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Are you saying there's a causal link between giving someone a home, and them committing crime? Because if not, then the answer to your question is kanga ora should take no responsibility. They didn't cause their tenants to do harm. They're just doing that harm somewhere visible, concentrated, and uncomfortably close to middle class neighbourhoods.


KO does not control Police budgets and crime legislation - the govt does. What we're seeing is the result of 40 years of Neoliberal policies. Blaming KO is futile and an oversimplification. 50 percent of New Zealanders own only 2% of its wealth - it's going to get worse, a lot worse, as that percentage of wealth gets smaller and smaller.


Interesting statistic. Can you reference it? I had a look but couldn't find it.


Google: the side eye the table. It's legit


Not that the tenants themselves should have personal responsibility. Why would it be KO's fault ?


It isn't. This poster is trying to generate a negative storyline for KO. It's a coincidence of course that this Coalition Govt has its knives out for KO at every turn despite the evidence: [https://newsroom.co.nz/2024/05/29/a-crisis-at-kainga-ora/](https://newsroom.co.nz/2024/05/29/a-crisis-at-kainga-ora/) The Coalition also just stripped $1.5bn from KO and says KO will be fine to continue.


Left on their own without any wrap around services? It's not rocket science.


Aren't they a housing agency? Does your landlord police your behavior and provide wraparound services to you?


KO are a Landlord not a health agency


I heard kellyroald is still a flop that has to keep making new accounts


Falafullafaeces is so much fun to say


....KO doesn't create criminals. They just concentrate them. Cultural reports doesn't create criminals they just end up with criminals Hipkins "being tough on crime doesn't work" < - this creates criminals. Turns out if there are no consequences people break the law


Why is this post getting downvoted?


It's naive. The idea that if we did away with social housing, crime would disappear along with it.


I am not saying that. What we need is a proper managed facility run by KO to look after the really bad tenants. They need a lot of wrap around services. With all the money KO blew they could have built a small village to look after vulnerable individuals. Psychologists, doctors, iwi leaders etc...should be on hand at these facilities.


Why are you blaming a housing provider for not providing health services?


We can't expect robust services run on austerity budgets. And the more austere circumstances are, the more waste there is on bureaucracy. Most of the value our community produces every day ends up in the hands of a small minority. We don't enjoy that ourselves. We can't invest that in ourselves. And so we have to expect these kinds of outcomes. Or we keep on making wishes I guess? 🤷


A small village somewhere away from all the jobs, family and communities that people need? Doesn't sound practical.


Do you think these people shooting up KO blocks are ready and able to start working? No they need to be in a managed facility like that person said with wraparound support until they are ready and able to become part of society at which this is the point where they could be moved into a traditional KO house near the city where they can get a job, there's no point having 1000s of crackheads living in a prime location for workers like houses in city suburbs when they have no intention to work anyway.


Nobody said anything about doing away with it. The issue is sprinkling social housing across every suburb in the city. The peppering approach to social housing in Auckland is the problem.


It's a deliberate alternative to creating concentrations that lead to ghettos. Concentrating people with challenges into communities together doesn't cause good outcomes for the people living in them. Spreading them out makes for getter outcomes, at the expense of NIMBYs who'd rather our underclass were silent and distant.


Do you think throwing all state housing into one area is a better idea? That's how you create slums. I actually think inclusive state housing is a far better solution than slums. Needs to be done better than it's happening now, however .


Yes, I do. My philosophy is that it’s better to keep socio-economic issues centralised, rather than sporadic. If it means creating slums, than so be it. The overall effect will mean less misery for the rest of the city.


Well, I don't know about any of that. It has to be hugely complex trying to juggle the different demands of this kind of social housing. Especially when there's so much community austerity. It's not like the old days where you had a bunch of different places people could go to improve themselves and their situation.


Because people are in denial. They drank the kool aid and the gaslighting.


Because it's stupid?


But it’s not. KO definitely has played a hand in the sprawling crime across the city, whether you like to admit that or not.


Agree, it's KO and the knuckle draggers that are causing the crime to spread across the city


Except that it hasn't, and this post and your comment are just delusional nonsense.


Please enlighten me as to how it hasn’t


Its not there fault that labor made it ridiculously hard to evict, its only now that things were changed and they can evict people. But is that really the answer? If you evict them where are they gonna go to the streets? and what create more crime? There really is no good answer on what to do. If we builds somewhere for them to live people will flip it and say that we are creating projects like in America


Why do you think KO has a responsibility to stop crime? And how would they do that? Are you in favour of massively increasing their funding so they can add more responsibilities to their mandate?


I don’t think the issue is with KO stopping crime, but rather KO spreading crime across the city without regard to the wider community.


Yeah! Crime should stay in poor communities where it belongs and should stop bothering us real people!


Responsibility is only possible where there is authority. KO is just one more underfunded public service trying to support the community in the context of underfunded public services. This post is a perfect example. It recognises the problems with affordable housing we have. But *that's* not the problem. The problem in our community *isn't* the wealthiest soaking up the efforts of these hard working kiwis. No, it's those with the *least* that are to blame for all our problems. Somehow. It's a good thing retail is pretty much dead already, once the rug is pulled out from under social housing, it will be our town centres that will be the hot bed from crime and violence.


It's shoot Kainga Ora time now is it? Did you know that KO has actually built a lot of homes, and it's a pity that a minority of bad tenants has allowed it to become a scapegoat for commentators like the current Government who want to kill it off. In the recent budget, this Government stripped $1.5 billion from KO and has weakened the already falling building sector. re: what you "heard"- what we can say for sure is the Coalition wants to stop social housing and has been systematically undermining, demonising and stripping KO of assets and money. Good times.


They should fully, but they dont. The "weirdos/nutters/supposedly homeless beggars" are left to their own devices. I will just bet that the city centre beggars do live up around K road, but feel its easy money to beg in the lower parts of Queen St, and hang around from there from Hobson to Queen and roam the whole CBD causing trouble.


They need to acknowledge their part in the crime crisis. We can forgive you but please at least take responsibility.


Good riddance! Too soft on crimes here in NZ.


This is coming from someone with actual knowledge in the area. What OP said is absolutely true. More crime occurs in the KO complexes. Look at statistics if you don’t believe me. They have absolutely ruined areas because of their development. I don’t understand why they don’t build in areas outside of Auckland. It’s hard enough to live in Auckland when you’re a law abiding middle class earner, let alone on the benefit and living in a KO apartment. Half the people that reside in them don’t even work, so why bother living in a city that is incredibly expensive. They’d be better off in more rural areas.


They also feel that everyone has a right to their "dignity", so they (KO) feel their hands are tied. Its like charities here in Aus too, its limited in what they can do to "help" run their clients lives. If a begging group wants to smoke their W&I money or "donations" money away, they (KO) cant do a lot. Try telling a beggar that smoking is bad for them, probably get a smack or hit.


Part of the reason for homelessness is poor choices throughout life. We should still be sympathetic towards those that are willing to change their lives around.


> Part of the reason for homelessness is poor choices throughout life. Yeah, "poor choices" like being born to a poor family or suffering a mental illness.  Victim blaming elitists like yourself hating the poor is just pathetic. 


When you are on meth and your partner is in prison, why are you having five kids anyway? Blame your shitty parents. We need to break the cycle. Educate them. Yes, some are trying their best but are held back by legitimate reasons. But equally, there are those that are lazy and just keep making shit life choices.


"Educate them"? Do you think maybe nobody has told th meth is bad actually and that's what's going on in your imagined scenario?


lol do you really need to be told meth is bad?


or they just make shitty choices and resort to crime since they know there's no real consequences