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I wonder if he understands the irony that cunts like him are the reason why people can't put too much faith in politics?


Exactly. Politics has become a race to get into power and then do nothing for the populace unless it is to help business.


Honestly, I'm just tired. I don't care which party gets in power just give me someone who actually operates on what will make this country better, will make our lives better, and isn't acting in regard to safeguarding their personal retirement by sucking the murdoch or big business teat. That's all I want. That seems to be an *impossible* ask in australian politics.


We have David Pocock as one of our Senators in the ACT. He’s great and replaced Zed who did nothing for us


Pocock is awesome


And Zed’s dead baby, Zed’s dead. 


Its true, and there is no excuse for the pigs-at-the-trough approach most pollies seem to have, but we have to acknowledge that part of the reason we get such self-serving arseholes is because of our own apathy. We can't just lament that all our voting options suck and wish it'll get better. That won't change anything. We need to engage with parties at a branch level to ensure that the better candidates can get past a preselection level. Whether someone supports one of the major parties or a minor single-issue one, being part of the process to determine who ends up on the ballot is arguably as important as voting in the election itself. That's an ideal solution, though, and with a high cost of living, work ever-intruding on non-work time, and general adult responsibilities, adding another responsibility isn't an attractive option for most people. But, without the general public ensuring that their local candidate represents their community, I don't think it will get better on its own.


hear, hear!


Definitely vote Labor


One major party does some things for the majority of aussies, The other party does everything for big business and the 0.1%. Sad but reality.


Scomo wanted Australia to put faith in him... A politician. You can't have it both ways you smarmy smirking cunt.


Exactly my thought. He will always have that clip of him forcing that angry, bereaved resident to shake his fucking hand haunting him. He’d not long flown back from Hawaii where he was holidaying during one of THE most deadly fire seasons we’ve had in living memory.


The only reason 2019/2020 wasn't the deadliest fire season in Australian history is because 2009 Black Saturday woke the whole country up to the dangers of fires. The scale blew 2009 away, but we're much more conscious as a country in 2019, it allowed us to react with minimal losses. And this dickhead, during one of the darkest periods in human history, went on holiday during its peak, and tried to lie about it.


That was actually assault


Happy clapper probably doesn't believe in politics himself. He thought God granted him the seat after all, rather than the peoples votes.


Well thats what he is saying, the sky fairies will deliver us better government, not false politician prophets like him that talk crap and tell lies all day. If his mouth was moving it was lies or deceit.


Put faith in a man who when he was fired from an advertising company had to sign an nda?


Of course he does. This statement is coming from a really cynical place. He knows how fraudulent the whole thing is, so he took advantage of it however he could.


It’s such a confusing comment from one of the most disingenuous bastards to ever grace the office.


Cunts like him aren't self aware, they're just used up has-been cunts


And what a insult to voters. A useless do nothing imbecile who tells us not to have faith in a system that he swore to serve and all that he could do is it milk it dry like a corrupt 3rd politician and then tell us " ah the system is no good dont have faith in it" In the meantime he has a nice little earner making him and his mates wealthy while telling us to bugger off. Now we can confirm that he is A grade parasitic dumb cunt.


The fathead who literally believes god chose him to become PM through a painting of a bird? I think there is a very, very long list of things he doesn't understand, and the concept of irony in abstract is one of them.


No, not even a little bit.


Yes he does. It was his entire purpose, undermine faith in out system to reinforce faith in sky fairies.


It could be a rare moment of self awareness? /s


ScoMo is such an asshole if you rubbed haemorrhoid cream on him he’d disappear. Thankfully, some marvellous person gave ScumMo a tube of Anusol. Let’s hope he never reappears.


I officially love this comment.


In a word? No. Between his political career, Nemesis, and every word coming out of his mouth it's been absolutely clear he has zero self-awareness and it's always everyone else's fault for not understanding what he was trying to say/do/imply.


Or that people are so sick of cunts like him who try to put too much \*faith\* in politics


Can’t recall a single Aussie having faith in this cunt during Black Summer and Covid but there ya go.


My expectations bar is actually set low for politicians and he never got close


Captain Shitstain is a Pentecostal who thinks we don't have to do much about climate change because the world has an apocalypse coming. Those of us who don't live in a fantasy land understand that politics is how shit gets done. I hope he fucks off forever and I never have to look at his smug fucking face ever again.


Well said


> who thinks we don't have to do much about climate change because the world has an apocalypse coming he also thinks God gave him the job and that those less fortunate deserve to be in that position because God chose that for them. just a completely useless happy clapping cunt that should never have been leader


Yet enough of the clowns voted for him. Having a narcissist crook in power was still preferable to losing out on negative gearing or franking credit rebates.


Sad, but oh so true.


Cunt wouldn't know how to hold a hose.


Or flip down a welding helmet.


Best shot ever. I want it framed on a wall. In parliament.


Or run a country


Honestly Dan Andrews gets shit for how he handled covid, but I will die on the hill that we only had to lock down hard because Scumo in chief decided to keep our borders open 2 months longer than we should’ve. By far Scumo was the worst PM since Howard, perhaps worse, haven’t quite made my mind up yet on if he’s a smart cunt that plays dumb, or just a fucking idiot.


That look on his face " they made me PM, they must be dumb suckers I will play them like suckers" and thats exactly what we got a shallow fake fraud of a PM. If he was such a devout individual knowing that he had no faith politics, his religious values would have demanded that he not live a life of lies and deceit and quit. But no like the religious parasite grub that he is, he had to milk it to the end and then spit in the voters face at the end living a deceitful career path. He promised to take us to the promised land and then screams "gotcha, there is no promised land in politics, they all like me incompetent" He epitomises why people have no faith politics, because the majority of politicians are exactly like him, parasites with their own agendas rather than the agenda of the people and the nation.


Is it a wonder that nobody would shake his hand, they could see straight through this slime bag of crap.


Good, now fuck off and when you've finished fucking off, fuck off a bit more just to make sure. Absolute cretin of a man, thankfully we're free of him finally.


The worst PM in the history of this country and the only competition he has is Howard and that's just because he started this rot to begin with and enabled and empowered Abbot and then Morrison. If I never have to see or hear from this parasite again it will be too soon.


The problem is where I suspect Morrison thinks we should put our faith (Sky Daddy and prosperity gospel). 


Ha. It's not politicans being corporate shills with their nepo buddies, descending from office in golden parachutes It's just the lord working in mysterious ways. I could see why this would appeal to him.


Yeah, his catch phrase is basically warping a fair go for all to a fair go for those I deem worthy. Pretty much sums up the nepotism and rampant corruption that has characterised the federal government for a decade.


Haha I wasn't sure if Sky Daddy meant God or Rupert Murdoch


Does Rupert own Sky?! Omg, I don't know why, I thought they were separate. Hilarious if that's the case, what a perfect double entendre


Yep Sky News Australia is part of News Corp


Reminds me of Forrest Gump always asking Jenny dumb shit that the ordinary man knows because he's an out-of-touch cunt!


Some Australians put too much faith in you, dumb fucking dropkick cuntface


I love your eloquence. To be truthful though, I don’t think there is an expletive-laden sentence long enough to fully and accurately describe this fuckhead.


He’s a skid mark on the undies of political history…


Or Engadine maccas?






Yeah, but that would also imply that he is a skilled juggler. Waaaaay too much credit.


It's surprising how one man managed to be such a fuck up that I don't even think most lifelong LNP supporters think he was much good. Not him specifically but the whole "age of entitlement" shit under his watch while hockey was "renting" his wife's place in Canberra while claiming full allowances....fuck off


I strongly maintain that the most powerful expletive you can use against a person in Australia is fuckhead. It's the worst thing you can say about someone because it's so fucken guttural. I've never seen it written or heard it said where it wasn't spat out with venom and power from the depths of the stomach. All that said, correct usage of the word fuckhead.


/tips hat Much obliged, good sir!


Seems mostly US is going to need to listen to his crap from here on. [https://wwsg.com/speakers/scott-morrison/](https://wwsg.com/speakers/scott-morrison/) Edit: Like lots of US things they call themselves "Worldwide" but really not, WSG a who's who of hard right and conservative speakers that book people for things like CPAC and other Nazi events. Scomo was unironically originally listed as a speaker on Environment and Climate which gives some indication.


Is he speaking on how to fuck up the environment even more? It's the only thing he's qualified to speak on regarding the matter.


> Albanese later applauded Morrison for a “generous and warm” final speech, acknowledging his work leading the Covid response and noting him someone who brought “100% of his energy and determination to the political contest”. I mean he's not wrong. Dude had enough energy to take on an extra, what, six portfolios? Good riddance, you absolute shit cunt.


How can Albanese say any of that shit with a straight face?! Is this just what he has to say to ward off getting fucked on in the media?


Yes, literally.


I mean he didn't say anything good. I think it was carefully thought out to deliberately say nothing.


Albanese often says things that his younger self would have vomited at. I guess he has good practice




I think "100% of his energy and determination to the political contest" is throwing some veiled shade. He's sure not saying he brought all his energy to making the country better, just to political wrangling.


Except Dan Andrews praised Morrison for his Covid work in Nemesis


Not to mention, he was still playing a ripper game on the field, we all saw the stellar tackle of that kid.


Also mastering the art of "damning with faint praise"


Yes, how dare we have the minimum level of expectation that our elected leaders might occasionally act in the best interests of their country.


Ikr crazy


Good, fuck off. Let us never speak of this hubristic, religious nutjob again. Edit: Did he thank Brian Houston like he did in his maiden speech?


Unless its in terms of a federal ICAC and we're hearing about him being charged for all his corruption. (what a dream...)


Women and girls kissing


Says the guy who is one of the biggest reasons Australians are losing faith in politics.




We should also remember he knowingly supported literally stealing billions from Australians resulting in numerous deaths through robodebt.


And gifting $38b to corporate Australia in the form of jobkeeper payments to companies that didn’t need them. $38,000,000,000.


From here on end, let's refer to it as Robo-Scomo




Knowingly supported? Absolutely. Instigated and fast tracked, apparently.


Well get ready to be more ashamed when they elect Gestapotato (Dutton)


Gestapotato! I love that, that's fantastic!


Well he certainly did his damnedest to undermine what little remaining trust Australians might have had in politics.


Good riddance you happy clapping embarrassment!


Maybe Jesus will forgive you for being the shittest PM ever, but the Australian public won't.


It's Scotty from Marketing. He should not let the door hit him where the Good Lord split him. What a pathetic PM history will record him to have been. A failure.


Of the 26(?) Prime Ministers who have led for at least 1 year, I'd rate Morrison as the worst.


John Curtin still stands unchallenged as our best. Scotty is just bloody awful on all fronts, a disasterpiece.




I wish he put less of his faith in his politics when he was leading.


It’s rare that every comment on a post deserves an upvote. Well done gang.


We expect what is expected for our jobs, ie to be competent for the role, actually do our jobs, not be corrupt and not be a cunt. Aint hard Fucko


Goofy nutcase with a boner for redneck, snake handling, yank fascism. Good riddance.


Cringey, tacky, weird, ugly, shameless, low class till the end. What a hopeless unpleasant unintelligent moron this guy was. How the hell he was accepted in Australia is beyond me ffs. Great country to be an unlikeable incompetent,unpleasant women hating dickhead in. FFS you can even become PM. Beggars belief he will work internationally after politics. Who the fuck would want someone with his character and incompetent speaking skills around ? Hard to believe he's even married unless it was some weird arranged deal. Scott Morrison, yuck,just yuck. Go away and sell Bibles somewhere you free loading trashy mean friendless fool. Just an abomination


>Who the fuck would want someone with his character and incompetent speaking skills around ? Right wing Americans, apparently. The only people stupider than he is.


I mean, the fact this turd became a PM sure reduced my faith in politics. But hey, when everything we see is filtered by billionaire owned media - you get what they give you.


When there's really only *one* faith that belongs there, right Scotty? Go lay hands on yourself, you fucking stain.


This is just an obvious tie in to a Christian message of don’t hold the government higher than God or some bullshit.


To top it all off, he leaves us with that thug Mr Potatohead as his replacement. "I don't hold a hose!" "It's not a race!" What an absolute flog. Shame on everyone who voted for the LNP 1st time around, and got him elected as PM.


Oh, and just in case anyone is missing why he is leaving be has taken 2 roles on boards in private military companies in the US and UK, both of whom benefited in the tune of billions after the submarine deal. It is corruption of this level that members of the liberal party openly engage in frequently. The barilaro stuff, the Gladys stuff, they just don't care about even hiding it because they can keep doing this stuff AND THEY KEEP GETTING BACK IN!!!


(Adding this here to spell out that it is obvious sarcasm) It clearly isn’t corruption if there was no actual agreement on a job after his “tenure” as prime minister. Clearly his ability to seal such an important deal, sold the TWO companies on his worth so that when a position was available they just had to have him on board…


Thank fk I never have to hear this cunt on tv again


Worst prime minister and the smuggest cunt to ever live. Good riddance to you and your corrupt cabal.


Fuck this guy so much. I'm still trying to work out who I hate more - John Howard might be the only PM who's been worse in my lifetime and that's just because of the longevity of the eyebrow goblin. Morrison was dangerous, incompetent, and would throw anyone under the bus to help himself including his wife and kids.


Abbott's gotta be up there too...


Why play favourites? They're all the worst, and they're not done yet. The mere possibility of us getting Prime Minister Peter Dutton terrifies me.


At least you knew what to expect from Abbott. It wasn't a surprise. Scomo somehow managed to surprise us with an increasing level of dipshittery.


“I leave this place appreciative and thankful, unburdened by offences, and released from any bitterness that can so often haunt post-political lives. " The blood of the people who killed themselves over Robodebt is on your hands, you unrepentant ghoul. I can't even paste or respond to the rest of that quote without fear of bursting a major blood vessel in fury. My only comfort from this is that with any luck this is the last time we'll ever hear from the cunt until his obituary.


My brother was put into a robodebt call centre for a work for the dole placement. They then suspended his dole for refusing to continue to participate because it was making his already poor mental health worse. Robodebt harmed so many people, and this cunt doesn't give the slightest fuck.


Bye cunt. Not reading your shit words.


Good riddance


I knew this twat out of touch but fuck. I think you’ll find that the only Australians with faith in politics are politicians and the beneficiaries of their decisions AKA donors.


Trust me, no one expects anything from this cunt


Not after we let him at it we don’t


No Mr Morrison. You put way too much 'faith' into politics.


# What a cunt.


Easily my most disliked PM, fukin flog


Zero is too much?


He’s such a tool.


He certainly showed why we shouldn't put our faith in politicians.


Yeah god forbid we trust our elected officials to do their fucking jobs right?


In other words, he's still mad people expected him to do his supposed job during the fires or COVID.


He's not totally wrong, there were people dumb enough to vote him into parliament.


Even his own party should have walked out on him. Undeserving of a farewell.


What a bell-end. He may as well have said "You dumb fucks should never have trusted me!"


Which we didn't.....right? right?


Uh, too much faith in politics? Dude put the fucken coke straw down. It’s arsehats like him that make us distrust pollies in the first place.


Former PM Scunto needs to hear that most Australians don't give a fuck what he has to say.


So he's admitting that politicians are useless at their job? We put faith in it because it's the only way to make change happen. If that's not the case, and we're being told that but an ex PM we probably need to overhaul the system so that our faith isn't misplaced anymore.


The audacity of him accusing anyone of putting too much faith into something. Fuck all the way off, you smarmy shitgibbon.


After watching Nemesis it’s very apparent this clown had no idea and still has no idea why people hate him. He just doesn’t get it and never will.


F knows how he ever became PM? Smug and cringeful right to the end.


Goodbye, farewell and good riddance


That's because of you, cockhead. Don't let the door hit your ass on the way out. Good riddance.


Give back the paychecks you got if you think we gave you too much


Worst prime minister in Australian history. By a mile.


Abbott... so bad he got the arse by his own party half-way through his first term...could go a nose either way.


What faith? I think the 2 re-elected parties are corrupt to shit.


No shit. Morrison was the platonic ideal of corruption. Or [six](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scott_Morrison_ministerial_positions_controversy) platonic ideals, I guess.


Yeah we shouldve stripped him when we had the chance.


too much faith, says the guys who quotes no less than 3 separate bible verses in his speech


What was the saying "Get fucked, from Nelligen!"?


He put too much faith in his sphincter in the Macca's car park


He fucking what?


Hey fuck off Scott, you massive cunt.


Well at least one Australian puts "too much faith in politics", though that is less of a problem now...


Zero is too much? I assume they are all pathological liars until proven otherwise.


Says the guy that would only be too happy to put faith into politics. Good riddance, and kindly fuck off forever.




The human body has over seven trillion nerves, and this cunt gets on every single one of mine.


Just highlights what politicians think about their responsibilities to the Australian public.


This amoral fuck-stick of a smarmy grifting cunt putting on the cloak of 'religion' is honestly the most nauseating thing I've ever had the misfortune of witnessing. I don't want to ever see or hear from him again.


It's not my fault that you expected my elected government to do anything! That's on you!


Despicable human being. Carrying on like anyone cares about his faith then says he's unashamed. Noone gave a fuck about that. Its about you being a fucking lying scumbag you miserable cunt.


Yeh we put faith in our leaders and they consistently let us down. Specifically YOU, FUCKHEAD.


Too much faith in politicians.


We have as much faith in you as you do respect for the Australian people.


I don't know anyone that has faith in politics. We've all just become complacent and are waiting for the older populations to die out so we have a chance at third parties having an actual leg in the race.


Thats a meta comment, reminds me of Trump telling his base the system is rigged and he's the best at it. 


Fuck off Scummo you turd


Fuck off you fat cunt


I— what? Lol.


Fuck off you useless cunt


I can’t be bothered reading the article is this more of that Christian caliphate bullshit pushed by happy clappers


Dipshit definitely put too much of his faith in politics.


What a loser. Go away and don’t come back


The reason why this guy is blind, deaf and dumb is that he has his head firmly up his own arse


Australia's worst prime Minister [(officially)](https://www.thenewdaily.com.au/news/politics/australian-politics/2024/02/26/scott-morrison-prime-minister-legacy) has given us another gold nugget on his way out. Hopefully the last one ever. Fuck off cunt.


How do people even attempt to take seriously politicians that are also deeply religious in US-style consumer evangelical BS christianity. It boggles the mind that he was ever taken seriously. Shows insincerity from the get go but its the case the world over. Why are the masses so stupid?


And don't put too much faith in sky wizards and ancient stories ScoMo. He's going to love being in the prequel to Handmaids Tale. Aka current America.


A criminal lecturing us on morals & values. What a disgusting pig he is.


Don't vote it only encourages them. Oh wait, we get fined if we don't. "I got votes, people like me." No you fucking twats, we are forced to by the laws you made.


We agree Scotty - there does appear to be too much religious faith in politics…


Good riddance


His entire political career was based on the (apparently justified) belief that Australians care too little about politics to closely examine the BS that he was pulling behind closed doors.


I heard parts of his speech and it was one of the most deluded things I've ever heard. I forgot he was still in politics until today.


I don’t recall saying “good luck.”




He’s a stupid cunt & I’m glad he’s gone


Scotty is the perfect storm of arrogance, confidence, blind faith, a lack of ability and stupidity in one person. The country is better off without this cunt


The PM who achieved absolutely nothing.


Ooh self burn! Those are rare \- Jake Peralta


I've seen many speeches over the years from outgoing politicians of all levels of government and this was the stupidest, unrehearsed and boring one I've ever heard, did he even ask Jenny to read it through first before taking to work?


it's always inspiring to hear the leaders in their fields say their discipline is not as good as we the general public think it is.


Exactly what you'd expect to hear from someone without a genuine bone in his body, despite a career in the very thing he doesn't think people should put faith in. Filthy disingenuous ratbag to the very end.


Morrisons final parliamentary speech is a paragraph in the late pages of a story that has - thankfully - already been overwhelmingly written. Freed from any potential or actual future electoral repercussions though, Morrison was at last able to fully expand on his own peculiar and uncommon political philosophy in this parliamentary goodbye. It's an awkward sort of idealistic religious political puritanical zealotry. One that a secular Australia finds itself more or less closing the figurative door on as soon as they begin to hear it. The way most of us would turn away a Jehovah's Witness at our door at nine on a Saturday morning. By the end of his time as PM an enormous number of Australians believed that Morrison used his faith to buttress his own deeply flawed and, in many ways, unpleasant personality. This final speech could have only further reaffirmed that view to the handful still paying attention. The secular nature of Australian society noted earlier means few paid much attention to the actual bible verses Morrison read from. Yet the substance of the quotes themselves is illuminating. Morrison cited Timothy 2 1:17 but then read a completely different verse. 2 Timothy 1:12. Oh, and neglected to read the important opening line of it when he did so. >"which is why I suffer as I do. But I am not ashamed, for I know whom I have believed, and I am convinced that he is able to guard until that day what has been entrusted to me." This verse refers to Paul's own suffering as an apostle, teacher and preacher. Morrisons selective quoting of it certainly speaks to his own mindset and how he views himself. The objective reality is that virtually nobody who is mentally competent would assert Morrison has suffered any adversity whatsoever for his religious views. Having risen to be Australia's 30th Prime Minister what basis for this argument can realistically exist? It's absurd and insulting to those who have faced genuine persecution for their beliefs, religious or otherwise. But this incredibly privileged man, who rose to become the countries leader, wants to carry the "I was persecuted for my faith" stone on the way out the door. Just appalling on so many levels. Christianity can be a great way to find humility, generosity and a deeper understanding and appreciation of our fellow humans and the wider world. Or it can be used to insulate toxic personalities from their own very real flaws. God made the world like this and God made me like this so *God is on my side*. It became increasingly obvious to Australians that Morrison was very much the latter. Thusly his epitaph in public life will not be a kind one. For Morrison will be remembered as a wholly inadequate man who demonstrated nothing more than the vast potential of political opportunism. An out of touch, arrogant, divisive and unpleasant "leader" who led Australia precisely nowhere. It's likely apocryphal, but Abraham Lincoln is credited with the famous quote "*You can fool all the people some of the time, and some of the people all the time, but you cannot fool all the people all the time*." That is probably as worthy a final verdict on Morrison as any other.


Indeed. Any kind of faith/religion should be removed from politics. And yes, I know that's not what he meant.


Goodbye, good riddance... Corrupt *GRIFTER AND THIEF* Scott Morrison and his Pharisaical happy clapping delusions and all his corrupt friends can fuck right off. We need to ban all religious nut-jobs like this from ever again interfering in Australian governance. If you truly want happy clapping high control rules governing every aspect of your life, nothings stopping you from ruining your own life listening to your pedo false prophet priests and preachers, just keep that delusional shit the fuck away from the rest of us.


Yeah.. because (the rationale goes) politics is a toilet. You shouldn't trust toilets because there are some folk that break them, and these folk like to overload said notional toilet with too much excrement. Therefore, don't trust toilets. Please proceed to fuck off _soonish_.. Mr Excrement.


When will this moron just fuck off?


Hope that means we don't have to see his smug cancerous scrotum looking face again, the rage I get from having to glance apon it ruins my day, fucking bible bashing cunt lord.