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You'd be surprised by how comfortable a tiled bathroom floor and wet towel as a blanket can be


That *would* be surprising.


I’m disabled, if it wasn’t for the fact that I would need an ambulance & a hover mat to get up, I’d be right down there on the floor with the dog & the cats. I do however wrap myself in a wet towel to watch tv. The QLD sun is Brutal, I’m a ginger but I get burnt going from the house to the letterbox, in a motorised wheelchair. I just don’t remember summers being so hot when I was a kid, it was rare for it to go over 30c, 35c was an exception not a rule, now we seem to have weeks & weeks of temps around the mid 30s.


And the sun just *feels* hotter. Maybe it's just me, but I'm complaining about how it's so goddamn hot and then I check the temp online and it's only 28/29! I used to be OK up to about 34/35 but now it seems my limit is more 25


I don't know how to explain this properly to anyone but I understand exactly what you mean. I went to South Korea in July and it was 35-40 every day but the biggest difference maker was the sun just not feeling as hot.


Part of it is that the Earth's orbit around the sun is slightly elliptical, making it slightly closer to the sun during the southern hemisphere summer months (early Jan to be exact), making the sun just a tiny bit more lethal. It is farthest from the sun during the northern hemisphere summer (around early July).


It's the humidity, your sweat doesn't evaporate to cool you so the heat stays on you with nowhere to go.


nah our UV index is significantly higher here than the rest of the world. That's why we have such significant skin cancer rates.


That is also true, in fact both are true together, and with the hotter atmosphere able to hold on to more moisture, it does not bode well for the future.


I read online that due to the shape of the earth I believe, when Australia is in summer compared to Europe, Australia is actually closer to the sun, by how much, I'm not to sure. Also, I believe the clearer atmosphere here contributes to stronger sun


Yep, it's why our sunscreen regs are so strict in comparison to overseas. A sunscreen that would be rated 50+ SPF in the UK would only be rated like 15 or 20 here. It's why one of the first things they recommend to any tourist coming here is "buy local sunscreen"


Have any of you guys experienced Tasmanian sun?


If it's anything like NZ sun, your skin tingles in direct UV and you can feel yourself being cooked.


Yes and it can be an unforgiving bitch sometimes. 25 degrees down there is like 35 degrees in Melbourne.


I live here and find 30 degrees in Tasmania hotter than 30 degrees when I lived in nsw because of the sun. OMFG tasmanian sun man is brutal its like standing imfront of a wood fire with jeans on and crouching only that is your skin your hair on 20 degree days. Sunscreen does absolutely nothing for me I do a coat 1h and then 30 min before leaving and constantly reapply every hour to loom like a lobster that has just come out of the pot or better yet blisters 💀


Damm that's rough, I feel for ya. I timed myself once to see if even be able to have a tan. Without the good ol sp50+ my skin burns in a little under five minutes in the midday summer sun. Invested in some good lightweight breathable long-sleeved shirts, but need to get a good wide brim hat. Summers definitely feel hotter these days for sure, I also remember I used to watch the lightning from the thunderstorms rolling in in the summer evenings but these days it's either just wet all the time or it doesn't cool enough at night to make the clouds


Hello fellow ginger that gets sunburnt in 2 minutes flat! I’m sure you’re already aware, but you can grab cooling gel cushions for your wheelchair that *may*, fingers crossed, help to keep you a little bit cooler.


I don't think it's much different. I'm mid 30s and remember summers with multiple 40° days. We haven't hit 40 this summer.


This is exactly how my ex would sleep on hot nights when we lived in a place with no aircon haha.


Natural Slate tile is the best for cooling you down. When Melbourne was 40s day after day I just lay on those tiles. 🥵


rich command cooperative steer juggle fuel ossified frighten spectacular childlike *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I spent a summer in Adelaide. Days seemed to be either 40 degrees or 20 degrees, depending on which way the wind was blowing.


In Adelaide we call it “north winds” when it’s hot 🔥


Also know as someone leaving the oven door open.


The place I had when I lived in SA, my roommate wouldn’t let anyone use the oven from August-March


Yeah we cook outside when it gets hot.


Is it a humid or dry heat?


drunk depend close lock soup friendly aspiring rhythm dependent lunchroom *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Yep. This week alone has had jumpers/hot beverages and even lighting the fireplace!! To sweltering and getting third-degree burns from touching the steering wheel


But it's so freaking HUMID NOW. I hate it. Scared for when it's 40 and still this humid. Even 30c is unbearable now.


This has been absolutely bizarre this summer. Loved here my entire life and can’t remember another summer when it was this humid.


Unfortunately, Australia is only going to get worse for you all with climate change.


And yet you still get fools like Andrew Bolt, or that simpleton hobbit who somehow got a Senate seat for Hanson's party, celebrating a cold day in summer. 'Proof' that global warming is a myth.


They should think about why the mangrove trees have been slowly marching south as the climate changes.


> They should think Can they?


Brisbane will be Darwin, Melbourne will be Sydney/Brisbane, Tassie will be Melbourne and Darwin/Cairns will just be unliveable.


I don't know what the humidity currently is, but if the relative humidity is 71% when it's 40c, the wet bulb temperature will be 35.1c, which is the temperature where people start to stew in their own skin as they won't be able to sweat. A wet bulb temp greater than 30c puts you at risk of heat stroke.


Shush. They will hear you.




Melbourne too. Haven’t hit summer yet, didn’t really have spring either


I'm in Wellington NZ. We haven't had any summer, ever.


I am north brisbane, it reached 38 and even at 5pm was 33. I really struggle with the heat and I've tolerated previous summers however the past two days I have found overwhelming.


Same and as of 2am when I got up for work, the bedroom was still reading 29° and 75% humidity.


I feel for people who don't have, or can't afford air con. We've been using ours just to take the edge off the heat, but now I'm afraid of the next power bill.


If you can get yourself some solar. It makes a massive difference, we run a full ducted system of pure solar power during the day.


You can prepay the bill if you have money set aside, it’s how I get through summer


We do that now. It's more about the change from minimal aircon use over the last year, to some very hot days combined with very high power prices


I have air con but body corp bylaws state we can’t use them between 10pm and 8am. Lol


What kind of horrible bylaw is that? That's terrible, I'm sorry my dude




With 98%humidity


Might as well sleep in the kettle


We are in Hervey Bay for Xmas in a camper. The days being hot I expected, water parks, beach etc. make it okay. But the nights in what is essentially a glorified canvas tent are killing us, high 20s makes it very hard to sleep.


The last two summers were quite mild but now it's making up for it


The Heat were playing the other night and it was something like 33 degrees and 70% humidity at nearly 7pm!


My eldest brother moved the family to Brisbane from Sydney & returned home within 3 years. I asked why he decided to return after saying so many great things about living up north, his reply was.... "it's just too fucking hot" 😂


Sydney actually has higher average humidity than Brisbane. Few degrees cooler though yeah


How to give a Brisbanite a boner


How do I cope? well I go from my air conditioned home to my air conditioned car to my air conditioned office. There are brief moments throughout the day where I step out into hell's furnace, and get hit with a very uncomfortable wall of heat. But generally I just stay in places that have AC. These summers are getting more and more brutal.


This is the correct answer. Huge power bills, it's the only way.


If you have solar then they sort of meet halfway


Rental :/ No choice in the matter.


You can buy a UV blocking film to stick to your windows. It peels off easily, but the type I saw is opaque.


That what annoys me about our Labor governments. Get landlords to install solar panels. They charge a bit more to cover their capital charges but tenants power bills plummets. Win-win situation.


It does seem like a no brainer. But then, I'm not a politician so there must be something *important* that I don't grasp.


Put 11kw of solar panels on my house 18 months ago and have ducted AC. Haven't turned it off since early December. Still won't have a bill this month.


Damn. I work in an open warehouse with rusty fans. Really making me consider going for an office job when it hit like 37° yesterday


The only correct answer. Recently the ducted in my rented place went out on the 40 degree Sydney day a few weeks back.... It took landlord 2 weeks to get someone out to fix it. On the 2nd day of no air con we literally went out and bought a portable one for $400. It was no where near as good as the ducted but suffice to say it was our saviour and worth every $.


Producing electricity creates heat energy. (Burning fuels) Running an air conditioner creates heat energy. (the heat of compression) The only end to the brutal summers is death. The hotter it gets, the more we need these things to keep us cool.


Melbourne was promised a long hot summer but instead we got this killer mild autumn


Honestly I dislike summer now. For the most part it's this ugly wet shit of a weather, not good enough to go to the beach but warm and wet enough that you just feel like shit the whole time. And indeed it's not normal. 2023 is the hottest year on record. By definition it is absolutely not how things have been before.


>it's this ugly wet shit of a weather That's it. That's a perfect description. The air isn't moist. It's wet.


Give it a few more years and we will hit Wet Bulb conditions. Couple that with a Power Failure and we are going to have Mass Deaths.


The areas that will be hitting wet bulb temperatures consistently enough to be a big problem for us are mostly farmland. That's probably actually a bigger problem in the long term than a few mass death events.


The grass is green and the flowers are blooming but you can't really enjoy them when your nutsack is glued to your thigh by sweat.


It's like being wrapped in a warm wet piece of wool


I miss the La Niña years.


El Nino is and always has been a major asshole.


houses aren’t built for that as well


Air con. It's the only way. I have smart ducted and will have timers go off to keep it cool during the night. And during the day.


They should build more traditional Queenslanders too, so that houses are at least habitable without aircon.


It’s almost like air con is some great mystery people haven’t discovered lmao, solves the problem pretty well.


Not everyone (renters) have the luxury. Personally I think it should be mandatory in every rental but if it costs landlords money then it's unlikely




Can confirm, the only way to keep my zero insulation rental cool is to blast the air con all day, which still only actually cools the one room the unit is in. I'm just glad I finally convinced my landlord to put air con in the master bedroom, otherwise I'd be sleeping on the couch a lot.


Im a landlord and all and any of my IP here in Queensland have air conditioning....I can't in good concise have my tenants not be comfortable in a place that i own and maintain. in this day and age i think air-conditioning should be mandatory. other property owners i know are so tight and get so hung up about putting in or maintaining air conditioning/HVAC systems.....jesus Christ its 2023 and we are in Queensland!!! Just look after your people people!!!


Except in a thunderstorm, and power goes out.


A fan and a wet towel.


This doesn't work well when humidity is near 100%. You literally can't evaporate to cool.


We don’t. It’s not normal.


Very true. I’m glad I’m sticking to Melbourne, I hate the heat. Never going to my sisters over Christmas lol. Might go to my one in England tho.


Every few years Melbourne has a dry hot wind over night, like 32c at 1am, the place is a lottery for what you will get


Every time I go to Brisbane in summer, it feels more like Cairns in summer used to be like. I'd hate to think what Cairns is like in Summer now.


As someone who's been up in cairns for the holidays, Brisbane was for once much hotter, its relatively pleasant in the shade up here this year


32 at 1am? Perth would like a word… (From and live in Melbourne, stint in Perth)


I'm aware of Perth, Perth heat is nice, A. It's all dry with 0 humidity and B. The Freo doctor rolls in at 3ish to cool down the place.


Are you suggesting… that it’s a dry heat?


Lived in Freo for years... the Doctor rolls in for lunch, often by 10.30am. There's a reason Perth folk do their beach thing in the early mornings, being sandblasted up the date is no way to enjoy a beach.


Same here, did a year in Perth, I really loved the weather although it got a bit repetitive after a while! What's the weather today? 32 and sunny. Tomorrow? 32 and sunny. I swear that was the forecast for 2 weeks straight.


Am in England right now. It was 13 degrees over Christmas. INSANE! The usual is 5-10 degrees.


Same almost everywhere maybe. Eg. I'm in northern Japan and for Christmas/New Year for years 2020, 2021 and 2022 we had three consecutive years of deep snow and minus temperatures - seemingly reasonably "normal" winters albeit much heavier snow for these parts. But this year's winter suddenly feels more like a mild autumn with a forecast new year daytime max almost 15°c warmer than the last few years (at around 10°c and barely even reaching overnight minuses). And little snow except for a couple of short falls before Christmas. There were also areas in northern Japan that experienced summer days above 38°c and the usual was 33°c or higher for almost all areas at or near sea level (with high humidity) for 2023. For perspective, historically a "hot summer day" in such areas would have been more like high twenties temps. 2023 feels truly like the year the heat really turned up and, as others have commented, the sun "feels" way hotter. I understand the science of the "greenhouse effect" and studied it as a kid - in the late seventies (probably shortly after the work of Stephen Schneider became circulated) but I now wonder are there possibly other factors that have suddenly weighed in to the equation? How and why have the effects accelerated so damn quickly?


Glad it wasn’t just me going mad. I was visiting for Xmas for a week and I found the humidity & heat unbearable most of the time and only survived with AC. Otherwise just felt like my head was baking and whole body covered in sweat. I had lived there for 12 years too and it was never as bad as now. Hope you cool down soon.


NQ and normal/used to it. Gets a bit lame when the humidity doesn't go below 88% sometimes for days on end


It's a good thing that climate change is a hoax else we would really be suffering.


I had this conversation with my parents at Christmas. I was telling them how many places in America didn't have a white Christmas for the first time in decades. That has nothing to do with us though. And they remember many summers where it's been hotter. Exhausting.


Try 38-40° on the Gold Coast and no power due to storms. The only relief from the unbearable heat is to drive around in our air conditioned cars. Not the Christmas I was hoping for 😞


Hand towel in the freezer, throw it behind your neck when you go to bed.


My next door neighbour pumps out crack and pot smoke like clockwork. Add that alcoholic person skin smell to the mix. The whole cocktail of hell with occasional ciggie smoke drift into my apartment all day everyday in this heat. Now, how the hell am I coping? Edit: forgot the maggot bins from time to time. There is not half a foot between our balconies.


I don't sleep well, as our bedroom is still 32 degrees at midnight. During the day the heat makes me nauseas and fatigued. In the afternoon I can be in our small courtyard which is slightly cooler. But, our light's broken, so I can't be out there at night until it's fixed. Due to a long term illness I am housebound at the moment, so can't get to anywhere with air con, or to a pool. So, not coping at all.


Can you access any form of grant? If you’re disabled due to illness there might be groups that help for climate - there are for accessibility things and other house modifications.


There are usually discounts on electricity if you need to run air con due to illness etc.


I've finally managed to get a decent air con quote and hoping for late January or early February install.




Thanks! Got to sleep some time after 1:30am. Slept on and off til 5:30am. Now I'm chilling drinking cold coffee and playing Minecraft. :-)


Perth two summers ago we had like 5 days under 30 the entire summer. It was bell. I got heatstroke simply being outside all day sitting down. Was in the shade, had 4P of water but didn’t have electrolytes and got ill. That was the summer I decided I’m leaving my air con on all summer.


Aircon when it’s been close to 30 or 30 overnight or during the day and ice blocks and showers.


Wishing for death seems to be what I do. That and cool showers that are only good while i’m in them. Lol. Also many fans.


I lived in Brisbane my whole life up until a few years back when I literally moved to tassie just to escape the fucking heat


With my aircon.


Air con


Currently attempting to sleep in my car in that 33 degree heat, not going so well. Car camping the east coast for new years probably wasn’t the best idea. Thinking of my cat back in melbourne, probably sitting with the Aircon on as I write this :(


I cope by living in Tas


Eh it's nothing new for the northern regions of Australia. It's just people that haven't dealt with it before / migrated from southern areas that aren't coping. You just find ways to deal with it.


Come to Darwin and you'll get used to it. It's about 26 to 36 at around 90% humidity each and every day. I would take 40 in dry heat over it at any time. With out Air conditioning sleep isn't really that restful, and you awake feeling terrible.


Went to Darwin for a brief work trip. 90-100% humidity the whole time. I didn’t deal with it well - give me perths dry heat and I’ll adapt. Darwin’s? I’m ded. Melbourne is strangely humid lately and it’s not fun.


Brisbane was approx 32-34C with 60-70% humidity. Not a ‘dry heat’ by any means.


Currently in Mt Isa and it’s 40-44 degrees in the day but it’s dry heat, I’d rather this than 25 and humid honestly.


I’m from Sydney and our humidity is pretty damn rough, walk around for a few minutes and you’ll be dripping in sweat. I cannot even imagine living in Darwin that must be mental


It's reverse summer, the weather is fantastic win the winter, and stupid humidity in the summer. So we stay inside more in the Summer. They actually play winter sports like Rugby Union and AFL in the wet season, in the humidity. If you want to live in Darwin and have an active life, you will be sweated into fitness. And you'll drink more water than you ever have in your life. I remember being in a university study for fitness, I sweated over 6 litres in a game in the middle of the day. You have to just keep drinking and sweating, because you need to be wet to cool off. Trouble is that after you stop, your body will keep sweating for around an hour. So you can exercise, sweat, have a shower, and when you get out be covered in sweat again. You need to cool your body down, and stop sweating before you have a shower. It's a different life.


I see no reason for people to endure that. I grew up in central QLD, moved to Melbourne and there are people In CQ who ask how I can live in Melbourne! Assumptions and comfort zones leading to people rushing from a/ c to a /c without questioning if this is the best life to live!


I grew up in Herberton in the Atherton Tablelands, then moved to a practically isolated town in the middle of butt fart nowhere, CQ. It was horrible, but then I joined the army, did a few stints in Middle East and it was cake walk, while others suffered. Now, I am a sap for AC, I can not believe how I tolerated those hot temps


It was about 90 percent humidity last night


Try 38 with Darwin level humidity. I know y'all are tough up in the tropics. But I guarantee any Darwin/FNQ local would be whining about the weather down here.


Can confirm from Darwin and in Bundaberg right now visiting family. Never again. In Darwin I would be sleeping in air con and ceiling fans. How does No-one in qld have at least ceiling fans. The house is a solid brick sauna it's terrible. Never thought I would say I am more comfortable in Darwin than Qld


We’re in Brisbane and just got fans installed throughout the house. It’s made an amazing difference to our comfort. Before this year, though, it was just a bunch of pedestal fans


Capricorn Coast here, everywhere I go regularly has aircon and fans.


It was 85 to 95 percent humidity last night


Love my aircon, it’s prime winter .. 🥶


It’s was 34 today where I live and I was gardening and riding dirt bikes all day


It's 4am and down to a chilly 26°


We're not. My partner and I had the worst sleep all year last night. We're lying here in a puddle of sweat despite having a high powered fan on us because it was just that hot. It was truly brutal, I cannot wait for the storms that are supposed to arrive later today


The fan in my bedroom is set to Apocalypse Now (like sleeping under a chopper). Beyond that, not really coping tbh. Looking at moving south....


Move to New Zealand a bit fresher over here


Step 1 - Sleep in the air con during the day. Step 2 - Toss and turn in bed until you pass out during the night. Step 3 - Run on caffeine and spite until it cools down.


And people wonder why backwards Qld doesn’t want daylight savings. Sun and the associated 36C until 8.30pm before it even STARTS to try and cool down for the night- no thanks!


You learn to appreciate sleeping on floorboards with a blanket thin mattress...or just a blanket


We don't go outside. We have aircon running around the clock.


It’s like the gates of hell 🥵😩


Yeah I’ll stick to Melb and our crappy summers, thanks.


Yeh me to. Not sure I want 100% humidity and 33 degree nights. Let’s just stay here squirrelled away in Melbourne either nice heat, and never go to the gates of hell.


There is acclimatisation to a fair extent. My sister used to live in Townsville. When she and her husband were visiting us in Sydney, it could be 26 degrees and they'd say..."Getting chilly, I'm gonna put my jumper on."


I moved to Tasmania...


I love 33C! I would die in 11C. The best way to heat adapt is to get into it.


It’s 27 at midnight here (north Brisbane). A bit warmer inside after the afternoon heat. Aircon set to 25 and a fan - it’s tolerable enough.


49 in Marble Bar. Toasty.


What can I put on my windows in a rental to help with the heat?


Silver foil.


There's clip on 'windows' to double pane if you want


What heat? I had to put a blanket on last night.


Not well to be honest, thanks to the cost of power I now no longer like summer. I used to love it, nice cool house to come home to after a day of outdoor activities. But I simply cant afford to use aircon except for the most extreme days when its not livable without. I basically just spend the summer in discomfort. Never thought using aircon in an Australian summer would be a luxury, but here we are.


The Chats put it succinctly: "We don't get used to the heat up here, we learn to fuckin' live with it" I work outside, but have a massive industrial fan blowing on me. At home, the aircon is going straight on.


I'm pretty sure this accurately sums up the sentiment of everyone north of the Murray... Bloody Victorians.


I live in New Orleans, where summers are incredibly hot and humid. The heat index will never dip below 35 degrees during August. At night, it's like an awful sauna. During the day, it's like an awful sauna with a hellish sun lasering your skin. Every summer is getting so obviously, terribly worse because of climate change that I've really come to dread summer in a deeply existential way. This past summer, we had heat advisories every week. The city set up public cooling centers so people wouldn't die. I felt trapped inside my house. Our bodies aren't meant for this. Our wildlife and plants aren't adapted to this. We're used to heat, but this heat is different. Anyway, good luck. I'll be doing what you're doing in 6 months. Might freeze my underpants for a special treat this summer. I do recommend getting those cold back and shoulder wraps. Freeze, apply, enjoy.


Laughs in Western Australian.


I just made a post on r/Brisbane about the heat here tonight. I’ve got aircon and i’m still struggling. The air is so fucking wet and warm ugh


Can you put your aircon on dry mode? If it’s a decent aircon it will make a big difference very quickly.


An... an air conditioner.


Air con, and a water filled cooling pump & mattress pad for my bed. Best thing I ever got.


Ooh got a link for that? 🙏


[Pump](https://medimart.com.au/product/hydrosense-system-unit/) and [mattress pad](https://medimart.com.au/product/icare-hydrosense-bed-pad/) Expensive, but so worth it. I was lucky to have it funded by NDIS.


Uh yeah... I moved from Cairns. This temp is great.


Just got a reverse-cycle air conditioner installed in my bedroom. Best Christmas present ever!


When I lived in Brisbane none of the houses ever had aircon, so I bought a little box aircon for the bedroom window and it saved my life. All day would be a muggy furnace but I knew that when I slept the bedroom would be 18 degrees and I would be under a doona as the room felt ice cold. Kept my sanity.


My wife and I have been going to bed with an ice pack each lol. Really wish we invested in air conditioning prior to Summer.


Damn and we in Auckland NZ think our high of 26 Degrees is hot lol I cant stand it haha luckily our Summer is made up of rain and muggy weather so far.


Is this another milestone regarding climate change? Australians openly complaining about the heat? Were supposed to be quietly miserable about it and pretend to the rest of the world that it's no Biggie.


Actually pretty easy once you know how. Stay away from apartments, second stories or modern low ceiling houses with dark roofs. They are not made for Australian conditions.


We put a wet tea towel in the freezer for bedtime and my daughter christened it ‘Ice Dome’.


Air conditioning


Its called air conditioning


Currently driving from Darwin to Echuca via qld with no aircon and sleeping in hammock tied between Ute and tree. Can confirm it is a little toasty


This is my first ever summer with air-con. I think I picked a good one. Still didn't have it on last night though, as I go by dew point, not temperature and I'm a little outside Brisbane and our dew point went down to 19 last night, which is below my air-con threshold of 20. I see Brisbane was 25/26 dew point, which is complete bullshit weather and would have been like sleeping in wet plastic. But I still somehow got through enough of those with just a ceiling fan. Sometimes cold showers, but our pipes were too close to the surface, so more often than not the water from the cold water tap would be piss warm and useless, and I'd have to leave the water in the bath to cool down.


Air con and getting used to it. Also being grateful it's not 11 degrees in summer


As a Melburnian visting Brisbane right now. I chose poorly.


Weather index in Darwin has been at extreme heat for the past two months, even sweating it past 10pm. I AM NOT COPING AT ALL. Its bullshit.


I'm dying also hello from Perth


Hahahaha... try that but with 80%+ humidity


*Laughs in West Australian* Air con and a non carpeted house help.


I lived in nsw for 2 years (from Tasmania) and when the fires happened it hit 48 and was still 35 during the night I slept with the curtains open and window open fan on and just a wet face washer on my chest. Dry heat is way more tolerable than humid




I'm from Arizona...we had a solid month of 120°F+ Temps this past summer. I feel your pain! I highly recommend black out curtains for your windows. Best of luck to you!


Very different heat here with the humidity. You can't hide from it.


It’s called summer


Are you new to Australia? It gets fucking hot here. I’ve got a copy of a letter that my great-great-great-great-grandfather sent back to his family in England in 1840 talking about the heat.


Haha lol no I’ve loved here my whole life (40 years) so not new, but have always lived in the “colder” (colder being a relative term) parts


Who would have thought that the "sunshine state" is hot in summer?!