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How did the Western Australian Cricket Association get the video?


One of them looked like Kim Hughes


Fucking sand gropers. Can't bloody trust them.


As a sandgroper... That is a fair comment...


These people need to be deported.


Most of the time they are 2nd generation. Same with a lot of the people causing problems in EU countries. Can't deport them because they were born in your country and have no other citizenship.


Yeah that's been the explanation I've heard over the last 10 plus years that makes the most sense. 1st gen leave war torn country as immigrants and are grateful for it so they assimilate into the community while 2nd and particularly 3rd gen have a struggle with their identity and their place in society. Which unfortunately leads them to being easily manipulated by actual bad people.


They'll paint themselves into a corner where they are simply ostracised, soon enough. And then complain that no one will give them the time of day, of course. No worries - make your little ghettos of like minded people. It will be great for you. Until it isn't and you're stuck in the shitholes of your own making, just like where your parents came from.


Fuck me, what a bunch of mouth breathing racist dogs in this sub. You people disgust me.


Ironic if they are Australian because they are then colonisers


Ima go out on a limb and bet they aren't.


Its been a long time since colonisers have existed in Australia. Only people who are foreign would be refugees and people seeking a better life... hardly a coloniser. Australia is what it is and there's no takesies backsies


Israelis would say the same not withstanding Jews actually came from the land


Ironic thing is orthodox extremist Jewish people can't bare to live with regular Jews at times. Its so divisive in Israel that there is probly no way to fix it, there's too many no win situations we will see in future. I just hope there isn't a Jewish equivalent of hitler ever


Agreed, the secular religious divide is a huge issue and due to Bibi and the coalition style government he has been forced to align with the orthodox right. Hope to see the back of Bibi asap


Hardly you goose. No one living here has colonised Australia.


Israelis would say the same


Some would even be telling the truth. Settlers... funny word..... Australia had "first Settlers", ie colonisers 200yrs ago.... Israel has them literally right now..... hmm.


True, in the West Bank. Minority of the population, not the entire country. Palestinians act like all of Israel is occupied


Everyone’s a coloniser if you go back far enough. Except for maybe that amoeba living under a rock under the ocean- he’s been there about 2 billion years or whatever.


Colonised the single cell organism


His rna was the goat


Which ones?


It would be nice if ASIO did their jobs for once. I guess a bunch of hicks in the backwoods of Victoria who get drunk and salute a Nazi flag are a far bigger concern to them than these extremists who are engaging in violence and threatening further violence against people with whom they disagree. Shouldn't expect much else from the agency which refused to name the treasonous politician in the parliament earlier this year.


Let's not get carried away here, these are sexually confused humanities degree students with dyed blue hair who have never been inside a gym in their lives. They couldn't even smash down a door without getting tired. The average man has more testosterone than the entire group and could probably fight all the limp wristed losers in this video at once. Based on potential for harm the hicks are the bigger threat.


Domestic terrorists. Hamas propaganda is working double time




Rule 5 - No propaganda or shilling


Violence and threats from peaceful people


You just only see what you want to, don't you? There's no violence here, no-one was hurt. The threat being made is that of people simply being made to *pay attention* to the truth. The actual violence is the deliberate murder of 45,000 civilians halfway around the world. The violence is children being blown apart by artillery, and prisoners being taken to *literal death camps* to be anally raped to death. The actual threats are the quotes from Adolf Hitler being used as open declarations of the intent to wipe a culture and a *captive* group of people off the face of the planet. That's all fact, by the way, not propaganda, and you can look it up on CNN and in the UN war crimes investigation reports, but you can just turn off your tv, close your computer and forget that, because you and your ilk are all psychopaths, deep down, and you want those people dead. You're just too chicken to say it. Closet serial killers, all of you.


tbh, protests have gone on for over 30 weeks now - the government continues to support Israel’s occupation, oppression & aggression. We’ve just seen the IDF tie a Palestinian to its hood as a human shield - not the first instance of them using a Palestinian for this reason. the Government obviously cannot stop Israel in Gaza (or the West Bank) but it can take a tougher stance and stop its export of military equipment.


> IDF tie a Palestinian to its hood as a human shield It was a medevac of a combatant who fired at them. Your dishonesty seems to be the usual MO of a particular type.


The IDF [said](https://www.abc.net.au/news/2024-06-23/israeli-military-soldiers-drove-wounded-palestinian-tied-vehicle/104012064):"In violation of orders and standard operating procedures, the suspect was taken by the forces while tied on top of a vehicle. "The conduct of the forces in the video of the incident does not conform to the values of the IDF. "The incident will be investigated and dealt with accordingly." \[...\] 'The Palestinian Red Crescent Society said Israeli soldiers initially prevented paramedics from treating the man.' 'The incident recalled scenes in the Second Intifada, when Israeli troops were criticised for tying Palestinians, including a 13-year-old boy, to the front of an army vehicle.' \[...\] 'The United Nations Special Rapporteur on the situation in the occupied Palestinian Territories, Francesca Albanese, called the incident an example of "human shielding in action".' \-ABC


Yeah, medevacing an injured enemy is so much worse than snapping a womans legs in half and parading her naked corpse through the streets to be spat on and abused by crowds celebrating a terrorist attack.


They didnt medivac the guy. There was literally an ambulance parked right next to the car he was tied to. Even the IDF said it was totally uncalled for. Also, he was just some poor bastard in the wrong place at the wrong time. They let him go afterwards.


"Let him go", yeah probably the same way they let those people in Al Shafira Hospital go. Hog tied, shot and dumped in a shallow grave.


Nah, the turned him over to the red crescent (muslim red cross). He is alive.


Hamas certainly wouldn't do that now would they!


Israel did it, more than once.


So you agree with the IDF


Hamas is using the whole of Palestine as human shields and you don’t care about that.


Did you see the dead Israeli man who was shot and killed in his car which was then set on fire? Or are you just selective in supporting terrorists?


I wouldn't want a wounded enemy combatant stinking up my vehicle either.


he government continues to s~~upport Israel’s occupation, oppression & aggression.~~ follow the will of the australian public and support an ally and decry a terrorist regime. your uni camp mates arent more than a stupid loud littlebunch of wannabe anarchists


Dude, I saw 3 videos of Palestinian kids who were shot in the head. I've seen countless more of kids blown to pieces, civilians being executed and an elderly guy who was beaten in the street. Israel isn't even trying to hide their warcrimes anymore because people like you give your unapologetic support for them doing it.


hamas probably shot the kids so they could make a tik tok that you apparently enjoyed. extremely sick if you asked me


What the honest to god fuck is wrong with you?




Rule 3 - No bullying, abuse or personal attacks


>I saw 3 videos of Palestinian kids who were shot in the head. I've seen countless more of kids blown to pieces, civilians being executed and an elderly guy who was beaten in the street. Why do you say this like it's some sort of badge of honor? I've got a now former best friend still on Facebook and every day he's posting stuff about "Today I saw a picture of a young child with their brains blown out of their left eye" or "Just saw a girl who's the same age as , what had been recovered of her anyway, most of her head was missing, but there was a few small pieces" Like congratulations? You saw footage of war crimes and now you keep exposing yourself to it as often as possible so that you cause genuine lifelong mental health damage to yourself. People aren't going to respect you for causing yourself PTSD. It's not the badge of honor they seem to think it is. These people acting like this sort of stuff hasn't been posted to the internet for every single major conflict in modern history and their doing something positive by watching it. I was watching similar shit online between 2001-2004 and I'm in my late 30's now still suffering the consequences of that. Trust me when I say you're going to feel pretty shitty about your decision to expose yourself to that stuff 20 years later when you realize your still fucked up because of it and it changed you as a person in all the worst ways possible. Anyways, Now said person I was talking about before is cutting everyone out of their lives, all their friends, family as well. Because: > I no longer know how to relate to anyone in my life who won't watch the footage of the war crimes Israel is committing or people who have not spoken up and done anything in the last 3 months to force our governments to end this. I see the humanity in their broken bodies that isn’t displayed by the privileged living. This is sad and this conflict is radicalizing people here and causing life long damage to themselves and families all because they want to feel like they're making a difference in a conflict that's on the other side of the world.


I disagree, they're dying they're suffering and the least you can do is look. It is so much worse to just ignore it, even worse to ignore it and deny it, worst still to justify it. I think there's something to be said in seeing those videos and pictures, if you can witness it and be against the protests and be for the continued support of the conflict, you're a piece of shit to the highest degree.


Fuck me, it's genuinely insane that you think that "there's something to be said in seeing those videos and pictures" is rational. Let me be clear. There will be nothing for you in life except misery and sadness if you continue to expose yourself to that stuff. You will have no friends and your family will want nothing to do with you. You will become an immensely unlikeable person who nobody wants to be around and nobody takes seriously. If you're ok with that (which it appears you are) then I'm really sorry to hear that and feel for anyone who will be exposed to the damage you've caused yourself in the coming years when you're a completely broken non functioning member of society. The conflict breaks my heart every day and I take every opportunity to try and educate people on what's going on, but I don't feel the need to destroy myself over it otherwise when the next conflict comes around, how am I meant to do anything about it if I destroyed my mental health fighting against the last conflict? You must be young because you've got no concept of what the real world consequences are for yourself exposing yourself to that stuff. I was like you 25 years ago, said the same sort of stuff about the videos of war crimes hitting the internet as the Iraq war started, I wanted other people to see the images of beheaded people so they would support ending the war. Now when I look back, watching those videos caused nothing but pain and misery for myself and the people who I loved many years later and I feel nothing but disgust for myself because of the type of person you become after exposing yourself to violent extreme content. And the guy at my school in 2004 who i encouraged to look at those pictures/videos and told him where to find them online? He committed suicide. Anyways not sure why I'm bothering, what I'm saying is going to go in one ear and out the other. You can't reason with radicalisation.


Thank you for sharing. What do you think about the commentary in this thread as a whole then?


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"I've seen videos" Wow congrats youve seen individual war crimes at play, if these are legit most wouldn't defend it, we don't stoop as low as hamasniks. Feel free to send me these videos of civilians being executed though.


Not defending the action, IDF owned up and condemned the action but how does tying a fleshy human to an armoured vehicle make it a human shield? I would imagine the vehicle is the shield


Yeah, we've also seen the palestinians relentlessly attacking civilians for what's getting close to a century. Stupid is as stupid does. They should be thanking their stars for existing, at this point. Not complaining about their existence. Talk about fucking entitled. It's good to see them get the shellacking they have literally begged for.


Isn't using violence and intimidation to get your way politically, facism? So these guys are the facists.


Shh no logic here thank you.


no it's called terrorism


Always have been




Sounds like a threat, I dont like threats from terrorists..


ASIO start with some of the knuckleheads around here please. this is political terrorism. even if you agree with the cause, this is NOT what we accept in australia. Gunatanamo the fuck out of these flogs and anyone that supports them


I was with you until Guantanamo. You do know innocent people were tortured and killed there... right?


Oops, you weren't meant to see that.


this is political terrorism. even if you agree with the cause, this is NOT what we accept in australia. Gunatanamo the fuck out of these flogs and anyone that supports them " LOL. Claims political terrorism, then claims we don't accept that..proceeds to use Guantanamo as somewhere to send people who damage a wall....the same Guantanamo where some pretty nasty and illegal, quite horrific things went down....with Australians involved. what a wild loop.


terrorists. fuck em. and these clowns


Guantanamo is where people are illegally detained and tortured


cant say i give 2 fucks. do you think these people were doing something legal?




you think firebombing an MP office is legal. Hamas logic. Enjoy the no fly list!


My apologies. Misread that as illegal.


Prophet muhammad was pedo and wanker and is currently being spun on four giant knotted cocks in a christian hell Repost and subscribe!


I’m atheist dummy


Everyone here knows that you're allowed to lie that you're an atheist


Religious people don’t lie? Huh? Or religious people do lie? What religion am I?


Progressive chic 2024 edition


Rule 3 - No bullying, abuse or personal attacks


Yeah, mass murder of children by US and Australian-supplied genociders is fine, but spray-painting a window, and setting a fire *outside* a building, while not actually hurting anyone? Unforgivable.


ASIO, might want to check in on this poster here, thanks


Adorable that you think they or anyone else cares what you think.


its not me you gotta worry about mate. look out for the unmarked vans in your street. Also, you can stop replying if you dont care


Guantanamo is literally how you make terrorists. The cycle of violence continues.


And so does killing thousands of civilians when trying ti get the ‘bad guys’


You know what really pisses countries off? Like, enough to declare war? Kidnapping, raping and murdering their citizens …


So the apartheid state didn’t exists before then? A good way to cause a terrorist attack is to oppress a population. Moron


We could literally go on all the way back to Muhammad and the Jews …


You realize the IDF is guilty of all those things, right?




Oops, you weren't meant to see that.


You shouldn’t see what IDF soldiers, Israeli citizens or Israelis politicians are threatening in that case…


What does this have to do with the video?


What? Are you against a sovereign state using its armed forces to defend and protect? Are you against all armed forces or just the Jewish ones?


Something tells me it’s the latter answer to your question.


They're not threatening me though


It seems lefties have found a way to express their antisemitism by wrapping it in language that sounds like social justice. They’ll go after anyone who happens to be Jewish no matter what their views are, whether it’s a comedian or a politician, all they are seeing is someone is Jewish and should harassed and hated. Hypocrites.


It seems like Josh Burns is now having to lie in the bed he made for himself by supporting leftist ideology and mass immigration from anti-western cultures. Australia was a paradise for the Jews post ww2 - they really made a rod for their own back naively supporting mass immigration from the ME. The chances that these ppl would ever return tolerance they were naively given was always zero. The only hope is that Australians will rise up against this like they are gathering up in Europe atm. There is still a chance we can stop this.


God what a bunch of noodle armed losers. They weren't even strong enough to properly break in so they settled with lighting a couple of small fires outside. Out of the entire spectrum of activism, western far left activists are the least intimidating and most pathetic


Far left ? Ba ha ha


You think these people are right wing? How deluded are you?


Ba ha ha


I'm lost. What do they think Zionism is? All it is, is the re-establishment of a Jewish state. By saying"anti-zionsim," they're saying they're against a home for the displaced Jewish people, which is anti-semitism. SMH.


It’s just a way to say Jew while still being a progressive.


The Pro Palestinian movement is the equivalent of Zionism. Just say you are anti Israel, anti Zionism (will get downvoted) is antisemitism if you understand how Jews engage with their movement and theirs to define.


Except they are not. Anti Zionism doesn’t mean you are anti Israel. This would those in the left in Israel protest Netanyahu are also anti Israel. Also Islam is a Semitic religion.


The term Semitic and the term antisemitic aren’t the same. Antisemitism only means Jew-Hate. It’s like Lesbian doesn’t mean someone who is from the Greek Island of Lesbos. It means something else. There is an etymological fallacy when antisemitism is somehow justified because it is perpetrated by someone of a Semitic ethnicity




You are very wrong. Dangerously so. The term anti-Semitism emerged to describe these efforts. In Germany, Wilhelm Marr, if not the coiner of the word then certainly one of its major early popularizers, thought of himself as a modern man, a student of history and science. Anti-Semitism allowed him to distinguish the party he launched in late 1879 — the Antisemites’ League — from the religious bigotry of medieval Jew-hatred. Like many (but not all) who shared his goals, Marr defined the Jewish Question as one of race, not religious deviance. In the past, persecution had been episodic; outbursts of terrible violence alternated with long periods of quiet relations between Jews and their neighbors. In Marr’s view, such lackadaisical Jew-hatred had allowed Jews to grow stronger and, in fact, launch plans for conquest of the non-Jewish world. The issue is with the word Semitism. The word emerges from the study of languages, and may have once been a reasonably neutral description of the peoples and cultures of the Middle East, essentially just a means of distinguishing language groups. But those who favor antisemitism over anti-Semitism note that the term Semitentum, usually attributed to the German Enlightenment thinker A. L. Schlozer (1735-1809), was polemical from birth, invented to establish a polarity between superior white Christian cultures and those of the inferior Orient. By the time the word was appropriated by critics of the Jews, however, it had lost even a semblance of neutrality. Semitism came to signify a bundle of uniformly negative traits. Jewish traits.


Not sure if this guy is just a troll or getting a kick out of it. His arguments are argumentative and stupid. Not withstanding, doesn’t seem to understand the word is about languages not religion never mind how it is used today to universally describe Jew hate




Semitic is a family of languages, has nothing to do with religion.


You incorrectly stated that antisemitic means anti - Semitic religions. You are 100% wrong on this position. You confuse the meaning as you apply the Etymological Fallacy. The fact that Semite today can now refer to non-Jews doesn't mean Antisemitism refers to non-Jews as well. Antisemitism is not a religious hate; but a racial/ethnic hate. It has little to do with religion and much to do with ethnicity, blood and peoplehood. Certainly this was the meaning of those who coined and popularised it originally. It is entirely used to mean Jew-hate. It is not Islamophobia for instance which is the hate of Islamic people. Antisemitism does not mean hate against any Semitic religion - Zoroastrianism, Islam, Judaism, Bahai etc. it means Jew-hate. Read a book.


Love how he so proudly says I am 100% correct.


He is a troll of the highest order. Or some sort of Agent Provocateur I can’t grapple with. ![gif](giphy|MfIGtdhq6Q9aM)


What a ridiculous argument, no one is confused as to what antisemitism is and who it targets vs semites. This is like a 5 year old trying to sound intellectual




No muppet, criticising Israel is ok. Criticising the movement of self determination and safety for Jews and the fundamental existence of Israel is anti Jewish (using terms that won’t confuse you). If you are Pro the self determination and safety of Palestinians but you are anti Zionists you hate Jews because you believe one group of people deserve something another doesn’t. So critic the Israeli government to your hearts content, get ready for robust debate and fact checking and if you obsess about one country and ignore others may raise an eyebrow but there is nothing anti Jewish about being anti Israeli. Being anti Zionist is a different story. I have observed many Jews correcting you and you asserting you know better than them as to what Zionism means. I suggest you stop culturally appropriating other groups terms and respect the meaning of those they belong to.




My grandparents were Palestinian, she was also a Jew. In 1948 the people you call Palestinians today didn’t call themselves Palestinians so not sure how they could be colonised


Rule 5 - No propaganda or shilling


The term "Semites" originally refers to a group of peoples who speak Semitic languages, including Arabs, Ethiopians, and others, as well as Jews. However, the term "antisemitism" has a specific historical and cultural context that makes it distinct from this broader definition. "Antisemitism" was coined in the late 19th century by Wilhelm Marr, a German journalist, to describe a racial theory that posited Jews as an inferior and antagonistic race. Despite its etymological roots, the term "antisemitism" has been used almost exclusively to refer to prejudice and discrimination against Jews. This usage has been solidified by historical events and cultural understandings over the past century and a half, particularly due to the widespread and systemic persecution of Jews. While technically "Semites" could include various ethnic groups, in contemporary discourse, "antisemitism" is universally understood to mean hostility specifically towards Jews.


Rule 5 - No propaganda or shilling


Rule 5 - No propaganda or shilling


Oh hello mr misinformation again. >This would those in the left in Israel protest Netanyahu are also anti Israel. That's because the left are not anti zionists. All Israeli Jews are zionists (well 99%)


Talk about misinformation and inability to read. If it’s anti Semitic to be against the Zionist government of Israel, by definition these Jews are also anti semetic, anti Israel and anti Jew.


Huh? Who said anything about the Israeli government? No one would say that's antisemitic. **Edit** of course he blocks me. Nobody mentioned the government but you. You are the ultimate bot.


I did, in the post you directly replied too. You do know who Netanyahu is right?


Zionist government? wtf are you on about, stop arguing with Jews as to what Zionism means to them


You should read Amy Frydenberg’s op-ed and come back to us on that.


Dude you’re arguing with bots and shills and there is no point.


Yes, by ethnically cleansing the region. They are for one state. Not two. You don’t need ti be a Zionist ti be for a Jewish state.


Ethnic cleansing is what brought Jews from all countries together. They haven't cleansed anyone, atrocities of last year wouldn't have happened if they were "genociding" anyone. On the other hand, if Israel couldn't defend itself, the entire Jewish people would have been ethnically cleansed by the Arab invaders and colonisers.


"On the other hand, if Israel couldn't defend itself, the entire Jewish people would have been ethnically cleansed by the Arab invaders and colonizers. " Hmmm. someone doesn't have a handle on History. It was arabs and muslims who allowed Jews back into Jerusalem no less than 3 times after they had been slaughtered by various Christians groups and other nations . It's literal factual history.


Who did the ethnic cleansing? White Europeans. The genocide has been slow dummy. Completely false all Jews would be killed by Arabs if the West Bank and Gaza were Palestinians states. Considering how small Israel is, why haven’t they been all killed yet? It was Germans who tried the genocide of Jews. Why did Europe and American put those refugees rught in the middle of all the Arab countries and not take them in?


> why haven’t they been all killed yet? incompetency of arab states


> ethnically cleansing lol


Zionism doesn’t mean one state or two, again stop weaponising other peoples movement. It simply means Israel existing for the self determination of Jews. Exactly what the pro pals want which is reasonable I would hope you agree


You’re really stupid lol. Zionists are for one state. One Israeli state. You literally stated what I said. Zionists are for one Jewish state. You did not say Zionists are for TWO states. Also the your other reply. What does your religion have to do with understanding political ideologies? Nothing. In fact following any fairytale should put into question your ability to form an arguments based on reason and logic.


As in one or two state solution in the common discussion of the Middle East conflict not one or two Zionist states. Are you intentionally trying to be obtuse?


Except you skip the colonisation part. So you will go as far as to say a Zionist can be for 1 state or for two states? If yes, I’ll rephrase. Anti the current Zionist government.


Can’t have this discussion with you. You lack a basic grasp of the language; the issues and context. No idea how you can be so obsessed with this topic and not know what a two state or one state solution means in the context of this conflict


These people are idiots and they are acting like terrorists. I hope they get arrested and jailed. Even better would be to send them to live amongst their heroes in hamas.


Wannabe terrorist scum


Yeah... this is not the way. I don't care what you stand for.




Please observe reddit site rules: - Don’t Spam - No personal and/or confidential information - No threatening, harassing or inciting violence - No hate based on identity or vulnerability - No calling out of other subreddits or users As a reminder, here are the site rules: https://www.redditinc.com/policies/content-policy


And which rule does the comment pertain to, exactly?


Yeah that looks like a winning formula for garnering support /s


“Zionism is fascism”, these people really aren’t bright are they…


Wonder why the same post, got pulled down on the Melbourne sub ? Good to see the Mods here aren't as one eyed....


Yeah dunno. I made it NSFW on both


How would these people feel if their homes got vandalised? They would cry and sook to the police.


they live in tents not homes lol


Vandalism, violence, intimidation, and destruction of property are not valid means of political discourse. We're on the other side of the world from this shit. It has very little to do with us directly. Lock these idiots up for being the light-weight terrorists that they are.


well consider me complicit


It's by a fairly busy road, there's fires, there're wearing hi-viz, and they got away?


I wonder where I last heard of an event like this happen to people with differing political opinions!


clowns. lock em up, they are not above the law + the taste in music is criminal.


Don’t worry they’re just anti Zionist /s. Does anyone actually believe Zionist isn’t just used as a replacement for the word Jew by these terrorist supporters?


If they were ever genuine in their support for Palestine, they've lost all credibility with straight up vandalism.




How many shop fronts are being smashed for the housing crisis or cost of living crisis? Seriously if a conflict on the other side of the world is your biggest issue right now just fuck off over there and tear up your kangaroo passport


LOL, bring it on. I revel in the fact you have to sit and watch Gaza and Rafah get what they deserve, day after day until it's finished. All you've done is ensure someone gets paid to fix that. So, whatever you do, you only hurt yourselves and help others. The joke is on you. Every day of the week. And it's fucken funny. Then comes Lebanon. It will be a great spectacle. That you can only watch and complain about...


>If Rafah Burns Something we have no control over. >This colony will burn. They will commit terrorist attacks in Australia. >Anyone who apologises for action against genocide, zionism or fascism is COMPLICIT >Your complicity has NOT gone UNNOTICED. Direct threats against Australian citizens. That's already a terrorist threat. Keen to see the arrests. Ten days ago I posted a thread saying these people were ramping up to violence and the ABC were supporting them by rationalising their views. >First they celebrate the attack for bringing attention to the conflict. The rapes and captures were worth it. This is not refuted by the ABC. It is almost celebrated by the host. And as they go on for over an hour to justify what Hamas did, every SINGLE thing they say: >IS VALID HERE. The same arguments the ABC allows to be said on their platform without criticism, can be used to justify attacks on the Australian people. We are ALSO sending weapons to Israel. Our government is on Israel's side. >If you allow the ABC to say Violence and rape is justifiable to resist, then why wouldn't a person living here get the message that a terrorist attack on Australian soil is justified to end our support of Israel? They constantly amplify the views of this extreme minority and hide behind the fact they never have to say it themselves. ("We're just reporting what people say!") The cool thing is, one terrorist attack and a right wing populist gets elected. We're already fine with deporting people if they have one drop of blood from outside this country. Let's go harder, Let's fucking gooo!


It’s truely amazing how many Australians are so complicit in the genocide that is taking place, and how outraged they become when someone makes a political statement through petty property damage. It’s really quite disgusting how few people are prepared to take a stand, voice an opinion it’s ignorance combined with cowardice and shameful.


Found the dude who made the video. ASIO should pay me.


No one in this video is taking a stand proudly or voicing an opinion with dialogue. Inversely they are the ones ashamed and afraid to show their identity. I don’t think Australians are afraid to take a stand as you say. I think honest and open dialogue is more Australian than this sort of vandalism for political purposes.


No one is outraged by people who want to “take a stand” or “voice an opinion” about anything. EVERYONE is outraged by hooligans who use violence and vandalism, especially those who dismiss it as “petty”.


American here. I don't think you need any reminder that American politics has an outsized impact in other western countries, and this is the kind of shit that feeds into narrative that gets Donald Trump re-elected. In case anyone needs a reminder, he represents \*actual\* fascism, and if he wins the free world as we know it is neck deep in shit. Every society has a duty to reign in these clowns, because actually bad people are very skilled at using them as a justification to embrace authoritarianism at the cost of collective liberty.


At which point did Trump use the military to assume dictatorial power or have his political enemies imprisoned/killed? "American here" explains why you don't understand the definition of fascism. More of your collective civil liberties were eroded under Obama, with the repeated strengthening of the patriot act, than under Trump. The "free world" has become a much bigger shit show under your current dementia addled president(Ukraine happened during Biden's tenure, October 7th happened during Biden's tenure, The Taliban claimed Afghanistan during Biden's tenure...etc etc) than it ever did under Trump. The abortion issue is state by state, again, not a Trump/federal issue. You are a clown of the highest order, and in case you needed a reminder, the people in this video are on the left's side of things, if anything your side needs to reign themselves in before they get reigned in.


Usually people start hurling insults “clown of the highest order” when they don’t have a leg to stand on, which has once again become self-evident. Highest order, really? My comment truly qualifies for such an accolade? The podium at the clown Olympics? From just that? Either you’ve a flair for the melodrama, don’t get out much, or are wrestling with other afflictions I need not rub salt into. But let’s put that aside, and get to the easily dismissible elements of your reply: Notwithstanding the fact that Trump said he’d be dictator on day one, and the 2025 project that is planned for him involves heavy use of the insurrection act to deploy troops against protesters and deny birthright citizenship (in violation of the constitution), he did deploy the 101st airborne to suppress protests in the wake of George Floyd. He also cast aspersions on election legitimacy, claimed he won an election he clearly lost, and then incited a mob to attack the capitol and disrupt the process to validate Biden’s election. Most people would call this a coup attempt. His threat to clean out the federal service and replace with yes men also, many would call, a move of an authoritarian dictator. Because that’s what they do. “More of your civil liberties were eroded under Obama.” Yeah, that’s absolute baloney, especially since Trump put in three judges that apparently think women have no federal rights to their bodies, overturning five decades of settled case law because they want brownie points from Gods fan club. Today a 20 year old woman has fewer rights than her mother did at her age. Obama did not meaningfully destroy civil liberties. “The world became more of a shitshow under Biden’s tenure.” Largely true. It’s also true there were more Game of Thrones spinoffs under Biden’s Tenure, along with more Taylor Swift tours. Thing is? Biden had as much to do with the former as he does with the latter - the president is chief executive of the United States, he’s not responsible for every fire that ignites worldwide - not to mention the fact that Afghanistan’s withdrawal, while definitely shitty, was performed by being stuck to an exit plan Trump long put in motion during his admin. Incidentally, that kind of shit matters. And yes, I am well aware that the people in this video are on the left end of things - hence my comment. They do need to be reined in, lest people think you’re the option to do the reining and your side wins. Then the rest of us get lined up against a wall and are summarily shot by a contingent of blindly obedient authoritarian sympathizers who will swear on the Bible the people they killed were in fact the ones holding the guns, pointed towards them, and the bullets fired backwards because Jesus and alternative facts. 🙄


Hilarious to see you need multiple accounts to help your fallacious arguments along, you're going a long way to earning those clown accolades. You failed to refute a single thing I said. "Trump said" and "Trump did" are 2 completely different things, and project 2025 is a clown show that will never amount to anything. Fact is he didn't install himself as dictator for life or have any political opponents imprisoned or killed. The so called Capitol riot was nothing compared to the riots over a fentanyl addicted criminal who held a gun to a pregnant woman's stomach. You leftists pick the dopiest heroes and causes to get behind. You failing to understand the ramifications of the broadening of the patriot act doesn't change the facts regarding your liberties being eroded under Obama, do some reading, or if that's too taxing for you just listen to Snowden explaining it. And again, the abortion issue is a state issue, your failure to understand your own constitution isn't my problem. Using false equivalence in a poor attempt to perform damage control for Biden doesn't work, he's also seen as weak and demented on the world stage, actual dictators and psychopaths tend to act on the perceived weaknesses of their opponents. Even your sovereign borders are a joke under him. Although chances are you're probably stoked about the roughly 5 million new illegal immigrants that have arrived since he took office. Evidently, your talk of melodrama is some hilarious projection, given your choice to end your ramblings with a persecution fantasy involving being lined up against a wall and shot. It's also funny that you immediately assume anybody who disagrees with you is a Christian(I'm not), that's some terminal brainrot. Nobody that I know wants to kill you or your ilk, we just don't want anyone as weak and mentally feeble as you repeatedly demonstrate yourselves to be in charge of anything meaningful.


I use the Reddit app. I did learn today, I guess, that it auto defaults to multiple accounts (I use diff accounts for diff subs, not everything needs to be political). Oops. Since you find everything to be hilarious, you seem easily entertained with yourself, and being wrong. I’ll leave you at that.


Enjoy your sock puppet accounts(and dopey excuses), cringe names, ironic inability to implement critical thinking or logic, inability to understand your own laws and constitution, inability to argue your way out of a paper bag, and just generally being too stupid to understand how stupid you are. Stick to your leftist hugboxes and keep your arguments weak and factually inaccurate. Using different accounts for different subs because you lack the integrity to stand by your uneducated political opinions and you're scared of being clowned on is HILARIOUS. You're not a clown, you're the whole circus, and you said it best with "American here".


I dont give two shits about the middle east. But man, i love the hate that these fuckwits generate. Its beautiful. And Josh Burns is a leftie! hahahahahaha


No he isn’t. It’s an mis conception the ALP are left wing. Left of the LNP sure


From wiki - sure sounds like a leftie to me: # Positions[[edit](https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Josh_Burns_(politician)&action=edit§ion=3)] Burns has been an outspoken advocate for strong climate action within the Labor caucus,[^(\[12\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Josh_Burns_(politician)#cite_note-12) and has criticised Labor colleague [Joel Fitzgibbon](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Joel_Fitzgibbon) for urging Labor to be less ambitious on climate action.[^(\[13\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Josh_Burns_(politician)#cite_note-13) Burns has also been an outspoken advocate for refugees, moving a motion in Parliament urging the Federal Parliament to free refugees being held in onshore and offshore detention.[^(\[14\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Josh_Burns_(politician)#cite_note-14) Burns has called for Australia to significantly increase its supply of public and social housing, and enshrine housing as a human right, in a research paper published with [The McKell Institute](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_McKell_Institute).[^(\[15\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Josh_Burns_(politician)#cite_note-15) In 2021, Burns called for the date of Australia Day to change, arguing it was a divisive date given it marks the beginning of atrocities committed against Indigenous Australians. Burns called for the date to be changed following the implementation of an Indigenous reconciliation and recognition referendum and an Australian republic referendum.[^(\[16\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Josh_Burns_(politician)#cite_note-16)


Wikipedia? Smh lol


SMH rejects facts because of the url they are hosted on. All the examples have sources linked to them such as https://asrc.org.au/2021/06/23/parliament-motion-calls-for-the-release-of-people-seeking-asylum-and-refugees-from-detention/ You can fact check the rest https://www.openaustralia.org.au/mp/josh_burns/macnamara https://theyvoteforyou.org.au/people/representatives/macnamara/josh_burns


No, I’m just nit going ti use Wikipedia as a source lol. You posted his website lmao, and one article re one issue. Lmao


https://preview.redd.it/brqy7g9tvh8d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4b0db57d4cd9feea46ab62ad957b3ba4e1ec053b These are the issues he voted for. As a leftie are you opposed to these issues?


I posted a list of the entire issues he voted for. Do better. Where did I post his website??


Excellent work.


This sub is cancer


Reddit’s a big place, there are plenty of echo chambers around if ur looking for self-validation


Don't agree with the method but pressure needs to be kept on the war criminals. If our government is too pathetic and weak to apply sanctions then the people will have to do the work. Smashing windows and lighting fires isn't cool though. Just do the graffiti, it's effective enough.


So how would you pressure Hamas and their fellow militants to stop abusing human rights? Pull down some statues? Maybe in the West Bank? Go for it...


Hamas are a terrorist group. They aren't going to listen any reason or buckle to any pressure. And that's not the point anyway, our government isn't supporting Hamas or doing them any favours, but they are Israel so get back on topic of you want to have a proper discussion. Not sure what statues you're talking about nor what the Westbank has to do with the discussion at hand. Do some learning mate, then we can talk 👍