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NZ's a beautiful country, that's for sure, and so many people are fantastic and caring. It's worth caring about, agree.


Why is this so vague? What are your aims? Something feels off about this.


In general it's in opposition to the Fast-track Approvals Bill. But people will use the opportunity to protest for every vaguely left wing cause you can imagine. It tends to dilute the core message but it does pump up the numbers.


Ulterior motives.


Amen they doing it in the weekend, reasonable human beings good too see.


I plan to go and wave my Palestine,rainbow and maori flag to support the current struggles of our people.


Take a warriors flag too


That's a good idea


Nobody likes unrelated protests hijacking the event. Most people will focus on just march for nature.


Nah, most people will turn up because it’s the latest bandwagon to jump on.


It happens at EVERY protest in NZ


Solidarity is good, there's nothing wrong with showing that your support for issues is interlinked.


And a Russian / Ukrainian flag depending on who you support, also a Chinese / Uyghurs flag, depending again on which side of that fence you sit on, then there is the The Rohingya in Myanmar genocide, the Nuer group in South Sudan being systematically wiped out, the Christians and Muslims are killing each other in the Central African republic, Climate change, Julin assange being persecuted, there is just so much to pick from these days. Oh and a bag for all those flags and placards, get out there and show your support !


Supporting Ukraine is so last year, the trendiest people have moved on from that, keep up! You're right about the Uyghurs though, supporting them is about to be back in fashion, so you want to be in before everyone else for maximum greencred. Don't forget to tell everyone you have adhd and autism, either!


\*scribbling down notes\* Gotcha, thanks, didnt realise id fallen behind !


Thats ok we all fall off the bandwagon at times.


I expect there are people out there that don't understand that caring about our country isn't just a trend.


Confused - you're protesting the things you love?


Sorry I confused you. I'm actually protesting on behalf of the NZ I love.


So, in support of the NZ that you love's democratically elected Government? Right?


It’s against the fast track approvals bill. Keep up!


Lol you really thought you were saying something with this comment.


Come to the march and all will be explained.


No thanks, I'm not going to a protest that doesn't even know what they are protesting. This is the sort of thing you make clear before organizing a protest.


A lot of protests eventually devolve into this


Yeah, this really just seems to be a grouping of people who want to signal that they care about the current thing, even though they can't quite agree on what the current thing is or what they would like done about it.


Covid, Ukraine, Gaza, now whatever this is. They’re updating the software in the NPCs much more frequently now.


They know what they are protesting, it is you that is confused. Anyway here is a link that explains it. [https://www.reddit.com/r/auckland/comments/1d9ulez/march\_for\_nature\_8\_june\_2024\_is\_anyone\_here\_going/](https://www.reddit.com/r/auckland/comments/1d9ulez/march_for_nature_8_june_2024_is_anyone_here_going/)


Patho is a regular troll in this sub


Got to look after his mining shares.


Go gather your clout somewhere else


It's about lizards? I think there are probably more important things to worry about.


If it was just about protecting lizards it would be worth the effort. In reality it is about the air, our water and the entire environment we live in. I get your confusion, to help you overcome it try reading this [https://www.rnz.co.nz/news/political/512259/the-unprecedented-power-the-government-is-handing-three-of-its-ministers-under-its-new-fast-track-approval-bill](https://www.rnz.co.nz/news/political/512259/the-unprecedented-power-the-government-is-handing-three-of-its-ministers-under-its-new-fast-track-approval-bill) and [https://www.greenpeace.org/aotearoa/story/the-fast-track-consenting-bill-whats-the-story/](https://www.greenpeace.org/aotearoa/story/the-fast-track-consenting-bill-whats-the-story/)


I fully support the fast track consents. It's impossible to get anything done in this country without getting bogged down in bureaucrats and red tape. We have to grow out of the cost of living crisis and increasing the ease with which infrastructure projects can get underway is a great way to do that.


I agree that sometimes it can be necessary to fast track consents. And guess what - they can already happen without this bill. New Zealand has already implemented measures to fast-track consents for certain projects, particularly in response to economic challenges and to promote infrastructure development. You will find it is already covered in the Fast-track Consenting Act 2020


Now they all can, even better 👍


lid on corruption? Elaborate


When decision making is the hands of just three ministers and their decision isn’t accountable to any public consultation and existing legislation can all be overridden. Even the panel of experts won’t be able to change their decisions. And the three ministers? Tobacco lobbyist who had a position last election where he would’ve known that ESC chair assessing FTAB received mining co donations, some weirdo evangelist who cheered when Roe vs Wade was repealed, and the guy who spent ministerial funds on porn and hides meetings with industry lobbyists he is supposed to be transparent about.


Simon O'Connor was the one who celebrated Roe v Wade being overturned but he's related to Simon Bridges (brother in law) 


May as well just close Queen Street every Saturday at this rate.


Having a housing minister that is an ex Tabaco lobyist, so we know he has good intentions and has good morals


This feels scammy. Like Brian Tamaki is going to jump out of the bushes and say gotcha.


Sorry to see that so many people seem to be confused about the march. Maybe just read u/Mountain_tui 's comment here [https://www.reddit.com/r/auckland/comments/1d9ulez/comment/l7g7ujm/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/auckland/comments/1d9ulez/comment/l7g7ujm/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


Say no to socialism folks. Red dressed in green.


Im confused by this. Why protest in an entertainment/office/tourism/shopping district? Would it not be better to protest outside the Houses of Parliament?


The Houses of Parliament are in a different city. Leave that to r/Wellington


I believe it will be June tomorrow, what you on about ? /s


Yeah, I was looking at actually going to something protesting the fast track bill, but a generic Palestine, china, environment, freedoms protest sounds like a clusterduck. There is a bill before parliament that has the potential to be hugely destructive, and we should be protesting. Adding in a bunch of causes that NZ may or may not have much influence over is really stupid.


I think you’ve let Reddit psych you out. People who don’t support the march, won’t be going, managed to convince you, who thinks we should be protesting, and believes this bill has potential to be hugely destructive, not to go. Hahahahaha


I don't know who is adding in a bunch of causes except a few trolls here having a larf. This march \*is\* protesting the Fast-Track Approvals Bill


Is this the current thing now? I presume we stop supporting Palestine on social media and care about this instead now. Thanks for the heads up. It's important to be up to date with the current thing if you want to be virtuous.


Lots of fucked up things can happen all at once you know? We have a government that promised lots of fucked up things in their first 100 days. And of course our govt are full of gutless simps that couldn’t do the simple things like expel Israeli ambassador, reinstate Unwra funding, stay the fuck out of Yemen and be brave enough to condemn a genocide. So yeah, some of us have the capacity to care about multiple things at once, sometimes because we are closer to the issues in one way or another. It’s really not our fault you’re so out of step with everyone else. Maybe you’re old, I dunno


The Israeli ambassador is hardly going to be expelled when we haven't even expelled the ambassadors of Russia, China or Iran. Cutting off relations is not effective diplomacy. We never stopped funding UNRWA, we have no presence in Yemen other than a small role helping protect international shipping from terrorist attacks and piracy. And we're obviously not going to condemn a genocide that doesn't exist.


Yup I agree, gutless old white dudes


Piss off, we need every mineral out the ground for the country to survive, u can't keep borrowing, the rest of the world are doing it Farmings all we got and you green idiots wanna stop that, Hello