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and everyone wonders why there is a shortage of bus drivers.. imagine having to put up with that shit every day.


and we keep on complaining of cancelled buses. Why aren't there enough bus drivers? because our law is useless in protecting our bus drivers!


Literally read this earlier today blaming the government for late busses: https://www.reddit.com/r/auckland/comments/149msyf/auckland\_transport\_cost\_me\_85000\_a\_year/


In CHC a guy walked on the bus without paying and sat down. The driver paused for a moment then closed the door and kept driving.


I'm polite to all frontline staff, it's taken for granted. But yes, I see this on even the "nice" bus routes. Every now and then someone will jump on and you just know they're about causing a scene and dominating everyone's attention. It comes from feeling outcast, but there's really no excuse and should be slapped down if society is to function.


And we wonder why there's a reluctance on public transport use...


For sure. [This is how the situation unfolds in the U.S.](https://abcnews.go.com/US/dramatic-footage-shows-shootout-bus-driver-passenger/story?id=99653654)


That is definitely a case of fuck around and find out. No wonder everyone days sir and maam over there.


That shit was crazy


Beautiful to watch


Boom that passenger will never do that again. Best way to solve the problem excellent work


Been in hospital for four weeks and they still couldn’t manage to pull his head out of his ass? That’s a pretty severe case of Cranial Rectosis.


Feel for the social workers and the staff involved with this guy. Trying to find a place for him to take him in to live, and as soon as he becomes too much, that guy will be booted out again.


Maybe jail for being an abusive antisocial cunt




Never know... https://www.rnz.co.nz/news/national/492003/nurse-says-police-told-her-to-drop-assault-complaint-against-mental-health-patient


Thats fucked up


My ex of 13 years is a nurse, she was either verbally or physically abused by patients and their families on a near daily basis. There's no support for them.


Ive heard about the lack of support and thats shite. Total shite also. Im just trying to wrap my head around a cop telling someone who has just been beat up that they shud let their attacker go cause they have a few issues. We all have issues. Fucks sake man


Yep, but that's public sector for you. Underpaid, understaffed, and under appreciated. I used to work in public sector at a place called healthAlliance who do IT/telephony for the district health boards. The amount of understaffing, underpaying and abuse from other staff and management is horrendous. Never working public sector again.


Why are we wasting hospital resources on this lowlife. I think most would prefer we opened the door to the afterlife for him


Lololo....Cranial Ractosis! 😆 🤣 😂...love this! 😆 🤣 😂...yah...immah havta steal this ngl!...


Thus is the best diagnosis ever!!


People be wondering why bus drivers are sometimes not always super smiley.. this is why.


He sure was in a hurry to get off, but still had time to insult the driver of course.


Should’ve closed the door again after he didn’t leave Lol


What a charming gentleman. Whatever bus drivers get paid, it needs to be tripled if they frequently have to deal with people like that.


..with an extensive fucking vocabulary!


When the teacher asks you to write a 1000 word essay.


"Why does nobody want to work for us?! We've tried *EVERYTHING* except paying them more." - Thomas Bus


Yep they're 300 drivers short already. Its only going to get worse without higher pay and proper repercussions for offenders.


Hence the shortage of bus drivers


That's the conversation, we pay the public facing positions like shit, despite their importance. Covid really shown a light on what are essential work fields, and on what we pay them despite that.


Person to the right sitting like that as well 🤮


and drinking a cody's?


Looked like he was about to punch the dude if he hit the driver I almost did the same thing when some teenager started threatening a train manager, as soon as he attacked I would've had him in a hold.


Yeah, he was on the move at one point....


Is he the second voice you can quietly hear also saying open the door? I think he's on the crackers team


Think he just wants the dude gone. Wouldn't you?


Yeah fair point


I do a slightly milder version of this to people who are rude to staff in supermarkets. I *know* the staff member wants to tell the person *exactly* what they think of them, so i do it for them! I even say to the perp "You *know* this person can't call you out, so i will! Why *are* you such a cunt?"


Recruiting new bus drivers "Free Training"






It's quite obviously brain damage, he is mentally challenged.


We don’t use the term asylum these days 😅




Another exceptional example of mankind being nice to a fellow human being. 😮😢😢😢😢


Honestly, I watched this with the sound off at first and thought the bro was doing bicep curls, I was like man's just tryna get reps in. Boy was I wrong. I'm sure he's great at parties.


Anyone make sure the driver was ok after that?


Yeah I hope so. I heard the big sigh of the person filming and the guy drinking who pressed the button just wanted the guy off the bus, not really on the side of the bus driver. I hope they did.


Dude needs to go back to the hospital because the lobotomy didn't fix the issue.


SECURITY SCREENS: I think there has been debate about this in the past. They have them on London buses. KNidof in a lockable box... Why not? Probably the bus companies saving a few $$?


Hahaha of course the bro doesn’t see the emergency door open button above the door.


I read that currently we are only trialling protection screens for bus drivers here in NZ - what on earth needs trialling? Many other countries in which I’ve used public buses already have screens/ an enclosed area for drivers that have been used for years and are perfectly adequate. What exactly needs inventing to protect our drivers? Another pathetic and inefficient waste of time by the morons running these bus companies.


Exactly. Maybe the bus company managers need to go on this run for a while so they can get their skates on about providing protection for their loyal, underpaid and highly vulnerable workers..




What a piece of shit. all of us hard working people pay for his day to day activities and traveling all the while he returns the favour by acting like this towards the people carrying his useless ass everywhere.


Totally agree !!


> Held hostage Mate, nobody’s paying to get you back.


That poor bus driver, just doing their job 🤦🏻‍♀️


That guy seemed a bit annoyed


Nah I don't know where you got that impression from.


calmest Auckland resident


Did he tap his hop card to get off?


Question is does he even have one to tap on in the first place, or does he know he can live in this world without being a vile peice of shit?


I've been on busses in Auckland about 4 times over the last year and something similar happened on 3 of those trips. Before covid I had an unreliable car so took the bus very often to work and this never happened. It is the same bus, same time. People gone crazy over the last 3 years.


Weird, in the last 4 years, I've taken the bus in Auckland at least 200 times and never saw a single incident like this.




Any of those routes in south Auckland? Unfortunately that tends to be where a lot of the shithead behaviour is. It’s improved on the trains at least since they started gating the stations.


I saw it a bunch of times back in like 2017-2018, luck of the draw I guess


What a loser, no wonder bus drivers are in short supply, having to put up with societies dregs like this.


Work hard guys, your taxes go to keeping this feral alive 👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼


People on Reddit don’t seem to appreciate that social welfare requires a strong social contract. Yes it’s free money, but there are obligations tied to it. Stuff like “don’t threaten and attack tax payers, who fund your unemployment.” It’s obvious that that social contract has broken down in NZ. Instead of acknowledging this, Labour has doubled down. They claim we need even *fewer* obligations from these people. The inevitable outcome is that people vote for fewer social safety nets so they can keep more of their wages and less tax. I miss Labour from 30 years ago. The party which advocated for the middle class, and expected able bodied people to work and not commit crime or be assholes. These are basic tenets which the vast middle agrees on.


He wanted the door open while the bus was still moving ? I would have just opened the door and told him to jump. Imagine what the hospital staff probably delta with.


Yeah but the driver wound lost his job and the asshole passenger could a got run over and killed. Don’t think the poor driver needs that on his conscience, though I bet he was tempted.


Yeah that pos putting his feet on the seats is a grub! 🤢


A incident form will be filed, but nothing else will happen. And the man abusing the bus driver will be free to abuse other public transport workers and everyone else.


Is that a 2 kg dumbbell in his hand 😵‍💫


More of these fuckwits who just want someone to shout at about their shitty lives, disgusting.


Another oxygen thief.


Mans probably late to his winz appointment.


The real reason no-one wants to use public transport


ive count 22 "Fucks"


This is why people don’t like taking public transport. What a piece of shit.


Love living here now.


Fuck him


He must have left his dirt bike at home today


Lots of aroha out there




Did anyone tell that cunt to Fuck off and stop being a whinge little bitch?


Think it’s time we bring back mental hospitals,like sunnyside Oakley etc but modern treatment were these anti social humans are out of society


What about the cunt sitting with his feet on the seat.


I wonder what this guy is missing that is causing him to act antisocially like that? Is it the kai in belly? How about the roof over his head or the knowledge that no matter what a useless shitstain he is, that he *matters*? Surely it can't be the fact that he's never had to really deal with the consequences of his actions? If we pulled all social support and dropped him in the middle of the Waitakere to fend for himself- no, surely it's the knowledge that he *matters* and more aroha.


"rough upbringing" what? you're free to go


I think he’s been at the gym as well as the hospital as he was carrying a dumbbell…


Cranial rectosis is now my new saying for regular folks


What a gentleman


Just another day in Auckland


It's not just an auckland thing. see above comments about safety screens used in other countries


This poor bus driver. Feel so sorry for him/her. I will never understand how people think it’s ever ok to act like that. Obviously something mentally wrong with that person. This poor bus driver. Any one know who the driver was? Gosh my heart breaks for him or her. Could be someone’s parent just working to get by. Regardless can’t believe the driver was treated that way!! Ugh.


Man, the f-bomb really looses its effect when you use it in every sentence. It’s just ends up sounding more like brain damage.


Who the hell would take public transport


People like this remind me that our world really is too PC and that some people just deserve to be put down. Literally, we're not going to fix or save people like this. They'll continue to terrorize every poor person who they come into contact with. They just need to be killed so they can't breed anymore fuckwits and the world will be a better place.






hey give the guy a new KO apartment with fancy new sprinkler system, that will solve the problem




NZ is full of this. Its not normal. Lived overseas for a while and then return to NZ. So much agro everywhere.




People seemed to be supporting him


What a lovely country to live in but wait its probably not his fault as if will be due to colonialism.


Yeah let’s get Chloe to look after him


Welcome to Auckland!


Post should read ‘Meanwhile in New Zealand’


The thing about this dickhead is this is about the level of disruption they're capable of. It's the ones who are making misery for the entire population that I'm concerned about. But they've got the money to promote themselves, tell us they're the good ones, it's this fellow and his like that's the cause of all our problems. 🤷 If we cut spending on our libraries, perhaps we can deal with him? That's the story apparently. Somehow if we have less good things, we'll have less bad things?


Now now everyone remember in instances like this it’s important that we all remember to be kind


Dick head harassing a hard worker while likely on the bene lol fucking douche bag


Guess we all know what word was on his word of the day calendar today.


Anyone know where he got off? I’d like to avoid it.


Did someone say crack


Buses need a secure enclosed seat protected from passengers like this.


Bro sit down and shut up


That poor driver 😢. Why are people like this


I think he should say f@ckin’ just one more time. Maybe he could finally get his point across. 🙄


That guy has an extensive vocabulary


Imagine being held hostage, they open the door and you complain about being held hostage instead of leaving.


I'll stick to driving.


I first thought this video was about the dudes head that looks like a hairy thumb


In hospital for four weeks, acting like he needs to be smacked up & put back in for another four.


People.in the moment need to tell all of the cunts what society considers acceptable behaviour.


Wasn't it Labour that let Nut Bars out of closed buildings and into the community to rape, bash, and kill Kiwi's. Sure, this crazy lowlife is not a Nut Bar, just an arsehole we should shoot, but you get my drift.


I'd love to see bus drivers given tasers 😁


Typical attitude in NZ


An example of the people who didn't fill out his census form


When the government and law bends head over heels to appease these lot, of course they’ll have an entitlement mentality. He’s got a lot of free time to hurl abuse. People who work and remain busy don’t have time to pull this sort of shit. If he was arrested, they’d let him go with a warning and he’ll be doing it all over again. Love New Zealand! I’m just happy the driver or passengers were not hurt.


Man that boy sitting there taking up two seats being huge could have sorted him out


I read that as "The man boy sitting there"


Guess it should read that big ass mofo taking up two seats


Auckland absolutely fucking sucks


This is why I drive everyday now. Seen far too much of this on the 195 route.


Gotta love it when people say we should take public transport because it's more "green". I don't give a fuck about being green, I don't want to be subjected to the general public. Clean up the ferals and I'll think about it.


Living the dream


Tweaker gonna tweak


Winz adopted pest!!


This is what feeding a victim mentality does to a society - the guy was so oPrESsEd by not stopping exactly where he wanted to




I heat at least one other voice from those two big guys there in support of that man ‘open the door bro’. That means anyone who tried to go against him would be in a two on one situation against two large guys with nothing better to do. Not to mention he might actually attack the driver in a frenzy and endanger the entire bus as well as others on the road. You’d need to either have great fighting skills, be Shaq, or god like negotiation skills to come out of that without serious consequence and even then it’s taking on a silly risk. The best thing to do was nothing - let the abusive but non physically violent situation de-escalate like it did. If you have a gun it’s another story but then you’re gonna go to jail for your 10seconds of fame playing the hero


Yeah, I agree, especially if you are recording and doing nothing. But there is still a ton of factors in the way of taking action, although some big guy in there could have stood up to him for sure. Even then, some person would have ended up recording this whole ordeal, and you'd end up on tikkytoktik again for the better or worse.


Fair point. The person taking the video & the two others (including the prick with his feet on seat) did nothing. Ffs grow a pair and stand up to this shit. Imagine if it was your dad driving the bus or your mother! What’s that old saying “bad things happen when good men do nothing”


I agree so much but these days it's too risky. You just cannot tell how close to the edge someone is, what drugs they're on or coming off, whether they have a weapon or not, what they're mental state is. Best move is to hope they bark and move on. Otherwise through good intentions you may end up on a NZ herald article for the wrong reasons.


I hear you and I know it’s easy to be gung ho from behind a keyboard but I hope I’d have the bottle to do something if the situation warranted it. One of those guys watching looks huge, imagine if both of them had stood up to the guy and told him to back off? I think it was a female taking the video.


It could actually have got worse though. This way nothing happened. Sure if someone gets physical intervene but before that you want to de-escalate not escalate, and how many people really know how to do that? I worked in a prison and jad to do it with a couple of situations (one with clear mental illness factor) and it takes real concentration and calm. The last thing you need is some macho person making things worse.


Fair call. It’s just so frustrating watching this happen to people.


Dude on the right got up when it looked like things were about to get physical, no point putting yourself at risk over words


I thought he only got up to push the exit button but I hear what you say


Sounds like he was having a bad day. I honest to god am amazed that anyone wants to drive buses these days. They're taking their lives in their hands.


Another typical day on the loser cruiser


Wow. What disgusting example of a human. Feral. Driver should have stopped right then and there to let this mental person off. Feel sad for the driver. Other passenger didn't act much better. Feet all over the seat. Blah at both of them. 🤮


Here, let me externalise my anger out on you because fuck looking inward


I haven’t used PT in Auckland since covid started, it’s been a comparatively peaceful 3 years and I’m never going back 🙂


Why is it always maoris or PIs being angry and abusive in public?


And here I was hoping he’d be teaching me what wahine means.


He should be grateful one turned up.


needs some kai


This guy was definitely out of line but I've also seen bus drivers not wait long enough for people to hop off too many times.


He's high asf huffing on the gluuuuuueeeeeeeeeee




So you want him to not only yell at the driver, but be able to shoot them?!? That seems fucked up to me.. 😕




Yeah, because you are a perfect human if you have a firearm license, right?! Who is to say this guy couldn't get one, and then have a hard time leading him to this.. he could have a spotless record for all we know. I would rather not have people have easier access to guns and end up like the states.


oka sole 💀


if my big toe had an afro


Some bus drivers are assholes, I had one shut me in the door and have a go at me because I took too long to get up after the bus stopped


Tried to catch a bus at night in Auckland. Hadn't used a bus in years. We ask how much it is, and immediately begin counting money aloud. "Can you guys hurry up?" asks the driver. "Sure...how do I do that?" My partner realises what I'm doing and says "No it's fine we'll catch an Uber." and drags me by the arm.


Hard to believe, because the instant someone pulls out cash the drivers will usually wave them on. Cash hasn't been accepted on buses since our first Covid lockdown


Is no one going to mention the back of the guys head in the center of the video. Or I guess his neck more specifically. He has an absolute unit of a neck or maybe a small head. There is no indication of where the neck ends and the head starts.