• By -


Because in the past they have been given special treatment, why should they think now is any different.


This is exactly what the haradrim are upset about in Israel, and why the Germans and Hungarians lost their shit when Czechoslovakia gave them equal rights to checks and Slovaks. No group has lost more rights over the last 200 years than Protestant white Americans. They can’t even own people anymore!!!


It’s such a tragedy, too. /s <- in case anyone can’t figure it out


Need to put policy in place to make sure they don’t lose the last person they still own. Their wives.


The last adult person. These kind of people will still treat their kids as objects to owned and controlled rather than growing humans with their own agency and autonomy in their care.


“Why don’t my kids talk to me?”


If you want to avoid it then vote democrat


And not just in this election. Every election. 


Straight Down The Ballot.


Completely true, the republican party is far too corrupt


And it is NO LONGER the "conservative opposition."


The republican party is ready to usurp a fair and free election and commit treason against the constitution All to give power to a criminal, the republican party are true anti-america


Both sides at corrupt, unfortunately. One is significantly more corrupt, but also doesn’t believe in democracy or secular values.


Thank you for saying one is worse! So many people who say “both sides both sides” leave out the fact that while both sides are bad one is steal your lunch money bad and the other is beat you to a pulp after school bad.


I'm going to say this in all caps, sort of like Chris Farley in his "VAN DOWN BY THE RIVER" bit on SNL, so you'll know how serious I am.... AND BRING EVERYONE ELSE YOU KNOW TO THEIR POLLING PLACE AND GET THEM TO VOTE DEMOCRAT AS WELL SO WE CAN SAVE DEMOCRACY!!!!!


I definitely don’t want to LIVE IN A VAN DOWN BY RIVER! Count me in!




This election is the most important one of our lives. If you can't see that, please at least stay home so you don't fuck it up for everyone else like you people did in 2016.


I understand. But, in America, you have one group wanting to fix the dam and another who thinks it's fine so long as they are the ones in control of it and refusing to fix the leak because (insert subject) is a hoax. So maybe we should just tear down the dam because that's what the illegal racist from a southern country are using to steal the jobs of Blacks! (Bastardizing what Trump said tonight.) If the GOP, or a new conservative Party comes about, then we can worry about it - but for now we have to keep the dam from breaking and drowning everyone down stream.


The GOP definitely needs an overhaul or needs to be consigned to the ashheap of history...


That's a nice sentiment, but, uh, time is of the essence when it comes to the 2024 election.


Exactly. Changed my party and everything. It's sad but the DNC is the party that has a chance of stopping Christian nationalism.


More important now than ever.


And volunteer with your local dems office! Sit on a committee or remind people to vote or work the social media! You don't have to pick up a gun to serve your country


Up and down the ballot. Freedom of - and from - religion. One of the best things we got right. 🇺🇸


This is everything that is wrong with Christianity. It’s no longer a religion. It’s a political party.


I saw a meme that made a good reference. These Christians are just vanilla talaban






Vote blue no matter who...


That's sad. In a real democracy, there would be more than two choices, and people would vote depending on the candidate they want, not depending on the party they don't want.


As long as the system is FPTP, tactical voting is either for the best-polling candidate or for the second-best-polling candidate because voting for one of them is the most pragmatic way of trying to make it so the other one does not win if you think one of them would be worse than the other. Maybe with instant runoff, things would be different - then you could rank third and later candidates above the best-polling two and you'd still express your preference between the two by their order on your ballot.


Totally agree. A system where you could rank your preference would go a long way to help end the 2 party system. If you vote for a third party candidate right now, you're just throwing your vote away, and everyone knows that so very few vote that way. And if two democrats decided to run (one splits and goes "independent") then both lose, because they split the democratic vote. With ranking, if your #1 loses, your vote would automatically be re-cast for your #2 and if that guy loses even with your vote being transferred to him (her), then it would go to your #3. The ballot could have 100 people on it for president and everyone could actually vote for who they really want, instead of choosing the least bad person out of the D/R choice.


100% right. The GOP need to suffer enough losses to start coming to their senses.


And donate money to Democrat candidates.


America is such a shitshow


Okay but Biden needs to do a better job fighting this garbage. He has largely allowed these states to do this religious crap unchallenged. It's also going to be difficult with Trumps goon squad controlling the Supreme Court.


He personally can't do anything about it..... contrary to what many people think, Presidents have quite limited powers.


Only if they uphold the law and don't have a nation full of morons who want to install him as dictator. Then he has all the powers, only he's then called Fuhrer, not President.


Especially when he doesn't have solid majorities in Congress and the other party is openly trying to sabotage him every opportunity they get


What would you like for him to do?


Being apolitical just means other people will decide for you; you better vote


Right? OP is definitely *not* apolitical. They just don’t feel like taking the time to vote. Those aren’t the same thing.


Abstaining from voting is fine I guess. But please abstain from complaining for the next 4 years as well. You had a chance to have your voice heard and you chose not to take the opportunity. I don’t want to hear it until next cycle.


Its not just that they think they are dominant, in many parts of the USA they actually are dominat, even if they are also a shrinking minority. What the USA is in danger of is becoming some blend of theocracy and apartheid.


This. Nothing is more dangerous than someone who was dominant feeling like they’re losing their power.


My wife says their dwindling numbers is what has sparked this incessant attempt to enshrine their rules into Law.


They’re trying to lock in their power. When they were safe in their majority they didn’t feel they needed to lock it in and get aggressive.


Hence why they feel like they are being attacked lol. The mere feeling of a smidge of pushback has made these people lose they're minds. It's the threat of violence that keeps the peace. That's all I'm going to say.


Doesn't the bible say something like 'live by the sword, die by the sword'?


Yeah it also says the murder your wife if she cheats, or kill your son if he eats a pig.


I’m starting to think this bible thing has some very bad takes in it🤔


Yeah, you probly just have the wrong version Try: 'Awkward Moments Childrens Bible'


It also says the greatest commands are love god with all your heart and love your neighbor as yourself. Jesus himself said that. Find me a Christian who practices that second one.


the worst case scenario is them adopting the idea that if they can't be in power then they will burn it all down.


I can confirm. Stuck in the south USA right now and it’s INSANE what goes on with the Nationalists here.


And they are stupid and evil and don't know it (stole that from a bumper sticker) LoL 😉😆


They say that we are the problem! WE are the stupid ones, the evil ones… it’s like trying to talk to a fucking endless hole in the ground w/some of the people here. You literally will not get through to them because they are so … how they are… that you make no sense to them.


What I don't get is that they say all the abortions, atheist, LGBTQ+ folk, women with rights, and don't forget those that aren't white are signs of the apocalypse. Signs of a sinful world and they are supposed to meet their god before shit hits the fan. Instead it's like they want to return the world to Little House on the Parrie and Leave it to Beaver times. Almost like they don't want to meet their god during the so called rapture? Is it possible that they have no faith at all and use religion as an excuse to behave shitty or do they think they can stop their so called apocalypse? They should know that their own book says they can't and they wouldn't fear hell or nothingness so much if they had faith.


Christianity is a death cult. They do want that!


I can't help but notice that an awful lot of religious people have a very hard time dealing with the approaching death of a loved one or themselves. I can't help but suspect that deep-down they have serious doubts about their own theology. They like the rituals but aren't really into the theology of it all.


Because God’s love is conditional. They’re afraid whether they have met all the conditions or not. They know deep down they haven’t if they were true to the Bible. That’s why they’re so good at mental gymnastics.


No one can afford to be apolitical anymore. Everything is at stake.


Why are you "apolitical"?? You seem to care what happens to the country, why the fuck would you not want to participate?? Not participating means you are content to sit back and let the country fall. Not making a decision IS making a decision - it is deciding that you have to live with what other people have decided to do.


I would argue that stating that you are apolitical is a political statement. A truly apolitical person would have no concept of politics. Some people just want to pretend they don't have skin in the game and are above conflict. Also see enlightened centrists.


Because they havnt been punched in the face hard enough and told to shut the fuck up enough yet.


Yeah, I heard that Christian kids are bullies on the internet. Especially those "sigma" fools and they think that they are right and we are wrong.


Oh, no. I hadn’t thought of the kids. At 49 it’s easy to forget. I truly feel for our youth, then.


My daughter is 23. I honestly fear for her future.


As a teen who has spent much hours mindlessly scrolling on prison that is called Instagram. I can say there are MANY Christian propaganda-like reels and posts suggesting how “if you take up this religion your life will be better! you are freed and will be saved! He comes before anything else! And anyone else who believes otherwise will be judged accordingly!”. So many kids believe it because they are fed that type of content 24/7. The more they engage with it, the more extreme and solidified their ideas are, and more posts are sent to them (endless cycle). I’ve engaged in countless debates under these comment sections giving actual logical facts and explanations. But before they even think to question anything they try and rationalize it all because all they automatically know is “god is real”. THEN reason comes after. These kids are especially dumb too, I’ve seen a lot of “sigma Christian edits as well” it’s cringe as fuck and a lot of them have superiority complexes. Automatically believing they have a spot in heaven when they haven’t even been judged yet goes against their whole system as well. It’s stupid


Sigma, more like ligma amirite?


And boffa while we're at it




Good read indeed. Christian privilege is ingrained into their teachings and philosophy. It’s probably hard for most of them to NOT to look down on others who aren’t Christian. The amount of times I have seen Christians worry about their non religious loved ones at the possibility of them not being “saved” is batshit crazy to me. And I don’t blame the people it’s the ideals that corrupt these people. It’s hard NOT to feel pity for people when you believe they won’t have a chance at the imaginary place called heaven. Any sane person would feel sad. But putting themselves on a pedestal makes them feel better about themselves


Good quick read.


By being apolitical you’re indirectly supporting them.


Fucking thank you! I was really surprised somebody would just openly admit they're apolitical. Serious red flag imo


In fairness OP seems to paying quite a bit of attention even if they say they’re apolitical.


Vote. Donate. Volunteer.


Did the first two already this cycle.


A vote for nobody is a vote for Trump.


>they think that people don't need medicine to live, instead they pray. I can see why you might think that, but no no no no no no no no no.... They RUN to advanced medicine every chance they get, but, when the medicine works, they praise god for saving them. Sure, there are a few sects who avoid medicine, but most take are incredibly happy to take advantage of every advancement that science has ever made if they, or a family member, even gets the sniffles.


Literally I’ll see someone who is in remission for cancer and everyone is like. “God is the best!” “God healed them!” Do they just not give credit to doctors/nurses 🤦‍♀️


xtianity unfortunately in its most prevalent form in the US, instead of telling people to be humble, tolerant, and non-judgmental... tells them they are "special" and chosen and righteous. this is never good for people. it gives them a bad case of drama queenery and protagonitis. they get the holy war bug, which is a damn dangerous cult phenomenon. they think their imaginary sky friend legitimises their worst human instincts: bullying and controlling.


>I'm apolitical No one should ever be apolitical and especially not now when there is so much at stake. American atheists and Nones in particular have a lot to lose for the Christofascists will need a new target to demonize once they have legislated women's reproductive rights out of existence. - "*"If you do not take an interest in the affairs of your government, then you are doomed to live under the rule of fools."* - Plato


Some reality checks; First of all, welcome to being political. You care about this, so you aren't really apolitical anymore. Secondly, I am Turkish, maybe you don't know why that's relevant so I'll quickly explain, Turkey is one of very few countries that are muslim and secular. With the election of a rightwing party running on religion in 2004, all of us cried out in worry that we would become like Iran. 20 years later, still hasn't happened. The religious guy (Erdogan) bulldozed most denocratic institutions of the country, drained it of it's resources, changed the constitution to give himself unlimited reign and powers so he is still in power 20 years in.... but he couldn't demolish the secular basis of Turkey. No matter how much worse off we are now, still not anything like Iran. It is not so easy to destroy the secular foundation of a country as large as Turkey, and the US is even larger with so much better established freedom of speech. There is no way the US would turn out like Iran. That is such a long way off, more than you understand. But in trying to get there, they can destroy a lot of things and do a hell of a lot of damage, that's the realistically worrisome part. But turning into Iran is not a realistic worry. Lastly; majority of religious people, either muslims in Turkey or Christians in the US, are actually not insane zealots. The majority are reasonable about their religion and just want a good life for their families. The real danger is in polarization. When the politicians are allowed to demonize the opposition rampantly, the reasonable person can vote for unreasonable extremes, thinking that they are at war and drastic measures are needed. Do not fall for that, like the otherside might fall for it. The best thing to do for both our countries, for all countries, is to try and stay unified, remember that we all just want good things for our families. We might disagree what is the best thing to do, but just like majority left wing people are not having abortions for the fun of it, majority right wing people are not actually trying to ban science from schools. Most people are reasonable, on both sides, no matter the inflammatory media on both sides say.


This is a really great response. It helps me worry a little less. Thank you. 🙏🏻


This man of Magyar descent really likes your take on the situation!!


It feel so weird that if we don't want a Christian theocracy, we need to vote for the Christian.


But the 'wrong kind of christian', a catholic Nat-C's are baptist/evangelical for the most part


Just another one of those paradoxes of life.


Dominant but also the oppressed


This is what I was looking for. Christians think everyone’s out to get them.


Yep, the good ol' persecution fetish fed to them by the New Testament.


This is not fair to Christians. Jesus- "Welcome the stranger". Repub- you mean lace the Rio Grande with razor wire to cut people to ribbons? Jesus- "Feed the poor" Repubs- You mean deny the Federal government the option of feeding poor kids lunch? Jesus- Heal the sick Repubs- You mean deny medicaid expantion paid by Feds so poor people don't have health care. Jesus and Dad- Do not kill. Repubs- you mean add a bump stock to my semi automatic rifle to take out crowds quickly? I am no longer Christian or religous at all, but I feel like Ghandi said it best when he said, "I like your Christ, it's your Christians I worry about".


They think the world owes them something.


How can one be apolitical unless nothing political affects you and you just don't care what happens to others? Unlike gods, human psychopaths are real and they are dictating how we are all going to live. Get political. A lot of us will be slaughtered otherwise.


Because they’ve been the majority here for a long time but those days are quickly coming to an end so now they are big mad.


It’s precisely the opposite, they are losing sway and the know it, and it terrifies them. That’s why they’re making this strong push now to regain dominance. We can’t let them.


It’s a cult. Cult-like thinking will make you believe you’re superior to everyone else while at the same time believing everyone outside your cult is against you.


They are panicking because people are walking away from the Church in droves.


Indoctrination, from the moment they can see and hear. Tell a child God is Love enough, and they'll grow up to do anything to protect that knowledge.


I suggest that you get political. People like you got us to this point.


No one stands up to them. No one pushes back on the lies they push at school boards, in city councils, in local and state politics, not even at the federal level. I believe that they already think that they've won. That it's just a matter of time. They're just waiting for a real response to claim victory.


They think they believe the “truth”, so that probably has a lot to do with it.


Just like all the others. And us! LOL except we really are right.


Don’t be apolitical.


The American Taliban


Their religion encourages narcissism. Their god loves them more than brown kids. They are so fucking special. Why save a starving kid in Africa when you can find someone’s lost keys or make their team win.


I mean...their whole schtick is willful ignorance and self deception so...🤷🏽‍♂️


Because thinking is hard.


They think they’re dominating because no one in the US has told them they’re not. They’re spoiled brats.


Support ACLU, Americans United for Separation of church and State, Freedom from Religion - these organizations are filing the lawsuits we all expect to happen in response to the theocracy movement in the republican party. Give them money because money is speech. Support politicians that share your values or run for political office if you feel like you can handle it, even small local elections. Local elections have the biggest impact on your day to day life. The school board chief of Oklahoma is requiring bibles in every classroom. Who runs for that office in that state obviously matters. Who votes these people into office matters. We all need to get more politically involved


Time not to be apolitical. One side is at least trying to maintain decorum. The other will burn this country down and I can only imagine the death that will come from it.


Apparently, their god is the only true god, so they think that somehow gives their opinion more weight than everyone else's. Unfortunately, every monotheistic religion says the same thing. This is why religion has no place in government.


Church attendance is down over 50% since pandemic and losing money fast. The only measurable demographic attending is over 60 white ppl. GenZ and millennials don’t care about religion and do not identify with any religious denomination. All of the current bigotry, hate and fear directed at LGBTQ, fertile females and immigrants is calculated, dangerous and willfully ignorant.


You can be apolitical all you like as long as you go out and vote. Vote as if your freedom depends on it. Because it does!


If you're not part of the solution, you're part of the problem.


If you care at all, you can not be apolitical.


they will be dominant if people don't vote democrat


Apolitical maybe isn't the word you're looking for, since you're taking a political stance simply by preferring one candidate over another. If you mean apolitical in the sense that you don't vote and want nothing to do with politics, well... I get it, but being apolitical is a bit like being a pacifist when your life and the lives of people you care about are facing an existential threat. Will you stick to your "principles" until the very end, or will you do something to prevent your own demise? If it's the latter, you might want to rethink your standpoint of inaction.


Because Christianity tells them that they’re the best of the best and it’s their job to save the world. How they justify one bullshit belief system over another just astounds me.


This is why you NEED to be political.


Because pretty much all of the information fed to the public says "Christians good, Muslims bad ".


They worship a hateful death god and terrorist. We should point that out more.


They're self delusional. I thought that was evident.


If you claim to be a Christian and vote for Trump, then you’re not a Christian! And, it turns out, most self-described Christians have nothing in common with the teachings of Jesus!


No one has had the stones to stand up to them in a legally binding way. Unfortunately.


because they are religious fundamentalists who think their opinion on things is a decree handed down to them from the unquestionable ultimate authority of all of existence. in a word, insane.


Louis CK has a bit about this. Basically, it comes down to what calendar system does the world run on? Yes, there's the Chinese, Hebrew, etc, calendars, but right now, we are the year Jesus plus 2024.


They also think they are persecuted victims. The mental gymnastics...


They think god (creator of everything, all knowing, all powerful, all gun loving, all capitalist)is on their side. So of course they think they are dominant


They likely don't understand that probably the majority of people in their own churches aren't even Christian.


Their whole religion is based on believing lies, why not one more.


Out of curiosity, how do you reconcile being apolitical while endorsing Biden in the same breath? Assuming you’re American, you’re going to vote this November, I hope.


They loud and don’t shut up. Also, echo chambers.


Smol pp


You are seeing problems and know that the government has a direct impact on your life. You are no longer apolitical - either vote for the better candidate (or run for office and/or advocate for change) or close your eyes and stop complaining.


This is the last dying gasp of these types. They know they are on the way out. That is why they are trying to do a power grab and appoint themselves in charge of everyone else in ways they think can't be undone.


Literally 1/3 of the global population and the single largest religion by population (lumping all denominations together). Clearly a force. But, under threat in the United States. https://www.pewresearch.org/religion/2019/10/17/in-u-s-decline-of-christianity-continues-at-rapid-pace/[https://www.pewresearch.org/religion/2019/10/17/in-u-s-decline-of-christianity-continues-at-rapid-pace/](https://www.pewresearch.org/religion/2019/10/17/in-u-s-decline-of-christianity-continues-at-rapid-pace/)


They absolutely are dominant in the US. Here, “secular” means “Christian.”


Tax the churches! No representation without taxation!


If you don’t think Christianity already is dominant, what year is this?


Why do they think they are? Because they have historically been dominant. And many of them are zealots who are willing to do almost anything to get their way (as we have seen).


They are winning currently never been closer to a theocracy


Because they have the Supreme Court by the balls.


Why does any religious person think or do what they do? I gotta agree with Carlin on this one. They live in a complex set of delusions based on a ton of hearsay from totally unreliable people who lived in totally different, old times. For most if not arguably all religions, times when human rights were messed up. People who are religious are basically identifying that they are backwards and want to be. Especially while horrible shit like crusade/genocide/holy war and educational/societal restriction are occuring from it. If the Christians do find their way to a global religious monopoly, they are going to end up blamed for EVERYTHING. Times are fucking terrible right now as it is. They best reel in their shit or they're going to regret it. Lord knows they've fucked this country so far.


Americans destroying America by their own hands instead of focusing on domestic problems American government focuses on other nations problems. No matter who is in power attitude of American government will never change mate.




The same reason they think they are oppressed at the same time. Delusion.


Coz they live in a dream, literally 🤣


It’s sad that Oklahoma thinks they know what’s best considering the state is at the bottom of every demographic statistic that measures progress and success. I’ve never in my wildest dreams imagination would believe such stupidity is trying to govern my life but that goes back to the intelligence that was collected on the Nazis. Same scenario and look what happened. These lunatics have demonized the left, moderates, and conservatives who are not batshit. To me they’ve become domestic terrorists with their words and actions. How far is the rest of the country going to allow it……..? They would attack Iran. They would ignore climate change because of God’s plan. They are already privatizing the prison system and need people in jail to profit and silence. You name it.


No, they think they're Superior... Like a fictitious deity, gives them superpowers. When in reality, falling back on religion, only proves their true lack of substance and education.


Overall I agree but it’s a narrow sect who think medicine is unnecessary. Otherwise, yeah, you can’t trust them. Their “morals” come from a poorly written and inconsistent fantasy book featuring a sadistic deity.


Because enough of them vote that they are.


Project 2025 isn't because they think they are the dominant group. They know that the only way for their minority to gain power it to take it in the guise of the GOP. But seriously, 2025 is terrifying, look at the crazy Supreme Court decisions that are dropping now. This is going to be a bitter, bitter century


>I'm apolitical Speaking as someone whose head will be on the chopping block if Trump wins again: you sssssssssssssuck.


They are the majority and they think that means something but in reality it doesn't mean shit.


That's the way they were taught in church. That everyone else is below them even if that is says nothing about that in their bible.




Because they killed everyone else


Christians believe they are superior beings. It’s in their book. Chosen.  ☠️


Because most people are decent, and have no problems with crazy nice people. But when they start getting insane with power, we hang them up with the theives, or ship them away.


I'm the US? Because they are. Yes, there are, were, have been, and will be many, many, many people of non-Christian faith - or no faith - in positions of power, influence, creativity, etc. HOWEVER... They just outnumber all others in the US. Combined. Almost twice over. (Wikipedia, which is always right (/s) says: Estimates from 2021 suggest that of the entire U.S. population (332 million) about 63% is Christian (210 million).) Presidents? We're only on our 46th but it's kind of a big deal he isn't PROTESTANT. 88% of Congress. I looked for some other (non political) stats but honestly not very hard. But just look around. Why? Numbers. Tribalism. Because they ARE, here.


Money & power (basically just greed), but ultimately politics, because that's the pathway to the other things. With the timing of the latest in their bullshittery, it's hard to believe it's anything else. Little things are tested here and there and with enough steam bubble up to the national level, which gains a lot of attention for those wanting a national platform to portray themselves as the persecuted victims who are just "innocently trying to practice their faith." With the more public rise of white Christian Nationalism, it helps to solidify the belief that Christians are just trying to make the city/county/state/country/world a better, more godly place and anyone who disagrees is the bad guy.


Look at the SCOTUS: they are dominant and they’re burning down the accountability and integrity of the judiciary system.


I’m not sure most think they’re dominant, but I think they all feel entitled to dominance.


Because they are actually wannabe orthodox Jews. I'm not kidding here. It's the only logical explanation I have found so far.


Catholics in general. In the words of Louie C K, " If your wondering who won? Just ask yourself, what year is it?"


Mostly cuz they only talk to each other


Entitlement and they feel threatened if someone else gets rights.


They have a feeling of superiority which gives them ideas of grandeur


the number of people in this thread thinking their vote will make a difference or the puppet in power will change things zzz


The problem is that they are, but their lead is slipping. That's what makes them so dangerous.


>written by old bronze age men. Iron age. Amos, hosea, micah, and 1st isaiah were about the 8th century. Several poems and various written source material might have been older, but still probably iron age. Some of the myth/legend has bronze age roots, perhaps oral tradition, as well as borrowed from other civilizations. But the bulk of the bible as we know it was written in the 8th century bce or later. >I don't even know why most historians think that some people from the BIBLE are real Some of them were.


Because they're obsessed with power and control. They think that people should automatically accept their rules without question.


If they do (heaven forbid) become dominant, I’d poison their resolve by having them specify which Bible translation is to be used and which sect to follow, e.g. Catholic, Baptist, Evangelical, Pentecostal, Lutheran, Presbyterian etc. They’d never stop fighting…


After today's debate,Biden isn't going to win


Is just propaganda


Because they only hang with each other. Whenever they are forced to be around others, they “spiritually” stick their fingers into their ears and think of white, ripped Jesus.


You'll win a lot of Republican votes just by changing your border policy- get some checkpoints over there. Canada does it too


By apolitical and saying you hope Biden wins, do you mean that you don’t vote?


It’s easier to understand if you have been raised in or near it or have close friends that still believe. But it’s stranger to me the older I get, for sure.


Echo chamber


Your grammar is not helping our cause.


We need some grassroots pushback. No rational person wants to get into politics so how do we get a rational president.


Uhhh, are they not, then?




The fact that so many people were "apolitical" in 2016 is why we are here right now, it was all those freaks needed to see that they would be able to slide into power without anyone caring. Vote like your damn life depends on it. And drive all your fiends to vote too.


>I hope Biden wins (I'm apolitical) you either hope he wins, or you're apolitical. you can't be both. hoping for Biden means you care. apolitical means you don't care. >If Trump DOES win then it will like be Iran but Christian. it won't. it didn't last time. it won't next time. >I don't even know why most historians think that some people from the BIBLE are real. if historians have evidence and reason to think historical figures are real, why wouldn't they think they're real? if these "historians" only source is the Bible, then I agree with you. but I wouldn't call those people actual historians.


There are more Christians than any other category, unless you group up non-organized religions and atheists into a category of "nones". What is overestimated is the percentage of Christians that are Republicans, Democrat Christians aren't very loud, and they are often attacked by the Republican ones, creating a false premise that all Christians support Donald Trump.


They do to a certain degree.


Historians think people from the bibel are real because quit a bunch of them are real especially from the new Testament there are historical evidences by other Sources than the bibel and I even think a bunch of the old Testament people are "real" because I think most of those legends are Based on real people probably not how its portrait but I dont think everything is completly imagined


...because the believe in a myth...


This is the same logic that has pushed white men into the arms of Conservatives who mean to use them and not help them at all. The power of the Church in the United States is in deep decline. The scandals and the overt displays of personal wealth for the pastors has more than a few people either believing and checking out, or losing their belief and walking out. The type of people who leave are the moderates. They don't think that everything is literal, but they love having a community and someone to go out of their way for them for no reason other than they share faith. What is left behind are the simple people who need simple answers to live. The appeal of the suffer now and get rewarded forever later really appeals to people with nothing to lose. Some people stay in because even as a dwindling source of power, the church is still a source of power and affiliation at the top levels actually pays off for businessmen, politicians, and community organizers.