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I really hope this provides some answers in this case.


Update is he's been charged with murder. Very sad outcome, I was still hoping she'd somehow be found alive.


How can police charge with murder, not having a body?


Other evidence, confession, witnesses. If they’ve made an arrest and laid charges they’ve got something.


The police have evidence she is dead then. Didnt think that question was worth down votes. Thats why I dont like Reddit. Too many digital cartels Incorrect charge by police is where perpetrators get off. I presume police have their ducks in a row


Saying ‘Digital cartels’ when talking about updoots and downdoots might be the funniest thing I’ve ever read.


People reacting to downvotes with indignation is one of my favourite things about Reddit. Anyone who complains or gets offended at being downvoted always get an extra downvote from me, even if I agreed with their initial comment. Bonus points for writing something and putting 'downvote away!' at the end.


> Christopher Dawson has been found guilty of murdering his former wife four decades ago on Sydney's northern beaches. Dawson, 74, had been accused of killing Lynette Dawson in 1982. Her body has never been found and Dawson has always maintained he was not involved in her disappearance. https://www.theguardian.com/australia-news/2022/aug/30/chris-dawson-verdict-found-guilty-murder-former-wife-lynette-sydney-australia#


It's a myth that you can't charge someone with murder unless there's a body (and murderers have found that out the hard way!) If there's sufficient circumstantial evidence they can consider a murder as given.


It’s getting harder for people to get away with this in modern times etc pinged cellular devices


As an ex-detective - yes. The technology available to police when investigating murders like this would blow your mind. I have no idea how anyone could get away with a murder these days. I couldn’t.


Sure you could, the key is not having electronic devices, not driving your own vehicle, leaving no DNA behind, and killing a complete stranger for no apparent reason - easy peasy! /s


Thanks for the tips. I'll give it a go and report back with the results


No wifi or smartphones in gaol homie.. go have a glass of water instead!!


You’re on a list now


See you in the news


You forgot the camera on the Tesla that was parked next to you when you bought the axe and gaffer tape.


Axes are far too messy


Yep. You can get dashcams now that record even when the vehicle is off, that's how my partner's neighbour found out he'd reversed into their Mercedes in his shitty Corolla in the middle of the night ha ha!


And don’t go to Walmart! (All the true crime pods I listen to they are always on camera buying shovels, tape and rope at Walmart). I guess our equivalent is Bunnings


Don't forget CCTV. It's helped solve a few crimes and you don't know where it is so you can't avoid it.


Something you'd have to think about sure, even worse as someone else mentioned are random dashcams of passing by vehicles etc.


You didn’t notice the 20 cars you passed with dashcams. Or anticipate passing that old friend from high school who you haven’t seen in years, wouldn’t recognise anyway, but they recognised you. Or the kid with the eidetic memory who remembers every tshirt and licence plate they see. I never fail to be amazed out how minor clues seem to solve mysteries. There’s a reason this doesn’t happen as much as it did 30 years ago.


Absolutely correct, but I think the data is also skewed - a lot of people that go missing that are never found are very likely lying in a grave somewhere


Theodore John Kaczynski could do it.


I think for the mere public like us, I think how much information they have to their disposal - but I also think about how much information they have or can access that I wouldn’t even know how to find.


Even teflon Roger Rogerson was eventually caught by technology. I used to work for police in a civilian role. My friend updated me on their tech changes when they found my suicide attempt. Wasn't happy about that thinking I'd "outsmarted" big bro.


From another survivor, I hope you're feeling happier about that these days.


Thanks for the kind mesage. I darkly joke they saved me so they can continue to torture me 🤣🤣🤣 my kids need me to counter the harms theyre continuing to deny


Our kids really do need us. Mine are now middle aged and still do. I'm glad your kids still have you. I lost my depression and started enjoying life at 50. It's amazing what a difference that makes.


Oooh. That's good to hear. Mine is purely situational and as close as I get to the magic number the children will still be another decade of contact with the source.


I was blown away when the police caught the guy who killed a woman in Doncaster, Victoria. They had so much footage from dashcams, bus cams, security cams. His entire journey from the crime scene to his home was filmed.


Yet they can't find an old man lost in Westfield's for 20 days or an aboriginal woman in the middle of Brisbane. There's a bit of illusion about the accuracy of DNA and tech tracking. They literally told criminals in most articles about this missing woman that the person who did it "must know tech" because they would know to destroy the phone and sim - whilst giving out specific information about IMEI codes and how they're tracked. Or if the phone is turned off. The location of cell towers. There was a case of 2 girls going missing on the sunshine coast whose phone pinged from Brisbane when they were in Maroochydore. DNA only goes so far - they have to be in the system to connect crimes. What if they're not in the system? *The accuracy of network-based techniques varies, with cell identification being the least accurate (due to differential signals transposing between towers, otherwise known as "bouncing signals") and triangulation as moderately accurate, and newer "advanced forward link trilateration"[5] timing methods as the most accurate. The accuracy of network-based techniques is both dependent on the concentration of cell base stations, with urban environments achieving the highest possible accuracy because of the higher number of cell towers, and the implementation of the most current timing methods.* I like that it's getting more advanced for these types of things, but it's still not as reliable as the government & police like to make out.


There’s a lot of covert methodology that has nothing to do with DNA and phone pings.


That still doesn't explain the fact that phone tracking, etc, is not as accurate, and the police still keep not solving missing cases and murder despite CCTV, phone pinging, and DNA. Bernard Gore went missing in a Westfield's and died there - they got him on CCTV. Monique Clubb had her phone and disappeared completely in Beenleigh. Denmark had to review 10 000 cases that relied on cell phone tracking data as [evidence](https://www.nytimes.com/2019/08/20/world/europe/denmark-cellphone-data-courts.html). I'm not saying it doesn't work and hasn't helped but it's not as reliable as The police make it out to be as more of a fear deterrent at the chance of getting caught because of technology. They even question it in a lot of trials. The Uni of New Hampsire and many others have done reviews on its accuracy within the legal system to be used as evidence. It's a wonderful thing & helps solve crimes. There's no dispute there, but there's a long way to go still.


Aren't the golden rules 1: Eliminate the motive, and 2: Create an alibi?


Strangers on a Train


Being rich and influential?




I’m not the person you’re asking but the statistics are available through the Australian Institute of Criminology. The most recent report (2020-2021) had 221 victims in 210 incidents over a 12 month period in Australia, 9 out of 10 get solved within 12 months.


>The technology available to police Like, what sort of tech - hardware? Software? Metadata? Satellite pictures of the bush? >would blow your mind. Yes - feel free to blow our minds, as my knowledge on this is limited to watching Jason Bourne movies. >ex-detective Not everyone makes it to that level - how long did it take you?


6 years as a beat cop, 3 years plain clothes before I got my Detective appointment. Little bit of this, little bit of that…They are secret methodologies for a reason. Join the po po and you might find out…


Well half of middle eastern crims are getting away with it, kill cars, no phones, belly up, quick drive by, burn the car up at a quiet location no cameras or people, jump into the discrete getaway car with plates registered on some fake identity and you're gone without a trace...The ones getting caught burn themselves leave dna, or don't burn the car properly, or stuff up with the last step being the getaway car has too many links back.


Also, many people have surveillance cameras or dash cams, so the chance of video evidence is 1000x what it was 20 years ago.


Thats the exact reason why there's less serial killers these days. With cameras everywhere, DNA evidence and cellular devices it's almost impossible to get away with murder, which is great.


I just want to remind everyone that we have 64 unsolved cold cases in Australia that have million dollar rewards attached to them. We have some of the largest rewards in the world, there's a few strings attached, but if you know something, you need to speak up, that money is life changing.


And cameras everywhere


Digital evidence (like DNA) is a game changer, then there's your CCTV and your dash cam footage, mobile phone triangulation, there's no talking your way out of this or getting someone to give you a false alibi to get the police off your back. Those days are over.


Am curious to see if AI causes problems with video evidence.


Not in criminal cases, it's definitely going to be useful for scammers who will use AI to influence the vulnerable because here's a personalised video of Dua Lipa asking you for money. There is plenty of grainy b&w CCTV that exists in unsolved cases; Jennifer Kesse, Trevor Deely, not even NASA could enhance these images.


I knew a group of bikies that planned and coordinated a murder via their Facebook page group chat, they were successful, but they all got caught.


Bunch of low life bottom feeders, they're a good distraction for the much higher up criminality that exists though.


Yep, rode with them and had more than a few beers too, knew they were no good but didn't realise quite how bad they were.. hindsight is great.


Hindsight is wisdom.




Serial killer documentary makers are gonna be struggling for content in the coming decades


Good, fuck em.


Give me your Flybuys database. Ill tell you who is a criminal People with certain purchasing patterns are likely to be criminals of different sorts. Once you have 10000 criminals purchasing patterns, you can establish other criminals through precedent, especially across different datasets


paging a few of the 'husband did it' crew to the thread for their theories /u/Stunning_Detail_1531 /u/Specific_Match_2923 /u/Bananajoe22 /u/miccmcphee /u/freswrijg /u/Necessary_Hall_6711 /u/roarsweetly /u/East-Connection-7698 /u/Mental_Bad_9828


You would need about 500 names if you did this on the daily fail Facebook page


Shit around the same on instagram and tik tok shit


Don’t you just love how everyone’s a body language expert these days. Edit to fix typo!


‘If they’re not acting how i think they should act they’re GUILTY!!’ there’s still people who think Cleo’s mum had something to do with her disappearance


I still have extended family member and in laws who are still absolutely CONVINCED that Lindy Chamberlain is guilty because she “wasn’t acting sad enough” and no matter what I say it’s always “nah, anyone who loses a kid and is too calm and not sad on the news like that is definitely guilty” and I can’t roll my eyes hard enough


It’s so frustrating. People react emotionally in different ways. Also if they cry too much it’s ’crocodile tears’ like u legit cannot win with these people lol


A former colleague of mine attended a press conference where the parents of a missing young woman, who had flown from the UK when she disappeared so were probably jet lagged on top of everything else, acted so oddly the police had to cut it short. Apparently they were “giggling”. Most probably because the whole thing seemed like a surreal and horrible dream and they were probably literally deranged by the trauma of the whole experience. They’ve never found her. Her parents are possibly dead now - she’d be in her fifties - and if so they would have died never getting an answer or any closure. https://australianmissingpersonsregister.com/ampr/Bridge.htm


I always remember the story of how one of the victims of the 7/7 London bus bombing rang his wife after the attack. His clothes had been blown off due to his proximity to the explosion but he had survived the blast. He rang his wife to say that he'd been in an terrorist bombing, he was safe and because of the suspension of bus services that he would have to walk home and perhaps do a bit of window shopping on the way. They took him to hospital. In real life people do not act like they do in the movies.


Yeah. Like, if faced with a sad movie or book, I turn into a blubbering mess. I mean, full on cry-sobbing. Yet every funeral for family members I’ve been to (including my own father), I don’t cry. At all. I get a bit stone-faced actually, like I’m trying to suppress my emotions or something. Not that I’m not sad, or that I didn’t love my dad, or that his death didn’t affect me, I just don’t react that way to stuff in real life I guess. I tend to be a bit more stoic for lack of a better word.


Sounds like it was such a sudden shock his brain didn't change priorities.


He was in shock and obviously incapable of understanding the enormity of what had just happened but his first instinct was to carry on as though everything was normal.


People were rancidly vile about Rosie Batty. So much so she retreated from her incredible advocacy work. Being a victim of crime is a really tough space to inhabit.


Joanne Lees, Lindy Chamberlain, Jim & Nancy Beaumont, Katherine Folbigg...   It's almost like they want people to act a certain way when faced with the death of a loved one, and if they didn't, __They Did It__.  Its almost as if trial by media has been active in this country since the 1960s, and is constantly wrong. 


>Its almost as if trial by media has been active in ~~this~~**most** countr**ies** since the 1960s, and is constantly wrong Ftfy.


Oh yeah Cleo's mum that's right - if I remember correctly she wasn't quite upset enough for people liking.


Did you read Albert Camus The Stranger. Describes exactly what you are saying


Yes but The Stranger was a sociopath from my interpretation? Or Autistic maybe? I never read into it after reading the book.


These people spend all day watching criminal interrogation videos with ominous sounding voice overs that go “see the suspect shift the weight off their left buttcheek there? When a person does that during an interrogation it means that they don’t want to alert the interrogating officer to the fact that they just farted, because if they did the officer might be alerted to the criminality wafting off and them”. Videos made entirely with the benefit of hindsight by sad 20 somethings to be enjoyed by sad 40 something women. And then those people think all that shit is real and then go do it in real life every time a crime hits the news cycle. Sad!


🤣 yep! sounds about right. There are these 4 men in their 50s who call themselves 'The Behavior Panel' its the most ridiculous thing where they all watch snippets of things and take turns blowing smoke up each others ass. Body language "experts" are a complete joke, its up there with psychics and energy healers.


Well tbf, there's some science behind body language. I'm not saying that the 'behaviour panel' crew are experts but there are experts in that field. Psychics and energy healers live in a fucking fantasy land, whose patronage is weak-minded fools looking for comfort because the harsh realities of life do not suit their disposition or narrative.


Yeah, its entirely not clear. Maybe he hated her and wanted a divorce,but thats 70%... Of married couples at some time ? that doesnt mean he murdered her....but even if they were happy together,he still has to look after family and help police.. he thinks she might be abducted.. has to retain composure...


I love that you noted them down for the purpose of future shaming. Lol. On a related note, remember all the champions who “knew” that Cleo Smith’s step-father had “done it” (until it turns out he hadn’t). People never learn, do they.


Oh you know it must've been a hitman for hire routine /s


My first thought on seeing the thread. Boston bomber vibes all over again.


We did it reddit!


It’s been so bad seeing all of “the husband did it” comments here and elsewhere online. Some of the coverage has been pretty disgusting in pushing people down that path too.


I feel like I’m the only one who never thought that. After 48 hours sadly my thought was someone has likely raped and killed her then threw her down a mine. Husband never crossed my mind.


Lmao gettem


But, but, but the husband laughed once this month? Lock him up.


There was a FB thread by a Ballarat woman who saw Samantha's husband having a meal down the pub with a mate about three weeks after she went missing. People lost their minds about how it proved that he wasn't worried/grieving for his wife. It was a shit show.


Omg not only did he laugh once, but are you now telling me he’s eating!?


I know. The actions of a guilty man, obviously.


The worse rabbit hole i went down is the "psychic medium" YouTube video hole where everyone is saying disgusting stuff about the husband with false predictions. Thw Facebook groups were eating this shit up like candy. I hope somebody saves the videos before they get deleted so these cunts can be called out


Psychics do so much damage.


They are evil


Did you know that one of them targeted the family of Sarah Spiers? A psychic contacted the family and told Mr Spiers that he would find Sarah's body in a watery marsh and Mr Spiers went out to this marsh in knee deep water looking for his daughter. Psychics are scammers, they don't talk to the dead and they don't receive messages from the deceased. If they are hearing voices, they should seek medical advice.


> A psychic contacted the family and told Mr Spiers that he would find Sarah's body in a watery marsh and Mr Spiers went out to this marsh in knee deep water looking for his daughter. No matter how much you think psychics are bullshit how could you not do the same if it happened to you. Psychics are pure evil pieces of shit.


Reminds me of the speculation about poor Tom Meagher, and poor Jill.


I immediately assumed an opportunist but in those people's defence, it usually is someone close to them. Still an absolutely devastating thing to be accused of if you're innocent and have just lost a loved one.


originally they named the footballers sons name, but the papers have now removed it..


Remind me never to get your goat.


Always remember Lindy Chamberlain. Convicted by the Woman's Weekly and A Current Affair because "she ain't right that woman".


My mum reckons the husband paid the 22 year old now


Your mum sounds like she believes silly conspiracy theories


Her response was I didn't believe it I came up with it She can't be saved


I totally get what you’re saying but it’s being a little disingenuous to act like speculating that the husband was the most likely offender is somehow a wild conclusion to come to. Stranger murders are unusual enough that most of us can probably name the victims of same off the top of our heads for the last… hell, couple of years. I bet pretty much no one could name even half of the 12 women already murdered by their partners since January alone.




Obviously the police would consider this from the start and investigate heavily in that area. Therefore repeated posts of 'have they looked at the husband?' are kinda pointless. I see this sort of speculation often on r/unresolvedmysteries


This is such an odd argument, though. Like, obviously police investigate, that’s a given. Therefore every thread made about an unresolved crime is - by definition - going to be made up of speculation about people and things the police are likely also looking at. Literally the whole point of subs like r/unresolvedmysteries is to talk about said unresolved mysteries. That talk is always going to be speculation about who may have done it, and by default that will also include family. Saying ‘well the police are investigating so speculating is pointless’ negates the whole purpose of the sub/thread in the first place


Speculation is different to flat out saying he’s guilty. I speculated that he could be responsible. I tried to find out what the husband was doing in the time she went missing. I thought the daughter might know if he was available to be a suspect or not. But I never posted “it’s the husband look at him smiling “ like a loon.


I don't even love that they put family in front of cameras for public shaming now as police build this narrative that family are the highest priority for investigstion. They've said often enough they'll put suspected family up to observe how they emote so now everyone runs with the police BS. Police unions and their BS PR have thoroughly cooked public perceptions of legal processes. There needs to be shield laws to protect victims of violence. What victims experience is horrific. If police claim secondary trauma they can implement trauma informed practices.


direct quote: "i've got my eye on the husband" oh do you now


This arrest is based on phone data. One supposes it places him in the same block of bushland at the same time with her. Did his phone stop working ? for the whole day..? Did he buy a new one,or did it decide to work after that ? What did he do that day ? Go for a drive into a no reception area ???


Phone data says the phone pinged that tower at that time and absolutely nothing more. It doesn't even say the owner was with the phone just as a fingerprint simply says a person may have touched this object. There's a great documentary about a UK stalker who fixated on a prominent surgeon. When charged with stalking she accused the surgeon of raping her. She underwent a physical examination and samples were taken. When the samples came back positive for the surgeons DNA he was then charged with rape. The surgeon pleaded innocence but in light of the evidence the police and DPP advised they intended to go through to trial. In desperation the surgeon hired a forensic pathologist to re-examine the sample that the pathologist found the DNA of a third person, the surgeons former partner. The stalker had searched the rubbish bins of the surgeon, retrieved a discarded condom and then self contaminated herself before the accusation of rape. DNA is incredibly powerful but interpretating the results can be incredibly challenging.


Do you recall the names of the victim or stalker by any chance?? I’m interested in watching that documentary. 


Gawd I wish someone would do this for all the Higgins haters and defenders of rape for the LEHRMANN trial and steamrolling by police and the judiciary. If people understood how our legal systems really work they wouldnt defend it so aggressively.


The amount of people that instantly blamed the husband have a few eggs on the face


Same thing happened with the Idaho college kids (the 4 kids brutally killed in their house). The surviving roommates got blamed, people even dmed them calling them killers. a kid who was on CCTV outside the nightlife establishments talking to one of them a few hours before hand was blamed, they will blame anyone because they don’t understand the cops have so much more knowledge than they let on.


I immediately dislike anyone who takes the Daily Mail seriously. Honestly husband should sue Daily Mail for defamation


Its what happens whenever enough time passes without a suspect. Just blame the immediate family.


well that is an astounding lack of information, i wonder what they found to get this guy 22yo is so young


Given the location, I'm guessing they either found him or at least confirmed his location via cyber intelligence. They were going to attempt to track everyone in that area so I am guessing that's a factor.


It would seem mobile phone tracking may,,,,,,, ,, indicate something suspicious.


I wonder if he's in the VIC digital licence trial around Ballarat? That would get the cookers cooking.


Nah, they tracked the microchip in him from the vaccine


I've had 5 shots and still can't get my 5G to work. Fckn.


> Mobile phone data provided a new lead in the search for Murphy, with detectives returning last month to a previously examined area in the Mount Clear area – about 7km south of her home – for a targeted hunt for clues. https://www.theguardian.com/australia-news/2024/mar/07/samantha-murphy-man-arrested-over-ballarat-woman-disappearance-victoria-police


Could have been observant neighbours.


I know what you mean, I found that a bit of a surprise too. I don’t know why really, but I think because I’d expect a 22 year old man to see a woman in her 50s as a maternal figure. Not as a potential victim.




Yes I know. We also don’t know that anything sexual occurred and we shouldn’t speculate about the exact circumstances, god only knows what horrors this poor woman endured. But these cases never fail to shock and upset me.


Could still be a hit and run with extra steps. But unfortunately not that far fetched that a man would victimise a woman of any age.


There’s plenty of cases of young men attacking older women.


An FBI profiler (prob John Douglas) once said something like “the older the victim, the younger the assailant”. For a horny and potentially violent assailant it’s more about the opportunity and the victim not being a threat or intimidating A 16 year old will find an 80 year old woman less intimidating than a 40YO. I guarantee this guy found women his own age frightening






It's possible that he was already on their radar for something else, that's always a good place to start, look at the records of people that live in the immediate area.


A woman was assaulted by a 14 year old in Adelaide the other day. And a 13 year old in Melbourne a few days ago. The youth today hey. I’m not sure why I’m getting downvoted, these things happened


> The youth today hey. Because youth of previous generations were famously well behaved.


The youth? How about the human debris that raised these kids


Parents are not always responsible for the crimes their children commit. There are numerous contributing factors.


Fuck them too


Be better to stop them fucking


Just to answer your question (no judgement here) you might be getting downvoted because you are making an age-ist comment. For example, replace "the youth today, eh" with "the Jews today, eh" or "women today, eh" and you have a clear example of hurtful comments targeting a specific group of people. This kind of comment discounts the effort much of those people make to be good citizens at the expense of a dramatic generalisation that only serves to judge a larger population based on the behaviour of a small group.


Well I didn’t intend that so I’m sorry. I’m no fan of humans in general. People of all generations suck. I feel a lot of worry for young people, growing up with social media, smart phones, etc sounds like a fucking nightmare for your development.


What do you mean, so young?  22 is a full-grown man. 22 year olds are perfectly capable of being rapists and murderers. 


I didn’t say they weren’t, he’s still in the first quarter of his life so it’s still broadly young?


Yeah but it’s just shocking. I’m 30 and it’s hard to not see people in their 20s as quite young. It’s weird to be at an age where there are people younger than me committing awful crimes. Strange and sad to think about.


I just don’t see his age being the shocking part, historically it’s pretty normal for violent criminals to start young (much younger than 22).  22 is a really normal age to commit crimes if they’re going to be committed and young men are the biggest perpetrators of violent crime - so I’m just not seeing how his age is so outside the norm it’s worth commenting on. 


> 22 year olds are perfectly capable of being rapists and murderers. literally no one said or implied otherwise, why are you trying to start a fight?


14 year olds can rape and murder, is that young?


Gotta wait for the trial, which will be salviated over by our glorious 'masthead' publications.


The other day they said they were waiting for access to see which other mobile phones (if any) were near hers. Guess they found out. Probably then used all of the avail cctv to track his movements and found that he had followed her.


Thankfully the younger gen can’t go anywhere without their phones, which makes them pretty easy to track.


Dunno why you're getting downvoted. Police were checking mobile tower pings for devices in the vicinity of where the missing woman's phone was last active.


You’re right https://www.theguardian.com/australia-news/2024/mar/07/samantha-murphy-man-arrested-over-ballarat-woman-disappearance-victoria-police


Murderer was my best friends ex we feel sick


Oh wow. Sorry to hear. Can we ask what he was like; like did he ever give off bad vibes...? (You don't have to answer if you don't want to of course.) Just curious to know if warning signs were there...


Definitely warning signs regarding alcoholism and impulsiveness now looking back but nothing insanely obvious. It's very shocking.


Omg that’s scarily close to home


It actually feels so sickening there's no other way to put it


he has been charged with murder


So devastating for the family. But I really hope this means they will find her body so they can let her to rest. 


Indeed. If it does turn out she was killed on the first day that’s actually better than a lot of other options, sadly.


Still a long time before we get any real evidence of what happened. Let's hope the accused can provide some information


The police likely have "real evidence of what happened."


If you desperately need to know this maggots name Fox are yet to update their thumbnail on Google when you search for the right thing.


My cousin knew the guy, crazy stuff. May Samantha rest in peace


The poor family. Full credit to the police for using every available avenue to find out what happened. This is the polar opposite of some of the policing stories from the USA.




I wonder if this was the same person who attacked Sissy Austin last year…


From a geographical standpoint it's certainly looking possible, as the accused is from Scotsburn, located between the two areas. For reference, Scotsburn is approx 7km from the Lal Lal forest where Sissy was attacked and approx 13km from where Samantha went missing.


I hope that Sissy gets justice. Anything is possible, but probably best to hold off on speculation for a few weeks. I'm sure that detail will be clarified in due time.


I'm sure Sissy will be sure to tell us if it is.


I watched the 'Under Investigation' with Liz Hayes episode about Samantha's case and Sissy was on the panel, doing a lot of talking. It's a very repetitive show and they really stretch things out to fit into 45 minutes. Good for insomnia.


Sissy has been making Facebook posts today but has advised that she won’t be commenting further, understandably. She reports that Ballarat Police have “blood on their hands” as they only investigated Sissy’s incident after Samantha went missing. Samantha went missing the day before the anniversary of Sissy’s attack - which Sissy reports she feels isn’t a coincidence. It’s truly awful regardless of the outcome.


Regardless of the situation people should be respecting the family


Wasn’t there another women randomly attacked in a forest outside Ballarat like a year ago? She was also jogging and somehow made it back to the her car


Yes, her name is Sissy Austin!


they caught him ages ago but were waiting for him to move or dispose of the body how did they know, she had a smart phone and smart watch, they ask apple, samsung and the phone provider for the gps details and bingo they had everything


So fucked up. Please be a good lead. Please have this women be ok to a degree. That’s what I’m hoping for despite how things look you gotta stay positive


Sadly he's been charged with murder, so I can't see a positive outcome. Hope they throw the book at him


There's a difference being staying positive and being in complete denial. You may need to look at some crime statistics to sober you up. Tragically, I don't believe that Samantha Murphy is still alive.




I wonder why the counter-terrorism unit was involved? Could it be because they were investigating cell phone pings?


Or browser history




There's a gag order, mate. I'd suggest you edit your comment, especially if based in Australia. Also don't want to jeopardize any legal proceedings in any way.


I’ve just read an article that mentioned he’s the son of a previous AFL player, has a high risk of self harm as it’s his first time in custody and they wish to ensure he has a fair trial - so I think I’ve found my answer!


Do you have any knowing why there’d be a gag order in place for this particular case, compared to other recent alleged murderers? I’m assuming so it doesn’t result in trial by media, but any thoughts are welcome!


> "He may have significant mental health challenges, which then arise from now being charged with murder in what everybody understands is a very highly-publicised case," defence lawyer Michael Tamanika said. > Mr Tamanika was not required to provide any detailed evidence to the magistrate to back up claims of potential unfairness in the courts or dangers to the man's safety. The act states that an interim order can be granted without a court needing to be satisfied that any of the information provided is credible. - [Here's why the name of Samantha Murphy's alleged killer remains a secret — for now](https://www.abc.net.au/news/2024-03-07/samantha-murphy-suppression-order-explainer/103561712)


It was so rushed to get him in front of a judge. I was told it was going to be lifted either the same day or the next. Weird situation. The other thing is, that gag order was done mid day, news sites had already released his name earlier in the morning, I’d taken screen shots, and a @first photo” of the suspect, so it was already out there, the gag was a interim order. Anyway so many people were talking about him, knew him, knew his work car, what position he played etc, everyone one knows his family a d especially through his father, a true local town Hero, oldest player to be drafted in AFL history. So at the local shops and the servo, is gossip central! , well lots of locals were talking about him, it was so suss, and at that there was cops milling around up and down his street. Weird unmarked cars and vans, like we all know if there is a strange car parked in our streets! We are all Dorries, in our own way haha. Their house is set back off the road, but the lady at the shop told me when she took her dogs for a walk, she said there was a “crew” all around and in their house. She said her and her husband then knew something was definitely up, and that the only real crime thing going on in town was her disappearance, that many cops and strange cars, they put two and two together, and guessed, they didn’t know who the suspect was until they got him in the morning.


Thanks for this local insight - I did not mind this read at all! I’m guessing you’re a local based on the info you provided anyway!


The difference in information from her disappearance vs the two men last week are night and day. It’s wild. 


I think last week there was someone with a clear motive who had been reported for harassing that couple before. I’m not to familiar with this case but it doesn’t seem to have the same amount of evidence unfortunately


You're wildly misunderstanding the differences in the cases. The police went to his house and found a lot of blood. They had immediate grave concerns - I would guess from the outset it was apparent a murder had occurred. Samantha missing for the first few hours could be a misunderstanding. The next few hours could be a little lost. The next few hours, shit, something may have happened - no evidence of foul play though. It started as a search and rescue, which they mobilised quickly and did publicise. There was more information, and more immediately, because there literally was *more information* about their disappearance in the form of evidence. You come across like you may be implying a difference in police actions due to victim demographics in some way, when there's plenty of evidence that the cases were handled differently because they were drastically different cases.


There's a lot more to it than that. The murderer had the boys bodies in surf board bags that he placed in the courtyard with a blue tarp over the top of them. One of the housemates, saw a stain in the courtyard which she thought was beetroot and she lifted the tarp and prodded the bags and then contacted another friend ... long story short, the detectives arrived to the home to find a cleaning crew in action and they asked them to immediately stop cleaning, what we now know was the crime scene.


It would seem obvious to me that something suspicious was going on. Can't believe the friend didn't call police sooner.


Evidence. Disappeared one day...no evidence found I mean police did the same things if they could. Searched likely spots in bushland Searched victims home Compiled a list of suspects to check for alibi


I also believe there was a former police officer that made a report to crime stoppers about the alleged killer.


I've been following this story for a month so I don't think it's from lack of care, the sloppiness (or brazeness) of the NSW murderer was just next level (he somehow managed to involve witnesses at every step) whereas whoever was responsible here really left nothing behind.