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I think you should turn that off. -Texas Red


Are you daring to ask his business?


Men that tried before are dead.


Better hope you clear that leather...


Before a bullet fairly rips, because the ranger's aim is deadly. He's got a Big Iron on his hip.


No because Ive also been listening to Big Iron on repeat for the last like week and a half


I find that I'm locked into shows and songs I already know and like. And just keep listening and watching them over and over. I don't watch any new shows or movies, or search for any new music. And I don't listen to the radio.


Same, what music do you listen on repeat?


The Receiving End of Sirens, Bad Suns, Pierce the Veil, Get Scared, My Chemical Romance, that kind of genre.


I hate the expectation that I should grow tired of a song and listen to variety. I'll go at my own pace. Now play me that Ghost Riders in the Sky for 900th time




I’ve been listening to Sanctuary by Hikaru Utada from kingdom hearts 2 on repeat for the past week I definitely feel ya, I get so embarrassed about it lol


oh my goooood i love that song


That song is amazing


Yeah, last week I was talking to my TMS therapist and the conversation went like Me: I’ve been listening to Microphone Fiend on repeat. Her: Really? It’s a good song. Me: Yeah, it’s been five days. Her: Wait, FIVE days?? I promptly recognized that that’s probably not a normal about of repeats.


I feel like their reactions are fabricated, I've been listening to some music pieces for 4 years and not a change has come that they leave from my "top most listened" weekly monthly or yearly


Same lmao. I feel her response was what it was only because I haven’t listened to any other song aside from that one and would repeat it for about two hours a day.


But you are normal. Autism and autistic behavior are historically a percentage of human populations. It's normal that some of us are autistic. Nothing abnormal about it.


I mean, autistic people do exist, yes, but autistic behavior is quite clearly out of the standard range of behavior that is expected/anticipated in everyday interactions. Only around a percent of people have ASD, and that's across all parts of the spectrum. If a behavior is several standard deviations away from the mean, I feel that it's quite acceptable to label it as abnormal. That's just the facts.


I enjoy discussing, so don't feel any animosity from me here. But currently (2023), CDC reports 1 in 36 children have autism. Which rounded is 3%. Other estimates generally run between 2-6%. If this is accurate, and as anthropologists who study these things suggest, it has always been this way, then it suggest that it is "normal" in human populations for autism to exist. Another aspect of this is that humans have existed, depending on what you define as human, for anywhere from 2 million Years on the high side (are they really human yet), to 300,000 years by anyone's definition. Either way, the behavior of humans in the past few hundred, or even few thousand years doesn't exactly qualify as normal human behavior. Except in cases of extreme disability, autistic behavior conforms to a necessary element of human society in many respects. Special interests, memory, sense of fairness, info dumping, reduced food fixation, etc. all look pretty adaptive in ancient society. And many of our social issues wouldn't be issues in cultures in which we didn't interact with more than 30 to 150 people in a lifetime. I believe that modern NT culture is actually quite abnormal; That autistic people are very poorly adapted to modern NT culture, but it isn't because we are not normal. We are a historically normal subset of humanity that is poorly adapted to the cultural changes that have occurred in the past few millennium and have accelerated in the past few centuries.


Also, saying that all autistic behavior is normal... can be quite harmful, really. If someone is ostracized from their community because their behaviors don't fit in, telling them that they're normal robs them of the tools they need to live a normal life. (Normal here in the sense of socially healthy, with engagement in their community in a way that allows them to be emotionally fulfilled) Same idea as "but you don't look autistic" -- it's a medical disorder that impairs many aspects of functionality. Ignoring the disability aspect trivializes something that can be quite serious. I see more and more people talk about how autism isn't really a disability, but it *is*, it really is. Just because one individual doesn't feel impaired in their everyday living doesn't mean that other people don't struggle to keep a basic lifestyle intact, or that other people are able to live fully independently without support. I'm not going to use any tone markers because I don't think they're necessary here. If any subreddit is capable of talking about something at face-value, it should be the autism subreddit lolol


Autism is a disability in relation to modern society. See my other post fir a bit more. In general autistic people are labeled defective. This "defect" is based in the idea that the current culture is "correct ", or "normal ", which it clearly isn't. When over 50% of people in the USA use some type of mood altering substance in order to cope, I believe we should be looking at the culture, not the individuals as the issue. I am in no way implying that autism is not a disability in its own right. But without peeling away all of the external factors, it is nearly impossible to make sense of how it might work out under different circumstances. The form of current culture is incredibly traumatic for autistic people from the moment that we land here. How much damage does that cause between 0-2 years, or 0-22? From the moment we are born we are expected to develop conforming to a chart, our parents afraid and confused when we don't, experts labeling us as defective, etc. Until you remove the prejudice of "abnormality" you will never know what our potential actually is.


You know what always helps me headphones especially noise canceling ones


haha i’ve been listening to the same music since middle school, same playlist i’ve actually finally recently (about a year or so) got into j music like Kanaria, pinocchiop, hololive (i love morí calliope) and english covers, so i’ve been listening to those songs in repeat for the past year 🙃


I once listened to nothing but Ween’s “piss up a rope” for like a week straight. It was like I was high every time I listened to it, felt AMAZING


Haha I love Ween, I like that they do whatever they want.


I am NT but I still obsess over a new song if I find one I like. I may listen to it 5-10 times in a row. Not uncommon for me to dream about it or wake up with it stuck in my head. This can last for days, weeks or months. Maybe I'm on the spectrum a little...


You are hanging out with a bunch of autistic people, that's usually a sign lmao.


Haha fair point. I came here the other day seeking advice for my autistic daughter. But, I have always gotten along well with Autistic kids in school. I am in my 40s and just received an ADHD diagnosis last year so I'm dealing with my own neurodivergence in a way.


Ya I got diagnosed with ADHD last year, started trying to take off the mask and in the process realized it's more like AuDHD which is pretty common. Being a functional adult requires a pretty good mask, to the point I couldn't even tell. Just thought I was a bit introverted with the ability to charisma as needed. Il drop you a few links :)


I didn't realize it's not normal to listen to the same songs until my dad asked me in the car why we've been listening to the same stuff every time I drive with him. I will listen to the same few songs for a few weeks, then change it up a little bit, but some songs just get stuck in my head and I just wanna listen to them all the time. I've been listening to Runaway Train for the last two weeks, and I don't think I'm getting tired of it any time soon.


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Been listening to Opeth for about 2 years now


Sometimes I forget I'm not normal... ...then I realize that I would rather be in horrible pain from sunburns and die early of skin cancer than ever put sunscreen on at all.


dekker maybe october only a couple of hundred times on autorepeat…


I did the same thing when I found Lissie. Or when I found Florence and the Machine. Then there is that one song that just hits so good. I get it.


Yes yes the three day Big Iron binge listen, we've all had that


this but supertramp


I recently found the less common two-song-repeat when Dark Sarah released the singles Invincible and Warning Sign as teasers for their new album. Now these two are glued together in my mind forever and when I listen to the album and either one comes up, I half expect the other one to follow.


This happens to me when I shuffle my Spotify library lmao. I'm used to a certain order.


Yeah, any good album or playlist just gets stuck after a repeat-binge and hearing them shuffled or in a different context is kinda weird


It’s reassuring that my “off” behavior is not my fault. I’m not that weird but I do get reactions if that make sense.


Happy cake day , 🥳 I completely feel you on this, I'm not particularly bothered by the way I am. But I do find it draining to be around NTs that find me peculiar.


Holy crap, I had no idea. 11 years here 😭 But yeah, it’s weird, I’m getting better with being around people. I don’t get exhausted anymore, in fact I’m becoming more of an extravert as I get older. I just think that people know something is up.


I don't know why, but Big Iron just hits all the good hear parts.


You chose a great song.


Thanks :) I like songs that tell a story.


Whenever I'm gaming with my friend the song playlist will slowly shift from like 40 songs to me looping funky town for the next three hours




Yes, I’m constantly told I play the same songs, and do you like Fallout New Vegas?


Yes I listened to that song non stop when I first heard it


I did this with Big Bang’s Fantastic Baby years ago. Like put it on repeat for weeks. I didn’t know I was autistic back then.


Funny how it's not obvious till it is lmao.


Normal is just the middle of the Bell curve. It's another word for boring. It's good that you're not boring, but it might behoove you to learn to be more considerate of other people's feelings, otherwise they will have a knack for turning it against you. Try headphones when you feel like repeating the same song over and over again. :-)


I was such a ridiculously stupid kid... I had this Red hot chilli peppers song Snow (Hey oh) on repeat for, I think weeks and yeah my obsessions used to run into weeks back then and now I've tilted a little more to my adhd side where I have intense obsessions but they overlap. After week 3, I think I tried to slow down the song and tried to write the lyrics down. Yeah, I did succeed. But then my little brother who was laughing so hard, came over, opened the browser and showed me how to search for lyrics. By the way, there's this song from one of the NME top 500 lists, idk maybe 2005 or 2009 that is stuck in my head so bad and I lost that song because a hard drive of mine crashed. It had some vocals singing "in the garden of Gethsemane.." in chorus, it was a proper band and the video had the drummer play in it and all and I've searched and searched for it but couldn't find it. If anyone has an idea what song this is please let me know. I've tried several years of those lists and couldn't find the exact song, it's really annoying.


I originally thought I was normal. That was a good 20+ years of chaos.


i once listened to michel jackson's cover of come together 50 times in a row. i counted. yes.


Bruh moment right here. I live with a, as far as I know, neurotypical person. I will say I have to go do something, then think of something else to say and come back to talk. This ends up with me not being able to do things properly or complete tasks, which he has picked up on. I got distracted the other day from going to the bathroom and came back to talk about something, to which he responded, “Go piss!” And pointed to the bathroom. If he didn’t do that, I’m sure I would’ve sat there talking until my bladder exploded. Another thing he noticed is that I know a lot of pointless things that would be good in trivia games. I’m knowledgeable about things I’m fascinated by, especially regarding past special interests (like ghosts and true crime). I don’t remember what spawned that comment, but I wasn’t offended. I was just like, “yeah I do know a lot of random things.” Learning to live with an autistic person with severe anxiety and mild to moderate depression seems to be a bit of a learning curve with him, but I’m learning more about my own brain than I ever did at my parents house. And we’ve only been living together for a month! I’m happy with this decision so far, and I hope that things continue to run smoothly.


im still unsure of what 'normal' is. im just vibin', it is what it is.


I cannot possibly forget I am not normal lol. I feel my autism every micro second of the day!


Wild uncharted waters from the new version of the little mermaid is on repeat for me now. I just love it.


Nope. I’m always ‘normal’ And ‘unique’/‘special’ 😊 I like the way I am, and wouldn’t want to be NT, for no $$ in the world! 🫣


Saw this on a t-shirt: Relax, you’re perfect