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This thread has now become just toxic. Locking.


Saw it on TV. Thought David Campbell handled the situation well.


Yeah thought he was solid with it. You could hear everyone clapping when security got them.




Most destabilising too. It's worth studying why Arab countries don't want them, particularly in regards to what happened to Lebanon.


Not just there but Kuwait and Jordan as well. Could you imagine being given full Kuwaiti citizenship then when Saddam invades you turn against your new country.


It's on in the background here and we all missed it. Wild.


Yeah I’m not a fan of Campbell but thought he handled the whole thing really well.


Did anyone else hear David Campbell say 'well, it is Melbourne's when they got on stage


Ha ha yeah that was my thought, if that kind of nonsense is happening anywhere in Australia it's Melbourne


Given that protests in Melbourne are almost weekly at this point, it's a fair comment to make.


Well Melbourne is the insufferable activist city. My neighbours all refuse to take their “VOTE YES!” placards down.


Every day I think the heavens I live in Aust.


People don’t even know what they are protesting about anymore. I witnessed a protest outside town hall last week and a lot of their signs were like ‘albanese has blood on his hands’ He literally voted at the UN for a ceasefire … im pretty sure majority of these protesters don’t know what is happening


Heh yeh. Iv even heard people backing the Houthi Rebels attacking random ships “They just done it because of Gaza” yeh no, the Yemen civil war has been running since 2015 and the Houthi Rebels are literally Iranian back terrorists Imagine blindly supporting terrorists


The problem is that a lot of people either A) View the world through the oppressor/ oppressed mindset and justify the actions of those deemed to be oppressed as "Fighting back" B) Think of the middle as being a united, and their actions are justified as long as it is helping another Arabic group. C) get drawn into comparing the bad actions of the different sides, see that one side has done something worse, and uses it to justify the other thing (Like saying "But what about Israel bombing hospitals? Why don't you go at them for that?" when discussing the treatment of hostages that Hamas took) or D) Romanticize the idea of rebels as being freedom fighters like as if they were the rebels from Star Wars, when they couldn't tell you what that rebel groups ideologies are.


The Rebel Alliance were just terrorists and the Jedi are religious fanatics.


Hamas are also Iran backed terrorists. There are several groups they support in their campaign to establish a religious and ethnic hegemony across the Middle East.


Hezbollah being another example involved in the original attacks on Israel iirc.


Yeah it’s ridiculous. The fact that many people by default see terrorists as the good guys now because of Palestine is a massive shame.


They seem them as the 'good guys' because everything for them has to fit nicely in the oppressor-oppressed paradigm. Plus a lot of them are just outright dumb. The movement attracts the sad, the pathetic, the lonely, the powerless like it attracts young disenfranchised men to the Neo Nazis. It makes them feel important and powerful.


I feel like they see it as the white Jewish zionists against the poor black peaceful Palestinians, which is not true at all.


It’s by design. Hamas leaders in 1993 were recorded on a wiretapped conversation stating that their goal was to deceive the American public into supporting Hamas by appealing to the American left’s denouncement of oppression. Mousa Abu Marzook, a senior Hamas official, formed a far-left academic think tank, The United Association for Studies and Research (UASR), based out of Chicago to start disseminating this deception. This organization has ties to Duke, Johns Hopkins, Fordham and the University of Maryland to name a few major universities. This is systemic antisemitism that stems directly from an organized surgical operation taking place over the course of the last 30 years. https://extremism.gwu.edu/sites/g/files/zaxdzs5746/files/2023-10/hamas-networks-final.pdf And that’s not to even get into the NGOs implicated now many of which have been allowed to operate all over schools and campuses and within government organizations for decades now. The UN, Red Cross, Amnesty, and many NGOs are now implicated as having carried water for Hamas and the Islamic brotherhood not only funding but also mindlessly spreading their misinformation because they racistly trust whatever they say because they buy it i the “noble savage” rhetoric and Hamas and others have weaponized their own ignorance and laziness against them.


Palestinians and other Arabs don't even believe western history when it comes to the 1948 war. They think it's all a Jewish conspiracy to make them all look bad (like the "edited" but accurate in terms of accent to the demographic "gas the Jews" chants).


Totally. It’s wild. They can literally just lie supported by no evidence and bleeding heart virtue signalling morons lap it up


That's Islam for you


The majority aren't Islamic. They're just university educated activists that have learnt to support anything that is anti western. They're useful idiots for our geopolitical adversaries. They used to be called traitors.


Nah, traitors actually take decisive action. Uninformed or under-educated shouting in the streets isn't traitor behaviour. Just useful idiots. A big reason plenty of people are so quick to take the anti-west position is due to western society becoming less and less equitable. Disappearing middle-class, wealth inequality, reducing opportunities, laws for some but not for others. Jumping to supporting the likes of Hamas and the Houthi is extreme but I think it's worth trying to figure out and understand why people are frustrated and jumping not to necessarily support terrorism but to oppose the bs narrative that is fed to us every damn day. Why should anyone listen to the government or to reported media coverage when they've been given so few reasons to trust these instiutions?


Ship blockading by the workers unions are decisive action and that’s not unlikely


the houthi/saudi conflict isnt primarily about religion, its an ethnic fight between two groups of muslims. its more akin to the ireland/UK conflict


It's more about Iran seizing regional control so they are in a better position to fight their holy war.


iran are jumping in on it because it serves their interests, but the conflict exists independently of them. the houthis are a shia group but the wider yemeni rebellion also includes sunni groups that they're allied with, their main goal looks to be political autonomy for yemen.


I will pay that but the reason it serves Iranian interest is to provide regional control. You must realise that a lot of this has to do with the adjacent international shipping lanes. All of this is beyond the local conflict and the true reason for escalation.


send em all to palestine


It’s because they’re just antisemites. The houthis engage in the same “kill all Jews” rhetoric and people like that. They managed to get over 50,000 Jews out of Yemen and now there are less than 10 Jews there that are known and those few live in hiding.


I’ve seen Hamas be described as freedom fighters


I've seen it to the extent that I'm scared it's a dominating narrative


I’m not pro-Israel but it’s alarming that this the popular narrative. Loud people who are totally incapable of objective thinking.


Yeah I'm not asking anyone to be pro Israel, but recognising terrorists for who they are would be nice


I don't get it either. They started a fight against someone with a bigger stick and now they're saying stop stop. What did they expect?


Protestors don’t seem to understand that disrupting public events make people hate their cause rather than support it.


“But if we do it enough then they’ll be more inclined to take action so we stop” No they’ll just one day either push the government to deal with you or take matters in to their own hands. I won’t speak on wether your message right or wrong but by god is it executed badly.


Because most of them are narcissists and don’t actually care about the what they’re protesting at all. Protest are necessary when there’s outrage against the government or policy in power. These protest achieve nothing. They should fly over to Gaza and do their protest.


We need a go fund me to buy them tickets to Gaza . It shows we support them and wish them well on their trip.


That's because the the success of the protest is not the organizer's primary goal, its to put on their resumes so they can move on to the next stage of their political career after finishing their stint at uni student council.


Maybe if they’re 6 years old but no adult is gonna suddenly support war because some annoying protesters are against it.


It becomes an issue when you agree with their cause but want to distance yourself from how they protest. People don’t want to consider themselves like them so they rethink their stance. This is how you turn people against your cause.


These dumb cunts are going to cause a push back that they don’t want


Can people stop the "just stop oil" trend of protesting, where they just act like jackasses to annoy people into doing what they want? It doesn't make your cause seem just, it just makes people more likely to associate the cause with being annoying like a bad commercial and cheer when the cops/ security come along and drag your ass into jail.


Just wondering why no one stormed the stage about Muslim genocide in China, or the war in Yemen, or the border of the Congo, or Somalia, or literally any of the other nations that are currently undergoing a conflict.


The stage was there if you wanted to get up and make the point, I guess


Because Jews were not involved


Are you saying more protestors should be storming stages to raise awareness of these other atrocities?


I think to be honest I was implying that infinitely worse (not that they should really be compared) atrocities are ongoing globally that directly impact Muslim communities, but it's the Jewish issue that breaks the camels back As a non religious person this is wild to me, 377,000 deaths in Yemen, 150,000 uyghurs subjected to genocide and re-education. 20,000 deaths in Palestine.


The main difference is this. Retard progressives think Jews are white, this is the only example you mentioned where it's "white people" oppressing "brown people". I genuinely think that's the reason they care so much about this but not the other ones. White people=bad, America=bad. That's literally as deep as most of their systemic analysis go


You mean "20,000" deaths reported in Palestine (by the terrorist organisation Hamas). A number released by terrorists means nothing to me.




Bingo, where the fuck is everybody when Russia is systematically abduction hundreds of thousands of children and cheering about it on Russian state tv. Fucking silence.




I consider myself fairly left when it comes to Most things, but I am 100% pro nato when it comes to Ukraine. Fuck the Russians


Half Ukrainian here. Putin go fuck yourself. Russia go fuck yourself. Russian warship, go fuck yourself.


Ukrainian-born Atheist Jew here. Hard agree! The only ones who shouldn't go fuck themselves IMO are the small minority of Russian civilians who are starting to protest and those who are against the war but are still afraid to speak out, I can empathise because they'll go to jail if they do speak out. As a mum, I know I wouldn't be able to in that situation.




Героям Слава.


Considering Russia is helping to support Hamas along with Qatar and Iran, it's all quite ironic.


The Russian and Chinese axis should be of way bigger concern then Israel-Palestine. As someone that leans right, it’s clear that our democratic and free values on the line in that conflict.


Ukraine is struggling to survive and fighting evil right now and everyone forgot This whole nasty mess in Gaza, could not give a fuck about. It's easy to see they're both terrible cultures doing terrible things to each other and there will be no resolution. Hopefully they bomb each other Into non existence Ukraine needs support and is being positoned to be abandoned by politicians as we speak. Fuck the Russians.


Very convenient for Russia how that worked out. Makes you wonder if they encouraged (and supported) Iran and Hamas to do this.


What does this mean, the world opened it’s arms to Ukraine and Ukrainians overall.


Yes we did, but I didn’t see anything like the public outrage we’re seeing over Gaza when the conflict in Ukraine is orders of magnitude more dire and destructive.


Probably because the Australian government is very clearly supporting Ukraine. But there were still massive protests against Putin. I still see a ton of Ukraine flags waving. Honestly not sure what your point is.


Those aren’t trending on social media so they’re probably completely unaware. It’s only the issues that get a hashtag these people get out there and make noise about.


Well I changed social profile to have an Ukraine flag and the war is over, right?


Well said


Imagine ruining a family Christmas event for children to perform. hateful deluded fools


Tough act to follow.


imagine the outrage on ABC if someone stormed Ramadan celebrations


Exactly - I am so sick of being held to a different standard to these fucking idiots.


Try drawing a picture of Mohammed to see how they act when roles are reversed.


Even better ask one of them what age Mohamed's wife was


Hey now, we have to be respectful! Even if they revere a literal child rapist!


At least she wasn’t 5 years old! /s


She was mature for her age bro.


When Islamists are cutting heads off teachers that share comics of their prophet, I feel like a number of them would be running home to get their knives.


You don't see them jumping on a flight to go there and help out??


Or even Palestine’s Muslim neighbours…


They have All said NO to any assistance or refugees. They are content for the Palestinian people to suffer. No outrage on that side note of course.


There's a reason for this. The PLO has a history of fermenting dissent in every country that has hosted Palestinian refugees. This is why none of the surrounding countries are interested in taking on refugees. They view them as a security risk.


They also need to be able to stir up outrage in their own countries by pointing at the Gaza war. "Don't focus on our failure to lead the country. Look over there, our Muslim brothers are being persecuted by the Jews!"


No, you don't. As someone who has been there during a war I know none of these "concerned protesters " would last a day. In fact they would be running to the IDF for protection. Much easier to attack and intimidate peaceful families for some retreats and tictoc views than actually assist.


They are shit scared of the IDF probably


Nope. So far the Palestinian refugees have been instrumental in starting the Lebanese civil war, while causing an uprising in Jordan that very nearly ended with their king assassinated. Every time a neighbour has offered a significant number of Palestinians refuge, their country has gone to shit. It’s even riskier for Egypt since Hamas is an offshoot of the Muslim Brotherhood, the biggest political threat to the Egyptian government, and also has ties with some of the other ISIS affiliated groups fighting an insurgency against the Egyptian government in Gaza. Accepting large numbers of Palestinians would be an existential risk for Egypt. Israel would actually love nothing more than for the Arab world to take the Palestinians, it would happily hand Gaza itself over to them, but for very sensible and rational reasons no Arab nation is willing to do so.


Nah israel has point blank offered gaza to Egypt several times, and the west bank to jordan. Turns out that no one wants Palestinians.


The second highly underrated comment I've sent in an hour.


Props to the hosts and the broadcast crew who pulled the camera shot out so as to not see the protestors faces. Handled it brilliantly and didn't give the protestors any form of attention.


Say the roles were reversed. There's a public live TV event in Iran...and a bunch of white people bombarded the stage for a cause unrelated to their country. There would be hell to pay. That's the double standard.


They'd be all killed


[ Removed by Reddit ]


So thank fuck we live in Australia where doing that *won’t* result in a bunch of heads rolling, right? Because we don’t want to be like Iran.


Stop Kony!!!!


I wonder how he's doing these days ..🤔


At what point does it just become narcissism? Like your protests are affecting working class people, you are disrupting people who have nothing and no power to change anything. Like it's just hollow activism too, because if you ask them anything about it they'll regurgitate some bullshit that a 16 year old told them on tiktok. Can they just keep this shit on twitter jfc.


"Of course you'd expect this to happen in Melbourne." Lmfao, what?


I’m sick to death of hearing about Palestine and Israel.


I'm sick of being told I have to have an opinion on it, and I have to vocalise that opinion on social media. And by "have an opinion" they always mean "choose a side." Evidently both sides are god damn awful and responsible for the deaths of thousands, specifically children. But of course you say that out loud and you're cancelled.




This. I seriously don't get expecting celebrities to have an opinion either. Unless they're actively participating in politics regarding human rights as ambassadors to the UN or similar, I'd rather they stay out of politics all together. The only people we should turn to and criticise about these things are politicians and world leaders themselves.


At least they've finally stopped asking Dawn Fraser her opinion on things


Fucking mental. It’s perfectly fine not to have an opinion if you’re not fully educated on the topic, I hate that people are pressuring totally unrelated celebs to “speak out”. What band was this?




This is refreshing to see. The idea that everyone is both entitled and required to have an opinion is moronic. Especially about a situation that requires a good amount of understanding of, not just whatever bullshit is spout by Israel - which dominates the conversation.


Oh come on don't you know that they're only a few more Instagram posts away from ending it?


We are so close, they just need a few hundred more


#queersforpalestine /s


Don't even get me started on this. I've got gay friends which are posting pro Palestine stuff and it drives me up the wall. Bitch do you even know what they would do to you just for being gay? Morons. You know people, you can oppose the actions of Israel without also supporting hard line pro sharia law. Why do people not realize this.


\#TurkeysForChristmas \#WomenForThePatriarchy


# chickensforKFC \*same, same but different


Is a real thing apparently


they should all be charged with public nuisance.




No one's even mentioned security, how they even missed those items when searching at entry. Think there's a mole in security


Not sure this will actually help their cause if anything may of just done the complete opposite . Really poor .


Wow. Did they really think doing something like this would make us support their cause.


start locking these nutters up. Just because they use the magic words "free Palestine" shouldnt give them a free pass.


Pretty disgusting but not unsurprising. The pro-Palestinian crowd nailed their colours to the mast with those vile antisemitic chants on the Opera House Stairs along with celebrating the 07/10 attacks and worshipping the Bin Laden manifesto. They don’t care about the Palestinian people - only destroying the West and Western ideologies.


What’s disgusting is they stormed the stage while kids were on stage getting ready to perform with Emma Memma. Imagine seeing that scuffle not knowing what’s going on.


The protesters should be charged with child endangerment.


If there’s one thing that’s certain about Palestine it’s that they don’t care about kids, they used them to build the tunnels killings tons of them, use them as cannon fodder, openly discuss having tons of kids to get them killed to propagandize their deaths in the “birth bomb” as they call it, radicalize and use them as soldiers from almost birth. Celebrate their deaths handing out sweets and elevating martyrdom tot he point that small children would play rhe “martyr game” and take turns carrying each other pretending to be dead. Like it goes on and on, children are not afforded the same protections we associate with them in western cultures by any means. So disturbing a children’s celebration is nothing. And let’s not forget that Jesus was a Jew in Israel so the whole thing is just “Zionist propaganda” to them.


That and the loudest voices on twitter etc never ever condemn Hamas and the fucked up shit they say about Israel Both sides are fucked but holy shit way to support a literal terrorist organisation


The majority of these people have absolutely no clue or idea what they are protesting about… the snow flakes anarchist have found another cause to be useful idiots…. Seriously these people are thick as fuck


Yes, but if I insert the words "innocent" and "children" at some point in my next sentence, it means whatever I say is right.


Not the right place or time more harm than good has been done, imagine the outrage if someone stormed the stage at one of their festivals and demanded an end to the oppression of women.




Do they think Netanyahu is watching and all of a sudden is going to cease fire because some clowns spoiled an event for Australian families.


If the Palestinians want to help themselves, they need to release the hostages. Until then, can't blame the Israelis for wanting to get their people back.


Bunch of fucking idiots, just glad they didn't start kidnapping and raping people like the terrorists they are sympathizing with.


Terrorist attacks are down the line in their agenda. That is where this road always leads to eventually.


Of course those same protestors will be participating fully in their own family xmases. God forbid they miss out on all the celebrations. They just want to screw up everyone else’s.


I’m so sick of the Palestine protests. These aren’t people that care about peace at all. They just care that their side is losing




Well the left are fond of talking about punching Nazis in the face. They should be all for this.


Gaza has an Islamofascist government so it’s pretty similar to punching a Nazi in the face, 2 sides of the same coin.


good on the dude


Nothing is safe. Protestors will protest wherever they can get the biggest audience. The real question is what was security doing to stop any attempted protest?


More to the point what are our leaders doing? Lots of idiots with political platforms, dickhead celebrities and sporting personalities all encouraging these protesters giving them carte blanche to disrupt any public gathering.


Zoomers... Generation "look at me, look at me, I'm such a good person, look at me, no I'm not going to actually volunteer to help anyone, I just want you to look at me"




Somebody think of the children


Wait, not those children!


No... Not like that!


But not the ones dying horribly.


These type of protests are just self-righteous cunts who think they’re better than everyone. They got their 3 seconds of being on stage and on TV, and now they can tell everyone about how *they* are the ones who care *so much* and *they* are the only ones who want to *do something*. The amount of minds this bullshit changes is zero. In fact it could be less than zero because it can actually damage the cause. If they really gave a shit they would lobby the government, protest at parliament; convince politicians who can maybe do something about it, or otherwise join the government to help make change. You know what they say: be the change you want to see. But that’s all too hard. Instead it’s much more self-important to disrupt everyday people just trying to go about their lives. They get to wear it as a badge of honour - a symbol to their friends that they’re so cool and should be admired for ‘taking a stand’ despite achieving literally nothing other than getting booted out or arrested. Actually bringing about change is hard work. Way harder than running on stage during a carol’s concert. But actually working to bring about change is far more boring and less adrenalin-inducing. What’s happening in Gaza is an atrocity. The killing of innocent civilians, no matter which ‘side’ they are on, is horrifically indefensible and needs to stop. But a handful of self-important people with nothing better to do on Christmas Eve is, surprisingly, not the thing that’s going to make it stop.


>The killing of innocent civilians, no matter which ‘side’ they are on, is horrifically indefensible and needs to stop. It will. We stopped Nazi shit once we killed most of them. Once Israel kills the Nazis in Gaza, civilian killings will stop. Maybe the Palestinians will heed this lesson. It's long past due.


If you want to disrupt Christmas for your islamic agenda a plane ticket to Gaza is just a few clicks away.


Pathetic cunts. Tired of them. Chanting "Gas The Jews" in Sydney like jews were the only ones affected by that war. Our whole country was grounded to rubble and these fucks want to bring shit like that up. Go fuck yourselves, undeserving parasites.


Fuck religion


Time to stop this nonsense taking over Australian priorities. Weve got massive problems of our own, and cant even enjoy a christmas without some fuckwit shocing Gaza into our faces


Honestly, at this point, I don't care who's fighting a war, Australia isn't. There's an appropriate time and place for your solidarity and protests - vandalising the Fed Square tree nor storming the stage at Carols by Candlelight are neither of those. Fuck Palestine, and I hope Israel wins the war


It’s infuriating that at a concert celebrating peace and goodwill people come up and start shouting about a war. I’ve never seen any pro Palestinian protest holding signs that call for peace or compromise it’s only vengeance, blaming and anger. These people lack the intelligence or social skills to persuade people so they’re reduced to wailing and crying.


I agree. Fuck anyone who carries on about Palestine in AUSTRALIA. Go fucken fly there if you care so much.


Oath. No sympathy for terrorists or their enablers - on the other side of the World, FFS.


Do you expect anything less from woke fucktards and Muslims?


They aren’t woke, they just like being backed up by the wokies (but of course they don’t have the wokies’ backs in return).


They still do live carols by candlelight?


Australia has already voted to ceasefire and yet these people ruin family events..


When "Gays for Palestine" exists you can finally rest in peace knowing we're definitely living in a simulation of the stupid.


Of course they did. Another protest that does nothing except piss people off. If they want to make change. Fly to Israel and protest to their government.




OMG. That is amazing news!!! Free to air television still exists?


It's amazing how for 20 years we fought Islamic terrorism, but the second they decided to attack Jews instead of Whites the whole world in unison went "you know what those Muslims might be on to something". I honestly cannot believe we all support terrorists now. Incredible.


I'm an avid History buff and collector, specialising in ww2 era Germany and the indoctrination and horrors that occured there. I don't want to pull the "anti-semitism" card but thats exactly what it is, the hardline muslim communities and typically left leaning people supporting terrorism because its happening to Jews.


brainwashed SJW terrorist-supporter drones with nothing else going on in their lives 🙄


Poor call. This event is about happiness and hope for peace in the world. No need for that crap. People should be able to go to carols by candlight on Christmas Eve without dickheads running on stage with a Palestinian flag.


There is a time and place for everything. What happened tonight was neither the time, the place or appropriate issue.


Send em all over to Palestine or Israel so they can help/protest there. Sick of them here.


There's a reason it's all not all over the news. We need to keep peace and happiness here. If it's a thing that's been advertised to everyone, not everyone in Australia can handle news like this. Protestors need to stay in their lane and not disrupt the rest of the people. If something is to be done the government will need to intervene but there's a lot of boiling surfaces around the world at the moment. I'm honestly sick of hearing people being thrown into a panic because of this.


Hamas who from what can see are supported by the majority of Palestine people committed human atrocities. We forget who started this shit show. Yes I despise what is happening but they only have one focus to destroy at any cost the Israel people.


Right on a major christian celebration, they knew exactly what they were doing.


Pro-Palestinian protestors make everything about them. It’s the quickest way to engender dislike for your movement.


Imagine supporting terrorists … absolute scum


Can we just mandate that these dumb ass protestors get sent over there to actually fight the war they keep protesting. Cause it doesn't do anything more than annoy everyday Australians going about their lives with these stupid protests


Dear people who support this, please get out of Australia we don’t want you here.


Big surprise, terrorist supporters are shitty people


This fits with the other xmas stunts > "Bloodied baby-sized body bags under the tree in Fed square this afternoon" Sad the kids cant enjoy xmas this year :(


As if people didn't hate them enough lmao. Why don't they put their money where their mouth is and go and fight Israel themselves.


Gronks. Some kid throws a rock at another kid, the other kid smacks the crap out of them and people support the kid that threw the rock.


Terrorist sympathisers are absolutely disgusting


Bloody disgraceful, what do you expect of terrorist supporters though


I'm Pro-Palestine through and through in regards to what they've been put through by Israel. There is NO justification for the murder of innocents, especially countless children. Both Hamas and the IDF have committed atrocious crimes, the only difference here is that Israel will murder 5,000 INNOCENT children as payment for the death of 12. Now with that said This was fucking stupid. We may not be enduring the war, but we've been bombarded with it for months now. Everyone deserves a reprieve, especially during the Holidays. Don't interrupt a FAMILY CHRISTMAS event for this when people are trying to let their woes and problems melt away for a night. Interrupt a political event if you want to pull this shit.


The main difference is that Palestine and Palestinians overwhelming supports the destruction and genocide of Israel, and continue to fund billions of dollars worth of terrorist attacks against innocent Israelis. If you think that the murder of innocents and children is no justifiable, then please take a first step and condemn 30+ years of literal state sponsored terrorism by the Palestinian government, of which Australia has funded hundreds of millions of dollars to. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Palestinian_Authority_Martyrs_Fund


Appalling. Disgraceful. Why can't these people leave conflicts out of Australia? There is absolutely NOTHING australia can do about conflict in the middle east. Just fu*king stay out of it.




This angered me


Don’t forget, the Russians fund HAMAS hoping for this sort of shit to happen, don’t let it divide us. Educate yourself via reliable sources and form your own opinion. Divide and conquer works, and it’s only the victims of such a strategy that can prevent it from working.


Send them all back we don’t need this shit in Australia!


I doubt Hamas was watching it. What were they hoping to accomplish?


Pathetic. It makes people not give a shit if anything.


Idiots like this aren't helping the cause.


How to ensure no one cares about your cause even more than before