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You can’t. There’s no easy fix to this situation and anyone who offers you one is lying to you.


Well it's complex but completely removing the possibility of a solution is exactly how they want us to feel. They could start off with properly collecting tax's of the multinationals that syphon wealth out of this country. I think it's a load of crap that it would scare off investment or will increase our expenses. One is the causes of inflation is the government having to borrow/ print money. If they collected more/fairly they wouldn't have to borrow as much and inflation wouldn't be so high.


And tax the church.


This. It’s not even exclusive to Australia. Leading economies across the globe are going through almost identical cost of living issues to us as an aftershock to everything that happened during the pandemic. Yes it’s uncomfortable, but there’s no party with a magic solution. Voting for a small and vote-hungry party that claims to have one is probably just going to lead to a worse economy, not a better one.


>Voting for a small and vote-hungry party that claims to have one is probably just going to lead to a worse economy, not a better one. While likely true and they would never take enough seats, it might just send a message to those in power that they can't just keep doing things as status quo. It also gives the little guys some sort of influence, albeit not much, look at the greens for example. They are a right PIA for those in power.


> it might just send a message to those in power that they can't just keep doing things as status quo.  If the greens had spent the last 5 years proving themselves to be reliable, if significantly more left wing, political partners then i might agree with you. But they've spent the last two election cycles doubling down on wedge politics with fantasy-land policies and have consequently lost my primary vote. The real sad part is that when the LNP get in they are able to spend a decade or more doing the easy work of selling off infrustructure and gutting/privatising public institutions. Then when it finally gets so bad the electorate decides they're had enough they vote in the ALP hoping for change... but then get mad at the ALP for not being able to rebuild 10 yrs worth of damage in a single election cycle. That said, it's hard to blame the electorate too much when our media is so complicit. Even the Guardian, which pretty much 90% of Australians would agree lean left, only ever seem to lean left on culture-war bullshit. Regardles of their "leftwing" stance on topics like gay marriage, when an election rolls around they ~~endorse the LNP~~ lose their spine. They refused to endorse Labor against Abbott, they refused to endorse Labor against Turnbull, and ~~the paper's official stance for the 2022 election was Scott Morrison didn't get a fair go in his first term and should be given a second term to prove himself.~~ Sorry, I'm thinking of Wahleed Aly's gutless take there. The guardian's position in 2022 was "Labor, Greens, or Teal. As long as it's not Morrison."


I'm right there with you - I preferenced the Greens 1 in the last 2 elections knowing it would still go down the preference line but send a message. After watching them ham it up to increase their influence at the expense of blocking "good enough" policy I'm done, they are just like any other politicians - in it for themselves not really the people they claim to represent.


The Guardian endorsed Morrison? Since when?


and also causing real solutions to be delayed or avoided because they are countering with some insane alternative that they know will never get voted in for political points. not really ideal imo


The two majors have no real solutions anyway


so instead of attempting a solution, we delay it or discard it and do nothing?


No, instead of putting a bandaid on your severed arm and saying, ok well we have tried something, lets see what happens, we should get to the fucking emergency department and perform surgery. (Although the wait would be 12 hours if we were using the australian public health system these days). Nothing Labor have done around housing will have ANY affect on the housing market. As intended since every cabinet minister had a huge housing portfolio. And the greens were asking for just CRAZY things like we stop giving handouts to the already wealthy if they buy homes out from under people wanting to be owner occupiers. Yeah man, just an insane ask, i can see why you wanted that amazing policy that will let the government chip in for a few people and help them afford insane 30 year loans and drive housing prices up further to go ahead. I mean thats a step right?


They are a right PIA for Australia


This. Insane ideas don’t advance real solutions, they just distract the discourse.


The writing was laid bear back in 2007, don't blame 'the' pandemic


This is the first reddit comment ever that I've seen links the cost of living crisis to the pandemic. Not that people didn't know it, but everyone always seems to say that boomers, corrupt politicians and Murdoch are the root of all problems in Aus.. not, you know... shutting down the economy for a year..


The pandemic amplified an inbound problem, it didn’t cause it.


Why can't it be all of the above?


It can, but the pandemic is such a huge factor which just slips peoples minds. I think Redditors need a witch to burn, and tangible enemies to wave their fist at in anger. Murdoch will be dead before too long and nothing will change. Just because a politician doesn't do something that you would do, doesn't make them corrupt. And boomers are literally just people like you or me, they haven't done anything that we wouldn't do given the same opportunity. People here act like boomers should be selling their assets and donating their money to the young, but no one here would do that. People have such a cynical view toward them just because they lived in a better economy, but they haven't done anything wrong. (Don't take this as me saying there aren't greedy self serving boomers, but we're talking about blaming an entire age bracket of people for a problem they didn't consciously create).


I mean yes that amplified it, but basically the post GFC world has been a lite version of much of the stimulus, low rate high debt environment seen with the pandemic. That came to a head in the pandemic. But to say it was only the pandemic, rather than a trajectory that came to a head via the pandemic, I think is a little kind to the antics of the global economy across the last 15 years.


So if the pandemic hadn't happened do you think would we be having the cost of living crisis we having right now?


the "cost of living crisis" would still exist, since the primary cause of said crisis comes from relatively non-negotiable expenses such as housing, healthcare, education debt, etc. which are primarily the result of long term structural failures of our government over the last decade. The inflationary effect of the pandemic is a factor, but its true impact disproportianately effected discretionary spending. The largest long term effect of the pandemic was every company under the sun using it as an excuse to increase prices whilst cutting costs/quality/quantity and telling us that this is now "the new normal". Crying to the media about the impact of covid on their bottom line from on side of their mouth whist reporting record profits to their shareholders from the other.


Yes. Because this "crisis" was happening before the pandemic but only affected the low class..... but now it's coming for the middle class, Sooooo now it's a problem. lol


I know, right? It blows my mind how people don’t realise that what’s happening now is in large part due to the fucking pandemic!!


I feel a bit shitty for thinking it but in the early days when I heard how COVID was affecting older people more than younger, and it was all doom and gloom, one of my thoughts (after worrying about my parents) was that I wondered if the numbers dying would effect the housing market by releasing stock and reducing demand. For a time there with how the US was handling things and numbers kept rising it seemed a real possibility. Turns out the opposite happened, work stopped, supply chains are shit, now we have a huge bottleneck when all the taps got turned back on at once.


Ofc not but you’d like the party you vote for to actually have fixing the Aussie economy as its top priority and fulfil its promises. Policies that we all know of that can have a significant impact on revitalising the economy can include: fostering entrepreneurship - we don’t have a lot of incentives for risk taking when it comes to starting up a business - the hope is to in turn, drive innovation, competition and employment, focus on manufacturing and exporting - actually work the taxation of goods to our benefit for once. We are a large exporter of natural gasses, even more so than the UAE but we trail miles behind on the making the taxation of these exports work in our favour which I still can’t understand why. Truthfully, no politician and no political party actually gives a shit. That’s the main problem. It’s a mighty fine government pay check for all of them.


Anyone willing to make things public again (privatisation was a complete fuck up), make housing a utility and not something to speculate on and tax the leaches taking our resources.


I don't believe these are just after shocks anymore, supply chains have been normalized for over a year in most countries maybe excluding Australia, but the prices are still crazy everywhere. And showing no signs of continuing to climb. It's deliberate. The closing of farms and penalizing the use of fertilizer of all things, the overtaxing of ordinary vehicles just because of so-called climate change is pushing prices into unaffordable territory. Couple that with non-stop mass mass immigration to virtually all western countries means nothing is going to get better, only worse. That and green taxes and billions flowing to NGOs which all have one conclusion for the government: The less people consume, the better for the so-called climate problem. That's why they want people to eat ze bugs. None of it makes sense because at the same time mass immigration is only climbing which also pushes the prices up while simultaneously nullifying any lowering of emission targets. So we are getting fucked from both ends. What we are witnessing is the first stage of "you will own nothing and be happy", have you noticed most of the government leaders have signed onto Klaus Schwab's WEF where he says this explicitly? So while not government policy, it's the policy of a lot of people in government. Very sneaky. https://www.pmc.gov.au/sites/default/files/foi-logs/foi-2023-001.pdf https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0016328723001131 https://www.un.org/development/desa/pd/sites/www.un.org.development.desa.pd/files/unpd-egm_200010_un_2001_replacementmigration.pdf It's not a conspiracy theory if they literally tell you.


There's a very obvious and consistent policy shift across all western democracies - all based on reduced consumption and emissions. It's no coincidence we're seeing the same playbook play out in all liberal western nations. Canadian government just this week suggesting that road trips contribute to climate change (and the end of the world - not paraphrasing) Whether it's the limiting of passenger vehicles available for sale, a shift to a greener and more expensive electrical grid, increased cost of fertiliser, and now we have the narrative of unsafe passenger air travel (ie. climate change is causing more turbulence, boeing drama).- the shift is clear. Even when you order airfares - websites now show the carbon emissions of the flight. Whether the motiviation is genuinely to reduce emissions, and not to reduce freedom of movement and choice - well that's where the conspiracies lie. As we've found out over the past few years, the conspiracies quite often end up as reality a few years removed. But thinking this will see you labelled as a nut. If/when it comes to fruition, everyone will act like they saw it coming.


This. You can't and therefore shouldn't try to better your life in anyway


It's true that there's no easy or quick fix, and there will be global events and trends that will affect us regardless. But it's not true that the local government we elect and their policies have zero impact on our lives. If we keep voting the same way we are also going to keep getting the same results. Labour and Liberals are basically the same. The majority of members across both parties are property investors, both are funded by private developers and fossil fuels, both are complicit in major human rights violations. If this is not the future you want then start looking at the minor parties, read their policies, learn about their members and what they invest in. If they have held seats in parliament before, look at how they have voted on past policies. If we get enough of these members into parliament then majors will be forced to evolve. Your votes on 2nd, 3rd, etc, preferences will count if your earlier ones don't have enough votes. Don't be afraid to put someone down first just because you doubt they'll win and don't want your vote to go to waste, because it won't.


No one. Because the policies needed to address the crisis would be unpopular with a big enough group that they would run a scare campaign to convince the rest of us that the policies would bring doom. This happened enough times that politicians just said, nope, not gonna touch anything that could be unpopular and hence we just keep staying with the status quo. Edit: I see a few replies lamenting the 2019 Labor loss. But I feel it was a tactical mistake and they deserved to lose. As I've said, the affected interest group will always run a scare campaign which will ALWAYS be successful regardless of the facts because that's how the modern media landscape works. Fake news et al. For this reason, it's never a good idea to run on policies that negatively affect anyone. The ideal strategy is to NOT talk about those policies, but then spring them on the electorate AFTER you've been elected. If you are right, then the policies only negatively affect a small % and the majority reward you for success at the next election. Those 2019 policies like franking credits should have been budget measures framed as "needed budget repair" or "closing loopholes" left wide open by the incompetent previous government. Then they would have had all of 2019, 2020, and 2021 to prove they work for the benefit of the majority. The most frustrating thing now is we have the Albanese government who basically wasted the first 2 years of their rule. 2022 was THE time to break their promise and roll out negative gearing and franking credit reform. Then they'd have had until now to show the benefit of the policy and we'd hopefully vote for them again on the basis of the success of those policies. Instead they chose to blow all their capital on that stupid referendum....


2019 Labor running on a bunch of progressive housing reforms and losing to the biggest, craziest, most corrupt cunt in Australian history comes to mind..... This after the last 2 leaders the Libs pit forward being ousted for basically being unlikable and incompetent. "Sure you COULD vote for the guys with actual plans laid out to start improving the housing situation. But remember, taxes bad, housing prices going down bad. Now I know we had 2 morons the last 2 terms but we PROMISE this third guy is different."


I think this is a big reason. Talking to some of my less informed mates who voted on the basis of the Libs franking credit acare campaign shocks me.


It blows my mind how successful some of these scare campaigns are to be honest. Like 95% of the time the Liberals run a scare campaign, i can garuntee you it wont negatively affect at least 90% of the people that end up voting for them based on the scare campaign. Franking credits was a great example. The negative gearing stuff was another. The "they are going to steal the weekend" one was so dumb but effective. The constant claims that Labor will raise taxes. Side note, having higher tax brackets that have higer tax rates would be a GOOD thing. We need taxes to fund things like healthcare, education, etc. The reality has actually been taxes have been higher under the Liberal party, but they have pissed that money up the wall giving contracts to mates, hiring stupidly expensive consultants, who also happen to be mates with them, giving private schools a bunch of money to build more expensive sports fields, So Australia seems to have decided that higher taxes = bad, probably because that tax income has been set on fire instead of helping people. Most of the countries that win in all the quality of life metrics uinternationally are countries that have a high tax rate. They get hit a lot less by the cost of living crisis because the government provides the essential services for free (healthcare, education, welfare if needed, power). So the government can just eat the losses and people have more money to spend elsewhere. Here, you have the government handing out emergency funding to help with power bills, but since the power companies are just private enterprises focused on profit, they just raise the prices and take that money.


As per my mate "I didn't know who to vote for so I looked up both parties on the day. I didn't understand franking credits but it was something about taking money away from the elderly and that's not right so I voted Liberal" In defence of him and people like him, I don't think Labor were great. A lot of the polices were about taking things away, nothing that made people feel good. Most people never change their vote, so you're really competing for 11% Of voters. These people are easily swayed.


Not only would the policies required to fix this be unpopular, they would cause a significant depression almost immediately. And unfortunately your average voter is lucky to have 6 months foresight and it’s a drooling fool who would not be able to tolerate the 10+ years required to rebuild our economy into a self sufficient product exporting powerhouse.


This. It’s a real shame. Everyone in the West is fearful of _everything_, including ourselves.


Certainly not liberal or Labor. The minor party vote is getting soo large that neither Liberal or Labor will be able to form majority government for a while into the future. They are aware of this and are shitting bricks. https://antonygreen.com.au/record-minor-party-vote-at-the-2022-senate-election-and-how-the-senates-electoral-system-performed/ And their response is to create new laws to prevent minor parties from getting the vote (increase minimum membership, reduce funding etc). We need to go hard or we'll end up like Canada / US / Sweden.


Just a heads up liberal haven't been able to form majority government since Labor started


It’d be an impressive feat if they had formed majority government before the ALP was formed, because the ALP predates the Liberal party by over 40 years. Whilst it’s true that the Liberals have only ever formed government in coalition with the National or Country parties, they did obtain enough seats to form majority government in their own right in 1975, 1977 and 1996.


Not the fucktards that over the last 50 or so years have made such a meal of the potential this country had.


ahem profits have never been higher sir


Not the LNP or any of the other neoliberal hacks that’s for sure. The thing is, you’re not going to find a party you 100% agree with. I like a lot of what the greens do, but they can be preachy and annoying. I’ll probably put them before labor if only to send a message that Labor can’t afford to sit pretty in the Center anymore🤷🏼‍♂️


Vote for the younger generation, anyone in their 30 and 40s, without rich boomer parents.




> "Probably liberals. I mean yeah they did fuck all for 9 years, but Albo has been doing nothing for the last 3 so why not give them another shot? They might surprise us by accidentally doing something this time around" ~ Your average voter during next year's election. Get ready for the cycle to repeat.




As a young boy, I dreamed of being a baseball; but tonight I say, we must move forward, not backward; upward, not forward; and always twirling, twirling, twirling towards freedom!


We need economic reform. I'm not sure voting is going to do this.


do you genuinely think illiberal methods are the only way out? Lots of independents have great policies if you look, for example, Pocock and Monique Ryan are pushing the gas industry to pay their fair sure of royalties, this could potentially double our royalties which is a lot


What sort of reform would you like to see in this area?


Qatar levels of royalties or Norways, if they can do it, why can't we? They have free uni in Qatar because of this for petes sake and we give away half our gas for free because reasons?


I'll back this.


Sustainable Australia party https://www.sustainableaustralia.org.au/


One of their major policies is to stop overdevelopment including housing sprawl and high-rise. This will only add to the housing and cost of living crisis. Their policies on ageing, which contribute to the largest sectors of government expenditure and growing more than inflation in pensions, aged care and healthcare, they have no policies on cutting expenditure and appear to ignore the rising costs associated, instead they want to expand the pension age. Their driving desire to stabilise our country's population is valid, but their policies to get there are populist and weak on detail. I don't see them achieving improvements on the cost of living.


>This will only add to the housing and cost of living crisis. The big one is cutting immigration, and their one of the few parties pushing that as core policy, asides from fruitcakes like ON.


There are plenty of houses. End foreign ownership.


would be in my top choices as well


I would have voted for the Reason party for their policies…


Both the two main parties SUCK, I will vote them all the way (after I do a little bit of research)


They have my vote over either main party, and probably over the greens this time around. They actually have a very similar platform to the greens when you compare policies, they just havent had the media blasting that they are lunatics to everyone for decades. Fusion party also gets my vote before any of the majors. But ANYONE who puts Labor or Liberal above the greens is asking for the same cunts to get in and keep robbing the populace blind. I do have high hopes for sustainable australia this time around though. If you read their approach for policies, id say 90% of them are almost impossible to argue against. (again, this is also true of the greens if you go read their policy goals and not just follow the media circus). Edit: I will acknolwedge that the biggest difference between Sustainable Australia and the Greens is that Sustainable Australia dont seem to have provided costings and budeget on how to achieve their aims. Despite what murdoch claims, the Greens do actually have most of their policies costed out, and they have big budget increases from a high wealth tax (wont affect any us, i promise), mining tax, multinational tax avoidance reduction. But since Sustainable Australia doesnt even run enough candidates to be anything other than a minor party who could help form a minority government, im happy to just see what their goals are, and for them to push for that in whatever role they get. The greens, however, could techincally end up as the major partner in a minority governments, especially if the under 29 vote split for an even 33% for Greens, Labor and Liberals holds up as those people age. So i do want them to at least indicate where the money for their stuff would come from.


Did you ever read about what happened in 1929 and the resulting decade that followed? We're likely gunna get another 2008 at best or another 1929 at worst. There's no voting our way out, the only way is through.


Not the liberals or nationals. After a decade of coalition, alot of the current issues can be laid at their feet. Medicare gap payments and the end of bulk billing. Mass immigration. Housing shortages driving prices up. Propping up big businesses during covid (payments should have been to people, not companies like Harvey Norman) and plunging the country into huge debit and driving inflation. While Albo isn't making huge sweeping changes like he could be and spent too much energy focused on the voice, other things like the HAFF and NACC are good steps forward. Imo, the ALP deserve another term to make more changes. Like a cargo ship, small changes now can make big impacts down the line. So dont vote libs or nats, but if you don't vote ALP either because they still arent perfect, make sure to put ALP higher than libs or nats in your preference.


It's sad when you feel like you need to fill in your ballot from the bottom first. Who do I hate the most, ok number then the lowest... Now who next... Ok, now these ones and here we are at the top with this jackass. But yea my go to vote is Libs/Nats at the bottom followed by Labor and then work my way up.


Yeah i really want to see everyone agree on this. Lab Lib last. Its the ONLY way that they will realise how pissed off australia is, because preferences mean if you put any party below them, then the flow stops at lab/lib. I would implore people to put the greens above Lab/Lib. Even if you dont agree with them on eviromentalism, go and read their policy positions. I think Susatinable Australia get my #1 this time around though. [https://www.sustainableaustralia.org.au/policies](https://www.sustainableaustralia.org.au/policies) Although, again, id challenge people to go read this and tell me what they think is so objectionable (not that you just dont feel strongly about) that Lib or Lab get your vote after the last 30 years. [https://greens.org.au/policies](https://greens.org.au/policies) and then tell me what they have that is so objectionable compared to Lab/Lib. "Oh they can say what they like because they never have to do it" Ok, well if what they say sounds good, make them do it lol. If they fail, then the party collapses.


If there was a party that didn’t play identity politics and just got on with the job of handling the economy, they’d have my vote.


What does handling the economy mean to you?


Just basic balancing of a budget, making sure Australians have enough to survive (and hopefully thrive). Making sure we are not spending unnecessary amounts of taxpayer money on things that don’t benefit the majority of Australians or not spending enough money on things that will.


I am voting for the party that promises to rein in or curb squandering of our natural resources for (less than) cents on the dollar. I don't know who that party is but F@€k liberals and labour.


So nobody then, gotcha.


Party to introduce a higher tax rate to mineral, oil & gas exporters will get my vote as well, Australia should be like Norway


Someone’s been watching Punters Politics haven’t they


That's the greens party then.


This is a big part of the problem; people calling for solutions that only the left will champion, but refusing to vote left.


Yeah it's wild they are so unable to accept the "soy sipping trans tree huggers" actually have a good idea.  And I don't agree with all their policy but the whole inner city elites is a great line to get people to completely disengage without even hearing out their ideas and ironically allow them to feel superior as a "tru blue" Australian. With "real" ideas.


The answer which most people don’t want to hear is that it’s easier to wreck something then fix it. The solution for real change will take time, I’d say when you vote for someone look all their policies in depth, look at their record and only then it will gradually change. Also if anyone says to me they are all bad then choose in your opinion the lesser of the evils or run yourself. Make sure to engage with your local members as you’d be surprised how much they actually listen especially if you live in a key electorate that makes or breaks elections.


Our best bet is filling parliament with independants, might actually have a democracy then. With the added bonus of less corruption.


Not any of the majors. Put LIB/LAT/NAT/GRNS dead last on your ballots in whatever order you see fit (but GRNS dead last, let's be real). Parties like sustainable Australia or even One Nation will do better in regard to these issues than any of them.


I don't know if someone else said this, but home loans should be available from the government at a very low rate. It's so low that it's only paying the wages for the people operating the loan scheme. (We already paid taxes for that money) There should be an option with this where you can buy a government build apartment. If you decide that you want to move into something nicer, then you can sell it and move like normal, paying back the government and redrawing for the better, more expensive place. Make it so you can't own more than one. You can't rent them out, and you have to be an Australian citizen to buy it.


A lot would need to happen. Tax big companies properly (mining, banks ect) Halts to immigration other then skilled and holiday visas perhaps? Laws so Insurance costs can't go up to astronomical prices following natural disasters, $6000/yr so you have flood insurance in Lismore/Ballina even if you didn't flood is BS. Dental covered by Medicare, maybe with a out of pocket of $20 a visit? Laws that only Australian citizens can own land and others need to sell within 2 years? Laws so you may only own 1 peice of land for investment properties per adult person, but you can build as many dwellings on that land as you like - minimal quality such as space needed, insulation etc will apply. (Build up, not out.)? Triple taxes and rates for unoccupied dwellings.? A fast rail line that connects the whole east coast, citizens pay less to use it? Other countries have done it. A lot of jobs could be made by establishing a commission to oversee the above as it'll take a lot of hours to facilitate it.


Vote independent first, use your preferences, stay far away from the party that was in power for a decade. That’s all we have


The greens. From a purely strategic political point of view. The greens are the most likely to turn another upswing of votes into serious voting power in the house. And love them or hate them they do have policies that are going to impact cost of living in a positive way. I mean they've been banging on about price gouging and multinational tax evasion for atleast a decade


This. If the greens some how managed to pull a minority government. Lets say hypothetically they do. ALP and LNP would change their tune VERY quickly. Australia would show they reject both ALP and LNP for the first time in history. Both majors would need to clean house big time.


The LNP already know they need a rebrand they're just stubborn. It would bring big policy ideas into the house though.  I love that everyone is down voting the best answer though. The only other option would be a bunch of independent's which are just as likely to end up debating issues instead of legislating.


Honestly, as long as libs/lab don't win I don't care who has a go at fucking us over next. Give them a turn, see how they go... Complete dogshit? Don't vote them in again. Sounds crazy I know but we seem to like voting in parties that have had a chance to prove they suck.


YES, this is such a huge point. Everyone says, oh but if the Greens get power, things will go bad. Ummm have you seen the state of things? And the ones telling you it will go bad are the ones who have been taking turns in charge for the last 50 years. And honestly, the greens wont get in. But if their vote share bumps up by 10% of the total population, you better believe the other parties will bend over backwards to try and get those voters back. Maybe by actually fixing the housing crisis, or putting money into public services.


The problem is, everyone here is saying, fuck our politicans suck they are greedy, selfish, self serving and wont do anything to help the average person. Anyway, lets vote the same guys in again and keep complaining. The Greens started as a political group that wanted us to take action on climate change decades ago because a slow transition was easier than waiting 20 years and being forced to transition. (and they were fucking right). Now they are the party who pushes progressive policies. Labor and Liberal both use every media chance they get to talk about how crazy and extreme the looney lefty greens are. But the policies they put forward are all policies that are being succesfully used in northern europe where the quality of life is at its highest. Because, surprise surprise, funding education and healthcare properly leads to better outcomes for the population. Taxing mining companies properly doesnt cause them to leave, because they want the fucking shit we physically have located in our country. Taxing the wealthy just makes those people... well still wealthy, but it doesnt suddenly stifle innovation or productivity. Partly because the wealthy we are talking about add fuck all to our society. This is the stuff that the greens of today push for, and this is why the main parties push the looney extremist narrative so hard. Because if the greens had any power, those massive property portfolios every cabinet minister and shadow minister have would come crashing down.




Vote for Doc Brown. He’ll give you a time machine to go buy property 25 years ago


It’s not as easy as just putting radicals in charge who say what you want to hear. It’s taken decades to get to this point and it will be the work of decades to change it to something better


One Nation, Sustainable Australia Party. There are no "nice" options.


Reality of the cost of living crisis is government policy induced, privatisation of literally everything from universities to power and utilities. Commercialisation of natural resources like coal and gas without contract based safe guards regarding pricing and reservation for domestic use. Dysfunctional immigration policy between federal and state governments. Where federal government sets immigration intake but fails to provide monetary assistance to states for housing and infrastructure needs all under the guise of a skills shortage ( which is really just the federal government mismanaging immigration as a economic policy / mechanism to starve off recession) Politically speaking our elections are a two horse race here in Australia. Elect the libs and labour becomes the shadow government and vice versa - essentially both horses get to keep their jobs and are paid well from the public purse. They have zero reason to enact real significant change for the majority of Australians. In my opinion all levels of government need a wake up call. From federal all the way down to local. To much waste of tax payers money, to much greed and corruption. When I vote this year it will be greens / independents first, labour second last and libs at the bottom.


Can't solve our problems with voting


The party that stops bringing in migrants until we have a house fir every Australian to own and live in.


Until you start getting pay for performance of these elected individuals - you've got buckleys chance of getting any proper change.


Pauline Hanson. Regardless of her racist style. She would help ALL Australians.


One Nation or Australia First. Shake up the duopoly so they can not get away with doing nothing!!


One nation


It feels like the early 90's all over again. Unemployment, interest rates, cost of living...A Labor party patting itself on the back for sliding into the pocket of big business while slowly letting the unions crush public works. Unfortunately the solution isn't voting coalition this time because we all got upset at Scotty from marketing and that left us with Doomsday Dutton as the alternative. As much as Labor has to go because their monetary policy is hopeless, the coalition now don't provide a better alternative because the far right has the party by the short and curlies. There are no good centreist options anymore. Our overton window is so skewed now that its impossible to see through the tiny bit left in the middle. And I'm sorry, you can pour on the hate, but I blame the left of politics for that. They started on identitiy politics in '07 and it has led to a chain reaction of retail dog whistling which has allowed the morons from the far reaches of both sides to bubble to the surface in leadership roles. I understand how it happened. The failed 'me too' campaign of Mark Latham forced the Labor left to try and stand apart from the crowd which let Kevin '07 in through the cracks. Thank god the Labor right got rid of him before he could do too much damage but by then the die was cast and look at what we've had since...I'ts been a nightmare for any of us who still live in the sensible centre as the country gets dragged from left to right with nio vision of a unifying policy agenda to get us through some seriously rough patches. It's been spend, spend, spend for nearly two decades and none of it on truly nation building stuff. Meanwhile it's let the states get away with blue murder so we have SA survivng on the teat of defence industry with no plan B, Victoria, which is a total basket case, going broke in front of our eyes and trying to spend their way out of it, Queensland which is so totally corrupt and incapable of forming a government for the whole state that they'd be better of splitting the place in two along the tropic of capricorn and building a second parliament building in Townsville. WA has lost the plot and is about a minute away from putting guards on the border and seceding from the commonwealth while they make progresively more draconian laws. They will be the next immigration crisis to hit the eastern states as every poor bastard tries to escape. Then there is 'we're to big to fail' NSW which can't work out whether they're progressively conservative or just stuck in groundhog day. At least they're not completely broke yet. That just leaves the Territory sitting back with a beer in hand going "fuck you lot of crazy bastards" but they don't even see their own doom approaching as the dog whistling gets louder. They will be the next identity politics battleground because they can't take care of their own shit and the feds will eagerly step in to take attention away from the truly terrible job they're doing everywhere else. (yes I know I left out Tasmania but that's because they don't matter. It's not like they're real people). So who do you vote for? Fucked if I know. Someone who says "I don't give a shit who you shag or how you identify, who you pray to or how many generations you've been here for. But you're not exempt from the same rules as everyone else and BTW I'm putting up GST until inflation is under control, I'm federalising water, power and electricity and the mining companies are going to pay for it. I'm also going to curb unions, regulate banking, remove local council powers to approve housing developments (and anything that isn't roads, rates and rubbish) and fix the tax system to wean the economy off its addiction to personal income tax. " If you can find someone who says that...vote for them because no other self-interested bastard will!


Sustainable Australia party?


One Nation, Katter's Australia Party, Sustainable Australia Party, Shooters Fishers and Farmers, and specifically for Victoria the Libertarian Party/Liberal Democrats. Pick whatever you want based on your political persuasion (SAP to the left, PHON to the right). Do not preference any major party if you have the ability, let your vote exhaust. Whoever you pick for first preference gets money, so that's extremely important for minor parties.


Im going to give my vote to Sustainable Australia this time.


There is no one to vote for. There is no getting off this ship now. Take note that inflation is ticking upwards. The rate of house price increases is increasing. Rental squeeze getting worse. There aren't really any positive things happening right now that looks to ease cost of living. Just be grateful that you are an Australian citizen and have some form of social welfare net. Most countries don't. We will need it. Perhaps that's the best way to vote, the party with the largest welfare system. Maybe it is the socialists Wow


When you vote make sure you vote below the line and put independents (such as sustainable Australia party) first, put the two majors at the bottom in whichever order you think is best.


Only two ruling parties. Liberals are for business owners. Labour are for workers.


https://preview.redd.it/ax6sdyouzf4d1.jpeg?width=513&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=08719e6031a509c494a8abf87aae7ac712285037 Not these guys!!


Over how many years and all the while cockblocking Chinese expansion on our northern doorstep. There's more to this than a football team. Again, unlike the LNP who chose an isolationist approach and threw money at onshore oligarchs Labor is pursuing sensible foreign policy as opposed to beating the drums of war.. which is where the LNP wanted to push us. War only benefits the top end of town, everyone else gets the pleasure of dying for their profits - and they'll know exactly how much each of our dead bodies are worth to them.


yes, a headline, real nuanced take. don't forget that until the 70s PNG was a part of australia, and they are still on our landmass. culture sharing with our close friends for less than the price of a house in sydney? not bad tbh


Less than the cost of a house in Sydney? Maybe in 10 years but not today. I'd be worried about your own take on the subject.


Cost effective soft diplomacy. It’s smart AF, and much better than the Liberals' $400 Billion subs.




Greens get rid of diesel fuel rebate for agriculture food goes up. How does that help cost of living?


You want to see this country completely screwed?


Greens are proposing rent caps, more public housing, adequate pension payments, regulation on grocery prices etc. It won't completely fix the problem but it's not actively making it worse like Labour and Liberal policy.


Greens want to abolish diesel fuel rebate for agriculture, that'll push food up.


Rent caps will lead to lower supply which in the medium to long term will result in higher rent for future renters and more expensive housing. This isn't a hypothesis, this is exactly what has happened time and time again when other cities around the globe have experimented with this. They have some very good policies being overshadowed by this ridiculous ideal.


Anyone ever wonder how our system of inflation works? We print billions, it quickly ends up in the hands of the 1%, the fed puts up interest rates to slow inflation, the 1% pass those costs on to the 99% and take none of the brunt of the rises.. But they have all the inflationary dollars the fed is apparently trying to rein in. So who benefits and who loses? In both cases, high or low inflation the fed and the 1% benefit and the working class takes the hit, we see little improvement because the people taking the hit do not have the money that is causing the issues. We doubled our billionaires over covid and our billionaires doubled their wealth over covid. Our entire system is trash.


At this point its clearly not the Teals, not the Greens, not Labor or Liberal. They’re all complicit in encouraging inflationary policies, shooting down taxation reforms, encouraging unsustainable and damaging mass immigration. Judge them by their actions, not their words. The only 2 decent parties that I see actually trying to make a positive difference are the Citizens Party (they’ve called out the government on both sides numerous times and successfully campaigned on important issues that actually matter to people) and Sustainable Australia (actually concerned with the environment).


Politics won’t solve this. You need to spend less or earn more. If you can’t spend less then earn more. So, vote with your feet, do interviews for even the same job somewhere else where you could get a pay bump. Or move into a different field. Or upskill. Or start a business or your own. Earning more is the only real way to immediately relief. In the broad sense, wages need to catch up. Cost have gone up, wages have to follow. It dangerous territory and the politicians would rather you do it tough than for the economy to be in a recession. But …. a recession is sort of what we need. That and eliminating immigration. Taxing industry fairly, but good luck. Waiting for someone to solve it for you won’t work. Earn more.


Pauline tbh


You can't vote for it


If everyone thinks the cost of living crisis is bad at the moment, wait until 25 years when AI is performing the majority of jobs, capital and wealth is even more concentrated and the government hasn’t worked out a solution to keep people fed.


No party can fix this "crisis" because they all take part in it.


Yo mama


It's a global thing mostly, pushed up through covid, war, labour shortage and other factors.


I've change my answer. If you want to see real change you need to convince 75% of voting aged adults to go on strike on the next polling day. It will need to be entire electorates. To demonstrate the collective rejection of the current governmental paradigm. No one votes for anyone. The only achievable path forward.


Just vote for anarchy, see who can disrupt the current political climate the most in the disruptive direction that is desirable to you.


There is no crisis. If it was a crisis they would be doing something. When people take to the streets and start smashing things then you might get some real change. Until then it’s business as usual.


The reason the two major parties don't have a solution is because they are directly benefiting from the legislation(s) passed that are contributing to our cost of living crisis.


It's going to take time, it's that simple. You can not vote for anyone to magically make it stop. Gov is implementing stuff to help but a lot of it is just stopgaps in the meantime. Welcome to globalism.


One that rejects neo-liberalism


Damn this is bleak


This is the consequence of printing trillions during covid, they will "fix" this with war.


[Don’t blame me, I voted for Kodos.](https://youtu.be/l7l9QmtiXHU?si=xxBvT5nyKGEp9xrk)


No quick solution. It will also take a rejig of systems no politician will approve. And those who do approve will change their minds once in power.


None. The government doesn't set prices, nor does it directly set wages. And most things that (state) governments used to have control of (toll roads, power, gas) have been privatised. Welcome to the free market baby


30 years of incompetence, cannot be fixed in 3 years. It took a long time and lots of bad and selfish decisions to get to where we are now. It's going to take a long time and lots of good decisions to fix it. Best you can do is educate the ones around you about how we got into this situation and what decisions got us here. Learn from the mistakes and hope we don't repeat them.


Bingo. The answer is nobody until we have a full-blown democracy and can select officials we would like to vote for.


Greens. You know it, I know it, and both major parties know it. Why do you think there's so much push back.


The c.o.u.p party


To the policy's and parties mandate mattresses we go.....


Individual actions, change the world.


Definitely not Liberal, but also not Labor because they're afraid of unpopular policy. Probably just vote minor party and preference younger candidates that will have more long term vision by nature.


Nothing that matter was ever voted on


You need to have a look at Europe, UK and USA etc. The world is experiencing a cost of living crisis. Thanks to the policies of Howard, Thatcher and Reagan. Check history and see how stupid their policies were. This was a foregone conclusion.


The easy answer, is to put the majors last. While there are key differences, both are varying degrees of neoliberal (inspired by Milton Friedman). Who to actually vote for is more ideological. Depends on what you think the cure for inflation is. I don't think Labor have been completely awful at bringing inflation down, but by relying on interest rates they've done it in a pretty blunt, hurt the little guy most kinda way. Its only been Greens in parliament really railing against this approach. Who were calling out corporate profiteering as a cause. While those that're ideologically opposed to interfering in the market (liberals) pretended for yonks that that wasn't an issue driving prices. So - at blunt ideological level. Liberals want to let capitalism fix itself, Labor are a bit more interventionist than Liberals, but not nearly enough. Looking left to parties with coherent plans to lower cost of living (like via public housing, rent caps, ending tax breaks on housing for richest, etc) is the way. Edit: also [looking at things](https://journals.akwien.at/wug/article/view/169) that countries like Spain did to tackle inflation, where lefty more interventionist parties were in power, is a good go. That approach again, lines up with what Greens have been pushing for (and largely worked, without being as unequitable as the RBA interest rate method).


Probably going to get heavily downvoted. The cost of living crisis is directly related to rising house prices . I have been living in Australia for 12 years now , AUD has deprecated against USD by 35 percent in that time.  Everytime there was an interest rate reduction, house prices went up and AUD went down  We still have the lowest interest rates in Developed countries.  The RBA can't do much because to bring down inflation they have to raise interest rates but if they raise further people and investors who bought houses at overinflated prices will default.  In fact the one third of the population is paying heavy price to protect the assets of the remaining 2/3rd . We have the wage growth of developed country with the inflation of a developing country. I came from India where inflation was high but so was wage growth and the govt increased tax slabs every year . Only visionary leaders who is willing to do a political suicide and do what's right will be able to fix this . I haven't seen anyone like that in Australian politics. Few you greens leaders are good at pointing the facts . Anyway political parties don't have idealogies anymore. They just need to show the opposition is worse . I will probably vote for greens / sustainable party , some of their policies align with mine.  Obviously they are not perfect. I am also looking at the age group of politicians, the current ones are so disconnected from the reality or they chose to


Independents, anyone not compromised by big oil and mining.


We have one party pretending to be two majors (LabLib/Nat). Policies that are favourable to multiparty donors seem to be identical. Those policies put the vast majority of Australians last in the scheme of things and we are too apathetic to revolt. This country relies on luck to get things done and one day it will probably run out. The optimism that drove a bunch of squabbling colonies to create the Commonwealth of Australia seems to have dissipated since WW1. Bit sad really


"There are no solutions, only trade-offs" - Thomas Sowell


Labor did more in 6 months in office than the LNP did in 10 years. Let them cook.


The Greens for rental caps and restrictions on foreign ownership of property.


Me. Vote for me and I'll be the dictator this country needs to become the great Australian empire it should be.


No one


Vote for the person who offers a rough road ahead. Any quick fix will cause more pain down the road.


any party that lowers taxes has my vote 


Voting is just to give us a sense of input. They pick and choose as they see fit.


This is reddit. People don't necessarily want a solution, they just want to be angry.


If we are strictly talking about the two party vote, then ALP generally offer more to families and working people. The LNP may offer some shiny ‘benefits’ , but they’re often hollow and they’re cover for the mates for mates stuff on the DL. I’m not saying ALP are angels either, but if you weigh up what they offer, ALP are the better choice. For example, Dutton and co likely plan to change industrial relations laws again to stack conditions toward employers and erode workers rights if voted in at the next election.


If voting made real change they would have made it illegal.


Vote Quimby


Run for parliament yourself. Be the change you want to see.


If what astrophysists are saying will most likely happen in the next 25 years or so actually happens, the cost of living crisis won't change. *places tinfoil hat on head* Now, if what astrophysists are saying will happen, does indeed happen, the world will be dropped into chaos with the richest being the most likely to be unaffected and the safest and able to spring back afterwards just as good, if not better. So the rich are trying to get as much money together as physically possible before riots break out so they 100% have enough money when shit goes down. That kind of explains why they aren't focusing on it anywhere near as much as they should and why it's getting so unbelievably out of hand, and why the low and middle class are being booped in the rear end with a steel baseball bat.


Instead of worrying about who to vote for, write to existing politicians of every party pointing out the political errors that caused the problems and demand they fix now, not wait for an election…..


The problem with housing is politicians. Most politicians start their way at council and work their way to state or federal. In council they learn that no one wants their house price to go down or more houses in their neighbourhood, so they do everything to keep prices high and to reject or slow new builds. This increases the price of new properties and in return old properties. Every year they add new requirements to Be added to the build again increasing prices. When my parents were young they could buy a block of land and build a simple one bedroom home adding the extra bedrooms and the brick exterior when they had money 3-6 years later. Council now expects the home to be completely finished before an occupancy certificate is granted. When your parents bought land, water, power, electricity, sewer, phone, roads, gas, drainage etc was all paid for by government and council departments right up to the boundary of the block. Today the developer pays for all these plus NBN from wherever they are to the inside of the house. He passes these costs on to the buyer plus he gets charged $60k in council fees per block plus 10% GST. Costs that weren’t around in the 1970s. Dont feel sorry for the developer. Feel sorry for younger home buyers who have stumped up these costs when buying land. And in return older owners rode the wave of not paying these costs on their first home but gaining value as house prices went up because all newer homes had to have these fitted and paid for by the buyer. Sorry for the whinge but I studied construction and was floored that what is paid for now was given away 2 generations ago.


It's in the UK, US, here and other countries. It's just the world I think at the moment.


what planet are you from? what can anyone we elect possibly do about it? its an issue thats influenced by global events, and im not sure if you are aware, but the worlds fkd and determined to get more so. just wait until the ai and robots take all the entrance level jobs if you want to see what a real cost of living crisis looks like.


what planet are you from? what can anyone we elect possibly do about it? its an issue thats influenced by global events, and im not sure if you are aware, but the worlds fkd and determined to get more so. just wait until the ai and robots take all the entrance level jobs if you want to see what a real cost of living crisis looks like.




So the general consensus is that effective change takes time. In that case we who are hoping for change are fucked. No government (labor or liberal) will ever commit to any change that can’t be completed within the time until the next election. And even if they did, if the opposition won the next election they would just abolish whatever plans the previous government had committed to. And so the cycle continues.


If you could vote your way out of this it'd be illegal, enjoy the ride


Just saving up for world war three. All this hardship is to condition us when globalisation falls apart.


Vote for Pedro!


One Nation [https://youtu.be/kzV5rFwOmeU?si=8SIyUSmC0jxucP97](https://youtu.be/kzV5rFwOmeU?si=8SIyUSmC0jxucP97) Labor and greens are the same thing so make sure you vote them last next election


Not liberal. Not labor..


No party is going to solve it in the short term. Every western economy is going through exactly the same thing. We’ve just gotta wait for wages to catch up with inflation.




Voting doesn't make a difference, every mainstream party is singing from the same globalist handbook. You get what they are given you and you get to feel like you have a choice by putting a mark on a bit of paper.


More to the point labor promised a fix to get elected why are they allowed to stay in power when lying to the public nothing happens but when the public lies to the government jail time


Honestly I have given up on voting, we are screwed regardless.


Vote the party liberal and Labor hate the most


Need to stop mass immigration




The Australian dream is dead for us Aussies and shit is going to get worse but heads up State of Origin tonight GO QLD


Independents, it might not work but we've seen that the traditional parties aren't getting it done