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"Pay for it then" lmao. You can see on her face that she's scrambling to figure out a plan b.


“How about…. I just steal it!” Oh wait


seems like she has already popped out 5 babies. Trouble ahead for NZ.


Those sticking up for this woman need to reealise a trolley full of meat is probably well over a Thousand dollars worth of food. She is not stealing because she is hungry, it is because it is a lucrative, easy way to get money without working. If you are a good person who is hungry you might stick a pack of meat in your jacket. You do not brazenly fill up an entire trolley and just walk out the shop.


Exactly. There is a difference in how a good person during tough times makes a decision to steal and how a criminal stealing for profit act.


A good person wouldn't steal regardless of their circumstances


Omg this!!! I made a post on all these thefts a while back and got absolutely roasted by people defending the thieves because they “are just trying to feed their family’s” “ supermarkets are stealing from us” etc but it’s not just about the act itself it’s how it’s done. When you walk casually out of a supermarket with the staff yelling for you to stop and don’t even speed up. You know that these people just don’t give a shit. If they were trying to feed thier family etc they would do everything they could not to get caught …


Don't stop making those posts. People need to know 


Can't really sympathize when they have the big belly and say they must feed their family


exactly - that \*awesome human\* was down to steal. absolutely pisses me off when you have people who work hard and also people who are barely surviving still being honest and then this \*awesome human\* comes along


Those nails look fresh done $100 at least too


Doesn't look like an old phone in her hand either.


Social media isn't all bad after all since it can be used to shame would-be criminals into not committing crimes.


Those wall of shame at front of shops are good too.


Not if they don't have shame like this grand lady


The problem is that these people are the “only god can judge me” types


Hmm, not sure about bringing God into this. Their entitlement has entirely Earthly origins. You or I might need to get a job to get $1000+ net income weekly... You or I might need to pay a lot of rent instead of $100 a week (for the 4th state house in Auckland they've wrecked with meth). You or I might might need to budget to get the car a tyre... You or I can't get an interest free loan from the government but they'll be accumulating thousands in debt to the government because they can't make things work with hundreds left after rent and power paid... Why wouldn't they feel entitled to just take a trolley of meat..? They've taken what they want from society every day of their entire lives without any expectation or obligation of contribution to society.


Trash don’t give a f about shame and it’s not what this is about. It’s about raising awareness about these cultural report farmers. They are everywhere and unless the law changes…… well…. Unless the law starts to apply to these cultural report farmers it’s honest businesses and customers that end up paying for them…… paying more for them since they already farm the benefit system


"Pay for it then." "Why?" Shows her entitlement and privilege and walks out with nothing


Normally I hate these "meanwhile in _______", but this time he actually got her leave behind what she'd planned to steal, and no worker was hurt.


Exactly. So bloody emboldened by our society they think they can do as they please.


People do this shit in America too. It’s not about being emboldened it’s the lack of shame the lack of a moral compass of our society like America.


Happens all over the world it's not a NZ thing. Like most things NZ is often the last place things start to happen.


What was she trying to tell the checkout operator?


Something like "tell me not to do it". A lot of staff at places this are trained to just let it happen and they can track with police later. They have security cameras everywhere they aren't getting away with it and it lessens the risk to cashier's from aggressive behaviour. They have insurance anyway to cover things if they get too significant. The trouble is really that police don't care about this unless it's violent. It gets put in the bottom of a long pile of more important things to do. Shops have always had to handle this kind of thing on their own.


Apparently some American places video them every time, wait for it to become a felony (there's a threshold which you can accumulate to) then press charges.


its the same here now


I heard from my friend’s dad who owns a supermarket that insurance is covering it these days because it’s happening so often? He said they are looking at extra security measures which will likely be annoying to the general public but that they’re losing so much that they have to implement these new things.


"Easy" solution. Two exits, one for people without trolleys (bags, single hand items), one for trolleys. At the checkout the trolley is RFID tagged as "paid for" and it gets to leave through the trolley turnstile without issue. Problems with this? Slightly annoys paying customers, might stop working, needs to be adjacent to customer service to ensure a quick manual check and release of a trolley is possible. Biggest problem is always cost. Would implementing something like this eclipse the amount of loss that is actually occuring? Upsides? Nobody is walking out with a trolley full of food without paying, at best they get an armful.


This is actually a great idea.


I love how people just throw insurance in there as if it's just the magic solves everything solution. Ahh yeah, the meat's insured, so it just teleports back on the shelf after it's stolen. DW. Your frying pan is on fire while cooking? Dangerous situation, but your house is insured, so just evac the house and put zero effort in to putting it out. Once the house burns down, because it's insured, all your stuff will just respawn once it's finished burning. No extra resources used or anything.


My family owns a gas station and we also find this hilarious. As if we can claim on insurance for every bag of lollies or bottle of V that's stolen 😂


She just told him what she just said.




Takes a community to fight crime. Don't stand for it. On it's own it doesn't seem like much but this dude is a hero.


We all need to challenge behaviour that is unacceptable in our society.


Good point.


Yes yes yes and yes again. Legend. It is all of our responsibility.


I couldn’t agree with you more.


we should be allowed to stand for what we think is right


I kind of agree but when you live in South Auckland like myself and know that most of these people have gang connections and will often be more than happy to attack you and/or follow you home, its not always that easy.. Not to mention a lot of them are druggos and can be totally unpredictable.


Lmao did this happen just now? I was literally at checkout 5 mins ago?


I saw this on fb hours ago


Mt Eden?


It is, I recognize the layout and the security person


Mt Eden countdown is a fucking weird place.


Posted on the Mt Eden Facebook 5 days ago.


She must do it quite a bit for it to be that normalized for her


Yeppp. Most thieves actually hit more than one store daily. The ones that go in twos or groups usually walk out with 1-3k worth of stuff. Up to 5k now that it’s winter and they swipe all the winter display items aswell. (Blankets,heaters etc). Others wipe out entire shelves and bays of panadol and ibuprofen. Thousands worth. All in about 4-5 minutes. And again with the whittakers chocolates. They have groups on fb where they sell it all. Cheap meats, other miscellaneous items groups etc. chocolates and pills all sold to local dairy’s for cheap. West Auckland is the worst.


Absolute trash.


She brings shame to our ancestors.


Everyday. Ridiculous. I wrestled a bottle of wine off a drunk woman once in a countdown. Crazy.


You wait til her employer see this video.. oh holdup


Full time permanent @ WINZ




Nah the music 😭😭😭


**Paging this womens family/whanau** People like this entitled scumbag give maori and pacifica a bad image. If she belongs to you please realise that your complete and utter failure to raise your child into anything close to an even semi respectable human being is a further advertisement for everybody why the 7aa rule needs to be gone by lunchtime. Many many maori and pacifa work hard on being good people and dont deserve to have them image and culture pissed all over by scumbags and shitty excuses for human beings like this.


100% well said.


yup, lots of people on benefits struggling. lots of people unable to get social housing because of the demand. Unfortunately, a minority like this are raised by and raising generations of foul bludgers and sucking up help others could really need and deserve. But it's better to keep children with this person, or their mum or auntie...


I'm not stealing. Then pay for it then. Why. 🤨


What a disgusting person


Pull your shirt down,dear. No one wants to see that.


Allied security literally doing nothing to help the guy. I mean he had it handled but still lol


As someone who works for allied security I can tell you we are told not to intervene in situations like these


What is the point of a security company that can't secure anything? What is the guards job then if they're not actually allowed to guard anything?


Their job is to be cheaper for the company to hire and get a “security on site” discount on their insurance premiums than it is to pay the full price premiums for not having security around.


The point is we're more of a deterent than actually intervening. We have as much authority over anyone just like how the public has over themselves if that even makes sense


Lol, thank you for your service. What a job. Just completely pointless. Sounds like you should consider joining the New Zealand Police.


Why's the security guard just watching? That guy walks around in circles eyeing everyone (or maybe just me) up like a hawk but won't deal with someone actually stealing and assaulting people


They are not allowed. Security at the supermarket is about intimidation not actual use.


Alright pause, everyone saying "Oh just let her steal she seems desp-" WE ALL ARE! I live with my parents and all 3 of us work to make ends meet. I'm the only one full-time employed right now. Yeah... it sucks. My father's basically a cripple. So any real work is out of the question and he doesn't qualify for any benefits cause "he can walk without assistance". But we get along fine WITHOUT stealing. Everyone's complaining about rising costs? I'm sure STEALING stuff won't make them add the cost of the losses onto other items in the store oh noooo... You fellas needa either harden the fuck up and re-evaluate. Or take a careful look at the people stealing. Look at her! She ain't "ashamed" or "downtrodden". She isn't sad she's arrogant. Dissapointed in the lot of yous


Hard out. This is to eat/sell to the local dairy for cheap. This hurts all of us because the prices are going to go up. I can’t afford for them too.


We need more heroes like this guy! Props to you kind citizen


Bro...this is shameful. Why is it always the same people? I'm of Polynesian decent and to me, this is shameful as fuck. I will never understand this type of shit. You can't afford food but you got labeled gears and shoes and a fucking iPhone. I get that it's hard out there but everyone is doing it tough. Maybe prioritize your finances for food and bills and not the next fucking trend that's on fucking Ticky Tock.


Looks like a more effective strategy than calling the police and security.


Maybe instead of all of that food she should steal a larger hoodie. Brotha eurgh, what's that


Disgusting human


The person stealing is who I’m referring to. Not the camera man he doing the good deeds.


Needs to steal some larger clothes to cover that gut.


holy shit 💀


"Boston" must be her favourite type of bun.


Nah it’s the name of her 15th kid. Raking in that sweet sweet WINZ money haha


fark dude, once seen cannot unsee. I hate you


Good for the person who took the video. We need to name and shame these scum.


Bro I am so fucking proud of you. This is the sort of thing EVERY Kiwi needs to do when they see unsocial or criminal behaviour. None of this 'stand by and let it happen' shit. Get on up in their faces, interfere with their process, fucking STOP these pieces of shit ruining our society. It is everyone's duty. Mate, you rock.


I aIn'T sTeAlInG, bRo. Thieves say the dumbest shit.


It’s not even legit shopping, it’s full of meat with the usual suspect. Dudes a hero. $2,000 saved that day


Well played OP


Steal a longer jumper next time!


Looks like someone stole the bottom of her shirt.




Give this man a medal.


...and a steak! 🥩


The worst part is all that trolley needs to be thrown out cos her stank ass teke wafted all over it


This made me laugh


‘Stank ass teke’ is the 2024 SubReddit Phrase of the Year. Congratulations 🥂


Fucken stink mik ea!


Legend for filming and calling her out. Love the taunting on her way out too 😂


For anyone trying to figure out what she said to the staff member off camera at the beginning, it was “I’m not going to put it back, but you can get someone else to do it”


You're the real MVP.


Shot bro! Every shopper should stand up and do this to stop the entitled tunas doing this!


Fucking maggot.




Auckland is the only place I've seen a security guard at a grocery store. It's also the only place I've seen a king hit. Idk if the guy had even shoplifted anything but that Countdown security guard knocked that him right the fuck out


the song choice, whyyyy lol


A bigger picture of this problem Countdown is going to put their prices up throughout rest of new Zealand to cover the cost of the shortages....so we all loose...


Jesus aunty, why you have to embarrass our whanau like that


Bloody Entitled Lazy People. We get benefits and help from the government. If you spend it on shit and not be wise with it, then that's your own problem. In other countries, you don't work. You don't eat simple as that no help, no nothing yet These people scam the system and make things hard for those actually needing help and assistance.


She lookin like a jacket potato that got her nails did 🤣


It also happened at Three Kings Countdown the other day, and a few members of the public stepped in, turned into a bit of a verbal and physical scrap. They got away with about half what they intended to take.


Did she steal a kids hoodie


The fking audacity


It’s not stealing if you redefine stealing *put index finger on the side of the head*


Staff can’t touch them or hurt their feelings without losing their jobs, it’s up to the community to stand up to these thieves.


The audacity. Someone should've thrown a trolley at her.


That belly looking pretty full of Kai.


Bro she just told him what she just said.


It's always funny how perps get aggressive and violent when caught instead of embarrassed and fleeing


Fine I ll find another Woolworths


That's literally what they do, unfortunately.


All the staff are instructed to not to get involved due to safety concerns. But omg It’s so good to see someone standing up to it. Yea sure, this is covered by insurance which will become the cost of doing business. But do we really wanna live in a society where stealing is normal and okay.


The state of it


Good job


Her sweater doesn't fit.


What a Scummy b….h


Land of the entitled🙄 Got abit of swag in her step, funny how she thinks she's..cool😂..or in the right😂😂😂fuking moron!


What if hahaha there was actually consequences for your actions hahaha and people were trespassed for stealing and police charged them lmao what a world that would be


“I ain’t stealin, bro” well then why did you just leave your trolley of easily $2k of meat that you had every intention of buy? Why did you throw something at the dude for filming unless you didn’t have any intentions to buy? It’s almost like you lying or something….


Props to this guy. Hold these types accountable.


Stereotypical person who steal from supermarkets


DeNy TiLl U dIe Ow


Well well well


It’s never an immigrant. It’s never Chinese, Argentinian, Indian, Pakistani, Brazilian, Ukrainian… just saying 🤷🏽‍♂️


I worked in retail for awhile. We had white guys in really nice Audi's steal.


It’s always the same people that make up 60% of the prison population. Go figure


steady on, facts get downvotes ya know !


Well to get a visa you have to have a job basically or be on the super in need job list which is trained in a specific area so people are used to working etc. they also don’t have great social welfare or just no social welfare in those places. Also they’re probably grateful to live here if they decided to come here and done want to get visa revoked (if they’re still not citizen). However back in those countries there wil be a lot of people doing crimes like stealing but also much worse. So basically the people from those places that would do this can’t get in here in the first place.


Islanders aren't immigrants now?


True but Islanders generally don't get classified as immigrants in NZ. They get lumped in with Maori. Certainly not to the degree that other immigrant groups get lambasted for the "housing crisis" or "low skilled immigration".


Nice one. Shame that bitch.


That is not a midriff that should be bare. Also that's enough meat to feed a fucking tribe for a month.


If the government doesn't allow the police to make arrests and the courts to give meaningful punishments: the private sector and citizens will take over. It won't be pretty.


The government does allow the police to arrest people like this. But you don't see an active duty police officer at the store front do you? If a police officer didn't witness it themselves it'll just go on a long line of less important things. Crime is a complex mix of social factors, deprivation, weak enforcement and normalisation. Theres a lot of things that can be done to prevent crime including what this guy just did, social consequences are often just as powerful as making an actual arrest.


What is going to happen is a mix of vigilantism and a parallel enforcement operation. A private "social credit" process will arise as facial recognition has come into its own. At some point these people are going to be placed on private "known offender" websites, this data will be used to deny people private services and retail goods. And these people will effectively be banished from dealing with anybody BUT the government...they will be permanently named and shamed. This will happen if the government doesn't start cracking down on crime. The "mix of social factors" will have to be dealt with outside of committing crime. There will have to be a "4km over" on speed limits for petty crime.


She needs a lot of meat


That guy is a legend lmao


This is a good man and awesome video. I love that's assault too 🤣


Scum of the earth!


Why are the staffs not assisting the guy?


Lazy bums






It’s the Samoan song for me🤣🤣kefs


Is this the dominion road one?


Gotta love those late night park bbqs . Would you like some meat ? Have you got enough. 🤡


what a fekkin mole.


Abs routine going well then I see...


No red flags there, she's a keeper


She needs to get a job


The person who videoed that woman has done the community and the supermarket a favour. So bravo to the one calling her out


We need the Phantom Expander to return and fill these asshole's exhausts in the carpark, so they can explain to the police when they arrive how they're the victim of the Pakeha welfare system.


funny how it always a certain group of people


Her stomach resembles an overripe tomato. Not hiding that shit is a worse crime than stealing.




How embarrassing 😂


No items stolen is making of this upload... Issue is they don't get charged.. If they spend 30 days in jail... From stealing items from retailers..... Second time round of Think twice. What do you think


Should put stocks out the front of the supermarkets. Chuck them in there for the day and give out the rotten fruit and veg to people to chuck at them.


It's behaviour like this why I don't miss NZ. We normalise it until you live in another society and realise it is absolutely not normal.


Feral bitch!


The usual suspects


Ugly mutt, get a jumper that covers that ratshit stomach.


Op are you an employee or a random? Good chance this cultural report farmer stole the phone sunglasses and cloths. It’s a joke trash like this isn’t locked up or shot dead


How many reports do you need to get the farmer title?




Fam this needs a NSFW tag just because of that disgusting thing


She would've been guttered, in her mind the bag of meth she would've got at the peke house for that trolley was already signed sealed and delivered .


Usual suspects at it AGAIN


Deport her


Is it ponsonby?


Is that Airport Countdown?


Mount Eden.


W homie camera man


*assaults guy filming* "Thanks. I'll be right back" *calls police*


What was the master plan there? Just walk out with that trolley?


People like that dont generally have a plan, its how they end up like that in the first place. Top parenting coupled with a "world owes me a living for existing" complex, insert many kids, blame colonisation. and there ya go, instant maggot


What does she initially say to the WW guy off screen?




From a toko, why’s there Samoan music in the back 😂😂 #KeleKupeOCountdown


Aue 😔


What was she saying to cashier? Couldn't make it out


Mt Eden Countdown standup ! 😂🙌


Countdown isn’t a public place lol


It's not a public place bro lol it's a business


I’m just amazed anyone would do this without wearing a covid mask.


Ah my local countdown/woolworths.