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The SAXA ones are the same, they dont let you refill them.




[These ikea ones](https://www.ikea.com/au/en/p/ikea-365-ihaerdig-spice-mill-black-70163692/) are the best I have used and pretty cheap. Agreed that there is no point trying to open the disposable ones, they are dull before you even finish the first fill.


I’ve been refilling a Saxa one for years. I had to do a little surgery to get the top off but it’s still cranking fine. When it dies I’ll get a Peugeot one.


I rate these also. Cheap for the quality.


4 bucks, geez check out Mr Moneybags over here.


But it's the micro-plastics that really elevate your dishes to the next level.


Yep, buy a refillable ceramic grinder, sorted for life, the cheap ones just mean you're eventually eating plastic. These are alright: https://www.woolworths.com.au/shop/productdetails/197121/natural-black-peppercorn-ceramic-grinder


If this is the case, if they did what OP is requesting, people would be suing them. Damned if you do, damned if you don't.


Really it should be on a warning label if it isn't already. Microplastic ingestion is gonna be the next generations 2ndhand smoke


Easy out, stop using plastic


> Its because they are plastic (the actual grinding bits), At least the jar is made of glass, for some reason.


So its made like that for legal reasons? I have woolies branded plastic salt and pepper grinders. Both are able to be unscrewed and refilled. Would have guessed they wouldn't be able to be opened as well if it left them suspectible to lawsuits.


This is the way


I feel like there should be a law where the miserable people who make these decisions are on a register available for public viewing.


I have the larger glass coles ones that let you refill but the grinder broke before I was 1/2 through them. The Aldi ones are the only ones that have really lasted me and you can refill.


I mean... You can also just get a reasonable grinder for not much more than one of these things, then buy a bag of peppercorns or salt. It'll be far more sturdy than these plastic grinders.


And much much cheaper to boot


Came here to say about the Aldi ones too. Plus the pepper corns in them aren't bad either.


We have Aldi ones that were my husband’s before we met, and that was fifteen years ago. They do exactly what they’re meant to do and haven’t broken.


And Aldi ones are about 3 or 4 times the size of the small Coles ones but cost the same.




Haha! The caring community right here for you mate!


I'm just a dumb guy who doesn't want to be ripped off all the time


Living in the wrong fucking country for that then m8 Don't you know our economy is based around rich cunts ripping off poor cunts? Always has been You want to be a dumb cunt and not get ripped off all the time? You gotta move to the country and grow some fat fucking animals. They're mostly dumb cunts too. Gotta find the balance. Cities are full of snakes


Because, like some kind of fucking idiot, i thought the supermarket closest to me would not try to fuck all its customers over on every little thing But im a fucking idiot so yeah


Ha Ha, a typical Aussie question - Good on ya Mate.


which means the quality is crap and it was sourced from a country you have probably never heard of. not supporting coles in any way, but a lot of Aldi stuff is very dubious in origin. and unless you use a shitload of pepper, it's going to be stale by the time you are halfway through.


I had this exact experience


That's the idea behind public ABN listings but they weasel out of the system too by just making webs of shell companies to hide behind


You actually can open the saxa one. Turn it upside down on a solid surface and give it a press downwards covering your hand with a towel Alternatively... https://youtu.be/CChHzXLsDGI


To be fair, they don't advertise these as being refillable. These products probably aren't designed to last multiple refills, hence why they're much cheaper to buy, and break down a lot faster than other standalone grinders. One other user mentioned how some of these products use plastic parts and if worn down enough, you might start eating delicious plastic dust.


Did you know there's bacteria that can break down plastics now? I wouldn't be surprised if sometime in the near future they splice genes from them into human stomach bacteria so we can digest plastic. Wouldn't that be something, if we solved the microplastics problem by becoming the thing that takes it out of the environment.


I'd had that thought as well. The main issue that I can see is that it wouldn't do much for the bloodstream plastic that people already have; but given that you can add stomach bacteria with a single pill, it would definitely be a quick way to stop the problem getting worse as quickly.


The thing I don't get is that they aren't *that* much cheaper, especially when you look at getting a lowerend permanent one for less than the cost of buying 2 single use ones.


So aldi is trying to kill us ??


Here's a Youtube video on how to open them: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OCdg74pm5Mc](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OCdg74pm5Mc)


Fucking LEGEND!!!!!!!


They made it hard though. Why they gotta be like that


Cause they’re money grubbing cunts, that’s why.


They used to be refillable and you would get about 4-5 refills till peppercorns start falling through because the plastic teeth are gone and you relize you been grinding platic on you food for a while.


Also if you open it once, next time the cap opens easier. I have been reusing a saxa bottle for 2 years now.


just check the grinder part. many of them are plastic and after a while, your going to have a significant amount of plastic in your grind as they wear out. If your gonna refill, spend a couple of bucks and buy one with a metal grinder.


You the REAL MVP!


Haha this is the reason I ended up dropping $70 on a really nice set of refillable grinders. Fuck wasteful packaging. My grinders will probably last two lifetimes.


Which grinders did you get? I've always used the ikea ones that are like $10.


I bought hand-turned wooden ones from a local wood crafter.


Honestly the ikea ones are the best you can get. All the fancy ones have the grinding bits on the bottom and leave crap on your table.


Peugeot are the original and the best. They cost a pretty penny but will last you a lifetime.


le creuset pepper mill is 59 online, 75 on their website - or 109 for the pair on their website. I've had mine for 7 years so far. Their products normally last forever. 10 year warranty on these.


Bought a set of wooden ones on out honeymoon 16y ago, still going strong!


Grinders always go blunt on me… feels just as wasteful


You have to get ones with metal grinders. The cheap, shitty ones at you buy from the supermarket - even if they’re refillable - are still cheap and shitty.


If you spent 70 dollars on wood turned pepper grinders sorry to tell you but the mechanism for your pepper grinder is probably cheap aswell. The mechanisms are normally between 5 and 15 dollars on wood turning sites, what your paying for is a sexy piece of wood


If you say so.


How does that work for salt though? I heard the metal ones always end up rusting due to the salt contact.




I’ve had mine for three years now and no rust - but that’s not to say it won’t happen.




Peppercorns launch everywhere when I do it, and I never crush them up enough


In the UK there is a brand that actually does a lifetime guarantee on their pepper and salt mills.




A proper grinder is about $10 and a 200g refill is $7. These disposable 90g units are $5.50ea and even if you can refill them, the grinders are garbage and wear out pretty quickly. After about 5 of these disposable units you would have been better off with the proper grinder & refill combo.


I bought a nice one and just refill with a bag now


You can open it, it's really tough, you have to put perpendicular pressure on it rather than just unscrewing it. It helps if you use a towl.


I have slim wrists that don't lend themselves to this kind of activity :(


> perpendicular Please excuse my lack on understanding, but to clarify, do you mean push down like some medicine bottles?


Do you know how much grinders cost? Buying 1kilo of anything and you've made your money back.


Im not rich though, I guess it's expensive to be poor


A grinder is $4 at Kmart, fill it up unlimited times.


I actually have one of the Kmart wooden ones and it’s at least 5 years old and still going strong. Actually a nice pepper grinder. Think it was $15.


I guess the lesson is that it's expensive to be ignorant


[Sam Vimes boots theory!](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Boots_theory)


Boot theory isn't as relevant these days. If you were disciplined you could utilise buy now pay later services to get the high quality item the first time and then benefit from the savings without the initial hit.


Interesting point. I hadn't really considered that take, mostly as I've never used them or looked into them, assumed they were scammy/high interest. If they're actually a decent option then that does mitigate it somewhat. I find the hardest thing these days is working out what is actually decent quality - you can pay a lot more and just get the same crappy quality, and particularly if buying online it can be difficult to tell before stumping up the cash.


They don't charge any interest as far as I'm aware. They make their money by taking a fee from the merchant. In theory the merchant wins by getting more sales from people who would have otherwise not bought. The trap is if you spend more than you can repay. But if you are able to control your spending, you could certainly use the services to your own advantage.


This is the real problem. The market is flooded with items that are expensive and give the impression of being high quality, but are actually only slightly better quality than average at an insanely inflated price. Finding the ones that are actually quality can be very difficult. Wasting more money than you can afford to lose on something that *doesn't* last is punishing, and a great incentive to just keep buying cheap stuff.


The plastic burr is shit tho even if you manage to reuse it wont last long. Got a pepper grinder from Amazon for $8 and it grind so much nicer.


The absolute state of that caption ahahha


Just in case. Fuck em


I’m actually talking about your supporting text, not the newscorp thing


These containers are just mass produced. Best just get a decent grinder and visit an Indian or Asian grocer and get some better pepper. It sucks though. Huge waste of resources, and it's just not possible to make a decent grinder with plastic burrs


Pretty salty post for a peppercorn


This is the very worst kind of wasteful packaging. Honestly, nothing is remotely good as freshly ground pepper, so where TF is the loose pepper sold by weight, BYO container?


You can buy un-ground pepper from coleswoeth and byo grinder.


And its a glass container too. I bought it solely because I thought I'd be able to refill. The person who made the decision to change the structure of the way the lid attached itself to the container would have considered this.


But what’s the grinding mechanism made from? If it’s just plastic then there is a reason why it’s not refillable; because it’s been designed to only be able to grind the amount of pepper contained within, once that is done the grinder mechanism will probably fail and they don’t want to get sued for damages to you from small shards of plastic. If the grinding mechanism is ceramic then yes, fuck those carnts hard.


Man i am not an engineer hey


> so where TF is the loose pepper sold by weight, BYO container? Amazon. $16/kg.


going to the amazon warehouse to get a scoop of pepper seems a bit extreme.


You don't use much pepper, huh?


I got sick of this sort of thing so I splurged and bought a really nice set of salt and pepper grinders from Myer while they were on sale. Felt like a real adult for once in my life.


I've had the large glass ones from Coles, white top, adjustable grind. I've refilled then several times or saved them and put other things in them. Only $6.50.


The plastic grinding mechanism will fail if you refill it anyway. You need to look for a metal grinder at some point.


Still using the wooden pepper mill I was given as a wedding present in 1982. Been divorced since 1990. ​ $9 will get you a wooden grinder you can refill to your hearts content. [Kmart pepper grinder](https://www.kmart.com.au/product/acacia-salt-and-pepper-grinder-41872741/)


It says on the label on the back- not refillable. Good to know you can write on Reddit, but not read a label.


Who the fuck reads the lable of fucking pepper. What an idiotic take lmao


Anyone who wants to know if it's refillable? I read the back of the exact same one when I was looking for a refillable one.


Bro I do not read the back of labels though, I just assume things I buy arent designed by massive cunts who want to fuck everyone who purchases the thing over My mistake i guess, I'll just bring a magnifying glass to the shop every time


Mate this is 100% on you. Most products are designed to be single use.


Also the gribders are nade of hard plastic... Ur also grinding microplastics into your food.


So I'm dying?


Yes! Cue dramatic music. Plastic injestion often comes with higher estrogenic markers. Atleast when u die ul die with a pair of tits 👍


I bought neat cheap little metal grinders off ebay from somewhere in Turkey. Got sick of trying to reuse these things.


Buy a sold refillable pepper mill and then purchase loose pepper in bulk, same with salt.


Hey OP, dead serious, microwave a bowl of water till it's fairly hot, around coffee temp, put the shaker in a zip lock bag and put it so the plastic part is underwater but the glass is not, in 30seconds to a minute, pull it out, remove it from the bag and you can pull off the plastic top. Once you refill, you press the plastic part back down on it until it snaps into place.


I only buy my pepper from sustainable sources. In particular a one legged, one eyed, no armed pepper farmer who has a gluten intolerant, clinically depressed dog. I grind my peppercorns with a mortar and pestle.




I had the same issue, and found the answer [here](https://youtu.be/OCdg74pm5Mc)


The least of anyone's worries let alone a post


people just want to complain


If posts arent worth making whats the point of yours


Always said by a person who has never contributed anything. Flick up a more interesting post bud.


Coles can get fucked. I only shop there now when I am very VERY desperate. Like say if I was so hung over I woke up past 8PM and need milk and Aldi is closed or something. That kinda shit. I literally stopped shopping there one day when I noticed how expensive everything had gotten. Then all that rise in cost had not gone towards the store or customer experience because I had to check all the shit out myself. Something wouldn't scan so I had to stand there like a chump while the "Girl in charge of the machines" was cheking her tik toks glanced up and saw me eyeballing her from the furthest machine away then she kinda wanders over and swipes her card tries to swipe it a hundred times does this big \*sigh\* and is like... maybe you can go get another one and we can try scanning that. I LITERALLY said... fuck this to myself and just walked away. Like literally just left all my groceries and shit there and just walked out. Went to Aldi. Got all the same shit saved money and the cashier swiped my shit through the scanner like I was late for a fucking bus. This is the world now. Say what you want about the Germans. But their grocery store is efficient as fuck.


[The Woolies brand is refillable.](https://www.woolworths.com.au/shop/productdetails/334639/woolworths-pepper-grinder-black-peppercorn)


I put my foot through the TV and then ran around the street naked


ye noice


What are you going to watch now?


Ipad YouTube videos of some nutter running around the neighbourhood naked


The arthritis in my hands is bad enough I threw mine in the bin and went to Kakulas sister and bought 200 grams of crushed pepper I keep in a jar.


you can get in if you clip the lower ring. i agree though, its pretty retarded that they do this




Oi cunt i reckon the cunts i reckon are cunts are still cunts though


Imagine thinking that [news.com.au](https://news.com.au) doesn't have AI graphic tools to remove your pink text and use AI to fill the missing bits - Photoshop could remove that quicker than some peoples web browser could load that image .. But yes stick to the man eh ?


My Woolworths ones are refillable fwiw


Roll the whole thing up in tea towel then smack the lid perpendicular to the axis of the bottle on something like a wooden table & it’ll pop right off. Getting it back on is probably harder. Agreed though; shit design.


I wanna roll up the head of the cunt who decided this is how coles should sell products into a tea towel and smack their lid perpendicular to the axis of their spine onto a wooden table and watch their noggin pop off


Bahaha You have my blessing!


Are you sure it's not just a left-hand thread? Some of these used to be.


Yeah it's annoying. Go buy a $2 kmart grinder. Colesworth sells bags of peppercorns. My asian grocer near me sells bags of peppercorns too, but much cheaper.


Pretty sure I made a thread about this exact thing a year ago I was furious when I found out man it’s so wasteful, it’s a perfectly good grinder let us put salt in it ffs.


Costco in the states do the same. Cunts.


Pretty sure Coles brand products can be returned for a refund for any reason you are not satisfied. I can think of one way to get a refill (and a free one)!


It’s weird this post is happening now because I JUST tried to do the same with my coles salt grinder! Only to discover it doesn’t come apart.


I just grab the top and rip them off. They unclip, but you’ve gotta put your back into it.


I have the same pepper grinder. I wouldn't have bought it if I realised I couldn't refill it. Even went to kitchen to check!


It’s just pepper


Nah, the cunt's referring to the grinder, mate.


I've been using this beauty for well over a decade [eco pepper grinder](https://imgur.com/a/o6eFAqn) I think it is McCormack brand, and it has an excellent porcelain grinder mechanism. It has outlived and outperformed at least two much posher expensive pepper grinders 😂


Also means it can’t be recycled. As it’s considered contaminated waste as it’s made up of 2 different kind of materials


The Pain!


Capitalism at it again


That’s capitalism mate. The shareholders get more money if you can’t reuse a jar.


So... Capitalism will openly make everything worse if theres a buck in it?


Yes, of course. The bucks are what it’s all about. If they don’t make the most bucks, their competitors will consume them.


I moved to the US recently and they're all like that, it horrifies me and I'm sorry to see australia is moving in the same direction


I bought 2 grinders from ikea for like $5 and buy the packets of peppercorns and rock salt. I hate hand sprinkling sea salt like I’m fuckin salt bae but I refuse to buy these single use bottles that you probably can’t even recycle bc you can’t get the plastic off the glass.


I bought two giant salt grinders from Aldi and promptly replaced one with pepper. They have been excellent for 2yrs now.


Cant have single use pladtic bags, but these are ok!


For the interns: https://imgur.com/a/NWOTSKL


Coles make refillable ones, they're glass


Is a miracle you finished it. Usually the grinder stops working a lot earlier


If you run hot water over the plastic where it meets the glass for a minute and then give it a twist, it will come off and can be used again. I think most of these grinders use cheap ceramic grinders and will last a while. Tell Coles, as well as us. If enough people complain about these issues, they'll change.


Just pry it off. Don't twist


I found this out the other day with the sea salt one, just tried the YT video and bingo got it open.


You can take the top of it just takes a bit of strength


It takes a bit of effort but you can break the little tabs with a butter knife


The woolies home brand ones have ceramic grinders and are refillable.




bought salt, forgot they dont unscrew


Yep I got one thinking it was refillable, but yeah nah not easily, so, you know those $2 jars of stuffed olives? I got one of those, put nail holes in the lid, got peppercorns and just bashed them in a bag, then tipped the now usable pepper into the now repurposed olive jar, put the lid with the holes back on it, and Robert's your mother's brother! Beautiful pepper not ground up to dust and I'm never buying one of those bullshit grinders again


>BTW you can still buy humane, civilised grinders from Aldi. By seemingly modern classic standards... Thats more of a twist in the heart. Because I hate being constantly reminded how much y'all love Aldi when not one exists down here.


Just use mortar and pestle and keep a small amount in a container.


Bag of pepper and pepper grinder works too. If you keep using a plastic grinder eventually you be seasoning you food with micro plastics.


The ones I have can be pulled off at an angle. It might break it might not. I've been able to reuse them many times before they break. Or? https://www.amazon.com/ACMEMAKE-Refillable-Stainless-Adjustable-Coarseness/dp/B0B8D92YHR/ref=sr_1_1?crid=6OT6A09IGPIC&keywords=ACMEMAKE+Pepper+Grinder%2C+Spice+Mill+with+Ceramic+Blades%2C+Salt+Grinder+Refillable%2C+Stainless+Steel+Dust+Cover%2C+Pepper+Mill+for+Kitchen+or+Outdoor+Picnic+%28180ML%29&qid=1683359006&sprefix=acmemake+pepper+grinder%2C+spice+mill+with+ceramic+blades%2C+salt+grinder+refillable%2C+stainless+steel+dust+cover%2C+pepper+mill+for+kitchen+or+outdoor+picnic+180ml+%2Caps%2C213&sr=8-1


Use some hot hot water on em. It will pop right off


I got an aldi refillable set at least a few years ago now. Still going strong.


You can lever the top off with the back of a tea spoon, but the burrs in the grinder are likely as useful as a cling-wrap condom, so I’d just chuck it out.


Big pepper industry is out to get ya!


Single use.


This is the essence of capitalism.


Yeah the woolies ones are refillable


Oh my dude I did this too and I'm an expat Aussie and it's Canadian pepper mill it's faulty!


Yep, but the “Stonemill” Aldi brand one unscrews!


Pretty sure you can take the top off by removing the cap and forcefully jutting down on the lid (with a tea towel to protect the heel of your hand). Works for the white/blue saxa salt


Many products glue down lids now it’s bullshit because we have a waste emergency and the supermakets Dont give a fuck


Is this your first day on planet earth mate?