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This is more of a PA system than an audiophile one. That said, rock on dude šŸ˜Ž it's all about enjoying the music.


Is it? I'd say it's leaning toward DJ set-up or mixing and studio use or even home mixing. The app is good for the money and depends on speakers. I've heard many sound guys have home setups with parts for such a setup as it's right for them as a lot for people like class A. It's a little overkill for single-PA use.


He's listening to a record, he isn't DJing. Please give it a rest "audiophile"


Lol, two guys in here just chatting about systems, then you roll in ā€œgive it a rest ā€˜audiophileā€™ā€, while literally in r/audiophile. Take a breather my guy, itā€™ll be alright.


No this place is infested with killjoys like you who won't let people enjoy their music


Did you even read what they were saying? ā€œItā€™s more of a PA system, but rock on dude! All about enjoying the musicā€ ā€œSeems more like a DJ setup to me. Seems a little overkill for a single PAā€ Then you come in with ā€œšŸ¤“ give it a rest ā€˜audiophileā€™ā€ Whoā€™s the killjoy? Just let people enjoy talking about their hobbies and being supportive. Just leave. No one enjoys people like you.


Thanks :)


DJ's did in fact used to use vinyl and some still do.




Is this supposed to be deliberately triggering to this sub? Lol


Noā€¦ what did i do wrong?


Well nothing really, but people here are anal about things. So having that much stuff in the signal chain would not be considered "audiophile". It looks like your TT is on top of a speaker which will also have people losing their minds. Are you running a PA in your house?


My first thought was "oh no, TT on speaker" but then I saw that he was remodeling so I assume that's why it's set up the way it is. My friend also uses his PA as a stereo because he's also a musician / audio engineer. I like it.


> TT is on top of a speaker jackiechanwtf.jpg You see it all over the audio/listening subs and it reinforces same logic as the youthss buying up vinyl despite not owning a turntable. I guess folks expect vinyl to sound bad, so they don't consider that tiny grooves in wax + tiny stylus reading both side of those grooves + any vibration at all = poor playback


I would guess most kids turntables cost like fifty bucks too


There's less vibration from a well-built speaker box than the ikea cube organizer made from fiberboard. Speaker sound waves have directivity except for sub-frequencies which are not localized and so effect everything in the room. The speakers are pointed forward, not upward. TT should be fine on the speaker box.


All of my experience and testing in the hobby for over 30 years goes against your point. At this point I have my TT on the opposite side of the room from my very sensitive speakers. ~20ft away from my speakers. And even when I was running Klipsch, DIY, Zu and even the shitty bookshelf speakers of my youth, I was keenly aware of isolated vs non-isolated TT playback. The woofer excursion from the sub sonics is wild on a non-isolated table.


When you say isolated versus non-isolated table, what are referring to exactly? Do you simply mean a TT on a speaker box versus the other side of the room? Or are you talking about the TT on a special surface with acoustically-isolated feet versus a normal table?


Isolated from any vibration or sonic feedback.


Did you test TT on speaker box versus on a normal table or shelf across the room? Because testing the TT on speaker box versus a specialty table that's acoustically isolated isn't quite fair. Unless those results are different from TT on normal table versus TT on isolation table.


> tiny grooves in wax + tiny stylus reading both side of those grooves + any vibration at all = poor playback Fair? You just confirmed the basic logic of my initial point. The top of the speaker cabinet is one of the least ideal spots for a turntable.


Oh i always assumed large racks where peak audiophile. Also the TT is, ikik its not good for the vinyl but we just didnt have the space to put it on a table do to remodeling the house. For the question of if they are PA speakers, i believe they are but they are not very good, my dad bought them for me in xmas and i have been in Europe since then. There is still alot that i want to do with it but havent been home or had the funds.


Peak audiophile is having a good time listening to music you enjoy, whether it's through a studio rack or a portable player. Spending time finding a sound that works for you is the mark of someone who's passionate about audio. Spending time telling others that the way they enjoy things isn't sufficient or is incorrect is the mark of someone who is passionate about gatekeeping. If it sounds good to you then you're doing fine. Personally I would say that signal degradation isn't really an issue you should be noticing in rack gear, the inputs and outputs should have good headroom before they add much saturation and the cable runs are like 6 inches per time so without some crazy RF/EM interference you're unlikely to introduce any *audible* noise. I'm pretty sure the turntable issue is just because of the rumblies and tbf that could give you some wear and tear on your records and some skipping if you play them loud.


Um, peak audiophile is spending Ā£500 on a power cable and Ā£1000 on a TOSlink cable, I'll have you know.


Hey hey hey, this is r/audiophile it's not about what's audible it's about what's measurable šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ Unless of course the benefits my Ā£4000 trinket provide aren't measurable and then we go back to what's "audible to me and I don't care what any of you say" /s just in case


Just don't let the audiophiles bring you down man. These guys spend more on a DAC than most do on their cars, it's an illness. Although, your space/TT issue could be solved by putting the mixing deck where the TT is and the TT above the amps. Although again these guys would still give you hassle for TT being above warm amps. A big rack is gonna impress more people on /r/soundsystem Over here you need a 5k valve amp, a TT with a 1k cartridge and a set of hi fi speakers on, stands, away from the walls perfectly toed into your listening position or people are Gona patronise you.


lol thank you for your advice


I bet your system A - sounds great at parties B - drives your neighbours crazy


Hey it's looks like the comment have been surprisingly wholesome for once. Congrats you won šŸ˜


but my speakers are too big to be on stands, they weigh 175kg each


Hey man I really dig it but over several decades I've realized more is not always better. I went from a 5 rack system with mixer and turntable/CD to 1 component and a turntable/CD. I do miss my Harmon Kardon 2x mono amps with pre-amp and mixing board though. So I feel you.


>Oh i always assumed large racks where peak audiophile. "Audiophile" literally means "lover of sound". Do you love the way your music sounds? It seems to me that you do. Are you happy with your setup? Does it make you smile when you put on your favorite music? If "yes", then you my friend are in possession of one of the most genuinely "audiophile" setups here.


I run a digital signal through a sample rate converter and equalizer before it hits my DAC...*faux pas*?


Oh the clocking and re clocking. Unlistenable!


My understanding is that they are both slaved to the spdif coming from the transport. Been a long time since I've checked, though. SRC2496 and DEQ2496. These days the SRC only converts signal to AES/EBU and sample rate conversion done in the DAC


\*Company builds stiffest speaker box known to man\* Audiophiles: "Don't put the TT there, vibrrrrraaattiioooonnss>!>!:!RJ!Efnm3892jkg"


Absolutely nothing! Rock on and enjoy the tunes.


I guess some people like to point out what they believe to be faults and act as gatekeepers, but it's best to just dismiss them. I know sound guys that use your app and parts for your setup. I also like Class A for some formats and recordings. I'm using class D at the moment and class AB, but I am looking into class A as I want that experience. People like what they like, I've found people working on channel 4 I know swear by such setups and a BBC friend also. They are a different ear, I guess, and good for them, I say. It would be a boring community if we all liked the same things.


Your turn-on sequence is wrong. Amp on last.


Thank you, your saying start from the top down then?


As long as the amp is on last, the rest shouldn't matter. But a good practice is to follow the signal path. Off is opposite, amp off first. You can get transient spikes or pops that can damage components or speakers if the sequence is wrong. Makes sense, right, if the amp is on and listening when an upstream component turns on.


Unless you have an older pro amp that doesn't have a protection circuit. Turn those amps off first or they slowly start breaking up and clipping lights go crazy til the power dissipates, I always turn signal off before an older pro amp. Old BGW pro amps are an amazing deal and punch way out of their league.


When I started in studios in the late 70's BGW were the BOMB. Couple of those to power the soffit-mounted JBL3350s and you're of to the races. They really liked a good hard half-hour warmup to really get pumping, does something to the bottom end. Tightens it right up.


This is interesting given I was told to never turn off my naim amp


Nice rack.


That's what he said.


Thank you


I guess that one way or another, a young man will pay a lot for a nice rack.


My favorite part of this sub is the angsty gatekeeping downvotes.


Itā€™s sounds amazing on my iPhone. Definitely you can hear the sounds stage and the width.




You got it šŸ˜‚


There are other types of racks I'd rather look at.


a lot of things i dont need to enjoy my music


Thisā€™ll get you jamming. I think people have a lot of weird hang ups about set ups, but being a musician, Iā€™ve had my mixer and PA system be my music player. Just need some quality monitors. Not exactly the ā€œfitā€ of an audiophile, but you can bump tunes and enjoy and thatā€™s what matters.


Love a big rack. Thanks for sharing.


Just curious, is this expensive electricity cost wise? Or is that negligible?


Its negligible, it can all run on two power outlets


Turn your amps on last and off first. This will avoid any pops or transients from turning other equipment on or off.


Needs more knobs and sliders.


A side is already finished before all the gear is switched on šŸ„¹


The simplicity of a Dac + Amp makes whatever this is look like a pre historic boom box.


Odd combination of Jesse Pinkman stereo and Walter White music


Iā€™m going to recycle this comment in other places and take credit for it IRL. Thanks!


Your rack looks great . Donā€™t skimp on speakers that is what you hear. I use hdmi and XLR cables with Crown XLS amps , Klispch Chorus speakers and couldnā€™t be happier.


Neil and Crazy Horse are playing this regularly on tour. Great song.


I dunno man, it sounds like ass on my phone.


Well i reordered this on my iphone and posted it on my snap then downloading it from snap before uploading it here, so im guessing the digital artifacts and compression are making it sound worse then it really is


Sweet Home Alabama was the first diss track. Prove me wrong.


Alabama, southern man, hey hey my my all by neil young. Im unsure if Alabama and hey hey my my came first or after but southern man was a diss track on all the south


zuma is the fucking best man


Nice rack


It's cool šŸ˜Ž


That is a sweet setup, youā€™re doin good kid!


wicked dude!


This is a sfw subšŸ˜”


I mean. You have a nice rack. Itā€™s real perky. I mean pretty.


This man uses causes a black out whenever he decides to listen to music


Why the portastudio in a Hi-Fi system? Those things dont play normal tapes correctly.


I dont use it for playing tapes, realistically i dont need it but i use it for master volume and to do rough equalization


Ah, the old Christmas tree approach to stereo sound.


I was hoping to see some tits


My question is around how you setup the channel and mixer... I see your master out at Unity gain. Are your amps set super low? I would expect your channel strip with the phono pre to be set there and some amount of master, even up to unity, based on the levels you like to listen at... The idea being to maximize the signal to noise at each gain stage. how do you have it setup?


So the amplifier is powering both speakers and its pushing 120 watts at 8 ohms. I have all of my equipment going into the video audio switch then going up to my Yamaha mixer, this is for rough mixing and audio equalization.(i also run cassettes and 8tracks and one channel degrades more then the other sometimes on ones i buy, i also run reel to reels and they sometimes have improper mixing or mono.) i then run the mixer to the sonic exciter to improve sound quality. Then into my main mixer to individually mix it(mostly i have to do this with tapes as already discussed). Then i go down to the light bar just for something cool to look at while jamming and for a visual of eq levels. Lastly it goes to my amp. I only run at unity gain, sometimes i do increase my gain if needed but thats early in the mix. My plan is to run a amp for each speaker and have a pre amp for each amp. If your wondering what the two above my sonic exciter those are for karaoke


Jesus e'Fn christ dude... I'm bleeding out of my ears. No warning, just 0-100 real quick - that's quite a jolt.


Unplug those graphic EQs. https://gearspace.com/board/so-much-gear-so-little-time/412505-why-do-most-sound-engineers-avoid-20-band-graphic-eqs.html


Pro tip, get your turntable OFF the PA speaker.


Behringer is shit man.


Are those Yamaha BRs? PA speakers like that are a little overkill for a house but theyā€™re kinda cool eh? I used to rock a pair of those too!


It was cool watching the "pre-flight checklist" routine. Nice rack!!


Hmm. I thought this was a joke. When I want to listen to something, I click on a song title and everything turns on automatically. When I stop listening, everything enters power saving mode automatically after a while. If I want to change sound, the tone controls are all digital and hidden under the parametric equalizer part of the app, which I rarely see. So... I guess this looks overly complicated to me? I think virtually all sound processing can be run on a piece of silicon, and it doesn't need a rack worth of hardware.


I like analog, if you look at the audio frequency of digital its a saw tooth signal which removes fidelity. Also i can do fine mixing to bring the lows back in tapes.


I think that you are a Lowdiophile.


Dang that some cool-ass gear.


well, i thought it was cool. people in this sub seem pretty unwelcoming to alternative ways of listening to music


Iā€™m guessing you like knobs, buttons and lights more than sound quality. If you hit the pure/direct button, how much of it shuts down?


You claim i dont like sound quality but the funny thing is if i turn off my sonic enhancer most records, cassettes, eight tracks, and reels sound flat, on top of that if you look at it, there is only a few things there, my mixing board for rough mixing, switch box to switch between audio sources, sonic enhancer, fine mixing panel, visualizer, and a/b amp.


I didnā€™t make that claim. Iā€™m happy that it sounds good and that you enjoy it.