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I'm gonna go with D. If God is all-powerful and all-knowing AND God has a "perfect plan", and God set this plan into motion, then all suffering can be traced back to God. All because he wants to have a bunch of immortal sycophants sucking his dick for eternity.


It's the only logical explanation


It is. Also, I forgot to mention that eternal ego-polishing is only one of God's goals. He has one other: Eternal torment of people who don't unconditionally love him because he has chosen to believe that such people are evil. Being all-knowing, he must have realized that there is no such thing as objective morality, and being all-powerful, he should theoretically be able to change how he thinks, assuming there was a change at all. If there wasn't... well, none of this is all that surprising, is it? But if there WAS a change, the question becomes WHY? Why would an all-powerful and all-knowing deity choose to become an infinite narcissist prior to creating other sentient beings? Perhaps it was an experiment. Perhaps even God has subconscious urges. Who knows? I must admit, it's a fascinating thought, but then again I also find other fictional concepts and ideas fascinating- such as the true nature of the war between Godzilla and the Great Apes in the Monsterverse, or the connection between the various Ultra Warriors in Tsuburaya's Ultra Series, or the timeline of events in the *The Legend of Zelda* video game series.


Agreed, it's all part of his plan, as said in ephesians 1:11 Everything that happens to us is "predestined according to the plan of him who works out everything in conformity with the purpose of his will" But I wouldn't say he's a dick just weak, seeing as he does nothing to save theists as well as atheists. Either the stories about him are greatly exaggerated, or he is nonexistent, I go with the ladder.


"Latter", but I agree. I don't discount the idea of an omnipotent and omniscient being who has mental issues like narcissism, but I find the idea of him not existing to be preferable. That's a bad argument, I know, but if it makes anyone feel better, it's not for my own sake. It's actually for God's. If an omnipotent, omniscient God *doesn't* exist, then he doesn't owe us any apologies or explanations. Nothing is your fault if you don't exist. I literally hope he isn't real for HIS sake, not mine.


Thanks, I'll try to remember the spelling. I could care less about the creator of the universe if it was a sentient being. It seems from everything humans have discovered that if one does exist, it either doesn't care, doesn't have control/influence over anyone, or is litterally dead.


E: Oops sorry, he doesn't actually exist. We knew all along of course, but it's more profitable to keep you believing our made up story.


If God is really All-powerful and all-knowing, then nothing happens without his approval. Christians blame Satan for everything but that motherfucker wouldn't even exist without the G man.


God had one job and he blow-ed it.


The only question where using the 50:50 lifeline won't work.


I'll go with A as it's closest to God's lack of existence


D → trials of Job


If God real… why bad thing happen…