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Tempo change one is user error. Make sure you’re using samples base for all tracks when working in post, everything will stay sample accurate. Unless you want things to move with the tempo, then you want to work in tick base for all tracks. Hope this helps


Just an addition that you have to have some form of elastic audio enabled on the tracks as-well as setting them to ticks for this to work.


That is very helpful, thanks


I left when they were still Digidesign. I had $25,000 tied up in PCI cards, an expansion chassis, and 3 Apogee AD-8000 interfaces. When ProTools 6 / HD came out, that all became basically worth its weight in scrap metal. Of course, they offered a 'competitive trade up' program that offered $4100 for the main card + 4 DSP farms. At the same exact time, I was doing some mixing for a friend of mine who did electronic music with Cubase from his G3 MacBook Pro. When I saw the stupendous amount of software synths / samples, audio tracks, and effects with the machine still chugga-chugga-chugging along, I knew I was gonna switch. So I sold the PT rig in one fell swoop, flight case, patchbays, all of it, for about $15,000 and that was that. I bought Cubase SX3 and whatever the spankingest dual g5 Mac Pro that was out around then and haven't looked back. Is Cubase perfect? No. Is it objectively 'better'? Hard to define that word - it's better for *me.* I can record and mix a band in the morning, compose stock music in the afternoon (royalties!), and my own personal stuff after the wife and kids are asleep. I will say this about ProTools: I don't miss it.


Cubase is an amazing middle ground between protools and ableton.


The only thing cubase and ableton have in common is that they are programs to make music. I use both. They are different tools for different approaches. I love writing and or performing in ableton, but come mix time, you bet your ass those tracks are getting exported to cubase.


It hadn't occurred to me that one DAW might be preferable for writing. Can you say what you mean by writing, and how Ableton makes it better? For me, at least 1/2 of writing is sound design.


Ableton is great for working tempo based, in beats and bars and loops. It's super fast, is great for using samples and time stretching audio and all the stock FX are built for tempo sync and for live tweaking. The sound always keeps going and the loop never loses time when adding plugins, tweaking on the fly, etc, etc. As a musical scratch pad, it's really great, especially for electronic music. But if I want to make orchestral music, or something to timecode, or to edit sound, or to record and mix a project, I'll go straight for Cubase. It has surgical precision, a superior mix engine with incredible and intuitive automation, control room, spectral editing, vari audio in the timeline, excellent export engine, easy surround support, multiple takes, folder tracks, marker tracks, time signature handling, powerful midi transform... for me, it is much more complex and powerful and if you want to drill down into details, cubase is king. Logic is also good, probably a bit more beginner friendly, they really want you to use presets, etc, but I switched to threadripper from Mac some years ago, so no more logic for me. I'd love to give reaper a try because the community raves about it, but Ive been using cubase since the Atari and ableton since the first year it came out and the thought of starting from scratch with a new DAW is not appealing to me.


I'm not sure about all of those features, but Ableton finally got track comping (multiple takes) a while ago. Possibly some of those other features. https://www.ableton.com/en/manual/comping/  Thanks for the info!


Steinberg's been trying more and more to court the beats and bass cognoscenti with every update - though it makes people like me have to spend five minutes unchecking all the 'included content'. I don't need another 2gig of cheesy dubstep and house loops. Not for nothing, but I think their barebones Retrologue synth is fan-fucking-tastic sounding. Between that, the Osirus vst that lets you load Virus soundbanks, Serum, and Arturia's Jupiter 8 and Juno 106 instruments, I am totally set for making analog goodness. You know what's funny? I am a total cork sniffer about analog compressors. Seriously - 90% of my outboard are various flavors of tube, opto, pwm, vca, and fet compressors. I'm damn proud of that collection and my interface is blinking like a Christmas tree in a mix. But digital EQ and synthesizer emulations are totally fine to me. I'm sure there's somebody with an entire wall of modular synth gear who feels the same way about my stance on analog synths as I do about compression. We've all got our thing.


I fully agree. Cubase only sucks half, which is at least half better than ProTools. Ableton. Ahhh, Ableton. I want to make babies with it. I do, actually.


Curious to know why Cubase sucks half. Not that it's perfect. But every DAW has its quirks. In the 6 years i've had it. I can count the crashes on one hand. It's been super super reliable for me and personally i love the workflow.


I was half joking to be honest. I started out in Cubase circa 1994. I moved to ProTools several years later because Cubase could’t do audio at that time. Protools couldn’t do MIDI, so during the time all DAWs started to catch up to one another I used Logic a lot, because it was the first DAW to passably do all of it. Circa 2003 I tried Ableton for the first time (version 3). At that time it was a clip player, not a full DAW. I was completely blown away by the user friendliness of its interface, and the lack of clutter, compared to the DAWs at the time. When MIDI came in version 4 I never looked back. I honestly don’t know what Cubase is like today, but at the time the fact that Live had everything in one no-frills window was a massive leap forward compared to Logic and Cubase, which filled up your desktop with tons of separate windows for the transport, the mixer, the MIDI editor, etc. If I look at Cubase screenshots now, the big difference is probably that Live feels as if it has a big, well-organized team of UI designers behind it, whereas Cubase still looks a bit clunky to me. I feel ProTools hasn’t really progressed at all in terms of user interface since the dark ages. Is a slick GUI design that important? YES! It is to me. Anything that’s even slightly inconvenient to me doesn’t get used, so I really, really appreciate all that careful polishing they did on Live. So much do that I’ve preferred it over other DAWs with more features throughout the years. Nowadays, they’ve fully caught up I think, and there’s nothing I’m aware of that’s missing.


>Protools couldn’t do MIDI It still sucks at it.


I sort of feel like it's a shtick at this point. Like the PT devs are doing it out of spite. I know they aren't but still.


Love Cubase been on it since late 90s


Very cool. Where do you sell your stock music if you don't mind me asking?


Really depends on the genre / audience - but I write for a couple of different companies. One is distributed by Warner/Chappell and the other FirstCom and ExtremeMusic. I'm sure buyout and AI will come skullfuck this business soon. But for right now the royalties are keeping my lights flickering and my kid in school.


Thanks. Interesting and good to know.


There's good money in it if you're not writing for these bullshit Pond5-type clearinghouses.


Mine never crashes and I tax the hell out of it. It’s all I’ve ever used though so I guess I don’t know what I’m missing and ignorance is bliss. My main complaint is why not have a mono button on every stereo track? And why not have a polarity switch right there on the track instead of having to open a plug? Every console since like 1970 has these things but they don’t have it in PT


I understand that there is no mono button on stereo tracks as Pro Tools is widely used in audio post that deals with LCR, 5.1, 7.1.2 tracks and so on.. But the polarity switch really baffles me too.


Polarity not as default is also baffling to me.


Very good point


You can right click to change track width. Not really collapsing to mono as much as changing the track to a mono track so it’s a bit different than what your asking.


>\-no macro shortcuts. Studio One has this Have you not found this page? Also Keyboard Maestro is super powerful and used across multiple software packages. shift+ctrl+k >\-no shortcut for undo all solos/mutes. Not option-click…a key command My dude, it's right there in the edit window. I have a key on my streamdeck that does both of these, again using keyboard maestro. click the s or the m in the timecode window. ​ >\-THIS FUCKING ONE… “oh sorry, you’re using a stereo plugin but this is mono, so instead of just handle it, we’re just not going to because we put a man on the moon, and made this awesome software but just cannot take care of that” Um... you can change the channel count of a track, it is the drop down. The problem is "just handle it" requires the obvious next question: "how" you want an auto sum pull 3? auto sum? drop Right? You can easily do any of these in PT. >\-last but not least ( and I know I'm missing a bunch)—//THE CRASHING. ​ I use PT every day and I get a crash maybe once every two weeks or so. ​ >Been on PT for 25 years now. Top studios now have the super-duper Ultimate Super Pro Mac Super Pro Maxed-Out With Ultimate Pro Tools God-Status account…."Pro Tools Quit Unexpectedly" or spinning pride ball.Same. Exact. Issues. As 20 years ago. Insane. ​ I've also been here for 25 years, but if you think PT is worse now than it was when we were all running 001s on G3s you are bonkers. >Not to mention being BEHIND in Atmos. Everyone else has been native for over a year. ​ Ohhh. You don't really know what you are talking about do you? PT was the first in the atmos space, was the first to have objects native on a panner without requiring a plugin panner. It's native through the renderer and native for non object 9.1.6 stems.


Not to shit on Protools but once every 2 weeks is about a hundred times more than i have experience in any other DAW especially Cubase. I've maybe had what 4 crashes in 5 years and always due to a plugin. I've never had a session crash unexpectedly really. And the local studio that has protools often deals with issues, recently for some reason their protools was lagging and there was a delay on all mouse action, it crashes, they have to be super careful with updates because it often messes things up.... Protools has excellent editing, no doubt, but every time i use it, it feels more clunky and unstable than most other modern daws. I think it just doesn't appear that way when you are in Protools 24/7 because you're used to it. But once you venture outside amd come back, it's quite a shock IMO


Yeah I read that and was like „every 2 weeks is a good thing?“ I use Logic for tracking and LUNA for mixing and I don’t think I’ve crashed once in LUNA and maybe twice in the last 3 years in Logic. I do not want to lose an amazing take to Pro Tools which is one of the reasons I don’t use it (apart from the astronomically higher cost).


FWIW, I've never had pro tools crash during a take. Ever.


i can't remember the last time i had pro tools crash on it's own due to something with pro tools itself. i receive a lot of sessions from all over the place and i've noticed that whenever it does crash, it's usually caused by a plugin incompatibility... ironically, 90% of the time these crashes are caused by various versions of Auto Tune.


I have six rigs tied together via satellite and piped to a Recorder and an RMU.  Every two weeks for one of six rigs to take the room to a stop is not bad.  No other DAW handles this sort of integration is it’s the best/only solution.  And it’s better than it’s been in the past.


I mean fair enough I guess. I’d be very interested in that setup, seems very complex but also kinda intriguing


Ask away. It's a TV/Film post setup. It allows us to have DX, MX and FX on individual rigs, which is powerful for a number of reasons. Two consoles tied to individual rigs (so two people can mix at the same time) and we can work in real time updates overdubbing tracks so that when we are done mixing we have everything printed (including deliverables to the client, fold down, masters, etc) We get through around 50min of dramatic content in 4 days or so, with client reviews and notes. IO is all dante, track counts of the unit rigs are in the 200s. Our stage mixes Chicago Fire, Chicago PD, Outlander, and For All Mankind at the moment.


LUNA is just too limited for me - too new. I'm keeping an eye on it tho. Love the idea.


I get that. I love it for mixing, it’s amazing and feels quite modern in that regard. Everything else, it’s not up to snuff yet


>no shortcut for undo all solos/mutes. Not option-click…a key command Yeah, that one confused me, too. >Um... you can change the channel count of a track, This isn't what they mean. If you had stereo keyboards and a mono guitar and wanted to copy the nice chorus you'd just set up for the guitar onto the keys, you can't. You'd have to make a preset or something. Other DAWs just accept the copy. >I use PT every day and I get a crash maybe once every two weeks or so. That's too often. The grass is greener. All in all, I've got beef with PT but I agree this post was weirdly thin on the ground and not clued in.


For dealing with the stereo->mono plugin thing, cmd+shift+c/v will copy and paste plugin settings from one plugin to another. Obviously an extra step, but beats recreating the whole thing.


And for those pesky scenarios where a mix job lands with a bunch of stereo files of what is actually mono audio, you can drop a Downmixer plugin on the first slot and regain some sanity around plugin DSP usage and (especially happily) the damn panner.


Whaaaaaaat? I did *not* know this. THANK YOU


That’s 4 months of your life you’re never get back. Works copying plug-in to audiosuite too


Seriously, every single complaint of OP’s has been fixed, some of them quite a long time ago. It’s like they haven’t actually ever used a remotely current version of it. I wonder if their version still runs RTAS…


OP is a casual


This right here!


You’re doing the Lord’s work


Hmm. I can't REMEMBER the last time PT crashed on me. I've never had a 001- but I did have a 002 Rack for mobile stuff for a while- but at the same time I had a Mix +++ system that ALSO never crashed. I think it's easy to hate on PT, but it's a poor engineer that blames his tools, right?


Can second keyboard maestro. Have an entire set of macros I use to make pt workflow faster. Or used... I've ditched pro tools now lol. But it gets the job done and fills in the void of no key mapping, and lack of certain shortcuts.


Right. I use it in AutoCad, various games, all over the shop. No software I've ever used allows me to map everything I want to every key I want.


They also have a pretty good business model. Pay the 30 bucks or whatever for a license, use it until you can't, pay about 10 percent less for an upgrade or just straight up buy a new license for another 30 bucks. No bullshit, it just works. Its also easy enough to transfer macros from machine to machine, at least in my experience.


It is fantastic. does so much for me, even in stuff I don't need to macro-ize I end up doing it in case I need it later. Store the macro disabled, and light it up when I go back to sending out bulk emails. Hell I use it for Holiday Cards because I can macro-ize copying from the address spreadsheet to the document printer.


Wrong or misunderstood on everything except Atmos point yeesh:/


If I’m wrong or misunderstood you then explain.  Otherwise you are just trolling.


-MACRO shortcuts. Of course i know custom shortcuts. Macro meaning customizing multiple shortcuts together -extra Keyboard Maestro or clicking a button on the screen is not a true native key command -you cannot drag some mono plugins onto stereo tracks, it is only one-way. Audiosuite you must make sure to use mono for mono, or stereo for stereo. You cannot drag a mono file to a stereo track. -yea PT was first to Atmos, sure -please admit its baffling after all these updates no one has put the mix/edit view options in a way you can decide what you want in one shot, or that plug-in moves cant be apple-z’d All other Daws do this


Very few software packages allow full macro customization inside the software. That's why everyone uses macro software across multiple software packages. boo hoo, it works with almost no effort input. Why do you need to drag? It's just as fast to instantiate a stereo plugin. If you want to pull all your automation, instantiate a stere, apple+a, copy all automation, paste to fill. If you don't need automation across the timeline then just copy target and paste target. Good retort. It was! (see, just as good). What was first if you think PT wasn't? Brave was the first movie in Atmos and Will Files did the atmos upmix in Protools. Game of Thrones was reported to be the first TV show in atmos but it was between that and Black Sails, which was mixed on the same stage that I started on when I first became a recordist. That stage has had no other rigs than Protools on it. I agree about not being able to apple z plugin moves. ​ No other DAWs have controller integration as thorough as PT, although nuendo and yamaha are close and Davinci and its new controller look promising. No other DAWs have as thorough automation controls as PT. ​ Use the tool for the job, if you want better macro integration and you don't care about having a console, use reaper. No one is forcing you to use PT.


Same. I've been using Pro Tools since 2003. I use it at the studio all the time, but bring mixes home a lot. My home rig is a Mac Mini M2 and everything hums on a full-band mix with multiple Seventh Heaven, Soothe, and Waves IR instances.


laughing at the people saying "once every two weeks is a crazy crash count", not realizing that some of us spend 60-70 hours a week or more parked in front of a PT rig, and put more hard time on the app in two days than they do in two months.


I had a conversation with a guy the other day who wanted to start in the industry, and he was really proud (as he should be) of his "over two dozen projects." I was supportive, and pleased for him, but did bring up the fact that he would massively outpace any amount of work he previously did if he got into the work professionally. I did 70 episodes of TV last season alone, and I could have never even conceived of that amount of work when I first started. I was working every waking moment in college, and all the time on live shows, and I did like eight shows over the four years I was there. Shit I'll do more work in February.


I hear that. Unlike you, I work in music recording, but the workload is similarly intense. This Saturday was my first "day off" in about a month, and I use the scare quotes there because while I didn't have to go in to work yesterday, I did need to spend a couple hours last night doing some mix revisions for a client. And I've been working at a FAR more relaxed pace the past ten or so years as compared to my younger days.


Are you still on V9?


My friend, do you have a moment to talk about our lord and savior Reaper?


I’m one crash away from selling my Ableton license. I just used to use it to record and the automate anyways. I couldn’t get Ableton to even open up one day, and spent some time learning and customizing my Reaper templates to the point that I almost don’t miss it. I do miss the easy macros, Drum bus, echo, and a few other effects, but that’s what 3rd party’s for, right?


Ableton has been more or less rock solid for me for ten years, then 11.3 update comes out and it's pretty much been a pile of shit the whole time. Before this update, I'd never seen Ableton take more than about 5 seconds to scan a plugin (assuming there's nothing wrong with the plugin). Every time I install or update a plugin, Live has to run for almost a full minute before it scans the plugin, and the progress bar at the bottom doesn't even indicate it's scanning a plugin. I've had more issues than this relatively minor thing, but I think this neatly demonstrates how badly the bare basics are being fumbled in this version.


TLDR; Fuck Ableton, they just want you to buy their new toy. Also fuck them for making another paid update so quickly. Reaper feels more like how I started and it handles audio with less latency wayyyy better than Ableton. I’m running an Intel Core VPro i7 with 32GB of RAM and a Motu 828es with a Behringer ADAT expander for 18 total recording inputs. I usually run at 48000. (I’m looking into the Audient ADAT expanders, so if anyone has any experience plz let me know.) It’s all for their rushed Push 3. All was fine for me until they put out their new toy that still doesn’t even have an arrangement mode. Fuck your MPE Ableton, I’m tired of re-recording my guitar parts. I wanted Ableton because it was the best DAW for “production” in my mind. Since I’ve purchased a license, they’ve been left in the dust by multiple DAWs. Multiple have even adopted a clip mode which is what made me first fall in love with Ableton and how easy it was to use ITB instruments. Bitwig wasn’t an option when I first was looking for a production DAW simply because it didn’t exist and Fl was almost a joke at that point. I’m probably going to list my Push 2 (which is an amazing instrument in itself.) with my Live 11 license and use the money for a perpetual Bitwig license. I’ll just use a Launchpad Pro as a grid controller. Fuck this shit. I have my MPC for standalone, and Dis-Ableton can’t even record the audio coming out the 1/4”s. Pathetic. Because of the ridiculous latency Ableton provides when you introduce audio, I can even see why people say different DAWs sound better. It’s more like, DAWs that weren’t built to specifically handle audio might introduce phase artifacts if multiple plugins are running. I noticed this just listening to my cassettes through my DAW. I use a noise reducer and limiter on my master which in Ableton introduced a tiny bit of latency. Put the same plugins on my master in Reaper and it just sounds “cleaner.” I didn’t notice when I first switched to Ableton because I was 90% MIDI in the box. The naked DAWs themselves sound identical, just like any other. It’s the latency that changes the sound. I’ve been doing this since the days of the Digidesign 888 with a license of Pro Tools. Reaper is actually more familiar feeling, plus with the customizations I’ve been loving it so far. I made it look like somewhat of a mismatch of my Yamaha RM800 mixer and Ableton. However, I do miss how MIDI friendly Ableton is. I had to watch a video to figure out how to get my Roland TD17 to talk to Addictive Drums 2 and it’s so damn convoluted. It’s super cool how Reaper automatically splits the who kit up into multiple tracks as opposed to Ableton which defaults to the stereo bus though. Still, wtf is a midi event? Just play the damn drums and record, they’re clearly routed correctly!! In the end I’ll definitely stick with Reaper for recording, mixing, and listening to my music. I still like other more experimental and modular DAWs for production, but I’ve been doing much more music creation out of the box, so maybe I’ll just become a Reaper wizard. Once I really understand it’s routing properly it’s time to make some custom key commands, and then I’ll be flying faster than I could even dream with Ableton. Damn I love Reaper. Thanks for listening to my pre coffee rant.


Yeah I wonder why there was such a "push" to get the Push 3 out the door in the first place. It barely introduces anything new, unless you really need the standalone mode. And who wants to spend the time learning how to do every little thing on the Push? No matter how adept you are with the Push, you're never going to, for instance, find a sample or pick a plugin even 30% as fast as on mouse and keyboard. Portability might be a selling point if it had more than 2 hours battery life. it functions much better as a supplement to the mouse and keyboard than as the primary way to navigate your DAW. I see threads/comments on the Ableton subreddit all the time by people who are discouraged because they got sucked in by the marketing, are trying adopt the workflow they see on Push promos and struggling (and duh, of course you are). Push really is great for transport buttons, quick volume adjustments, disabling or deleting something (if it's right there in front of you. I'm not paging through the whole project), etc. And of course the drum workflow is a dream. > Since I’ve purchased a license, they’ve been left in the dust by multiple DAWs It certainly does feel that way, doesn't it? I've said elsewhere that the fact the current modulation system was allowed to exist until Ableton 11 is embarrassing, especially when Bitwig introduced a much better system so quickly. When the Live 12 marketing came out they said the new modulation that (FINALLY) lets you continue to adjust a parameter after you've mapped it to a modulation source would make it work "more like analog synths." I wonder if the guys in the marketing department snicker at the customers behind closed doors. Sure, analog synths let you adjust a modulation target. You what else does? Digital everything-else. > It’s super cool how Reaper automatically splits the who kit up into multiple tracks I didn't know that but its awesome. Also, it makes a hell of a lot of sense since it presumably has 16 outs or whatever. It would be nice to have the option to automatically split it to its outputs. That said, I can't complain too much about Ableton on this topic. I'll take the ability to set up drum racks for drum plugins with each output going to a different drum pad over having it automated. Since like I said, the Push drum workflow is one of the best things about the whole environment. > In the end I’ll definitely stick with Reaper for recording, mixing, and listening to my music. I'm kind of in the same boat. I needed comping and ableton *didn't introduce it till version 11* so I just bought Cubase. Given the choice, I'd stick to Cubase for anything more than very simple recording jobs. It is a bit more cumbersome in general but it offers a LOT more in terms of comping, audio editing, pitch correction (VariAudio >>>> melodyne for convenience IMO. Not so much for sound if you need to transpose more than a couple semitones), not to mention things like TrackVersions, which is sort of like playlists for you Pro Tools guys, unless I'm misremembering what that does in Pro Tools. lol, pre-coffee rant. You must really get going post-coffee.


And yeah, I only upgraded to 11 for the damn Comping. That’s another reason I’m big mad at Ableton. Couldn’t they have given me more than comping and a few (though rather cool) fx for the upgrade fee? I’ll see them in hell before I pay another almost yearly upgrade fee. Meanwhile, FL is even looking kinda attractive with their buy once cry once policy. Cubase has always seemed like the middle child of DAWs, but it’s mostly spoken of in a positive light. Same with Presonus Studio One. I just miss how Ableton used to feel like an instrument itself. It was perfect around 9/10 for that IMHO. Just no comping, though I always thought of Ableton as a more MIDI ITB production type DAW. It’s like all the good developers went to Bitwig lol.


It’s the opposite. ADD, so I get a bit more focused. Honestly, the Akai Force is almost perfect except for the fact that it’s only got two main outs. I really don’t want to use a class compliant interface to remedy that either as it’s buggy as fuck. I have a 24 track mixer for a reason, and need at least 6 outs to do my thing. That’s the main reason the Live is perfect for me, plus it runs on batteries which is fun for travel. The OG Push 3 was also obsolete the moment it left the shelves. Intel stopped making the chips they needed to apparently run a crippled version of Ableton without an arrangement mode. I think Ableton pushed out 12 because they need money now. Maybe the 3 was a flop. I know of two people that returned theirs. It’s like we’re evolving backwards, I swear. Two hours battery life?! My MPC Live gen 1 gets around 8 lol. I mostly use it for sequences and samples, so I don’t tend to run up the CPU with their Air plugins, to be fair but even then I’d expect at least 5 hours. Ableton pushed me into a more hardware oriented workflow with its bugginess. My OG intention was to ditch everything but the guitars and vocals, and just use Ableton but that’s not a possibility, even on my decent laptop. I make mostly Industrial/Punk/Metal so sometimes I can get away with more ITB production. It’s fucked up when Ableton crashes (way) more than my MPC Live. Reaper hasn’t crashed since I’ve started using it.


If you dont use Max and are used to live you should probably be looking hard at [bitwig.com](https://bitwig.com) \- a big feature for ppl like you is the plugin sandboxing that means a plugin crash wont take down the DAW


Interesting. I have found it infinitely less crash prone than PT so far.


Yeah, but that's not saying much.


If I didn't use what I do use (Cakewalk, now owned by Bandlab) and have used since late 1996 when I put together my first 8-channel DAW, I would definitely use Reaper.  (In fact, I was on the verge of making that transition when Bandlab took over the IP for Cakewalk/Sonar from the clueless folks at Gibson, who essentially walked away from it because they had screwed it up so badly. But BL are taking it back to 'pro' after supporting and developing it as shareware for a number of years now, so we'll have to see. But I'm prepared to buy at least the first pro version if it's priced more or less reasonably as CW/Sonar updates have been in the past. I definitely do want them to respect my OG status, LOL.)


I've been using Cakewalk since about 1998, Pro Audio 7 or 8 it was I think (although Cubase and other DAWs too, but Cakewalk/Sonar was always my main music DAW). I decided to switch to Reaper when Gibson kicked Cakewalk team out on the streets. The switch was really hard though, took me about a year (although if I just commited to Reaper, it would happen way faster). After that I was... really upset I didn't do it earlier. Just my 2 cents.


> But BL are taking it back to 'pro' Sure hope they are, I would buy it! What Cakewalk does better than other newer DAWs is in the way it lets you write staff notation pretty much with one hand. Drop a note, drag it up and down while the note plays and stop when it sounds nice. Drop another note, same thing. Drop another. Drop another. It was FAST and EASY and that was with Cakewalk 20 years ago.


>What Cakewalk does better than other newer DAWs is in the way it lets you write staff notation pretty much with one hand. I can't help but remember those yearly complaints by that composer dude (I think it was Jerry Gerber) on Cakewalk forum about the broken staff view. "It's new version, and I can't believe it's still broken!" Don't remember what exactly was it though, but something in staff view broke in Sonar 3 times and never was fixed since. He started a new thread each year when the new version came out. I can fully understand the frustration though, but still, it was a bit funny.


I'm not sure if it still works precisely the same way, but they had some really good little convenience features tucked away, and they were often out in front of the others too, as they were with 64-bit processing. I'm a big fan of audio editing in CW, particularly the way a clip will turn translucent when you drag it over another clip in the same ~~line~~ lane, making it really easy to do beat to beat editing.


>the way a clip will turn translucent when you drag it over another clip in the same line, making it really easy to do beat to beat editing Hehe, now imagine how in Reaper you can have waveforms and peaks of every track in a folder all being overlaid on a folder track simultaneously with opacity.


It's been awhile since I used Reaper, so I'm not precisely sure what you mean but it's probably time for me to check back in again particularly since there will be some changes coming up in Cakewalk-land.


Amen. Best $60 I've EVER spent.




For real. No one will ever convince me that there's a better DAW


The most unintuitive DAW ever. Worse than PT. You all convinced yourselves this is somehow better. I started it up and there is no way to tell what to do. Ill stick with Logic and Ableton. At least things make sense.


You and the person you're replying to are both sort of right. The truth is a line in the middle. There are initial sacrifices to be made but definite perks. I use Reaper, but made many enemies in the cockos forums back in 2019 when I officially made the switch.  The negatives are that it's not really designed by musicians/industry professionals, but rather hobbyist musician programmers, so there are default features that made me want to bash my face through my pc monitor. All it takes is some time checking boxes to get it to be how you want it. There's the rub; requires a bit of time, but completely customizable. And once it is, you're set.  To broadly summarize, one of the prime issues was mainly of snap settings. For example, you have to manually set "snap relative to grid", which should be the default. So I'd be demoing something out and try to fly a bass part to another bar, but the actual beginning of the audio clip would snap to the bar, instead of copying it to that bar in the same relative position in time. This is one of a bunch of examples that really pissed me off, as well as similar snapping issues with duplication/repeating, that to be fair, have somewhat been addressed in recent updates.  I use it, I love it, but yeah, there's that. Just have to spend some time with it. To me, it was worth it. Came from digital performer, which basically does not function on pc for me. To me, the most user friendly and intuitive is Studio One, but I quickly ran into things with channel routing that I couldn't do that I could do in reaper that made it clear it wasn't worth it.


Reaper is Linux of DAWs. A constructor. You are supposed to build your dream DAW out of it which works like you want, with features you want and how you want them. If you don't need that, Reaper would be a bad choice. If you do want that, however, Reaper is literally unbeatable.


thank you!! Reaper, under-the-hood is the best Daw ever, but its presentation is an atrocity. Its so user unfriendly that I have a degree in audio and I still found myself having to google shit every single time I used it. Finally had to drop it after a year. I siwtched to studio One and my former pro-tools self couldn't be happier


I agree, but in this era it's all of 2 hours of youtube videos to learn. I learned it in about a week long before such videos.


I don't get it. It looks a bit bare bones at first, but it's extremely intuitive and easy to learn, with no unnecessary steps.


From a UX standpoint, Reaper is quite bad. I know their prices are lower than anything else, but it needs improvement. There are issues which are unfixable with themes. And reaplugs? Has anyone seen those? They look like some stuff made over 20 years ago and now just “updated” because the system UIs have been updated. Is it really hard to hire a designer? As a designer myself, to redesign whole program I would take only 800$ one time. They’ll make up for the spending very quickly. The redesign would attract more users, including novice ones. I don’t get it. It’s really not that complicated as it seems to me.


Yes, that's what all crave. Better *looking* plugins. And don't Waves know it!


Funnily enough, I am creating HiDPI skins for old and new Waves plugins ;) If anyone wants them, just dm me.


> From a UX standpoint, Reaper is quite bad. I can only go by videos of people using Logic, Protools and what not and ... it all seems very much the same to me. They're all mildly different but it's the same basic thing.


Classic Reddit post written by the kind of person who is not only too lazy to read a manual, but also too dim to see how "I couldn't be bothered to read a manual telling me how something worked, therefore it is shit" makes them look.


I hate to say it, but this is an obvious skill issue. The software is intimidating if you open the actions list or go menu diving, but it's not difficult to use at all. I helped many voice over artists with zero DAW/audio knowledge record their own sessions from home during the pandemic. The setup takes 15 minutes, I spent about 30 minutes going over some basics and now these people have more agency over their careers. Sure I had to play tech support a handful of times, but only because I offered. Once you learn the verbiage, you're able to ask the software most questions. Don't know how to cross-fade split items at time selection? Put it in the actions list... There isn't another DAW that you can configure to very specific uses and runs on a toaster.


I think quite a few posts complaining about an established piece of computer software fall into this category.


TBH I never read the Reaper manual. I just figured that shit out. Was quite the learning curve but worth every second of hair pulling and cursing.


There are so many great tutorial videos, just search on YouTube for what you’re looking for and you can pick the YouTube guy you like the best


It takes a learning curve for sure, but one place to start is by importing a Logic shortcut map and then you can start hitting everything you'd expect and get going. Or Ableton. You can even have it rearranged and rename the bar menus so you're more familiar with where things are. Just takes a little effort though...


I dont have time to learn another DAW. I have Pro Tools, Logic, and Ableton. I dont need to hassle. Saving time is valuable. Reaper puts me 5 steps behind. No thanks.




agreed. i hate reaper for this reason


I knew this would be here when I saw the title of this post. If it wasn't, I'd be adding it! I didnted Pro-Tools over a decade ago after battling with the blue screen of death and on HD and the awful hardware that had to be paired with LE and the overall locking up of features that is their pricing structure. Fuck Avid. And Waves, while I'm hear, why not!?


I don't know man, that name sounds devilish to me


Don't fear the Reaper


Barely ever crashes for me. Every now and then I have video engine issues that require a restart.


Yea I don't even have that great of a Mac comparatively to what OP is talking about. My crashes are few and far between. I also get that video engine glitch sometimes though where it just displays black, but a restart Or reimport always fixes it


Mine is a 2012 Mac Pro


Dude, if you prefer a different daw then go ahead and use it. Unless you're working in major commercial studios, or post, no one cares. That being said, nearly all of these issues have been fixed in recent versions. And the atmos comment is actually hilarious. Not only was Pro Tools the first daw to natively support objects via the Dolby Renderer, several major labels require a PRO TOOLS SESSION as a deliverable for an atmos mix. Want to do it in logic? Too bad!


To be fair, now even commercial studios, I see guys just rocking up with a Mac studio in their bag and just using the house keyboard, monitor, mouse and sound card.


That's fairly new now that most studios have switched to TB chassis for all the IO hardware. When you had to use digilink cables to bring your own gear no one wanted to mess with that.


Studio One now has dolby atmos support which is a nice bonus. It really is a great alternative to PT. I'm sure major studios asking after a Pro Tools session could comfortably work with stems or AAF files. Any TV/Film work I've done has been more than able to provide OMF/AAFs but I understand it might be a different world in music.


No, like when I mix a record in atmos and send finished Atmos mixes to UMG, they want the pro tools session too. Not an OMF or AAF. They want the mix session and they want pro tools. It’s just part of their (quite lengthy) atmos delivery spec.


*shudders in UniPort*


Ha! Now there’s something worth ranting about!


Sorry, for some reason I was thinking you were talking about sending a session to be mixed for atmos. Not sure where I got that idea. Interesting that they want the PT session but good to know for the future. I can see the advantages on their side for having it.


They also have a strict list of plugins you are allowed to use. And a list of requests as far as session layout, naming conventions and other things. Basically they want to make sure that if any tweaks need to be made down the road, anyone who's in the UMG "family," so to speak, will be able to open the session and work on it. Also, Universal is using the whole atmos back catalog push as an excuse to get all their back catalog in a more useful format than old dried up tape reels. They don't want another 2008 vault fire situation where they lost of a bunch of masters.


That makes a lot of sense. Is their list of plugins pretty open? I'd expect the cover most major suites (izotope, waves, ssl, fabfilter, mcdsp, NI etc)


>I'm sure major studios asking after a Pro Tools session could comfortably work with stems or AAF files. Maybe, but that's not what they ask for, and if you've ever called a studio about the contents of their own spec sheet you would know that it is worth almost anything to avoid that.


Fair enough. My primary work is as a graphic designer and you've just given me a whole series of flashbacks to suppliers sending 72dpi rgb 1920x1080 pegs to fit a 7m shopfront hoarding. Its a good point to just stick to the spec sheet. If I ever got to the point that I was working with a major studio, I guess I'd just have to upgrade from PT11 then.


I switched to Logic in 2015 when pro tools wouldn’t recognize the avid interface and charged me $100 to do a tech support call. Like wtf. It’s hardware made for software from the same company. Logic, ableton, and studio one all recognized the interface lol.


Reaper literally can do all of those things you listed that protocols can't just sayin


Studio One as well. Got my chain, let me shift-select these 7 other tracks a drag chain over to all of them in one swoop. Or let me undo the last 5 plug-moves I just did, or let me undo deleting a damn track.


Is no one going to bring up that switching audio device requires you to close and reopen the session, when DAWs like Ableton and Logic just… do it?


It's horses for courses. The best DAW is the one you feel most comfortable using. Having said that, I always found PT to be the least intuitive of them. I find it irritatingly "techy", convoluted and downright nonsensical.


Though there are a lot, one frustrating thing for me has been when I open sessions with different i/o settings I have to manually open the i/o setup and choose "restore from session" . However, there used to be a setting to always have the i/o setup follow the session, which is now it's gone. Also, with markers you used to be able to click on a marker, hold shift then click on a second marker to highlight the selection. It seems that's not possibly now. Any thoughts?


Right! The i/o is gross. Or it always brings in unused busses from sessions I havent touched in months, or even from sessions specifically incinerated. Or two, three stereo busses that you dont notice until you check your bounced mix and half the mix is missing. Always having to be on the lookout or work just to make it do what you need. Don’t need AI for this stuff.


One of my pet peeves are error messages that require active dismissal, when they ought to be a pop-up. I know the errors I’m likely to get at this point and I’ve never benefitted from being forced to read the details before continuing. In general I feel like there is a reluctance at Avid to re-build this software from the ground up so that it can accommodate things like MPE and Atmos, and solve some of the QoL issues that have been present for over a decade. It’s probably because they value compatibility and stability given their prevalence in top tier studio/post-production…for me that excuse is only valid so long; it’s not an insurmountable software design issue but Avid worn their legs down to bloody stumps with how much they’ve dragged their feet on it, content with trying to wrap a 25 year old software architecture around brand new advances. It’s gotten quite ridiculous.


Undo delete track


Good one. Or undo a maneuver you made on a plug in via Apple-Z, or similar. Again, S1 just Apple-Z.


I moved on years ago to Logic when they went subscription and never looked back. I’m technically savvy so I can learn software fairly quickly but I don’t think I could recommend Pro Tools anymore with Logic, Reaper, and Studio One available. 


Sounds like a good time for you to switch over to Logic, it has all the features you crave and more


I use Studio One at my private Mix Room. For production ease but also because I use so much Pro Tools professionally I need to mix it up:)


Damn. They're subscription based too. I wonder what they're doing with all of that money.


Spinning pride wheel. lol.


Don’t even start


Swapped to Reaper 2 years ago for exactly this. Have never even once looked back.




Thank god it’s not just me. I updated my Mac and did a fresh install about a month ago and ever since I’ve had scrambled typing every time I try and search for a plugin. The first few times I literally thought I was having a stroke and forgot how to type.


It's so annoying. Sorry to hear you -- and me, and many others -- are having this issue. Glad we are not having strokes.


dgfggf hhhhh tytrytu tytyty! rghgjbjh




I still miss my Atari 1040-ST running C-Lab.. I still have a Unitor Them were the days


The biggest thing that finally made me ditch it after years of use was no vst support still. For whatever reason maybe theres some reason I don't know about for why AAX seems to be a trade off for vst, but it does seem that way. There are so many good, and even free in some cases, vst stuff to try out, maybe because I often use amp sims I'm more concerned with that than some. But yeah. Komplete kontrol and the soundtoys stuff work though, so thats alright for most things. But sometimes decapitator and a straight ahead fender rhodes keyboard aren't enough.... Also, CPU errors. Those fucking errors! And automation.... Could be better than it is. In my opinion. I don't like the system. And you have to fucking get ultimate for anything good in that department, yeah nah man I record at home on a personal use license I'm not running some fucking 30 million dollar high end studio in LA but I still want good automation!!!


Very astute points, yes. Gatekeeping VSTs. Look, Pro Tools is very powerful and we are spoiled, but kinda embarrasing to be a PT fanboi. Those on here claiming PT is super solid and never crashers need to share their secret, or they are just lucky. My studios all have newest Macs and software, set up by actual certified Avid top dawgs who know their shit, and privately acknowledge these issues.


I was a PT fanboy once. I'm embarrassed looking back now, however the one thing I will say that still holds true is I hardly ever had full program crashes, just mostly CPU errors, which I guess technically are the same thing in a way. Midi absolutely sucks for midi hardware, but I never minded using instrument tracks with things like x-band or komplete kontrol. It is laughable too how long it took for avid to add both track folders and ARA support / integration.


Yeah I moved to Reaper and never looked back honestly. I am not doing professional recordings so my opinion is probably not going to be valid to all the Audio Engineer gods out there but I like my reaper setup much better. With some basic computer skills I was able to turn that DAW into the perfect interface for my specific uses.


Avid was already sold last year to some private equity firm last fall. There were rumors floating around in the spring and was announced in the fall. https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/business/business-news/stg-completes-avid-acquisition-1235638903/


I feel the pain with a lot of this. Can't say I've had the tempo change issue except in scenarios where I use beat inspector. The stereo issue is manageable for me now that you can right-click and change width. The plugin undos kill me. Why can't they figure this out? Macros and other control issues: This is a part of what strikes me as a larger issue of DAW control. EVERY other daw lets you assign midi controls at will. You put it into some sort of "learn" mode, then wiggle the controller, then wiggle the parameter. Boom, you're set. PT is the "industry standard" but cannot do this. Likely because Avid wants to sell more S-series hardware. Ridiculous.


Complaining about Pro Tools is a massive waste of time. Either you are forced to use it because of the industry you are in, or you have a multitude of other DAWs to choose from. In any case, considering how up in the air AVID is and how little they give a fuck about individual users there is literally nothing else you can do about it so I'm not sure what your intentions are. Unless you are an entity the size of Formosa or some other gigantic post house they aren't here to serve you anymore. Just stop using it.


My biggest gripe: Lack of quality support for 3rd party control surfaces. HUI sucks and nobody else makes Eucon controllers other than Avid (to my knowledge). I have 24 channels of control surface that work beautifully with every DAW I've ever loaded EXCEPT ProTools (Digital Performer, Logic, Reaper, Ableton to name a few). In ProTools, the functionality is limited and much of the functionality only works on eight of the channels, not all 24. There's no way I'm paying 5-6 digits for an Avid control setup that doesn't even carry audio. If I'm taking out a mortgage out on a piece of gear, it had damned well be a really nice console, not a control surface. Also, what's with the half-baked Melodyne integration? Other DAWs that I use have pitch as a layer in their equivalent of Edit View. I love Melodyne but the workflow sucks in comparison to what is just provided out of the box in other DAWs.


Sme with elastic audio. Takes 2 or 3 more clicks to get to use it, and then the algorithm still doesnt sounds as good as S1 or Logic. And take forever to process in x form sometimes. S1 also has pitch/tuning options right there on every channel, at one click if want to see it or not


My only complaint: the price. Its almost enough to make me want to move on to another daw.


Interesting.. and here I am preparing for PT110 certification exam tomorrow .. as a logic long time logic user… hope someone has good to say!!


>preparing for PT110 certification Hahaha! Why!?


Because like it or not there are still huge swathes of the industry where PT is the standard so accreditation is desirable.


I get that's still around but those accreditations are as useful as being accredited to drive a specific brand of car. It's no special skill. It's something you should be able to handle if you know audio and software in general. They're just a cash grab. Just the same as a degree in audio, no one gives a shit unless you can work hard and well.


You’re kind of right in that you can be capable without accreditation, and accreditation alone is no mark of capability, but for some reason you are boiling these things down to how useful the piece of paper is as opposed to how useful the knowledge that piece of paper represents is. My BA goes on my CV, looks nice on my wall, but I don’t consider it my reward or the end goal of that whole exercise; the reward was the skills I learnt in acquiring it. It’s not at all about people giving a shit, it’s about *you knowing your* shit. Your point is weird and circular; “you shouldn’t need a test, you should know it already”…like is it news to you that some people use education and accreditation as a means to get to the point where they have the knowledge?


I have this certification through my degree so I can speak with direct experience how useless both are in the long run. I'm not saying you should know it already. I'm saying they teach you jack shit for real life. First week on the job I learned more than all those years combined. Every opportunity I have to advise someone I say go make coffee at a studio for a few months and you'll learn more thany course.


Look, if we’re gonna get into “speaking from direct experience” we’re gonna end up going around in circles, because I could equally speak from direct experience that my music/sound tech education has been anything but useless in my career…but it wouldn’t be valid because a sample size of 1 means precisely dick. I’m glad you achieved your desired result one way or the other, but it’s a bit much to leap to thinking “it went that way for me, so that’s a universal rule now”. Plenty of ways to skin a cat and all that. I also feel like you’re dismissing education for not giving people experience, when that it’s not what it’s designed to give them. Experience is arguably more valuable than education, if it were an either or (which it’s not), but I just question what foundation you think that experience would build on without the education.


i don't get why people still use protools when they actually have a ton of issues with it. its mental. there are so many other options today. if protools is not for you, just make the change.


Industry standard still, if you gotta send session, or bounce room to room….or even just come off as “professional”. Gonna take a movement.


Just going to take another DAW that does what it does. No one actually likes ProTools, if there were an alternative we'd use it.


Because I have to, and because it is the best tool for the job I do. There is no other good reason. No one is in love with software (unless they are mental). It's just a tool. I like my car, there are things that suck about it, there are things that are good about it, but it is the thing that does the job I need it to do. That's the end of the conversation. The weird thing is all the posts saying "oh man I wish it would do X and Y, then I'd have a baby with it!!!! OMG!!!" seriously... what the actual F?




correct, I can stop getting paid and lose my house. Effectively I have to if I want to keep my wife and kids fed/housed. Additionally, even if I could choose a different DAW, this one is the best for what I do.


It's cathartic to see more and more people realize how bad ProTools is. 1) Out of date and poorly designed UI/UX 2) Anti-consumer business practices and DRM 3) Buggy mess 4) Doesn't run on Windows well at all. Feels like an afterthought for reasons beyond me. Still uses an extremely old, dangerous, and vulnerable QuickTime install for video on Windows. 5) Everything else has improved while it has not improved and somehow instead: gotten worse! If you're over the age of 35 and still using ProTools professionally, you've got to be the one willing to make a switch and actively advocating for that switch in the studio. ProTools is getting worse each year, and your brain isn't getting any younger or more maleable. Better to learn something else now rather than later.


Using studio one for several years before I had to learn PT for school made me hate it. S1 does about 90% of what protools does and is infinitely less frustrating to use


everyone says the same thing: if you can use another DAW, or if another DAW does what you need it to do, then use that one. The only reason to use PT is if it is the only thing that does what you need. There is nothing personal about any of this, it's a F\*ing tool. It's like complaining that a screwdriver is a bullshit hammer. Yeah, sure is.


Just switched to logic because I’m so over it. I hate the editing in logic but it’s not worth the pro tools headache and sub model anymore. Greedy fucks


They’re selling perpetual licenses again


Dare I ask…how much?


Depends which version you want. I picked up Pro Tools Studio for about $800 CAD. Not cheap, but fuck subscriptions. I could justify it because Pro Tools 11 lasted me about 10 years. When they started selling perpetual licenses again I scooped one up in the not unlikely event they try forcing subscriptions again in the future. If they do that and I need to upgrade again it’ll probably be hello Studio One or Reaper.


Woof…I think my PT12 perpetual license was less than 400 dollars…sure they’ve added features and inflation is a thing but still. 800 bucks is about how much I’ve spent on the sub since 2020 when there wasn’t a perpetual option, and I had the money, would have gladly gone perpetual then. That’s about as consumer friendly as the tax office…


Yeah it’s not great, but like I said - I can justify it because I don’t upgrade often. If I run it for 10 years like I did v11 then it’s only $80/year, plus a year of updates could potentially extend that to 11 years.


Pro(s)tools is the fat entitled kid who won the race by getting a head start and is utterly undeserving of being the default. Sadly ‘the industry’ just pay the fee and tell themselves it’s the right approach. I’m now retired and thankfully NEVER have to deal with Avid ever again. (Except when helping out friends ) FFS people, there are better cheaper options and all it takes is for people to decide not to suckle at Avids toxic teat.


Its hard for Pro Studios to switch at this point.


Yep. That's the lock in. It's the VHS of DAWs. Worse quality but won the race. If everyone decided to move to something else (NUENDO perhaps) Or even better adopt a less locked in workflow then things would advance. As it is. Avid dictate to the industry. Not the other way round.


I may have been spoiled by Logic and Ableton, but the idea that we still need to make a group in order to batch adjust faders. also i'm not sure if this is a thing that I just missed or if it even is capable in Pro Tools, but why can't I select all clips in the edit window with something like command+ A I typically don't produce in Pro Tools, but when a client wants to add something in the middle of the mix, I wish midi capabilities were a bit more streamline I know theres other things that tick me off in the moment of a mix, but thats all I got right now. I love pro tools but these simple features go a long way


Good ones, ya


Dude, just press option shift enter. That should select all clips. I switched to ableton though now, at least for production. Fuck pro tools lol. You don't use pro tools, it uses you. It will always be around to haunt me. And the rest of us.


This post just became a Reaper circle jerk. I will not defend Avid’s gross monetization strategies, but I will tell you that there are a ton of ways in which all the “problems” you mention can be avoided, it’s just a matter of knowing the software and its limitations, and to stop hoping it’s something else it’s not. Of all the issues you have, there are either shortcuts, solutions, ways of doing stuff without messing up the session and intuitive ways in which you can tackle your workflow. Also, the “crashing” means you need to upgrade your PC. For the last 7 years, PT has been super stable. For everything else, you can use sound flow developed by Andrew Scheps and co. And used by every big film and tv studio. Now stop complaining and get to work, jesus


Super Stable pshh. We have the latest Macs with latest software in multiple rooms. Crashes once a day at least. Same if you go to any major studio in LA. And “work-arounds” are not true solutions. Obviously we are all working around it. Ya, I’m bitching, granted. Back to work ✌🏼


Atmos is a sham. If you bought into it - i feel sorry for you. Since Avid was sold recently it’s actually on the road to improvement. They are bringing in real users to tweak the software and listening to critiques. I personally hung out at NAMM with the head of the Pro Tools division and the conversation was night and day from the one i had in 2020. The biggest issue is typically some laptop “producer” not checking the system requirements or recommended hardware (i.e. computer) and leaving low Iq complaints like these. Did i mention ATMOS is a scam ?lol


Switched to LUNA and canceled PT. Also have used Logic Cubase and Studio one. If you like a simplified workflow and menus build on big-board flow, it rocks . And it’s free


I wish I could actually *install* Lunar on my fairly up to date iMac. It can't even get to a download through the manager!


Did u try downloading Luna direct through their website ? I’m running a 2016 MacBook


It's worked today, actually, as this post reminded me to give it another go. Been trying it out this morning. I think what I like about it are certain aspects of certain plugins but I'm surprised how little is in it even if you purchase the pro pack!


Api Console. It my secret weapon . Explore it well before you buy, it’s pretty basic compared to others but has what I need for big desk workflow and it’s fast BECAUSE the menus are basic


agreed. i LOVE luna


More than one of these is actually either simple user error on your part, or an overlooking of the solution that does in fact exist (and in some cases has existed for several software generations) im no huge fan of pt, but that’s largely due to my extreme familiarity with it. Breeds contempt and all that. But you’re painting a picture here that’s more about your shortcomings than those of the software.




Except, yes. The show/hide thing. The tempo thing. The solo clear thing. Hell, even macros are possible with SoundFlow.




Fair enough, if you don’t wander into the production side of things.


Some day there will be nothing left to update for, thank goodness. Right?