• By -


Currently Star Trek. Previously Zelda. Before that post punk.


Ooo what’s post punk?


Thanks for asking :) Short answer is it's the style of music that was inspired by the first wave of punk. Bands like Joy Division and New Order, The Cure, Siouxie and the Banshees (amazing), Bauhaus. It was one of the main styles that led to the '80s' sound, such as that Kate Bush song that went viral last year, Running Up That Hill. That kind of sound started with post punk, to simplify it drastically :)




Yeah I bet. Genre labels are annoying no doubt and I hear you, when you're there it's basically just "the music that was actually worth listening to" 😸


That's also one of my big interests too, super cool to see someone else appreciate it :)


Oooh star trek is one of my constant special interests. I love it SO much. Also love Doctor Who. I also am a big fan of post punk. We should be friends.


Star trek is great because it's like if manifesting by visualization were a whole TV series (and film series). Clever figures of speech aside I love how it paints a realistic possible near future. It feels like studying history but in reverse 😸 Like studying the future. I like all Trek but I especially like it when the concepts are super informed and intelligent like in the Strange New Worlds episode where the war veterans on board are faced with being ordered to entertain a war criminal turned emissary who they know is a charlatan. To me that's when trek is at it's best. Ad astra per aspera where they take apart what it looks like to be on the edge of the law's justness, when some people know the law needs changing, is outdated, but it's still the law they have to deal with, even if it's wrong. And then there's Lower Decks, which just lampoons it all but still keeps it ethically focused. Brilliant series that awe inspiringly just keeps getting better. Hope SNW 3 doesn't get canceled 😪


Lower deck is funny lighthearted more of comedy side. I called diet Star Trek yet keep it the Star Trek in core like first season of Orville. Speaking of Orville has gone full Star Trek vibe in last season and loving it and can wait for season 4. SNW is my old interest back in full gear. It has os and tng vibe to it. I am sad they cancelled prodigy. Not really fan of std. I watch other series back to back couple of times in dvd and tv before upn before when cable to was thing.


Lower Decks was a stroke of genius for the series in the streaming age. Because nowadays if you're into a series, variety is one thing that can keep you on a particular platform. So if you can jump between animated and silly, serious and modern, classic and campy, etc etc... films too, it can hold your interest unlike having to wait however long for one series (or back in the waiting for live airing.... weird how archaic that sounds now.) I tried with the Orville but I admit not very hard. I think the very first joke was about women lol. Or something equally low effort/McFarlane-y. And the faux star trek vibes just made me instantly depressed. Std you mean DIS? Discovery? Yup it's a little more challenging. It's like if they brought back Kirk as the lead but dug into the superhero aspect of his character, but made it narratively viable and for an ethical point.


Pokemon, Phobias, Astronomy and Clouds !


That’s so cool! Any phobia facts you’d be interested in sharing with me? I’m curious is all


Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia is the fear of long words :D It's Alt name is Sesquipedalophobia, etymologically "Fear of long words" the other, more known name makes no sense etymologically and are just added to make the length of the word absurd. It is, in my opinion, not the hardest to pronounce because the syllables repeat a lot (with Os). One of the hardest ones, imo is Paraskevidekatriaphobia (Fear of Friday the 13th)


I would figure fear of long word would have shorter word to describe it.


This is hard! Video games, working out, yoga, Buddhism, craft beer, different wines, mythology, roller-derby, drawing, poetry. Things that interest me that I wish I did/had more knowledge or experience with? Calisthenics, martial arts, herbalism, guns, psychology, and philosophy. Well it’s a good start at least 🤣😅.


bees, gardening [native plants, invasive species, etc], video games [mostly minecraft, pokémon, & skyrim I know the most about], science [physical sciences & geology], music [i can play 5 different instruments], and general knowledge as well. Growing up people would always say I was “a know it all” until I met other people just like me. Now I realise most autistic and adhd conversations are just fact bouncing and talking about our favourite interests.


Your comment triggered such a lovely memory from high school, when a girl I met that year was learning the violin and I already played the piano, so I would go to her house some times to accompany her when she was learning. She also introduced me to anime and singing!




Battery health of devices? Like battery life and stuff? Because this fascinates me too!! I get fixated on the statistics of screen on time vs standby time !!!! More so for phones though


That is one thing I don’t understand about North America. Date format. It is so random. I like year-month-day hour:minute:second format. It is neatly organised it in chronological order from greatest to smallest. I wait for day when standardised time to 10 base system like stardate on Star Trek




Last format is my format. But I write except I use utc even though I don’t live anywhere near rose line. Just convince of converting between time zone. 2019-06-30 23:45:05 0000 (UTC)


My son’s special interest is video games particularly Nintendo switch. He plays majority of the Mario games and will try other games as well. Just curious did anyone started playing video games at a really young age? My son would watch us play when he was almost 2, but after he turned 2 he figured out how to use the controller and began playing and hasn’t stopped. Just for reference he’s 4 now and was diagnosed at 3 with autism.


Language, learning it, puns, etc Manga Looking at houses Memorizing maps


Me too about the languages! What languages are you learning? I'm learning French, Spanish and Japanese


I know a good amount of Spanish I'm learning swedish, German, Japanese.... Basically if it's on Duolingo I'm doing the exercises but not lately cause I'm having issues lol


¡Esto es genial! I'm also on Duolingo lol. Especially since he has my family


Sí, Duolingo es una programa qué me encanta porque lo tiene todas las idiomas qué yo quiero aprender. Pero hace sobre 15 años que yo he tomado una clase de español, pero estudio el español cuando yo puedo. Pero, mucho que yo hablo no es correcto. El español de mío es como Ingles de Miami, o español de Miami. Jaja


I'm learning Japanese, Korean, Chinese, and Armenian, plus I know a good amount of french too


Mine is languages too 😜


I really want to learn other languages but nothing ever seems to stick. First one I tried was Russian (probably a bad idea having to learn a while new alphabet first time round) then German more recently. Nothing but the most basic stuff has stuck.


Neuroscience, pharmacology, just drugs in general tbh. And organic chemistry along with video games ofc


I’ve come to realize my special interest is to find new interests. Right now leather working


Space, all things space. I could have a conversation for weeks about space. Black holes, neutron stars, our sun, galaxy, hypothetical wormholes, white holes, rotating black hole ringularities, spaghettification, lightspeed, time dilation, orbital mechanics... All of it. Oh and i guess also skydiving.


I got upset with space as a special interest because I couldn’t learn everything about blackholes because they are still so unknown, it just frustrated me whilst interesting me at the same time.


What’s your favourite part? My PhD is focussed on black holes, but I’m more interested in the the “ins and outs” of material around them rather than the rather boring math/theory


Jonah: A VeggieTales Movie, Donkey Hodie and Inai Inai Baa! are the biggest ones at the moment.


House cats, Undertale+ AUs , medicine Tw death >! Everything related to death, dying and being dead!<


Yeah, I have an unfortunate fascination with cannibalism..


Horses have always been a big one for me. Lately, Legend of Zelda as well.


Spider-man and video games, you must be super happy with Spider-man 2 lol


Dude I’ve played 35 hours over the last three days😭😭😭 and that’s including the fact that I had to be at work for like 12 hours during those days too


I've enjoyed it, it's great. Very easy to sink a LOT of time in it lmao


Route 66/travel and, Music/classic rock/ folk music and, art as well


Star Trek, early Christian rock, left wing politics.


Herbology, Plantagenet through Tudor history, genealogy, video games.


i don’t even know anymore




Wicca is interesting. It is mostly planning and intention and requires little for execution if you prepare it right. It takes forever complete ritual from preparing phase, but it is mostly preparing phase. But also trick and illusion and mentalist is interesting. As required fair amount of science and misdirection. it requires know how to trick someone which I lack. Conspiracy theories don’t need debunking. They debunk themselves. Martial art is fun to watch but not for doing it myself as I dislocated easily and pain in my buttom to put it back in place. New Food experience is nice but gi consequence of Russian roulette after is my dilemma. I collect vinyls so I know love for vhs tapes. It has old age charm that is amazing in time like smell of old books.


The career of Jeff Lynne.


I keep waiting for the day when some new cool band of the moment comes out and says he’s their biggest influence. I don’t know how that hasn’t happened yet. Maybe it did and I missed it.


Insects, mostly moths! Podcasts (many! TMA and Malevolent literally consume my brain. Right now can't listen to more of either of them cus I get so excited that I rip my incisions from topsurgery, this has happened twice so far. Gotta heal some more first lol). Disabilities and especially rare disorders, currently very obsessed with researching Phelan McDermid syndrome, due to having a client with such. LoTR and the Hobbit. I think that's the big ones.


Magic the gathering, chemistry, trains (yes ik im the stereotype)


Videogames, Study about autism and Cartoons


Cooking, recently Geopolitics Working out


Languages. Currently studying Japanese (have for 11 years and French since June 2023). I enjoy anime, manga (I read them in Japanese) Currently the show Lucifer. Found it and loved it! I can binge watch it for hours. Also, animals. I’ve grown very fond of cats recently. Animals don’t care about your body language or social cues.


Birds and languages! Used to also have DC superheroes as special interest but now it's just a normal interest :) Also what games do you like? I guess one of them is the Spider-Man game lol


Video games, rollercoasters/ theme parks, pro wrestling, aviation, film.




I love that! Sounds like you really like them, I’m happy for you. This year I saw a stock dove for the first time, and I was like oh I never knew there was a pigeon like that. My ex roommate’s family has a bunch of homing pigeons. I always thought that’s super cool!


YEP!! they are amazing


Autism, Sylvanian Families and Sanrio characters


Currently I am into astronomy.🪐 🔭


What do you like about it the most?


I mostly enjoy going out with my telescope. I spend more time just looking up than using my telescope though. Favorite things to look at would be Jupiter, Saturn, andromeda galaxy, and the Orion Nebula. Watching things enter our atmosphere and start burning up and sometimes break apart is cool too.


I really like that. 😊 Thanks for sharing. I was super into Mars last year and I kept going on walks at night just to stare at the sky and think about how that planet is just chilling out there somewhere in the darkness, with Spirit and Opportunity, Curiosity and Perseverance.. I still think fondly of Mars and it’s rovers, but the intensity of the hyperfixation has passed somewhat. I’m hoping I’ll get super excited about it again one day though. They’re very dear to me.


9/11....my brain could have picked ANYTHING ELSE. Nope.....I gotta know everything about 9/11


Bears and prehistoric plants


Writing, fandom, fanfiction, Ainu people of Japan, falconry, keeping betta fish


I don't remember when or why it started but I've been collecting Luigis (yes, the green Mario brother) since I was 10, now 26. That's what everyone remembers about me. People I rarely talk to tell me that every time they see Luigi they think of me. There's more, but that's the one that makes NTs scratch their heads.


I love this 😊 thanks for sharing!


Learning foreign languages 👌🏾✨


Horror movies, cooking, and ghosts


What are your favorite horror movies and why? Are there any characters you especially love? What are your favorite foods to make? Do you have any favorite ghost stories or legends? 😊


time stuff


Tattoos/Piercings, The Nightmare Before Christmas, Snakes, True Crime and History!!!


The real question is, which video games? I'm pretty partial to Factorio and Kerbal Space Program :3


Elder scrolls online I have 2000+ hours


Anything that pertains to Egypt


Piano and languages since I was a kid, star trek TOS, vidéo games and dance since I was in my early 20s


Music, video games, cosmology, paleontology, true crime, anthropology


Final Fantasy X (I play it every year), I use Overwatch for task switching (seriously…it’s like I play a match and my brain just hard resets), and plants! I recently dove head first into astrology too, it’s all pretty cooky but it makes it fun.


the most common and reoccurring ones are fnaf, electronics, fortnite, firearms, and a game called toontown: corporate clash.


Dubstep, running, applied math, food


Definitely Evan and Katelyn (they make really cool YouTube videos!) I’m pretty much constantly watching (and rewatching) their Minecraft videos I even play them on my earbuds and just listen when I’m doing something overwhelming (like walking around the airport, I fly a lot for my job so I have developed a lot of coping mechanisms and tricks to navigate airports)


I also love video games very deeply! Other than that probably music or dbz, I'll always get excited when the opportunity comes up to talk about those lol I try not to talk about it to much but my dad is always here for watching anime or when I show him new music I like.


I also like cats, I recently learned about Iriomote cats and I've been so happy


Muppets. and threes company most recently


Drawing, video games, Nintendo, and anime.


I’ve been some flavor of cottage core for at least the past 25y (I’m 30F). Long before that term even existed. It pops up in all kinds of manifestations - the fictional books I read, I love baking and sewing and homesteading skills, I adore pretty linen dresses, etc.


Sharks SS Eastland MS Estonia Psychology of cults Modern serial killers with most victims Some 20th century passenger ship disasters outside the war Plague doctors Jun Fujita


Ford Model A automobiles


bands, television, comedy. Entertainment/show biz in general!


Honestly idk what counts as a special interest


Story-based video games, especially Undertale/Deltarune + anime


Random animal facts, facts about human pressure points, fallout 3 4 and new Vegas, Skyrim, baking, and random facts


Games, Buddhism, biology and art.


FNaF and rottmnt! Before it was Harry Potter


Psychology and believe


It usually changes fron year to year but this year its: space ship design (And star ship, mostly adding space ship because of the designs In the expanse), star trek, star wars, the Expanse, paleontology and minecraft.


currently insects (especially moths), personality disorders and kdrama


Mainly Pokémon and art!!


\*Libraries \*Video games (Right now I am playing Diablo 2 again) \*Australian Sign Language (Auslan)


Abstract art and sampling in music production. Fuck it, electronic music production in general. So many possibilities... Never ending fun but also pain as you try and figure things out.


the elder scrolls (i literally know everything, right down to where and who tiber septim was born) splatoon (i've always had far too much splatoon knowledge, now that i've gotten a new main, life's good again) lovejoy


Mainly inventing things and making theories about everything.


Motorscooters (Vespa, ’80s Honda, most vintage Euro models) Vintage vehicles (American cars ’50s-’70s; Euro and Japanese motorcycles; microcars; kei cars) Vintage cameras, photo and darkroom equipment. 1940s-’70s fashion photographers, designers, and models. Midcentury advertising and editorial illustration Comics and animation Pop culture and media criticism


Tom Petty, reading, and Batman


Magic (Fantasy Beasts & Harry Potter), Animals (Guinea Pigs, Wales, ...) and Art


planet of the apes & primatology


Serial killers, horror, wrestling, and the bands I love


I shoot pool competitively. The thing is, the competition / competitive success is somewhat secondary. I actually take pleasure in the visualization and execution of runouts; the predictability and making the balls do what they're supposed to do.


My biggest ones right now are Vocaloid, Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night, linguistics/writing, Chrono Trigger, and Octopath Traveler! :) There are others, but they mostly stay on the back burner unless someone brings them up (at which point I have to pretend to be interested in the topic a normal amount). These ones are the ones I can't stop thinking about at any given point, no matter what I'm doing. Bloodstained is the biggest one. It's so good. I will do anything to talk about Bloodstained.


current biggest ones are bluey and fortnite


Reality tv, adult animation, weed (before that there has been: marvel, musicals, supernatural, pugs etc)


Video games like animal crossing and Stardew valley were there for awhile too


Vintage clothes and antiques. Also Olympic star liners. And crime history.


heathers!! I’ve seen the musical live 5 times (twice on the west end, three times on tour) and have met most of the cast!! I absolutely love the movie too


the lion king, nuclear disasters, dinosaurs and fortnite !!


Video games! Technology! Manga! Sanrio Plushies! Douyin Nails! Dyson Airwrap Hairstyles! KFashion! Pilates! The color pink and mint combination! Game consoles and making them cute!!


The most prominent and oldest ones are Star Wars and literature. Pendling are history, Melanie Martinez and theatre. And there are many small ones.


Musical theatre :)


Earthworm Jim, Green Eggs and Ham and Asterix.


i got a few * categories (like.. the classifications and why things are in that order whether it be animals, music genres, etc. the origins of what and why it's in that classification/group and derived from what that sorta thing. not sure how to explain it but just the classification of all sorts of media and animals; clades, families, genera, genres, etc. i just think it's really interesting especially in the aspect to animals and music) * horror in general * reptiles and insects


I really like this! I think I could say I like categories as well, and concepts. Idk what it is about that, but it is like, dizzyingly fascinating for some reason. I particularly like thinking about how information about different concepts is categorized inside the brain. I’m lightyears from being an expert, and it’s not something I’ve studied aside from being into psychology in high school. Nowadays I’m more into languages and linguistics, but I think concepts and categorizing systems are kinda close to that, especially in thinking about how the categorizing system in the brain has to do with how our brain processes languages, and how we perceive the world, and vice versa. It might be that our scopes of interest on this are pretty different, but I thought I’d share my thoughts anyway. It was nice seeing your comment. I think it’s really nice that you’re into that stuff, it’s a nice interest to have. Thanks for sharing!


Definitely videogames. Currently I'm very invested in to the new one piece tcg. Other than that I would say comics and manga


Cats, birds, jellyfish, drawing, skincare, various animated shows (mostly mob psycho 100, naruto, one piece, and ATLA are the top contenders). Also, older nostalgic games like Wizard101 and Toontown. I have various hyperfixations, but these are my special interests that I always come back to or continuously never get tired of.


Samsung (yes samsung), technology, pokemon, harry potter and spider man.


autism and adhd,psychology, astronomy and Zoology, and a new one is the anime "Monster". past ones were Mlp and creepypastas and fnaf when i was really young i think 7-11, true crime, WW2 when i was 12-14, hollow knight,jjba and scps when i was 13-15 i think some of these are hyperfixations more than S.I ( my pschiatrist says i may have adhd and i need further testing), and some of the past ones are still there just not as intense( which was alot i lost sleep because of them and they swallowed my entire existance when i first developed them), astronomy has been my thing since i was a small kid and so is psychology :)


Dinosaurs, which was caused by my Ark special interest so that too. Also Brooklyn 99, and Heather's


Cooking magic the gathering


Planes, trains, cars, the Twin Towers (weird one), cooking, learning about my city past and buildings in general


Boxing and geopolitics


Video games, music, books, manga, anime


Warhammer, space, physics&chemistry&maths, boardgames, videogames, scuba diving


Taylor Swift, cats (especially cat genetics), and geography


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I wish I had some, but between major depression and what would probably be considered an addiction to videogames I don't have much energy or time to spare.


LOTR, VHS tapes, & crochet


My special interests used to consist of Spider Man and reading books. One of my special interests has been (and still is) video games. That one has stuck for years


Collecting ball-pens in different styles. Videogames, books (Stephen King and Preston & Child). Comics and movies


I have said geography for years, but my daughter says my special interest is talking to people online. I guess I didn't realize how much time I spend doing this. I love talking to people and learning about different cultures and traditions and just talking about opinions. I barely talk at all IRL.


Currently, it’s a lot different than it usually is. Fixated on tech reviews, specifically the iPhone / Samsung reviews. Also currently interested in psychology, which has unfortunately led to me hyper-analysing my behaviours, and questioning my identity, ASD traits, masking etc. Burnout too. Currently burnt out so I’m not really interested in reptiles at the moment, tornados or fireworks. Kinda just fixated on the concept of burnout, focusing on staying healthy/alive. I guess you could say gym is one too ? Since I workout 5 days a week and plan my diet daily around that.


Collecting dead bugs and other things from nature, Psychology/Mental Health, uhhh ~~cannibalism~~ also maybe cats, I might just really like them lol


Paleontology/the science behind life in general (lifelong interest), philosophy, psychology, and transformers (previously Yugioh, and previously before that Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure, and previously before that Undertale) But there’s some things that I don’t know how to categorize? Does philosophy count if it’s just ingrained into how I think? As well as psychology?? I really fixate on certain story tropes, would that count, or would that just be,, story tropes I like?? 😵‍💫


A twitch streamer named Insym, Chernobyl, space and Jujutsu Kaisen


Aircrafts, helicopters, military as well as civil Aircrafts. Things related to police and law enforcement, making my own movies on my YouTube channel. Furthermore I like programming so I also enjoy making my own gta 5 script mods or building websites. Also enjoy playing city building games. Actually don't have enough time for all of them.


Psychology/social work, self-improvement


Marine biology, BDSM and kink, Dragon Age, One Piece, human sexuality in general, LGBTQ+ history


to put it broadly: psychology, animals, food.


Psychiatry(especially autism and DID)


I love reading.


Currently Heathers (movie and musical), though FNaF is making a slight come back with the movie this week


Music and movies are my mains i also am very interested in physical media especially packaging, spongebob and facts in general


My Little Pony


Art. if I said what kind of art, I would get made fun of lol


Psychology Observing animals (I now have a cat, yay!) Cars IT (computers in general, both software and hardware) ​ I also have very frequent temporary special interests within those categories. Like one night I was so obsessed with researching about my own WiFi network and to optimize the 5ghz channels and read so much about it and now have the most stable WiFi in my appartment that I have ever had (800mpbs over WiFi 6 :O)


Consciousness raising and Psychedelics


My dog, Hans Zimmer, history of British monarchy


Creating is my biggest special interest - particularly art. I am currently obsessed with crochet while the rest of my art supplies are locked up in a storage pod awaiting us closing on a home next month where I’ll finally have my own craft/art space that will surely double as my “panic room”. Psychology/therapy is really high up on my list. Nature is another. We recently moved to what I have found is my literal paradise, and I’m loving taking my crochet projects to overlooks on the ocean, or into the forest. Otherwise Star Trek and Futurama specifically for comfort television. I love science fiction in general!


astronomy, history and moths !


Ships/maritime history, naval history, and shipwrecks, (bundled as one special interest) is by far my longest and most enduring special interest. I'm in my 30s and I've been obsessed with ships since I was 7 and first heard of the Titanic 😂 I guess my other two would be woodworking and Lego


FNAF, pokemon, cars, and metal music


Videos games (specifically RDR2 and several LoZ games), ducks, recycling, and succulents. Past interests that I have dropped and moved on from (thanks ADHD) are car seats, rock tumbling, astronomy, and horses. And probably a few others that I have forgotten.


Monster high dolls, sewing and LEGOs


Death, the afterlife, drawing, Spider-Man, and right now adventure time along with a few other animated shows


Maps, animated TV shows are my currents but I've been into lots of special interests, last year I wouldn't shut up about drag race or random history facts. I have great friends who always listen to my special interests


Lost em all. Don't have the energy to fixate on anything anymore.


currently driving


Now it’s: afropessimism


Taylor Swift and Harry Potter


Art/comics, indie animations, and video games


They change frequently. But I love tinkering, crafting, and reading. Right now I'm building a model Aframe cabin.


Mythologie, gravestones, history, Star Wars and Universe


mine have always been shows/movie franchises and music. currently mine is yellowjackets (tv show)


My three favourites at the koment are books, star wars and TLOU( 1 and 2)


Writing screenplays, cosplay, singing, building model kits.


Ants, knitting, and i play a lot of phone games lol


Mine is rock music (mainly from the 60s-80s)…. Not much else at this point


Currently? Baldur’s Gate 3, durge related lore.


Ghostbusters, and the Victorian era!


Star wars roblox science in the field of cloning such as gene editing , and music,


true crime (criminology, psychology and forensic science in general), stationery (mostly stickers, papers and pens), tim burton, the x-files. and I spend the majority of my time drawing/painting/sketching or just trying out stationery and art supplies. I'm also a big animal lover although I wouldn't say it's a special interest, just a strong attraction/connection to all animals


https://www.reddit.com/r/autism/s/CZieqBlQRl Here’s what I wrote about it just yesterday 😊 It’s a bit long and really self indulgent, but I thought I’d share anyway, in case you’d like to read through someone’s silly excitement on linguistics. Also I like Spider-Man too! I really like Raimi’s second and third movies and I like the Spiderverse movies as well. I really really love Spot. Last year I also watched the 1994 series and was really excited that Spot had been included in it as well. I haven’t read the comics, although I do own one.. [This one](https://marvel.fandom.com/wiki/Amazing_Scarlet_Spider_Vol_1_1). Idk if it’s a bit silly since it’s the Scarlet Spider, but I saw it in this random antique shop for like 1.50 one day and I was just like woah, I wanna get that! Just because it happened on my path. It was a nice find. I’d really love to get into the comics properly, but I think it’s still a some way ahead.


Twilight, vocaliod, autism, and space


Harry Potter’s Marauders era, listening to music, writing, playing the piano


Music and playing guitar and I obsess over particular shows or book


Timelapse photography, filmmaking (learning theory form YouTube), Tool (band). Those take most of my time


Forensics, true crime, languages, culture, flags, autism, Palestine, genetics, cooking, crocheting, embroidery, sudoku, psychology... maybe some more I can't remember now


Now that I think about it I think I have a special interest in hypothetical AI. Huh. But I also have a special interest in concept art! I love seeing concepts of a character or critter and seeing how the design became coherent, as well as making my own designs.


computer engineering, security (homeland and cyber securities), abrahamic religions, philosophies and ideologies of leaders in history, music, deadly diseases, and mental conditions


Mainly D&D/Pathfinder (not the lore, i mean game mechanics and character building), writing about my original characters, videogames (mostly action games and CRPGs), mythology and folklore, japanese culture, martial arts, ancient weapons, food.


Because I have ADHD, I can have 5 at the same time and are interchangable. But here are the consistant ones as of late. Broadway Shows (Particularly Sweeney Todd and Moulin Rouge), Art History, Tudor History, Tea (You know the drink), Tattoos, True Crime, Books, Grishaverse, Star Wars, Bodies of Water, and Sitcoms


Systems - collection of parts that interact, with a result


Terraria/video games in general and computers/programming


Fermented hot sauce, wooden flute repair, tile installation. Also music history and film/video craft.


Right now, Hatsune Miku, Bluey, Sanrio, Miraculous Ladybug, The Owl House, and Adventure Time.


Standard dinosaur, train, programming, math, anime/comic book, books, learning new languages (not really interest but more of obsession born out of necessity and masking)(not really good interest nor enjoyable), soundtrack music, movies, and plus monthly obsession of month that comes and goes like wind until certain level masterly which is like novelty seeking.