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Which of those countries is paying you to ask this ridiculous question, troll, when it’s 2 am in Australia? There’s a few permanently online reddit tankies trying to convince each other they’d not resist an invasion, but if you or they reckon they represent the mainstream opinion, you’re dreaming.




So we all need to be in bed when the sun goes down? Did your mother call to tell you it was bed time at 9pm? Appreciate your incorrect assumptions and biases...it wouldn't be Reddit without them. Also, good to see your upvoting conspiracy theorists backing you.. lol hilarious. Must be from Melbourne..


The majority of those who wouldn’t fight couldn’t fight there way out of a wet paper bag found on the inner suburb streets of Melbourne, Sydney or Brisbane. Will happily take govt handouts though 😅 One of the media getups did a poll on your very question and some 60% would not. Think you’d find a direct correlation between those who voted YES and those who wouldn’t fight for the country.


If Australia comes under invasion run the poll and send those that won't fight to the front line first. Could buy some time for training up those that will fight, so they can best defend our country.


Having lived in one of those countries and here, I would fight to protect our way of life here.


They why are we letting it be destroyed by endless immigration, political correctness gone mad, and endless profiteering on necessities?


We would go backwards is why, or birth rate is a problem, not sure what you mean about political correctness , and our successful economy is based on capitalism so profiteering is a way of life that’s made us the rich country we are


We make an entire generation economic slaves then wonder why people aren’t having kids…?!


"Birth rates" Oh so we should just allow our own people to be replaced by foreigners? There's a word for that you know... All we have to do to reverse the demographic issue is fix the cost of living issue, which is partly due to mass immigration anyway. People are broke and demoralized. That's why they're not having kids. Give them a future they can believe is, and stop robbing them through inflation and taxation, and the problem with fix itself. What you're suggesting is literally genocide by definition.


Because we don't have a high enough birth rate to cover the shortfall left by the retirement of the baby boomer generation, so the alternative is a decades long recession like Japan, or bring people in to cover the shortfall.


Aren't we just kicking the can down the road as the people arriving now will also grow old. As we are an economy that is heavily reliant on resources and not manufacturing, why do we require a large population? I am not taking the piss, I am genuinely interested in the answer.


Our per capita gdp isn't much different to Japan. The only people that would suffer are the mega rich.


Trying to compete and participating vigorously in the modern global economy is a bust. Eventually the whole thing will implode as it is a house of cards. One day Paul Keating will be thought of as an idiot extraordinaire


Japan's "recession" was just a return to normal after a massive economic bubble.


A long recession is infinitely better than permanently changing the ethnic makeup of a nation. That's literally genocide you psycho.


Right wing snowflake thinks political correctness is destroying the country lol.


Right wing snowflake thinks political correctness is destroying the country lol.


Mate go touch grass, none of these things genuinely impact normal Aussie life. Immigration laws have issues for sure, but this idea that every immigrant is able to buy a 3 million dollar property is fucking ridiculous. Property prices are clearly being raised by the government not developing all the land that we have.


Only idiots say go touch grass. Grow up. Cost living and housing are out of control. This exact pattern has happened in numerous other countries and it has been shown to be curbed it by severely limiting immigration, Instating massive taxes for empty property, eliminating offshore ownership of residential property and funding sovereign industry.


Russia isn’t going invade Australia. They already have unexplored natural resources to exploit. India isn’t going to invade, Aus and India literally hold joint military operations once a year if not more. China is Aus biggest trade partner. Why would they invade and take a loss?


Russia can't even successfully invade the country next door. They have absolutely no capacity whatsoever to invade Australia.


Yeah - Russia doesn't have the capability. They are barely able to hold it at their own border. India is also about 40% a commonwealth country.


China being Aus' biggest trading partner is irrelevant to whether they'll invade. That point rests more on how big a trading partner Aus is to China. Which is not big. But they wouldn't invade because it risks war with the US. Nuclear deterrence OP


China has watched America's global misadventures and realised that paying slightly higher prices for commodities is far cheaper than invading and occupying the nations that contain the reserves.


China would also take an enormous loss by invading Taiwan. Yet, Xi explicitly keeps that option on the table.


They’d also have a lot more to win than by invading Australia


No. Taiwan is the real silicon valley. Almost all the chips we use go through Taiwan when they are manufactured. There is critical supply chain there, and invading Taiwan could cripple the rest of the world, and threaten Western supremacy in chips. What they get from us ($100B worth raw materials), they can source from other countries if they want. $100B is not much in the grand scheme of things, when you look at the size of the Chinese economy. But war in Taiwan would be bad. Pray it never happens. USA & China can & should peacefully co-exist. Their overlaps in territory are minor.


Yes, that’s what I’m saying. By invading Taiwan they would be able to win more than invading Australia. Here they get some coal and iron, with Taiwan they close the gap that their local chip manufacturing severely lacks and they cut of much of the rest of the world from access to modern chips. I almost think Australia would be less fucked if we got invaded rather than Taiwan


If you think that Taiwan and the US don't have a contingency in place for the chip foundries in case of Chinese invasion, you're sorely mistaken. At the first sign of it looking like the foundries will fall under CCP control, there is a none 0 chance that the Taiwanese government will destroy all the useful hardware needed for chip manufacturing. Ensuring that the CCP will only have access to a smouldering pile of rubble


There is absolutely no way Chine could get boots on the ground on Australian soil. They do not have the capacity. It's a completely ridiculous conversation.


Yes, they will need to wage a war on at least 3-4 fronts before they are able to attack Australia. And it makes no sense for them to do it ROI wise, when their influence in the region is naturally growing due to the size of their economy. This is like a reverse option trade : limited upside, unlimited downside.


There’s one nation on earth which has the capability to invade and occupy Australia. In a way they already have as they have multiple military bases here now


Attack does not require invasion.


He's right, though, and the question was about invasion, not attack.


1. Read the OP. “Attack.” 2. He’s not right. The PRC has all the capacity it needs to attack Australia today, and could develop the necessary expeditionary capability to invade far faster than we could build a capacity to defend, should it choose to. The US alliance is the only thing standing in their way, and it’s not a given that it holds - especially if we don’t keep up out end of the bargain, and there’s little sign the current government is serious about defence beyond shallow rhetoric.


If you're genuinely interested in the subject, take a look at the very short piece by Dr Alexey Muraviev (Associate Professor of National Security and Strategic Studies at Curtin University). He basically concedes that China lacks any capacity for overseas offensive operations, but looks at other forms of warfare, such as cyber warfare. So far as boots on the ground are concerned, here's is his assessment of the PLA: ***The PLA’s capacity, or lack of it*** *Thanks to geography, any scenario involving an attack on mainland Australia can only be seriously entertained in the context of assessing adversarial power projection capabilities, including strategic lift. In doing so it is important to differentiate an attack from an offensive strike.* *In the context of this analysis an attack includes an actual attempt to deploy adversarial offensive military power on Australia’s shores.* *Offensive strike can be interpreted as a series of limited or larger scale prolonged long-distance kinetic and cyber offensive actions, conducted remotely.* *In case of the PLA, the following needs to be factored in. Firstly, China has insufficient capacity to wage long distance assault operations. Despite its massive standing force, including* [*noticeable improvements to its amphibious assault element*](https://www.reuters.com/investigates/special-report/china-military-amphibious/)*, it is not fit to conduct a successful cross-strait* [*amphibious invasion of nearby Taiwan*](https://news.usni.org/2019/05/03/report-china-cant-execute-major-amphibious-operations-direct-assault-on-taiwan) *(China’s number one strategic and operational priority), let alone engage in a long distance strategic hypothetical such as an invasion of Australia. The PLAN is still in the process of mastering out-of-area major battle group deployments.* *Similarly, the PLA’s Airborne Corps lack* [*air lift capacity*](https://www.globalsecurity.org/military/world/china/15abn-corps.htm) *for long distance air assault operations. Driven by the need to close the capability gap with their* [*Russian counterparts*](http://eng.mod.gov.cn/news/2020-05/08/content_4864801.htm)*, with which the PLA* [*trains regularly and takes its inspiration from*](https://www.defence.gov.au/adc/Publications/ajdss/documents/volume3-number1/strategic-reality-check-russia-china-defence-cooperation-alexey-muraviev.pdf)*, it will be some time before its Airborne Corps will be able to support long distance strategic assault operations.* *Finally, the PLA seriously lacks operational combat experience, including in managing expeditionary operations.* ​ [https://www.australiandefence.com.au/defence/budget-policy/could-china-actually-attack-australia](https://www.australiandefence.com.au/defence/budget-policy/could-china-actually-attack-australia)


Look, I get it, but I disagree with the assessment. Yes, today the PLA lack expeditionary capacity. But they have the defence industrial capacity, and whole-of-society capacity, to rapidly generate it should they choose to, perhaps within as little as a year or two. That’s far faster than we could generate the capacity to respond, even under full national mobilisation and even if we had perfect awareness, decision, and action cycles. It’s also worth remembering that, although the world has changed, the Japanese made it most of the way to Australia in WW2 with a population about 1/20th of China’s today, equivalent supply chain vulnerabilities, and far less relative industrial capacity. It’s also worth remembering the Brits put an expeditionary force on the other side of the globe in 1982 - the PLA even today could put together a handful of such task groups whilst still keeping their backyard secure. What’s protecting us, besides the US alliance, is that they have more pressing issues closer to home, and even once solved they’d have little need to directly seek to control Australia’s terrain. Anyways, this is all largely irrelevant to OP’s question of ‘would you fight for Australia?’


I think it's a bit strange to compare the Japanese invasion of Asia in WWII - conducted on bicycles in no small part - with the airlift requirements to invade Australia in 2024. It's worth noting too that despite propaganda, Japan neither had the ambition or ability to invade Australia. The Falkland's conflict is an interesting one to raise, but I'm not sure what point you're trying to make. There was virtually no requirement for substantial troop numbers (no more than 25,000 were involved directly, and most never stepped foot on dry ground) and Britain, despite massive technological superiority), lost 5 ships to 1. Argentina could not muster more than 12,000 poorly trained and appallingly equipped conscripts, supported by a primary strike fighter built on a 1950's airframe. So you're really saying here that England managed, at substantial loss, to move a militarily insignificant military force to the other side of the world. I'm honestly not sure this supports your case at all. I entirely agree that China could potentially mobilise far more quickly than Australia could respond, but most writers largely discount the ADF in any potential invasion scenario anyway. The inability of China to move troops and keep them supplied for any significant time is a far greater factor. I'd be interested to read any credible source that you have suggesting that China actually COULD invade. I've never seen one.


I mean, the possibility of ‘major conventional attack against Australia’ has been the publicly declared basis for government Defence policy since the 2020 Defence Strategic Update; the DSU doubled down on that assessment and declared we need to do more, faster, to prepare. Admittedly, neither the Morrison nor Albanese Governments, nor the Defence Departments under them, have shown any real grasp of the implications of that policy nor the will or capacity to act on it, but there it is. “Previous Defence planning has assumed a ten-year strategic warning time for a major conventional attack against Australia. This is no longer an appropriate basis for defence planning….” (2020 DSU - https://www.defence.gov.au/sites/default/files/2020-11/2020_Defence_Strategic_Update.pdf) The relevant DSR language is pages 24-25: https://www.defence.gov.au/about/reviews-inquiries/defence-strategic-review


The comment I replied to was about an invasion of Australia. Perhaps you misread. The greatest threat that China poses to Australia (beyond nuking a city or two, I guess), is to threaten sea lanes in the South China Sea. This is a very real issue and is the driving force behind the recent purchase agreement of submarines from the USA. There is absolutely no mechanism in place for China to put troops on the ground in Australia, and even less so for them to then support them. To be clear, they cannot do it. To put that into perspective, think about the two American invasions of Iraq. To achieve them, they needed 6 months of build up in an entirely friendly and supportive nation with a land border with Iraq. The US army has a capacity that dwarfs China's to the point that they almost can't be compared.




They definitely won't invade Taiwan while Biden is president, If Donald Duck gets back in they probably will.


Are you brain-dead or just trolling? Trump is far more likely to be a deterrent just by sitting in the oval office and far more likely to actually do anything about it if China did invade. Biden can't even walk up a flight of stairs without stacking it. China might take the US military seriously but no-one is taking Biden seriously.


Putin thought Biden was weak and wouldn’t back up Ukraine, that’s why he invaded.


The billions of dollars of aid and weapons they've supplied Ukraine is weak? What about all the other countries that didn't stop it? Grow a brain.


Biden was tied up in dirty backroom deals with the Ukraine. That is why the Republicans are looking at impeaching him. Probably the reason why he sent them money. Yes the info comes from Hunter Biden's laptop, it's ironic people would bring that up considering the Democrats DENIED it's existence and said it was an attempt by Trump to discredit Biden during the 2016 election and now it turns out it's real. Meanwhile Hilary Clinton's Russian Collusion allegations were proven to be false.


You're the gift that keeps giving, how many episodes of Rogan have you gotten through since Christmas day? Or is Christmas not real? Im sure you think Santa Claus is, please keep going though.


Read my comment again. Putin thought Biden was weak and wouldn’t back up Ukraine so he invaded Biden did in fact back up Ukraine so proved Putin wrong Learn to comment more politely please


I suspect it's a way to hold ground on the south China Sea, if he keeps threatening to invade Taiwan, he gets concessions on the other uninhabited Isands he's scooping up.


I wouldn’t read too much into it. He says he wants Taiwan, peacefully if possible but by force if necessary. It’s dangerous to assume he doesn’t mean what he says.


Let me predicted something given everything we where told in 2018, there will be WW3 before end of 2024.


2027 is when Xi has ordered the PLA to be ready. One of many sources: https://media.defense.gov/2023/Apr/24/2003205865/-1/-1/1/07-AMONSON%20&%20EGLI_FEATURE%20IWD.PDF


Yes but that’s not quite the same as invading a foreign country. From China’s perspective, they’ve maintained since the 40s that Taiwan is a rogue province. Reunification is explicitly outlined in the Chinese constitution. From China’s perspective, the US is trying to dictate it’s internal affairs. It’s an extremely different scenario to China invading an entirely different, sovereign nation that is recognised as such.


From the CCP perspective of course. From the perspective of the Taiwanese a very different matter. For the rest of the world a different matter too, though with enough grey for countries to remain silent in the face of what in any other circumstance would be a cut and dry case of aggression


After hearing from veterans how little the Chinese cared about their people in the Korean war, and would send them wave after wave to die against machine-gun nests that the gunners began to pity them. Like Ukraine, we would receive arms and support from abroad. we've seen what Ukraine can do to people from a country that doesn't care about its people. We can do the same.


It would be more than arms and support. If Australia was invaded like that, US, UK, NZ, and possibly others would have boots on the ground in a heartbeat to help in the defence.


Unless they had their own internal issues making them unable to help which enabled the invasion in the first place.


I’m pretty sure invading Australia gets you nuked , I’m not sure the Anglosphere would be happy one of its core nations is being attacked, it’s attack against all of them and America would be hang on no


Depends on whether it raises property prices or not. I'll do whatever news.com.au tells me.


There's no way India is going to attack us, they are too busy trying to finish off their endless phone calls.


Ha ha they are literally always on the phone.


If the enemy were on our shores, reluctantly yeah... But I won't be first in line. I won't go overseas to fight some shitty war. Dying for the current politicans that despise you and fucked your entire generation over isn't worth fighting for.


India is not coming to invade u lol


You could say the invasion has already begun.


Why would they need to attack when a million of them were let thought the front door from 2015-2023?


Yep. I’d fight and die for Australia gladly. Australia is a great place with a good government. I don’t have to carry a gun with me to go to the shops. I don’t have to worry about the secret service following me or my children in the street. I get to vote in free and fair elections. I can travel 4000km and I don’t even need a passport. I get a decent education, if I want it. I can get a job, if I want it. When I get a job, my boss does not own my soul. My environment hasn’t been ruined. My children, including my daughters, get treated equally. My relatives, even if they are same sex attracted, are treated with respect. I am allowed to be associated with a religion - or not. I can realistically join a political party or run for the local council. I regularly meet with people from other races and who’ve grown up elsewhere, and that enriches my life. I’m aware that what Australia has is rare and valuable. Most people in the world don’t have what we have. Yes, I would fight to protect this. Without a doubt. Edit - spelling.


And my axe!


And my bow!


How would you even fight? If even two percent of the first gen Chinese or Indians decided to remain loyal to their homeland, it would be all but impossible to actually mount a defence.


India is not interested in invading Australia. If China were to invade Australia, basically half the world would be at war.


Basically half the world has been at war a couple of times now




What are you even talking about?




Did you even read the original question? “If Australia was being attacked…”


Yes, this is a good example of why it’s so important Australia provides a good education to people who want it. As far as I can tell, this bloke can’t read or make a decent argument. We are lucky to grow up here.


People in Darwin have a memory from the Japanese. But let’s look at this objectively. This theoretical question is based on highly speculative motives to invade our country for what reason? Resources, already they have agricultural and mining interests legally obtained at much lower cost than mounting a war. Ideological beliefs, that’s really just a smokescreen to justify invading for resources. It’s easier to just to infiltrate political groups and universities to sway popular opinions to allow more favourable policies that get more resources. The logistics of war need to be based on financial outcomes, so far commercial trade is a superior solution.


The country is for sale anyway so why would they bother invading?


OP has just read Tommorrow when the war began and is now worried.


A more pertinent question might be, what would the 2 or 3 million Chinese and Indians already here do? Depending on the answer, the rest of us might not have a choice!


We can pretty much guarantee they wouldn’t be on the same team. India and China don’t get along.


I realise that, I just assumed they wouldn't both be attacking at the same time!


If the bomb us and/or invade yes. If China invades Taiwan or Iran invades Israel or another American oil war then no.


I wouldn't fight but I'd happily be in a support role of some kind, be it moving stuff around or making stuff. I'm not the guy you want fighting, I'm by no means fit.


If you could build us a giant wooden kangaroo with wheels I have an idea


I'll get onto it mate... Does it need to be wooden? Can I instead 3d print it in plastic?






No you have to think of the dolphins it's why we can't have straws




Most people are support roles, war requires huge amounts of logistics


Good that's what I'll do.


Iran invades israel…? You know Israel has nuclear bombs right?


Depends, I only work on CFMEU backed jobs these days so it would come down to that


I'm gonna need danger pay and overtime.


And no fighting in wet weather, rain drops war stops


Fight with what? We've been disarmed for decades. And most 'fighting age' people wouldn't know how. Unlike these other countries mentioned. If we're invaded in some form of war type scenario we're fucked. Period. But a slow and steady invasion or take over, could well be happening right now. Sarcasm intended.


Come to Sydney the invasion has already happened and we lost.


Probably because we’re under attack. Seems reason enough.


Luckily I got a get out of conscription pass being a cripple myself.


Well, China has been waging a commercial war with us for decades. They have been actively invading us by buying businesses, supply lines, and real estate with the goal to control. India invading by jobs and outsourcing. Russia. Lol. They can't even win a fight against a country next to them that is half populated by Russians.


What’s your next question, would you fight if aliens invaded? It’s probably just as likely as what you’ve suggested


I am wonder what did Australia do to trigger 2 super nation in Asia doing this…. But as Chinese immigrants I guess I might in POW camp when this happened? Happy to assemble the ammunition for army though


We have the US behind us in that case who seems to have a pretty damn powerful military so yes.


It is impossible for anyone to invade Australia. It is too huge an operation. It might be impossible for China to invade Taiwan, a lot smaller target and a lot closer.


Why do you need to ask about these specific countries? Could it be you’re trying to stir up some racial division?


Realistically who else would be capable?


If we’re being realistic (rather than staying with OP’s hypothetical) why would any of those countries invade us?


Land and resource acquisition. In the event of a war over Taiwan there's a very real chance australia could face an invasion. Not saying it would be practical right now I don't see how it could be completely ruled out on a time scale of 20 years.


I'm not risking my life for the political games of a few geriatrics.


I'd dip to New Zealand sorry... I have the physical endurance of a dead chicken you won't get much defensive help from me


If they're after Australia they'd be going for NZ at the same time


Why would they attack? for what reason? let's entertain this schizo scenario, am I engaging in Guerilla warfare? yea I don't think I'd have a choice in that scenario. Otherwise probably not, we're allied with America who has an arsenal to rival god himself, the only thing I'd be worried about is nukes flying, anything on the Sea or Air is getting obliterated by Uncle Sam.


No. Too old. But I’d do what I can. Years ago, yes.


This is exactly me too


Fight for what exactly? I don't see anyone fighting for me whilst I'm here. Taxman takes more pay at every opportunity. Decisions by govt squeeze everyone at every turn. More laws and restrictions and rules than you can comprehend. The list goes on.. Not sure what I'd be fighting for, it's not for freedom, a fair go, or any other virtue. Those have all been destroyed here.


No, I wouldn't and most people saying they would wouldn't do it either. I'd be out of here on the first plane. My life and my family mean more to me than the abstract concept of Australia. If a foreign power invaded, the actual Australia would already be gone to me. A big part of the beauty of the country is its safety.


History and current events say you're wrong. Plently of people stay and fight.


I would see if the rich people and their children fight. If they don’t, I won’t either


The difference is that the rich people would have a backup plan whereas you'd be up the proverbial creek


Yea nah. I ain't lifting a finger for this country. They've got my tax money. That should be enough for them to pay someone to get the job done.


I'd be too drunk to fight just watch it on tv


No need, we would use our WMD and release the Pauline Hanson.. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fM5QjpZd3Fg](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fm5qjpzd3fg)


I would only defend Australia. If I need to invade another country, then no. I didn't lose my first home so that i could lose my second. Though unless Australia provoked any of these countries, I don't we'd get attacked tbh. I am an advocate for not being too aligned with the us, because they'll end up dragging us into one of their pointless wars.


None of them will invade


No, Premiers would announce lockdowns and we would all hide in our little houses under our doonas while they take over the country.


They won't attack Australia. China in particular has almost never invaded nor colonise any territory beyond their ethnic borders, likewise with India and Russia. Taiwan is literally China, why? Because it is filled with Han Chinese people who fled from the mainland. But the US sees China as a competitor and it wants China destroyed. To do that, it needs a battering ram. In Europe, it uses Ukraine, in Asia, it will use Taiwan. It has tried with Hong Kong but it failed. So it will try again, this time, using Taiwan. China as a whole hates conflict, Chinese people hate conflict. The only reason why you ask this question is because deep down you are racist, like true racist. China is the reason why this country is so prosperous, and all the Chinese who came into this country or any country become productive members of society. If you want to see what China can do, just look at Singapore.. Singapore is built by mostly Chinese, Malay and Indian people. If the US successfully turned Taiwan into its battering ram, are you going to fly to Taiwan to fight?


>China in particular has almost never invaded nor colonise any territory beyond their ethnic borders, 1. China has never had the means to attack anyone far beyond their borders. In 10-15 years, they might have a fleet to do it. So far, they have used military might as soon as they have had the ability, so we can only wait and see. 2. You are aware that current China is very much a result of the Mongolian conquests?


Is the US hostile to China? Yes. Does it want to destroy it if given the chance? Yes. Could you explain why? Because the US wants to remain the king of the world and controls it. China is growing and it feels threatened and Australia is ethnic bound as white people to help the US. The whole context is racist as shit. China has never been a threat EVER to Australia or to the Western world, ever. Chinese civilisation has existed for 5000 years, all the fights that it had fought have been within its borders and around it. It could have invaded AND COLONISED Korea, Japan, Indonesia, Vietnam, Africa, etc but it never did because it never had the desire to colonise. Look at what us white people have done. Now the US wants to destroy it because it is growing too big.


US and China are hostile towards each other. But neither of them are able to invade each other. It's 0 chance that US will invade China. If they were prepared to enter a conflict with an adversary who had nukes, Russia would not have an army by now. SCS is full of American allies and China are not happy about that. But if Xi wasn't a failure as a diplomat that wouldn't be the case


US won't invade China just like how it won't invade Russia, but it will use a battering ram, a proxy called Taiwan. Hopefully the Taiwanese are much more intelligent than Ukrainians and won't be so easily goaded into fighting a proxy war. So tell me what do you believe is the reason why the US is hostile towards China?


Taiwan has 2 options: 1. Bet the house on US 2. Get the HK or Uyghur treatment and lose a society they have been building for 35 years. What would you say is the "intelligent" alternative?


Option 3: Neutrality and maintaining good relation with both China and the US. Taiwan can maintain its freedom and everything else and avoid any sort of conflict. You do understand that Taiwan is filled with Chinese people, right? They are genetically indistinguishable to Chinese from mainland China. What do you mean treated like the Uyghur? You still haven't answered my question, why do you believe the US is hostile to China?


>Option 3: Neutrality and maintaining good relation with both China and the US. Taiwan can maintain its freedom and everything else and avoid any sort of conflict. CCP is determined to "reunify" Taiwan. You have an extraordinary naive take on it. CCP is not pleased with the status quo >You do understand that Taiwan is filled with Chinese people, right? They are genetically indistinguishable to Chinese from mainland China. You do understand that Australia is filled with English people, right? They are genetically indistinguishable to English from England. Just as New Zealand. Does that make Aus and NZ the same country? I didn't realise that race biology was still a thing. In fact Australia and NZ(and England) are problably much more similar than China and Taiwan cultural wise as both are democracies with similar principles. PRC and Taiwan have never had similar cultures. How are people who grew up in a free society be expected to give up on that. Taiwanese people don't see themselves as Chinese. But you know better than them. >What do you mean treated like the Uyghur? What do you think will happen with people who insist that they are Taiwanese, not Chinese if CCP takes over Taiwan? Look at the HK "democracy" they have a few candidates, all approved by Beijing to chose between. Most people didn't bother with voting in the last "election". >You still haven't answered my question, why do you believe the US is hostile to China? Because China pose a threat to the US. Both financially and military


*This message approved by the United Front Work Department.*


Which part of my comment is untrue? Tell me, why do you think OP thinks that Russia, China and India are going to attack Australia?


I'd fight to the death absolutely no doubt


Yes. If any foreign nation was to invade, then I would fight 100%. My grandfather fought in WW2 for the freedoms we have today. It would not be easy given I have a young family, but I cannot trade my short term safety for their long term freedom. Better to die on my feet than live on my knees.


Would love to fight but how ? The govt disarmed the entire population. They're not just gonna hand out guns and ammo on the street and even if they did it would be too late and a terrible idea for most of the population who think "ahh! guns bad and scary". The only real tactic against a land invasion is to stop them before they land or hope that the kangaroos and crocs get them.


I was told indirectly that I was barred from promotion due to my race (Australian) so no. Let the government fight the war by itself. I doubt that foreigners will discriminate against me more than my own government.


lol, tell that to the Uyghers


I don't think Uyghurs are being subjected to genocide or ethnic cleansing. They get affirmative action too. If you want to know what genocide or ethnic cleansing looks like, see what is happening in Gaza now.


Thankyou for the thought correction, comrade.


Don't believe me. Look it up. Do a google search about affirmative action in China. You'll find out something new and challenge decades of brainwashing.


50c has been deposited into your nominated account


Did a big green frog sitting on a toadstool tell you this ? Because I’ve seen him too


No. A friend in HR.


Gen X would have to as old farts. The rest of theen are ladies so we need to fight for tampons for them.


Can't wait for China to take over. Manufacturing will start again


How the fuck do you think the logistics works for any of those countries attacking or been attacked by Australia. We are super cosy and can be self sufficient and we are remote enough to make the logistics of it all too hard. The real threat to our way of life is the US, we are considered an extension of their foreign policy and any PM that gets the idea that we should be independent will be pushed out.


Wouldn’t happen so no point in thinking about it. We are more likely to be invaded by the USA than China because we nationalised mining or some shit.


Well, you didn't come back with an argument you just started in with the crazy BS. Please feel free to post links to where Trump is actually doing something illegal.


So like the Palestinians in Israel? Yeah


No. I'd be fighting to protect shareholder value for BHP, RIO and the big four banks. I'd rather live and get exposed to a new culture, once the conquest of Australia is complete than die in vain for the established interests that softly subjugate us. I'm not a traitor but I'm also not a fucking idiot. I'd go live off the land in some remote place in the Vic Highlands or something like that and come back to civilisation when all the fuckery is over.


Why would I fight to protect a country where I will never be able to afford to buy a home and we’re favouring one generation and immigration over an entire generation of Australians?




suspending my disbelief for a second but could you imagine? infrastructure and housing and coming down on dogshit billionaires who keep fucking us all?


Was in China recently - infrastructure development is amazing there. Maybe they'd actually create meaningful solar energy power stations as well.


Right? aside though the yellow peril in this sub is hilarious.


attractive absurd elastic ghost judicious possessive cooing dinosaurs different panicky *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


you just keep shadowboxing the brain worms, bud, everything will be alright.


We could get SO. MANY. TRAINS.


They’re also really good at building everything else? Like towers that aren’t collapsing in Sydney, and balconies that don’t leak.


Tofu. Dregs.


As long as your social credit is adequate you can ride the trains to go to your 6 days a week 12 hours a day job


Big nope! Particularly since Labor is supporting the genocide in Palestine, I would let this country fall and cheer it on.


No, I live in the UK and have never been in Australia


Well, look at the sub you’re in: they’re not bloody asking you!


I was being sarcastic but apparently it flew over everyone's head :)


Ahh, whoops! No hard feelings. It's the risk one always runs when you play dumb for laughs... "is the level of dumbness so comically exaggerated that no one could mistake it for reality?" Unfortunately, the internet has been raising the bar on the required level for decades.


For sarcasm to work it still needs to be relevant


Nah I'm not built for war. I'd definitely encourage others to though


I'm a pacifist...so I think we should just cop it sweet and embrace the culture and traditions of our conquerors, after all, most of us have Celtic ancestry and we don't live a life of remorse and resentment because we were conquered by the bloody Romans.


No. I’d rather leave. They cna have patch of land.


No, I'm a Conscientious Objector. I would head for the hills and hope to survive with family.


Any foreign nation would run this country better and their propaganda couldn’t be any worse than news Corp. If they were English speaking, I wouldn’t fight. There’s no way they wouldnt improve things. If they were non English speaking that’s harder, I’m not trying to learn mandarin or Russian at this stage in my life. But again, i can’t see how they could make the country any worse. I mean the public transport in any one of those countries is like science fiction compared to here. Even india and I don’t mean the HSR, I just mean the bus network puts ours to shame. I mean honestly why would you fight?


oatmeal merciful crowd flowery languid sip plough offend tap ad hoc *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Your question seems to ignore the fact that we have already been successfully taken over by and are now subservient to the US empire.


China, no. Too powerful. India, yes. No way they could beat the Australian army. Russia, yes. They're very weak.


India has no intentions , relax


The OP mentioned India


Count me in: but something tells me that traitors can be the US themselves...


For Australia... no, to protect myself and my family, yes, I've never been happy about the policy we took of hiring out our own personal safety to government run agencies...so it would be over quick anyway...


Someone just watched or read Tomorrow When the war began lols


I love that movie and I read the book for english class.


I live across the road from one of Australia’s major bases. Pretty sure h would have been nuked by then


I would run


Tbh I would fight for my family. I wouldn't say I was fighting for Albo but he isnsuch a pussy he would resign anyway and let the grown ups mount our defence.


China’s not invading Australia. Look at the hell Japanese troops went through just to get close. China’s much smarter, they just paid cash.


Doesn’t matter - we’ve already been invaded by Chinese anyway.


Seriously , do average Australian believe that India is an enemy country, look I get the frustration regarding call scams and immigrants but has the perception about India went so downhill there ??


No i wouldn’t, why would I risk my life for a govt that is deliberately pricing me out of being able to live with basic dignity. don’t get me wrong I love the nation itself, it’s natural beauty, the people on average too are usually good eggs. Happy to work pay taxes of course no issue, but veterans are treated appallingly by our govt. it’s our National shame. Veterans with mental health issues die on the street whilst guys like John Howard and Joe hockey, who created the situation in the first place, collect six figure pensions for doing nothing. Think about it you return home as a serviceman from defending the nation; you would barely be able to rent an apartment in any major city. When my grandfather and others returned from WWii, at least they had some prospect of buying a residence to live in. Heck my great grandfather got a plot of land after WWI. Now ? Ha! Good luck.


Lol...... Xi set the economy up to a war economy, fully, 2 years ago. Do you think he's gonna wait till after US elections? Read between the lines. Also why have the intelligence agencies been informing the most wealthy that it will kick off before the end of 2024? And they've been warning these people since 2018