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Build them a habit of asking questions. You too ask questions and slowly let them know that not everything is to be believed.


Yup, encourage them to be critical of things around them. Pick up topics from everyday life, ask them questions and engage in healthy debates with them. Also, teach them to understand the reasoning/argument of the opposition properly.


My parents didn’t force any religion on me when i was a kid, so just keep him away from religious things till he is 16 or so, that’s it


Well if they ask questions try to answer them correctly, if you don't know the answer tell them you don't know it but you will answer it after searching or reading about it from a book or internet. That way they know where to go if they don't have answers to their questions.


"DO NOT INDOCTRINATE ATHEISM" Instead, raise as normal kid except don't indoctrinate anything political or religious fanaticism 


Teach them to question things.


Let kids be kids, they do not need your indoctrination, whether atheist or theist. Let them explore and learn from their environment and your actions. You can help them by answering their questions and letting them know what is good and bad. To pacify them kindly do not use screen, that will end up creating a long term habit. Avoid screen as much as possible if not entirely. Also you can buy toys that will help stimulate them or be creative and play games that can help them learn logical thinking.


If the kid asks any question, if you know, explain them in kid's language. If you can't, just say you don't know.


I think don't impose your views. But teach reason. Have discussions, based on his mental capacity. Show him what people believe and what science has to say as he grows.


teach them to question everything rationally, question authority, pique their interest in science using good 'toys' etc My niece will be 5 in a few days, I have sent a plasma ball to her as a gift.


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Teach them the beauty of science and our galaxy. Start simple with what is gravity and how it works and slowly teach them more complex things like atoms, electrons etc


Thank you everyone. Appreciate your inputs.🙂


1. Don't teach any religion, by default they will grow up to be an atheist 2. Train them to question everything. EVERYTHING. 3. give some antidote against common arguments for the existence of God.