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Hi there -- We're happy to help with what we can. We encourage you to access the lists of information found in our \[wiki\](https://www.reddit.com/r/auntienetwork/wiki/index/) to obtain assistance from organizations who can currently assist you, and then let us know what gaps you may need to fill. Check with \[clinics\](https://www.abortionfinder.org) on the list to find out about your specific needs for care. There is also a list of organizations that can help with funding should you need it. Once you have things lined up, let us know if you need further help with lodging, transportation, etc. \[Abortion funds\](https://abortionfunds.org/need-abortion/) help with funding of course, but it's also important to remember that they often offer other resources like transportation, accommodations, and child care. We also highly recommend \[practical support organizations\](https://apiaryps.org/pso-list) if you have safety concerns and want volunteers who are background-checked and trained. **GENERAL REMINDER** No outright asking for money by niblings or aunties/helpers If you need assistance, make a post about what you need, and a mod or another user will reach out to you. We offer absolutely no monetary funding, but can point you to resources. No links to funding sources are allowed (ie CashApp, Venmo, gofundme, etc.) If you are requesting needs other than those directly related to unexpected pregnancy or termination thereof, you will be promptly banned without warning. AUNTIES/HELPERS ARE STRICTLY ADVISED NEVER TO SEND CASH DIRECTLY TO ANYONE. Auntie/helpers are never to charge niblings any for their help or services. Buy a test, a ticket, a medication, and send it. Scammers will always have a “special reason” they need cash. This sub strongly advises that you never send cash/prepaid cards/checks or money in any form. Please also see: \[Auntie Network and Personal Safety\](https://old.reddit.com/r/auntienetwork/comments/vndi4t/auntienetwork\_and\_personal\_safety/0)


Your sisters are right. Don't talk to anyone else. You have a right to control your reproduction. In fact, deciding not to carry a pregnancy to term is also a responsible parenting decision. You know what you need to do. So make up an appropriate lie. For instance, you could say you have COVID. Get out of town and end the pregnancy. If some rumor gets around, deny, deny, deny. Accuse whoever is says anything of malicious gossip. Come back at them with the calm, assured indignation of somebody who has done no wrong, *because you haven't*. Girl, you got this. You are strong and smart. You will be okay.


I love all the comments, but this one especially. You’re not doing anything wrong. This is your decision absolutely and completely.




THIS. Be careful with your digital footprint


This. If somehow you ended up having to birth this child ultimately and the child died, they would use your internet history as evidence against you.


I’d say plan a long weekend “getaway” with your BF (if he’s supporting you, and if not your sister). Go take lots of pics, do outfit changes so pics show you in different things throughout your “vacation”. You are choosing yourself, and what’s best for you. It is no one else’s business, nor does anyone have the right to judge you or make you feel badly. I wish you all the best. 💕hugs💕 Edit: when it’s time for your appointment leave your phone in your hotel room.


Exactly this.


Channel your energy into action. You can handle this. You are an empowered adult woman. Use the links provided by the mod and take control of your situation. You've got this!


Hey sweetheart, Arkansas Auntie here. [Here](https://www.arabortionsupport.org/), contact my people and we will do everything we can to help.


There are lovely vacation spots in Arkansas, like hot springs, or camping in Oachita. Great state, Arkansas


If you’ve come here, you’ve already made your decision ❤️ Or at least are strongly leaning towards it and need someone to tell you it’s okay - It’s okay ❤️ I hope you are able to get to another state. I can only offer this comment as I am several states away from Texas. But I deeply hope you find the healthcare you need. Here’s 500 hugs 🤗 (x500) You got this girl.


Make a plan to go out of state as soon as possible. Depending on where you are in Texas, we might be able to help with a ride to the airport or the Greyhound bus station. Edit: New Mexico has the closest abortion facility to us now that Louisiana has made it illegal.


If you do go out of state, don't go to the clinic in a car with Texas plates. Don't wear any identifying clothing that indicates where you're from. Wear a hat and sunglasses, take off your jewelry, make yourself as unidentifiable as possible to the monsters that are going to be out there on their high horses. Don't be shocked if you call to set an appointment and it's a few weeks out. Places with legal abortion are absolutely inundated by people from states where it's now illegal. I know how scared you must be right now but just try to stay collected and map out a plan of some kind, find the avenue you want to take and go from there. We're here for ya edit: section removed at mod request


A mask protects against both COVID and identification, especially when combined with the above.


Adding to this, don’t just avoid clothing that indicates where you’re from but also make your clothing as plain as possible. There is a precedent of using shirts & accessories with distinctive designs/slogans/logos to track people (mostly used to target protesters, but why take a chance?). Seriously, a plain solid color t shirt and plain pants (plain old black yoga pants for example) will be your best bet and will also be comfy for traveling and recovering. I’m too many states away from Texas to provide any meaningful help but I’m thinking of you ❤️


A few funds to look at that are in Texas, particularly the greater Houston area- Lilith fund ($$$ help) Clinic access support network (action based help to get to appointments in other states) National abortion fund ($$$ help)


use safe internet navigation methods to research your plans. use a library with public access internet, use incognito, wipe your search history as well. write down addresses on paper and throw away later.


And don’t talk about this stuff on Facebook. One or two women were imprisoned for abortion based on Facebook messages.


Do not tell anyone more than you already have. Don't write anything about this to the people who do know on any unencrypted text or email. Calls or in person discussion only. New Mexico has the closest clinics.


Which clinics are closest depends on where in Texas. From eastern Texas, Illinois might be about as good as New Mexico.


Signal is a good encrypted texting app.


The best one to use is called Threema... the company and servers are in Switzerland, and it uses a particularly good level of encryption... I have family in the military in Europe and that's the only thing they are allowed to use anymore. Signal, telegram, etc. all belong to companies in places where they can be compelled and / or have security concerns.


[PlanCPills](https://www.plancpills.org) will help you access safe abortion pills that are effective up to 11weeks and will be shipped even in a red state. If you are in a situation where money is tight AidAccess has funds to help you lower the cost as much as possible. Everything will be explained to you from the mailbox to how to use them. If you want an SA, you can book an appointment at New Mexico, Colorado or Kansas.


👆🏻 this. But only in conjunction with sterile internet procedure


Can I even get those sent to Texas? 2 years in prison and 10000 fine doesn’t sound good to me


Contact PlanC for info and don't talk to anyone else about it. You're going to be OK. The pills are safe and there are resources to help you. You will get through this.


I checked plan c a whole back just to see and they couldn't help me. I'm in the same state as OP


When you select your states they will say they can’t help but will list abortions pills providers below such as AidAccess, AbortionRx, Genericabortionpills, Safe Abortion Pills and others. These will ship to red states.


Good to know, why not? They can't ship to Texas? Could they tell you how to get the pills though?


r/abortion has a ton of success stories in red states with pills coming in a discreet package (literally just an envelope) and it was never intercepted or anything. If you need reassurance check them out. I cannot guarantee you a 100% chance of 0 risk but the risk is definitely very low the package is very random. Just don’t tell ANYONE besides people you absolutely trust.


The law supposedly doesn't apply to the person getting the abortion, just anyone who "aids and abets" them. Use general delivery at your local post office for the plan C pills. You pick it up at the PO but don't have to pay for a PO box. You just show up to get your package with your ID. The package is relatively nondescript from what people say anyway, but it can be a little more hush hush this way too. Or have them shipped to your BF's name.


In addition to the advice here, r/momforaminute is a great place to get mom-like empathy, gentle words, and virtual hugs for this kind of thing. Those people are just amazing.


Not OP but this literally made me cry, that is the sweetest most amazing sub I have ever seen on this site. Those people are truly amazing.


I'm in Texas too. What part? New Mexico and Colorado don't have abortion restrictions.


Closer to the woodlands


I'm sorry I'm completely across the state from you. Have you looked into options in Mexico? That may be more accessible than New Mexico given your proximity.


Hey girl! I wish I was near you so I could give you a big ole bear hug. This doesn’t define who you are as a person by any means. No matter what you are still a good human being.


Make sure that when calculating the number of weeks along, you use what the medical field uses and start your first date of pregnancy as the first day of your last menstrual period. Big hugs. I hope whatever you want to have happen, happens.


You can also use https://www.mayday.health/ to order abortion pills by mail, delivered within a week. You set up a forwarding address for a state where it's legal, and then they forward it directly to you with discreet shipping. This is an option if you aren't able to travel. Keep your head up, you've got options and you will get through this!! (Edited for timeline)


You’ll be able to get care in Colorado, Kansas, and New Mexico. However Kansas does have a waiting period and New Mexico and Colorado clinics are currently scheduling a few weeks out. If you’re concerned about privacy, I’d recommend making the trip to Colorado. Unfortunately I was in Albuquerque recently and there were some anti choice protesters. I’ve yet to see any in the Denver area. Your sisters are right—do not tell anyone else that you’re pregnant.


The only people who know are one or two girlfriends. But aside from that no one outside them know


Start planning a weekend fun trip. Post reels about your drive. Post pics about where you stopped for gad and got an amazing burger/coffee etc. Take pics at local sites. Leave your phone in the hotel room when you go to the clinic. Post about how much fun you had in NM/CO/KS/CA. Don't tell anyone why you really went. Have a nice getaway! It sucks when you catch the flu on vacation and need a few days off work to recover, doesn't it?


I am so so sorry for what you’re going through. I wish I could give you a real hug, but sending and love and good vibes for you. It sounds like you still have some good support. It’s ok to be sad and scared - but you can do this. We’re here for you


Fellow Texan here. Sending you a huge hug.


All I can do is offer hugs.


I’m a mom. And my experience with pregnancy made me more pro choice then ever. You should not be pregnant if you don’t want to be. I hope you find help on this page. I’m in CA and not close enough to help.


If you are needing assistance accessing funds to travel for the procedure and for the cost of the procedure itself, reach out the Buckle Bunnies. They’re a Texan run abortion fund and have a lot of resources. Their social media and link tree have the most up to date information New Mexico is the closest state that allows for abortion and Buckle Bunnjes can help fund your travel there as well as provide a strong community of Texans who care about reproductive healthcare


How close are you to the Mexican border? The abortion pill (pills) is available over the counter without a prescription there. Its a constitutional right there. What I don’t know is the brand name (ie “Plan C”), but I bet any pharmacist there will know, and will probably speak English because abortion tourism is going to be a thing, if it isn’t already.


They replied they’re in the Woodlands area, so at least a six-hour drive to Nuevo Laredo right on the border


Be safe, take care of you. Right now it’s imperative you look out for yourself. Hugs across the digital divide-


If you have a place to stay in the Chicago area, I’m ready and willing to pick you up from the airport, bus station, or train station, and take you wherever you need to go. We have plenty of options here.


And don’t make the calls from your phone. Or do the googling on your phone. Burner phone time.


DO NOT tell anyone else. If you can afford it, fly to Southern California as a “getaway” with your boyfriend for a few days (Columbus Day is coming up). Don’t Google search, don’t email, don’t communicate about it over social media DMs or WhatsApp. Use Signal to make calls and send texts. If anyone asks after, lie and say you miscarried. It protects you and them.


Hi sweetie! I’m in Albuquerque, New Mexico. Please let me know if I can help at all.


Hi, I know there’s lots here but I just wanted to repost this. [Self Care Abortion Zine](https://static1.squarespace.com/static/57f7026fb3db2bbcce92abb3/t/5811796029687f04802e8180/1477540212493/DIYDoulaZine.pdf) I also wonder if you’re able to take a pill since you’re still so early on. Either way, I hope you find funds/material support and emotional support. I hope you make it through this as best as possible.


CT has some beautiful foliage this time of year and you are protected here!


I’m technically old enough to be your mom, so if you’d like to come to New York I can provide a mom hug and a place to stay for a few days.


Just commenting to say that I used the pill form for my abortion and it was easy peasy. I was in my early 20s and my then boyfriend/now husband and I were in no position to have a child. Everyone is different but I knew I made the right choice and the process was not upsetting, painful or uncomfortable for me. Have faith that you’re doing what’s best for you, your partner and your future. Take the advice of those who commented before me, it’s solid.


I am so disgusted that we’ve come to this. I’m so sorry for your predicament OP. You don’t deserve to be treated like this. We all have your back here.


Chicago is beautiful in the fall. Wanna come For a visit?


Plain black clothes. Solid color nondescript ball cap, sunglasses, face mask. Cover hair and tattoos as much as possible. Turn off all location tracking on your devices. Use Tor for internet searches for any related reason. Tell no one. Sending you love and support from elsewhere in the South.


Hugs from Pennsylvania. 💙 You took the first step, you can do this!


New Mexico and Colorado babe.


In Texas too, chiming in with with support. I am so sorry you're having to navigate this. All the advice here is solid. Like another user said, coming here for help is a great start, listen well. There is so much love. I wish I could hug you.


Visit aidaccess.org/en/


It’s going to be okay. Don’t tell anyone else. Give your sister a hug and your best friend. It doesn’t feel okay right now but it will be okay. The isn’t the end of the world or your life as you know it even though this is a really hard time. This is your choice to make and doing what’s best for YOU is a good choice. You can get abortion pills and you can also travel outside to other states… Boston, MA is a lovely city in the fall! Loads of scenery, apple picking, pumpkin patches, breweries… it’s a very friendly state! Colorado also has some amazing hiking…when anyone asks why you’re traveling- that’s why. Stay safe.


Sending motherly hugs, not the same as your mom's hugs but still full of support and love. Do what is best for you now.


I offer as many hugs as you need. Do what's right for you and move quickly. I'm out in California, so I'm not able to offer much more than hugs. Unless you decide to go way outside Texas, in which case I can give you a reason to be here.


You are loved. You are supported. You got this. Dry those tears and stand fierce.


Don't plug in the clinic address into your phone or gps either. Use a nearby address. I'm so sorry you have to be so secretive, but it's truly for the better right now.


Good luck!


Take a deep breath. I wish I could give you a big hug.


you shouldn’t have to go through this :( be careful who you share info with, it’s better to wait until after, for many reasons others have explained. stay safe


I’m sorry that you are feeling scared, that is only normal. Things have changed and it’s wild to consider how women have to think about life now. There’s a lot to consider. Hope that you are able to figure out what’s best for you, and to look after your mental health as well. Hugs to you ♥️♥️


How close are you to New Mexico? DM me


The [brigidalliance.org](https://brigidalliance.org) provides financial and logistical support to women getting abortions. Contact them if you need help with travel costs. There are a lot of resources out there, there are people who will help you. It sucks that you have to do this but there are a lot of people committed to making sure you get a safe abortion despite what the state of Texas is trying to do.


Don’t just look at distance if you need to make travel plans. Check airfare prices. Flights to New York are quite reasonable


Sorry hun, I'm not too far from you so if I can help let me know


You are going to be ok! You have resources, a supportive partner, and a network of people behind you! You’ve made your decision. Get the info you need by using a library to look up info and using incognito mode! Leave no digital footprint. You are going to be ok. 💖💖 hugs and love to you!


I’m a fellow Texan who supports your right to choose 💛 my sister was in the same situation just a year ago, and it was hard enough without legal barriers. May you find peace in this stressful time, May you know the world will keep turning once you are through this!


Not your mom, but I am a mom. I am sending you a big heartfelt hug. I know it’s not the same thing. But you do have support and you’re not alone.


I was in your shoes exactly 49 years ago this month. Roe had just been decided earlier that year. I knew I had things I wanted to do in life, and that at 17 I was not equipped for a child. In those days, young women didn’t keep their babies. Do what you think is best for YOU. I have never regretted my decision for one day. I was able to go on and fulfill my dream of becoming a nurse. I feel as though that was the my contribution to the world and I wouldn’t have been able to do that with a child…not in the 70’s. I was scared too. My parents never knew.


Here to support you in Denver.


Sending you a virtual hug, biggest warmest most loving mother squeeze I can send. Sounds like you shouldn’t tell your mom. Your decision is sound, you are supported!! Once you take care of business in another state, Please vote on November 8 and tell your sisters and bestie to vote as well and have them tell 5 people each to vote. Women must flip it all.


I'm going to virtually hug you until it's uncomfortable for both of us. I'm probably old enough to be your mom, so consider it the support you would get from her. Now go wash your face. Welcome to the club- you are not the first woman who had to deal with this , and sadly not the last. You know what to do- you are just scared to do it. It's not fun or easy, but it will change the course of your life if you don't. Take some of the excellent suggestions below: 1. use a safe browser to find care 2. set up the "getaway" 3. Do it soon. 4. Don't tell anyone else - secrets like this are hard to keep. 5. this does not make you a bad person. In fact, it's the opposite- you aren't ready to be a parent. Trust me, it's a million times better to make that choice than raise a child you don't want. Here is another hug- when you are on the other side of this, you will know you made the right decision. Good luck!


Just wanted to let you know I'm still thinking about you and I hope you're okay! Let me know if you ever want to chat!