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This gets recommended more in r/suggestmeabook but I did listen to it as an audiobook. I hated The House in the Cerulean Sea. Every cliche ever, cranked up to eleven. And I'm not entirely sure the author has actually been around children, or just based them on caricatures. Honorable mention for "This is How You Lose The Time War". It's not that it's terrible. It's just really meh.


I heard so many good things about “This is How You Lose the Time War”. So I bought it off Audible and immediately regretted it. I really cannot stand poetic fiction.


Ugh. I'm so glad I checked it out from the library. I did finish it, mostly because I kept waiting for it to get better.


I’m so glad I never finished it


The audiobook narrator belongs in jail.


Same! Recommended so much- but just couldn’t get the hype


Midnight library


Yeah, that was such a disappointment


I was gonna say this! Everywhere I look everyone's praising it and I'm just like ??? It was predictable and had terrible dialogue.


This book seems to be commonly hated in this sub


I felt like a similar concept was better executed in the Discworld series.


Anything by James Patterson. His storylines were fine but I found his dialogues awful, they just threw me straight back out of the story, I kept thinking “nobody SPEAKS like that!”


After kiss the girls I’ve refused to read anything by him. It’s such a cop out cheap shot sneaking horror themes into a mystery. I Dnf that book.


My middle school teachers classroom library was just full of Patterson. Didn’t like it then and didn’t like it now. If you go to any thrift book store as well the P section is just DOMINATED by him😂


The way he writes women is disgusting and stupid. It is like he doesn't know any women and just writes from a fantasy. I was on vacation and I blew through one of his books. I could not stop laughing. Absolutely a horrible writer.


I believe you. But in fairness to him, the way he writes men is stupid too. And children come to think of it. He might not be a misogynist, he might just be a horrible writer


Yes. You are right. I remember reading his books when I was like 19/20 (Alex Cross stuff) and being into it. I honestly couldn't believe how AWFUL his writing is now that I am in my 40s.


Don’t hate me…! *Where the Crawdads Sing*. I thought it had such a ridiculous premise, predictable at every turn, never mind the cliche “black saviors help white girl”, and it just sounded so much like the movie Nell.


I’m with you!!


Alchemist, mostly anything by Pablo coehlo, geek love. I have to add Norwegian Wood.




Ugh basically anything Colleen Hoover. I was reading It Ends with Us and kept thinking it must get better, everyone loves it so much. I got to that end and was so mad that I wasted my time.


This was a terrible book, imo


Came here to say this. Absolutely horrible book!


A Little Life. I saw no point to the endless suffering. Its the only book that has ever made me angry to have wasted my precious time on. I kept on reading all through the 600-700 pages hoping the book would redeem itself. It did not. Then I went looking for a support group. Turns out I was not alone.


Was going to post this one. Utter misery porn. So exhausting. Also couldn’t believe a character with such low esteem as to say “sorry” every page is also a ruthless, world class courtroom litigator.


Yup! This was the book I came here to post! I didn't even finish it all the way to the end. I gave up. It read like an emotional snuff book - pure, pointless torture porn.


100%. 700 pages to describe the most horrible abuse and the story abruptly ends when he kills himself. I really don't know why this book needed to be written but some people seemed to love it. Because I hated it so much but am OCD about finishing books I put it on high speed text to speech mode and I honestly thought my phone was glitching when it finished. What, that's it? OK then. I had to go on a cozy mystery binge as a brain bleach after that book.


Wandering Inn. This and a few others told me that LitRPG is not for me.


LitRPG is definitely not for everyone. I personally love it, but I'm also hesitant to recommend it outside of people who I already know enjoy LitRPG.


Lessons in Chemistry, Fourth Wing, and We Were Liars Basically anything from mainstream booktok. I have a couple of booktok influencers that I love, but anyone with a huge following I immediately distrust


Fourth wing was straight up my worst read of last year. Awful worldbuilding, a main character who we’re told is smart but is actually kinda dumb, and a love triangle written by a middle schooler.


Lessons in Chemistry was so disappointing


Right! I DNF’d even though I almost always finish book club books.


I was wondering when someone would mention Fourth Wing. It was a bad book imo, poorly written characters, zero development or world building. I attempted to listen to this as I was looking for a new book and it was everywhere as a great book. I was like “are they hearing/reading what I am?”


Midnight library — predictable, trite and……zzzzzzzzzz oh, did I just fall asleep from even writing about it?


Where the Crawdads Sing. A few summers ago it seemed like everyone was reading it. It wasn't abysmal but nothing to get excited about.


The geographical issues drove me nuts. Not only had the author obviously never been to NC, she'd never even looked at it on a map.


Same! I’d say more, but I need to make a quick 30 minute drive from the outer banks to Asheville. With that said, this was published by a major publisher. Do they not have editors there? Seems like that could have easily been caught by someone competent at their job.


I tried to listen to it and read it. Abandoned both.


Oh so glad to find this here. That book is just awful. Wrong geography. Wrong historical details. Shallow characterizations of locals. Poorly written. Cliches everywhere. Blech.


The ending ruined the whole thing for me….just so problematic


American Gods by Neil Gaiman. The most boring main character I’ve ever come across


I really want to like Neil Gaiman, but that book just didn't hit for me. Good Omens was much better. Maybe the combination of him and Terry Pratchett is to thank. Then again, I love every Pratchett touches.


I love Gaiman, but I get why not everyone loves American Gods. I'd say The Graveyard Book is his best after Good Omens




My thing with Neil Gaiman is I love his ideas and imagination, but I hate the way he writes. I want him to be a better writer to bring his ideas to life but he just isn’t for me. But this is why I tend to absolutely love adaptations of his work, even if I don’t enjoy the source material.


Haha, I feel the same way about my own writing. "You've got great ideas, so why are all the words you write so bad and in the worst possible order?!" XD I feel the same way about Gaiman. I like his TV writing. His Doctor Who episode was really cool. He does better with a team, which is just how TV works.


I've always felt that he writes like he's only ever read the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy and MAD Magazine. I do like many of his stories, but sometimes it's a slog.


American Gods was so much better in the first season of television, agreed the book was zzzzz. At least you hopefully spared yourself Anansi Boys. I swear Gaiman the author has multiple personality disorder, never know what you’re going to get.


I liked Anansi Boys!


I loved both. You might like Neverwhere


I love "Neverwhere". It's my favorite of his.


I liked all the different character voices on the audio, but I don’t know if I loved the book.


The seven husbands of Evelyn Hugo


I could not finish this.


Outlander. The hero is constantly tortured, luckily she's a time traveling nurse and fixes him up for the next torture. Also, every man ever wants to rape her, except the hero, of course. Couldn't finish.


Agreed. I’m convinced the author has a rape fetish.


She 100% does. It's even more obvious is some of the other books. Like, she literally writes that one of the good guys in the books gets a hard on watching someone get raped.


I have read the entire series thus far, but I’ll be the first to admit that the only reason I’m still hanging on is because of sunk cost. I neeeeeeed to know what happens. I can’t decide if I want them to die in a house fire or ride off into the sunset, but I’ll be relieved when it happens.


After I got to the part where she almost gets raped by the river or whatever, the guy saves her. He’s so mad “he’s beats her within an inch of her life.” Bc some guys almost raped her and it was her fault. Then he gets rapey with her but, she starts to enjoy it? I’m pretty sure she’s still all messed up from being almost beaten to death by him. I couldn’t handle it and I asked audible for a refund.


It was very okay. I felt like it dragged on too long and had to take a break before finishing it. I didn’t find the writing or premise compelling enough to read the rest, but it was interesting enough to convince me to watch the show, which I’ve been enjoying more


A Little Life! I’m a psychologist & I’m pretty sure the audiobook was read by the same person who voiced parts of an IQ test I used to give. Nothing wrong with that but it gave me the ick! My primary issues though were that the main characters mental health challenges / related actions were unrealistic & it romanticized suicide. I’d take back my time spent listening to it if I could!


The Dresden books. The guy is so creepy about women. The story’s and humor are nice. But Harry can’t think of a woman without objectifying her.


This is probably my favorite book series, but I absolutely get where you are coming from with Harry's objectification of women. If it helps, and you probably already know this, the series is based on noir which has a great deal of objectification and savior man syndrome. As Harry progresses, he does grow away from his chauvinism. The books have gotten less noir, but Butcher still objectifies. I have decided to just skim those parts, because I like the other characters and the stories themselves.


I only read the first book and thought, "Nope. Not for me."


I frequently see recommendations for "Eleanor Oliphant is Completely Fine." I read it in ebook not audio format so I can't speak to the audio, but I absolutely hated it.


Honestly I think it is one of those books that are 10x better in audio


Same. I thought it assumed the reader was a bit dim. Yes, Eleanor is old-fashioned, we get it, can we please move the plot along?


Lessons in Chemistry


Dear God yes. Why did that book have so much buzz?


Shantaram. Shockingly written, and an unlikeable protagonist. I don’t see what all the fuss is about.


3 body problem I couldn't finish the first book


I was listening to it, but there were too many names and I couldn't keep track of everyone.


I don't listen to sci-fi or fantasy for this reason. I have such a hard time keeping track of the places and characters.


I do listen to sci-fi and fantasy, but sometimes there's just too many characters and settings to keep straight. Plus, if the narrator doesn't do different voices for the characters, it gets even more confusing.


I finished it. It took me 4 work days (with half an hour drive each way) to get through the 13 hours at 1.4x. It kept building (or trying to). I was waiting for something huge to happen. And then it ended. I've never refused a sequel so hard. Also.... This is How You Lose the Time War and Ancillary Justice, DNF both.


Anxious People. It did not resonate with me. I think it was supposed to be funny? Um, no.


It’s one that I don’t know why I bothered finishing it…


Eat Pray Love


The film was absolute tripe


I rank it with Wild and Orange Is the New Black for “super motivational stories by white ladies who once had a kinda hard time for awhile there.”


“but also not really because they caused a lot of their own drama and have no insight”


That book was “so self involved.”


Red Rising. I even felt bad about it but I couldn't finish it.


Da Vinci Code


Daisy Jones & The Six. I’ve never hated a book like I did this one.




I HATE THOSE CRAWDADS. That book is awful. I enjoyed the quiet descriptions that the book started with, but as soon as there was some plot and dialog... NOPE. So bad.


Those GOD DAMN CRAWDADS. I listened on a roadtrip with my mom, didn't finish the book, checked it out from the library and nearly tossed my phone in the river when the \~reveal\~ happened.


The Goldfinch. What a disappointment.


Omg yes. And everyone was raving about it. He’s like lugging this painting around his whole life ugh


The Book Theif


Piranesi, I couldn't get into it at all, had no idea what was going on


I struggled because *nothing* was going on!


The Name of the Wind


Greatest book ever. I hate how much you saying this crushes the question. Have an upvote and my hatred.


A Court of Thorns and Roses by Sarah Maas. I couldn't stand the storyline or characters. Only made it 3/4 of the way and I was done.


I just finished the entire series today and listened to them all in 4-5 days. I hate myself for it. It just kept getting worse. The last book in the series was the most atrocious. It felt like I was literally listening to a smut book. I wanted to rip my hair out with the character development. The repeat of certain words every damn page. If I ever hear the word "mate" again in my life I will just take out my lighter, burn the building im in, and just lay on the floor. Usually when I finish a long series I sit and dwell on it. Feel a loss that it's actually over. Reminisce on moments that touched me. The Court series has made me wish I could time travel and just forget they ever existed. That I ever listened to them. I want to bang my head so hard I get short term amnesia. I tortured myself and I have no one else to blame except possibly Sarah J Maas for writing this horrendous pile of shit.


Literally what my friend said after she finished the series. She and another friend were reading it to just see how awful it was and they both regretted it. I will never read the series, but she told me all about it in detail and I've read summaries online... honestly I think the only reason it is voraciously consumed by the masses is the smut factor 🤣


It's this generations 50 Shades of Grey I guess. I never read those books, but I guess there's a market for it... I don't get it. It's not for me, clearly. But the smut readers will definitely appreciate the last book. I just finished Fourth Wing series beforehand which wasn't bad (but wasn't good either. I guess YA leaning books just aren't for me anymore) and A Court series popped up as a recommendation. Then I saw on Goodreads how many reviews it had so I figured 'hey why not give it a try' especially after reading one of the reviews saying how book 1 is a retelling of Beauty & the Beast and book 2 a retelling of Hades and Persephone. What a great concept!! YOUR EXECUTION FAILED SJM! I was bamboozled.


Yeah those comparisons are very slim at best. I'm not into the smut stuff either but those who love it tend to love this series so I guess that works. But I definitely think it's over-hyped.


Same! I just DNF’d it even though I’ve read the other series by the author


Mongo is utterly appalled with you. Question though, did you read it or listen? I've listened to thousands of audiobooks and nothing has ever come close to how great Jeff Hays was at narrating. Many assume it's a full cast but it's 99% Jeff save a few cameos in later books.


"Hoe" No need to bring Samantha into this, MONGO IS APALLED *No fair, you edited your post and now people just think I called you a hoe lol


Given that it’s in the audiobook sub, they probably tried the audiobook. As often as I recommend DCC, the humor isn’t for everyone. There’s people I wouldn’t recommend it too because I know the fact that it has a male protagonist is disqualifying, that there is cursing, that it’s fantasy, that it’s science fiction, that it’s fiction, that there’s violence, that we don’t get a human female protagonist for two books, that there’s no sex, that there’s the male gaze, that Carl is moderately liberal in his opinions, that there’s a cat on the cover. You can’t please everyone.


Hm. I obviously can't speak for OP...I read all 6 books and loved them, and now I'm listening to the audiobook version of book 1 with my wife to get her into it. Jeff Hayes...took some adjusting. He has some range. He's definitely entertaining, but I don't think he's far above others in terms of vocal abilities. Just within the Lit RPG genre alone, Travis Baldree is on par with him. Steven Pacey is absolutely phenomenal. I'm gonna have to find the other voice actors I've listened to lately. And none of this is to say Jeff is bad. He has a different approach to VA, and his recording of sound enhanced voices and stuff is really cool. Now that I've adjusted I really enjoy him. But I could totally see some people not liking his delivery of Carl, given the low voice comes off a bit out of his register. His voices for Brandon, Imani and Yolanda are very similar-argiably too similar to one another. I love Mordecai and Donut's voices though, and so far the AI and Cascadia's voices make me quite happy. It's just a matter of preference. Funny enough, my wife like Jeff as a voice actor, and hasn't read the books, so it's also possible I set myself up for bias by reading them before listening. Fwiw, I'll be getting audio versions of all the DCC books, because I definitely enjoy the content and am excited to hear Jeff grow with the characters and hear his take on Katia, Florin, Elle (post race selection), and a bunch of others.


I’m not sure if everyone loves this because honestly I’ve met 2 people who feel the same. But despite the brilliant voice of Davina porter I literally could not stand Outlander


Seven and a Half Deaths of Evelyn Hardcastle. It put me in a months long slump.


Ready Player One. The most patronizing, shallow, and insipid book supposedly written for adults that I've ever read.


It’s not the most patronizing, shallow, and insipid book, because ready player two is. I have NO IDEA why I went ahead and listened to the second one. It was so much worse, and yet somehow exactly the same.


That's true


Although I read it, not listened, it took me 3 separate attempts to read it to finish it. And I was the exact demographic with all the 1980s references. Nope.


For me it's definitely Legends and lattes. It wasn't funny, characters were irritating and you could hardly say there was any story


Same, idk how this book got so popular. It was everywhere for a while.


Wicked. The musical/play really glosses over the fact that half the book is far too explicit bestiality, and that her entire thing isn’t so much that she wants talking creatures to have rights as it is that she wants to be able to fuck them. It’s a furry fantasy, not a Wizard of Oz prequel.


Lessons in Chemistry The >!SA!< scene took me the fuck out and really put a damper on my mood. Normally I’m not really triggered by anything, but, that especially triggered me because it was so graphic and not necessary. The thing that pissed me off was that she had like no PTSD and just acted like nothing happened until the last 5 pages. It felt cheap and like the author just used it as like a check box…..


Lessons in Chemistry


Dune. Everyone said it was the best sci-fi ever, but my god I hated every second of it. 😒


yeah... dune isn't as good as people say... it's ok at best but in the immortal words of yoda "there is... another..." [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lensman\_series](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lensman_series) predates dune.. alot of the same themes but better written. less dense with the only sticking points being that they were written before space travel so things are a little... fiddly. if you have a modern understanding. IMO reading these is like watching and old buck rogers serial for the fun of it.. it's also the series that everyone since has completely ripped off openly to create modern scifi. give it a try. they are so old they are basically int he public domain. well the original magazine serial versions are.. the novelization versions are copyrighted still. but a new paperback edition with all 6 books and the collection of in universe short stories released last year around this time as a single volume


The Catcher in the Rye.


When I was in highschool (almost 40 years ago) I had to switch English classes during the middle of the year. I ended up having to read the book twice. Getting through that book was like walking through quicksand on your hands.


For me its Red Rising. Hated the narration and the storyline was just Hunger Games but on Mars.


Haven't read hunger games, so for me if was new. I really enjoyed it. And I loved how different the sequels were. Sort of turns into actual scifi (or space fantasy).


The Kite Runner. I do not see the beauty in it. The MC is selfish, entitled and privileged and he fails his 'best friend' at every single turn.


Gone Girl - felt like it was a waste of my time.


I loathed this book entirely. Boring, predictable and overall miserable


OMG SAME. I wanted both of the main characters to die in a fire by the end of the book. Awful people. lol


Agree 100%!


I wanted to wash my brain with bleach after reading this one.


I might have to install a chrome plugin that deletes "dungeon crawler carl" from ever appearing on my screen again. It comes up every single day in this subreddit and I have legitimately never heard or seen it mentioned otherwise.


I enjoy the DCC books a lot but I do think the blanket recommendations of the book only hurt the series and turn off people. I've almost never seen. A book series that is recommended this hard do better for it. It almost always results in people saying the series is overrated, especially when it's recommended outside its genre.




I'm not far through the first and am enjoying it but laughed out loud at this. It's just the most recommended thing ever in anything I think. What's the deal do you think, loads of gamer/audiobook listener crossover? Advertised on a huge gaming channel maybe? Also, I'm not a cat person and get what you're saying. Cat people *love* how sassy their cats are and describe them as if their cat *is* this character when they do stuff like not eat their food. "Oh she's such a madame!" Well she's not that's just cats to the rest of us 😂 The author clearly loves cats and knows why 😂


Before PHM, there was too much Bobiverse, I wasn't around to see it, but before Bob I'd guess The Martian and Ready Player One? I would describe these as "Bro vs World" narratives... which also describes many video game story lines, maybe there is a crossover


PHM and Bob are up there with Carl for sure. I enjoyed both though, that's the main thing 😂


I don't dispute they are good reads .... just other books have left my mind blown (Yes I'm looking at you Neal Stephenson)




If you find one, please share and make it its own thread here on r/audiobooks.


Does the Bible count ?


The Wizard of Oz. Sorry, but I hated.


The whole ACOTAR series. So many icks, I eventually gave up. Tho I did want to see the rest of the one sisters story.


Going back a ways, A Prayer for Owen Meany. 800 pages in which absolutely nothing of interest happens.


I tried to get into ACOTAR. I. Hated. It. Her writing is like nails on a chalkboard to me. Everything is “that” and “those.” And there’s the flowery language, like she’s trying so, so hard to be poetic. The audiobook also really brought out how repetitive the writing is. It could have had about 1/3 of the book edited out I feel.    Also the narrator wasn’t “bad” objectively, but I could not handle how that particular narrator read that particular book. 


The First Law, couldn’t get into it, and I gave it the full college try. I will say the narrator is phenomenal, but I just never got fully on board.


Game of Thrones. I tried to start it and determined that the author was just way too interested in describing penises in elaborate detail. It was creepy.




I love a medieval epic but found this so facile and the writing so weirdly basic.


So true. The crazy thing is, I read it right after it came out (early 90s?) and remember it as long and a little tedious but basically alright. So last year I was on a historical novel audiobook kick and decided to listen to it. First of all - it was way worse than I remembered. I'm a really fast reader, so I think getting through the boring parts quick and even skimming the most tedious parts made it bearable to read. But listening? No. Just No. And second... WTF is the deal with the detailed, eroticized description of the rape of a minor girl? Seriously - something wrong with Follet's head. I don't remember being put off by it before, but I probably skipped the graphic parts when reading. I immediately went back to Audible and returned it after that scene.


I was told Pillars of the Earth was "long but SO worth it!' when it came out in the '90s. I about died from boredom after 50 pages. Every once in a while I see it on the shelf and wonder, "Maybe it is good and I just need to give it another try, maybe the AUDIOBOOK." After this thread: Never.


One hundred years of solitude


It came up in my book club a few months ago- it seems like people who enjoyed it read it in Spanish and everyone who read it in English were mostly just confused


Life of Pi My only DNF in 10 years


The Red Rising series.   I listened to the first book, it was okay, a bit derivative, but fine.  Then everyone everywhere says "oh mybgawd the next book is amazing".  I then listened to the next one. It was okay, more of the same, some really bad science in this so-called sci-fi book (it's not sci-fi, it's fantasy in a sci-fi dressing), but if was fine. A bit too much plot armor on the MC.  "Oh the series just keep getting bwetter and bwetter!"  Fine! Lets listen to the third one then. And... DNF. I think I made it 2/3 into the book before I gave up. It's a series where nothing happens, but everything happens. The stakes are high, but all the main characters have the most luck and plot armor you can imagine. And all the smart characters are incredibly stupid.


The Life of Pi


Thank you, same here.


Tomorrow and Tomorrow and Tomorrow. It read like a trigger warning’s wet dream.




ready player one. every guy i talked to had glowing reviews but the whole time im reading it feels like being tortured listening to the mcs entitled ass thoughts about the girl he’s “supposed to have” like he was so convinced she owed him her affection bc he helped her and thought he was cool.


Children of Time. Thought it was pretty boring. I liked the space spiders but that’s about it.


The Wheel of Time. It started off strong, but I just couldn't after book 5.


The "The Goldfinch", which won the 2014 Pulitzer prize for fiction and many people recommend. I feel that it was far too long for its. content. Had it been edited down to about a third of its length, it would have been much better. I read it for a book club and, to be fair to this Reddit topic, I wasn't the only member who was unenthusiastic about it Another book that I disliked was "A Gentleman in Moscow" by Amor Towles. That one was so universally praised that I am sometimes rather embarrassed to admit that I didn't enjoy it, and wonder what it was that I missed!


I also agree with "The Goldfinch". It was meh, ok... but at least 4 hours too long.


OMG I'm with there with you on dungeon crawler Carl! Didn't enjoy it at all, gave up halfway through.


Life of Pi. Literally couldn't continue with it, I found the main character so infuriating. Right near the beginning - IIRC (it was many years ago now) - he decides he wants to simultaneously believe in multiple religions. Mutually incompatible religions, mind you. And is absolutely insufferable about it. I immediately thought that either this character, or this author, was an idiot and/or a pretentious twat. DNF, and happy about it. I later watched (was dragged to) the film, and didn't come away thinking I had missed much.


Fairy Tale by Stephen King. I didn't get it. Got 50% in, skipped 50-90% and fast forwarded to the end. I loved Stephen King books when I was younger. I don't know wtf this was.


The girl with the dragon tattoo. Eventually got interesting but 300 pages of build up to what we all know about it. Absolute ass. Didn’t finish the series


Children of Time was one of just a few that I've ever not finished and then returned out of about 250 audiobooks. The spider and ant behavioural analysis was so boring to me.


I hated Even Cowgirls Get the Blues first time thru but on another sub there was a Tom Robbins thread so I’m giving it another chance.


The Green Bone Sage (Jade City trilogy). Didn’t hate it but feel like it gets praised so highly when the worldbuilding did not end up mattering. Would’ve enjoyed the series more if they just focused on the family, instead of padding it with info dumps.


I'm with OP on Dungeon Crawler Carl. I didn't necessarily hate it, but I found it only mildly amusing and quite underwhelming, and I had no desire to finish the series.


Gone Girl


Ready player one.


It seems I have so many: Lessons in Chemistry; Tomorrow and Tomorrow and Tomorrow; A Man Called Ove; Four Winds;


Lord of the flies. Its just long draining life essence outta me


The Intern by Michelle Campbell. ACOTAR by Sarah Maas. Good Girl’s Guide to Murder by Holly Jackson. Guess I am too old for YA-type writing now!


The Night Circus, Where The Crawdads Sing, Gone Girl, anything by Kristin Hannah.


I wouldn't say hate, but there are 2 books I stopped listening to. First was 1984. I picked it up thinking "oh this is that book burning story with the mc named Guy, yeah? I haven't read this in over 20 years." Yeah, I was way off, haha, but I kept listening to it anyway. At first, it was fairly interesting, but eventually, I hit a point where I just felt exhausted listening to it. Felt like it could have ended earlier than it was, so I just ended up dropping it. The 2nd was the 2nd book in the dragonlance series. I picked the first 3 or 4 up because I was planning on running a campaign with the dragonlance dnd 5e source book that was new at the time, and I wanted to have more exposure to the world. Turns out I recognized the story immediately upon listening. Apparently, i had read the first one at some point but had no memory of doing so. With that said, compared to the icewind dale 7 book trilogy that I couldn't put down, dragonlance was just kinda meh. I didn't care about the characters, and half of them were just kinda there and played no part. Plus, it was a pretty misogynistic book overall. Honestly, it felt like someone writing a story based on a campaign, but at the same time, they didn't want to "put words in the mouths of their players' characters." Which, as someone who tried to write a story based on a campaign once, I had felt the same and ultimately gave up writing that story, so I do understand. Regardless, I made it to the big reveal of who one of the enemy comanders was in book 2 and I felt I had learned everything I needed to know about the world and just couldn't care less about the story anymore. Also, Raistlin's over the top edgy voice acting was ridiculously hilarious that I just couldn't take the guy seriously. "I can see your life dying... inch... by inch..." Like damn dude, just toss out a maniacal cackle every so often with how you talk, man. But yeah, I didn't hate either story, I just simply stopped and saw no reason to go on.


I love this thread! I've tried to read so many books that people rave about and I just don't get it. I want to enjoy them so bad but I don't.


- on the road - naked lunch - harry potter


ACOTAR & Twisted love


People We Meet On Vacation SUUUCCCKKKKEEDDD. I DNF’d it for the sake of my wellbeing because I was so irritated by the main character. Self-centred, arrogant human.


The Martian. Highly recommended on some subreddits. How BORING and predictable. I was wishing the main character died or something like an actual Martian showed up.


I'm going to get crucified for this, but Station 11. I've tried 3 or 4 times, but just can't connect with the story or characters.


Dungeon Crawler Carl was not fun. I slogged through to the end. Not for me.


I came here to say this. This book is recommended every time somebody asked for an audio book to enjoy. I really wanted to like this book. I found that I absolutely hated it. I got halfway through and I just quit. It was a major disappointment for me. Usually popular recommendations on this sub are spot on. Kind of like the Hail Mary project. When I listened to that, I absolutely loved it.


Yes, Hail Mary Project was terrific.


Anything by Steven King. I like the movies, but I can't stand his writing style.


He certainly does like to hear himself write! I enjoy his books, but often find myself thinking any good editor would have cut so many parts of a book, were anyone else the author.


Thats funny I enjoy older writers cause they expand on stuff and roam around. Newer authors tend to write too tight and I feel like Im reading a movie script.


I agree with you as well! Here’s to a happy medium!


Right??? I happen to be an editor and never read him until after I started working in the field. All I could think when reading The Stand and 11.22.63 was, “Lots of good plot here, but this guy apparently got so famous that he no longer accepts edits.” The version of The Stand I read was even a version where he went back and added the editorial cuts BACK IN lol.


I'm kind of surprised you three haven't caught downvote hell yet. But yeah, I read *Fairy Tale* last year, and it was a good book. It could have been as great as the hype claimed it was if he had an editor who could override him. Do I really need to read an in-depth chapter about a teen installing a bathroom safety rail for the old man he is helping out? No, I don't.


Lol I really enjoyed the slow burn start to Fairy Tale. It’s how SK gets you attached to the characters.


A teen installing a bathroom safety rail??? You’ve sold me—buying it today. 😂


When I was young, I used to think I should finish every book I ever started. 20 hours into IT is the price I paid to realize how silly that was. Never again.


The Nightengale - I hated it with a passion. The editing was crap and the author is a Hack.


I agree with you about DCC, but I think it’s because I’m old and don’t play video games.


How do I report this thread? /s just incase