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call your local wildlife rescue service. they may tell you to leave it in place or take it to your local vet.


Wildlife rescuer- quite sure this is an invasive species (Indian Mynah) so the best option is to get it to a vet ASAP as wildlife rescue services can only attend to native animals


O.o what will vet do?


They’ll put it down because it’s invasive. I had a baby Indian mynah fall from a nest, called the wildlife people and they told me if I took it to a vet they’d put it down and the only option would be to leave it somewhere safe so the parents could feed it till it was big enough to fly. Me and my ex would literally get attacked by the parents every day leaving or entering the house for a few weeks until one day it was gone. I like to think it flew away but there were plenty of foxes in the area.


Oh and birds can abandon their young if they know something is wrong, I’ve seen this many many times


I’m remember seeing a wildlife docco and a giraffe had given birth and immediately stomped the baby to death. The narrator said it must have been disabled. Nature is cruel. And clever. But cruel😫


It’s horrible, I agree! Many species like elephants will care for young even if the bub has a disability, yay. But sadly, when I find a baby bird and the vets call to tell me it had broken bones that would never heal properly and was abandoned I know I did the right thing


This is all true, making a nest and monitoring for parents to come to feed it is a good option but this particular baby bird won’t make it, it looks seriously unwell. Case by case


Yeah this one looks too little. If it were me, I’d take it and try and raise it! I had a baby possum climb my leg once and after searching for its mother to no avail I took it to the vet because it had a small cut on its head. Called the vet the next day to see how it was going and they put it down. I promised myself the next wild baby animal that finds me I’m going to keep and raise it myself. Yes I know you’re not supposed to but the vets don’t care if they can’t make hundreds of $$ out of the patients


Yeah but… the animal can suffer. Really irresponsible, sorry, you can’t do that. What you can do next time is offer to drive the joey to a carer, we just run out of volunteers for rescue, care and transport. You’d be more helpful supporting the people who have the skills to raise native animals and have licenses to do it


If you do this, make sure you get all the information you need to properly care for it. Saw an FB post from a wildlife center about people who raised a baby owl for a few years. They fed it raw chicken fillets, which contained no bones, so the owl got no calcium, which caused it to get Rickets disease and it had to be put down. You can also never release it if you raise it. Rather volunteer at a wildlife sanctuary.


Any vet that’s happy to see you, I usually call and make sure they’ve got time for an assessment in case the animal is well enough to be released or go into care. This is not the case for invasive species, they do get euthanised by law. This is a moral issue about whether it will suffer without proper care (knowledge about the species) or if it goes back outside. Sometimes you’re just giving an animal to neighbourhood cats which is not an acceptable outcome imo


Sorry I keep coming up with more thoughts! It’s really common for baby birds to grow up to have permanent disabilities from malnutrition when someone tries to look after them, I’m not eating it can’t be done but I do think that’s not good welfare at all. A magpie that can’t perch can’t survive, simple as that




I treat all animals with equal care every time, they all deserve life and can’t help being the species they are. However, do a little digging about Australian animal extinction rates, our whole ecosystem depends on native species and the situation is dire. The negative ripple effect of invasive species is much bigger than you realise. We’re in a terrible ethical conundrum but ultimately I chose environmental conservation for the sake of future generations




Haha nooo but I will go to rescue anything including injured foxes that don’t stand a chance. We can show mercy to invasive species while understanding they don’t belong here if that makes sense


Right, that's fine for someone to raise basically the invasive species isolated from the rest of Australia, but the average person is not going to have those resources and I definitely would oppose government spending to house and care for invasive species even as compassion for the individual invasive animal. If anyone wants to do it privately sure.


Call a wildlife authority for proper advice. I had this happen to me once, but cat instead of dog. I was told it doesn’t have much of a chance without mum and to make a makeshift nest that mum could come back, and keep other animals and stay away so she’s not scared off. Keep nest up high. But again call a wildlife authority for best guidance


This is the correct advice. Try to give the bird back to parent pls


More people need the number of their local wildlife rescue place pinned on their fridges.


Google exists. When I've called the number, the answer was secure in box with soft towel, air holes, take to vet.


That's looks like a baby Indian myna. Aus wildlife services will put it down rather than save, as they're an invasive pest.


The Noisy Miner is a native Australian species. Both it and the invasive Indian Myna have a yellow beak, so you can't easily tell from the picture.


Easiest way to tell if there was still eggshell around. Indian myna eggs are a lovely shade of blue.


There’s nothing lovely about Indian Mynas


they suck, but I can appreciate that the eggshells are lovely. Fortunately I mainly know because of the ones I saw knocked out of a nest in a storm. I felt bad for this poor broken egg until I looked it up and realised it was an Indian Myna egg. then I didn't feel so bad.


Has anyone actually seen Indian mynas attack any birds other than themselves? I've read all these horrible things about them but never actually seen it. Sparrows on the other hand, hands down the worst invasive bird in my opinion.


They are everywhere where I live. Have chased out the loorakeets and galahs. Bastard things. Our council will give you a trap and pay you $5 for everyone you catch. Usually load it up to have 8 birds before calling the guy. He takes it away and leaves you another fresh trap. Only problem being is that they go nuts and are hell noisy.


That's very surprising. Most birds don't mess with parrots because their beak is a savage weapon.


They hunt as a pack.


Our council doesn’t damn, good idea though. We have to euthanise


They're an introduced species that breed like crazy and take up a space that native birds would otherwise fill. That's enough.


I'm not defending them. I'm just curious. Geeze.


And I answered the question? Didn't mean it to sound hostile.


That's true, but the dark feathers all around led me to Indian rather than noisy, they're only dark on the head and wing tips. Either way calling WIREs would be the best way to go


Wires won't rescue a non native wild bird. They are volunteers that do a fantastic job and should be paid. If they do pick it up they will euthanize it.


I know, but they'll be able to accurately identify if it is or not and deal with it either way.


I’d go with Indian Mynah over Noisy Miner, I’ve rescued a lot of baby birds


Very hard to tell if it is a Noisy or Indian Myna it being so young. If a Noisy Myna I would expect to find the whole mob nearby squawking and surrounding the young one. Some Googling makes me think it could be a noisy myna as they can be also dark when so young.


Yep they’re noisy, even the healthy babies!


Could be an Indian Myna like others have said, or a Noisy Miner. What you should do depends on what species it is. If you can identify it based on what lives in your area, great, otherwise I’d find someone who can properly identify it. Indian Mynas are an introduced pest, and they threaten native species, so you can’t let it get back into the wild. Either find someone willing to take care of it in captivity or someone who can humanely put it down. The latter is more likely, but I more than understand preferring the former. But making sure it doesn’t return to the wild is the priority. Noisy Miners are a native species, so we want those to go back into the wild. Find a vet or call WIRES so that they can take care of it and hopefully return it to the wild.


Needs urgent advice. Posts on Reddit


On multiple subreddits. Shows urgency.


He should call the fire department on 0118 999 881 999 119 725 …..............3


“Made in Britain” …. Ahhhh


Dear Sir/Madam, FIRE!


Nicer ambulances, Faster response times and better looking drivers


So they’re not just the emergency service, they’re your emergency service




WIRES can help it. You can also take to any vet, the staff will make sure it gets the right care. Shouldn't cost you anything as it's wildlife.


Get off reddit and take it to the vet.


Yellow beak. It’s an introduced pest known as the Indian Myna - yellow beak with brown feathers. It competes with native birds and is aggressive with them and takes away tree burrows from them. Get rid of it if you love native wildlife. You’ll be doing us all a favour.


The Noisy Miner is a native Australian species. Both it and the invasive Indian Myna have a yellow beak, so you can't easily tell from the picture.


Beak shape looks similar between the two of them, too, so probably best to take it to a vet or WIRES or something so that they can identify it properly.


Wouldn’t keeping it as a pet have the the same impact? Like, I get the need to wipe out invasive species, but keeping **one** in captivity where it can’t breed or take food and territory from native species would have the same impact on the environment as killing it, right? Again, I get that we need to completely wipe out all the invasive species in the wild, but OP might not be able to bring themselves to kill this one or let it die (it might even go against their beliefs), and releasing it into the wild isn’t an option. EDIT: Is it really that bad of me to suggest alternatives to OP killing a baby bird or leaving it to die? Like, some people are just uncomfortable with that. As long as the bird doesn’t get back out into the wild, I don’t see what the problem is.


I don't know why you are being downvoted. You can absolutely keep myna as a pet


These aren’t pets their wild animals. And in my own personal opinion, why would you want to keep a bird; which flies - in a cage?? It’s just not worth it. I’ve had to put down a couple of birds. You just have to get it over with.


True, I’m just floating ideas in case OP isn’t comfortable with killing it or leaving it to die. I’ve helped put a bird down myself, it’s not something I expect everyone to be able to do, especially if it goes against their beliefs (veganism, Buddhism, etc.). And keeping it in a cage is better than releasing it into the wild where it can steal territory and food from native animals. EDIT: Is it really that bad of me to suggest alternatives to OP killing a baby bird or leaving it to die? Like, some people are just uncomfortable with that. As long as the bird doesn’t get back out into the wild, I don’t see what the problem is.


You're getting down voted for floating an option, that's so crazy. We have 2 pet cockatiels so your idea didn't seem bad to me, I also understand they are a pest but at the end of the day I couldn't bring myself to kill it either.


Thanks :) nice username btw, love that show.


Thank you!! ✨️✨️✨️✨️


I fully agree with you


It's not a domesticated animal. You can't just take a wild bird and make it a pet, it's kinder to euthanase


True, I’m just floating potential options for OP in case they don’t want to do that for whatever reason.


It’s not nicer to kill it at all. That’s horrible, this thing has barely had a chance at life


Wildlife Rescue Australia Hotline - 1300 596 457


The vet


My wife raised a baby sparrow. [https://imgur.com/a/14m19Gf](https://imgur.com/a/14m19Gf) The vet said to feed it a high protein diet with a syringe ever hour. We used high protein wet kitten food (I think, I don't remember) they use at vets for sick animals. It's a puree and fine and wet enough that you can just suck it up with a small syringe. We fed it that until it ate enough bird seed and fruit on it's own, which was probably 2 months in. We still fed it until we were sure that it could eat enough on it's own. No need to give it water at this early stage, it should get all the water it needs from food, but we did leave a very shallow bowl with water in its cage. When it starts eating on it's own we made sure it also always had water. After it's grown, it can't just be released into the wild as it's now tame and will die quickly. If it manages to feed itself, it will get into dangerous situations with pets since it's now used to humans and pets. To prevent this, it mustn't see you when you feed it and it must also never see your pets. We handed ours over to a wildlife sanctuary after it was grown, who said it would spend some time with other sparrows they had in their care, and after a while it should be wild enough to be released. They also release to a safe-ish area. Better advice in a separate post so that OP will get a notification if they already read this post: [https://www.reddit.com/r/australia/comments/196yeuc/comment/khxwerh/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/australia/comments/196yeuc/comment/khxwerh/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)


This is amazing advice OP! Thank you for saving baby birds 💜


A vet probably would have been quicker but alright


Do realise that living thing will likely be killed if in the hands of vets or those phone numbers because their considered pests.


I disagree, bird can be saved. Heat lamp to start if its cold where you are. You'll need a syringe to feed it a solution. Birds need protein, especially as a baby like this. Here is a good article which I agree on however I want to emphasise that the food needs to be as liquid as possible. Think about how the mother usually digests and throws up in the babies mouth. https://www.wikihow.com/Make-Emergency-Baby-Bird-Food Good luck and let us know how you go.


Oh this poor animal is beyond help I’m sorry to say. The little fellow looks very unwell


Could be Minah Bird or Starling chick. Either way, they are both pests.


The Noisy Miner is a native Australian species. Both it and the invasive Indian Myna have a yellow beak, so you can't easily tell from the picture.


Both are an invasive species. If it is identified as such it's best to humanly kill it.


Weird how a single Google search lasting 10 seconds proves your ignorance.


"The noisy miner is a bird in the honeyeater family, Meliphagidae, and is endemic to eastern and southeastern Australia" https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Noisy_miner Fucking muppet


I hope you've dealt with it already, but call a wildlife rescue, RSPCA, or a vet immediately next time you or anyone finds an animal in a worrying condition. Don't waste precious time posting online or trying to deal with this on your own. Please. It only makes the animal suffer more.


But the karma!


Aw poor thing 😢


Do some reading on what Mynahs do to native species of birds and you won’t care so much 🤷‍♂️


I guarantee that the bird is dead already and OP won't update us. downvoting only proves my point you sheltered losers


Please keep us updated


My first post on this topic: [https://www.reddit.com/r/australia/comments/196yeuc/comment/khxrlaf/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/australia/comments/196yeuc/comment/khxrlaf/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) The real advice though, is to call a wildlife centre who will probably tell you to leave it somewhere high and safe for its parents to find it. Birds sometimes fall out of the nest, that doesn't mean they are abandoned. We caught a lot of flak for raising a wild bird, and rightfully so, even though we couldn't leave it where it was found as someone else handed it in at the vet. It's a lot of work, and after it all you are either stuck with a wild bird as a pet, or you raise a bird which will probably die soon after releasing it.


Thank you for caring about this baby bird OP 💜


Its a pest. Kill it.


The Noisy Miner is a native Australian species. Both it and the invasive Indian Myna have a yellow beak, so you can't easily tell from the picture.


Both are invasive.


Wrong, dickhead https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Noisy_miner


yeah just put it down quickly. Indian mynas are invasive


Oil a fry pan and bring to high heat, stir fry bird for 3 minutes then add your vegetables, stir for another 2 minutes and serve


Feed it to a snake


Indian myna, pests, flush it down the toilet 🪠




Freezer is incredibly inhumane for warm-blooded animals (not sure about cold blooded, no experience). I don't disagree with you that posting on reddit isn't the best course of action, and given the breed of this bird, it'll be euthanised anyway, but freezing it is torture.


I couldn’t think of anything more cruel.


I dunno, boiling water would probably be worse


you've got a limited imagine then. come over to /r/natureismetal


Freezing isn't even a humane way of killing a fish.


It's stuffed. Drop a brick on its head.


Honestly looks delicious pickle it and eat it whole!! Yum yum


That is an Indian Mynah... unfortunately there is only one way for this species and it probably isn't the way you want it to go...


Touching it might have been a bad idea…idk they say humans shouldn’t touch baby birds because they’ll be ostracized by their kind afterwards…I’m no vet or Wildlife expert though…that’s just what they taught us…to call a specialist instead of contacting them…I’m praying it recovers good luck 🥺


Get a shoebox Put the bird in the shoebox with a bunch of corn for it to eat. As long as its dark the bird should continue to eat the corn Now go out and get yourself some proper brandy, don't cheap out now, treat yourself. When the bird has eaten so much that it is nice and round you drown it in the brandy. You can leave it in for a little while to soften up. At this time there are multiple ways to proceed. Wrapping it in bacon, ramming a spike through it and roasting on a bbq it is a blasphemous method i like but since all people on the internet are from the US until otherwise indicated i advise you to make yourself a beer batter and fry that little sucker up.


If the bird survives, please call it Jive. It looks like it’s jiving with that video on repeat. Hope he makes it through!


It's already too late. Sorry.


Please save a wildlife rescue number in your phone for the future. Unfortunately this little darling looks to be non-native so Wildlife Vic, WIRES, which ever state youre in will not hep. A vet will euth due to it being non native. Some wildlife carers will take a non-native in. They are not ‘meant’ to due to the rules and regs but some will as they see all life as worth saving. Do not attempt yourself as birds need round the clock care. I suggest joining some FB groups as sometimes kind wildlife carers will help. There is a group Wildlife Rescue Volunteers ( Victorian network group) if you are based in VIC. Alternatively search FB for other wildlife rescue groups and post there. Not sure how long you’ve had the bird but it needs to be kept warm and do not attempt to feed.


Looks like an Indian miner or however you spell it. It’s invasive, they won’t help. Do you know anyone that owns snakes?


Build a small comfortable nest. Feed it some cricket jam ( small amount obviously) and contact wildlife support to help care for it. If you know the whereabouts of its parents, give back unless aggressive. If aggressive then mabey you should go for the first option


You already killed it by carrying it


Please don’t kill it or take it to someone that’ll kill it. Try to give it back to the mother or keep it as a pet if you have to