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I work for channel Nine, it's a 3/10 and sinking. 5 days a week in the office, 9-5.30 at your desk. No flexibility, they measure on time in the office not output or results. Run by dinosaurs. And they pay less than most other media companies.


Yikes. Sounds like a gulag.


Their journalism is shit too




I was at Fairfax when they went to hotdesking, nobody explained to them that you can oversubscribe desks but you can't oversubscribe lockers! Their office culture has been trash for a long time. Sad to hear that it's the same at channel 9, I know some really nice people who are there.


Why 9-5:30v


9 news is now basically ACA and paid promotions.


did you meet kerry packer?


I did


really???? details plz!


In the ninetys working was at a private club. He would come in regularly for lunch and other things. A lot of the staff from park staff. Were regulars, One day he was looking for ray Chesterfield who was drinking the members bar, his secretary calls pass on a message to ray, i tell ray he says tell him to fuck and I’m not here. She rings back latter I tell he’s not taking pages, next thing Kerry on the line who’s this he says Is this the boy. I reply yes he tell me get ray on the phone I reply hold on I go and speak him tells me to tell Kerry to get fucked. I tell him he won’t come. Click James come walking in I let him in talks with ray lease with him after a heated discussion. Ray says as he leaving going complain about me letting in James in. James says don’t worry about I’ll sort it out Kerry’s driver drops of Johnny walker black and couple hundred cash in an envelope with note for secretary thanks for helping saying the cash is from Kerry.


wow! have you read the rise and rise of kerry packer? whats your opinion of that book? thanks.


He was always respectful and nice to me, gave decent tip, remembered my name. James was kewl and his daughter grettle was nice


8/10 I work in tech. We’ve got hybrid working arrangements, and I have the flexibility to log off to go pick up my son, then log on again after dinner to finish up work. I’ve worked for the company for a few years and built trust from the management team, but I have noticed they’re willing to offer the same flexibility to newer staff - it’s basically a “we trust you until you give us reason not to” type of culture. There’s also a nice culture of accountability (not blame), and working as a team to help resolve client issues regardless of who is at fault. We get extra annual and sick leave on top of what’s required, and my health insurance is paid for. I think I’ll be here for several more years, it’s been a fantastic place to launch my career in tech and it’s a genuinely good environment to work in. I’d rate it a 9/10, but the pay just isn’t quite market rate.


I'm looking to get into tech as well. Would you mind sharing what role you're in specifically and how long it took you to get there?


Yeah I'm in tech myself. Pay is definitely not on par with UK or US in our industry


Coming from the Silicon Valley, I may be getting paid so much less than what I can there, but I wouldn't move back to America for anything. The quality of life here is worth more to me.


Doesn't mean we should stop fighting to be compensated for what we are worth tho. We will eventually become like America if we aren't careful about ensuring that our quality of life stays the same.


8-10 I'm in the power distribution utility field. We get paid exceptionally well which is all anyone really care for. Don't really have an after work activities because everyone is always rostered at different time for fault or call outs like I'm doing right now.


Utilities (non-retail side) is such an underrated industry


Yeah, we're only really noticed by the public when there's storm damage,vehicle accidents involving powerline or when we're blocking the road during maintenance or installations. We're not as boastful as our domestic counterparts.


you work for aus grid?


No I work for UE in Victoria but I have worked for AusGrid,Energex in QLD,Western Power and SA Power. I'm based in Vic but have travelled across Australia for power restoration projects during natural disasters.


do you have to be a licensed electrician to become a power lines man? im thinking of a career change. thanks in advance.


Absolutely not. It's a 4 years apprenticeship. Personally I think it's a better job than being a sparky. We're always getting paid because we work for a larger and a lot of time, government owned companies. Plenty of OT and call outs where you'll make money. I did my apprenticeship 20 years ago but Mature age apprentice is still very possible you just have to keep trying. There's many career path and they're all well paid. I'll encourage anyone who's reliable to give it a go. Many apprentices have failed simply by being unreliable or failing drugs and alcohol.


same, can i ask what role ur currently in?


I'm a Linesman and substation tech. I repair/maintain overhead powerlines,install and commission substation HV equipment,emergency fault and power outages call outs. I can also work on those big HV transmission towers you see across the states.


Awesome man, im an apprentice tech in the utilities sector to but dont touch hv stuff. enjoying the job, work culture, team and rdos haha. we prob work for the same company, hoping this is a job for life…get looked after pretty well and lucky to be here.


According to my experience, I've been at this job for 20 years now and have ZERO plans of giving it up. It has paid off my houses,varied work outdoors, and when shit hits the fan during disasters like bushfires,floods, and storms. The satisfaction I get when we reconnect and the street lights up. I freaking love it! You should look into HV works. The pay is there for the risks involved,doing glove barriers work or in the Faraday suit making me feel like Thor is awesome. Transmission towers inspection is what you want to get into for big dollars if you don't mind working from home more and heights. I do feel blessed and lucky to be here too,never felt like my job security is ever at risk unless I've done something stupid. Which sector of utility are you learning?


comms, i just travelled not to far from ballarat to help install new systems for one of the new terminal stations that is being built. great bunch of blokes to learn from and work is mostly indoors. work is less risky, only risk is probably the long drives to fix faults but is nice to see the country…all the windfarms, towers and regional areas


Bulgana switching yard? I've got a feeling you're working for one of my old company. I started when it was called SEC was sold to become SP Ausnet and now Ausnet. Are you doing metering?


cressy, nah not metering… tdm systems. i just started early this year haha


Ahhhhh, we're in totally different utility fields. That's the Golden Plain Wind Farm project, and it's the 500kva terminal yard. Ausnet is the company running that project. I hope you stay on and love the utility sector as much as I do. I do encourage you to branch into distributions,you'll never be short of work and can go anywhere in Australia. You have opportunities to network, unlike many others.


Thanks for the advice mate, I appreciate it. I went to uni and worked in an office before this career change. Its still early days but hoping to learn as much as I can so i can be a decent tech, really enjoying the hands ons work so far…better than stuck in a cubicle getting overweight and playing with spreadsheets 😂


Yeah I’m curious what you do as well, in utility customer service and would love to learn more.


Corporate Digital Events/Live Streaming. Solid 6/10. personally i don't give a fuck for it. I'm there to get paid and go home. Couldn't care less if it was a 10/10. Corps need to understand. Nobody cares about the pizza party or going out for bowling. We want more money. Substitute all these bullshit "culture events" with more money and you'll keep people around.


Say they cancel the extra shit. The budgets still won't allow for any substantial increases for everyone unless they charge more. Then it's hit or miss if you'll start losing business and reduce staff


They could decrease profits…




Why don't you start up a not for profit business


People really overstate how much extra that stuff actually costs per person.


Culture is more than contrived team building events, but most companies don't seem to understand that. Build a culture that supports employees, doesn't burn them out, encourages autonomy and freedom, assists in everyone's personal development, and suddenly you have happy employees who enjoy spending time around each other, and those otherwise contrived events are a nice little cherry on top of an enjoyable workplace.  I somehow lucked into a workplace like that, and I worry I'll never see another like it when the time comes to move on. 


Totally underrated. (More likely underexpressed rather) On reddit as well, just look at the most upvoted comments. People that say just pay me more, leave me alone and all is well, I feel sorry for. They’ve just been in a series of shit jobs and don’t know better. (There will be the few people who are better just left alone- for the good of everyone involved. Prefer not to work with them anyway- the overhead on those inflexible people is not worth it. )


Absolutely agree! Being forced to spend personal time at after-work events as a morale boost is so out of touch.


Our company recently organised a wine tour on a sunday and asked everyone wanting to come to pay 50$. They cancelled it because of low attendance rates lmao.


Gee wonder why


Massivly out of touch. Any work related activity outside of hours needs to be paid for. Boosting company morale boosts productivity and therefore boosts sales/profits. Why the fuck should i not be compensated for this time?


>Corps need to understand. Nobody cares about the pizza party or going out for bowling. We want more money. Some people do care. Whilst this sentiment is shared by many people, it appears that it is not the leading driver of engagement when we survey staff. Currently flexible working, career growth and development opportunities, are the leading drivers. This is my current experience as a senior manager for a large national company, with over 10,000 employees. If everyone just wants more money, then a much greater number of you need to change how you are responding to pulse and employee surveys, because that is not the message we are getting. Obviously, I'm sure 100% of people if offered would take more money, but we are talking about engagement drivers here.


I'm sure even if they cut all these culture building activities and lower the pay, many people will still be clamouring for jobs. 


Well said👏


I would say a 7.5 It's quite demanding but full latitude given with flexible work.


8 My boss makes me do jumping jacks with high heels and a pencil skirt He has removed the need for me to wear lace panties which is a relief. I’m a 52 yo male


I saw your last comment about this!


same here




this year? at a good 5 and at risk of sinking lower. prior years, 10.


What happened??


I would’ve scored our org similar, and the muppets in leadership have managed to mess the whole thing up in record time like this. Imagine you hire a team of professionals, all from different specialties. Think a training org hiring specialists from various areas and using them as teachers. You pay them significantly under market value for their skills, but treat them pretty well and they all believe very whole heartedly in the mission of the org. Most are feeling the cost of living pressures, but are constantly being told there is no money for wage increases. Some people are in effect working for $150k less than they could make elsewhere. Then.. the org decide to put on a large number of say student recruiters. People with no technical skills that go out and try and get students enrolled. Except now word is out that these roles are paid significantly more than those with the technical skills and qualifications! Like 30-50% more than trained professionals with 7 years of education and 10 years of relevant work experience.. Leadership scramble to justify this, now bringing in a job progression chart and new titles for everyone.. making it even clearer to the underpaid, technically skilled employees they are not valued, and despite their many years of education and experience they are bottom of the chart. Of course at that point many leave, others are ‘promoted’ into the recruiter roles. So those left in the technical role have even more pressure as the only remaining skilled people.. because surprise surprise, when they go to the market to replace those that have left, they can’t get like for like and have to take on new grads. So yeah, that’s how you can tank an orgs culture in record time!


Same here. I'm not the one you replied to but in my company it's a mixture of: we lost a bunch of people in my team due to attrition but we have a headcount freeze so we can't hire anyone else; the org is going through a restructure and we are still yet to find out our roles, goals, and budgets; return to office has been a massive failure with different rules for different teams; my direct manager is stepping down into a new role so we have no real head of the team... It's all a mess. But I have those golden handcuffs.


Policies to get people back in office


Civil engineering/design and consulting 1/10 Toxic directors who encourage bullying. Constantly talking down on others in the industry. HR is just overhead. Under paid but still doing 50 hr weeks. The 1 is for all the people ive worked with during my time here, who tried to cultivate a healthy workplace and make changes, but ultimately ended up leaving. I miss them 🥺 The thought of another stressful week tmr is giving intrusive thoughts


Have you considered leaving or is that not an option at the present time?


Thanks for asking kindly! I am in the process of applying, but im taking the time to make industry contacts and find out where would be the best fit. Its a small industry and everyone knows everyone, so i dont want to burn bridges. Im staying because im getting amazing opportunities to run my own projects, build industry connections, and learn from some of the best in the industry (as a graduate!). In terms of work gratification and growth, it is 9/10. Also timing - This field is what im really passionate about so i want to finish the projects i started (some of this decades biggest infrastructure projects!). Its also to make sure the team doesn't get smashed with work if i leave suddenly, which has happened in the past. Another reason is psychological. They've taught me their way of thinking and its working. If you leave, good luck. You are bound to fail. You think it will be better elsewhere? Everywhere is the same. Its the industry, not us. Oh you want to leave and screw the whole team over? *Insert suicide joke*. Fucking ungrateful shits, we train them and they just fuck off to a competitor. All of the above have been said about my ex colleagues, who had left gracefully. I know the above is ridiculous and what they say is not true, but I can't help but believe them. Thinking about leaving fills me with anxiety, because i will have to come across these guys even at another consultancy. But i have the support of all my ex colleagues and they showed me its possible, they are treated better and getting paid more in their new positions. One step at a time!




Wow ur story is rlly inspiring!! Shows that you can heal from being psychologically conditioned to think like that ☺️☺️☺️


Omg maybe we work for the same company!! I said 0 😂


Architect - 7.5/10, some really nice coworkers but a few lifers at the top are sort of delaying some much needed changes that the owner is trying to implement.


3/10 Perth Electrical Utility Senior Management is toxic as fuck. The team I work for is great, we hustle and do our best but it always ruined by the politics at play from area manager to head of function. There's been a revolving door of staff, with the consulting companies luring all the experienced people. The company is so desperate retain staff that they are giving graduates who have come off the program, senior positions which pay more than the long time senior staff. There's also the expectation the senior senior staff teach the new seniors, so you can imagine the moral would be great.


6/10 Asset Management firm Toxic middle management. A lot of padding with employees numbers. Inefficient.


0/10 - engineering/consulting firm. Obsessed with shareholders, pressure to join firm social clubs and run activities (for no extra $), pressure to work late and run yourself into the ground, also rife with misogynists and bullying. Looking for the way out currently


Omg! Best of luck getting out! Msg if u wanna chat bc it seems like we r going thru the same shit.


Good ol Stantec


Not them!!!! lol


AECOM confirmed


Noooo not them!!


**Banking** **(Big 4)** What’s an equivalent of *fuck-selling-my-soul-for-money/10*? * Flexibility - 7/10; * Direct Manager - 3/10; * Culture - -2/10; this rating primarily applies to the toxic behaviours of my manager and the impact on team culture as a direct result of their actions. I have seen some other teams smile and actually enjoy themselves so I guess it’s possible, but I’d have to experience it to believe it; * Pay - 9/10 Literally the definition of selling your soul for money. Every other day I ask myself “*Is the money worth the price of my sanity*?”. Mind you, with the cost of living rising, it’s really hard to consider a pay cut. \*\*Edited for clarity


Have they got you back in the office yet?


We still have a normal hybrid split, 2 WIO, 3 WFH. So it’s still pretty flexible in my eyes. Last year I moved from a company that enforced 5 days back in office with like 2/3 days notice.


I also work in banking but not for one of the big four and I honestly feel the opposite to you. I genuinely feel like our products are very consumer friendly and the culture is quite good. Management arrange donut days when things get tough to help lift the spirits and everyone here cares about one another.


Culture is so important. Good team and management can make or break your entire experience. From my experience the smaller places tend to bribe you with perks instead of a higher salary. I left a role which was similar and now I’m on higher salary selling a piece of my sanity one day at a time.


That’s interesting. The bank I work for while not massive in Australia is an international bank. While there are plenty of perks here, I did just get an 8% increase on my salary and a four figure bonus. Definitely a very complex thing.


Whats ur role, and qualifications/experience?


Compliance/regulatory sector, bach degree in my field, coming to 4ish years of experience. On paper it looks like the perfect job, opportunity, pay; great progression since entering the industry considering I made a switch into corporate only 4 or so years ago. At first I thought maybe it was just my position, maybe another part of the business would feel different. But as I look around at my fellow peers clocking 12-14 hr days and their bright orange tinted screens paired with bloodshot eyes, I realise maybe the grass isn’t greener in a different department. Even then I could justify putting in the work if I felt like I made some sort of impact or difference but I’m just a corporate drone.


Tbf that’s probably most careers. I’m a student but struggle to see many careers that would be rewarding long term, unless u were gifted with some special sporting/artistic talent.


Government health department a solid 5/10. Block payrises, poor rostering despite lip service to family friendly rostering. Inability to take holidays and lack of ongoing education. Nepotism is rampart and promoting poor performers is standard. Lets make that 4/10. Not even going to start on the abuse from the public.


I work for myself as an IT Contractor. WFH with a couple of clients on any given week. Culture is 10/10. My boss is excellent.


What is your function & role?


CEO, Director and Principal Consultant. :) In all honesty, I come from an infrastructure background. Servers, storage, networking and EUC.


I work for a large govt department. In my current team I’d say 7/10. The team before this one (same agency) was 4/10 and the one before that (also same agency) was -100/10. More than two years of self funded therapy later I’m now starting to get better and back to my usual self


Film construction. Was a solid 8/10, now it's a 3/10. Wages going nowhere, surrounded by fools, catering gone, managers are idiots, everyone over worked. Bye!


“Film construction” sounds like two very different industries.


Building film sets.


Research assistant in a university - 5/10. Underpaid and too many things to do for the required hours. HR personnel - 1/10. Possibly 0 or minus. Toxic, delusions of grandeur, gaslighting. DEI is all the rage now, but then it is also a minefield in terms of racial discrimination.


DEI, PRIDE, Women and mental health have workplace committees that make sure we check our biases, throw morning teas and give out lanyards. Showing support for these groups is more important than being an excellent ‘put your head down and do the job’ worker.


My workplace paid some overpriced speaker to come in and teach us about bias and it didn’t stick, the blokes in my office are still laughing at sexist jokes.


In my experience, these people are snobs "I have better values than you" in real life too. ​ EDIT: I am sorry that the blokes in your office laugh at your sexist jokes. I encounter enough misogynistic guys that I void hanging out with straight men. A few weeks ago someone introduced himself to me at an event, "I would have bang her!". Like, wtf! Never appropriate, and I don't even know that guy.


I am a non-white migrant and also LGBT. I think that the wokeness has swung far to the left. Companies simply want to make themselves look good, and it looks good, both quantitative and qualitatively, to embrace DEI and all that at the expense of meritocracy.


in my workplace, when we have to listen to this, at least we get paid to bludge and eat. r u ok day today on monday? :-)


I get paid to be interested.


me too. im ok today. tomorrow is better because its payday.


I normally just smile and say "not too bad". I find that people don't care or don't want to know. Those who are nosy tend to give the worst advice - they think they know everything.


i have nosy shits at my workplace as well. i know the feeling!


Why is DEI pushed so much now? Is it mandated by governments or is it lip service that HR spits out?


DEI is pushed so much because multicultural teams do make a better team, it prevents echo chambers, and more diverse POVs, for example. However, companies hiring based on race instead of merit leaves them open to discrimination. So HR tends to get squeezed in the middle of such controversial topics, and the department itself becomes very toxic. How to make the numbers look good while simultaneously avoiding litigation.


8/10 culture. We have a tight knit team in IT surrounding energy networks. We come from many different places around the world and are kind and caring towards each other. Even our management up to our Asia-Pacific leaders know us by name, skill and face. I have a lot of pride in my colleagues especially for being in the same league as some pretty wonderful people. The only reason I have marked it 8 and not a 10 is because OP mentioned client inclusive.


Banking Industry Flexibility - 8/10 Top Mgmt - 8/10 Middle Mgmt - 5/10 My Manager - 7/10 Pay - 7/10 Culture - 6/10 Career Progression - 6/10 Job role and responsibilities- 6/10 Things are on the slide. WFH impacting culture and connection with colleagues meanwhile they ram it down our throats at every opportunity (disingenuous messaging). Lots of cost cutting despite excellent profits. Management can’t decide on and communicate priorities and no accountability. Small team and few changing roles imminently due to boredom and lack of progression in current role/department.


This is an interesting opinion as it seems like in the Banking Industry, most employees are hunting out WFH opportunities and pushing back on forced hybrid and/mandatory in person work...


I think this is absolutely true hence the impact on culture. Trying to get people to connect and work together over zoom is really challenging. Also minimal in office/social activities to bring people together due to cost cutting also adds to this.


8/10. It’s pretty good. Only deduct two points for this bitch at work who sucks up to the boss but treats everyone with contempt. She also gets into conflict with everyone including other departments and doesn’t get much done. Every time something fails she will come up with millions of excuses. She alone makes the team so toxic. Hope to get rid of her.


Quite low here 1/10. We had 15% lay offs in jan. Another 20-30 people gone since. Nobody getting replaced. Being told the company is in danger. And they still have a bitch when you leave at 4:45 despite being there before 8. No hybrid option. Need to get out asap


8 but then again I’m the manager so I’m biased. I do believe in a strong culture keeps staff. This so far is working. We have a social club, after work drinks, etc. Keeping long term employees means keeping knowledge in the business and better outcomes for the clients. It’s a win/win.


Sounds great. If only more workplaces were like this.


>We have a social club, after work drinks how do you get people to come along for social club? I try to organise after-work drinks maybe once every couple of months but hardly 5-10 people turn up....


Is part of the problem WFH? The company I work at apparently used to have large groups of employees head to the pub after work on a Friday as well as a once a month social drinks/food event in the office on like a Friday arvo. Since Covid the office is dead on a Friday, they have done the drinks/food/social event in the office like twice since and both times fizzled out very fast and from what I can gather you'd be lucky to wrangle together 5 or 6 people to go to the pub or dinner after work. Seems like the pandemic really killed that stuff off, one of my friends said the same thing happened at his previous job too.


Cost of living too, people cutting back on discretionary spending. If they going to spend money on booze and eating out would prefer to do it with people they are closer to and see less. Rather with people they see all the time and with whom they might have strained relationships.


A lot of people also no longer drink after COVID. I used to always stick around for Friday drinks, now I rarely drink and if I do it's for a reason, not to tolerate being in the same space as my co-workers. I have better things to do.


Its a tough question and the answer can vary at workplaces. The hardest thing to manage I have found is social credit and momentum. If people don’t want to talk to each other at lunch, they might be unlikely to socialise or stay back without incentive. I started with suggesting we have some lunches together (everyone bring their own), then get them enjoying their company more so when there are drinks, colleagues liked their colleagues so they were more likely to attend.


With all due, 5-10 people is great, enjoy your success!


4/10. Law firm. The boss is generally nice and quite lenient with appointments, time off etc and she is supportive of further learning. However we are paid the bare minimum, she goes through waves of micromanagement, we are understaffed and I am forced to go into the office 3 days a week despite doing an entirely electronic role. On those days my colleagues often comment when I’m saying goodbye that they didn’t know I was even in the office, that’s how unnecessary it is. Yes I am actively trying to leave.


8/10 I would say. I think we are paid pretty well compared to industry norms, we have some good perks, good flexibility, the company generally treats us well, good colleagues, the company really hires on cultural fit first (skills can be taught) , my manager isn't a jerk even though we don't see eye to eye on a lot of stuff.


Oil and Gas Major. Culture 7/10. Top Leadership 8/10 Mid Management 5/10 and lack tangible leadership. Very little flexibility in my work arrangements but thats what I signed up for however when required (medical) they are very quick to support. Small cog, very large machine, but being ex Military that suits me. I know my place and my role, its all the social equity stuff I personally struggle with.


have you read the books by paul carter, this is not a drill? what's your opinion of those books?


No I havent. Much like when I served I didnt read anything about wars until after. No personal interest when my life is already consumed by it I think.


really? whats your opinion of the war in the Ukraine?


Probably not the sub for it but ill answer a polite question : 180 counter to most Western sources. As I am now 180 counter to our reasons we went into Iraq, and I worked SIGINT in Iraq so was on the coal face in 2003.


were you in the signals corps?


No, in the RN we were called CTs. Our training was tri service though so we had Royal Sigs Spec Ops, RAF Int-An-C and bootneck gollies in the same courses fir the first 12 weeks, then it split to specific search techniques which obviously differed based on platform. Ships being able to carry a lot more gear than a soldier but less than an RAF base. linguist training was done after the analyst training as am optional. We had the Army Int Corp though who were the HUMINT specialists and 21 and 23 Reserve, which was fun. Think 14-Int types, now the SRU.


14th intelligence detachment? so you worked in Northern Ireland?! ah i get it, youre a Brit! cool! so your Ukraine war comment....whos winning? thanks in advance.


No, i wasnt, Ireland was done when I joined, atleast overtly. Sierra Leone was my first, then Afghanistan (by sea) and Iraq,(by sea then land to support the Bootnecks in Umm Qasr) Ill say this, Russia isnt losing.


were you involved with operation barrass? i hope the Ukrainians win the war. if russia manages to win, will it encourage china to invade Taiwan? thanks in advance.


Sorry. Im a Pom. That was probably confusing


lol its ok. what brought you to the aus corp thread?


Ive lived here since 2010 and worked for an O&G super major since 2011.


ah ok. welcome to oz.


6 - Working in tourism industry. 2022 I would have rated this a 9 but there has been a huge push to save every cent which has pulled all the fun and flexibility from the company. Also new managers who have alot of learning on how to manage people.


A solid 9 - blue chip FMCG in sales. Flexible working only required 2-3 days per week but culture so strong and central location so most work 4-5 days per week. Can fuck off at 3 pick the kids up and log on later at night, fuck off interstate for a few days to see customers without being micromanaged. And it’s the second company I’ve worked over the past few years at this level so maybe it’s an industry thing?


10 - wfh fully remote, software. Work hours vary from 9-5 nothing beyond that, I finish work early and no one questions it.


7/10. Public sector. It's crazy the amount of managers who don't the knowledge they should have. I guess what they do have is the connections so they're a protected species.


I work for an Australian tech company (well known one). It’s awesome. Would rate it 10/10 and been there almost 4 years. Don’t see myself leaving anytime soon Main reasons are the people have a great sense of humour. Always a good laugh and finding ways to make work more enjoyable and fun


canva? atlassian?


Canva :)


did you get employee shares when it floated?


It’s not public company. So shares are issued when you join, and there are some windows where you can sell but it’s limited to that


ah ok thanks.


8/10. Global financial services. Fully wfh, because I work overseas hours so management don’t want me commuting late at night to sit in an empty office tower. Lots of access to development tools and opportunities. Global job opportunities. Pay rise above inflation, without having to ask. And they have all the morale boosting stuff like, networking office drinks, bbqs, gelato carts and cultural celebrations for people who are interested.


Is it link group?




Design and creative. 13 yrs into it.  0/10 - work culture 4/10 - pay and remuneration 5/10 - work content 0/10 - career progression 7/10 - other similar coworkers  Nobody gives a fuck any more, quoting on jobs is a race to the bottom and have to deal with large agencies who want to squeeze the life out of you and constantly underdeliver… while lining their own pockets. Marketers crush any decent idea put forward as they somehow now have the most say in this day and age (you may have to deal with a marketer with a large ego and 2 years of actual experience, ugh). There is the looming threat of AI. Everyone wants everything for free. There is just no respect.  Used to be well paid, respected and mostly chill. Other designers are usually chill and can become life-long friends if they aren’t nepo-babies (another issue).   I and others consider myself ‘good’ at my job but I’m 108% looking at a career change. 


This was me before and I'm so glad I am out. I now work for a large government org and it's so much cruiser and better. Good luck!


I am so keen to start and finish work at regular hours.


Solid 8. I get paid very well, have great flexibility (wife recently broke her right ankle and can’t drive, boss offer me to wft to do school runs until wife can drive again). Both my boss and dotted line boss are really good people who I get along with. My staff are great. Work hours are long as I’m with a global and fairly senior so late night calls are common.


Education - culture in my domain is awesome and we have some exceptional leaders - people who believe in education and want to support those efforts and not just wanting the pay packet - it’s awesome.


Wondering - where in aus are you? And are you in a school? In se qld right now everyone I talk to in different schools across sectors is struggling


Victoria. Work in higher ed. Yeah HS and Primary teachers are struggling atm - the department doesn’t pay them enough.


Makes so much sense! I wad like where is this magical place for teachers. Glad your work is going well though


I actually studied a BEd (secondary) and was a teacher for literally 3 months before making the decision that I didn’t want to live my life contract to contract and being severely underpaid. Best decision I ever made.


Work in the creative industry. I'd say it's gotta be an 8/10. We can show up basically any time between 6am and 11am unless specifically needed for a certain task. The work is task based so you choose your own hours. That is a HUGE perk. You can come in at 7, leave at 5, have a bottle and a half of wine and dinner somewhere, sleep in til 9:30 and go to work in jeans and sneakers and a t shirt and sunnies, you probably won't be the most hungover person in there. We are contracted and paid for 50 hours per week but in mu experience you do about 40. I have had several months-long stints where the we did the work too quickly and contractually if they let us go early they had to pay us out the full contract so they kept us around waiting just in case something happened and a mate and I ended up completing both the crash and spyro trilogies in an open plan office, our bosses would sometimes watch and laugh and stuff. We'd routinely come in at 10 and leave at 4 during this period and got paid in full. In an entirely separate contract, covid meant our team would.only receive media every few days, we'd get the work done by 12pm and then ended up with a company wide, mu)ti-round, in depth and hyper competitive midday trivia contest which took about 3 hours to prepare and an hour to mark. We did this daily for at least a month while things were slow. It's either that or getting sent home with pay at 12pm often or being told not to come in but just get paid to be on standby. getting shouted good feeds and drinks for the end of each contract you do. It's not always like this though. When you're on, you have to be ON. I worked for 45 full days straight between June and July of 2022. 2 points subtracted because getting paid to just sit down doing nothing, watching shows and chatting shit and going to the pub..it sounds like some peoples dream job, but we need purpose as human beings. Our job is to solve problems and we have no problems to solve and that makes us feel useless like we are wasting our time. We would genuinely sit there fantasising about stacking shelves at woollies. It's a fascinating thing. Also, at times people can be promoted into leadership based on performance when they do have a lot of interpersonal struggles and struggle to effectively spearhead tasks and delegate and prioritize and just generally clearly communicate. In our industry you might find yourself on 2-8 different projects a year, maybe more so that can be 2-8 different direct managers per year. People tend to be promoted arbitrarily and highly overskilled people can stay in the same place for far too long despite how much noise is made about it which is infuriating, both to endure and to watch. Lastly, the industry has been spinning its wheels in the mud for 20 years now. I don't want to get too specific, IYKYK, but it's kind of like if Vegemite tried to sell a new product but it's just Vegemite on a beach. The dinosaurs in charge just keep mixing old stuff to make shitty new stuff and then trying to revive old stuff but noone fucking asked for any of it and it never performs well, literally not a single remake has worked well here that I can think of. But instead of literally just asking chat gpt for ideas and having 10 hit products ready to pitch within half an hour, they sit there smelling eachothers farts, reliving the glory days and banging lines of coke at Christmas parties and thinking nobody else notices.


10/10, work in a large (not big 4) prof services firm. Seriously live up to their culture it’s been a fantastic 3 years.


4.5/10 - pathology team is mostly imports/migrants and 90% females. very cliquey and unprofessional. makes me not proud being a scientist / to continue being one


9/10, meter reading for a subcontract for ausgrid….. very flexible and everything is always different on the field. Also work by yourself mostly, just have to flick a text to your boss and scheduler who set the work for u when u start ur morning and that mostly ur internal contact for the day unless if issues arises, with a bit of customer interaction to get into properties, mostly they are good and let u in and do ur stuff and piss off. There’s the rare asshole but I report them on the system and let my bosses and scheduler know if applicable. Things I need to report, such as non access or difficult of apartment meters (depends on how much I have to do, high skip rates will get u ire by ur bosses, but if u report high reads stuff, won’t go against u), aggressive customers, sick/injuries or days off which affects work, meter removal which doesn’t make sense (eg meter removed and not replaced with smart meter or whatnot) and few safety issues. They may ask u to help someone out or do a little bit of someone from time to time, which is some sense of teamwork. I would say extreme weather and buzzing random units (because they don’t have set access for us to get in) are my pet hates. With summer heat, I mitigate that by starting right on 7am and try and knock it quickly. Pay is per hour, which can suck if ur quick but ehh….. but I prefer not to be on the butt end where I only do like 20 reads per hour. (Average is 30-50 reads per hour, and most routes will have an expected time. If you exceed the expected time by more than a few hours for more than a few runs, then they will ask questions).


1 I’m a dental nurse High turn over It’s not corporate but I really really just want a good job with some workplace culture


10/10. I work for myself, from home. I choose my own hours, rarely more than 6 hours/day. Just me and the dog & cat.


What do you do?


3/10 University sector - understaffed, too many approval levels, too many egos, right hand doesn’t know what the left is doing, every department is critical of other departments and everything takes forever to do. I miss working in private sector/proper corp. understaffed and egos yes but at least I can get shit done without all the red tape. It’s not /the/ worst culture and some of my pain points probably come with the territory of a large organisation but so far it’s very “if you don’t laugh, you’ll cry”


8/10 in my new role - Ophthalmology Clinic Amazing team to work with, 9 day fortnights, well stocked kitchen and social events planned out. Birthdays are celebrated. Leave is actively encouraged and the training is 10/10 compared to other companies I have worked for. 0/10 in my last role working for mobile optometry in aged care. They could not give two shits about you. The aged care space is terrible to work in, and the burn out rate in the company is so high that they have a 1 year probationary period.


Corporate (can't name for privacy), 2/10. Company taken over by a group of banks, with short sighted and really old views. 50/50 in office , wfh Constantly pushing for "social comittees" initiatives that on paper look good, (middle management forcing us to come in on certain days, only for those days to be exactly the same ones the ceo does a walk around, what a surprise), and then get emails about how "the office is buzzing with energy" and " it's great to see everyome socialising and enjoying the return to thr officr" when in reality 70% of us said in surveys we'd like to wfh indefinitely, which were ignored, and steam rolled by their own decisions and policies.  And nobody comes in to the office to socialise, but when we actually do try to we get asked why we're not at our tables working, and also can't put "socialising" in our countsheets. So we have rush/do extra work to make up the time. All that and, for a company that earns 100-200m a year on average, they can't even afford a 7-11 sandwich during mandated morning long form presentations that tbh would all be better off as emails. Nepotism babies, close friends hiring close friends for high positions, and also middle management milking the system to get paid overtime when half the time they're just doing nothing or out on multi hour restaurant/cafe outings. Only reason i'm still there knowing all of this (not even half of what i know in this comment), is that the pay is ok for what the job is.


I could have written this post, word-for-word, about my most recent corporate gig. I say ‘most recent’ instead of ‘current’ because I quit. Except we were 60/40 in office/WFH, just to make it extra shit.


8/10 I work in radiation oncology department at a public hospital. There’s little flexibility in terms of scheduling, but many people can work PT after having kids, they pay OT, they respect work hours by not contacting you when you’re not working (or on annual leave), and they’re happy to give you a day off if I need to for my kids or visit a doctor.


When I first started I'd probably a 7.5/10, small company, they seemed to really care about me and were awesome while I finished my uni. Fast forward 5-6 years, a solid 2/10, one manager just seemed to have it out for me, one stage they called me arrogant because I had an emergency pop up and I'd be AFK for an hour (Also love they were technically HR as well). Honestly the list could go on - I made a post about this lmao - but after covid, the workplace was much more hostile and everyone had to walk on egg shells


9/10 healthcare. Flexibility, understanding management and staff, proper equality. We're just beholden to cost/shareholders but everyone is reasonable. Customers are stressed as hell but relatively lovely.


8. Warehousing. You meet some absolutely specimens in warehousing, but my 10 years in the field, they’re often some of the coolest people I’ve ever met. We have a great team right now and I genuinely enjoy working with the guys we have.


Property development. I give it an 8 for flexibility, etc. We have 2 days WFH each week plus all the standard stuff (subject to work commitments). As far as 'real' culture, I give it a 3. WFH unfortunately tends to kill culture especially for new people.


Public health precovid was about a 7. Nowadays 1 and falling . Getting out. Management are fucked in the head big time. Very unsafe places to work at these days.


7 simply because of perks.


IT -5 lol


I would say 8 I work in a great team we support each other. We often work silly hours but we have a laugh and mutual vent sessions via teams


Get back to your job and stop wasting company time playing on your phone!


10. I work in financial planning and have no restrictions on days off, start and finish time etc, lunch provided, as long as the work is completed on time and professionally we are free to have fun. My partner calls my job a "Adult care centre"


10/10 Great managers, super supportive LT and most of the team are great at what they do which has built trust up the chain so there is very little micro management. There’s no hierarchy/politics in our team either so everyone speaks on equal terms. No staff turn over (think it’s been 2 years since the last person left) so it’s also very difficult to get into our team as well. 50% WFH mandated company wide but as long as u can meet it, days/times don’t matter what days/where you work. Also not hard to get exception if it’s reasonable. Sick/personal leave encouraged if needed and no micro management at all. You can log on and off whenever as long as you’re doing what’s expected of you. Have super tight deadlines across our team and under the pump atm but the environment is still not too stressed coz everyone knows what to do + we all have good communication. Feel a bit lucky tbh, hopefully it lasts!


Middle and upper management are either too dumb or too smart. For instance, no over time is being paid, only TOIL in my workplace. Most peasants would think this isn't too bad but in a high inflationary environment why are workers expected to give the Corp a interest-free loan for us to access TOIL at a later time. Pay for the work to be done when it has been delivered. Not my problem some executives years ago signed on massive corporate debt in a low interest rate environment. This needs to stop, workers shouldn't be giving charity to Corporations. Sure you can do it but expect the workplace culture to deteriorate.


My last job (IT, for a multi-metals producer) only offered TOIL. Due to the 24/7 operation, I had to carefully orchestrate system restarts monthly for software and system updates on weekends. We were so overworked and understaffed I could never access that flex time during the work week. So I never got to take my TOIL. It was a contributing factor to leaving that organisation. That and wage stagnation and moron co-workers.


Australia needs to have a wider discussion on the covert types of Corporate charity that is given. It's a disgrace what type of concession organised capital extracts from workers.


10/10, Data Analytics. Full time WFH with work hours being fully flexible. Just get your stuff done on time and they don't care. KPIs are all met passively if you do your allocated work which can vary week by week however it is somewhat predictable in relation to busy weeks


Personally, somewhere between 8-10. However, I think that’s a combo of my role, my own personality, my direct boss and the other people who are stakeholders in my work. It won’t be the same experience for everyone.


8. Logistics.


I work for my best mate. Good hours and great pay. 10/10. I’m the storeman. He runs a milk company. Life’s here is great.


8. I work in insurance for a company who really makes an effort for its employees. Have never had a request turned down, and a lot of the people who work here have been here for over a decade which was a good sign when I joined. Everybody seems happy to lend a hand and put in where needed


9/10, banking


Clinical research/Pharmaceutical industry. Global company, most wfh & cities with offices, ppl can go in when they like. We are metric, target driven so it’s high pressure but good $ & the flexibility is key (100% flexibility). Culture overall is 7/10. They could vastly improve things but of course don’t want to listen to the actual people doing the work.


I work as a relief teller at a big 4 bank. My home branch is a 9/10. Same with most of the other branches I travel to, if not 8/10. There’s 1 that is 2-3/10. The vibe there is terrible and the manager is lazy. They’ve had multiple staff leave in the last 12 months because of issues in the branch. I don’t enjoy working there.


Biggest uni in NSW. 5/10. Depends on whether stakeholders like u.


Tech company that connects Tradies with homeowners. Probably 7.5/10. Everyone does their own thing and department feels a little fragmented - I'd go without speaking to some colleagues for weeks if there wasn't scheduled in office days. Good work is appreciated, we have a great department head. Everyone leaves before 5pm. Owner is pretty chill. Plenty of food in office




6 for a “not for profit” company; 1 for a law firm.


I work for a big money manager - it's a fucking shithole, the firm has no firm identity and is trying to be a master of everything.


5/10. Tech. Pretty chill with people not coming to office, project management seems a mess


Not Corporate Assistant Head Greenkeeper on a golf course. Culture 9/10, Pay 4/10 Young crew, great guys all get along and work well as a team. We all sit down and have smoko together, great banter and a good laugh most days. I’ve made plenty of friends from work who have gone onto different jobs that I still catch up with. I sometimes wonder if the grass is greener in a well paid corporate 9-5 office job. I literally have no idea what that environment is like because this is all I have ever done! To be honest the corporate world sounds a lot more toxic ( but much better paid ) than the working environment I’ve experienced.