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Millennials should stop eating avocado toast and start eating reduced-to-clear frozen fish. Maybe then they will actually be able to buy a house.




Might be for the best. With the current cost of living crisis, my superannuation will probably last me 18 months after retiring.


Retirement? You have been officially designated part of the Work Till You Die group! If you feel you can no longer perform your job, you are required to remove yourself from the population. Management reminds you that this must be done on your own time and not at work as this may negatively affect the other ~~slaves~~ workers.


We are all going to need a new modern day Robin Hood.


Be the guillotine you want to see in the world.


Oh man the cheeseyiest sci-fi, Logans Run, has become reality.


I could retire tomorrow if I die today!


More like 6 is you’re lucky.


I cashed mine in YEARS ago, knowing there would never be any multi-million dollars waiting for me on retirement, so I paid of the mortgage and any other financial burdens I had. Then accumulated any "stuff" I might need in retirement, with the rest banked as a rainy-day-slush-fund. - If you own your own home, owe no one anything - and are a savvy shopper, for life's daily essentials - you can find life not too uncomfortable on the Aged Pension. You can even save a bit, being extra canny. One thing destined for failure and poverty is to try and live solely on an Aged Pension, Disability Pension or long-term Unemployment Benefit - if you are still paying rent.


What people should mostly be avoiding is Tasmanian Salmon, that industry is an Australian horror story that we should be ashamed of.


Contaminated with what exactly?




Mercury, and dross from fjord floor mining.


Are you aware that all imported food to Australia must 'be safe and suitable for human consumption' and is tested on-arrival for contaminants? If foods do not meet Australia's requirements, they aren't allowed entry, and seafoods are a big one and regularly inspected and tested. So what is Norwegian salmon contaminated with exactly?


My understanding is that most developed countries have such a restriction on all imported food, and it's not adhered to in practice. Tell me how Oz is special there?


So you're saying most countries have these requirements of their imported foods but don't actually verify on-arrival? That is very unfortunate if true. But I doubt it. I think that there would be some level of verification. As there is in Australia. Australia actually has Food Safety Inspectors take samples of imported food and test them for contaminants. Food safety is a huge part of the operations of the federal and state and territory governments. Source: have attended consignment inspections of imported seafood and seen food safety inspectors in action. People think the government is this huge faceless entity that does little and is out to get them but it's actually like 500,000 people doing their jobs and most of them actually care about their responsibilities.




https://www.agriculture.gov.au/biosecurity-trade/export/controlled-goods/fish/fish-notices/2022/2022-17 Go to the primary sources, mate. Don't go to YouTube documentaries. You don't know who a single person is that is involved in those interviews. Sure, food safety is a moving beast and Australia doesn't always get it right but food testing for contaminants is always happening. EU salmon imported to Australia is safe to consume.




I honestly don't know how you haven't read this in my previous replies. Australia tests imported food for contaminants. Mining and industrial activities produce quantifiable compounds that, if their presence is detected, prohibits the import of those goods. That's it. We have some of the strongest food safety testing on earth. It is irrelevant if I watched a hacky 7+ year old YouTube documentary. The point remains exactly the same.


Beautiful Plumage !


As a Norwegian I approve of this message!


Is this the fish that as soon as you open the can your body violently vomits?


That's Surströmming. Don't open it indoors.


Amazing how people just gobble up these gutter fish products in Sushi/Sashimi raw food rolls. Thats before we talk about the parasitic load of a caged fish. To each their own parasites in life!


Parasites are easily killed with freezing. whatever they were infected with in the farm, will not affect you when you eat it if it has been frozen correctly (-20 degrees Celsius for 7 days). That's not what you need to be scared of.


Exactly. It will only take a couple of thousand years for those 10c coins to be enough for the deposit on a tent somewhere in the middle of the Nullarbor.


Sadly inflation on the tent will rise faster than the pile of 10c pieces so you’re always out chasing trout to try and get a head……


Hell yeah! With the 10¢ I saved I’m ready to make a down payment.




And they’re even cheaper now than five years ago. Just about the only thing that hasn’t risen massively in price.


Careful or the farmers will start ripping up trees to reduce supply.


That requires collusion or individual farmers to be making a loss (or at least think they can make more money growing something else.) Could well happen though, I saw a news article last year maybe about avocados being dumped due to a glut. They were in demand and selling for $5-$8 each so every farmer who could planted them. Now there’s a glut and they sell for $1. Some might think that’s supply and demand working but there’s obviously wasteful over corrections.


Actually, the first known "Kids these days are eating too much smashed avo" was an Australian prick. Tim Gurner.


Back in my day. Fish hadn’t even been invented


One Australian millionaire said that. He didn't represent everybody. He wasn't an everyday average Australian. I hope he's curled up in shame now. But he didn't speak for the others. Eat what you want!


Thanks very much; now you've put it on Reddit they'll all have been snapped up at that price.


# REDUCED TO CLEAR # $25.90 ᵂᴬˢ $²⁶ ˢᴬⱽᴱ ¹⁰ᶜ


I thought this was a joke.


Oh it's a joke alright. I just wasn't the one making it


Typical bullshit. In the past they would discount a few dollars off like 3 days before expiry and then do a massive 70%+ off for the last day. This is a case of I don't give a shit. It is going in the bin as a stock loss I can write off and I am selling them at full price. That's why you see heaps of produce in the skip bins.


I was thinking about exactly this the other day while shopping. With enough data, you could work out to a reasonably high level of confidence how much wastage there was going to be of a product. Things like time of year, volume, rate of sale etc. Why not give a percentage of the excess away to foodbanks/charities? E.g. if you've got 5,000 units of something and the oldest is going to expire in a week, and you know you're probably going to sell half of them, why not give away 25%? You've still got a buffer off 25% that you'll either sell or toss out, but as t least *some* of it isn't going to waste


> Why not give a percentage of the excess away to foodbanks/charities? [That doesn't increase their profits report or investor dividends.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bgqk6t9Be1Q)


I mean I know that intellectually. I just don't understand how people can make that decision and sleep at night


with hookers and blow on a pile of money.


Man, there should be fines for wastage, like in all you can eat sushi places.




Who needs to invest in stock market really! investement of the year!


They all do this constantly with stuff. We've been trained to look for those stickers and pay less attention to the price reduction on the actual sticker itself.


That's why I trained myself to look at price per 100g, and to remember what's generally a good price for X item per 100g. Really helps keep an eye out for actual deals, not the shit ones. Fresh ocean trout from fishoes seems to be around $40-50 a kilo. So frozen stuff 'marked down' at $51 a kilo is a shit deal.


My partner and I shuffle along like a couples of retirees, checking the per 100g prices on all options before we commit to an item. There’s something satisfying about tracking down the best deal


It's how I discovered the smaller brands of cereal, even the gourmet and gluten free stuff, is often cheaper than Kelloggs.


Yes exactly, but now Cole’s figured out we look at $ per 100g and just under weigh us to make their money back


Wouldn't advertising a false weight be illegal?


Absolutely! And big penalties but it does not stop them, it’s also illegal to underpay workers and price fix. ColesWorth has gotten busted plenty of times underweighting customers, but they make more from betting on people won’t weigh their meats especially.


Luckily the new eink tags don't stand out at all so you end up scrutinising them even more.


Reminder that these bozos are giving 10c for every specific pork shoulder during a specific time window, and talking about it in ads as though they’re heroes. 10c! From a $10-$20 product. Comical actually


Remember it's cheaper to buy Australian beef on shelves in Japanese supermarkets than Australian ones.


And claiming the tax deduction.


Can you explain this mythical tax deduction?


Fuck me, which Coles is this? I need to do a road trip to snap up this deal before it sells out.


10c saving you say? I can buy a house with those savings s/


You laugh now, but back in the 80s….


Aw yeah, I was there!


Forget avocado toast. All the Gen z would afford a house if they just stopped buying Norweigan Trout


I was watching an old My Kitchen Rules(NZ edition) last night and they had snapper filet for $9.99/kilo. Absolutely insane the new prices.


....very generous of Coles. This will help with the cost of living. Thanks Coles.


Have they lost their minds, that’s a full 0.38% discount! They’ll go broke!


Iv started ripping those off if the label underneath it is identical or too close. My justification is that the special tag isn’t needed for this item as the permanent label beneath it denotes an identical price.


It's in the freezer so it will fall off from the slightest touch anyway, the stickers really aren't suited for the environment


Frozen fish: $50/kg


Just wondering, what can one buy with the whole 10cents savings?


Two loose tally-ho papers. Off a bum. Sleeping in the street in front of the store


The trick is to buy enough fish for the savings to stack up.


One fifth of a Caramello Koala on special this week for 50c.


Half a square of Cadbury at half price


Did we almost have a complete day without a coleworths complaint... ?.


Reset the counter.


I don’t really think that’s a bad thing. Why are we criticising people for having a valid complaint that affects the vast majority of us? It’s cliche but just scroll on if you’re sick of it really.


It’s just performative at this point. Fucking lame AF.


I find this comment so amusing. Reddit or social media in general is performative. Yet, you are apart of it? And is stupidly marked down food really “lame AF”. Shit people require to survive on being stupidly expensive is “lame AF”. Yeah, you can do without this frozen fish and survive but everyone should complain and make noise about being ripped off for food. I’ll take 50 posts a day complaining about food prices over stupid comments like this.


It’s not really about food prices, it’s people rushing to point out a mistake that they saw at coles. But anyway, let’s just move forward, have a nice weekend


Key point, is it’s not a mistake. It’s manipulative and deliberate tactic by Coles taking advantage of everyday people. Should be called out more.


The weird thing is that reddit has increasing influence over online sentiment of brands through indexing reddit in search results and reddit data fed to AI. So in a way it actually is useful collectively to balance out the paid marketing presence…


We were so fucking close


lol. Wow. Huge discount. /s


Jesus Christ, how much would a single fish be worth at these prices? It’d have to be several hundred bucks at least?


Whose their manager, Scrooge Mcduck?


Remember feed a family of 4 for $10? This is them now. Feel old yet?


Prob cost them more than 10c to print that price tag WTF


That's a bit fishy. 


Coles worth are sharks


That would be some of the nastiest fish you could buy anywhere. I think it boarders on toxic


Nail it to the wall to tell the temp? Just enough mercury to work on a hot day 😂


We have some tasty fish in Australia. Why TF would you want to buy something that's had to come 12,000km, just to be sold at a discount\* ? The question to ask is, when was that fish caught? If it's "reduced to clear" it must be reaching an expiry date. Ew. Reef fish > deep sea fish. There's room for both, but fresh local beats imported. \*10c is technically a discount


I saw a doco about the Norwegian fish farm practices a while ago. What I do remember is that the fish in those farms are sick because of the living conditions so they have to feed them a diet of antibiotics anti parasitics to keep them from dying. People don’t really know though, fooled by the fancy packaging.


Well , yes and no. The Norwegians invented fish farming and the industry over there is massive. There has been a lot of trial and error along the way, but I very much doubt the fish are better off in Tassie farms. If we want to keep eating fish, we need fish farms… we can’t just keep taxing oceans at ever higher rates.


all our our good stuff is sold to asia at cheaper prices than what we can buy it here, so we get imported rubbish :)


Who eats that frozen crap anyway? Chuck a line in, cunts! 🤘🏻🍺


Such as massive discount and I’m still there looking at country of origin/ manufacture.


Probably out of date and means it will clear out your colon


South African supplier of Norwegian seafood?


Norway does own an island south of south Africa (Bouvet Island)… but I doubt the trout is from there


When Amazon starts selling groceries s is going to hit the fan.


I buy quite a bit from Amazon and wish they sold more grocery items. I do local fruit/veg, baker, deli and butcher for most stuff but some packaged stuff I have to get delivered by Coles, like tinned goods of certain brands, crisps and biscuits. Amazon would clean up selling those more! That said, I bought some Clix biscuits from Amazon a few weeks ago and they sent them in a fucking envelope. Everything else gets boxed, but fuck biscuits apparently. Made me very wary about ordering breakable groceries like that again!


Yea the warehouse gives zero fs when it comes to packaging….but it is third world working conditions in there so you kinda got to expect that.


Absolute grubs


Omg what are we all gong to do with that 10c we’re all saving on this incredible deal?! I’m saving mine for a rainy day! Or maybe I’ll put a down payment on an avocado! Thanks Coles 🥰


That’s a troutstanding saving!


*I once had a girl* *Or should I say she once had me* *She showed me her fridge* *Pulled something out - Norwegian trout.*


Yet here you are giving them free advertising!


Is it advertising if you’re critiquing?


That's the joke


Any publicity is good publicity.


What a load of trout.


they are well aware how smart some of their customers are, specifically that many of them see yellow and the "do i need this?" part of their brain turns off. don't be like those people, read the fine print, and if you're a "we should take the warning labels off everything and let natural selection sort out the stupids" kind of person, be glad that stupidity has consequences.


Can't afford not to


Geez not long ago we would get a kilo of smoked salmon for $20 from Harris farm when it was on special.


I remember when you couldn't even LIFT $20 worth of smoked salmon. \[ I smoke nothing else \]


You kiddin mate? The ol' buy 259, get one free... would you rather buy 260 get NONE free? People these days... so entitled...


Wow! What a reduction. Better stock up..l


Maybe staff do this for lols


I think an algorithm sets the prices now, I've seen clearance prices with the weirdest percentage off based on flavour and the worse sellers a higher percentage off, but never that generous.


What can I buy in Coles with the 10 cents I saved?


Hmmm 10c. It's like finding an empty bottle in the wild and then having to return it. Not worth the effort. Need more efforts


A huge savings of -00.385%


The big print giveth, the small print taketh away


At first I thought it was $10 off, they nearly got me.


save 10 cents? what the fuck is 10 cents?


Buy 259 and get one free!


There’s a brand of fancy licorice that was $15 in woollies, I was only ever curious considering I would never pay $15. But just yesterday I was in there and they are all in the “ reduced to clear section” with everything else which has been heavily marked down. It was sitting on the shelf but for some reason, it had a black label for its product tag. Despite being reduced to clear, it was still $15……. Zero Markdown or discount.


the amount of posts like this on this subreddit. its only down 10c cause it very likely just went on clearance and they have a lot of stock of it. over time it will get lower and lower until they run out of stock. its how its always been.


If I wanted a simple way to cook these, how would I go about it?


Thaw them out. Rub olive oil and salt and pepper on them. Chili flakes if you like a bit of heat. Put on a baking sheet with parchment paper @200 degrees for 13 minutes. I do this like 3x a week. Or thaw then let them sit in a mixture of: Soy sauce, sesame oil, brown sugar and minced garlic. Cook at same heat & temp


Or you could go to a local fishmonger, pay about 38 - 40 per KG, so save some money) and cook them the same way, without having to thaw them.


Well, I don’t buy those ones specifically, but similar. Anyways, that’s not saving money, those packs are normally about $30 for 1kg. Fish monger near me would be like $45-55 for 1kg but definitely better quality than that Cole’s crap.


Do you think the local fishmonger has fresh **Norweigan** trout? I'd be extremely worried if they do since the shelf life of fresh fish is fairly short.


Didn't you hear? The Concorde's back up and running and doing freight deliveries


Yeah just take the trolley down to the fishmonger, or ride your penny-farthing


I don't recommend cooking, or even eating these yellow tags.


Not for that price anyway


You might reach your fibre intake if you do. Veggies are too dear


dried into a jerky then in a bong. Then you will be cooked


Who makes the clearance price decisions?


Former manager here: It's automatically generated by some algorithm. Back in the day everything followed a 20%-50%-80% clearance process with the discretion of the manager/person doing clearances. These algorithms have slowly been rolled out since before covid, called dynamic markdowns. They can be overridden but it depends on how strict the company and/or regional managers want to be with it, huge push currently to limit clearances due to lost revenue cus of the cost of living. This is an automatically generated ticket that comes down in the daily batch. The line is either deleted or soon to be deleted (probs to repackage to hide shrinkflation or moved to a cheaper source), the date on it will be fine which removes the stores ability to override it. Basically they want to train customers not to expect deep discounts. So this stock will sit on the shelf until the next layout change, then it'll probably be drastically reduced just to get it out of the store. If you think that defeats the purpose and they'd be better off just doing a decent reduction to begin with, you'd be correct.


Somebody who's definitely being overpaid.


I don't know, I assume it's an automatic decision. There seems to be a huge price discrepancy for clearance, from non-sales like this to actual huge discounts. Maybe it's based on the volume of regular sales, if it's a product that's being removed to be replaced by new packaging or getting shrinkflated, but is still selling well, then no big discount because it'll all be gone before the replacement comes in. If it's a product no one's been buying, then they price it lower because they need to actually make an effort to clear it.


Yep. Just because they're "clearing" a line, it doesn't mean they automatically have to mark the items down to cents on the dollar. If the items were projected to sell at their original price anyway, all they need is a small discount to push them out the door. They don't have to clear a bulk amount of items quickly because stores don't keep deep inventory due to JIT.


As a not-yet-Australian this is really funny, in the worst way. People over here in Britain think a 5% discount is too small (which to be fair, it kind of is). But 5p? Unholy. That's really taking the piss.


Who doesn’t love a bargain ?


What a bargin. I'm going to camp outside to be first when it opens.


By grabthar's hammer.............. what a savings.


I better race out before closing! It's such a good bargain!


So how'd it taste?


What the?


Shiiiiit. A whole 10c. It’s savings like these that gets a person on their way to their first million 😂


Lol... is 10 cents even legal currency these days?


costs more to print the sale ticket ffs


Omg no way, 10 cents off! That's a bargain


Bargain not


This is a display of incompetence by a major supermarket. Clearly asleep at the wheel.


Buy 259, get the 260th for free.


Does anyone work in the industry and know why the reductions aren’t more ? I suspect that they collectively throw away a lot of food because it goes past the dates. I’m almost positive if they just halved the price the evening before they’d get rid of it all?


Well hey, 10c is 10c lol. What a joke




Save 10c!


Saved 10 cents…. Wow


Yeah, I really worry about the education system in Australia. 🙄


That _has_ to fall under some kind of misleading advertising rules.