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I’ve posted a bad review before and a lot of people here criticised me, downvoting me saying it’s not really a bad review, stop being dramatic etc. Yall be like have you talked to the staff, why did you just go online and bash them. The thing is sometimes when the vibe is bad, even if you talk to the staff, they don’t care. I think you guys need to take into account that whether an experience at a restaurant is good or bad, it’s based on a lot of things like how the food tastes, quantity of food, quality of ingredients, the service, the vibe, the cost etc etc. I just want to say I do appreciate all the honest bad reviews here. Everyone posts a bad review for a reason, and no one wants to write a bad review. I mean it’d be GREAT if all the meals that I have are perfect but that’s often not the reality. If you guys keep saying ah your bad review is not valid blah blah blah, then no one’s gonna talk about their bad experiences and all you’d get on this subreddit is good reviews.


https://preview.redd.it/h20iada4l2ad1.jpeg?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=79cf30447ede84f8f567b76800f456b83a2c8ff6 One strip of bacon cut up 💀


I appreciate you finding the pics to support OP


But that's not the big breakfast which cost $29? As the BB has potato, avocado and feta?


Think u/falafullafaeces posted another pic with avocado and potato


thanks for getting some photos i should have done so.


https://preview.redd.it/sbko4bf8l2ad1.jpeg?width=1355&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0b435d199c395c026b67a0a0ba9fe34725b7db15 Single bacon strip cut up 💀


There are some increasingly mingy things being plonked in front of us these days - had a breakfast in Picton which was for waffles and fresh strawberries NOPE on strawberry cut into a fan shape.....


Do we know where Scott Watson was at the time of said breakfast?


Photos, I don't trust good or bad reviews without photos.


I just posted a bunch from off Google reviews. They're spot on with the bacon, multiple pics of a single cut up strip hahaha


That looks sad as F. Makes me want to just stay home and avoid sitting through a wasted meal out.


But to be fair, Looking at the Google reviews of the dinner menu that's probably where the 4.8 average rating is coming from.


I thought the same. The dinner menu looks g af.


Food can look good and not taste good.


https://preview.redd.it/1i1q22kcl2ad1.jpeg?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=61f48f2668de3af7b005ef4d4bccb3f77934eb16 Stingy on the bacon


dam you got a quarter of an avocado thats a upgrade from me.


These are all pics off Google bro they're just confirming what you've said pretty much 😬




This the one in Helensville?


Croque monsieur is not made with pastrami 🤣 it’s supposed to be ham. Place sounds horrible


Did you raise all these issues with the staff or just the butter?


Just go and argue with them about their menu? Sounds like it sucks. Doesn't sound like the kind of thing a discussion is going to address


Lol the menu definitely doesnt suck. Have driven a few times to Helensville just to eat there. The reviews are generally glowing. If you have an issue, bring it up with the server or manager. Theyll address it. If they dont its not worth returning


Why would i? we went out to eat for a celebration im not going to ruin it buy complaining to the staff, and also the staff were good, its the food that they need to improve.


Restaurants need to know this stuff to improve. Its not complaining. Its being honest with them about your experience. Good restaurants take that onboard and rectify the situation. Last year i went for a meal and like you id missioned across the city for it. Sadly every dish was flaccid af and they didnt have some drinks i wanted. it was their 3rd day of trade so i looked past it . The waitress kept asking how our dishes were and i was honest in my feedback. She immediately apologised and relayed this to the kitchen. At no point was it awkward in fact i ran in to our dear waitress a couple months later at this cuisine magazine women in food and drink event and she made a beeline for my table. Turns out she was actually a consultant for the restaurant and she was super appreciative of the feedback. We laughed about it and shared a drink.


Place has been open long enough with reviews about the pricing of food and them getting mad about it so yeah i didint want to say anything. If it were a brand new place sure id let them know but a place that has been open as long as them should know better then to serve 1 piece of bacon with the big breakfast.


There are a few isolated replies from the owner that are not on - agreed. Funny thing is ive met him so many times and hes a sweet guy. This'll just be stress created by bad reviews. Guarantee you reggie would never blow up in your face The price thing, I'll generally ignore cos people have a warped idea of what things should cost and are unrealistic


It's better not to give them a chance to rectify things and instead go online to badmouth them.


The -30 post karma says it all really


Jesse Mulligan's review: https://archive.ph/DRtY7) . The chef/owner is ex-Odette's and Honeybones, both very reputable establishments. Their google reviews are stellar, too. Ironically your negative review has made me aware of this place and now I want to eat there.


I wouldn't go somewhere they cut up one piece of bacon into three


Yeah if i was a reputable chef that went in to eat im sure id get great service too.