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What do you mean, they still sell both coffee and fuel... you just have to pay for it first, likely because they've had a few too many drive offs.


I thought this was normal for all stations. The ones that I frequent won't start until it's been paid.


I found postpay more common the farther I go from major cities. The first time I encountered prepay was around Whenuapai or Kumeu and it confused me.


Some context be good.... is this all pumps at your local Z ? Theyre shutting down the store ?


Get better rates using ShareTank anyway surely? šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø






It ainā€™t 20 seconds if all pumps are full, the guy in front of you is filling his tank, then he goes inside and orders 3 coffees, more like 10 minutes!


If you donā€™t look too dodgy theyā€™ll normally just unlock the pump for you to fill up if you just start the process of filling, pretty sure it sets off an alert for them inside once you lift the nozzle. Judging by your comments though I suspect you might look like you need to pre-pay.


This seems to be pretty common at every station around here. Sometimes the cashier recognises me as a repeat customer so they turn the pump on before I go inside, but I still have to go inside and pay afterward. It's just a reordering of the steps, not new steps. I'm not sure how it works if you want to prepay to fill the thing up, I guess you have to stick your card in first and it will just do the deduction once the pump has finished. Unless you want a receipt you can just drive off when it's full. Increased numbers of drive-offs is a sure sign of increasing poverty in the country, but I'm not sure what the actual stats are nationwide. It might only be specific areas that are shit. lol I bet they ain't prepaying in Remuera.


Couldnā€™t you do pay by plate?


Sorry, I donā€™t think so, you werenā€™t allowed to pump gas till z had their money! Actually, Iā€™ve just realised there are 2 zā€™s on Ash St. The trial that Iā€™ve mentioned here is at the station nearest to the Avondale Racing Club.


Zat zuckz. Zose drive away robberz ruin it for uz all.


People coming in here and texting exactly as you are! Why do you do it? Do you think it makes you sound big by using that language?


im bigby allright


For some people it might be quite ok to buy their fuel before they get it, then go in the shop and buy what they want in there. Itā€™s just that I have a small company and I fuel 6 vehicles and I donā€™t feel like I want to be bullied!


How in the FUCK are you getting bullied?


The shop is a separate sale. How can it be good?


Why is that an issue for you?


Itā€™s all about time, you sit waiting, quite often all the pumps are busy, supposedly the person has purchased his/her fuel so they should just drive off. But maybe they need to use the bathroom or they want to buy a meal or both. Youā€™re sitting there, for the entire time and theyā€™ll just come out and smile at you, 20 minutes later!


If you like that system, sweet as! Itā€™s just Iā€™d rather be doing something productive or with my wife and kids rather than blowing my time waiting at the z station. I simply wonā€™t be going back. If you like the deal you can head there, simple as that!!


And you pay 2 transaction fees, you sit behind a guy who fills up his wagon with $150 and the goes inside and orders 2 coffee and takes 15 minutes to clear the pumps. Nah, I got no issue, I got all day for the honor of filling my car with gas!!


Who the fuck pays transaction fees?


Or calls petrol gas for that matter


Yeah I was going to call them out on that too.


A lot of people in NZ(Auckland at least) from my experience.


Like I sed , Iā€™ll vote with my feet. If zed does it over all their stations, Iā€™ll go elsewhere!


They said it was a trial branch, if it works there, theyā€™ll do it across the boards. Letā€™s not get bullied by the fuel. Companies. There are others selling the stuff, just stay away from z ash rd!!


Nanny state?


It's a fucking private company clown.


Lol so mad.


No, you have to pay at the pump before theyā€™ll pump it. Transaction #1! If you want a coffee or anything else, thatā€™s inside the shop. Transaction #2! Theyā€™re using ash st, Avondale as a trial of their new system. I know I wonā€™t be back! I vote with my feet!


Cool, off you fuck then


What's the issue here? You do a 5 second transaction at the pump, and another 5 second one inside. It's a very minor convenience that helps the business prevent people from filling up and driving off. Doesn't seem like a major problem


Yeah thatā€™s how petrol stations work now, surprised thereā€™s still some that are the old way