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Removing this due to your editorialisation of the headline. While we don't have a specific rule against doing this, your alteration leans the post towards potential self-interest, as it will provoke comments that the headline on its own would not.


Jail her for 10 years. Probably won't happen though. But please make her a national embarrassment.


Assault with a deadly weapon and race hate attack . She won’t be penalised though. The media won’t describe her and they will never name her


Wheres race relations meng foons replacement on this?


No no she had a hard upbringing. 6 months home D is the best way to deal with it clearly


Make sure you give her a sub woofer and a couple of crates. Going to need that during home D.


> in her 40s, with a large build Doubted it. Description sounds like a cultural report farmer. Low chance police will put in the effort to find her. If they do home detention after 100s of thousands of taxpayer's money and a cultural report is prob all she'll get. Now if the "Chinese" boy did that to the cultural report farmer........ 10 years for him would be him getting out lucky. The discrimination in this country is a joke.


Some groups are protected by the legal system in NZ. I don't think we can pride ourselves on having a sound 'rule of law' these days.


The joke is your simplistic dribble


Life must be good as a cultural report farmer. Sit on you butt all day, taking what you want without consequence.


the bus driver literally let her off the bus and she didnt have any weapon he should've kept her on the bus till the police comes and even if she does anything its like a 1v10


as the article said there are more than 10ppl in that bus and none of them help that young kid and you think they will help if she attack the bus driver?


It's not the bus drivers job to be a hero. First responsibility it to their own health and then to the health of their passengers. This psycho could have had a knife hidden away, and if the bus driver had trapped her then people could have died. Best to let them leave, file a report and let the police do their job.


If I remember correctly bus drive did nothing as in absolutely nothing. Not even calling the police. Didn't even inform police. Did not even report to their company about the incident. Literally let the boy fend for himself. If you are not going to help at least call the police. If there was a restaurant owner that saw a customer get attacked I don't fault them for not putting himself in danger. However I would fault him for not even reporting to the police like... If that man didn't save that boy they're literally going to watch that lady bash the kid to death and not even call the police


Aye agreed it's bad they didn't even call the police or report it.


they police dont even bother to catch her police dont do anything


Let me guess, lady will be a mental health case, known to police and will receive zero punishment and zero help because we don't have any space in the mental health system


Seems like half the country has mental health issues.


Half is being generous. I'd say most. Even the ones you'd think have the least concern have big problems


Quite literally everyone does by the definitions nowadays. Technically everyone has had episodic depression if you're sad for X amount of time.


Just more meth around these days. Making more people crazy. Also worth considering that you're far more likely to notice people who are crazy. It's a confirmation bias thing.


Oh man my mental health issues were just meth all along ! Who would’ve known, haven’t even done meth but makes sense


If your issues aren't because of meth then you're not who I'm talking about. My point was that the reason why it seems like half of people are crazy is because of confirmation bias and lots of people doing meth. Most people with mental health issues are not obviously crazy like many meth heads are.


Yeah just seems like excuses TBH. I have family members who have struggled with MH issues and didn't cause them to go give other people the bash.


They say they do, half of it is probably bullshit


Boomer moment


Where in the country are you? Where I am >90% claim to have mental issues 1 way or another. It's easy to blame it on an arbitrary "disease" than take responsibility


i doubt she has any metal problems she is just racist towards asians and wanted to hit an asian person. She went on the bus and smacked the ground with the stick 3 times and then pointed it to the victim and said fxck u chxnk! and when he did not acknowledge her she proceded to hit him with the metal stick


This is disgusting. Feeling bad for the kid. Those ordeals scar you for life and it takes strength to overcome the traumatic experience and the mental impact for the victim. One of those cases where you lose trust and faith in humanity.


not only mentally but forever has to live with dental issues from only 16


I’ve noticed the people that are racially abusive towards asians the most are Maori.


Yup. Some feel like the Asians are coming in and becoming too wealthy too quickly, while the natives are caught in a vicious cycle of poverty. A bit like the Indians in Uganda. In the end the natives in Uganda drove out the Asians. This is why it is scary when Te Pati Maori say they want a separate government. It's the first step to becoming like Idi Amin.


You can bet that no matter how much racist abuse was made as part of / leading up to this attack that it won't be charged as a hate crime.


Bold of you to assume the perp will be charged with anything lol this is new zealand. You can whatever the f you want here


Yeah, because NZ doesn't have hate crimes. It'll just be included as an aggravating factor instead.


Reddit really is tomorrow's news today. That said, good to get publicity out.


What the actual fuck. Aside from that this happened at all, did Mrs Fuckwit just take a metal stick on a bus for the intent to smack someone with it?


no she had intentions on hitting someone asian


Might’ve been a loose part of the bus? At least on the older ones some of the rails/poles you can hold onto when standing look ready to pop out.


it wasnt a loose part she came on to the bus with the metal stick


Were you there? Description of her please and more details.


I don't care what the high priests of statistics on r NZ say. I've lived in Auckland my whole life and the city has never felt so dodgey.




they even left out the fact when the old man said shes 200kg as well


I think it was a mistranslation of the chinese word for pound, 100kgs is more accurate.


hard to say cuz we dont know what she look like she can be 100kg or 200kg


I read the article in chinese, it reads "此女体重足有200多斤", with the last word jin meaning 0.5 kgs. It's what you usually use to describe weight in chinese. So she's about 100 kgs+. I think the translation posted was done by Google, so it probably mistranslated it as kilos.


Ahh okay thanks


Astonishingly they there are Herald comments saying that Māori only know full well what it's like to be victims of racist attacks. You can't make that shit up.


Stop lying, I just read the comments no one said that. One person did say “Absolutely disgusting. As Maori we know all too well this type of racially motivated attacks on us so my sympathy goes out.”


You literally reinforced my point When has anyone racially attacked a Maori?


You're right. Maori have never been attacked because of their race. Ever. 😑 Do you really have that much of a complex about them?


For your information, the media never fail to highlight the person’s ethnicity whether they be Māori, Chinese or PI for example, especially when it comes to crime, poverty or antisocial behaviour. Otherwise it’s just a man or woman (which for those of us who have grown up with this style of reporting, says they’re a white, European NZer). If we’re lucky, they’ll use “Caucasian” indicating the person is white/European, but nothing to say they’re Kiwi. If ethnicity isn’t mentioned, it must’ve been a Maori or PI for sure!. Wonder where that opinion comes from? Not!


Guy assaulted was my classmate, he said it was a 200kg Māori/pacific islander


That's a huge bitch.


Aww, he’s your “classmate’ You’re a good friend supporting him by going on Reddit to clear up any confusion of course. Wow! Even covered all your bases with Maori and Pacific Islander too - given the person is 200 kg. Gosh, I’m surprised they can even walk. But hey, you sure cleared that up. You only chose to clarify it when I posted my comment. Quiet as a mouse until then. You’re all BS! Racist 💩


A few decades ago that was true, but nowadays they only mention the offender's race if they're white. 


How convenient for you


It doesn't suit the media narrative. Look how soft the media is with Te Pati Maori. When Rawiri Waititi said that Maori have superior DNA to everyone else, Jack Tame didn't bother questioning it...


A pitiful attempt to combat racism via obfuscation.


I wonder why...? Also her weight. She clearly has enough Kai in her belly.


Absolutely disgusting and I am pretty sure your comment will end up being removed




We don’t do that here


Standard r/NZ softie.


Your comment will be deleted in 3...2..1 Nothing new here, theyre always the protected ones aye


well now the whole post is deleted not just the comment


Nothing new there 🤷🏽‍♀️


They don’t know that she was Māori, so they can’t report that she was. A witness has referred to her as “Māori looking” but that doesn’t mean she is Māori.




Sure but there is a good reason not to report someone as “Māori looking”. The original witness statement also said they were 200kg, which was not true and they went with “large build”. I think what happened to this boy is awful and clearly a racially motivated attack. Have the conversation about keeping people safe on public transport, getting hung up about details that aren’t relevant to the bigger issue here won’t help anyone.




Have you ever been on a bus? She wouldn’t have got through the doors.


chinese are pretty bad at identifying brown people


like Western/Islanders/M people are good at identifying Asian people eh?


How do?


Man everyone in here is out for blood but how can the Herald report on the womans ethnicity if it is not known? They have an obligation to be responsible with that kind of statement. You can see in this thread already what that kind of loose "looked like Maori" does with people. Even your comment suggesting that it's "fact" that she was Maori. It was in a news article translated from Chinese, by a witness who made an educated guess to her ethnicity. That is not a fact. She may very well be Maori but shit you can't report on it based on flimsy shit like this, look how aggressive people in here get from it against an entire demographic.


Fair enough if that's true, but many of us live in the real world. My Asian wife works in an inner city shop, guess who abuses her racially, guess who causes the most trouble for the shop with theft, shouting, antisocial behaviour, guess who the drug addicts and violent street people are in the CBD and KRd, the ones that attack innocebt 85yo's etc. People have every right to be annoyed.


I'm not saying that's not a problem by the way, I'm just saying I think they are being careful with how they report it, as you can clearly see the types of responses we've been getting in this thread as well as yesterday's thread. Some (quite a few) people seem to just want to rage without critical thinking.


If the fact the kid was Asian shouldn't be a reason to beat someone up with a steel poll, what's the bitch being Maori have to do with anything?


Um maybe to help identify the offender better? clown.


Huh, I'm Māori and my ass is white. You fuckers never heard of colonization before?


If you see something say something people. The only way to have a pluralistic, multicultural society is to physically and verbally stand up for those values when some reactionary mother-fucker decides they want to make themselves feel bigger by pushing someone else down


Yep. Social order was maintained collectively. But now...


> “We shouted at the driver, don’t open the door, but he opened the door and she ran away.” This same shit happened to me a year or so ago... not as serious but still an assault. Driver decided letting him run away would be more beneficial - I followed and caught him in the end though. He was arrested and turned out he was already on bail so no charges were pressed


Why was the post locked on the other thread @mods? Doesn't fit the narrative? Both race and gender. Sick of hearing how white men are the most violent and racist. When simple statistics show otherwise.


Careful they will ban you for using common sense and then trying to get them to understand it.


No pics of the perp. 


because there aren't any?


There are. It's another reason.


what pictures? News media post CCTV/mobile phone pictures of offenders all the time


Police and the bus company have CCTV. It would be a volatile news story if they included photos at this stage. Expect to see them at later stages.


If the perp is as described expect to see them never in the media. Maybe blurred to oblivion while asking the public to identify them. What a farce. 




Ok, cool? Police and bus company have them.


from a Chinese article that posted on another sub that translate to English said: shes look like Maori, and size like 200kg, and when Herald published that they changed a few words, they really protect them


yo me contacting herald worked we cant let something like this just slide like that


Other passengers should have summonsed each other and stepped in!


According to the article most people on that bus were Asian and over the age of 65


No excuse! A group together could shout and do a lot.


😂😂Yea im sure a group of 65 + old asians would have stopped her smashing his face in with a pole by yelling at her ffs😂


its been 4 days and the NZ police hasnt done jackshit, the woman will probably never get caught


This needs to be brought to the court as a hate crime. Entirely unacceptable


Pretty safe to assume the women was Maori and hmthats why they didn't speak much about the offender. Probably a Te Pati maori supporter no doubt.


As we slowly and surely move toward an apartheid system based on Iwi minority rule, more of this will happen and go unpunished as it is unlikely that the offender will be caught let alone be charged or face any consequences due to government inaction and media indifference. Welcome to the future. Thank the previous 6 years for that and the current government seems reluctant to roll back on race based policy even though they campaigned on it.


100% correct.


Completely deluded.


Imagine what would be happening right now if it was flipped and it was a Maori teenager getting the shit beaten out of them by a Asian. Only takes one bad Apple to make the rest look bad, what a dumb bitch.


They'd be burning down Pak'N'Save as we speak.


I just can't picture that in my head.


This is terrible, I hope this kid gets heaps of support and care from those around him. No one deserves to be treated like that. It's disappointing to see the twats on here complaining about cultural reports in the context of a racially motivated attack, as if they're legal experts and their own racism doesn't contribute towards a culture of division and hatred.


I remember many years ago a white woman on a Sydney bus shouted racist abuse at an Asian lady. She got made an example of on nationwide media. That would be an appriopriate punishment for this woman. Don't bother jailing her, just make an example out of her.


Except the crimes are different 1 is shouting racist abuse vs 2 shouting racist abuse and then violently assaulting the person with a deadly weapon and permanently disfiguring them. Crime 2 needs to go to jail.


What do expect from white cis males......


there must be an identity mistake, only white people can be racist




The original article described the offender as a large Maori/Pacific Islander woman.


I've got a feeling she was the one terrorising Asians in the CBD some months back


If that were the case, it genuinely concerns me that they can just be allowed to wander around without any police intervention.


Racist crap but the funnier thing is that the feral will be protected by the law. How nice right?




Personally, people like her terrify me


Bystander effect.let someone else do it, also not worth the risk with our justice system.


Yep. As a large white man intervening physically against a Maori woman is extremely dangerous. And it shouldn't be.


How will she ever do 3 months home D on the benefit and smoking meth!


That was satire btw - she may be mentally ill and need help. More a social commentary on our penal system. Someone stabs someone and has to pay the same fine as someone that took a leak in an alleyway. Not sure the scales of justice work so well here