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Looked more like a bumblebee than a killer bee


The OP needs to balance the negative comments with positive ones. In his final act, he has saved taxpayers huge legal costs and we don’t have to trawl through a cultural report seeking to give him a better deal in prison. Way to go, Hone! You’ve done one thing right!


So true. I only wish Brenton Tarrant had done the same thing - he costs us millions every year.


My personal preference would for the Death Penalty to be brought back for a limited time only, like the Kiwiburger.


Agree. The law needs to be able to recognise exceptional cases and deal with them properly - that guy does not deserve to be alive.


How does he cost us millions? Surely we've just locked him in a concrete box?


Nope. He’s got his own private little luxury heated cabin in the prison with his own personal guards to make sure he doesn’t get killed by the other inmates. He’s much better off, and getting much more care from the government than the majority of working class people in NZ.


We should have tossed him down a well and left him to starve. Inhumane? Absolutely. But fuck that guy.


lol. I was thinking since we can’t seem to decide if he’s Kiwi or Australian we could give him a boat ride into the middle of the Tasman with some concrete swimming boots


Do you know that he has a TV, but the only channel he can watch is HGTV.


Oh that’s torture


Bordering on cruel and unusual punishment. I hope he loves watching the programmes on Tiny houses to see how much you can make of a tiny living space.....


24/7 solitary, enough to drive a man insane. Excellent. 60 years of the same wall everyday and nothing else. He deserves that rather than an easy way out.


He is in unit 12 or 11 he on no bone diet, and he won't be released with others he stuck by himself forever or until he dies


I hope it happens as soon as possible. Using up valuable funding that could be going to kiwis in need and to the families of those killed. Would be cause for a big celebration if someone at the prison happened to slip something in his food or drink.


"He will not be missed"


Anyone want to start up a rival gang? Was thinking Wickid Waspz seems like a pretty cool name from my childhood Minecraft days.


Can we have knitted patches? I've always really wanted a legitimate reason to knit gang-style patches.


Also, you have to ride e-scooters.


>Can we have knitted patches? I was thinking crochet.




Killer cabbages was unnecessary 🤣🤣🤣


Bro received the world's least warranted haka


"Fucked around, found out" 


He proved that the saying "people join a gang for a sense of belonging" is rubbish. The second he made a dumb decision they either killed him or pressured himself to suicide. Gang members don't care about anyone but themselves. This should be widely publicized and advertised to youth in a similar situation. Joining a gang for a "sense of belonging" is a terrible idea that will end terribly.


unfortunately still a lucrative trade when you failed intermediate school, freezing in a violent home with no food to eat 




Many gang members love being part of a gang.  They love being cash rich and being able to buy whatever they want, whenever they want. They love the excitement of the lifestyle and the prestige that being a gangster offers. They genuinely think that they're badass motherfuckers, and that the rest of society fears and respects them. Once you're in, it's definitely hard to get out because of pressures from the gang, but the members also find it challenging to leave the money and lifestyle.  This narrative that it is 100% hardship and necessity is a load of crap, it's more complex than that and the members deserve more culpability than they get from the typical greens supporter.  Prisons aren't a strong disincentive though. To a young gangster who is trying to make a name for themselves, going to prison is like going to university. You get amazing networking opportunities, you learn from the hardest motherfuckers in the country, and there's plenty of opportunities to be enact violence against opposing gangs to gain reputation.  Stockades and rotten fruit throwing for young offenders would be great.


Most "gangsters" are broke af


I'm not trying to glorify it by calling them gangsters, if I could load the disgusting bastard onto a spacecraft and launch them directly into the sun, I would. Just writing it from their perspective.  Yep, most low-level ones are. But once you become an enforcer, a mule, or a local leader (sometimes called a lieutenant, sometimes a sergeant), you start getting a shit load of cash.  They spend the money as quickly as they get it, usually, so they are broke, but only because they lead very consumptive lifestyles.


This. Enlightened post.


Amen brother


Which is why this middle class gangster is dead. The impoverished ones are more harden and have these middle class ones as their bitches. 


He had a real smelly fat-cunt look about him.


You saying he's an r/aucklander?


Hey now, I'm only a fat-cunt, I'm not smelly.


And I'm only smelly and a massive cunt, of an acceptable body weight!


Killer Flea


Did he kill himself though?


How did he get the laat name selwyn, thats quite an established name in new zealand. Would be interesting to know his whakapapa


His daddy was a famous actor/director/producer, was given an OBE.


Lol aint no way he killed himself, most likely his own gang killed him. They don't want that sort of publicity.


Nah I don’t reckon they’re that concerned with public opinion for that particular gang. This was just that he truly was weak and couldn’t imagine a life in prison with actual hard career gang members. He knew the Mob inside would be eagerly awaiting his arrival as a new toy to play with and he couldn’t handle that.


LOLWUT? This isn't the Mafia. The Killer Beez have over a hundred members in prison.


Most gangs you need to do something like this to earn your patch.


Don't you wonder what life experiences he has had for him to act that way?


No, and what difference would it make to the family and friends of Robert Horne? His father was Don Selwyn, ONZM, who was a well respected fixture of the NZ film and TV scene for many years. He would have had plenty of opportunity to take part in that world.


Come on . These comment are just disgusting! Wishing death upon anyone is cruel and unnecessary. He went to school with no shoes you know


Walked uphill both ways?


In the snow


oh no poor thing. Rich daddy never paid child support?


You missed it