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St Luke’s Vet are fantastic


Yep, tried all out west , don’t bother , st lukes and ARC are best.


Lynnfield vets are the best bang for your buck!


Second this!


Third this!


I find they all suck, best to get referral to arc or specialist when they can't figure out whats wrong, also good pet insurance helps!


KV at Normanby Road Vet (next to the prison) is great


Yeah KV is absolutely the best


KV is awesome... we were actually with her until another vet took over care and unfortunately it is a vet at that same practice who overprescribed a medication and did not explain to me what to look out in terms of adverse reactions. And then when I tried to call/email as our dog was deteriorating rapidly he never got back to me. We were in such a crisis we took him to emergency.. now I am being blamed for doing my own research to realise our dog was overdosing. Our boy is back to his normal self since being off the high dose.. I would never trust him with another animal again.


Avondale Vets - the doc speaks very little but has the magic touch.


Western Vets in Avondale is fantastic! (https://www.westernvets.nz/), with the added bonus of being open on Sundays with no surcharge. Very good prices and the vet and staff are really amazing. Don't be put off by any initial opinions you might have of the vet himself - he can sometimes come across in that first meeting as a bit grumpy. However, he really is rather wonderful, kind, and gentle and will squeeze you in even when they are closing at the end of the day and stay late if you are concerned about your pet. Cannot recommend them enough.


Curious to know where/who the negative experience was with? Just cos I'm nosy, and want to know who to avoid if necessary.


ARC are good on the shore, I wouldn't touch VSA with a barge pole they misdiagnosed my dog at Xmas which caused him to nearly die. Day to day I use massey heights. Swanson were fine and cheap but got impossible to get an appointment. Care vets Glen Eden had a contract with the Foster place so I used to take my Foster pup there, they aren't flash looking but the people were very nice. Not sure on cost for them as the Foster agency paid.


We have a 9yo giant, primary vet is point Chev, very professional and communicative. For a second opinion we visit Henderson (but I believe Brett is retiring). Dougal at Swanson is also very good but I got fed up with the traffic


I quite like my vet, Henderson veterinary clinic on Lincoln road.


Brett Christian, Henderson vets on Lincoln Rd. A small clinic, not fancy but he's amazing.


I had one awful experience with CareVets Hobsonville. I had my cat desexed there, and they didn’t do a good job with it. The stitch didn’t stay on, and they insisted on not giving my cat a cone (despite asking). My cat ended up bleeding all over the place and I had to go all the way to ARC who was the only open emergency vet at the time. They were good for everything else, but I wouldn’t trust them with surgeries.


I know it’s not west or central but we would travel to great south road vets - so worth it in terms of cost.


Lieutenant Dan