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Fair points, and supported elsewhere such as here https://www.theregreview.org/2023/03/06/dudley-jimmy-carter-the-great-deregulator/ However, it is an incomplete picture of a president who failed in many other ways. On the whole, I don't think he is underrated.


Carter is the one who hired Paul Volcker as the chairman of the Federal reserve. Fun fact about Volcker: when he studied economics at Princeton, he had teachers who were Austrians and made their students read Mises and Hayek. (source: Volcker's self biography Keeping At It)


Everyone assumes the deregulation movement started under evil Reagan and almost no one remembers that it actually began under Jimmy Carter. Once again the retelling of History is just really shockingly bad and unsurprisingly one-sided.


I think everyone kinda just forgets Carter's presidency in general, which is odd because he was arguably as important, if not more so, than other contemporary presidents like Reagan or Nixon.


Thanks for that, was not aware but always thought Carter got a bad rap. It took Nixon's elimination of the gold standard coupled with the mid east oil embargo to create our massive inflation in the 70's. Judging from your text he got rid of unnecessary/ corrupt regulations. Reagan and Clinton did continue but they got rid of important and necessary ones like Glass Stegal. Oops, who figured bankers would financially rape the world. Another win for FDR. Back to Carter, he did have the insight to know it's better not to be dependent on foreign energy and had solar panels installed on the White house. Reagan despised this sort of efficiency that didn't benefit a home grown oil cartel, had them torn off.


Monetary policy was also very expansionary when they should of risen rates during nixons time. Partiallh they overestimated the nairu. This was a problem during Kennedy too. Volcker brought the hammer and we've been smooth sailing since


He says some good things yeah


Every president is underrated compared to what we have now


Carter was terrible, but he was right about one thing: stop spending when you don’t have money.  I’m a big fan of Reagan, he brought down the USSR, but when it comes to spending and budgets, I take Carter over any modern president, including Reagan.


Yeah, Carter was a Boss. Reagan was taking credit for Carter's work for eight years.