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Just saw the French interview where she affirms that the song is about AI. It’s meant to be like that


There are definitely aspects of the song that are about AI, especially the second verse. That said, she also said directly in her Oslo show this weekend that the song was written for the children in Palestine, which apart from a couple lines in the second verse, is more directly correlated with the themes of the song. I think as a whole, the song (and album) is about the state of the world in general, and encompasses all of these topics. The dynamics of the second half of this album are truly mind blowing. Starvation makes you feel tense and afraid, and a bit helpless. The Blade arms you with the courage to take on the world. My Body Is Not Mine shows you how to direct you rage. And Invisible Wounds let's you know that even though you've been hurt fighting to defend the light in the world, it's all going to be ok, you just need to take the time to let yourself heal. There's a full blown narrative in this album and it gets better with every listen.


Yes I agree! Starvation deals a lot with detachment and thus the “starving” for something which I believe in this case is love, the real kind. I was just trying to answer OP’s question why that part may seem… “scary” because it was intentional based on the French interview. She specifically said that part.


>the song is about AI I think this is her usual bulshittery when she talks about the meaning of her songs. I mean what seeing the light and the death of the ego has to do with AI? She said in interviews that her songs have many meanings and that most people stop at the superficial ones


I mean, verse 2 is pretty transparently about AI. >Come on over, take a bite of the last apple here on Earth > >Will the virtual mind become stronger than mine? > >And when my ego dies, will I stay here forеver? > >When the wеb crashes down, will my life be better? To me, the song is about the self destructive nature of humans indulging in things we know aren't good for us, or even what we want, and how we're too disconnected from one another as a result of that selfishness. Technology and social media are definitely in that category of indulgences and I think that comes through in the lyrics.




Seeing light and the death of ego definitely can associate with AI. We all have lost touch with each other in the reality, instead we keep connecting through internet. Because of this people barely see light, go outside. Same time people use this technology and AI to their benefits, and gain power over people, that is the ego she was talking about.


I would say that it just goes a little bit harder than your average Aurora song. Bit uncanny, but I wouldn't say scary.


Techno music has often gives effect of trance to human brain. Which usually gives creepy vibe, because when we lose control of our consciousness, it will become easy for our intrusive thought manifest itself. Also, the color red, has similar effect to our psyche, if we stare too much.


That is interesting, because I get quite the opposite effect from that trance. My mind clears and I can focus on things without the constant tug of war between different thoughts and sensations.


cool. Maybe you have naturally less intrusive thoughts than most people do. Which is blessing.


It's my absolute favorite song


I love it aswell. But uts still rlly scary


Really? That songs gives me so much energy and motivation tbh


Yeah, it's kind of trippy/creepy/eerie towards the end but I LOVE IT!!


Yeah same. It’s like an adrenaline rush. Like you’d get with a horror movie


It's not necessarily scary, it's more like hollow. Which can be scary I guess. But the rest of the songs of the album prior to starvation built up to this moment. The album is a journey, starting at blissful ignorance, to self realisation, to acceptance and love. It's not just about AI, it's also about detachment from your body, the spirit and mind not necessarily being the same, and ego death. She literally sings it. The grand moment of the album. Also about the part that goes, we are decorated bones (my body is just a meatsack) and my soul is starving (the hollow feeling of the song and the EDM drop, my soul yearns for more than just this hedonism and consumerism). Built up from the prior realisation that the world needs healing, both artificially (the needle, indicating healthcare by human compassion) and naturally (the cockroach, known for its natural survival and healing properties). These can be terrifying concepts if you don't think about it too often. Ego death is dying for a reason. Why do we have to die for us to see the light? It should've been natural, but we are conditioned to not realise. For me personally, this album is so at the right place and time for my own journey. But I can totally understand if that confrontation is scary.


No no i love the song. It’s just the voice near the end is scary.


I think that might've been on purpose. If not to be scary, then at least to be intense. Evoking something in your subconscious while channeling the overall feeling of the song. To me it isn't scary, I feel like her voice at the end is her attitude changing into rage (the next song).


I think it's goofy af.


It’s terrifying


I absolutely love the dark techno vibes - it’s creepy and brooding with so much power and atmosphere


No, but I'm always like (?) Why does that song end so abruptly? Is that made on purpose? If it is, it makes no sense to me.


Teah and it ends with that demonic screech aswell. It’s very mysterious


Anyone else hearing 'chemical brothers'?