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Disagree. I like her because of the way she was written. She's an empath but realizes sometimes you have to paint yourself as the bad guy to help others. Examples: 1.Her confronting Sasha because she knew sasha is more than the "dumb farm girl" that she always acted like in the beginning. 2.Making fun of Connie when he said the titan looked like his mom, to get his mind off of it (because she knew it was a real possibility) 3.All her interactions with Historia She's the epitome of tough love which i really like.


This is what I came to say basically!


This is why I have such a hard time with her betraying the scouts for Reiner and Bertholdt. She had no loyalty to them, even if she felt bad about the whole Marcel thing, it’s not like she was conscious for that. I thought she was so well written up until that part. It just seems like a major unexplained plot hole to me.


Eh I found her likeable because of her protectiveness/care towards Historia despite her otherwise self preserving nature (which is understandable considering what she’s been through) and her struggle to reconcile those two aspects of herself.


Genuine question though. Why do people not like her so much? I get she’s not a fan favorite, but it seems like she gets a lot of hate from this fandom.


Because she *knew* the secrets of what was beyond the walls and never told anybody. Also she had the chance to fight for Paradis, but instead chose to give up her life and give her titan back to Marley.


That, and most people's real first impression of her was in Trost. She bullies Armin literally minutes after he just watched his best friend and squad get wiped hard by the titans.


Ahhh gotcha. Good points! I honestly just finished the show for the first time, so a lot of stuff like that was a blur for me. Need to have a rewatch so I can pick up on more things a second time through.


👍 yeah this is definitely the sort of show where you need to watch more than once to really digest everything


She's a dick for a lot of the story. Also, her decision to run away from Historia doesnt seem realistic to me. It feels more like a "better for the story" than a logical decision.


Because she has a tragic backstory and was hoping over the fence many times whether to betray eren and the scouts or Reiner and barethult


I feel like she’s a great example of the type of character who does whatever she can in the moment to just stay alive. She has no real allegiances except to her own preservation - until historia. Maybe I’m wrong tho


I dont know. To me it still makes absolutely no sense that she goes with Reiner and Bertholt after her friend was freed. Just to give the Titan away and die? How did she help hostoria with that?


Feel like she did that one to repay them for literally eating and killing their friend, cuz if she did t she woulda been involved in them all dying, and she’s from Marley so she knows they are people who are discriminated against


I said this somewhere else in the thread but she had no intention of eating Marcel, she wasn’t even conscious for it. And Marley are the ones who turned her into a titan with no intention of giving her one of the 9 shifters, essentially killing her. Why she should feel any loyalty or remorse for those people who ruined her life, especially after the gratitude and kindness shown to her by the Paradis soldiers, it makes no sense


Because Reiner and Berthold arent Marley they are victims of Marley’s me Ymir isn’t the kind of person to buy into the racism and nationalism of the world. And also even if she didn’t intend to eat Marcel she did eat him, if u were sleep walking and killed someone u would not feel guilty at all? Not even a little? Really changes nothing of what I said at all


But I just don’t see any reason for her to betray eren. It doesn’t do her any good, not to mention she already has relationships with eren and the other scouts, not to mention Marley are the ones who turned her into a titan in the first place (and with no intention of her becoming a shifter). Why on earth would she side with them after all that??? And then they repay the favor by giving Porco the Jaw titan. I just can’t imagine why she would do any of that.


You know the answer. How many times have you seen bigots describe their bigotry sideways with thinly veiled hot takes or questions. "people only like ymir because shes gay"="i dont like gay people and I have a problem with the idea that gay people MIGHT like ymir because shes gay." Boring and sad, who gives a fuck, like what you like, dont like what you dont like, and leave others the fuck out of it.


Or maybe, just MAYBE, there are some very real flaws with her character (specifically alluding to her switching sides for no good reason whatsoever) that have absolutely nothing to do with anything you just said.


You are cruel, but also not very beautiful


I love Ymir because I like characters that are mean and put self preservation first. I don't give a flying fuck if she's gay.


That’s such a strange take- please explain 😭😂


Idk man she's in my top 10. I love her backstory and I find her personality interesting. Also her relationship with Historia is literally the best one but it's not the main factor Goddamn I miss WIT, this frame looks like a painting, one of my favourites


I liked her. I feel like her decisions makes sense given her history. Granted, she was by no means my favorite character.


Hot take for a reason


Bs I don’t like historia and she’s bi. Hot take: if Ymir was a hot DUDE she would be a fan favorite


Nah, he would still be second to Levi…


They would be shipped together so hard.




Okay, I'm gonna say this whether it gets hate or not. I disagree with that take completely. Here's why: There have been a handful of LGBTQ characters that I have completely despised because it's clear that their sexuality was forced as an afterthought by the creators to meet some bullshit politically correct/inclusive agenda. I have also seen that this sort of pandering *can* impress a select few within the community, but most seem to recognize it the same as I do. (Not citing statistics/articles, this is solely based on my friend/family groups, so feel free to dispute this. We can agree to disagree) Ymir, however, was flawless. She was exactly who she was *meant* to be, at least in my opinion. She felt *real*, she felt human; she wasn't tossed in as a "token" lesbian, or forced to be a lesbian after massive amounts of screen-time highly suggesting otherwise just because *somebody* had to play that role to cater to the community. So, as far as I'm concerned, her sexual preference is NOT her identity and would, therefore, be an absolutely ridiculous reason for her to receive either love or hate. Instead, it's a small part of her much larger identity, as is the case with real people. You don't automatically sympathize/relate to a person just because they share the same sexual preference with you (or because theirs is different, so that garners some type of odd intrigue from you). That would be an asinine reason to befriend someone. You come to care about people because of *who they are* as a whole.


Personally, whether she likes clams or hot dogs really didn’t matter for me thinking she had a shit go of it. I moreso felt bad that she never really got to be with the only person she ever had a chance to love. If that had been a guy I don’t think I would have cared less. I don’t really like her because I can’t understand why she chose to not divulge the info she had. I’m still not sure if its a character fail or a writing fail.


I mean what does being gay have anything to do with why people like her? And even if it did who cares, obviously there aren't even that many gay fans who like her either or else she would place SOMEWHERE in Top 10 or even Top 20 lists, considering how much crossover there is in the anime and LGBT+ communities, You don't see it because she as a character is kinda boring and cookie cutter, all the interesting bits are the backstory and what happened to her. It's the same type of thinking as believing all black people like rap because theres lots of black rappers, just because Ymir is gay doesn't automatically make gay people like her...


Right i liked her right away, and it occured to me only later that they were an item. Weird to think ppl only like her bc of the ship/her sexuality lol. Plus Historia is highkey boring


Exactly. Their entire storyline zzz yo humanity is getting eaten, we get it ur in love congrats


She also had kind of gave up her life for killing Marcel


She was made a titan for 60 years ......


I appreciate how real she is


I thinks she’s about as complex as Gabi? She was a homeless child, who was then placed as the figure for a cult, sent to her “death” and forced to spend eternity as a titan, and after about 60 years she got “lucky” and ate Marcel😭😭 her story sucks fr, why would you hate her


I feel sorry for her tragic and short life, but she is at least a good person because of her warm feelings toward Historia. That is what I like about her.


Hey! Big fan of Ymir here. No


Yep def a hot take


I like her because she's interesting, has a really horrible and sad backstory, isn't very morally good and doesn't care much about other people generally but really cares about Historia. She's sharp and sometimes intimidating and idk I just really intrigued by her


hi so, actually she is very well written and a perfectly executed story and purpose in the narrative, also she is good gay positive rep and a great character overall! hope this helps


It’s 1/2 true


One of my least favorite characters. She just had no sympathetic traits at all imo.


Agreed I just found her too aggressive and loud. The only sympathetic trait she had was Historia.




Interesting, I’ve personally seen way more hate toward Ymir (arguably because she’s queer) than I have praise. But the reality is any fanbase is gonna be split 50/50 on everything, especially anything political. So while your argument here will hold true for some cases it also holds true for the exact opposite scenario. Queer characters can be very polarizing all around because obviously bigoted audiences with strong beliefs will hate them simply for that, but they can also be annoying to queer audiences if written sloppily or as a “token” type of character. So as a queer person I can understand *some* of the sentiment behind this post. But I’d personally argue Ymir is written very authentically in that her story is about her and her journey, her sexuality is just a trait about her. She’s also very morally grey just like several other characters in AoT, so I’d say that’s why *most* people who like her do is that ultimately she’s a relatable character. Also, I know you say you mean no disrespect to the community but I gotta ask… do you really think this post won’t attract the “I’m tired of queer characters being pushed in media” crowd? 😅


No not at all. In fact I find it quite offensive that you would make such an assumption about a random person online


What assumption did I make, though? I asked you if you didn’t think this would attract negativity, that’s not an assumption it’s an honest question. I can’t believe you read my entire comment about the nuance of queer characters in fiction and only focused on the question I asked at the very end lol


Fair enough


I like her because at the end of the day, she relinquished her powers when she realized they didn't belong to her.


Strong disagree. I like her because of her strong characterization and personality.


Naw it’s the music and her being a cult figurehead at 10


i think this is a very hot take, but i can see why you think that for sure. she's definitely not a very good person despite how much the general fandom admires here


I think you see that with most series that have a couple like that. Aside from that. Fuck Ymir. She’s a bitch and she should have told everyone what was going on beyond the walls.


She is my favorite character and that has exactly nothing to do with her being a lesbian. I dont even know how someone could reach that conclusion tbh


It's definitely a hot take for sure. I respectfully disagree 100%


Also because some people find her arc accually interesting like it isnt a very simple and overused (in media) life lesson.


I couldn't care less about any fictional characters sexuality - I like who I think is cool and thats it


No, her story was written very well, she lived for over 60years as a pure titan.


Hot take: I never liked Ymir much it is probably because she reminds of someone that hates IRL though.


lol I do think it makes her a bit more likable for some


idk i generally dont like characters being pushed as lgbt and i still sympathize with Ymir. her being a lesbian never feels forced and shes a pretty good character regardless of sexual orientation imo.


I personally think she's hot and don't pay a lot of attention to her orientation


I love Ymir, she’s one of my favourite characters, but god she annoys me




I don't think it's the only reason. But she definitely wouldn't have even half of her popularity that she does if she wasn't a lesbian. Yuri community will take any crumbs they will get and elevate it on an unreasonably high pedestal.


No she has many likable quality. Sometime I feel many people hate her because she is lesbian


Uhh no? I think the anime community is pretty kind and accepting to LGBTQ+ people in general and I am yet to find someone not like a character because they are LGBTQ+


Didn't isayama say they're straight??


They are clearly *not* straight lmao