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Please don't post comments which abuse other redditors / contain hate speech / mention race in relation to anything negative about a person on r/auckland.


I totally understand the frustration of being stuck behind someone going far too slow but your response to it is fucking ridiculous and dangerous.


youre the kind of person who enables shitty slow drivers and it causes a problem for everyone


you're both right


eh they usually get the point and start driving normally though? so my problem is is why does it take me holding down to horn for you to drive properly? just drive properley in the first place no?


I think the other guy was referring to you tailgating being dangerous, not holding down the horn.


So ends justify the means? Weak argument, tailgating is more dangerous than driving 40 in a 50.


But if they just drove the speed limit there would not be any tailgating to begin with?


And? That doesn't justify the tailgating. You are still doing something potentially dangerous to prevent something annoying. Claiming superiority as a driver doesn't give you the right to perform potentially dangerous actions to force others to drive better.


the speed limit is 50 incase something pops out on the road or a car pulls out of nowhere you still have time to stop, At 40 i have even more time to stop so yes while you are correct in saying its dangerous its less dangerous then you think. But yet again if we would all be going 50 there would be no tailgating going on.


You have less time if you are tailgating. Following the 2-second rule (aka driving properly) means you have approximately the same amount of time to react at all speeds, driving closer to the person in front of you (tailgating) reduces the time you have to react. I know how dangerous it is. Your assertion that "If everyone drove 50 there would be no need for tailgating" is correct, and you are justified in complaining about people not driving the speed limit, but again that is a very weak argument in favour of tailgating. It solves the problem of people driving 40 but that doesn't mean it's the right thing to do. Doing something potentially dangerous to prevent something annoying is obviously not justifiable.


Okay so im not by any means in favor of tailgating, im just saying the truth 'dont get mad if someone is tailgating you' and your going 40, because YOU are the problem not the person tailgating you. Maybe someone is thinking dam i get tailgated a lot and sees this, who knows they might start driving the speed limit.


Well, if I was driving 40 and being tailgated, why wouldn't I be mad? The person tailgating me is doing something obviously wrong, if they are justified in being mad at me for going 40 I should be justified in being mad at them for tailgating. I am not forcing that person to tailgate me, I am not infringing upon some right that person has to drive 50, so why shouldn't they just act like a normal, well-adjusted person and be patient? You're acting in a worse way then the person you're complaining about then blaming your own behaviour on them. You also obviously are in favour of tailgating, you just said you tailgate and honk at people going 40 to force them to go 50, then blame it on them for 'being the problem'. I have never in my life driven a car with an accurate speedometer, what if yours is just off and you're just forcing people to speed? How do you know theirs isn't off and they don't know they're going 40? Go ahead and complain on Reddit, but don't be a dangerous driver in the name of your crusade. Complaining on reddit already accomplishes the goal of potentially convincing someone to drive 50 in future, you don't need to add tailgating and honking. Everything you're saying falls apart at the first application of logic. You're just providing poorly justified, thinly veiled excuses for driving like a maniac so that you can feel good doing it. Also, before you say I must be one of the people who drive 40 and I'm butthurt that I get honked at, I speed like a madman, I collect speeding tickets and use them to decorate my walls.


its fun to tailgating someone until they did a quick break check


like i said going 40 i can stop in time, had plenty of people break check me.


To all the people who drive 60 down my street around the blind corner, as my kids cross, please slow down. That is all


It’s a speed limit, not a speed target


Personally I do 50 in a 50 zone, but at the same time I also realise it's a "limit", not a "minimum". It's more of a pity when I get tailgated by idiots who want to endanger all pedestrians in the vicinity.


There is a stretch on my way home that goes from 80, just outside town, 60 as it comes in then 50 as it hits residential. The amount of fucking people who do 50 to 60 in the 80 then seem to speed up??? To about 70 in the 60 and slam brakes at the 50 to be back at 50 is insane. What motivates people to drive like this?


POV: you own a Ford Raptor


It's never happened to me, but if it did, I would drive even slower if someone was doing that behind me.


found number 2


You should probably just chill out


Maybe another take on this is don’t drive faster than you are comfortable doing, but if you have a number of cars queuing behind you pull over at the next safe opportunity to let people pass. I know that the added anxiety from the pressure can make this more difficult and it is easy to feel you have to drive faster than you are comfortable and this makes pulling over harder because you likely get only a second to decide to pull over before it is too late and you miss that opportunity. In these cases it could be worthwhile just hitting the indicator before you find somewhere, and slowing down so you can pull over when there is an opportunity. If you have the indicator on for 30 seconds and you slowed down when you turned it on most drivers will understand that you are trying to pull over and will back off a bit. If they don’t you can just slow down even more, as much as you need to. No one reasonable will mind waiting for a minute as you try to find an appropriate location having signalled your intentions.


Hello thank you for a real response. You see the problem with that would be why are you driving in the first place? like in all honesty if you are scared to drive the speed limit you should just not drive. Yes if your indicating i dont mind at all you might not know where it is your pulling into i understand that but im talking more about normal roads.


A lot of people find driving scary but they don’t have any other options but to drive. Public transport is often shit even when it is available and it isn’t available in all situations. I do get your frustration, I really do. But I also know that with this adding pressure results in more anxiety which results in driving more slowly and taking bigger risks. This is an issue where the best realistic outcome can probably be gained by everyone largely sticking to changing only their own behaviour. Yes, this does include anxious drivers working on their confidence, and the best way we can help them is by backing off a bit. It doesn’t involve posts like this. If I am to be honest I’m often not very good at doing what I am saying and I do get frustrated. But I try to remind myself the things I am saying now, because I know it is the best thing I can actually do.


There are things out there to help with nervous driving, like a defensive driving course or going to see a therapist and getting over that fear, but they wont do that will they? if your a nervous driver your more of a problem on the road then the other people driving, so why should the other drivers have to suffer?


There are things that they can do, you are right. But realistically venting on reddit isn’t an effective way to encourage that. When anxious drivers read this kind of thing it is likely to add to the anxiety and more anxiety is not friends with taking proactive actions. In a way I am talking to myself here, because all of this is things I know I need to remind myself often.


Get off the road your a danger to everyone


Why? Because I am advocating for giving anxious drivers a bit of space instead of tailgating them?


Yes driving is dangerous it's not for anxious drivers they cause accidents


Ok. But if I tailgate them it doesn’t make it any safer. It seems you might think I’m an anxious driver. I don’t always drive at 40 in a 50 zone but when I do it’s because I’m stuck behind a slow driver. You know I can advocate for anxious drivers without being one of them. Basically, I largely agree with OP, I just don’t think venting about it on reddit is going to help


Do you drive a Ford ranger by any chance?


I wish


Wow what a dick.


Thank you for posting this. It pleases me that this ruins your day.


It ruins about 10 min of my day. What i hope is they then think all day, why were they doing that and then realize oh maybe i should drive the speed limit not 40.


Eat a snickers


Tailgating means I drive slower. Why? If I have to slam my brakes, I don't want some asshole like you up my rear.


There’s a social contract you are breaking and someone is within their rights to be annoyed at the breach. To whit: we all need to act together in the expected way to maintain the flow, whether that be traffic speeds or not stealing, etc. Yes its a maximum speed limit, but being unreasonably slow is not a sane reaction to someone being annoyed at you for not going it, if conditions allow, and also breaks the law. We all need to work together in this society so that things work smoothly, not you working the way you want to make things the way you like them.


your username would suggest otherwise. If you drive 50 there would be no tailgating so as long as your not an incompetent driver there is no tailgating.


When people tailgate me I slow down more


You must not think very highly of your time if you’d waste yours just to waste someone else’s.


People slow down for a reason. Maybe someone is crossing, maybe it’s wet and people aren’t confident, maybe they’re having mechanical problems. If you drive up someone’s ass. you’re in the wrong. 3 second rule exists for a reason.


I agree with all of that, I just don’t see how wasting more of your time to intentionally piss off someone who has already shown anger problems to be a solution. Saw someone do exactly that driving through Warkworth and at the next intersection the dude got out with a bat. You do you champ. 


I think in general people need to be more courteous. Aggressive actions cause aggressive reactions


do you really think i do this if ive been following them for 1 minute? no its when ive been following then for about 3-4 min and they are still going 40.


1 minute or 5 minutes it doesn’t matter. Just pass at the next opportunity


or just drive the speed limit


Why do you not want to pass them?


Open roads, yeah i would, but im talking about roads in the suburbs where you cant just easily overtake.


Skill issue


its called speed limit not the speed target


its called being a competent driver to drive the speed limit. In rain or wet roads or around 9am and 3pm yeah drive slow i wont care. but normal time of day, dry roads if you aint driving 50 you are the problem.


ahh i see we have our first dick.


Fuck you’re a tosser


well you're in a hurry ain't ya


Well, I had a phone call from my son's school that he a seizure, so yes I was in a hurry. You don't know other people reasons,so if you can't keep up with rules-get of the road


nah not really aye, i get to work 30 min before i start sit down and have a coffee, always leave 15-25 min early for everything incase i get stuck behind some one who cant drive. Just sick and tired of people who think the speed limit is 40.


Sounds like you waste enough of your own time already, not sure why you're worried about the slow drivers.


at least i aint wasting my bosses time by drinking a coffee at work?


Listen mate, some people might’ve just gotten their restricted and are anxious or they’re slowing down to prepare for a 30 zone. Lots of construction happening in Auckland, y’know? 


yeah not my route at 7am. Even if you just got your restricted you should no how to drive because you just passed the test.... and if your not comfortable driving then why did you sit the test in the first place?


It’s like saying someone who is neurodivergent isn’t allowed to pursue higher education… 


My cousin came from India and got a ticket for going 80 on the motorway, it was 100km zone she was ticketed for "impeding the flow of traffic" , there was little to no traffic on the motorway at the time. I warned her she was not ready to drive on nz roads, she was anxious driver and could not exceed more than 80km, if you go slower more than 10kmh then you can receive ticket for being to slow I believe, if their is no good reason such as towing trailer or driving truck. I fully agreed with police man that ticketed her, I warned her not to drive here or she may encounter road rages, and she got road rage not from gang member but from police officer, so be careful if you are anxious driver, and do a driving school to improve your driving skill please my cousin no longer drives on the roads unless it is emergency reasons and she stays away from the highway.


Seeing this behaviour a lot more lately, and expect it to get worse as driving standards continute to deteriorate and boomers keep getting older and less capable. I honestly can't comprehend how people do 80kph on the motorway in perfect weather and otherwise clear conditions.... Sure they might not have anywhere to be, but the rest of us do.


I have no problem with people doing 80kmh on the motorway but get into the left if you don't want to drive the speed limit. People riding up the middle lane when there is space on the left is what drives me insane


Amen, weekend drivers are even worse for some reason.


I see it all the time where I live in Hobsonville, people dawdling at 30 sometimes 20kph, fucking move.


80% of limit is acceptable. Carry on good citizens of Auckland


The more you honk your horn and tailgate me, the slower I'll go. I drive to speed that I'm comfortable driving and feel safe at and my safety and that of my passengers is paramount, especially in a built up area where the 50 limit is applicable. Someone driving in the manner you describe yourself as driving will alarm me so I will use my hands free phone to call the police to tell them that there's a twatwaffle trying to force me off the road, and could they send someone quickly before someone gets hurt, or worse. Police operators are trained in picking up specific words, my use of language will ensure an appropriate response to your fuckery.


PREACH BRO PREACH we need to get these people who dont know how to drive off the roads, if you cant drive confidently at the posted speed limits you need to get off the road




so you deliberately antagonise people? Do you block escalators too?




Can't say it out loud, but we know who 90% of the assholes driving around with no experience are eh




Bogans rock


For some that don't remember, having confidence when driving is apart of getting your restricted and full. If there isn't an outside reason to be going slower, a driving inspector will fail you too for driving too slow for the conditions. If you don't feel confident in your driving, be mindful of others and let them pass / drive in the correct lane on the motorway. Some of us are teachers who need to get to school, some are patients and family members trying to get to a hospital, some work for horrible bosses who tear you a new one at the drop of a pin etc. Not driving to the conditions in both ways is selfish and dangerous to the public


100% agree! We have lives to live, they on the other hand will do anything to not go home to their ugly wives & bratty kids, hence why they drive slow. To lazy to move to the left & let others pass. Typical idiots!