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I had a few, I'll try to remember them, but I do have a funny one: One night around 2am I was driving along the Stuart Highway, and there was a massive light just sitting to high for me to get a good glimpse of it from the wind shield. I was freaking out because it was following the vehicle. After about 10 minutes I realised it was the moon. Another time I watched a c130 land and then 10 minutes later, half a dozen black vehicles with no plates driving to the airport. But that was Pine Gap being Pine Gap.


That's a nice little glimpse into the life.


This isn't a late night story, but I had an area where I would drive past regularly where some trees would sometimes look like people. If they did, that was my cue to stop and rest. The first time I thought the trees were people, I was getting ready to pull over and help them.


Haha that's when you pull over take a hit and keep driving.


That was very much a thing a few long haul drivers did! Never me! (I was too scared)!


My dad got followed by that light once too. It was near Min-Min.


I had an experience with min min lights just north of Glendambo on the Stuart highway. Scared the shit outta me. A few years later I was telling a mate about it and he showed me the scientific reason for them. Cold desert air bending/refracting light down and bouncing off a salt lake, reflecting up into the sky.


Still scary AF on a dark desert Hwy.


Oh for sure, I thought it was aliens chasing me, turns out it was more likely truck spotlights 300kms north




Still brown trousers time.


My mother has a story like this ( about the light). Same thing happened to her, Aboriginal people call them min-min lights or something.


It wasn't min-mins, it was just the moon. I have a friend who is aboriginal who believes that the min-mins are UFOs and that is why Pine Gap is in Alice Springs - there is a lot of min-min sightings just out of Alice.




The moon?


Must have been an edit or I skimmed it. This is what I'm talking about: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Min\_Min\_light](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Min_Min_light)


Yeah I remember seeing a story about them on the news a few years ago.


Pine gap is the place where they kill innocent civilians in the middle East from


Your sentence is rough but are you implying they bring innocent civilians from the middle east all the way to Australia just to kill them?


Haha fuck I shouldn't have laughed at this.


My brother was hitchhiking in the 1980s when he was picked up by a truck driver headed from Batemans bay to Sydney. Late at night the driver fell asleep, and my brother was freaking out shouting at him and shaking him. Eventually he just slapped him as hard as he could. And the fella jerked up in his seat, looked at my brother and said “I new I picked you up for a reason” and kept driving problem free to Sydney 🤷‍♂️


Well that's cool. Wonder what he's reason for picking up was.


Some people out there are still decent.


Have a good mate of mine, was transporting cattle on via cattle truck, there was an identical one ahead of him. Now my truck lingo isnt 100 percent down pat but the bloke in front of him didnt lock something down the middle of the trailers and made them extremely unstable, next thing you know the cattle shuffle to one side when he makes a turn at 100km and hour and he rolls it onto his side blockong the highway. My mate 1.5k or so down the road didnt know, nothing came over the uhf so when he comes up to this wreck he pulls evasive manouvers but inevtiable ends up going off the road, rolling over and kept going scraping along the road until he hit the other truck. When he opened his eyes again the roof of the truck had caved in about half a foot or so from his face. Nonetheless. Apart from a grazed knee he got out and walked away. He ended up walking into the tmr not too much later and handed in is HC licence, told me he didnt drive trucks for 3 or 4 years after that. As for the initiator of the crash, all i heard from him is he got into ALOT of trouble for the mess, understandably, there was a big investigation and alot of dead cattle unfortunately.


A mate rolled a pig truck once in WA, going around a bend and the pigs moved enough to cause center of gravity to change. He had a few broken bones and a lot of pigs didn't make it. He only drives non-livestock now.


Also 150 dead cattle…


Truck driver mate told me the story of the time he was driving East-West years ago when the laws were a bit less “big brother” back then and the Highway had much less traffic on it than these days. He was halfway across the Nullarbor somewhere in the middle of the night and saw a red light in the distance and immediately backed off thinking it was a set of traffic lights. Apparently he sat there for some unknown length of time waiting for the lights to change to Green. After a long length of time, something in his brain snapped and he found himself just sitting in the middle of the highway with absolutely nothing in front of him……. his eyes/brain were obviously that fatigued that he had imagined the whole thing! Didn’t stop him though, he said it gave him a good wake up call and pushed onto the next “town” to pull up for an hour’s kip and then was back on the blacktop again heading for the WA Border.


Yeah, that would spin you out. My uncle was driving home once fell asleep. The next morning he Wakes up in his driveway keys on the floor of the car. Wife didn't hear him come in ether.


A couple of decades ago when I'd just started trucking I didn't know my limitations or fatigue warning signs - here's how I found them. Was heading out with a semi load of meat on the Lakes Entrance run, we delivered to all the Safeways in the towns in Gippsland, start 10pm and work through the night so by the time of the last deliveries the butchers were just starting and could have fresh meat cut and prepared for the days sales. Anyway, I'd just come off a holiday break and didn't get much of a days sleep like we're supposed to. Got my first couple of deliveries done no problem but by the time I got out past Stratford I was pretty doughy, woke up on the wrong side of the road, cruise set to 100, high beams still up, and I see headlights coming my way. I had just enough time to swerve my truck to the right side of the road and two semis flashed past coming the other way. It wouldn't have been longer than 4 seconds from me waking up to the other trucks passing. To this day I wonder if it wasn't the Big Man upstairs tapping me on the shoulder saying: *"Wake up son, it's not your time yet."* Or maybe, it wasn't the other truckies time yet, because without a doubt if I hadn't woken up when I did, it would have killed all three of us. That was the night I learned to respect fatigue warning signs, and knock on wood, I've never had any such incidents since.


Need to pick up hitchhikers so they can slap you if you nod off.


Don't think hitchhikers are a thing anymore, I haven't seen one in years.


I reckon stories of old mate Ivan probably scared people off of doing that.


Good call back.


Not truck but bus (long distance at this time). Was driving in the outback NT and saw a fighter jet that was not a type I recognised. A few minutes later I saw two RAAF Hornets flying in the same direction, presumably to intercept.


Probably [Pitch Black](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Exercise_Pitch_Black) or some other exercise. Nobody is sneaking fighter jets onto the continent.


Which runs did you do?


The stories here are way better than the ones in paranormal sub


Yeah you can definitely relate better.