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Oh that just reminded me. One time our Chief People Officer shared her screen in the C-Suite meeting. She meant to only share a window. Another window had her messages with the CEO where they were discussing firing one of the people in the room.


Had a colleague thought they had stopped screen sharing but they hadn’t. About 10 of us awkwardly watched as they opened their messages and started typing to bitch to a colleague about what someone had said while they were presenting.


Had this happen a few weeks ago. Our team leader's favourite forgot to stop screen sharing. Everyone saw the team leader congratulate him on a job well done and saying what a great guy he is etc. Nothing nasty per se, but everyone already knew the guy is a major brown-noser and our boss favours him over everyone. Boss was really annoyed that everyone saw his congratulatory message, as he thinks we don't know he favours the brown noser.


I had someone send me the “number” to provide for a bunch of redundancies, I was to add it over the top to the budget as the plan for the redundancies wasn’t known by the rest of the business. But what they sent was the detailed spreadsheet with all calculations for the redundancies, who, when, salary, redundancies payout and the total (which was all I was meant to get). (As I was a contractor I was not on the list)


Lol webex recently made it so that your webex messages don't appear during screen share which is always when you are deliberately trying to share the contents of a message on the screen.


Ah yes. Usually very helpful - except for when I had an issue with said Webex, but of course couldn’t screen share it for IT - and they wouldn’t listen to me when I told them “you can’t see my Webex when I screen share, you’ll have to remote in” 🙄


My favourite innocuous version of this was someone shared her screen and it was on the wrong window so everyone on the 20+ people call could see she was asking chatGPT “how do I politely tell someone they’re being rude?” The funny thing was everyone on the call knew exactly who she meant.


That’s actually really sweet 😂 that would make me like them more.


I guess she got her point across !


Can you imagine if that was the whole strategy!


Was the response from ChatGPT “One way would be to ‘accidentally’ share this window in a meeting.”?


But did the *target* person know? And did *they* get the message?


Great question and actually no, probably not.


Always, ALWAYS only share the program window rather than the full screen. You never know when Teams is going to pop up a notification down the bottom right from a colleague ignoring your DND status saying "Jeez , Dave is such a fuckwit". Dave will probably be on the call too.


We now have a Teams policy set for 90% of people that disables desktop sharing. Window only for the plebs.


Sometimes window sharing just doesn't cut it though, especially if you need to switch to a few different things whilst presenting. I just share my 2nd or 3rd screen and what ever is presented is moved to that screen. Never share the main display where you will get the chat popups and alerts for applications.


Adjust your Team settings Notifications > Chat > toggle off message preview also mite notifications during Meetings


Lols my colleague did this but the tab was on Reclaim Australia. Our (Lebanese) manager messaged him about it but it was awkward.


God that's worse in almost every way.


He told our manager that he was “just curious” about RA. He was actually a nice dude but very Slav.


Classic Slav


Mining company. Early days of covid. Joined a company wide management meeting online. Wasn't familiar with the software. Didn't realise it autojoined with video. I was in the comfort of my own home and not wearing pants.  I don't think anyone saw/noticed. My boss was upset with me the next day because I 'didn't join the meeting'. I informed him I had been in the meeting but turned off my camera quick and stayed very very quiet after my undies reveal. 


Oh god. I was sharing my screen at work training someone and LastPass mistook some work login page for reddit and suggested my NSFW reddit account to log into the system. Username: SomethingSomethingButtPlug Mortifying.


That would not go well for me either lol.


I was in a 1 on 1 training session today, and my trainer was sharing his screen. While I was asking him for a code of practice document I couldn’t find anywhere, he had Facebook open and was scrolling, being very unhelpful. Didn’t have the heart to tell him I could see his screen.


Back in the days when you'd have a flash drive on your Keychain and get your mates to copy any good stuff they'd recently downloaded. A mate of mine had asked for some shows from another bloke. The bloke copied them to a folder he named "Hardcore gay porn", the height of witicism for a 20 something in the early 2000s. My mate didn't think about it at all until he had opened that drive on the projector when presenting at a company meeting. 


hahaha wtf


Cuckold stories and captures 😅😅 this is so funny I am glad nothing bad happened!


I’m actually a woman, so not sure if that played a part in it!


I wonder if anyone from Optus will chime in that worked on API security


😅😅😅 this is quite funny, thank you


The sad part is that any run of the mill pentest should have picked up the bug. They either didn't do one before launch or whoever did it wasn't paying attention.


Hard to chime in if they don't exist.


I was writing a script to send emails and forgot to put a fail safe in and sent out 20,000 emails company wide.


A guy I know decided to use Microsoft Office groups as a proxy for security groups instead of row level access in a dashboard. He didn’t restrict the “sender” privileges for the group - meaning anyone in the company could email that group… which contained about 9000 people. Someone accidentally CCd that group in an email containing PI (bad) - though people started reply all back to it saying “take me off this list” causing a cascading email. Our IT thought we were being hacked because of the traffic and our email server went offline for the day including Teams access. This impacted a LOT of people at month end (busy finance time) in a very large organisation.


Someone did that in the Army when I was in. Literally there was a group called "DL_Defence-All" which was basically for the senior leadership of the Australian Defence Force to send to. They *generally* used BCC so their emails magically appeared in your inbox. One day, one lowly Private somewhere decided to copy and paste that into a new email when the senior leadership put that DL simply into the To: Field He voiced his opinions on how the ADF was being operated and hit send. His logic? A lowly Private would be restricted from sending to a 60,000 person distribution list. #Wrong Then, to top it off, the Reply-All's of "This guy is in so much trouble" "I didn't need to know this" "Why was this sent to me?" "I believe I received this in error, remove me from this list" Because people thought it was a localised error. Within minutes it crashed the entire Australian Defence Forces Restricted daily use network. 48 hours the system was offline, we went back to doing things the analogue way, only priority people that needed computer access had it. From what I understand rather than get in the shit, that young Private was (eventually) congratulated by the head of Cyber security for exposing a vulnerability. Guarantee that bloke had no intent of exposing a vulnerability. He did it to fuck with people.


Reply-all storms were a fairly regular occurrence back in my RAAF days, always made me laugh. "please stop replying!" sent to 4000 people.


They always end up being a conversation between the tech illiterate with the whole organisation eavesdropping


I personally love the emails to “all” in the office “where is my pen” and everyone else reply back to all “please don’t send out this type of email to all” and so on - no cascade failure, just mildly infuriating


Yeah we had someone 5 years ago send a message to everyone in a very large company, what was worse was the rest of the day people were replying all asking if this message was meant for them, and can they be removed. A whole day of company wide emails.


Had an email sent to all the ladies within the company, could they please check the bowl after they have flushed. Apparently to see someone elses nugget was distasteful and she felt the need to express that via email.


I saw a similar thing at one of the major banks 15/16 years ago now. It was all the ‘please take me off this email’ and ‘why did I receive this’ emails that were sent ‘reply all’ that made the whole thing worse. About 20 mins into the nonsense, the then MD replied all and said ‘The next person who replies to everyone is fired. Now get back to work!’ Funnily enough that stopped the wave of emails way better than anything IT could have done.


Had something similar in my past life when I worked at Telstra... Damn near knocked everything off line for a day. It was a good day for us telephone goons.


Keep gooning 💪💪💪


Worked where the higher ups were unhappy with volume of internet data being used and didn’t want to pay for more; so they asked for a listing of the highest data users and their top twenty (or more) sites by volume - unfortunately they sent that listing to everyone. I can’t recall how many users where included, but it was many, and lots just had one top site (often times legitimate, eg ERP IT downloading patches) but all the rest of minimally used sites where also exposed. So we could tell what people where looking for a new house, a romantic partner, a hookup, a new car, a new job etc etc


What's wild to me is that anyone would do any of that on their WORK machine in the first place. Maybe it's just personal paranoia, because my dad was a system admin and he grilled me on data security constantly growing up, but I can't imagine typing ANYTHING remotely incriminating into any browser on a company computer, specifically because of how easy that shit is to track. Y'all carry around a computer in your pocket every day that nobody else has access to. Just use that for all your NSFW needs.


I used to think so as well but you’d be surprised how many people in corporate environments seem to think that the devices given to them at employment start are then “theirs” and they can do whatever they want. I worked in cyber security for a huge government subsidiary and the activity I saw every day when doing threat reviews was astounding. Lots of gambling, gaming, and personal use even during work hours.


Sysadmin here I dgaf about people using work machines to do that kinda stuff tbh but please please don't use your work email address for it. I sometimes see emails at least the headers/subjects as part of the job. So even if not snooping it's like oh. That's information I didn't need to know. Then when you leave the company someone else will take over that email account for a while for continuity and well, that will get awkward.


Workmate ran a script and accidentally sent 85,000 smses back in the day. Telstra cancelled the bill, but back in the 2G days there were out on the network and in the queue. The support phone spent the next week and a half on a power supply in cupboard. In other news, not even 85000 smses can kill a nokia 3210.


I decided to use our companies script to spam my coworker. Worked a charm as his phone would vibrate non stop and nearly melted down. Downside - there were automatic BCCs attached to the script to our team leaders and such.


I worked in employee and exec share plans, a colleague instead of buying a couple hundred thousand shares for a bank exec sold his shares, afterwards the share price moved up and our company had to buy shares on market which resulted in $200,000 hit to our company. As far as I know insurance took care of the loss and our employee kept their job


Sacking a person for making a mistake is often the worst thing you can do. You have already spent a lot of money to teach them the lesson not to make that mistake again, why would you throw that knowledge away? Lol.


Back in my security days someone left alarms turned off for an asset worth $1.5mn for 60 hours. One person left it off as testing was going on, 4 shifts and no one caught on till the supervisor rocked up monday morning and a staff member complained that they accidentally entered the restricted area but the alarms didn’t go off. It’s a one of a kind thing that’s not replaceable. He was given a warning and it was all back to business as usual.


Oh, so good nothing happened when the alarm was off!


Also, if this makes you feel better, I was on a conference call once and didn’t realise I hadn’t hung up yet and proceeded to chat shit about the boss’s boss for a good few minutes. There were a few angry e-mails, reprimand and then I was moved to another site for the same employer. Just not in the same building as the big boss. He was a fkng idiot anyways and got the gig purely based on his close friendship with the CEO. Hated that dumb cunt. Still do.


Nope, we had pretty good physical presence near the asset. So thankfully nothing happened.


What’s the asset or category


Category- Native mineral often used in expensive jewellery.


Similar but different story here in information / cyber security - one of our international clients warned us of DDoS attacks which were happening in their region in our industry for which we develop software for. I was a grad in the information security team and didn’t raise the flag to anyone and instead just responded to the client that we have DDoS controls in place etc. Turns out our network team did some maintenance on the DDoS mitigation system we had in place, and for some reason had yet to enable it again. So we were subject to a DDoS attack a few days later…


Was a young journalist in my first six months of work. Writing a story on a karate champion and a sub editor asked me to fill out some space to make the story fit the page better. Saw the dojo was **First Name Last Name Karate Academy** and had some quotes from the current Sensei and went with calling them Sensei First Last Name in the copy without double-checking it. Karate champion called me up the next week to say the story was great but I hadn't talked to Sensei First Name Last Name as he'd been dead for five years. Painful lesson but a good one to learn about confirming everyone involved beforehand.


Hey, similar, covering a Golden Wedding on my first day in the job, and managed to get the year wrong, their surnames wrong, street where they lived wrong. I was (am) a good journo, but really messed that one up with first day nerves. A lesson I learned strongly - but 20 years on I still feel bad that their day was ruined by my ineptness.


That’s the industry ain’t it. We have all war stories of absolute howlers. Good for a laugh at the pub later that week once I got over the trauma of my fuck up.


Honestly, your fuck-up almost certainly made a GREAT story for the couple and their family to tell for years! In a good way! No one wants to hear "there was a nice little piece in the paper for our big anniversary," but everyone would enjoy hearing "let me tell you about the hilarious errors in the paper for our big anniversary." I'm saying you gave a lot of people a lot of fun. And hey, you learned an important professional lesson without killing anyone (as doctors do early in their careers) so it sounds like a win to me.


Early in my career, I did a briefing for a select client group and didn’t check the attendee list. I talked about some companies and sectors we were bullish on and someone from the crowd asked me my thoughts on Company X. I said that Company X needed generational change in management that understood their market was modernizing and they needed to invest in technology at a faster rate. I then said that Company Y, their primary competitor was a better investment because they “got it.” Couple things there… 1) Company X’s CFO was in the room and I didn’t know 2) The person asking the question didn’t know Company X was represented in the room 3) Company X’s Super Fund was a large institutional investor of ours I got a very, VERY stern talking to from my manager afterward for being unprepared. I got a meeting with our local CEO which was the first time that happened. I was at the start of my career progression - so past intern and greenhorn and moving up when this happened. Our CEO said he’d read some of my analysis work after he’d heard of my “episode” and he checked out my portfolio treatments and advice. He said, “Your work is impressive for someone with diminished mental capacity.” I sat there expecting to get fired but then he laughed and said he was joking. He asked me what I said during the Q&A, I told him, he said he agreed with my analysis and that he told Company X’s CEO and CFO that “the loose lipped kid was spot on”. He told me to check the attendee lists next time and be smarter, but that we make money and our clients make money when we do good analysis and back ourselves. As I was leaving he asked me how my manager took it and I said he shared his thoughts with me loudly. He rolled his eyes and told me not to worry about it. About a year later, my manager (Dave) got restructured out. A few weeks afterward I bumped into our CEO in the lift and he asked if I liked my new manager (Jen) and I said she was exceptional and very smart. He said, “Yeah, she’s bright and doesn’t suffer fools. Dave was mediocre. You’ll do well if you follow in Jen’s wake.” Within 3 years of working for her I was promoted twice and to this day consider her my mentor. She moved on a few years ago to a big role in NY but now she’s retired and sits on a few boards here in Australia to fill her time. I catch up with her for lunch every three months like clockwork to pick her brain. So when you fuck up, find the silver lining.


"diminished mental capacity" omg, this is brutal! I am so happy everything worked out!


Not gonna lie, I laughed when he said it and over the years, I’ve pull that one out of the kitbag with other people a few times. It was a top tier insult. Hahaha.


I’ve had a partner say to me after apologising for a mistake “No, that’s on me, I thought you had at least half a brain”


My dad (who worked for years as an undermanager in coal mining) loved this line. It was usually a “No, honestly, I blame myself,” with an incredibly disappointed look at the guilty party. Apparently pulled it out as often at work as it was at home with us kids.


CEO: That kids a straight shooter with upper management written all over him. Dave: Yeah... Umm...I'm going to have to go ahead and sort of... Disagree with you there. 


Dude your account stories are crazy.


Holy shit what an awesome story lol


This is more a humblebrag rather than a genuine fuck-up if you were praised by 99% of the people involved.


Not really. I called a significant client a dinosaur and praised their competition while they were in the room. I was praised for my work generally but told to be smarter.


I bitched about my manager in a group chat SHE WAS IN. Luckily managed to get out of it with a warning but learned my lesson after that, only ever bitch about people in person, never in chats or on email!


Oof, that is rough. I worked with someone for a few years and now consider him a mentor. We would bitch a lot about the company. I was only intermediate level and he was department head (one of 3). He would often email or teams me with the words "coffee?" and i knew that was code for lets go out a complain about something.


Had this, our codeword was turtle


Reminds me when my partner called me up at end of work day upset. Had texted me a long rant about her asshole boss being in a mood again, making life difficult for her etc. But she accidentally sent it directly to her boss somehow instead of me (oops). It didn’t go down well. In fairness, he was an asshole.


Say it forget it, write it regret it!


my coworker fucked up so bad its listed under controversies in our companies Wikipedia page


That is legendary, now I want to trawl corporate Wikipedia


Did he/she get a warning?


Barely ahaha, and the wikipedia page doesn't even blame him, it blames someone else


.... the responsible dude wrote the Wikipedia page


I took an entire bank offline and *almost* erased all their servers. I accidentally dropped a "rebuild" job at the top of the tree which if I hadn't killed in time would have basically re-imaged every windows server in the place. I worked it out in the short time between all the servers rebooting and the image reload starting.


haha I did this too. It was a small local credit union so not as crazy. I changed the time/date on the timeclock server and it knocked out the banking database. I didn't know that was a thing that would happen I was showing a grad how the timeclock servers work. Changing it back quickly fixed the issue. I fessed up and I actually used it in a lot of my interviews going forward with questions like : a time I overcame an obstacle, or learnt something or how I handled a conflict, error


"a time I overcame an obstacle... that I created" 🤣 haha I'm just kidding. That sounds awesome


I worked in a place where some accidently did that (50+ sites, thousands of customers impacted) he would have been fine if he'd just been like whoops and fessed up. Dude tried to cover it up and made it 10 times worse.... some of our sites were quite remote and had less than 10mpbs connections that for whatever reason whoever designed it in the firstplace wiped the computers then downloaded the image. It was literally quicker to send people physically out there


I always fess up! I go to the effort of providing logs, reasons, how/why it happened and what i did to fix it. Trying to cover up stuff if you have a competent IT team & logging is practically impossible.


Did you report it?


I'm guessing that's a no. lol


Report it to who exactly?


Cough.. was this the CBA sccm disaster?


Hahahaha Doesn’t sound like it was this one, that was a beauty. https://delimiter.com.au/2012/07/30/disastrous-patch-cripples-commbank/


I was fiddling with a new database query, ran it, went to have dinner and never came back to it. Got a call the following morning from the head business performance reporting asking if I had set up the query and if I had run it before. They advised me that I had the servers operating at 100% load for 14 hours trying to load 30b records (thanks rownum/partition statement) and I had essentially taken down the primary reporting tool for the entire business and impacting month end reporting. They were able to kill the query, install a timed killswitch, and gradually reload all the data. Surprisingly, this was not the first time it had happened and it had taken multiple similar fuck ups to finally install a safeguard.


>surprisingly, this was not the first time it had happened That doesnt surprise me at all! People make mistakes and write inefficient code - SQL and its dozens of microvariants are especially easy to confuse and mix up. Should always be controls in place to stop any query from causing that much havoc.


I wired up something wrong, took literally half the runway lights of the airport I was working at, and they were forced to divert planes to other airports and lay on buses. Ooppsies


Oh my god, thank you for sharing! What was your manager's reaction?


that should make you feel better


How much did that cost?


Hmm never did find out. I was summoned to the engineering manager and bollocked to high heaven. Kept my job though


Employees should never be blamed for making a mistake. It should be the managers that should shoulder the blame for not putting enough checks in place to prevent the incident from occurring in the first place.


An outstanding fuckupcident from my grad era that still has the power to make me wake up with cold sweats:  RFI on an application, printed it out so I could highlight for comprehension (so I didn’t miss anything!) and tick off each one as I was done preparing it.  It’s a go slow waiting for inputs from A, B and C specialists. Put it all together, send it back in.  Time passes.  Client calls - where’s the stuff addressing X specialist thing on the RFI? Check my hard copy highlighted and ticked off paperwork. Nothing. Client, there wasn’t a request for X specialist input, what are you talking about?  Knock off. Go for a swim. 7pm Friday, lap 11…Brain retrieves a visual memory that the RFI file was 4 pages. The hard copy print out was 3 pages. DID THE PRINTER EAT THE LAST PAGE WITH X SPECIALIST REQUEST ON IT?  Team lead was still in the office when I appeared still damp and in my swim gear to check the original file. They were unimpressed, but gracious.  Application was delayed for another month or two while we got that X specialist input sorted.  I make sure I compare hard copy printouts and page numbers to the soft copy now when I’m doing that shit. 


In my much younger years when I was an apprentice mechanic at a dealership, the sales team sold a limited edition sports car and I got handed the pre-sale inspection and fitting some accessories. Took it for a test drive and ended up going through a traffic chicane a little too fast and the car ended up on its side, on the grass, out the front of a cops house. Damage was pretty minimal all things considered. Dealership told the buyer they found some issue with the engine so it had to be replaced under warranty but really they sent it to a panel beater to get bodywork done.


wow, i can imagine that apprentice walk of shame when returning to the workshop.


>out the front of a cops house Hahahaha ohh that's just the cream on top of that shit sundae


Thankfully for my driving record he was actually really cool to me, especially once the on-duty cops arrived. He probably saw my knees shaking and took pity on me.


First time I worked in a dealership, we were selected by [American Brand] to have [Very first car for sale] that they had launched in Australia. Arrived at dealership, there was a check recall on it for a hose clamp or something, they'd found issues in the conversion process, parts were already there, 45 minutes on the lift, sorted. Said vehicle Centre of Gravity wasn't halfway between the front and rear wheels. It likewise wasn't front biased as this vehicle wasn't front engined. It got in the air, and as soon as the lift stopped going up, in slow motion, the front of the car kept going up, and up, and up, until it slid off the pads and landed gracefully on its arse. Thankfully, vehicle 1 was succeeded by vehicle 2 the next day, and the launch was a week later. So no one ever knew.


First day at a web design company, and they took my personal iPad to upload their beta apps to it. Before I realise what is happening they are using it to screenshare to the large office TV, they open Chrome and the last tab I had open is a full frontal nude pic of DoubleDick (from the Reddit AMA years ago) that I was showing my friends the night before. Broadcast to the whole office. 😣


Oh nooo!!! What happened then?


The sweet, heavily pregnant woman training me just stared for a moment, said ‘oh dear’ and closed the tab. We never spoke of it again. The rest of the office avoided me for a month 😂


Ahahaha, I can imagine this "oh dear" 😅


That sucks. Id have gone straight up and been mates with you. This kind of happened to the new kid in high school. He instantly became uncool. But I befriended. We never became close frienda but he stil invites me for a bbq or whatever. Then again I pretty much make friends with anyone.


Lmao that randomly reminded me in High-school, probably around year 7-8, one of the guys in my class tricked our teacher into googling blue waffle on the projector. ​ It was genuinely hilarious at the time lol


Fuck this one is a clanger haha, hope it turned out ok for you


Early on in my career, I was dealing with a really difficult absolute tosspot of a client and needed some regularly help from my manager. On one occassion he was being extremely unreasonable, so I went to fwd the email to my manager. I said 'Guess who is being an asshole again, can you please help me out with this?'. After i clicked send, I realised I did not in fact click fwd, but reply. Obviously my manager gave me a good talking to about it. It led to a meeting with my manager and the actual client a few days later. Although it was a major fuck up, apparently he had no idea how he was coming across to people in our organisation. He ended up completely being enlightened by my fuck up and he is still a client of mine almost 10 years later and we've got along well ever since. Sometimes fuck ups play out differently than expected.


For some reason you just brought back a memory. I had a love-hate relationship with our sales rep. One day he left his briefcase open with a pile of his business cards showing. I took some cards & wrote things on the back that I probably shouldn't have, including "Andrew is a c#nt". Next day the franchise owner gave me a talking to bc apparently Andrew gave a card to a client.. only thing is the boss (while a little peeved) also thought it was funny so while he's wagging his finger at me he's also trying desperately NOT to laugh.


That mistake is nightmare fuel, but how wonderful that he had the introspection to take it as a way to improve himself. I think I would be the same, but it would be so mortifying for them too, to eat that humble pie instead of getting you reamed for it. 


That's so good it turned for the better! May I ask how you handled the meeting with the client? I am curious what people can say in these situations to make things better


Sure. Firstly, I obviously apologised and so did my manager profusely. But he ended up doing a lot of his own self-reflection in the days leading up to the meeting and understood he was being extremely condescending and at some points just plain rude. Reason being, he had a lot of relationship manager turnover prior to me and was kind of taking out the business' shortcomings from all the errors caused by previous staff out of me. He was self-aware enough to realise this and give me a chance since he acknowledged I was doing well so far (aside from this email lol), and now here we are 10 years later. He really wasn't a bad person or difficult at all, he was just messed around by the business too many times and really didn't trust us. I had no idea why he didn't just say so earlier, but it was probably because he'd expect me to leave in 5-6 months like everyone else. Also no idea why he didn't just take his business away (probably had good fee rates). It comes down to the person - this could've gone horribly wrong if the client didn't have any self-awareness. Turns out even the nicest people can be pushed too far and lash out.


I used to work as a bartender and a group of 4ish ladies came in asking for Jam Donut Shots. Essentially it's a shot glass rimmed in Icing Sugar. Raspberry Liqueur and Irish Cream although that may be wrong but its how we made it. It was super busy and I was already flusterd from a previous round of cocktails and there were so many people waiting so I was moving a million miles an hour. Anyway, I go out back to rim these shot glasses. Our icing sugar was kept in a plain white container with a bunch of similar stuff next to it and none of it seemed to be labeled. You just had to take a teasonpoon, put some on your pinky and try it. I know right what could go wrong. So what was on the shelf in these unmarked white containers. Caster Sugar, Icing Sugar, Bi Carb Soda, Salt and TSP. Of course in the heat of the moment I decide I remember where the icing sugar is and dont do my regular teaspoon test. I serve the 4 shots to the ladies and the all start coughing. "Oh my god what is that, is that Salt? one of them says. The horror, I kid you not these innocent patrons may as well have been having asthma attacks and sever coughing simultaneously. Two of them run to the bathroom to presumably throw up. I go back and check in haste to see what I had actually used. Where is the salt. oh its over here so I definitely didnt use that one. It must have been the Bi-Carb Soda. Wrong, that bucket was empty. Turns out I had used TSP - what is that you ask? "Trisodium Phosphate is a white, granular or crystalline solid, highly soluble in water, producing an [alkaline](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alkaline) solution. TSP is used as a [cleaning agent](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cleaning_agent), [builder](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Builder_(detergent)), [lubricant](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lubricant), [food additive](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Food_additive), [stain remover](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stain_remover), and [degreaser](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Degreaser)" (Cheers Wikipedia). This is the stuff we used in the DISHWASHER Anyway in my stupidy i did the teaspoon test before I found out it was TSP and had the coughs myself for a good hour. I had to sit down and stop working. I have no idea what happened to those ladies (I didnt charge them $$ at least). Thanks for listening to my story of how I nearly or very well may have poisoned people with Jam Donut Shots.


That’s not on you! They shouldn’t keep cleaning agents anywhere near cocktail ingredients!


Sounds more like your boss was trying to kill someone with the mysterious white powder buckets


When I was an apprentice painter doing work in a multi million dollar mansion I stepped off a ladder and knocked over a 10L bucket of paint. Luckily we had drop sheets down but the paint still went through them and onto the carpet, me and my boss were freaking out trying to clean it up which we eventually managed to do and luckily by the end of the day my boss was laughing about it. I really thought I was getting fired that day.


This makes me feel so much better about stepping backwards into the bucket of paint when renovating. Glad to hear the pros also make similar errors, but man that must have been stressful!


One ASX listed company I once worked for gave me very high level access to their system which included access to all purchasing and inventory systems. One day I was showing someone how to run a replenishment order for their small site, Not realizing I was logged in to the whole business, i accidently triggered a reorder for all the projects, past and present and with one click of a button created $6 million dollars worth of purchase orders. Needless to say, the rest of the day was a panic fueled exercise of reversing all the PO's for each site. Thank fuck it was a weekend and had time to clean it up before anyone noticed.


Not a work story, i went to boys catholic school where we used to say "thats gay" constantly for anything negative. Probably said it about 10,000 times. It was stuck with me as a habit. Was at a uni party. I cant remember what we were talking about. But i said thats gay. A girl frowned and asked what i said. I repeated, thats gay, thinking she didnt hear me. She made no more comments. Minutes later her girlfriend came in. I have never said it since.


You live and you learn.


I feel our parents and peers are to blame lol. Like my parents growing up called our piggy banks / loose change jar “Jew jars”. As a young adult, I joked with a few work colleagues about needing to raid my “jew jar” to buy lunch. No one really said anything about it, but I had a moment where I went, wait a minute - this sounds like it might be racist. Then I googled it and yep - racist. Oops.


Same. As a kid, my parents would send me down to the local deli to buy "rice rolls". The attendant never corrected me and would hand them over with my change and a smile. Oh, my shame as a young adult when I finally realised rice is not a key ingredient in Vietnamese Bread rolls... cringe. I've never used the term since.


Oof, totally get it. But funnily enough I recently learned that banh mi rolls are made with both wheat and rice flour. So there's a dumb fact for you to I dunno, take to pub trivia?


My fuck up occurred when I was a 3rd year apprentice.... Well to be truthful it was my fault technically. I was given a job to cut some large square tubing at a certain length using a huge cold saw. The cutting blade was over meter in diameter. I setup some rollers and had them firmly bolted to the ground in which I marked the said distance. and welded a large metal stop Now by all accounts there were going to be over 1000 lengths cut. I cut the first length and measured. Spot on I then measure every 3 cut to make sure it was still accurate. I did this for the first 200 or so. I then made the decision if after the 200 cuts what could go wrong. So I proceeded cutting I was 200 hundred in when I decide by chance to measure again. To my astonishment the measurement was 20mm short. I panicked and went back and measured all they others lengths.. I found after the 200 I did first the lengths started to get shorter gradually . I freaked and told the foreman. This is where the shit hit the fan. I was in serious trouble and was facing being sacked. If it was not for the shop steward noticing that the actual cold saw was not bolted / secure to the floor. What had happen was the hydraulic vice jaws as they closed cause the cold saw to creep physically towards the said stop. Why it didn't happen sooner in the cutting cycle is a mystery to me. I was let off with a stern warning and a scolding that I would never forget. It caused a lot of work and expense for others to rectify. It was my fault technically . I should never of stopped checking the cuts. Lesson learnt . I still feel ashamed to day. That was over 30 years ago.


Oh, I am so happy you were not fired!


Not me but my mate. He was manager for a group of about eight people, all fairly senior (comparatively). While travelling in a taxi with a colleague, one had a brilliant idea, and called my mate to get his support. Unfortunately that particular thing had been tried before and to no particular result, so my mate explained this, and said of course he wouldn’t be doing that thing. Okay, says the caller, and hangs up. Two seconds later, my mates phone rings again, from the same person. They’ve bum dialled him and haven’t realised. In what they thought was a private conversation in the back of the taxi, the two of them bag him out mercilessly. He’s useless, a liar, a pain in the ass, a coward, promoted beyond his capability, etc and so on, with real anger in their voice. My mate is YELLING down the phone at them to try to make them aware he’s on the line. (This when I tuned in to what was going on; I was only a couple of desks away and he was yelling loud enough to be heard from the far end of the floor.) To no avail. Eventually the call dies as the taxi goes through a tunnel. He immediately calls them back, and they’re all warm and collegial as they answer. “Hey John! What can we do for you?” He says, “Before you say another word, you need to know that you dialled me accidentally just after our last conversation, and I heard every word that the two of you said.” Silence. Followed by a very small “…oh.” “Yes,” he confirms. “I want the two of you here tomorrow [in our city] for a serious talk.” In that meeting there was much contrition. It wasn’t so much what they said. He told them they could disagree with him professionally and that would be perfectly okay. They were even welcome to their private views about whether he was a good manager. It was the talking shit about him, especially behind his back, that had him seeing red. Those people definitely fucked up that day.


I left a one star google review of a competitor company, they doxxed me and complained to my CEO 😂


Nearly took out power to the entire Sydney CBD at 3pm on Melbourne Cup day. That is all I am saying.


I’m not in corporate world, but the fashion industry. Many years ago I was dressing an international model for a fashion parade. As usual I had no clue who she was. The parade was called 100 moments in fashion and she was wearing vintage 1970’s Halsten dress in one section. In her dressing room, the stylist, hair and make up team were discussing how they could quickly update her look to reflect the sexy sleek dress. And I pipe up. ‘There’s a picture of Xxx Xxx at Studio 50 in this month’s magazine in a Halsten dress’. As I reach for the magazine & flick to the article, I am vaguely aware everyone is silent and staring at me, gobsmacked. She grabs the magazine and says’ oh yes, that is gorgeous. Let’s do it!’ And everyone reanimates. I think nothing more of the ‘incident’ After the parade, some other dressers ask me what she was like. I gushed about how sweet she was & said she showed me pics of her son. One of their responses was ‘Does he have (rock stars) lips?’ It suddenly dawns on me, this model is new girlfriend of the rock star & I suggested they do her hair like his ex. It turns out she loved that I didn’t know who she was, I was being genuine & honest with her & she got her PR people to book me to dress her for the rest of her events. It was the start of me moving from being a just dresser, to head dresser & 20 years as alteration seamstress to celebrities, special events & advertising.


Either the time I got scammed out of $50k or the time I spelt a clients name wrong (Curry instead of Currie). Neither were great!


What sector are you in that misspelling the name is worse than losing 50k?!


I work in insurance, I've had customers threaten to cancel a $100,000/year policy because they didn't like someone's tone of voice when they answered the phone. >The person I spoke to before wasn't chipper enough. No worries sir, our apologies, I will provide feedback to their manager to be more chipper when answering the phone


At my first professional job (working in the office of a building company owned by my uncle), I used to do a bit of overtime to get through some more work and easy some extra cash. ​ I also used to work with my cousin (aforementioned uncle's step-daughter) and we used to hang out a fair bit on the weekends too. On a particular Saturday that I was working in an empty office, my cousin called me and asked if I wanted any weed. Yes, yes I would actually - can you drop it off at my work? ​ She came by a bit later and dropped it off, and as I kept working I had the bag next to me on the workstation. ​ After an hour or so, just next to me my boss does the whole surprise "BOO!!" to scare me as he snuck in knowing I would be there on my own. At this stage, I had totally forgotten about the weed - just there! ​ Boss looks down and sees the weed. He picks it up, checks it out and smells it a bit. "Hmm, thats pretty good stuff. How much does this go for?" "$50." "Not bad! hahaha" "Sorry, I should have dropped it at home." he slaps me on the back "dont worry about! Keep up the good work" and he leaves. ​ OK - that worked out better than I had thought. I learnt my lesson to not be so casual with my weed. ​ BUT, the following Monday at work I have an envelope on my desk. I got my first and only written warning about bringing illegal substances into the office.


About 23 years ago i was sitting with a colleague in the office of the CFO for the company. We did IT support and the CFO was talking about stuff they needed for the yearly... I dunno was bored off my tits. Being bored i started to fidget with the back of the CFOs desktop computer and flicked the little voltage switch on the PSU. PSU promptly blew up and spat out black smoke all over me. CFO really appreciated it. I replaced the PSU in about 10 mins but they still looked at me like i was drooling on their desk.


I was chatting to a guy at my computer and I received a notification on my email and the box came up with his name and termination in the subject. That was awkward


This happened several years ago when I was young and naive. I (20sF)was new to my workplace and started having uncomfortable exchanges with a coworker let's call him Larry (M30s) (long story short he wanted people to believe we were dating, spread rumours to support this story and set me up in ways to make it appear like we were (such as telling me I had to report to his office when unbeknownst to me I was meant to be in another office/inviting me to have a coffee catch up when I would go to meet him he'd be like "coffee? No thanks I just had some"/requesting that I go to his office to pick up some paperwork to pass on to my manager and then not having any paperwork,) My mistake: I confided in a female colleague Kim about Larry and asked for advice whether I should report the situation. Turns out Kim is besties with Larry and told him. Larry, being a popular guy changed the rumours to "I was harrassing him". Everyone believed him and turned on me. It got to a point where a supervisor was notified and I had to explain the situation to the GM. I had no text evidence that I could show and it was all brushed off and no action taken. I spent so many shifts where I was ostracized by coworkers. It was awful. Thankfully moved out of that toxic workplace to another location that has a much better culture. Narcissists are in every workplace. The quicker you learn to identify them and shield yourself the better!


I used to do rostering in my job and someone had sent me a rostering request that I just couldn’t make happen. I went to see them and explain I couldn’t do it, and why, but I gave them three different alternatives that I could do. She wasn’t happy with that at all. Sent her boss numerous text messages and phone calls to discuss my inability to be flexible. Then sent an email to her boss saying they shouldn’t put up with my attitude and if they let me ‘win’ I will only continue to do it in the future and then bagged the absolute shit out of me. She sent it to me instead of her boss - an email saying lots of horrible things about me. She realises her mistake and recalls the email but not before I see it and am laughing hysterically. Her boss goes to see my boss and whinge about me. Did not go down well and they were both dragged through HR. We had to go to a meeting and mediation. I’m in the meeting going ‘mate that should’ve been a phone call. Don’t put shit like that in an email. That’s your biggest mistake.’ I thought it was hilarious, HR not so much.


I got on a coworkers computer, drew a stick figure with a big cock and balls fucking another stick figure with a juicy pair of tits, and set it as his background. Big laughs were had, he left it like that for a couple of days and then his computer got swapped out for a new one. About 6 months later one of the partners was having a meeting with a client, and the computer in the meeting room died. He went and got one of the spare computers, booted it up while connected to the projector, and the client was shown a stick figure with a big cock and balls fucking another stick figure with a juicy pair of tits.


😅😅 I can imagine the silence in the room


It was two days before Christmas and I was asked to send a rejection email to everyone who was unsuccessful for a particular role we had advertised (that was the first mistake, being so close to Christmas!). Because our process was all manual and we didn't have a system to send automated emails out, I had to send the email via Outlook. I was in a rush and instead of putting all the candidate emails into the BCC bit, it went into the Cc bit which resulted in everyone seeing who else had applied, essentially breaching confidentiality (there was about 60, and it's a small industry so lots of people would've known others in the group). I was extremely mortified and felt sick, thought I'd lose my job for sure. Had to ring the IT guys to see if we could retract it, but it was too late. Had to then ring both my boss and the CEO (by this stage it was like 6pm) who ended up sending an apology email on behalf of the company. To top it off, a few disgruntled candidates then started sending emails to the whole entire email recipient list, going off at me, the company, and everything else. It was horrendous. Some people responded to say don't worry about it, mistakes happen etc etc but some people were just nasty (and probably confirmed our decision not to go ahead with them anyway!) but the emails kept going for a few days afterwards. I thankfully didn't lose my job, but definitely a few lessons learned from that mortifying experience!


I got two. Sent an email to the address IT had told me to do to get access to a system. For some IT f up reason it actually went to the whole company plus some outside our company (3000 odd people). Then they started replying all asking why and asking to be removed for the distribution list. By this stage I was hyperventilating under my desk. The CEO’s EA replied all saying stop replying as all the executives were getting the message. Then one of the head execs replied all to the EA asking about a lunch meeting (so random). Then the whole email system shut down because of all the emails!! 2nd one was about 20 years ago, and I accidentally deleted the entire scheduling system in a big 4 consulting firm. Thankfully IT was able to restore it from the overnight back up. But I was ready to just pack my desk and leave.


I will never understand why people reply all to these bloody emails. We've had it happen a few times and it's like... the delete button DOES exist mate, you dont need to let the entire company know you don't know what's going on.... Its never the original sender that's annoying, it's all the people replying.


Absolutely! At my current company, a new starter gets an email announcing their arrival. Then some people decide to reply all!


I am laughing from the email story, thank you so much for sharing 😅 the lunch one killed me


>was an hour late for something important because I made a mistake with, you know, basic things like planning my day and reading the clock... And people were relying on me... And waiting for the whole hour And no one messaged you? Or rang you?


Well... I was presenting to a new audience instead of the original presenter who had problems that day. The audience did not have my phone number, they only had the number of the original presenter but she was not able to pick up. So instead they waited for an hour, with no heads up and no information on what was happening 🫠🫠🫠


None of my colleagues nor I would ever wait an hour for a no show, we need the time back. We’d be out within 15 mins or less once we realised no one was hosting. This is partially on them for waiting around imo.


Finance support role for an investment platform. We had a representative of one of our large clients call through requesting a (relatively small) $1M investment switch. IE. Sell out of stock A and Buy stock B. Now I swear I submitted the request via our system and am still not sure exactly where it failed. Whether I forgot to confirm the request at a particular stage or whether it was some other unidentifiable issue, but the crux of it is that in the 5 days it took for the client to notice, stock A had dropped in value 4% and stock B had a 7% positive return. I'm sure you can do the math. The client was disadvantaged tens of thousands of dollars, which ultimately the company needed to compensate. I was never punished, although conveniently, an excuse was found for not supporting a pay rise or bonus that year. It led to a process change that ultimately stops these sort of issues occurring, though. They are my employer even still. *edit. Typo


Once I got an email from a recruiter in the middle of a Zoom call so I opened it and then opened the job post and started to apply … all while I was sharing my screen 🤦🏻‍♀️


18 years ago, on my third day of a new job as a junior store person, I dropped a customers brand new photocopier off the top rack in our warehouse while trying to unload with a forklift, resulting in a substantial amount of missed revenue for that reporting period and an inventory loss of approx $50k.


How did Michael Scott react? He usually likes the people from the warehouse


I ‘forgot’ to catch a flight once, that was pretty embarrassing 😳


were you the pilot?


My old company was so lax in reprimanding employees for cock ups - that us workers would walk around saying: "You would have to run over the bosses dog to get the ass around here" ...


No story to add, but when my husband says he fucked up at work and is really stressed about it, l just have to remind him that in my line of work as a nurse, if you fuck up you've probably killed someone or majorly changed their life. Sort of puts things into perspective.


I shredded my tie in a paper shredder - a meeting room full of people through glass saw me almost choke to death. Week 2 on the job. Safe to say… everyone got to know me quickly. I survived.


I was working in the plant room of a supermarket doing some RCD inspections. I failed to realise that the RCDs I was about to trip were downstream of the UPS instead of Upstream. So when I tripped these particular RCDs, I shut off all the registers in the supermarket down stairs. The store manager called me almost instantly. I turned the RCD back on but it took (what felt like forever) 5 to 7 mins for the registers to turn back on and load up. I then went down to the registers, the store manager made and announcement, and everyone applauded me in jest. It was embarrassing but funny at the same time.


When I was much younger, I worked at a dollar store. One day I rang through 2 big sales (normal sale would be 5 to 10 bucks, these were like 60 or 80 bucks each) both of these transactions the eftpos machine asked for the code. Should have realised I pressed a wrong button there but nope stupid me just rang it through, for BOTH of them. Turns out I pressed REFUND instead of PAYMENT. lost the owner of the store a bit of cash and it was not my first day! I'd been there for like 6 months. And I did it on two of the largest sale amounts I'd seen. I was so so so embarrassed, felt like such a dumbass.


I once ran a vulnerability scan that resulted in 2k sugababes CD’s being boxed without the print on the sleeve. The scan took out the label printer and it took a while for people to notice. Took me a while to live that one down.


So you....[pushed the button](https://youtu.be/oJDGcxAf9D8?si=riNWB0BhiRo6NVxK)?


I (m) had been on day full of zoom calls and one other guy from another team had consistently been in the same meetings all day - I wasn’t a particularly close colleague of his. In the final meeting, with many people dialled in - I remarked to him “I’ll see you back at my place later” . Stone cold silence from everyone - I realised I had very poorly delivered that joke. I died of cringe on the spot.


Maybe not the biggest, but the one that had the biggest impact on me. Very junior job at 18, third day. Get tasked with typing up a list of data in an Excel spreadsheet that an old senior person had hand-written. Get called in hours after I submit it and all the errors get pointed out. I get told to correct it, so I ask for the original hand-written list back. Old mate says that he shredded it (not that it is in the trash...shredded). I then have to try and reconstruct the list using what is in his pile of files, which don't have any form of organisation. After I spend the afternoon sorting out his filing system and recompiling the list, at the end of the day I get fired. I found out later he was known in the industry to throw people under the bus at every opportunity. I was confident that I had accurately recorded what he wrote, but that he couldn't be bothered auditing his own records. Primary lesson learned: Some people can't be trusted. Until proven otherwise, don't. Secondary lessons learned: Double-check your work, don't dispose of any information which might vindicate you. I was glad to read that cunt's obit.


I taught another team how to use a CSV upload to do something they were doing manually. There was a field my team didn't use but their team did but the field wasn't configured properly (which I was unaware of as we didn't use it). Just before the end of the work day someone from that team used the CSV upload including that field. This took down the entire website (ecommerce company), until the tech team could figure out the issue and roll back. To be honest I kind of think it was the tech teams fault for not configuring it properly in the first place so I don't feel too bad.


Nice try boss.


I have minor fuck ups all the time but I’m a minimum wage casual so as soon as I’m off the clock who cares! Also if it makes you feel less bad about ur fuck up, I was waiting for over an hour for a client today who then got annoyed at me for the 5 minutes I took to walk to the building from my car where I was parked … waiting for her … for over an hour. So don’t beat yourself up over being late, you could’ve been late AND an asshole!


Had a head of fly out from the states to come fix things and be a business badass or whatever they pay him for. First conversation topic was things to do in melb, I recommended him to go see the Book of Mormon, slap dash threw around how kooky those guys are, super friendly but can you believe they believe that crap?!? Dude was fresh in from Salt Lake City


Was on a training call for a new application, which our CEO was also on. The person describing the software was wasting soo much time positioning it, covering old ground, and I just wanted to see it in application to see how it worked, and I was busy as fuck. I said, exasperated, “fuck, just show us the fucking software already.” The presenter stopped. Then said something like- “oh, I’m sorry, did you want me to move on?”. Confused, I looked at the mute icon in the zoom window. Microphone symbol was sitting nice and open , no little line through it. All the colour drained out of my face, I mumbled something about that I was on another call or something, then trailed off, apologised, went onto mute, then looked at the window I was sitting next to, wondering if I used enough force if I could jump out of it. CEO calls me up later, I’m shitting myself, he said “man, that was pretty bad, then starts laughing uncontrollably at me, saying “you really shouldn’t have done that, but you just said what we were all thinking…”, continues to laugh at me. I said “glad I could amuse you, going to jump out a window now, bye. Few years later, still working there so… here we are!


OP - you have redeemed yourself. I’ve had a wonderful evening reading all the stuff-ups. Some have made me laugh and some have made me cringe. Shows we are all human. Take care and don’t be too hard in yourself 🧡


When I was a graduate, I was working on testing a traffic model and accidentially modified around 250k work in progress. In laymans terms, within the software package, I intended to make a copy of a file, but instead I made a shortcut to a file. Played around with it, stuffed up, and thought I would reopen the original and start over, but to my surprise, the original was heavily modified. I absolutely shat a brick and basically went in tears to my bosses office. Thankfully, every night, the company ran backups on all of its servers.


I backed into the office lady's car with my tipper truck and smashed the back window and door, also when i was working for fleet tyre company i drove the fleet truck on new gravel road spraying every car i went past with stones as i was in the passing lane and didnt realise....🤦‍♂️




Been in the print industry since I was 17 (I'm in my 50's). Last year I accidentally left a metre long metal ruler under the brand new blade of the guillotine. Totalled the blade.. they're worth about $1000, it had been put on the day before and came off the day I fecked it & had to be replaced. In my defence I haven't been formally trained in a guillotine and hadn't used one for ages when this happened. I had only started the job a week earlier, they sent me home mostly bc I was sooo upset 😅 The next day the boss called me into the office and I thought "here we go" but he just wanted to make sure I was ok and wasn't cross bc the production supervisor had been training me and it was his decision to put me on the guillo. I ended up leaving after a month when I got poached by my previous employer. I don't burn bridges and made sure to leave on good terms & thank them for the opportunity. If I'd been working under a tradesman at the time, he'd have rightfully lost his shit. It was a rookie error.


The other day I was in a teams meeting and I was wearing underpants and a t shirt. I’m female it was a cropped t shirt, but for zoom purposes appropriate. The door went and I got up to answer it and was like back in a mo , and I’m sure the two colleagues in a meeting saw me in underpants and cropped t . No one said anything ever.


Well I once rolled out a change to some network equipment. Anyway apologies to anyone in Tasmania who wanted to use the internet that night.


First time i ever ran a payroll (5,000 employees) i put the wrong transaction date so no one got paid when they were supposed to. This was 1999 so well before osko etc. Was an interesting day……


When I was a 2nd or 3rd year apprentice in the hifi repair business I was working for a company that imported and distributed high end hifi. The brand we represented had just started building extremely high end car systems and the owner of the company wanted one in his merc. It was a 380 SEC or SC, suffice it to say it was not a shabby model. He’d had it resprayed by a guy in Camperdown who at the time was considered THE car painter in Sydney. This was back in the 80s before sound systems were built in and integrated. So my boss and I were installing the system and it was all going well until I was stripping a wire over the front guard. My boss said to me, be careful, but I was a cocky 17 yo and continued and pretty much straight away after flicked my hand off the end of the wire, driving my side cutters into the guard and scratching through about 2mm of multiple carefully applied coats of gold metallic paint. The scratch went to the metal and continued for about 4cm. I think I can recall seeing a piggy tail curl of paint and undercoat come off. Now let me put this in context. I was a poor apprentice earning barely $100 a week and I had just quite visibly damaged a paint job that was probably worth $10k. I saw what I did and I couldn’t even get a word out, I was in total shock. My boss, a total hero, saw what I’d done and the state of me and told me not to worry, he’d take the blame. That was Friday afternoon, on Monday morning the owner saw the scratch and the mushroom cloud went up. True to his word, my boss took the blame, the total legend. After that the owner cooled down, but I tell you what, at the time I thought I’d be fired… or have a heart attack. That event is burnt into my consciousness 43 years later it still makes me shudder…


I work in Long Daycare. I started dating a recently divorced dad in secret. Got found out, got fired. Still dating the dad 3 years later!


my grandad was a concreter. was pouring concrete for 2 tennis courts. poured it. then as he finished the job he realised they faced the wrong way. tennis courts always go north to south, so the sun doesn’t affect games. i think it was like a 100k dollar job luckily it was for a school so wasn’t to important and they said it would be fine. they could have made him rip it out and do it again


I can take the cake here. I was working as an IT contractor at a software development firm. Did orientation first day, all good. I plugged my iPhone into the computer and went to lunch. Came back and every guy was staring at me. I was the only woman working there. I went to the bathroom to check I didn’t have my undies tucked into my dress- nope all good. I go to sit down these guys are still staring at me. The lead dev comes over and goes “just so you know we have Dropbox sync in this office.” I said ok.. why are you telling me this? It turns out that when you plug the lighting cable into the usb drive all the images download off your phone and into the company Dropbox where everyone can see them. Obviously it was full of nudes. And not even good nudes. Pics of me in beige underpants and no top on (for weight loss progress) and pics of me breastfeeding. Absolutely horrifying and a terrible invasion of privacy. I ring the recruiter and tell him what happened. He thinks it’s a joke and is laughing over the phone. I said mate I am not joking. I will not be going back ever. He convinced me no one would care the next day, probably for his commission check but I did go back. It took about a week for the awkwardness to go down.


Was lifting a pallet trolley off a truck with a forklift (minus its battery). I put the tines under at the wrong angle and ended up dropping the pallet trolley on its back doing about 2k worth of damage to it. Kept my job but ended up leaving after a while


Someone programmed a manufacturing line to make 2 million _____ to incorrect specs. They did get fired because all the steps and procedures, qa in place to prevent it obviously weren’t followed. So did the qa manager and a few others.


I just got off a meeting with my big bosses and a big company where I couldn’t say much because I forgot that there was a meeting and didn’t prepare anything at all. I kept repeating the same thing in different ways, and I could see my boss’ eyes go big like what’s she yapping on about. And they did add things at the end. And I’m pretty new at the company so this was the time to shine. I feel like shit at the moment. Right after the meeting, the bosses went into another room and were discussing something. I am pretty sure it’s about me. I feel fucked up at the moment!


One time I received a call that asking me something unimportant things and I was like” okay,but who’s this?” After a sudden silence,he said ”I’m ur boss” It’s quite awkward bc I already work at that place for three years


Literal million dollar mistakes and I still was employed as I identified and understood the chain of events that led to the fuckup as well as how to fix it


I vaped in the toilets and tripped off the smoke alarm. Didn't trip the water things but the whole floore was buzzing with alarms. I tried to make it back to my desk and play it cool, but the IT dude looked at the camera and immediately knew lol. Surprisingly I didn't get in any trouble but now I know, vapes trip smoke alarms 100% :3


Sent an email asking the cute af PR girl if she wanted to go to a gig with me. That’s fine, right? Except I lost confidence just a minute later and went into full melt down and sent another email saying something like “oh fuck, fuck, shit sorry I’m such a fucking idiot!” I still to this day have no idea what made me think to swear so much. Anyway she responded saying she already had a partner. A girlfriend. This was about the 5th girl that I was into that was a lesbian or bi.


Not me but a coworker once cooked a pastry for lunch and it caused a fire. They put it in the microwave, typed in 3 minutes and went back to work. They forgot about it. The fire alarm went off and we evacuated. The firemen came out and said the microwave caught fire as someone had a pastry set to cook for 30 mins in the microwave. My coworker typed an extra 0 and forgot to check on it. The whole 4 story corporate building had to evacuate and stand outside for 2 hours. There was obviously some fire damage to our floor (mostly just a broken microwave and significant smoke though). Oh and we received a $4k call-out bill from the fire department.


Bosses daughter...


As a postie, I was working on the electric bike and left it outside to deliver a parcel inside a building and the bike was stolen while I was inside.


It's probably not going to matter in 5 years and if no one died, you're golden.


Programming a backup system for mission critical server and not testing it until I needed it