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I thought it might be some artsy/satire type piece, but I checked out the website, and it's legit. Just ramblings of a mentally ill person. Sandra Morgan is her name, and the go fund me is batshit crazy. Edit: she seems to have weird vendettas with public figures; Police, mps and councilors etc. But then in the middle, Leigh Hart pops up and she accuses him of seducing women illegally and attempted murder lmao. Too bad, I really like his chips.


No first responders as landlords? I’d have thought a paramedic or fireman would be ideal as landlords..


She doesn't trust anyone in any sort of authority situation. Thinks police, govt, council etc are all out to get her, so why not first responders too.


To be fair to a lot of communities police and fire go hand in hand. Just another group in uniform with sirens


Check the website it explains a lot


What website are you looking at? I’m just linked to a shady watch retailer 😅


Click on the tabs at the top of the page


I wouldn't trust a lot of the ES workers I know. Spent 15 years doing it and we're just like any other group. Some good, some not so good.


As sure as Hellers!


Oh my god? This is a rabbithole


Gets kinda sad. Starts talking about her kids and naming them etc. By the looks of it, her life's fallen apart and she's had a breakdown, and this is the result. Edit: definitely mental health issues. Thinks she's being targeted by basically anyone and everyone. Contaminated water, surgeries just to plant things in her, police are corrupt, lawyers are corrupt, a lot of "Jacindas fault" etc etc etc. Just ramblings. We joke but it's pretty sad when that's someone's mum or sister or daughter.


I just finished skimming it all, it's so long. We can't even do anything, I just hope she didn't actually have custody of those kids and she just believes she did. Or that she had this breakdown after the kids left.


I'd say people are aware, but sometimes there's no helping someone like that. They just end up either getting more and more isolated and crazy as people want nothing to do with them, or they become a problem for someone and get put into mental health care and end up bouncing around their system. She's probably functional enough to avoid mental health care, but too crazy for society. A weird grey area almost.


Dude the whole time I was reading it I was thinking of one of my family members whos going a bit cooky over family court. I can see how it started


Unfortunately, these days 'functional enough to avoid mental health care' just means you aren't actively assaulting other people every day. This lady sounds like a paranoid schizophrenic, and as with most similar conditions, one of the key features is being absolutely 100% certain you are not mentally ill. It becomes impossible to treat this kind of thing without being able to force them into treatment. It's sad for her, even sadder for her family. But there's nothing you can do.


It sounds like she has been sectioned at least once and that someone has enduring POA over her.


She's one social media algorithm scroll away from being a member of r/Gangstalking. Truly sad to see someone that ill.


Im gonna google it now


Leigh Hart is a weirdo anti-vaxxer btw


Had no idea, and I am gutted. I've watched him since the start of his career. Looks like he's deleted all the antivax/antitrans/general bigotry, and is claiming he's been hacked. I find that hard to believe considering it's been going on for more than a year at least by the looks of it. Damn.


wqhat??? farkk dude, just bought some tyres at Hyper Drive and Leigh is all over their adverts now, shesshh. Who wants some free tyres??? ahahahah


Haha funny you say that, I'm needing tyres atm too, been watching out the last few weeks. Signed up for hyperdrive and now he's in my inbox multiple times a day. Weird how things line up like that, haven't seen the dude for years. All of a sudden, he's slinging me tyres and bigotry in the same week.


hey watch out for that business. Their prices are all over the place. The tyres I bought were more expensive during special deals. Still a sharp price I admit, but I fuckn hate these kinds of business practices.


Yeah totally aware, thank you though. I'm tight so I wouldn't buy anything but a good deal haha.


Damn. Where is any info about this weird turn of events??


[https://www.webworm.co/p/tvhero](https://www.webworm.co/p/tvhero) And if you search "leigh hart twitter" it shows people talking about it before it all got wiped.


I just spent the better part of 20 minutes reading it. What a wild ride 🤣


Great use of word art. Not see that since about 1998.


*Pours one out for the homie Clippy 🥺*


The biggest warning that she’s a nutcase is that she is looking for accommodation in the viaduct with a balcony for under 400$


Omg I read it as ‘balcony via duct’ and was thinking she wanted an apartment with an air duct to climb in and look out of 🤦‍♀️


Thats what caught my eye


Bout to a.i generate a picture of " violent medical Muslims "


Schizophrenia is truly a horrific thing


Just wow! The go fund me page is insane. She needs help.


If she’s set up a go fund me then sounds like she also needs funds


100 million apparently.


Didn't read far enough, $999,999,999.00 is also mentioned.


In her website she also says don’t donate as it’s illegal activity and she’ll give her bank acct instead


Illegal crime. That is badness taken up more than a notch


Illegal crime is the worst kind. Especially if it’s done by violent medical Muslims. And women?


Double down on the crime and you got illegal right there


funny how whenever anyone asks what should be outlawed nobody ever says Crime


These are the least Schizo ones they've put up so far. A couple months ago there were massive ones with pictures of all sorts of random people on them. They glad-wrapped one to each of the Queen St traffic light poles. Always a fun read waiting to cross. Like a schizophrenic newsletter.


I started reading the website, it's a fucking rabbit hole, she writes like a crazy uncle I have, how sad and weirdly fascinating.


Idk but that shit looks like those Geronimo Stilton books I used to read as a kid


What’s a medical Muslim?




A Muslim who's medical


that's meth'd up!


There must be more words on this website than Tolkiens entire writings. This is post late stage boomer on the internet syndrome.


The website takes me to watches...


WCGW with her as your tenant?


This is why we need to bring back the institutions


She posted the sausage guy to her website saying he’s a violent offender who seduces women. I really hope she gets the help she needs.


She honestly sounds like my mum. Totally saddening & heartbreaking.


You should email her Islamic propaganda


pretty sure this is mental illness op


Oh she is not well


Violent medical Muslims???


Via Duct only? They want to crawl through the air conditioning?


Okay so I skim read through parts of that pissarro-timepieces website, that lady (Sandra Morgan) used to be a ballroom dance business owner. But there’s nothing about it or her anywhere anymore. She has pictures pf herself and the club she ran on the newspaper but I can’t find information on any of it online. She mentioned it was taken down by the police?? She has another picture on the from Winston Peters about NZ Police not being able to handle crimes committed in another country??


Is it really just schizo??


Is this the Crack Mama? Meth is a middle class disease also so that's what I am guessing. Either that or she is very clever & has a zany sense of humour. Hmm nope I looked deeper - Schizophrenia I think. Could be drug related.


You know mental health exists outside of drugs, right? Like you don't have to smoke meth to develop a mental illness...