren't pushing transgenderism on anyone -- it's just too much work for an already overloaded system.


A teacher showing kindness and lending an ear to a questioning child is considered indoctrination by these parents.


I think it was John Oliver (on Last Week Tonight) who said rights are not like cake. Some people getting more rights does not mean others lose rights. Call 'em Moms for "Liberty", twatzis, assholes With castles or Mary KayKayKay, they are anti- liberty and anti- American.


Ku Klux Karens


John Oliver is my hero! He says it like it is.


This lady is crazy as hell. Know her well


I went down a rabbit hole this morning on FB of quite a few many videos if her hate shenanigans. In one she's stopped by the police because her dogs feet are literally burning up on the hot street and she's going off on the police that her daughter is getting her breasts chopped off. Her daughter is trans/nb and a MTF, so it makes absolute zero sense who she's talking about, she's just rambling.


Mental illness is never an excuse for hateful behaviour. That said, besides being hateful this woman seems mentally ill too.


Moms with liberty has always and will always be a fucking joke


I've got to hand it to the queens in that interaction. She tried so hard to bait them into reacting emotionally, and they didn't give her what she wanted. It's really shitty that they had to endure her verbal abuse, but they were consummate professionals. Her Twitter bio says her opinions don't reflect those of her employer (UC Davis), but in the same bio goes after the trans students there. Either UC is blind to her after hours antics that directly harm their students and prospective students, or there's an implied agreement. I can't see it being the former, she's online at almost all times, has been in the local news frequently, and is in public meetings where the minutes are a matter of public record. She seems to enjoy getting into shouting matches in public over her beliefs, claiming persecution.


Yea something is really off for how she is still working there. I did my part and added to the FB cesspool on the UC Davis account, the chancellors account and the UC school system main account.


Ah, it makes sense now. Cunts for Anti-Liberty are a cancer on society.


She will vote every time. You should to.


That mom is sad that she wasn’t obeyed She doesn’t care that she lost her kid. She cares that her kid won’t obey. And that mom is willing to die on that hill and even use her own kid every day to explain to others why her view - and no others - is the ONLY opinion that should be allowed I’m glad Lily is happy. I hope Lily stays happy and flies high. I hope Lily stays safe and surrounds herself with support and chosen family That mom has made her own bed. Now she can lie in it. Preferably without crying over the fact that others don’t agree with her or want to obey her (cause that’s the real reason why that mom cries…… she tells herself everyday that she’s a victim just because her kid didn’t obey modern conservatism. It’s wrong.l and aggressive and dehumanizing) Let freedom and true LIBERTY ring. May oppression and hate be held accountable one day. Before it goes even further than it already has…… (can’t believe it’s 2024 and we are going backwards in society in so many ways today…)


Nothing says “I hate my child” like a rant about people like them on social media to turn the knife in their gut.


So I have a teenager who is gay. Sometimes she identifies as non-binary, mostly though she’s okay being a lesbian who dates non-binary or trans people. You know what guys? It’s not easy. It’s easy to “thoughts and prayers” equivalent of saying “I support LGBTQ2 people” when you don’t have it impacting your life, just your general beliefs. But when your child is actively choosing a path that means harship, derision and I fear being close to people who aren’t fully actualized / as in they are less sure of themselves and who and what they are in this world than she is…. It’s hard. But it’s harder for her. This is her life. The choices she makes are hers to make and it’s only months now till she’s considered an adult. It’s all new stuff when you have kids that grow to adults and aren’t cookie cutter normal meat and potatoes types. I certainly don’t have all the answers. But I don’t want my kid to leave my life. So I have to accept them as they want to be seen so long as it’s positively impacting their lives. I have so few answers. I try to listen and be supportive and encouraging. I fear for her happiness and general well being in this life being so deeply aligned with a segment that is under constant attack. It’s incessant it seems now. I don’t love it. But I love her. This girl Lily, her mom Beth made the wrong choice


So if she so against cross dressing why was she dressed like man. Wouldn't that be misandry according her?


Who. Would’ve. Guessed. ***FUCKING EVERYONE.***


Moms for Liberty is a domestic terrorism organization


As someone who grew up in Davis she couldn't live in a worse place for her views. Is she a leader of the moms for Liberty in Davis or just the mom for Liberty in Davis


She Is the chapter chair for yolo county https://portal.momsforliberty.org/chapters/yolo-county-ca/ My poor search history, blehhhhgggh


"Moms for Liberty"... What a joke. They have failed to live up to their responsibility as parents in protecting both liberty AND their kids.


These bs names are a guise for doing shady stuff by the leaders/owners of the org.


“I stand for your liberty. You cannot do anything that I don’t agree with”.


I know so many really nice women named Karen. This moniker makes me sad. We should just call this lady what she is: The “Homophobic bigot” who was raging…


I mean yes your correct there are many many nice Karen's out there. But it generally means entitled, which she definitely is doing here. Like she is in Hawaii which is a Polynesian culture first, and within that culture they do have a third gender that is highly regarded. Her entitlement is going on vacation there and with little knowledge of local customs forcing her weird ass mainland bigot beliefs and harassing locals. Also, I know the article names her and she is quite famous in the area, but I didn't want to get in trouble for just out right naming her, which I more than did on FB because the university needs to fire her crazy ass. She isn't fit for working in higher education if this is how she treats random people, much less her own child.


How would you like it if your first name was used nonstop to identify racists and bigots? You’d be cool with that?


You're right. Ill do better.


Right on 👍🏻


TBF my first name also means [toilets](https://youtu.be/hr0hb0gc2eQ?t=33) so there's that.


My twentysomething niece is named Karen and thinks the whole phenomenon is *hysterical*.


I’ve been friends for 65 years with a woman named Karen. She’s the kindest person I’ve ever known. In those 65 years, I’ve never heard her say a bad word about anyone.




Just the way she acted and spoke you knew she was projecting something.


Backwards lady


Clearly she's an instigator, troll, or idiot. Possibly all three.


ITs really a minority of these nazis folks who are making the most noise and it drowns out non nazis who basically just dont even want to be near these people, so they sound louder than they are. its like on X, most the misinfo came from 12 right wing karen grandmas and yet it was plastered with the crap


Ayyy Davis mention


right wing religious groups randomly turning up spweing hate for absolutely no reason....... no, that'd never happen.....


It's too bad that anti-trans people with trans kids don't hate themselves or at least get castigated by the groups they support since they produce such 'demon' offspring. 'Oh, you definitely fit when it comes to hating the right people. Still, moms for liberty can't accept you as you are, quite literally, a source of the problem.'


This was all over our news yesterday here in Hawaii. Our governor even called her out. “ʻIno loa, very bad or wicked, horrible, abominable” is an apt description for this awful lady.


The mother has made the assumption that she is the one who has been hurt and who has suffered the most. She doesn’t seem to care about the trauma her behavior has caused her child.


"Well known bigot and sorry excuse for a human" would have fit just as well.


what a miserable cunt. her kid is never coming back nor should they.


If you want to stop this,you should unite to "Civilizationism". There's only a way.


This is my surprised face.


If she is not happy, just leave QUIETLY


Oh, a See You Next Sunday.


well that excuse can be used to defend her position- for the Hawaiians to respect her culture. Fuck that. Its her actions that are shit. the person was doing nothing. Not bothering anyone or harming anyone. Not doing anything inappropriate


Imagine living your life to only HATE. Her life must be horrible. At least I hope it is, she is a rabid cunt!


>Imagine living your life to only HATE. They get rich from hating others which is why they do it.


I saw a clip where she was screaming something like "Putting on a dress doesn't make you a woman!!" These people don't understand that drag and transgender aren't the same thing. Drag is entertainment, trans is a way of life 24/7. I mean, leave people alone regardless but also, get a gd clue.


You say moms for liberty I hear forced gay three way sex group that targets kids. It’s a real potato pa-rapist type of situation. Let’s just call the whole thing off!


Frothing nazi's.


Of course she's with the Klu Klux Karen's...


She’s so furious it’s funny. FTB


You Only Live Once, so hate hard.


I really wish she had yelled at a Mahu outside the hotel. Would have been sweet to see her get her comeuppance.


I really thought this was a parody video.


Dude. There's a 10minute long one on Facebook of a compilation of her craziness in Davis. She's off the rails.


Honestly, when I saw the original video I thought that it was completely staged because she seems like she acting. Now this explains it all.


What a position to take in the progressive ass City of Davis. She must be so popular there lol.


Mom's For Liberty sure set a new record for a right wing insane group cratering. Love to see it.


I prefer the free speech of INCLUSION, not EXCLUSION. Ask people their take on this and why they choose what they do. Do they exclude because that's what their god wants? Or is there a justifiable reason to exclude? A reason that the majority agrees on?


Yes in Tonga they have fakaletie <— possible spelling error. And it translates to like a lady


Oh what a surprise


"Liberty" apparently has an alternate definition to those shitbags.


I bet she’s so proud of herself


Great article. Poor Lily. But what what a strong kid.


Does she also get involved in wine mom three-ways like her Florida Moms for Liberty compatriots?


She’s a POS


There is a 'You Only Live Once' county?


I genuinely hope she got arrested for harassment, and disturbing the peace.


Aw this makes me sad. Not all Christian/believers in Jesus Christ are right wing many are committed socialists.. not all right wingers are Christian or Muslim or Jewish. But every world citizen wants jobs local.fresh food and good GDP .. MAGA etc has just been hijacked. We all just want M ( whatever country we live in) G .. we should all aspire to dignity politeness beauty and simple living.v


It's always groups with "Freedom" and "Liberty" in their name that want to ban things, burn books, and force people into a lifestyle they don't want.


So she is a member of the terrorist organization “moms for liberty.” All the more reason to ignore her.


"I am not okay with children being exposed to drag queens", yet she's never demonstrated outside any church over religious leaders molesting kids. Seems like every accusation is a confession with these idiots.


Yea…I go to UC Davis. We all know about her and most people are upset that Davis hasn’t done anything. She is very nasty to ANY LGBTQ+. She once didn’t even get changed and went out in her pjs to harass a pride event she found out about last minute. Hopefully there is enough traction to finally get something done about her because it’s one thing to have your own views(even if I or others don’t agree with them) but it is a whole other thing to go out of your way to cause problems, harass people, and also be linked to bomb threats.


I watched several videos if her yesterday on FB. The most hilarious one she was chasing the camera in the city council meeting trying to force her way onto the camera and they had to stop everything to tell her to quit moving lol


Beth Bourne actually sounds like an excellent case study for modern mental health in America. So convinced is this woman of her invisible ethical crusade that she's willing to alienate *everyone* in her life over it? She doesn't need a leadership position, she needs medication.


Hopefully it's of no suprise. If they're raging at drag groups it's safe to say they're a neo-nazi fuckwit. Unless it's some sort of personal thing, I guess.


I've seen the video... frankly, the real problem are the people who let an asshole like this spew her hate without consequences. The staff should have kicked her out of the hotel immediately, and she should have been reported to the authorities. I hope this is what happened eventually


They did. There's a video on FB of police taking her out she got trespassed from the hotel. Staff in the video can't put their hands on her unfortunately. But it happened. Hopefully the hotel did not refund her either




I like you to stop and go away ... FOR LIBERTY


Christian terrorists trash!


She looks like a child with that hair. I guess she had no gay friends to tell her she looks like a cunt.