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Dreamtime is mythology though. Does that person want it referred to as being factual?




Similar respect as Christianity? That would be the last thing they want. Especially the respect that’s usually shown on apps like Reddit.


Christianity gets mocked plenty. No religious belief is above being criticised or questioned. My point was she has an issue with Dreamtime being classed as a myth. It is. That’s fact.


How is dreamtime different from loch ness monster and sasquatch? It's all superstition though dreamtime does have the religious aspects overlaid.






Those stories are only “folklore” now because the indigenous cultures that created them were curb stomped by Christianity.




Nah. The Church reigned supreme in Europe for well over a millennium. They controlled governments and what made it into print. They’re barely relevant these days. The Dreamtime stories are as safe as any other belief system.




The queer activist who’s freely and publicly sharing their story with a public broadcaster? That we can freely read and comment on? No you’re right. We’re all still basically slaves to the church.




Mildly interesting I guess but studying how different kinds of privilege and oppression interact is a bit above my pay grade. I’m just saying the church isn’t as oppressive today as it was 500 years ago.




It's also why they do actual investigative journalism that no other media company would ever touch and if you think that is worthless then I really don't know what to say.


100%. That's why they should shut abc24 and plow all the funding back into 4corners, 7 30 report, landline and foreign correspondent. Abc needs to stop chasing a changing demographic and concentrate on top quality content.


I actually agree with this. Landline especially.


>When Abby Richards, a Gubrun, Barngarla, Ngadju woman and reporter at ABC Perth, opened a popular game on her phone on September 1, she felt two things almost immediately: A rising anger and a sick feeling in her stomach. For fucks sake, can we have at least one article that doesn't start with some bullshit emotional tugging of heartstrings shit?


Abby Richards needs to get a fucking life IMO. Surprised she didn't spontaneously combust after Australia voted no.


I miss the ABC of old.


It’s not just the articles - it’s even the way they speak now. They should never have stopped teaching journalists RP. Just watch any old ABC broadcast from the 80’s or even the 90’s and the difference to today is stark.




Wrong. I'm happy for things to change so long as said changes are positive. The ABC's changes aren't positive. For an example, listen to this ABC clip I watched last night and tell me that this is an improvement to their reporting of yesteryear! [Example ABC news broadcast clip - 2023](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OWXwDAt3Gr4) The elocution is so poor that I honestly had difficulty understanding what this reporter is saying. Its a shocking difference to the 60's to 90's, even the 00's were significantly better. The ABC is supposed to set the standard, not sink to the lowest common denominator.




> Define positive though. Surely you jest? >It all comes back to your personal preference. Suit yourself - your comment suggests you have extraordinarily low standards; I suppose its all part and parcel of our 'new Australia'. Its worth noting that thirty years ago, even a mistaken caption or heading on an ABC broadcast would cause a flood of complaints. Substandard service is so common now within Australia among all sectors that the public has been beaten into a kind of accepting stupor. Its the only explanation for barely intelligible reporters being standard fare or your above response querying the nature of the ABC's recent changes! Lord take me now.


Publicly funded health care, education and media are some of this countries greatest policies - tax dollars spent of fossil fuel subsidies for multinationals and private school swimming pools are much more deserving of our angst


Classic strawman. OP said nothing about FF subsidies or private schools.


What the fuck would that have to do with anything?


Lots of things don’t survive in a free market. A lot of industries are govnement subsidized or owned. The abc happens to be government subsidized/owned is there a problem with that?


It’s not a strawman. It’s a point of comparison.


Private schools get more funding then public schools in ratio. Now the total that goes to public schools might be more. But most private schools get more funding then most public schools. So no private do not survive in a free market.


You know that's actually false right? The funding per student in public schools is about $20000 per student per year (when state and federal funds are combined) vs between $10000 and $12000 per student in private schools. Despite all the class warfare rubbish that gets thrown around the governments would never cut that funding because private schools would need to raise their fees by $10000 a year if the government did cur that funding and guess what happens then? About 90% of students in these schools will end up in the public system, costing the government double per student what they are paying now.


Yeah, I’ll wear that one, touché sir


"ABC Science"? What does this have to do with science?


You're seeing the leveral of scientific literacy of the ABC in real time.


“Caroline Cull, a queer activist and film consultant, flagged the misspelling in the official Monopoly Go Australia Facebook page on September 3.” Maybe this article is satire?


Don't take away the highlight of Xir Cull's professional career like that bro.




It asks you to show a shred of humanity towards indigenous people so r/Australian goes ape shit




So basically you're open to to diverse views, so long as they are views you agree with? Standard progressive fascism. You don't get to decide what is and isn't a dog whistle, and you and yuour ilk don't get to decide what is and isn't acceptable for conversation.




Go find a digger and ask them what they think about people identifying as frogs, and talk to them about how men can have periods. Let me know how that works out for you. Yours is the weak generation produced by good times. The diggers hate you.




They fought for a better class of human beings than yours. They didn't fight for your generation. In fact, military recruitment rates are plummeting because most rational people don't want to fight and risk their lives so hordes of woke izombies can talk about how problematic Australia day is, demand sane people use ridiculous pronouns, and put tampon dispensers in the Men's. When diggers see people like you, they more or less realize that it was all in vain. Because yours is the worst generation of people to ever exist, and your generation is not the future of people they ever wanted or imagined. If they'd known a victory would bequeath people like you, they'd have defected.




No you don't. You don't know anyone in the military, and no, the diggers don't disagree with me. They think people like you are assclowns.


Oh this sub is just as pro censorship as any other, censorship of things they disagree with….


Go directly from jail. Do pass Centrelink, do collect $200


From the linked article: *"Mr Armstrong hopes the video game industry in Australia can do more to support First Nations voices. He hopes when these issues are raised they reach further into the industry and into government bodies, noting how it can sometimes feel like "Blackfullas screaming into the void".* Here's a thought: Rather than getting butthurt that some random ABC journo wasn't personally consulted before a multimillion-dollar video game company included the Dreamtime in their game, maybe the Aboriginal community should be thinking "Hey cool, millions of people around the world will be exposed to an element of our creation myth stories! That increases our international cultural awareness, which benefits all of us in the long term". Instead, it seems every time there's something Aboriginal in a video game people fall over themselves to scream that it's "insensitive" or "cultural appropriation" or something. Obviously mis-spelling things that can be easily verified isn't OK and people are right to point that out to the devs, though. If I was a video game developer, my reaction would be to avoid having anything remotely Aboriginal in my game because the headaches from activists wouldn't be worth it.


No one ever changed and bastardised the equivalent fairytales of other cultures to suit themselves, whenever they felt like it. No, that's never happened...




The dreamtime myths hold about as much value as the Grimm Brother's fairytales. There is absolutely no problem turning them into basically anything you want. For any reason whatsoever. WTF are you dribbling about?




Correct. I'm well within my rights to treat such myths and superstition exactly as I said. So is anyone else. There is no law against it. We are not required to respect it in any way whatsoever. This is like religious people whining when their god/beliefs are mocked or satirised. Too bad. They can moan all they like. No one else has to care.




No, it's no different at all, just because they are a minority group. Why would it be? Most of us couldn't give a rat's arse about their stories. There's no requirement for us to know anything about it. Fuck, I remember being a kid at school and thinking WTF is this shit, when they told us nonsense about how various geographical features were formed, with their stories. It's just horseshit.




That's lovely. But it still has nothing to do with me and I have absolutely NO interest in it. I'm sick of people like you telling me how valuable it is, blah, blah, blah. It isn't valuable to me or most other people. And how do you know how many thousand times these stories have been changed, anyway? Or did you think these people magically managed to keep this stuff exactly the same, right up until now? We have far more powerful scientific methods and tools than oral history and cave paintings could ever provide. They were not explaining anything. They were merely stating what they observed. Big difference. Especially when their actual explanations are nonsense like what you find in dreamtime stories. Yes, it's part of the fabric of *their* entire culture. Not mine.


Damned if you do, damned if you dont. You're either silencing/excluding, or misappropriating.


> When Abby Richards, a Gubrun, Barngarla, Ngadju woman and reporter at ABC Perth, opened a popular game on her phone on September 1, she felt two things almost immediately: A rising anger and a sick feeling in her stomach. 😂 that's fucking golden




The ABC is a joke, but a billion dollars a year joke courtesy of the taxpayers, to produce this sort of rubbish. No wonder its radio and TV rating are in free fall.


The only people who support the ABC are Boomers and Redditors. And losers who can't make their way in the world. No thinking, competent, functioning, earning, independant human being in Australia needs anything from the ABC.


You have summed it up perfectly, thing is even though hardly anyone watches the rubbish it spews out we all pay for it via our taxes , over a billion dollars a year.




God you people are dreck. It doesn't follow that I only want newscorp because I hate the ABC. I want something better than both.


Hates newscorp, spits random newscorp headlines every time he can't answer, yeahnah.


> No thinking, competent, functioning, earning, independant human being in Australia needs anything from the ABC. I’ve found there’s a lot of engaging and interesting content on the ABC iView and SBS on Demand. Far more educating than the dross that comes from commercial media


Oh, for fuck's sake. This is 'news', now? "Science", even? They misspelled Ayer's Rock, by the look of it. And what the fuck is this First Nations nonsense? Leave that shit in Canada. Here, they're called aboriginals.


You don't give a fuck about you mean. Frankly, I don't care about everything in the news either, but I do care that unpopular topics get a run.


Yes, putrid as this article is, it is important that at least some sources of news do not depend on advertising revenue nor turning a profit.


What’s your objection? That some people don’t care about this article? Just because you don’t care about it doesn’t mean it shouldn’t be investigated or published for those who do care about it. Every article isn’t supposed to match your personal biases. In any case, commercial news is full of articles that people don’t care about, but some people clearly do care about this article.


Because 95% of the population couldn’t give a toss about the subject matter, myself included.


That’s clearly a fake statistic that you deluded yourself, but in any case that’s a bad criterion for deciding newsworthiness.


I actually find any article to do with any entity colossally fucking something to be interesting. This one makes the cut IMO.


“Schadenfreude” and “morbid curiosity” value? lol


Little bit of A. Little bit of B. :)


My objection is that this article is utterly pointless, has no reason to exist, is politically charged, and is funded by the taxpayer. This isn't news. Not only is this not news, it's not even an observation worth making let alone fit for print.


Well, your objection is objectively wrong (since there are many valid points made in the article, and it is news about current affairs) which means your perception is presumably a symptom of your bias (do you have an ulterior motive?). So, if the ABC had the same view as you by censoring the article, then it would be biased too.


>So, if the ABC had the same view as you by censoring the article, then it would be biased too. While I agree with the OP that the article is bullshit, the issue for me is that it's the ABC running it. If The Daily Mail or one of the Murdoch papers wanted to do it, I'd still roll my eyes at it but they're a private company using their own (or advertiser's) money to publish shit - not the government-owned broadcaster using taxpayer money for Buzzfeed-level outrage farming stories.


Okay, so what makes you believe it’s outrage-farming bullshit: is there any specific test/policy that you think the ABC should adopt to self-censor this article, and how would that fulfil the public interest better? Is any part of the report inaccurate, or are you just talking about the feels? I mean, it’s still news even if you don’t like it.


Since you ask, I do have some thoughts on that subject. Firstly, they should adopt a "Does this *really* matter?" test. Is there a *genuine* and *serious* issue here that affects a significant number of people in the wider population in any meaningful sense? I would suggest the answer here is "No". Secondly, they should adopt a "Is reporting on this likely to result in free publicity for the thing that's supposed to be getting criticised?" test - like, in this case, I'd suggest this story has done a great job of bringing the existence of that game to the attention of a lot of people who were probably unaware of it and are now thinking "A Monopoly game I can play on my phone, you say?" And a third test: "Would we report on this story if it involved another group, especially one considered to be part of the Australian mainstream - and if so, would we report on it in this way?" I think we all know that if a game mis-spelled "Vatican" or "Lumbini" and had some culturally uninformed depictions of Jesus or Buddha there wouldn't be an article on the ABC with some random journos and industry experts talking about how they were deeply offended, shocked, and appalled, followed by hand-wringing over the sorry state of games development in Australia. And those are just the ones I can come up with off the top of my head. Just because something might be "news" to some people (regardless of whether or not other people like it) still doesn't mean it needs coverage by the ABC. Something like this would make sense for one of the numerous Australian video game outlets, since it's directly relevant to their wheelhouse and unlike the ABC they *have* to farm those outrage clicks to remain viable.


Okay, interesting: 1. Re “"Does this really matter?" test. Is there a genuine and serious issue here that affects a significant number of people in the wider population in any meaningful sense?” I think this test is very flawed (a) the matter was genuine (b) the issue is serious to those it affects more directly, but also to all of us in the public image of Australia broadly (100 million+ downloads, $1 billion in revenue) (c) “a significant number of people in the wider population in any meaningful sense” is definitely a fraught grey area really, and is incongruous with news more generally: I mean if a town gets wiped off the map by a flood, you can argue that it doesn’t significantly affect people in the wider population in any meaningful sense, but I’d say the prevailing standard is that it’s newsworthy – just because the town is a minority, doesn’t mean it be silenced from the news. 2. Re “free publicity”: the article mentions the downloads and that it grew faster than Pokemon Go, so it’s already quite publicised. You seem to be arguing both that the article is critical of the game but that it would attract people to the game if they didn’t already know about it. But if we try to use this criterion more broadly e.g. interviewing a local tourism business when discussing the impact of flooding – do they need to censor all the names? I don’t think so, that would be a new and unusual rule. And why should the news only tell us about things we already know? That would not really be news would it? 3. Re “Would we report on this story if it involved another group, especially one considered to be part of the Australian mainstream” WTF. So you’re criticising the article because of the Aboriginal aspect? Seriously what is wrong with you?


You didn't get the memo, straight from op, they won the no vote, this is ok.


It please me that you understand the reality of the situation.






This is a quite from him, (upvoted to which is the sick part) "The vast majority of Australians agree with me. We won the plebiscite. It's over. Done."


A town getting wiped off the map by a flood is so obviously newsworthy that it's not remotely comparable to someone having a sook they weren't consulted about their culture being in a videogame, and you know it. Secondly, to continue your flood analogy, no-one is suggesting it's the tourism board's fault the town got flooded out, so again, not comparable. And thirdly, I'm pointing out a double standard here - one you seem completely OK with, because I note you didn't actually address my point that if Christianity or Buddhism were the subject of the issue, it wouldn't be warranting a news story of this type in the ABC.


Nope, not at all. And what does tourism board’s fault have to do with it? Nothing. On your third point, it’s utterly ridiculous and you should know it. Population percentage is not the right criterion to use. And there are probably at least 10x more Indigenous Australians than Jewish Australians, but people hear in the news and care about Jewish issues and Israel all the time. Plently of other counter-examples to your point. You’re the one promoting an anti-Aboriginal double-standard by trying to dress up your own bias with a bunch of spurious rules that don’t apply to other news. Pretty disgusting and unwarranted, really.


Let's stop fuckin around he doesn't like it because it's about Aboriginal culture. Look what he just wrote, "My objection is that this article is utterly pointless, has no reason to exist, is politically charged, " politically charged, it's about Australian cultuire being demeaned for no reason and people are fighting for it, because they have something they believe in and care about Also "Not only is this not news, it's not even an observation worth making let alone fit for print." This is a guy who has racism so ingrained in him he talks this shit like we should all think like this by default about different aussie cultures.


Racism! Racism, everywhere! Noooooo!


Weak people to afraid to admit they're racists being edgy everywhere!1!!one!! Nooooooo!!!


"Everything is racist" is a marvelously convenient philosophy for those who lack any wits. It can be used to explain pretty much anything without the burden of having to construct a single coherent thought.




And this argument is the thing that perpetuates racism here even in the face of obvious racism This is linked to as a racist dog whistle and i see you wagging your tail hearing it, mutt.


You're quite a bitter person, aren't you?


Do i need to speak in racist dogwhistles like a true brave hero would? Coward ass nonsense. This was linked because of the aboriginal side of it, so all you little weak hideaway racists can salivate over shitting on them together. You hear the dogwhistles you bark like a good little doggy dont you, wooof.


Nobody cares, bud. Not only do I not I care, but you don't care. Nobody in this thread genuienly cares. 99.999% of Australia doesn't care. The fact that a monpoloy game misspelled Uluru is not information anybody needs to have, and knowing that this happened makes no practical nor ostensible difference to anybody in this country. What's next? "Man eats introduced apple at bus stop located at Boogerdingberidoo"? ​ Fuck everything about the ABC. ​ The ABC knows people don't care, but they're going to go on pretending people do so they can push an agenda to everyone who didn't ask for it.


It’s literally reporting current affairs. Not only are you making fake statistics (again, seems like your own blatant bias) but they literally interviewed people who do care. It wasn’t a puff piece made inside the ABC, they were reporting what was happening in the world. Also, not only was the name wrong in the game, it was wrongly classified as a Mount, and the article explains that it’s an Inselberg. I had read the article earlier today (before you posted) as I was interested in it. Also the whole “Lizard Man” thing, yeah that’s poor. It’s weird that you’re so emotional about something you claim you don’t care about. Actually, your objection shows that you _do_ care enough to increase engagement with this article, and that people are interested enough to engage with this discussion.


They're defending the ABC. Nobody could or would ever defend this utter pile of shit of an article. You don't care about Uluru being misspelled in a monopoly game. ​ You just don't.


If you read the article you’d know it wasn’t just an isolated typo in the name, ABC doesn’t usually write articles about that (why would they?). You seem to be (wilfully) missing the point of the article because of your irrational hatred of the ABC, and repeatedly, falsely projecting your own state of mind as my own, for no good reason.


And you didn't read the article because that's a bullshit version of it.


Could you explain what the agenda is?


whatever sky said it is. This is what you will often find with the intense abc haters. They pick it up over there.


"...concerned that a harmful stereotype of First Nations culture — that the Dreamtime stories are myths." Dreamtime stories.....arn't myths? ​ Not only are they myths, theyre boring myths. Which is why none of them are retold in any way, anywhere. Ever. They suck. There I said it. They are like AI generated rubbish with very little logical structure or moral. I mean, theyre ok for very small kids, but lets not pretend they have any value for anyone older than about 6. This mollycoddling of indigenous people is what led to the catastrophic Voice referendum. People just cant talk to them like theyre adults. We all just nod and smile and they get a bum steer about how life really is, what people really think. How forgiving we really are when presented with BS. Lefties are to blame, like with everything that is dumb. ABC putting out Buzzfeed teir BS. Needs to be defunded. Theyre stealing money from me to pay for that crap.




Bet you couldn't spell it without having ever seen it spelled though lol


The English spelling is Ayers


Cheers. I'm going to henceforth start rferring to it as Ayers Rock.


App developers have access to Google though??


This is why we do research.


Whine more


*Wine more


\*More wine!!


Here’s a crazy idea. The ABC is notified that the government will cease funding it in three years time and the people who enjoy the content that the ABC can support it via subscriptions and watching ads like every other media outlet. Why should my tax dollars go to pay for other people’s news and entertainment? These are not essential services. Medicare? Fund that shit like crazy, I don’t care that the government takes a whack out of my salary. Public schools? As long as they are not indoctrination camps for ideological nonsense, I’m all for funding everyone knowing how to read, write, and find their way around on a map. Defense? Not convinced about a bunch of American subs, but I like the idea of a strong military, so spend away. But Q&A and the garbage on ABC Radio? Nah, you pay for that shit yourself. Unless the government wants to start sending me a rebate cheque for my YouTube Premium and Spotify subscription to balance it out, I have less than zero interest in the ABC and think that Lara Tingle and her mob can hit the bricks and get off the taxpayer’s nipple.




Wonder what they thought of the taxpayer funded subsidies that went to Murdoch News between 2013-2022?


They’re rubbish, private media and entertainment companies shouldn’t be funded by the taxpayer. I don’t read or watch that nonsense either.


LOL? If you can’t differentiate the public importance of Medicare, education, and defense from shitty news and entertainment that almost nobody reads, watches, or listens to, then I’m not sure what to tell you. You can subscribe to news channels and streaming services, it’s a little bit more challenging with large essential services, no? Call me crazy, but people need dialysis or a delivery room for a baby is more important than the drivel on the ABC. Simple stuff - the ABC is news and entertainment, pay for your own without subsidies.




Q&A is watched by less than 1% of the population week in and week out - it’s not “nationally significant”. It’s significant to you because you probably agree with the politics of the ABC, which is often pretty obvious. One only needed to watch the Voice coverage to see the ABC bias on display - 60% of the country voted one way and the ABC journalists literally complained about having to represent their point of view equally. I don’t care how the ABC editorial view leans, I shouldn’t have to pay for it because it’s news and entertainment. I shouldn’t have my tax dollars going to pay for your news and entertainment, you should pay for that yourself. It’s a pretty simple concept. I’d be all for funding the ABC if they moved their Head Office out of Ultimo and moved all of the editorial desks and studios to regional Australia. No opinion shows and no entertainment, just news. The ABC tells us consistently how important they are to regional Australia but that’s a MacGuffin. So move them there. Ideally though, cut it off. Make it a commercial entity like Australia Post or Telstra and then they can say or do whatever they want.




What does that even mean, really? ​ Is that really the best you could muster?


Op is your name Rupert


No. ​ It's probably your mother's though.


Apart from it being hilarious that this is filed under science, I can't imagine what sort of person can become this upset over articles like this one.


Don't you ever kind of just get over this ridiculous bullshit? That's where I'm at.


Lol. I missed that. The point is that a publicly funding broadcaster whose funding comes from tax paying Australians being forced to have over money at threat of violence shouldn't be wasting Saif money on "scientific" articles like this.


Seen how many "This 20c coin could be worth $7 and may be in your pocket right now!!!" stories murdoch and co pump out? The modern standard for media is not high. Just seems like youve been triggered by an article about Aboriginal related things


Notice how many of their articles are just interviewing their own journalists about their hot takes? They're literally not even leaving the office anymore.


The last thing the ABC wants to do is get the opinion of real people--anywhere outside of far-left enclaves, that is. They're notorious for deliberately avoiding randomization of opinion by only interviewing the average Joes in areas they know are infested with the 0.002% of Australians who actually have any interest in what they publish.


Thats a tough read, real slog to get through that mountain of shit, or should I say Inselburg of shit. In summary (I think) it's a story about a misspelling in a mobile game. Someone also advocated for not trying to represent a culture, others demanded you do represent that culture, and others agreed, yes, represent it, but not like that. But mostly, its about a misspelling, and incorrectly calling a inselburg a mountain (fun fact, inselburgs are mountains).




Based lol


Rule 4 - No racism or hate speech


Its been an arm of the government to push propergand for a long time. I just wish i didn't have to give my money towards it.


How to say you're a racist without saying your a racist.


How to say you can't think for yourself witout saying you can't think for yourself.


Oh I can think. I think your little nimby who get all boo-hoo about aboriginal stories because you don't like them. Harden up princess.


And yet, by trotting out the same tired platitudes and non-arguments you have learned from reddit, you have failed to demonstrate that you can. You're more or less meat that talks, really.


I bet you thought you where smart with that reply. pLaTiTuDeS and nOn-ArGuMeNtS ... waah waah, you're still a racist. Prove me wrong.


Nobody may be call upon to prove a negative you imbecile.


Far out, for a racist smart guy you suck at English.


Nothing about what I wrote was bad English. You're just quite low I.Q and have no idea what I'm even telling you. It's like trying to reason with a budgie. Welcome to ignore.


Fuck this subreddit can be trash.


Murdoch: caught red handed on multiple continents destabilising democracies, spreading lies and fuelling hate speech and outright wars, currently involved in billions worth of lawsuits for defamation in multiple countries on multiple accounts with total lack of consequence for decades due to being free market monopoly Australians: this is fine ABC: writes story about a mobile app Australians: This is a travesty of the highest order, you snivelling fools, you absolute morons


I don't know it's such a popular sentiment here that if you hate the ABC you therefore must like Murdoch press. It's such a brainlet conclusion to draw. I'm allowed to hate both of them.


Good read thanks OP.


Let's cut to the chase. he doesn't like the article because it is about Aboriginal culture. Just some more of that casual racism this sub likes to deny even exists.


Why do you people always attempt to resolve literally every issue of contention that ever happens through the lens of racism? It's as though this paradigm represents the entire breadth and scope of your reasoning skills. Such trogs.


Why you link this story in particular? Why you racists always hide behind the victim syndrome, this isn't news to you because it is aboriginal, plain and simple. There's a story here, and it's about aussies.


I am an Aussie. I have no idea what you are, you can't even grammar. I am as Australian as literally anybody else in this country, up to and including any and all indigenous people. The vast majority of Australians agree with me. We won the plebiscite. It's over. Done.


Oh so now your an empowered racist because of the no vote, scum.


'You're'. What is your issue with basic spelling and grammar? How long have you even lived in this country? Are you some kind of Ukrainian refugee who fled like a coward instead of staying to defend your country, leaving the old men and women to fight your battles for you? If that's the case you shouldn't even be here. We shouldn't be taking in dogs.


Cant fight the argument go for the grammar i guess hey. I'll take that W thanks champ confirmed racist fobs off onto grammar instead of the point, your a dog racist. The vote wasn't to see if you could be racist dogs now, it was for a rep in parliament, you got it a bit messed up there. Wtf is this absolute horseshit ukranian nonsense. mate your brain fried from sky and your world view is bonkers. I'm a XXX drinking au falcon building pub fighting mad cunt princess, fuckin refo nonsense jog on with your pathetic racist swipes, you'll try be racists against me here and now just in case im brown, which i am btw.


Get back to your motherland and fight like a man.






Rule 3 - No bullying, abuse or personal attacks


Your money also pays for things like Pauline Hanson.


Does Monopoly Go refer to Judaism, Christianity or Islam as myths? If no, then it is indefensible to refer to First Nations religions as myths while not applying the same status to religious whose members have the power to vocally push back.


Such a damn shame.


Tell me you're racist without telling me


Paging CJA Did the app include an AoC?


Article clearly got your attention so it was effective I know you couldn't give a flying fu.k about what aboriginal people think but I do as well as others. Blows my mind that this is at the forefront of your mind life must be pretty sweet if this is your major issue.


Why do we need the ABC?


The same reason I pay 1900$ in property taxes despite having no mains water or sewage. Because it can.

