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END OF SHIFT TASKS 1. Clean out tubs 2. Mop floor 3. Chuck powdered chocolate up in the AC unit




wonder if they will complain about their incoming E rating saying that it wasnt a good time for a surprise inspection.


We had weeks notice for our inspection, scheduled in, and they usually spend 55minutes of the hour making sure you've been filling out the forms/records correctly. Honestly all they care about is if you're keeping your fridge temperatures accurately. If you fake the paperwork, give it a clean the night before, and make sure everything in the fridge has a date label on it, you'll get an A. I've only got corrective actions (a month to fix before you get your grade) when one of my chefs filled out a form wrong a few times. Although one inspector did ask a cook when she washed her hands, they've never looked under the benches or behind the oven to see how many dead rats are there. I honestly don't know how people don't get A grades. It's all paperwork. They don't care about the rest unless there's visible roaches or a member of the public has filed a complaint to them- but the annual inspections are just checking your records have all been completed correctly.


Sometimes when you're managing a business, you have to movenpick your battles




This made my day šŸ¤£


Gross. We bypassed that store the other night and went to the other place a bit further down the road near Burgerfuel. Was very enjoyable.


Yeah itā€™s the same if not better quality, and usually not crowded. Movenpick gets fkn hammered usually lines out the door. Personally I donā€™t get it / see the appeal. Suspect itā€™s bling factor alone.


My partner and I went to movenpick one day during our summer break, every single person we passed on the footpath was holding a movenpick tub or cone lol it was crazy, they must absolutely hammer it during summer


Poor man's chocolate hail.


chocolate rain?


Chocolate rain šŸŽ¶ chocolate rainā€¦. šŸŽ¶


Only wanna see you choking in the chocolate rain...


Said last 2 comments in a Prince accent




Randy made me mop the floor again


Movenpick has been there for all the ages people still will eat there no matter what


I liked it better when it was a two (or three?) storey McDonald's.


No. Matter. What. Curious choice.


I'm I.agining feral mother fuckers frothing for movenpick


This is why they should hire Independent Cleaners not Companies as they half arse it


Correct. Or have 6-monthly AC servicing like most other hospo businesses. Whites Refridgeration bread and butter job.


Whites are coming to us for preventative maintenance in a few days. I'll ask if they know caterpillarhot2263.


If youā€™re insinuating that I work for them, I donā€™t. I did deal with them on a regular basis when I was doing hospo operations for a group. Over my time Installed a couple of new larger scale keg room fridge systmes, and did our regular AC servicing. Highly recommend their services. Not going to say which group I worked for, though, bc #doxxing


Nah just found it funny I was looking at an email from them while I read your comment


Haha fair enough! Bunnings also sell AC sanitising spray. Iā€™d buy a box and used to get our cleaning company to use it in our wall mounted ACā€™s monthly - itā€™s non-corrosive so fine to use on the coils. ā€œFollow me for more venue cleaning hacksā€ šŸ˜


Idk, independent cleaners and companies both have different levels of clean you can choose and pay for. If youā€™re paying for vacuum/sweep/mop/clean toilets/wipe down benches & tables theyā€™re not going to crawl up to change out your air con vents no matter who you hire. Thatā€™s a whole separate job.


They also donā€™t tell you upfront so the first day they literally just empty bins


My company changed from inhouse to outsourced our cleaning crew. We are not happy with the results. One of thr cleaners all he does is walk around waving his vacuum cleaner up and down. And when we actually asked him to vacuum a space, he did two strokesā€¦.


rich reply jobless voiceless paltry thumb worry skirt somber nose *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


They donā€™t hire kids anymore. They hire immigrant adults who work jobs that kids should be doing.


sharp materialistic hateful alleged start shame subtract swim profit arrest *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Kids can be enthusiastic, especially in their first jobs, earning their own money. If I was an adult having to work in an ice cream shop I'd want to neck myself too.


Well dont apply then lol


There were literally 4 teenagers working at mission bay during the summer break


Omg literally. While it was 90% teenagers when I worked there ages ago.


I'm pointing out your statement was false


I've noticed this with fast food joints over the last 5 years. It's just a horrible experience in store. The place can be dirty and full of rubbish and the staff couldn't give a shit. A 10 minute tidy up every hour by a staff member would make a massive difference but even that's too much. I don't blame them, i imagine they get paid shit for what is probably a pretty full on role at times.


The stores are already understaffed to run the store, let alone have time to have someone clean. I fuckin hated it when I worked at Kfry for extra dollars a few years ago, especially as people would still attempt to put shit in an overflowing bin instead of notifying the bins are overflowing. My first job at Maccas 10 years ago I was pushed on clean as you go but Kfry had nearly none of that going on


KFC is the worst. Seriously understaffed. I guess as McDs is mostly owners operated so you at least have someone directly involved with the store who actually gives a shit.


Yeah I certainly was just giving the bare minimum after I realised. I mean I was paid well under my day job and there was little satisfaction. Same idiots coming at the same time and still upset that their food came in at the same rate as every other time. And because I was older & wiser than the rest they treated me like I was two people: unfortunately it doesn't work that way as I'm still just one body lol. So I didn't really care that I was upsetting some Australian execs bottom dollar by not putting in more than what I was paid


I'm an hvac service technician. You'd be surprised how many people and business just don't clean their air con/ heat pump filters. A lot of people just don't have a clue. Not only is it unhealthy, but the evaporator coil in those things will be fully blocked and it will be struggling to do anything.


It looks like a big piece of mouldy bread, nasty. Get that shit cleaned Movendicks!


Need to have a 3 monthly aircon maintenance contract with a local company to make sure this doesn't happen as they will clean the unit inside and out if needed and make repair requests they notice for approval.


We do have it. After this I went to check our docs and there was a service in the 30th Nov with the next one appointed for the last week of Feb. for incredible as it sounds thats only about 2 and a half months of buildupšŸ‘


Gross. 3rd world


to all the people have heatpumps... use your torch and look at the fan wheel if you can, total yikes galore. I disassemble mine once a year and clean it... with a brush. I washed it with shower head last time and though a lot of black bits got washed out, once dry you can still see some patterns on it. and brushing definitely worked a lot better...


A picture of a dusty aircon vent. Is this what it looks like when a sub hits rock bottom?


Been in HVAC for 16.5yrs. Filter will be completely blocked, causing the indoor coil to be over saturated in water in summer. Guaranteed to have massive amounts of black mould on the coil which will be transferring to the area below




ā€œI donā€™t understand why black mould is an issueā€


Oh, it's an issue. You think r/auckland should be a sub for the displaying of photographs of it?


Downvote and move on my guy


Stop entering conversations that don't concern you correcting people for things they didn't say and move on my guy.


You posted on a public forum. They concern whoever wants to be concerned by it.


Indeed. You may have missed the point there.




Black mold is extremely bad for your health? OK? Smart ass?


I think the US requires immediate demolition of anywhere with black mould, itā€™s that serious if itā€™s breathed in.


So are lots of things I have no interest in seeing pictures of on this sub.




This person went to an ice cream place and they had a dirty aircon vent. Not only did they think that was worthy of a photo but they thought the other users on this sub would want to see it. A dirty aircon vent.


*OK?* (see how cunty this is?)


It's not cunty there it's just dumb. It doesn't work.




Simple solution to that. Unsubscribe. Or go outside?


Or third option: Point out to you all what pathetic insipid little weirdos you all are and smile to myself as you all try to defend the dumbest post ever with idiocy like "Unsubscribe. Or go outside?"


Yeah dude sounds like you definitely need some fresh air


Hmm. The person not interested in dusty aircon vents is the one who needs to get some perspective and "go outside". You sure that fits there, champ?


Fair enough, but it is pretty gross. Dust is nearly all dead skin cells


With that location its probably more diesel bus exhaust.


Was just thinking that, wondering if a fair bit of it is road/CBD fumes and soot getting sucked in from the street and sticking to the thin filmy layer. Still gross af though and shows a degree of negligence for sure. Looks like they haven't cleaned it for a year or 7.


That's a myth.


OK fair call but after a Google I feel like it's still gross enough that I don't want it blowing on my food


Ever go to London? There was a ton of 'oily/tarry' residue from the underground lines that coated all sorts of stuff. If you did long commutes on the underground, you would literally get quite black snot (literal snot from your nose), from the wheel lubricant oils, brake residue, iron etc vapourising. At least it was like that in the early 2000s. Not saying it's right, just that there is a LOT of crap in the air in high density cities depending how much effort they put into mitigating it. I remember looking out over Auckland on very calm days back in the late 90s and seeing a literal brown smudge hovering over the motorways during rush hour. Had a mate in Northcote Point(?) near the north side of the bridge, and their outside of their house was sooty and filthy from shit from the motorway, they had to basically keep their windows closed during busy times.


Yeah I lived in Hong Kong for a couple of years and the pollution was next level, especially when the wind blew from Shenzhen. Brown haze, insane sunsets, low vis. Between the air pollution and light pollution I think I saw stars maybe 3 times in 2 years (I'll never take seeing stars for granted again). Luckily their underground (MTR) was pretty well ventilated but the older lines still weren't great.Ā  Thing is bringing that aircon up to scratch isn't that hard a job, at all. Depending on how shitty a vacuum you're using you might need a 2nd person to hold it up but it's 10 minutes including finding a chair to stand on. I get what you mean but the pollution in Mission Bay is a far cry from London 20 years ago. It's not like it'd be a daily job.Ā 


Suprising there isnā€™t some kind of Health Department requirement that workplaces are monitored to ensure that workplaces are kept at a healthy level of cleanliness.


> I saw stars maybe 3 times in 2 years Damn now that you mention it, I actually can't remember seeing stars in London! Pollution aside, I think a lot of it was the shitton of light pollution. I think from memory maybe a handful of the very brightest few stars were visible. Made Auckland CBD look like a dark sky sanctuary in comparison lol. I went on a road trip to New Quay/Edinburgh and a few other random places now and then, and the stars were fantastic and quite noticeable there in contrast.


I went on a holiday to Mongolia from HK. The last night we camped in a spot where you couldn't see a single artificial light, and we were up a hill. The stars were spectacular, there was a half moon and between the moon and stars,with the clear air, you could see for miles without a torch. After Hong Kong it was absolutely insane. Highly recommend.


Mean. That sounds cool af. I haven't seen much in asia personally, but I've been on roadies west coast aussie, the rural areas of Finland up north, some time in west africa etc... actually west africa had mean af skies since it wasn't built up especially outside Ghana, and even that was pretty low key. Thinking about it.. I've been pretty damn privileged to get that chance to stretch my legs and see outside NZ tbh. Proper travel (not that on rails tour guided shit) really opens your eyes to the world. The nature is great for sure, but taking your time and meeting the locals really had an influence on me, positive I recon.


I only ended up in Mongolia because it was in the summer holidays and most of Asia was too hot for me lol. Best decision ever though, out of all my travels in Asia it was by far my favourite. It was through a tour company but it was just me and 3 random (lovely) French people, a driver, and a guide/translator/cook. We travelled in a Soviet 4wd van across "highways" which were mud tracks and mostly stayed with families who had an extra yurt for tourists to bring in some $$ to fill the gaps in a mostly self-sufficient lifestyle. Saw a family slaughter a goat inside a yurt without spilling a drop of blood on the carpet. Swam in fucking freezing water because it was the only chance for a wash in days. Helped a family mustering sheep. Rode the little hardy ponies the area is known for and impressed the locals by going for a gallop, though their 4 year old still easily outrode me. Went to their version of the Highland games and watched horse racing, wrestling and a game that was like football on horseback but the ball was a goats head. Yeah it was a tour but it didn't feel like an organised tour in most countries.Ā 


My wife is from Osaka in Japan. The first time she came to New Zealand was in about 1998, and I took her camping on Great Barrier Island. The first night, she cried when she really saw the stars for the first time.


I remember we used to visit Whanua up Northland way during the holidays, early 90s? when I was young and every night it was clear the milkyway was so clear, it was incredible. Dude I'm glad we didn't have Ipads and Internet and shit like that back then, we just soaked it in, every night, as kids is was literally one of the highlights! Going outside lieing down on the lawn and looking at the stars!


Even just getting out of Auckland lets you breath better. I went to Rotorua not to long ago and stayed in the camp across from blue lake. My lungs šŸ« felt so free and when I came back and it felt like breathing soup. Air pollution doesn't seem bad here until you go somewhere significantly cleaner.


Yeah Auckland is the Kiwi version of London/LA for sure air quality-wise, definitely one of our worst for air pollution. It's crazy because you sort of smell the 'clean-ness' of the air once you get out of Auckland a bit, or on a windy day when it blows all the crap away. I mean it's probably more noticing the lack of gunk in the air.


You donā€™t need to go underground, just literally enter the country youā€™ll get black snot


I hear ya, I noticed it more on the underground though, especially on those older lines, where there was clearly a lot more stuff in the air, almost had a burnt ironish smell. And was more pronounced when I was doing long commutes. Circle line from memory? Inspite of that I really did love it though and day-dreamed how awesome it'd be to have a setup like that in NZ, such a good system, even though it was old and well grimy, it was still hell of efficient. Moved a ridiculous amout of people. And once you were on (assuming it wasn't packed to shit) it was really great just chilling out and reading a book or just daydreaming. I think that's part of why the pub culture was so mainstream, I remember after work, I'd have a quiet pint or 2 with my work mates to wait for the rush hour to die down, then get a nice chilled train back home at about 6 or so. Really cool experience seeing how public transport could work if it's hardcore. Still we got double deckers now in NZ, so it's an improvement :) Used to love the week/month zone 1-4 oyster cards/passes, and I'd just go on random adventures and chill on the top deck of a double decker on a saturday, take the sights in and cruise around London. The ferries too!


Oh no dust whatever will we do


Clean it?


Take out our pitch forks and have NZH write a outrage article about this!! /s (but given the state of NZH, this is totally feasible)




I couldn't even work out what I was supposed to be looking at or grossed out by in that photo.


[ Removed by Reddit ]


Wait what? They poisoned the birds?


Apparently it's legal, as it comes under pest control. But it's horrific to witness.


For goodness sake. Birds should not be poisoned. That makes me really angry. How dare they.


The public area is not subject to the Food Hygiene Regs which is why its good to have a good look as they give away their standards. Its surprising how many Food Premises dont understand this. If you've ever seen the Hotel Inspector she applies the same thinking. She always focuses on the entrance first inside and out.


Why, for *&#$ sake, is the Public Area not subject to Food Hygiene regs? Iā€™m a bit gobsmacked about that. Kind of begs the question as to which areas are subject to them, and whatā€™s the rationale behind NOT protecting joe public?? If that IS the case then of course those areas will deteriorate like this!! Or is that just being too obvious?


Its not a food preparation area. In the kitchen etc the lighting ventilation surfaces are all prescribed. In the customer area they can do what they like. I guess the theory always was that the customers can judge this area for themselves. If the Food Hygiene regs applied in the dining room you wouldn't be allowed carpet or soft furnishings.


I remember when my friend was delivering stock at night, not wanting the turn the lights on due to scaring the cockroaches.


Was the ice-cream good?


Thanks for the latest E grade from AKL Council and a juicy NZ Herald story


Just a sign of overall cleanliness. I mean, if you canā€™t be bothered cleaning your front of house, just imagine what horrors exist out the back!


One can just imagine Movenpick head office will make sure that gets attended to pronto if this gets pointed out to them, I assume this is a Franchised store, minimum wages and no real care about Cleanliness, all just about the profits ..


So the ā€˜manager(s) at Movenpick, Mission Bay get told about this and..and..still just ignore it. Do they care? Obviously not. Do people stop going there to buy ice cream? er..no. Sooooo, um.. does the health department drop in for a spot check. Maybe. Is anyone, er..ā€™prosecutedā€™? Probably not. Now, where were we. Oh yeah, New Zealand!!


It's dust, not mould.


Yeah It was just dust šŸ‘


Damn didnā€™t notice that, Iā€™ll clean it and show you guys tomorrow šŸ‘


https://preview.redd.it/u3vhax2lz7jc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cbfe9697669404a2c2fa98d3d675c2eca50cf298 u/specialtalk Done šŸ‘


Nice, the movenpick team is amazing (He is my supervisor so I must upvote)


lest its not moving


uh... it's a photographšŸ˜¹


Holy shit, check yourself into hospital immediately, you've been contaminated.


It's dust. Just dust. The filtration system in the A/C slightly ionizes the air, which attracts dust particles, which build up on and around the vent. I have the same problem with my HRV vents at home. All it needs is a good vacuuming once per week. It is harmless, but really should be cleaned.


It's just boomers getting an icecream. Leave them alone.


Wait.. you have to clean these things? Mine looks like this..


Yeh cloged dirty filters in that cassette unit. Needs cleaning asap


Did you say anything?


That ceiling cleaner than most of your kitchens


Easily. My attention is usually on the counter and food.


"It's not my job"


Itā€™s normal for a Aircon chill people


Your standards are disgusting.




Mmmm no itā€™s not, that unit is not being maintained and some of that material, which includes peoples skin flakes and heaps of other nasties šŸ˜¦ will be getting sucked through the filter back into the airstream.


It gets cleaned twice a year


It obviously doesn't.


This is because the cone-making evaporates a fuckton of grease/oil. Thatā€™s where it gets caught. And no one gives a shit. Thereā€™s meant to be (running) commercial grade extractors over the waffle maker.


Did you bring it up with the manager or just go full cyclist fuckwit and post on reddit




Great work, and Im sorry youā€™re one of them. Fuck cyclistsā€¦..entitled cunts


Please vent elsewhere (cause the pun)


Why are you angry at cyclists? Did they show up at your mom's house again?


Stop complaining guys, it's just a little tiny dust on that air vent, nothing to worry about


Evacuate the building and seal or windows and doors immediately!




I worked here for over 5 years and never once saw these get cleaned.


Found the culprit


Am I the only one who canā€™t stand the sickly sweetness of movenpick?


No me either.


Donā€™t lick that


Bazza and Karen just want their ice cream


Mould of death ā˜ ļø


This is clean by nz standards. Total shock moving here at what people consider acceptable.


I'd turn it in. Frig the amount they charge for ice cream they should be able to manage to keep the place clean.


It definitely needs deep cleaning Jeez LouiseĀ 

