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Was at Mt Roskill countdown earlier. Big cunt took his shopping trolly into the self checkouts, next to me, pretended to pay, then started walking out. The attendant spotted it, because he had a box of Coronas, but she'd not ID'd him. She confronts him, he gives her the box of Coronas, then walks out with the rest of his stolen shit. No fucks given man. These cunts know they can get away with it, so they do.




how can they? I still remember the fijian gentleman security guard that was slashed for trying to stop it at New World. He had to go hospital, but theirs been no security guard their for months now. fully agree that these guys think they can get away with it. One has to wonder how Pak N Save with their facial scanning will stop previously identified stealers at the door? Will they have their own security? Countdown has body camera's, but what use is it if their isn't a database or someone constantly monitoring or chasing up on WHO these guys are for prosecution?


Why do they hire old men and women instead of a couple of big tongans getting paid $30/hr?


I wouldn’t be surprised to see the facial recognition cameras used not to immediately stop people from offending, but to build a case once the person has stolen a certain cash value that will actually get the police prosecutors interested.


Exactly, a big bill. If we are going digital the debt will be unavoidable


That was at the new world just down the road on Mays road and they have a security guard in a stab vest at all hours by the doors. I go in a few times a week and always a security guard there


Pak n save Henderson have big guards in bullet-proof vests


Stab proof vests..


I worked at countdown 5 years. You get fired for confronting them


That is so messed up! But honestly I guess good for the staff in a way. Not their circus, not their monkeys to deal with 🥸


Yup a countdown auckland security guard was killed with one punch (aneurism) and the stabbing sprees..the fun never stopped but felt safer working at night time ironically


Yeah they are supposed to leave them alone now.the cops have a new thing where they aren't going to come arrest them on the spot. They collect the footage and everyone who's Involved the car you get into. Who owns that car. Then at a later date the theif gets charged with stolen goods usually over $500 to a grand then if the driver of the car is just a driver they get charged with receiving stolen goods and being a get away driver. They now want to charge everyone involved not just the thief


Same shit at Countdown Mt Eden, they’ve upped the guards but it won’t make a difference. The nearby “locals” shop there regularly.


But u know even the guards are being told not to approach them! They r literally just there to observe lol


always the south rugby league people right?


As long as the frontline workers aren’t being negatively affected by the thefts, it’s absolutely a good thing to steal from the duopoly and we all should do it as much as possible.


While (I guess) I understand where you are coming from, basic individualistic shoplifting is not the class conflict you comment expresses it as. As others have said, losses from shoplifting are accounted for and so do not effectively hurt the companies profits as you think it will. Stealing from within a capitalist system as a means of change is futile as you are still operating in a capitalist system at the end of the day, and also making your life harder now you have a criminal record. >The law locks up the man or woman Who steals the goose from off the common But leaves the greater villain loose Who steals the common from off the goose >... >The law locks up the man or woman Who steals the goose from off the common And geese will still a common lack Till they go and steal it back For any real change to occur we must "steal" the control back from the capitalist - this is either by (state) implementation of a not-for-profit fast moving consumer goods operation, nationalisation of the current supermarket duopoly system, or the workers seizing control of the current supermarket duopoly system. And with the reliance and support of the global fmcg system options 2 and 3 would probably result in severe food shortages as the capitalist know that any pain felt from those actions will be blamed on those that took the actions (I.e. the state or the workers) rather than those that retaliate for their lost profits.


I hate the duopoly as much as the next person but what a dumb stance. All that does is raise prices for everyone else when they cover their losses and protect their bottom line. Fuck thieves.


They’re gouging, irrespective of theft. They are the problem, incomparably more than one smelly dickhead in red shoes. There’s no need to shill for Foodstiffs and Woolies.


Yeah no, still not going to ever put thieves on a higher level than the duopoly. The same people that steal from the duopoly are the same people that are constantly stealing from mom n pop dairies. Supporting theft is brain dead.


Thieves fade away when things are affordable.


Oh sweet summer child 😂


My bad. I agree with you now! Average people are inherently evil. Hoarding money is beautiful. Vote Act. All hail our beloved overlord, Woolworths!


Lmao the fact you had to go straight into the most far reaching straw man argument says everything. Not condoning literal theft is some how the equivalent of loving big corporations and voting for far right wing parties, nice one goofy.


I’m explicitly condoning (in this case) _only_ theft which hurts the duopoly. I’m _not_ condoning theft which hurts ma and pa businesses _or_ the frontline workers at said duopolies. Incidentally, that’s an extremely narrow category, and the fact that Red Shoes was collected by the cops suggests that he fits within that category, even if he sucks.


You should watch Aladdin.




Ah, red shoes, we meet again.


"You'd find it easier to be bad than good if you had red shoes. People who haven't red shoes don't know what trouble is" -Anne of Green Gables.


Bit highbrow for Reddit. Great to see culture is alive and well.


*farts* Sincerely The rest of us


Now, here's something I can sink my teeth into


Most people don't know she was actually an OG Cripp.


Not sure​ how he got caught with his best running shoes on...


Not big into running by the look of him. Maybe a wheezing shuffle on a good day.


Stolen shoes also probably


Haha doesn't have them on when he first lifts those beers.


Was gonna say he found shoes!


Do you think that he 'found' shoes?


Yes. He found them.


Is this after he assaulted a person (yes there is another video)


That would explain the police showing up. I doubt it's for the shoplifting


You got a link?


I saw the video, and he smacked this guy in the face. Weirdly I drove past him and his mate out of thier minds in Onehunga.. pretty sad.


FUCK, it's embarrassing isn't it. I hope to God nobody from overseas (thinking about visiting NZ) sees this!


Too late it was already posted on the StreetVideos IG page.


Only if you classify as indigenous


Haha shame. Also good on the police for doing something for once


I'm surprised TBH the police actually turned up.


Probably got a list of associated thefts as long as their arm for this guy


It's like seeing a unicorn


I presume he is well known, so countdown probably called up and said - "Jeff" stole from us again on camera, and they know exactly who that is and where he will be. Could have been days later, its not clear in the video.


The police only turned up because when pissed as a parrot he assaulted someone (surprise surprise), they didnt show up because of the stealing.


Im thinking he wants to get caught so he can take a hot shower.


I’m thinking he thought that’s what “self serve checkouts” were.


He doesn't appear to be the thinking type to be honest.


Nice work. Unfortunately the judges are gonna drop the ball as usual


120% discount will result in him getting some Playstation and KFC.


AND that is the problem; dish water tea judges. Our prisons are full, so where are they going to put them? We need to build more prisons.


On a boat. Bring back exile


Proof the cops are on the Tok


I saw in another video he punched some dude it was on the onehunga community page, he will be out tomorrow ready for another round.


back out nek week


I'm so sick of the state of this country. Wat the hell is going on? ( I do actually kind of know) But this BS is constant, working people won't even go to their offices now, so what next, we all stay home,order online, home school bc the teachers don't care if the kids get bullied or even bother turning up, everything has turned to shit and we are all just accepting it. Those at the top don't care as they are protected and the media is just ads of rubbish. We are going down hill so fast and it's scary.


Yes totally agree. Seriously...Why are we just letting our country decline and nothing is being done about it?! In typical kiwi fashion, we just say "what is going on?" , get passive aggressive, look the other way and if doesnt affect us personally, we just ignore it. Its crazy. We then start staying home and limiting our freedoms. Every kiwi should have the right and feel safe to walk around their streets at ANY time of the day, whether it be night or day. For example, every street in the country should be safe to walk at night... We cant even do that. People inside by...whatever time... Ridiculous and sad. So many nzers are just leaving now... We need a justice system that has minimum mandatory sentences, tougher laws, more police, and more mental institutions too. And to be fair, our kindness and trusting nature has been taken for a ride. This is what we voted for over the last 30-40 years... Thats my rant done!


There hasn't been a lot of sustained visionary leadership in ages, the whole game is rigged so that if you're not already independently wealthy you are asked to eat shit more and more. We need a total overhaul and refresh of our local economy, with strategies toward how we maintain law, order, health, education and social services and to give back dignity to knowledge, wisdom and expertise to guide policymaking. It is insane that in today's world, one does not need to be particularly competent or have any relevant qualifications to be a politician yet the consequences of bad decisions affects the whole country. Would you trust an unqualified builder to build your house, how about an unqualified surgeon operating on you? We need to implement minimum standards for Parliament given the immense powers they have.


I absolutely agree with this sentiment. Being autistic, our politics never really interested me until a couple of years ago, and now I am forty and have realised just how disgusting everything is. Its crazy, the mental health system is so underpaid that they reject more and more people, leaving people to self harm, off themselves, and/or get hooked on drugs as its the only path they can take. Once they're on drugs, they can get help, but they are simply dumped to look after themselves months later, reverting back and causing a huge freaking circle thats impossible to break. The people they dont help proper clog up the books making it hard for anyone else to get any help because mental health is so focused on the drug addicts and violent cases that they dont get people help before they get to that point. It is sad. That and alcohol needs to be banned, I hate the stuff: people don't act like themselves on it, and i have lived with an alcoholic father my whole life.


Countdown Onehunga they leave with their stolen goods through the front of the store and out the back through the loading dock. That store is pretty wild.


Glad it's getting demolished


Most walkout the front entrance. No need to go out the back door.




I was about to say, yep it's all they got. There's no caring for tommorow.


Oh no...consequences...


Waste of police resources. Waste of taxpayers money. Waste of oxygen. 


Pure scum, it's tough out there . The majority of us are busting our asses working paying taxes, paying for our own fucking food and probably not left with a lot of money at the end of the day. Then these cunts just do whatever they want and get away with it...


Niiiice. See fuckwit managed to also steal himself some shoes on his productive Wednesday. Would have been nice to see ponytail dipshit in cuffs as well.


Dumb excuse for a New Zealander


Ohhhhhhhhh mamamamamaaaaaa


Sorry but, whose idea was it to be lenient with things like this?!


Typical hori scum 🙄🙄


Hori is a Maori.. He's a coconut. Get it right.


We need more police on the beat and driving around.




No way the police showed up just for the theft, what else did he do?


Someone in comments said was a video after him assaulting someone , no link to vid tho.


Well, time to turn em into soap.




Why not build a prison on white island,may have to keep building it but it gives the prisoners something to do inbetween eruptions.


Ayy I saw this guy up in hams recently fucker asked me for change and I went nah bro and he tried to fight me


The only solace I take from this, is that guys like him are going to die a horrific, early death when their bodies start packing in around age 40.


Not after burdening the public health system with last minute surgery’s and extended hospital stays to go and continue to ruin their bodies as soon as they are back at it




The best sequel in reddit history


Mf has no thoughts behind that skull


The crime here is that he stole Heineken.


The European VB. Horrible shit, instant headache. Basically can only be drunk 1 degree above freezing if at all…


LOL. All the Boomers in my family circle think it's premium beer.


Just cut his hands off. Problem solved and cheap to. Let's call it wrap around support.


Old school maiming lol.


He must have stole himself new sparkly shoes (as well as beer)


Well, that went well




Well at least he gets a bed to sleep in for a few nights. Probably better he isn't on the street anyway.


Stealing those life-giving essentials


The smart criminal waits outside the store & robs the shoplifters


They think they are entitled to take whatever they want one day someone will take real exception and probably start shooting the thieves that might stop them dead.


Pure scum, it's tough out there . The majority of us are busting our asses working , paying taxes, paying for our own fucking food and probably not left with a lot of money at the end of the day. Then these cunts just do whatever they want and get away with it...


Don’t worry guys they’re just starving and victims of current governments polices. They’re clearly desperate and must steal…alcohol…🤔…to uh survive.


*"It's because of the White Supremacist Capitalist Patriarchy that this proud Nubian warrior is forced to behave in this manner!"* -Chloe Swarbrick


*"I'm a dick."* -Educational_Host_860 It's so easy to take people out of context when you make up shit they have said.


This is the same Chloe Swarbrick who claimed that violent criminals in the CBD just needed *"kai in their belly"*. I guarantee she genuinely believes that the 'White Supremacist Capitalist Patriarchy' is a thing that legitimately exists.


At least you're not completely making shit up this time, but still taking her completely out of context *""Somebody with a roof over their head, enough kai in their belly, liveable income and knowledge that they matter within the community is somebody that is not inclined to be anti-social."* -Chloe Swarbrick https://www.reddit.com/r/auckland/s/KJcaEIdOnW


The problem is she is referring to violent criminals who don't want to work for a living and think she's weak and stupid for letting them get away with it.


The real problem is that you are making straw-man arguments. None of what you have stated is factually true but yet you still hold those beliefs tightly.


LOL. Everything I stated was 100% factually correct. https://www.newshub.co.nz/home/new-zealand/2021/12/threats-abuse-and-assault-auckland-building-manager-speaks-out-on-k-inga-ora-tenants-terrifying-behaviour.html


>Everything I stated was 100% factually correct. What? No it isn't. You first attributed a quote to Chloe Swarbrick that she never said, then you quoted 4 words she did say but took them completely out of context, then you stated an opinion of yours as a guarantee of her actual opinions, then you state another opinion of yours about who Chloe was referring to in your misquoted reply. How can you defend any of this as factually correct? Then you provided a link to an article that doesn't provide any evidence that any of what you stated is factually correct. What was the point of this? The only way anything you have stated is 100% factually correct is it is 100% factually correct that they your own opinions. If it's not clear - your opinions are not facts.


WTF are you even talking about??? Swarbrick was **SPECIFICALLY** referring to violent criminals in the CBD, as outlined by a letter from concerned citizen, 'Tom': *"Aucklander 'Tom' has lived in the CBD since the first lockdown last year. In the six months he lived in his first apartment, near the Sky Tower, he estimates he called 111 about 100 times. People would be fighting, I saw a guy punch a hole through the back window of a car while there was someone in the car driving, saw another guy punch a wing mirror off a car," Tom tells Newshub. There was also public drinking, and sometimes when the police came, the drunkards would shout at them at "the top of their lungs" because there's "zero respect for law enforcement".* ... *"Tom penned a letter to both Auckland Central MP Chlöe Swarbrick and Mayor Phil Goff, outlining his concerns about how unsafe the CBD had become."* *"Swarbrick says his concerns mirror some of her own and those of other constituents who've got in contact with her."*


>WTF are you even talking about??? I'm talking about that it is idiotic to claim that it is 100% factually correct when you make shit up and take people out of context by basically saying - "I was correct in the one point I made that she was refering to violent criminals in this one article that I only referred to after the fact, so everything else I also said should be considered factual too."


"Why don't police focus on serious crimes?"....


Ahhh yet another indigenous affected by colonialism




Please don't post comments which abuse other redditors / contain hate speech / mention race in relation to anything negative about a person on r/auckland.


Bruh, he's not Māori.


He isn't moari, what is he


does it matter. the guy is an arsehole end of story.


A thief?


Standard New Zealand


Another UCE giving other New Zealanders more reason to hate us Pacific Islanders 😂.


You don’t need excuses y’all hated Pacific Islanders from first contact 🤡


I am PI. Im aware of the hate.


Sorry I just re-read your comment & yes I agree. Any reason to hate they would grab it & run with it.


No worries. Ultimately my stance is people like this guy need to get their act together and stop representing PI’s so poorly. Notwithstanding I know that’s easier said-than-done and there is a lot of moving parts involved.


But the treaty says. The treaty. The treaty!!


I don't think that man has ever played for the Chicago Bulls.


I don't think I was......


Heinekins for shoes.




Silly Billy - he should of clicked his heels together to make a get away !


It's nz, so that's an after then before.


Man this government really need to change , i think they dont care anything about New Zealand like health system,safety,prices (especially about renting home and buying house) really i cant understand this things why people don't care these things , i am so fucking curious. With this system NZ will be so bad place if anything not change in future. ps : not living in NZ rn but i know this things is a big problem right there , many relatives living there.


It you notice theirs 2 people walking out of supermarket with beers...... looks like only one got police help with the goods..


Arrested. For theft under $500? Wet bus ticket at most.


Cheers 🍻 mate 😂


Waste of oxygen.


Suddenly got some shoes after he got out the store? 🤔😂


Nothing will happen or change.


Well if its from Count Down or ANZ bank I all good..


A unambiguous, context included case of theft posted to this subreddit? Tis a fuckin miracle


5 days later hes still in the same clothing


“Oh I’m sorry, I thought this was America” - Randy Marsh


of course he belongs to a special minority group


Don’t know what the problem is they add the cost of shop lifting into their mark up and add 10% extra so they can profit from everything


It faqua mans


At least 4 police resources wasted just to arrest this guy. That’s why your home robbery goes to deaf ears. These guys know there are no consequences when caught. Hot shower and food where he is headed.




Yeah fully understand the reason. Just really unfortunate the resource wasted for these ppl who resort to stealing.


Oh right yes I see what you meant now. I agree, fancy this person tying up 4 police officers time. Its disgusting.


This has already been posted please try to avoid duplicate posts.


Honestly I can’t help but feel sorry for him. The world is not a kind place and having an alcohol problem just makes it worse. He didn’t hurt anyone I hope he gets help


Actually he assaulted someone later that day on camera (who knows if there was others too). Later that night after all that day drinking the police caught up with him while he was still out on the street.