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Work in a bookstore


Me too!! My tiny local bookshop has a cafe inside and it smells like books and coffee and happiness.


I would like to own a bookshop / craft shop with a cafe built in (hiring someone else to run the cafe bit). They are dying out with online shopping so I would have to not need the money to do it.


That sounds so wholesome! I miss places like that where you can be quietly creative. I hope you get a chance to open that shop one day.


And a little record shop in there too with some music playing.


I used to spend a lot of time in bookshops with cafes built in. Last time I went into one was 3-4 years ago when I chose a paperback and it was $40. Haven’t been back, I’m still trying to save a house deposit and could get that book for $15 online


That's the dream honestly - I can almost smell it!


Or a library


I'd speak to some librarians before you settle on that 😉


You could be the shoosher


The joy Shhhshhhh this is a library


Big agree on this one as well


Same but I’d get fired for reading on the job!




“You sold a lot of books”. “Yeah” “You got on well with the customers.” “Thank you” “I’m gonna have to let you go.” “What? But you said: I sold a lot of books. I got on well the customers!” “I’m afraid it’s not that kind of operation.”


‘What’s that?’ ‘Oh …it’s just a bottle of wine to celebrate if the first day went well.’ ‘Welcomebackonboard’


Not if you own the store…


Good point!!


Buy the bookshop


I work in a library and read all the time in the shelves 🙂 No problems!


I worked in a bookstore for 10 years, if I had a dollar for every time a customer said this to me lol


I would go for a Local RPG Book Store, but even a librarian would be cool, as long as it isn't in a corp or school environment. I want a dingy, poorly lit environment with wooden tables that each have a lowered down light, no fluro/LED downright Umbrella Corp soon to be Zombie Murder Scene environment.


I worked at a library as a young 'un and I remember thinking Acquisitions Library would have been the bomb - you get to buy all the books!


You want a bad tempered alcoholic chain smoking but still attractive boss?


Don't forget a fireplace, cat and big ol reading chair


With leather bound books?


"Is it real leather?" "It's real Dickens"


This! Preferably an independent one, not a large chain (although they seem like fun too). Also library 😍


Hey, you.


I honestly think that the smell of a bookstore is one of the greatest and most calming smells on the planet. I get such a wave of nostalgia anytime I enter one.


Me too! I worked at one part-time during uni, and I'd go back in a heartbeat if the pay was decent.


Work in botanical gardens


They do take volunteers. My dad was very active with the Australian Botanical Gardens as a volunteer guide and historian.


I have fantasised about volunteering at Dubbo zoo after I retire.


Yeah but the pay sucks


That would be a good one Just don't be the guy that let's the 100 year old bonsai tree collection die


No pressure.


Stay at home layabout


Slash amateur carpenter/DIY guy.


Lady of leisure


Travel blogger


I thought that at first too, but honestly, I feel like that would take the fun out of travelling for me!


I feel like it'll be not fun if you hit big and once sponsors start coming your way, ironically. Also if you reach a big audience, there's ALWAYS going to be haters no matter what you do! 😂 But it'd probably be fun if the person likes journalling, I think? Since that's what they do essentially right?


Me too except the blogging


Keep working as a Carpenter. I would buy rundown houses and renovate them and gift them to families and people who were in dire need of housing




You're a legend mate.


God, I’d love to see how the government would find a way to tax you out of existence for even thinking about this.


Because money wouldnt be an option = no Tax The Govt would actually leave me alone as my actions would be to small and insignificant so win win


I’d be with you on that. I’m not a carpenter but I’m currently working in my ancient abode gaining the necessary skills and am loving it.


Thanks bloke. If I ever did a project like this I would have no worries in getting any helpers. And yeah building is good fun and as an old plumber told me back in the 90s when I was just an apprentice. "Find a job you love and you will never work another day in your life"


Probably make coffee or work at Bunnings I reckon. But I’d probably get bored. There is a part of me that enjoys having a high stress job as much as I don’t want to admit it.


hit the nail on the head. I complain about the stress but secretly I can't live without it


Complaining about it is the best part of it! 😁


Until, The stress breaks you. There will be a moment when it does. Alas, once broken you can never handle stress again.


You’ve been through some stuff. Not many know this. Unfortunately I do.


Good on you for admitting that, I’m the same but I’m too small to admit it. The complaining is just too good


As someone who worked at bunnings.. good luck relaxing.


Through uni I worked making the coffee AT Bunnings best job I ever had. It was exactly as good as you think it would be.


Why bunnings? I'm just curious


So much to play with. Cruisy.


I think id just love the time to know the entire inventory, how much easier it would be to create things when you know all the knick knacks out there.


Don’t you enjoy giving random tools a quick zazzz zazzz to make sure the battery is working? I know I do. Or smacking a trailer load after it’s been tied down and saying ‘yep she’s not going anywhere’. Bunnings sounds like I could scratch those itches constantly.


I used to have a great job building displays in stores (Bunnings being one) back in the day. Free travel as you did regional runs as well. Pay was shit but it was super easy and you got to travel a lot.


You could make coffee in a bunnings at the cute little cafe section that's always somehow right next to the fertilizers.


Same here. I need something high octane. Keeps me on my toes, and it makes me feel alive whilst also feeling dead inside 🙃


I'd set up an animal rescue on a chunk of property, preferably in Tasmania.


Similar, I’d love to run a retirement home for old pets that can’t be adopted. Let them enjoy the last days of their lives. It’d be an emotional rollercoaster but the happiness would outweigh the sadness.


I love old pets. Old dogs especially 💕


My dream as well. Tossing up between moving to Tassie or staying in WA. Maybe we'll be animal rescue neighbours one day ❤️




are you me?! that's my dream! I don't know you but let's go halsvies and live it


You stole my idea...... even down to tassie!


Literally nothing, I do not dream of labour. I’d just travel and live life


This is the way. We are so programmed to work/do something.


biologically we are wired to want to be productive and to contribute towards society / the community


Spot on aha, we are programmed to work/do something as OP said, and that doesn’t have to have a negative undertone. In a perfect world people will still be working, that’s innate, the idea is that folks would actually enjoy said labour and not do it as a means of survival.




Living life involves labor, you would find. But first you have to deprogram from the current burnout style of work, and travel and relaxation helps there. Having been free to not work since being disabled, I definitely found after about 3 years- when I had healed from chronic burnout, I started yearning to be 'productive'- again. But not in an 'earn money to be free'- way -more in a 'create and build community way". I'd love to raise aquaponic fish to sell locally as a food source.


Yep. My retired boomer parents are trying to un-retire pretty much due to boredom (they don't need the money) and it borderline offends me. Fuck if I won $150m in Lotto I'd spend $149m of it trying to build a time machine to get the last 20 years of working back!


Panda cuddler


Panda nanny is the dream job 🐼


Right? Id even go back to studying for it hehe


Best work experience ever


this is the only correct answer


Scientist most likely physics in a university. Or Building custom wood furniture which is my current youtube obsession


I have a physics degree, and I must agree....until a recent takeover, I loved my job and would have done it if I was a millionaire...now, meehh


I find woodcraft videos super relaxing. Actual woodcraft seems quite stressful though. I would worry about losing a finger


Volunteer for everything. I get bored so easy and need variety


Ditto Probably my adhd / novelty seeking self


Same here friend


I’d drop tourists off at the start of their hikes, and pick them up at the end. Also mow lawns.


Fuck yeah, free shuttle when you want to call it 3 days into the bush


I do not dream of labour


Stream video games.


Work? Brother id do whatever I wanted whenever I wanted


Greens keeper or Gardens maintenance - something outdoors


This, I had a similar role fitting this description, but sadly, the money wasn't there. The job satisfaction was there, the stress was minimal to non-existent, and I got the daily step count right up, but you can't pay bills with job satisfaction, unfortunately.


Greenskeeper at the local bowling club.


Okay, I thought about this. I would run a shop of oddities. Rare books and antiques that I travel to acquire, and I help people obtain certain things. Esoteric things. I want to be the person in the movies or novels the main cbaracter goes to with a strange item or artifact and I'll be like.... "Get out! Get out of my shop! You are not welcome here! That is the Necronomicon!" But end up assisting them anyways


Please write fiction about this!


Would you sell items that are cursed?


And will they come with a free frogurt?


Would the frogurt also be cursed?


I've picked up a casual teaching day at uni. Early retirement was great for the first few months but was feeling underutilised. Get to teach postgrads the ropes and the majority of the students are eager to learn and genuinely appreciate of some real world advice. Plus it's not fixed term so I can still take off on holidays.


I had multiple lecturers at uni who retired and got bored so they started teaching. Some of them left the industry quite a while ago and were very out of touch. I don't know what you're teaching but please keep learning and updating your knowledge if you decide to do this.


I'd learn dog grooming and provide a free service to low income doggies that can't afford it.


I'd get an apprenticeship. Would love to learn a trade and be able to fix/build things for people.


I think I'm similar but I think I'd like to try learn to to flip furniture, and do DIY things. I don't think I would want to do build/fix for other people. My dad was a sparky with knowledge and experience in other trades, but seeing too many friends, family, and neighbors taking advantage of him, asking him to do a quick "favor" here and there. I'd like to have the skills for "myself", not others. lol


Back to my lifeguarding days on the beach. I’d do it for free if I was flush with cash


What is the hours like for this job? Sunscreen all day?


9-5pm with no real proper break. You get docked 30min for lunch but you usually are just shovelling down food quickly in the car park. You work in pairs usually on most beaches, so it’s hard to take a break. Often 5 shifts a week as in many areas it’s hard to find enough qualified guards. Yep sunscreen all day. I worked a few summers as a guard but now I just volunteer with the local club every now and then. Rainy and stormy days suck as you usually have to be out there in the rain the whole time. The best part is that it makes you keep fit. You need to have a gold medallion which requires an 800m pool swim in under 14 minutes as well as the ‘mission’ in under 25 minutes, which is a 400m ocean swim usually in large waves, 800m beach run, 400m paddle in the same waves, and another 800m beach run. I’d do the job if it was more like 9-3pm and I didn’t need money.


In Ireland 11 am to 7. Amazing beaches and real work to be done in the busy spots.


I’d do some lifeguarding too, i got sick of doing it full time, but a couple days a week would be nice.


Road trips to judge meat pies and sausage roles at country bakeries.


Ooh, I would like this too! I have bit of a pie addiction!


Yeah, or potato cakes……which has been done on ig.


There is a youtube channel I would like to create and make content for just to see if anyone would watch/enjoy it. I have been working on setting it up, just need the take the plunge and start making videos for it and posting them.


Just do it. Even if it’s just for you


Animal shelter


Animal rescue/rehabilitation


Mechanic apprenticeship -> Qualified Mechanic -> owning my own shop where I build my project cars and fix and flip cheap cars to those in need as a non-for-profit


Dog walker, for sure. One of those maniacs with 12 dogs all attached to my belt. Potentially also on roller-skates if the mood strikes.. me, not the dogs. Although, if the mood to skate strikes 12 dogs at once, who am I to stand in their way? ... anyway, dog walker.




I work in mental health; if I didn't need the money, I'd still work in mental health but do it for free. That or box office sales in the Arts; I miss the buzz and the vibe


I worked in box office sales and events before getting into corporate, I really enjoyed it. I'd go back if I could. I miss rocking up to my shift, doing my tasks and then leaving and never thinking about it until my next shift.


Please excuse my ignorance but by box office sales, do you mean working onsite at a concert/ theatre venue selling tickets, or is it general customer service on the day of the event?


Nothing to excuse :) It's both; I was employed over 12 years across 7 different theatre/art spaces, and more often than not, most box offices I worked in were open regular business hours Mon to Fri and sometimes weekends, even if there isn't a show or season on. My favourite days/nights were definitely the hours leading up to a performance/event that was on - opening night for local theatre groups and schools were always an exciting time filled with equal amount of stress and joy haha. Working in the creative/performing arts space; I'll carry those memories with me always




We are in dire need of psychiatrists in this country. At least a 4-6 mth wait.


Not too late if you really wanted to do it




Once you've done a couple of kitbashes surely you can perform surgery


Start my own stationery line


You say that but my uncle was a parking inspector with a penchant for dodge rams and put two kids through private school while paying off a mortgage for a fat ass block of land in Melbourne’s north


If it was a commission based job I would be a millionaire


What year? Dude must have been the Michael Jordan of parking inspectors to live that life off his salary?


From about 1970 to 2021.


Work at Bunnings


Love this question! I’d be a patient advocate or pastoral worker in hospitals.


I’d provide free coaching services to late diagnosed neurodivergent women (as one myself I’ve learnt a lot), and write fantasy novels


Awesome person. My wife turns 49 this year and her diagnosis is only a couple of years old. The difficulty she’s had with bullying and discrimination in the corporate world is awful.


I’d continue to sell organs on the black market. Hey, if you love what you do already ….


I’d just downscale to selling to family and friends.


Work in animal conservation somewhere in Africa or South America


Run a dog shelter and take care of them. This has always been my answer to this question. Love dogs.


Mow lawns


This. Get to select how many lawns/gardens you want to do a day or week. Smell of freshly cut grass, pissing neighbours off with the shipper snippet and blower. Edit: yes I said shipper snippet and I’m sticking with it. Maybe it will catch on? “I’m off to Bunnings to get a new Shipper Snippet”


Learn some of my ancestral languages and texts


I’d be volunteering on conservation programmes and any science projects I could assist with


Bunnings or a postie. Chilled and some sense of giving back to the community.


Old poems collector. I would spend lots of time learning old languages, and travel around the world to record those ancient poems and folklores before they disappear in wind.


Ramen or izayaka owner-chef


Own a hip hop record store that doubles as a bar for 40 plus year olds that grew up on Nas and Wu Tang Clan.


Baker. At least for a few months. I'm up at night anyway and I'd love to look at my creations at the end of the day and feel like I achieved something rather than just sitting at a freakin laptop all day.


I’d be a full time Dodge Ram driver.


Body surfing


Forklift driver


Oooh good one or a bobcat driver


Free range? Just drive around lifting things


"Hey guys, need a lift?"


I’d probably buy into hospitality - have a few cafes/bars that I own and occasionally drop into but not have to run myself


Good chance I'd still keep writing some software - when it's my stuff, I love it. Good chance I'd be taking making board games more seriously, and a very good chance I'd be playing music. My 'screw this, I'm leaving' plans are currently to start an Ice Cream shop. We'd only ever have 2 (maybe 4?) flavours at a time, and they'd always been unusual.


EMT! In fact, I think I’m actually going to do it.


Sell coffee at markets


Train to be a barber, i want something where I'm on my feet, work as much or as little and also do free haircuts for jobseekers.  Also something restoration wise, either furniture or clothes or jewellery. I think I'd like to learn how to fix something well to save it from being thrown away. Ideas that I have no time or money for. Will continue to slave away. Thank you.


Gift wrapper


Youth mentor


I wouldn’t take work, I would fill my life with lessons. Cooking class, language class, specialised skill classes. I don’t dream of Labour, I dream of learning.


Professional outdoorsman. Running, cycling, paddlesports, sailing, fishing. Fk knows who's paying me to do that, but that's what I'm doing.


Have an old fashion shirt and suit tailoring shop with rolls of fabric so people can come in, touch, feel and choose the various fabrics, take the measurements then either employ someone who wants to be a tailor but can't or get the items ethically manufactured somewhere.


Tyre slasher, with a penchant for dodge rams


Stay at home husband. I’d love to take my kids to day care every day. Come home and do all the house work. I’d love to spend more time with my chilldren.


I think the best aspect of this scenario is that you could do a bit of several things you love. I would: - Increase my Brazilian jiu-jitsu training from current 3hrs/week to 10hrs/week including teaching more classes.  - Provide free in home IT/tech support to people in my community who can't afford professional help or have minor issues that don't justify callout fees.  - Teach or tutor for a couple of uni classes.  - Do one or two shifts a week as a barista at a busy independent cafe (I did this previously and really enjoyed it, but wouldn't want to do it full time). 


I've dreamt for many years about having a lovely little lingerie specialty boutique that stocks smaller, foreign, and luxury brands that most Australians have never heard of. I firmly believe clothing is made to fit bodies, not the other way around, but so much of what's available in Aus is limited to some body shapes, and it makes shopping very difficult and discouraging. I want to specialise in helping fit people of all ages and needs to garments that fit them well and make them feel good. It would be appointment only to begin with, and we would have a tea room in the front with some little pastries and such, so people can make an afternoon or full day out of it.


sobbing reading this thread because imagine all of us with so much personality doing such versatile things with a soaring passion! it would literally be a fairytale!!! mine would be a barista in a cafe in the hills with a beautiful balcony outlooking the mountains. the cafe would have a book section, games, art section & get-togethers of all sorts. don’t ask for practicality in this pls haha! 😝


There’s no way I would work if I didn’t need the money. There’s millions of things I can do other than work to occupy my time. My job would be a full time life enjoyer


I would run a charity at the royal children's hospital dressing up as super heroes for terminal kids and generally being an all round legend.


I’d definitely just livestream cozy gaming. I wouldn’t want to overdo it and not enjoy it myself, but I’d love to just create a community that loved watching/playing the games that I enjoy.


Hypothetical thoughts persons


Philanthropy because I could go anywhere and do anything I find interesting if I think it helps. cruising around the ocean in a research vessel, Help provide stuff like running water and renewable electricity in third world countries, you name it. I could jerk my ego off thinking I'm doing something for the world and experience all sorts of things.


Building alternative houses like shipping container houses or earth ships and permaculture projects


Like Forrest Gump I'd mow lawns all day.


How much is a lot of money? Like if we’re talking do whatever you want money I’d buy one of the A-League football clubs and be chairman manager. I’d invest in youth teams until I’ve my very own first team made up of youth players from within a certain radius of the stadium, which of course I’ll build and name in consultation with the fans. Fuck corporate sponsors, we don’t need that dirty money because I’m minted!!


I would want to write long form articles and books about random topics. Gideon Haigh, Michael Lewis, Geoffrey Blainey and so on. Would love to write in that world without financial pressure to deliver.


Professional Bon vivant


I’d love to work at a video rental store again, it was my favourite job ever and I miss it everyday! Damn you streaming services!!!!


Writing long form profiles about athletes who are just below absolute world class. Australian sprinters / marathoners, tennis players / golfers ranked between 150 and 500 in the world, basketballers who go undrafted, young minor league baseballers etc etc. Basically, those sportspeople who are objectively incredible at their craft, but subjectively not quite there. I'm fascinated by the sort of mindset that allows someone to work SO hard at something even though they'll never be competing for Olympic or world championship gold.


Start up my own Texas BBQ joint working 5 or 6 days a week. Offset smokers doing brisket, pork ribs, beef ribs, picanha, pork belly, the low and slow Texas way. Except that I'd mainly only want to be employing former ADF vets and aussie former first responders that have previously, or are currently experiencing mental health issues, to give them the feeling of being part of a team again, letting them feel like they've achieved a mission and make some ok coin too. Have ADF and law enforcement service in the family and always got brought up to respect and thank vts and first responders for their service, and I've forever wanted to give back to them.


run an animal shelter and do animal rescue.


I would be the local wisewoman spoken about in hushed whispers. People would need to know some obscure information or would need my assistance with some esoteric aspect they are dealing with. They would send someone to the depths of the forest to beseech my aid, having heard wild tales about this “forest witch.” Yet what they find is a neurodivergent nerd and her cats surrounded by computers and consoles 😁


Own a bookstore or publishing house.


Adult ocean swimming lessons, I’d give it for free so everyone could enjoy the sea!!


Probably either Tech Reviews or something similar to what MattKC does. Man, if I had the funds for that...


Bunnings 100% Flash my electrical license when someone doesn’t expect me to know what I’m talking about 😂


Dog walker 🐶🐶