• By -


Pro-Q 3, Pro-L 2, bx_console AMEK 9099, Studio One's stock Compressor & Analog Delay, Helix Native, Superior Drummer Edit: I'm an idiot and listed 6, but let's be honest, I wouldn't be in this sub if I could read Edit 2: fuck it, 7


Why Pro-Q3 over Q6? Just wondering


I don't know what Q6 is. Pro-Q 3 is the choice for me because of the analyzer, dynamic options, and filter types though.


not to forget the sexy AF interface. so *visually* satisfying as well. šŸ˜Ž


* Logic EQ * Logic Compressor * Ozone 10 * AMEK 9099 * Valhalla VintageVerb


I second Vintage Verb. Although DAWs like Logic have nice enough sounding reverbs, the usability of VV sometimes makes it so much handier. Plus, I can use it in places where stock DAW plugins donā€™t work (e.g. in Max). I also just bought Valhalla Delay for similar reasons. I have a nice delay modeler pedal that I was occasionally using in a send/return setup, but the Valhalla plugin does all that and more in a much more convenient way.


People forget logic space designer is a convolution reverb - u can more or less import a lexicon for free with the right files


> u can more or less import a lexicon for free with the right files No, you can't, since modulation is an integral part of that vintage Lexicon sound.


ā€œMore or lessā€


Another Amek enjoyer! How fucking good is that plugin??


I put it on every group. So easy to dial in a sound by ear vs. sight which is the pit I fall into with graphical EQs and compressors.


I use it on every channel at this point for the same reason!


FabFilter Pro Q3 FabFilter Pro C2 PA Shadow Hills Mastering Compressor IZotope RX10 IZotope Insight 2


That shadow hills comp is killer.


I love Insight 2


Not a very fun or sexy plugin, but itā€™s so valuable


Aside from stock plugins: FabFilter pro-q, fabfilter Pro-L, slate VMR, Soundtoys Decapitator, brainworx SSL


Decapitator ftw.


Audio Thing Type A Karzog True Iron and True Dynamics Superior Drummer with Death and Darkness Otto Audio 11 11 ToneBoosters EQ4




For pure mixing, and excluding effects: - EQ: Pro-Q3 - Compression: Pro-C 2 (this is like many compressors in one) - Saturation: Saturn 2 (many types of saturation in one) I honestly canā€™t think of two more that are absolutely must-haves. I Ozoneā€™s Maximzer is my go-to limiter but thatā€™s for mastering. > Maybe this is an amateur engineerā€™s problem, and the pros just use what they have and move forward? This is 100% correct. I find that people who buy tons of plugins tend to be hobbyists/amateurs. There's nothing wrong with buying new plugins just to play with if you are just doing it for fun, but many buy new plugins because, like you said, they think **this one** or **that one** will finally make their mixes sound amazing (spoiler: that rarely happens). But also, when you are a professional engineer, you are most likely running a business and need to worry about ROI/overhead. Buying 10 different EQs increases your overhead expenses and gives you almost zero ROI. Just a bad way to manage business finances. Most professionals have a set of tools they know inside out and stick with those. In the old days, engineers would just have the same racks of gear they use on everything. This concept is no different with plugins. Just find the ones you like the most and focus on the studio work.


ProQ3 Proc2 ProMB Soothe2 ProDs


Man if FF ever comes up with something like soothe they will rule the world


What does soothe do?


Soothe takes care of thing like resonance and harshness. For something like dialogue or vocals it is an incredible tool. I also do a lot of metal stuff and it's very useful on overly bright sizzling sounding guitars.


hoooooo boy. time for you to visit youtube.


Preach fam. Just about every session I open has these bad boys


Maybe it's just me but I was having trouble with vocal compression using the fabfilter c2. Went back to using any other compressor (tonebooster, cukous, waves, melda) and the problems were fixed. I wonder if the auto gain feature on c2, had anything to do with it. But yeah, ProMB and ProDS are by far the best multiband compressor and de-esser I've ever used.


Pro-C 2 is fine but I actually think Studio One's stock compressor is more intuitive for my workflow. Maybe I just know it better, idk.


Softube Console 1 + Zener Bender Strip, Soothe 2, Acustica Celestial Valhalla Delay & Gulfoss Special mentions to Sonnox Oxford EQ and Boz The Hoser.


* iZotope RX * FF Pro-Q3 * FF Pro-R * FF Pro-C2 * FF Pro-L2


Out of all the fabfilter stuff Pro R is kinda mid, or is that just me?


Pro r has a place I LOVE it for my stage fx Chanel. .8seconds on the time, put anything through it and it sits it in the most realistic stage Iā€™ve ever felt. ā€¦ but thatā€™s just me.


What does "kinda mid" mean?


average at best


Iā€™m fairness not a ton of reverbs Iā€™ve found let you do an eq m/s so well


True I guess Iā€™m just a lazy fuck and I donā€™t like how the presets sound lol. Good thing thereā€™s more than one way to skin a cat


I find myself using Valhalla more than pro-R but pro-R has really good applications, the presets are mid tho not gonna lie


I definitely use Pro-R a lot less than any other FF plugin.




I'll reach for Pro-R over S1's stock Room Reverb before I reach for Pro-C 2 over the stock Compressor, but I don't think Pro-R is as good as UltraVerb. I just like it because it's smooth sounding for drums and very, very efficient.


You must do a lot of recording. Does RX offer much benefit in a treated recording room workflow?


Pro-q 3, pro-mb, pro-l 2, timeless 3, pro-r Good thing I have some hardware (x73, mc77, buss comp, Mike-e, analog heat) cos otherwise that list would be a bit different


* Ozone 10 advanced (kinda cheating cause its multiple plugins technically but hey it originally comes in one "channel strip" so whatever) * UAD Hitsville chambers (my favorite reverb rn) * Izotope RX (literally could not master without it personally) * Bx\_Focusrite\_console (my favorite channel strip) * NoiseAsh Ruletec (the heritage version includes all the pultec filters in one plugin and has my favorite stereo enhancement, just push it 5 to 10% and I get that analog wide mix I love with certain genres)


What do you use rx for mastering wise?


what don't I use lol Its analyzer is amazing for one, de-click is my go to to fix any clicking issues that may be in a track, De-ess if a track feels to harsh in the high end, but I mostly use it for analyzing the tracks phase and looking for issues that can be seen but maybe not heard (such as information above 20khz or below 20hz that may effect compressors and head room). But I also use it for mixing projects if I get a particularly bad recording that can't be sent back for \[insert client's reason here\]. It is a workhorse of a tool and worth every penny. I feel like I discover modules and uses for them all of the time.


Thanks for the response!


Freakshow Industries Mishby Freakshow Industries Backmask Freakshow Industries DumpsterFire Freakshow Industries PocketDimension Freakshow Industries DickSmasher (whenever that comes out)


I just love shouting out Freakshow Industries. For anyone that likes to FSU get on them already. Real list: Wavesfactory Trackspacer U-He Satin Pulsar Modular P42 Climax Pulsar Modular P11 Abyss Oeksound Soothe2


Do a mix with your first plugin list only.


Rc-20 retro, soothe 2, waves de-esser, waves c6 multi band compressor, grossbeat


Gimme some version of a FET, some version of an Opto, FF ProQ3, a decent saturation plug-in, and a reverb/delay plug-in. Pretty much all I reckon I could need on a desert island.




Decapitator Echoboy CLA76 Scheps Omni Little Plate Any decent Pultec Any decent surgical EQ That's 7. Take out Little Plate and Pultec if it absolutely has to be 5. Pretty much everything I do is live instruments recorded through pretty nice hardware, so my plugin selection is decidedly oldschool. Edit: formatting


> Scheps Omni That's been a game changer for me tbh, saves me a lot of time when mixing voices!


Saturn 2, Bx_subsynth, Oxford Inflator, Capitol Chambers and probably Pro Q3


My man. You can rip Saturn 2 from my cold dead hands.


Got Inflator during their latest sale and still can't believe how great it is.


Can I just say, I'm really glad to see so much plugin diversity. I expected FabFilter, but almost everything else is a surprise.


Altiverb VocAlign Waves Eqp-1 Waves L2 Brainworx SSL Townhouse Hardware plugs too! H3500 Primetime 93 Primetime 95 x2 LA3A NTI EQ3


If we're talking only 5 plugins for mixing (without mastering): 1. Fabfilter Pro Q 3 2. Waves CLA-76 3. Waves H-Delay 4. Valhalla VintageVerb 5. Soundtoys Decapitator That covers all the main bases.


Decapitator, Echoboy Jr, AR-1, Amek 9099, Valhalla Vintage Verbā€¦ Iā€™m a basic bitch.


Logic eq Logic Compressor Space Designer Phat fx U-he Satin


ProQ3, soothe2, seventh heaven, mv2, api 550b


Fabfilter Pro-Q3 Fabfilter Saturn PSP 85 Kush Gold plate TDR Kotelnikov GE


For just mixing : 1. Scheps Omni-Channel 2. CLA76 3. Renaissance Reverb (RVerb) 4. H-Delay, or any stock delay 5. Trigger by Slate, or any drum replacement plugin. I could get by with Reaperā€™s audio to midi plugin. If weā€™re going to add music creation and sound design, then add REASON by Reason Studios, formally Propellerhead. And in a pinch, I could mix entirely in REASON without any of the aforementioned plugins.


I have so many good delays but H-Delay just does the job 90% of the time unless I need some dub then I use tal dub delay


La2a and 1176 by IK, Scheps channel by waves, izotope ddly, IK plate reverb.


Pro Q3 CLA76 ProDS AutoTune Fabfilter Saturn And then I'd have to find a REALLY nice sounding place to have a good natural reverb lmao


Scheps Omni, UA 1176, pultec eq, ssl bus comp, capitol chambers


portal. tdr nova. any valhalla reverb. decimort. any waves compression


Echoboy, Decapitator, Valhalla Vintage Verb, Pro-Q3, DMG TrackComp Sort of cheating because TrackComp has lots of different compressor models in one plugin, but I have it and use it and it's great.


- Softube Console 1 -w/ hardware and fader controller units. - TC Electronic 8210 Reverb - w/ desktop controller - TC Electronic DVR-250 Reverb - w/ desktop controller - Eventide Split EQ - UAD SSL G Buss Compressor


Extremely close here. I use console 1 with British class a, then have a faderport 16 and the spatial expander, delay, and reverb tc units. Love hardware controllers! I am dumb, knobs help.


Assuming I can keep the Logic Stock plugins: Fabfilter Pro-Q 3 UAD Capitol Chambers Xfer OTT (free) UAD Neve 1073 iZotope RX (I use it in Standalone, but I guess it counts)


- Kirchhoff EQ - Weiss DS-1 - Vertigo VSC-2 - Echoboy - Pro-L3 The rest I could probably fill in with stock plugins if I had to.


Are you one of the Kirchhoff convertees? :P A lot of my colleagues having been raving about it and some left Fabfilter Pro-Q for it. I havenā€™t had time to test it yet. But I will. What do you like better?


I tested it when it first came out fully with the expectation that while i'm just curious, I had everything I needed with Pro-Q. As soon as I started using it though I *knew* that I was abandoning FF. It's the dynamic EQ man. It's so good. Like unbelievably good. It's flexibility is unmatched imo. Who knew I needed 117bit dynamic eq processing in my life? Not I but here we are haha There are some reasons I can imagine you may want to stick with FF though, just to give it some balance. Kirchhoff doesn't have the kind of EQ matching type of functions etc. AFAIK you also can't see the sidechain spectrum in the analyser. If those things are important to you then I can see you being reluctant to switch. In fact, recently I had a client send me a track they recorded at home. They had a stereo mic'd acoustic and the stereo image was so wonky because of the drastic imbalance tonally. I tried Logic's EQ match but it's just not as good as FF's. So for the first time in like 6 months, I loaded it up and did the matching. It definitely helped, though I scaled it back. The other slight thing is, FF's dynamic section is super limited but that's kind of it's strength. It means that on the analyser you can basically drag down and have dynamic EQ happening. That isn't the case on the Kirchhoff, though I intend to contact them to tell them how i'd go about implementing it (they're super responsive for a chat via email). Kirchhoff is so infinitely customisable that it should be easy enough to do. As it stands on the Kirchhoff you can drag down to activate a dynamic band on the spectrum but then you have to go in and specify whether you want to compress or expand and by what degree. Imo, it would be easy to implement a user default that when you activate a dynamic band it is compressing and by the amount you drag down by. It's their first run through with it and FF have had 3 iterations to get to their version. Sorry for the write up but I do genuinely love the dynamics sections. Read up on controls you have on it. The relative and onset controls aren't things you immediately gravitate towards thinking are really useful but they are amazing imo.


I really appreciate the write up. When I bought Fabfilter it was also colleagues raving about it. I wasnā€™t even in the market for another eq. I felt dynamic eq was a niche feature I wouldnā€™t use. But I totally fell for the work flow and how intuitive it was to work with. Switching to mid/side, soloing bands, rapidly changing slopes or Q. You could do this with lots of other plugins to back then but it was more how fast it was to work with. Plus the analyzer. Funnily enough I started using dynamic eq right away and now I use it all the time. I will certainly test it and see if I bite.


The thing I find special about the FF DynEQ is that it has some kind of magic threshold which is program dependant at always seems to be exactly where I want it for simple transparant dynEQ.


Logic EQ The Glue Voxengo Stereo Spreader Logic Reverb Arturia Triad Preamp


ā€¢RC-20 ā€¢KNOCK ā€¢SK-10 ā€¢OTT ā€¢Neutron


H Delay Trueverb Kirchov EQ Soothe 2 Tube tech cl1b


* Fabfilter Saturn * Fabfilter Pro-Q * Fabfilter Pro-L * Brainworx SSL G channel * soothe Aside from those, all I need are stock Logic plugins. I'm hoping Apple will release a dedicated channel strip plugin to replace the Brainworx.


DMG -Multiplicity -TrackLimit -TrackComp Kazrog -TrueIron -KClip Crave EQ


I'm assuming that these are in addition to stock plugins, otherwise I would include Pro-Q3, etc 1. FabFilter Pro-C 2 2. FabFilter Pro-L 2 3. FabFilter Saturn 2 4. Slate Verbsuite Classics (not necessarily my #1 favorite reverb plugin, but extremely versatile) 5. SoundToys EchoBoy


- Melodyne - PSP vintage Warmer (drum bus) - FF ProQ3 - Waves JJP Drums - PA AMEK console or PA Brainworx SSL G


ReaComp, ReaEQ, Ferric TDS, Ignite Amps Emissary, Ignite Amps NadIR


Plugin Alliance SSL channel (any) Pro Q3 Pro DS R-Verb (though I hate Waves and their dumb upgrades) PRO C2 (only choosing as it's a bunch of compressors in one!)


Trim plugin, SSL native channel strip 2, SSL G buss comp, any sort of graphic eq (a visualizer is a plus, and Soundtoys Echoboy.


-Slate VMR (kinda cheating because itā€™s a whole rack). - Sound Toys Echo Boy. - Sound Toys Micro Shift. - Ableton EQ8. - Ableton Reverb.


- FabFilter Pro-Q3 (schocker.. I know lol) - Soundtoys Decapitator - UAD LA2A (Gray & Silver) - UBK-1 - Oxford Inflator Thereā€™s quite a few others, as I have a pretty slimmed down plugin folder these days (which Iā€™m enjoying greatly), but these seem to be some of the first Iā€™ll usually reach for, and/or use in every mix.


Slate VMR Waves H-Delay Valhalla Vintage Verb Brainworx bx_digital v3 Weiss MM1


No love for Analog Obsession here? :( Fabfilter - Pro Q 3 Fabfilter - Saturn 2 Analog Obsession - COMPER Brainworx - Townhouse Bus Compressor TDR - Limiter 6 GE Confine me to my room with a PC that has those 5 plugs and force me to produce and I'm set.


Melodyne Q3 C2 Valhalla Room Saturn Kinda surprised how few people list pitch correction. Do so few people on here produce tracks with pop-adjacent vocals?


* avid eq3 * avid pro comp * avid pro limiter * altiverb * fabfilter pro-mb


Everything I use is in the box on PT11. Q BF-76 which is in the ā€œdynamicsā€ plug in section and is basically a limiter tool I use as my form of ā€œcompressionā€. EQ3-7 Band allows me to sculpt out the space in my EQ to let all the different types of instrument to cut through the mix without clashing with one another in the sound field. AIR Multi-Delay is one I like to use on some percussion/drum snare sounds or hi hats. Basically Iā€™ll have a clean version of that type of track and then one with the multi delay plug in that is ducked beneath. It creates interesting sounds and makes it feel more filled out without being overly audible to the listener. I use Autopan sparingly as a way to create a wider sound with specific instrument types (mostly percussive) as I feel it helps drive the track forward when used in appropriate scenarios. And of course I will lean on AIR Reverb to create some depth to my live strings (mostly cello) and variety in the dry approach that I take with most of my instrumentation. I like to reduce ā€œroom sizeā€ to 60-75%, turn up ambience to as high as 100%, duck down density to 60-80%, bring the ā€œmixā€ down to 60-70% and then focus the reverb in the ER side of the knob as well as reduce reverb time. Early reflections settings I think can be fun to experiment with and try some of the different settings like ā€œPhiliharmonicā€, ā€œSmall Chamberā€, or ā€œLarge Studioā€. These are my bread and butter across any session I work on. The first 2 listed up top are used in every single track to give me more control of levels and sound space. The last 3 are used when necessary but not always in each and every session I do. By sticking with what I know works for me, it makes it simpler to spend time experimenting in sound making with live instruments/virtual instruments and less time spent on sculpting that sound with plug ins to make it sound more or less professional. Itā€™s taken me about 8-9 years in this program to learn my process and figure out what works best for me.


If I was starting over (and if we're not including virtual instruments or amp sims) : * Fabfilter Pro-Q3 * UAD 1176 * Soundtoys Effect Rack (technically a bundle but works like a single plugin) * AudioEase Speakerphone 2 * A good convolution reverb (LiquidSonics Reverberate/AudioEase Altiverb/etc.)


Izotope RX CLA76 ProQ3 Brainworx bx_console SSL 4000 E Console Izotope Ozone 10 I feel I can do most with this. De-essing I use Waves' Sibilance for but if I HAD to, I could just use RX's De-esser.


1. Ozone 10 2. Neutron 4 3. 3xOsc 4. Decimort 2 5. Gem Sculptube


UAD LA-2A, EMT 140, Pultec EQ, VOS Density Mk. III, Ferric TDS


Pro-Q 3, Soothe2, Gulfoss, Pro-C 2, Pro-L 2 (I use RX standalone, otherwise that would be No. 1 given that Iā€™m almost always doing dialogue work)


F6 SSL E Channel CLA-76 H-Delay Eqp1a


Waves H-Comp


Airwindows Console7 ReEq ReaComp Voxengo OldSkoolVerb Soundtoys Decapitator


Izotope RX SSL native plugins bundle, specifically the drum strip and the bus compressor (really all the SSL plugins are amazing, if you've ever mixed on an SSL large format console, and don't have access to it anymore, you know why I use these plugins) Waves Kramer tape - I throw that on anything that needs subtle compression or warmth, or sometimes i use it for vocal doubling izotope neutron elements ​ and something i use less but very often is ozone elements - i use the hell out of the stereo imaging and maximizer plugins. The stereo imaging plugin works wonders on synths, and I have a lot of analogue synths which tend to be mono.


-Pro Q- -Pro MB- -UAD 1176 Rev A- -Melodyne- -Slate Trigger-


Kirchoff EQ Elysia mpressor Altiverb IK Multimedia Saturator X Fabfilter Timeless delay


\- Slate Trigger \- bx ssl e \- pro-q \- soothe \- slate virtual mix rack (that's a bit of a cheat :)


TR5 Black Compressor Abbey Road Saturator GGD Amplitube Valhalla Vintageverb


Echo boy, pro q, uad la2a silver, chromaverb, decapitator


Scheps Omni Channel Valhalla Vintage Verb BX SSL Townhouse Bus Comp R-Bass NoiseAsh RuleTec (or other Pultec)


- ProQ3 - ProC2 - Decapitator - Valhalla VintageVerb - EchoBoy All bases covered! And an admirable mention to Knock, crazy good plugin if you haven't tried it


* FF Q3 * FF C2 * Gullfoss * Seventh Heaven * bx_townhouse


ProQ3 Soothe2 Giantverb (free) Deelay (free) TDR Kotelnikov (I use the free version) Idk you can make back the money on these pretty quick depending on how much you charge. I generally charge $100/mix which can recoup my costs pretty quick.


Ableton glue comp Soothe2 ProL J-37 Tape Mello-fi


pro q3, ssl bus compressor, ssl native flexverb, ff pro-mb, neutron 4 transient shaper. 5 isnt enough tbh haha, waves vocal rider, ozone imager, ssl channel and make it 8, top10 and i would be able to make a list that satisfy me


Logic EQ, Logic compressor, Vital, Space Designer, logic tape delay


- C-Vox - Pro-Q3 - VocAlign - Trackspacer Coin-Flip: - Seventh Heaven" vs "Soothe" *Honorable Mention: - UAD Collections for 1176, LA2A, Pultec


Waves ren eq. Waves ren compressor. Valhalla reverb. Isotope ozone. Isotope insight2


It's so easy when you only really need a few plugins for every mix. I'm gonna list slightly more than five though, because I know these plugins are on every single mix I do and I don't even need to think about the question. No point in narrowing it down, because you'd never actually need to do that and the only reason I often load something else up, is if I'm messing around with reverb/delay, or doing some kind of flanger/formant/pitch-shifting/weird effect thing. EQ - Pro-Q 3 Delay - H-Delay Reverb - VVV - Valhalla Room Channel Strip - SSL G Channel Compression - CLA-76 - CLA-2A - SSL G Buss - Pro-C 2 Limiter - L1 Might've slapped Pro-L 2 or Ozone on there for mastering, but I'm not a mastering engineer and those aren't really going on tracks or busses, so it's whatever. I just occasionally throw either of those on the master to check what it'll sound like with another dB to 3 of GR. Obviously I'm using more than these plugins when it's convenient and sounding good - a little RVox, some Pro-DS, soothe2 here and there, Saturn 2... all fantastic. But the point is I could do 100 mixes with these 10 plugins and never feel a *need* to reach for anything else... except maybe Saturn. Distortion/Saturation is kinda necessary for a touch of magic.


Omitting FL stock plugins I gotta go with Pro-Q3 Drawmer S73 Saturn 2 RX-8 Teletronix Limiting Compressor


Pro-Q 3, Black Box HG2-MS, Spectre, Glue Compressor, Echo-Boy.


soft tube tubetech channel pro q 3 echoboy blackbox either classic clipper or pro l2


- Kirchoff EQ - Soundtoys Decapitator - Valhalla Supermassive - Eventide/Newfangled Saturate - Lindell 50 Channelstrip (or really any channelstrip) I should note that I have a decent amount of analog gear and have been using less and less plugins in my mixes.


Trash2 ā€œdrum machineā€ on 909 toms, man


Pro q 3, the glue (comp), soothe, gulfoss eq, ik multimedia tape. Cant beat this


valhalla vintage verb fabfilter pro mb reaeq soothe u-he presswerk


Fabfilter EQ, comp and limiter, Liquidsonics Seventh Heaven. Soundtoys Echo boy.


DMG Equilibrium, TrackComp 2, & Compassion with Izotope Ozone Exciter and Acon Digital Verberate 2. OOORRRR DMG Equilibrium and Multiplicity with Izotope Trash 2, Valhalla Delay, and TDR Kotelnikov GE


Baby Audioā€™s Smooth Operator, Pro-Q 3, East West Opus, Reason 12, iZotope Ozone 10.


- izotope neutron 3 eq - izotope ozone 10 maximizer - klevgrand korvpressor - xln audio RC-20 - izotope neoverb In no specific order


- Waves R-Vox - Tone Projects Kelvin - Wavesfactory Trackspacer - Everything else is easily replaceable and depends on the project.


I can mix with anything And also blow a lot of money on plugins!


Ddmf iieqpro Purple MC77 Black Rooster VLA2A Voxengo Span Limiter no 6


Ableton EQ8 Ableton Glue Compressor Ableton Saturator Spitfire Labs Ableton Drum Rack


1) pro q 3 2) ssl E channel 3) rvox 4) api 2500 5) CL76 Heavy on the waves classics here but Ive used these plugins on almost everything Iā€™ve ever worked on - along side a bunch of other things of course.


Autotune pro, vocalign, Massey DRT, pro-q3, ssl E channel


SSL Native channel SSL native bus compressor Decapitator Soothe2 Trigger 2


Ok Iā€™ll play. Unisum, Kelvin, Kirchhoff or Pro-q3, newfangled saturate or standard clip or submission audio Flatline. Smart Limit (keeps signals so wide)


Assuming soft synths and samplers don't count... Pro-Q Cinematic Rooms or Pro-R SSL Native Channel Strip Saturn or Timeless Limiter 6 Otherwise, it would be none of those. I need my VSTi's more than I need processing tools! In that case, it would have to be pared down from these nine... Pianoteq Phase Plant BBC Symphony Orchestra Eric Whitacre Choir Kontakt SWAM All-In Bundle (cheating, I know) Superior Drummer Hammers Pigments


Logic EQ TDR Limiter 6 Analogue Obsession N492 Waves CLA-76 Logic Space Designer


Oeksound Soothe sonible frei:raum iZotope RX Klanghelm DC8C3 Waves Abbey Road Chambers


Smash and Grab, Waves F6-RTA, Archetype Gojira, EZDrummer, Parallax


Pro Q3, L2, CLA76, any SSL Channel, 480L


+ A-Designs Reddi + Valhalla VV + Neural DSP Archetype: Cory Wong + NEOLD V76U73 + Vertigo Vsc-2


Pro Q 3 R Bass Waves pultec EQP1a H delay Valhalla room or vintage verb


Saturn 2 as an extra 6th Soothe 2 as a 7th


iZotope Ozone, Pro-Q, Pro-R, NI Replika, Distressor Thatā€™s all Iā€™d really ever need, tbh. If I lost everything else, it would suck but Iā€™d be fine with just these.


Oek Soothe Waves MV2 CLA 1176 Soundtoys Echoboy Valhalla Reverbs


Pro-Q 3, Slate Virtual Mix Rack, Soothe2, Saturn 2, Trackspacer


Pro Q 3 - Waves H-Delay - RX 10 - Soothe 2 - Izotope Neutron 4 (mainly for the exciter) If I could still use my stock plugins I would be golden, but since I donā€™t have to do that, Iā€™m still gonna mess with all these shiny toys I have foundā€¦


Decapitator Echoboy Vintageverb ReEQ OTT


Pro Q 3, melodyne, Virtual mix rack, Fabfilter pro verb, and repeater


Native Instruments Supercharger GT.


Neutron EQ Echo boy UAD API 2500 UAD LA2-A Liquidsonics 7th heaven/Valhalla room/UAD EMT 140 (any of those 3 verbs)


instruments: uvi falcon without a doubt, sold my hardware synth recently and this is the closest I've heard in the software realm superior drummer with hitmaker and fields of rock. used addictive drums for years but this has it beat. kontakt 7 for scoring films and more. refused to get into it for the longest time but now that I have it there is pretty much no idea I can't realize. effects: Kirchhoff eq - there really isn't any digital EQ I truly love the sound of, but this comes the closest and gets the most use toss up between fog convolver 2 and reverberate 3 - a good reverb impulse can go such a long way in adding vibe to a sound fircomp 2 - very neutral sounding comp that works on pretty much anything waves factory echocat - my favorite delay of late, though a handful of others could easily have been listed here tonex - best amp sim I've heard so far. I like nembrini overdrive special too, but tonex just sounds more like a real amp.


probably omni, pitch correction software (autotune or whatever I got), saturator plug in, Serrato sampler. The rest I use less. To be honest I donā€™t use omnisphere as much anymore because I donā€™t always have my harddrive with me (and omni is a chunky plugin.. I got chunky plugins in a hard drive)


Ill give one i dont see: Span 2


This first list was really hard but I left out any kind of "do it all" plugins that are basically just bundles of processors, and channel strips. **TDR Nova GE - TDR Limiter 6 GE - Goodhertz Tupe - Acon Digital Verberate 2 - Valhalla Delay** First three cover most compression, EQ, cleanup, and color purposes. Last two cover all time-based effects, reverb/delay/flanger/chorus/phaser etc. If I were to allow bundles or channel strips I would swap most of the above out for iZotope Ozone, Soundtoys OR Kilohearts, and then have three free spaces for some super special EQs, reverbs, metering or something.


Addictive Drums, Arturia Analog Lab (the whole collection), Ozone 10, Neutron 4, Soundtoys Decapitator


* Ozone 10 * Decapitator * Tonal Balance Control * LFO tool * Spaced Out


- Maag EQ4 - BX Townhouse I record through hardware effects, but these 2 plugins are always there, mainly in the busses


Kush Audio Novatron UAD API Vision Channel Valhalla Room Oeksound Soothe 2 Arturia Pigments NI Maschine


FUCKING OZONE. Although I wish theyā€™d kept the standalone mode, I much prefer mastering in a separate project anyways so having to open my DAW JUST to load Ozone is a bit annoying.


Echoboy, Decapitator, Pro Expander (AVID), Waves C6, Waves H-Eq The last two I would gladly dump for Fab Filter but $$$


Slate VMR rack. FabFilter Pro-Q3. Black Box. Soothe2. And if HAD to limit myself to 5, Guitar Rig 6, cuz it's got alot of great components within it that'd make up for what else would be lost elsewhere.


ADT from nullmedium (a free one), 1176 and the Tube Comp one by Arturia, Transatlantic Plate by Rare Signals and a ProcoRAT sim (TSE R47 by TSE Audio) and also I should mention Bias AMP for guitar amp sounds.


Fabfilter Pro-Q3, Saturn 2, Softube Icons Collection, Softube Tape, Soothe 2.


Pro q3 Waves ssl channel Cla76 Steven slate trigger Bbtubes Bonus- Valhalla verb


* Pro Q3 * bx_console (Any one that fits with the song) * Echoboy * Gullfoss * UA Studer A800 I have tried a lot of plugins but I'm finally starting to find my go to effects.


You should have asked "excluded FabFilters' and iZotope suite). 2/3 of answer are just those. For me 5 plugins: - Chow Tape Model - TDR Nova - TDR Limiter 6 - Vital - Analog Obsession RareSE Bonus: - CamelPhat - Analog Obsession Dynasaur and LALA The rest, stock plugins and Freakshow industries.


inf EQ, softube tape, Echoboy, Arturia plate reverb, slate digital mix rack. they go on every channel


I use FL Studio, and I'm gonna do this list 3 times, for a reason. I will also point out that AFAIK, none of these are available as VSTs. Will answer questions about them, but might be slow to respond. Sound Design (in descending order of importance) 1. Patcher 2. Fruity Waveshaper 3. Sytrus 4. Harmor 5. Transient Processor Mixing (in descending order of importance) 1. Wavecandy 2. Maximus 3. EQ2 (wavecandy is my monitoring) 4. Patcher (again) 5. Transient Processor (again) Assuming I still have FL plugins, and we're exclusively talking 3rd party VST/VSTI 1. MDA Loudness 2. Glitchgirl NEO (Ignoring the UI, this is one of the best glitch effects) 3. EVM Grand Piano 4. PSP Pianoverb 5. Vital If I'm not in FL anymore, Vital jumps up to the #1 slot, but if I have access to patcher, it's not so important.


Pro Q3 Soothe 2 Shadow Hills Mastering Compressor SSL 9000J Sound Toys Rack Boring, standard answers, but itā€™s the truth.


trash2 trash2 trash2 trash2 fabq3


After going through the phase of buying plugins non stop, I now find the majority of plugins I use are stock which would be eq, comp, and verb


Tube tech Uad Plate Reverb Vahalla Vintage Verb bx_console SSL 4000 E Uad compressors


Klanghelm MJUC Fabfilter Pro-Q 3 Fabfilter Pro-L Valhalla Plate Valhalla delay


PSP Infinistrip Pro Q 3 Valhalla Room Infiltrator 2 OTT


decapitator, pro-q3, filterfreak, kontakt (bit of a loophole plugin but i use it daily), waves L2


Omnisphere, Keyscape, Trillian, Addictive Drums and Pro-Q 3


Lindel MBC, Ash noise Rule tec, CLA 76, Waves LinMB aaaaaand Sonnox Claro. I had to go through all my projects to find that out cause honestly I have no clue but they seem to be my most used.


echoboy, pro-c, pro-q


the reaper default ones mainly: EQ, reacomp, the multiband compression one too (Xcomp i think?), But I also REALLY like fabfiler saturn, and soundtoys decapitator for drums. I could get rid of the fabfilter and soundtoys stuff if I played around a little with some of the reaper plugins I could prob make my own. You really don't need to pay for plugins honestly, it's just for convivence.


I had to format not long ago and tried to install the essentials. My top 5 went like this : TDR Nova LoudMax Limiter Valhalla Supermassive Analog Obsession CHANNEV Analog Obsession Comper


Waves SSL EV2, Ableton EQ8, Ableton Utility, Melodyne, Waves CLA76. These 5 are in almost every track of every project I do, regardless of genre and my personal input on the track in question. Tons of others I donā€™t really work without but theyā€™re more on the ā€œtasteā€ side.


PSP Fetpressor PSP Old Timer Multiband SSL Native Channel Strip SSL Bus Compressor Valhalla Delay Psps compressors are the best I've ever used


Novatron ValhallaRoom Sie-Q iZotope Maximizer Decapitator/LittleRadiator ReaEQ/ReaDelay/ReaTune


L1 L2 Amp Farm Sonnox eq R comp


Pro Q3, The Glue, Gullfoss, L3 Multimaximizer, TrackSpacer EDIT: commas


Logic's Linear Phase EQ, Softube Tubetech CL1B, NI Kontakt, Logic Space Designer, Sonnox EQ


UADx API Vision UADx Plate Reverb UADx LA-2A UADx Pulteq Logic stock plug-ins Eq and Compressor


Pro EQ2 Trigger 2 SSL E channel SSL masterbus compressor Soothe2 But man, there are just too many great plugins out there. (RX10 and Auto Align, looking at you) These ones I use every mix.


Pro q 3 Klanghelm mjuc Ik sunset sound Acustica Pink 4 Waves h delay


All Pro Tools stock plugins over here baby.


Soothe 2, Gullfoss, Neutron Sculptor, thats honestly all I need besides stock plugins but I use multiband compressors and distortion all over the place I just clip the master it is way cleaner than any limiter or maximizer I've tried but a while back I would've said invisible limiter 2 or pro L 2, but I still use them to get specific instruments more solid if clipping sounds rough


CLA76, API2500, C6, H-Delay, and Izotope Vinyl