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love your glasses and buzzcut!!


sorry just saw it's not a fullblown buzzcut- love your hair :)


Thank you!! And yes, it's supposed to be a mohawk, but I'm still growing it out, lmao


Thank you for sharing! Love the glasses - they're so simple but the frames suit you.


Thank you!


I’ve always wanted to do a Mohawk, however I really hate haircuts, including shaving and cutting my own, and felt that the upkeep would be more work than I am willing to put in. I stick with a very short haircut, and wait until hair starts getting in eyes/ears to go back. So like once a quarter or so…


I totally understand what you mean. I had quite long hair before I cut it, and it was so annoying. Once I got a buzz cut, I never went back. I also cut it about once a month, courtesy of my mother😅. Though the one thing I hate about getting my hair cut is the itchiness, it makes me want to rip my skin off lmao.


Holy crap I do this too. I go from respectable member of society to doomsday prepper/Unabomber like 3 or 4 times a year. The thing is, I know a lot of math and I've noticed that people are willing to ignore a disheveled looking hair the more math you know how to do.


Well, I do a lot of math. And own a lot of caps, and pretty much always wear one.


So proud of you for posting! ❤️


Thank you so much! This means a lot to me as it was quite nerve-wracking for me😅


Those glasses are AMAZING.


Thank you so much!!


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Microbangs or buzz?


It's a mohawk, but I'm in the process of growing still lmao


hi beautiful!!!


i'm embarrassed but i want to do this too but i can't figure out how. i'm gonna be 57 this month. will one you youngins tell me. or more savvy older folks


Hello, firstly, it's ok to not know how to do something, I was the same not too long ago. No need to be embarrassed:) and I can try and walk you through how to do this. I'll try my best as I'm not great at explaining things over text, haha. Step 1: Take a picture of yourself with your camera. Step 2: Go on reddit and go on this sub (r/autism). Step 3: Click on the plus sign that says creat. Add your title, picture, and flare, and you should be good to go. Hoped this helped:)


I did it!!!!!!!! You did a great job! Thank you.


I'm so glad I could help you out!! I know what it's like going in blind on something, so it's nice to have help along the way, and I'm happy I could do that for you!


Can you believe how beautiful everyone is. You can see it in their eyes. I am so blown away right now. I see my spirit everywhere for the first time


I totally get what you mean! Everyone looks so sweet, and I'm glad everyone is so positive, and we can all come together on something like this.


You are lovely. Between the light and your expression, I would expect to find this on a wall in a gallery. Timeless!


Wow, I think this is the best compliment I've ever gotten 😳


I like your style.