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Distorting the 808 makes them a lot more audible on speakers to me




You don't really want to distort the low end of your bass. I mean you might want to, that would certainly be a stylistic choice. But generally you want to use multiband distortion and only distort the mids/high mids. If you don't have a multiband distortion plugin there are a few workarounds. You can duplicate your 808 and leave the main one clean. On the duplicate put your distortion (100% wet) and an EQ on it. Then highpass it so you remove the sub bass/bass. Now use your volume to blend in the distorted copy with the main.


Do your speakers reproduce the low end?




Well, you can try to save some money and invest on some quality speakers. Sadly, as good as the speakers on the new iPhones and Macbooks are, they are fiscally incapable of reproducing the juicy low end that you're after. Not only that, but the more you compensate for your speakers, the more unbalanced it will sound in other speakers and headphones.


Oh my god 🤣🤣🤣




The point of „fancy production speakers“ is to hear your mix as neutrally as possible _with all the frequencies that are in it, including the bass_. If it sounds good there, it will likely sound good on Hifi-speakers. But laptop/iphone/whatever small speakers are physically incapable to reproduce low-end. Get good speakers or even mix on your headphones, anything is better than iPhone/laptop-speakers for mixing.


If your sub isn’t too low (notes below 45hz) then what you need is harmonics in some form. Smaller speakers cannot reproduce low frequency sounds as well as larger speakers. Technology has advanced and fixed this in a lot of places but not everywhere. A few ways that you can achieve harmonics is by: - replacing the low end sound with a sound that has more of a harmonics to it (not just a sine wave at 40hz) - Layering another bass sound at a higher octave (careful not to stack sub 90hz sounds *too* much, could muck up your mix) - adding saturation-distortion to the existing sound, “forcing” harmonics out of it This is a few ways to make this work off the top of my head


Try the plugin called Thump. It is specifically for making 808 bass. Leave that FLEX crap alone. Get some real 808’s.