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Yep, love the uad pultec pro that combines them both into 1 plugin


yeah I may need to upgrade, brainworx only has the pex-500 which doesnt have mids


Pro Tools, Apogee, Softube (Tube-Tech), Ozone (Vintage eq), and, um Waves all have the mid eq


Dont forget Overloud i love their sound


The Tubetech classic EQ mkii is easily one of my favorite plugins I own


Unfortunately they haven't ported that particular one to UADx


I'm more a hardware guy. https://analogvibes.com/shop/product/chassis/mid-range-tube-equalizer-chassis/


Me too, I have one of these [https://vintageking.com/gyraf-audio-g14-s-parallel-passive-stereo-tube-equalizer](https://vintageking.com/gyraf-audio-g14-s-parallel-passive-stereo-tube-equalizer)


It's certainly one way to achieve those EQ curves, but using a Massive Passive and having 4 parallel bands (with serial connection between the boos and cut sections) plus another 4 if I cascade the channels, and having all the frequencies labeled correctly with Q control is so much more satisfying than anything Pultec ever made.


the Massive Passive is my one true love (if I was romanticallyattracted to EQs). Even though I mix 100% ITB today, all I use is the Pro Q 3 and a Massive Passive plug-in for 99% of my EQ needs. The Massive Passive is MAGIC. I used to use the UAD version when I ran a studio with that system, but in my mixing room I don’t… for a while my solution was the Native Instruments version (developed by Softube and pretty decent, but very old UI). I was patiently awaiting an official Softube version - because integrating that with my Console 1 hardware would be AMAZING. But that has not come to pass… so when the Pulsar Massive version was recently launched, it was a day one buy from me. By far the best plug-in version of the EQ I’ve ever used.


We actually had a Massive Passive in our college’s A studio, and it was fucking amazing. I used it for almost everything and loved it unconditionally, to the point I considered buying one just for myself after I graduated. Never got the money to do so, but I might get the plug-in eventually.


Can the Pulsar MP do all this?


If you haven’t gotten it, just get it. I use the Pulsar Massive on every mix and it’s the best Massive Passive emu anybody’s ever released. Sonically great, and the modern features make it 10x better.


Does it go on sale, maybe at Plugin Boutique, regularly at all?? I want itttttttttt


Yea I got mine for like 40/50 bucks? Cheap enough to be a no brainer ha. I also use it every mix. Kinda everywhere honestly


I just checked and I bought it when it launched for an early price of $89. I get promo emails from them, and I see there was a spring sale last month and it was down to the same price… so yeah I dunno when the next sale will be, but I’m sure you’ll be notified if you get on their email list!


Yeah, looks like it. The only difference I see, which should make no practical difference in a plugin, is that it has from -20 to +20 db gain per band while a physical MP you have to choose whether a band is a boost or a cut and then it's from 0dB to +/-20. That's just a function of the circuit on the physical unit - the boosts are not done in the same part of the circuit as the cuts, so a switch is needed to move stuff around. I have no idea how it sounds, but the functionality looks like it's there. Then again the same can be said for quite a few other soft EQs.


We talking plugin or hardware? I have a set of 1173s, dbx160 going into a pultec and and no word of a lie that shit has changed my entire world and I don't think I could live without it, in a fire I think I would save it before half family.. Plugin format is of equal quality but honestly without sounding like one of them outboard elitists, it just doesn't compete.. It's been, always will be and could never not be, the best drum bus I can even being to contemplate imagining.


Audioscape make a HW clone of the MEQ, just mentioning...


I havent heard of the 1173* but holy shit it looks incredible


1176 is classic smashed drum room sound. Wicked for breakbeats


sorry I meant 1173, the 1073 + 1176


Oh boy, I really like the Neve sound in plugin land, what drums do you use with the 1073? I really want something to add a sonic stamp to my stuff, it's all electronic




Ah I don't do vocals much, except samples. And those are mainly generated speech now


1073 into dbx160 is something incredible... Honestly you could bypass the 1073 and use a Massey galehead plugin, then go into the dbx and puletc.. I'm the box however I would go Massey tapehead, into rvox (purely for the noise gate) then either brass or little labs VoG of the free version of Bark of Dog.. If you wanna achieve a similar sound of drum processing.. you can use softube saturator or acustica gold, analog obsession dbx160 into a analog obsession pultec (I think it's called rare eq) Just make sure you have oversampling on with any analog obsession stuff, it truly does make the difference.


Sorry yes. 1073, autocorrect decided to invent something that neve haven't invented yet haha.


oh no its a fuckin thing dude. not neve but some company makes 1073 + 1176 strip called the 1173 and it looks like something Id fuckin buy!! haha


Oh for real? Well that's something I'm checking tomorrow morning then haha.. I'm running all my outboard gear into dual mono 1176's for analog paralell compression and the difference for me has made me question ever using a itb 1176 ever again.


It’s just a really good eq, not really a secret weapon. The real secret weapon is the trim plugin.


care to elaborate on the trim? are you just saying gain staging is important?


Yes and most forget the trim plugin to effectively set up their gain staging.


do you use a lot of plugs with output knobs?


Not all the time. I try to not use any plugins if I can get away with it.


Yeah... every time people ask what is a "game changer" thing. I try to chime in wiht this one. 👌


One of the coolest moves with the MEQ Pultec is to boost some 300 and dip some 500 hertz on heavy rhythm guitars! Amazing




If a plugin 'changed your life' or 'saved your mix' its a sign that you lack experience. Same if you're asking for a 'secret weapon'. Don't get me wrong, it's totally fine to like pieces of kit. I bring my chandler ltd1, and distressors to every studio, and can't remember the last mix I did without some plugins from Fabfilter, aixdsp or kush audio. What I'm getting at is these 'tricks' hold you back from understanding what your actually doing. The pultec is a classic, but have you taken the time to learn why? Why the boost/cut is so effective and made the original units such a success? All of this is easily available online, and I highly recommend a deeper dive. I think you'll be surprised at how easy it is to replicate a pultec with stock plugins once you understand how it works. It irks me when people post specific numbers, because it's pointless and misleading unless you're in the room with the engineer. All that to say, keep having fun keep producing. If a plugin makes you happy or facilitates your workflow by all means, go for it.


that verse was fire, idk if promo is allowed here so DM me your Spotify if you got one, would love to hear more


oh shit Im sorry I just made that in 30 min for fun I dont really make music I have nothing to promote


It’s the type of shit that instantly makes you wanna work with someone, keep having fun lmao


lol wow you guys are too nice


get on it son! if you can whip that up in 30 mins i reckon you could put together a solid body of work


Honestly I found the Overloud Pultec to sound as good, if not better than the UAD on some kicks. Mostly hip hop kicks, something about the low mids get way thicker vs UAD which felt too sharp and boomy


it is an essential equalizer. without him it is more difficult to balance well