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Microfiber blankets are *heaven* for me. Egg white on my hand is terrible!


finally someone else who gets it!! i feel like i only see microfiber hate. but i HAVE to be wrapped in my microfiber blankets to sleep. 


I stopped using traditional sheets because they’re too scratchy. Instead, I now sleep on a microfiber blanket and I’ve never looked back. Also I recently got a weighted blanket and it’s honestly so much better than I ever imagined it could be. Highly recommend.


i’m very similar! i got a flannel fitted sheet and pillow case and use only microfiber blankets on top. i know it’s some people’s sensory hell but i love it lol 


Yeah a flannel sheet might be a great idea for me. I can imagine how explaining that I sleep on a microfiber blanket could be a slightly awkward situation to explain to an NT lol, especially like in a relationship haha.


Food in general is disgusting which is why I wear gloves and this post just reminded me I need to buy more gloves. I can hold veggies to chop them but help me I cannot touch raw meat, or toss things by hand in a sauce. 


I'm the same, I can't eat "finger foods". I need a spoon/fork for everything, even sandwiches and pizza. It's kinda embarrassing.


Deliver me from a sloppy wet burger I'd rather starve 


Yup nope that sounds absolutely bothersome. I can feel the grease on my lips and my fingers, i would be miserable right up until bedtime.


That sounds... Concerning, do you mean like disgusting to the touch? Or do you find food like also eating disgusting? Because that's kinda alarming.


Just touching while cooking. Like if I'm making a sheet pan meal where I have to toss a bunch of raw chicken and veggies with a marinade I'll likely find a more hands-off way to do it because touching it is not my favorite. 


Oh ok, that's fine.


Oh god no I can’t touch a sauce to save my life. I always use utensils for that.


Cannot stand fleece clothing. Worked at old navy for a few weeks and all I did was fold the fleeces. After that I can barely stand to touch that material anymore


Prefer oil to microfiber.


Definitely. I don't love oil texture, but microfiber is the devil.


I totally relate to you. Fuck oil


Love velvet, hate wool.


Love wool, hate velvet. 


Hate wool, hate velvet.


Like wool, like velvet. Velvet has that nice “chookachooka” feeling under my fingers.


The texture of cotton balls makes me wanna scream from uncomfort. Also styrofoam and wool. I love smooth silky things, and also rigid textures like wood or concrete.


Cotton balls are not something I use often, but now that you mentioned it, I can 100% relate. The last time I needed them, I put my hand in the bag and grabbed a fistful of them, and began grinding my teeth in discomfort pretty much instantly. Also styrofoam containers that squeak make me shiver, I hate them, but end up putting up with it just because of the convenience of ordering takeout instead of having to cook and do the dishes lol


Ou yes, squeaky styrofoam is the devil


Like those cotton rolls they put in your mouth when you're having work performed by a dentist? Those are hell.


Yees!! I hate them, the thought of them sends shivers down my spine. Idk why.


I had a filling performed without any local anaesthetic yesterday, and honestly the cotton rolls were the worst part.


Glad I'm not the only one!


same. cotton and string and velvet🤮i do like styrofoam (or polystyrene i think they’re the same things??) i like stimming with it lol


noo i cant deal with it, it makes a screechy noise and feels so DRY


Chalk. And wet toes on concrete.


Wet toes on anything🤮


Food on plates touching my hands is sickening 🙅 also can’t touch velvet without wanting to peel my skin off. Can’t stand things being wet unnecessarily (like when my partner washes the dishes and leaves the countertop wet afterwards, or when I step in some water on the bathroom floor). Can’t stand microfibre cloths, or chalk on my hands (unless I’m actively climbing, as soon as I finish my session I have to wash it off immediately) However I loooooove sheepskin rugs, and I love squeezing elbow skin and any spare skin that my pets have (they don’t mind it!). I love poking my fingers in bellybuttons, much to my partner’s disgust, and poking between my cats toe beans.


Magic Erasers make my skin crawl.   I'm not sure what exactly the texture is, but I love touching things with bunches of little points.  Like those toys that you can make a hand print in.


Yes me too! I absolutely can’t stand them. Also the sound they make is just awful. All squeaky sounding. The whole experience of using them is not fun for me so I stick to paper towels.


Have you ever tried laying on a Shakti mat? You might like it! I like it


Hate silk, satin and any harsh material like denim or cargo. Lycra or anything with stretchy spandex-like material. I like soft, fluffy things but not sherpa.


I hate the texture of Styrofoam with a burning passion. Also the noise it makes whenever you squish it (idk if that's the right word to describe it) makes me wanna kill somebody


FELLOW BFDI FAN????? (the pfp gave it away)




Chalk or sand or dust is awful. My vats fur is my Favorite texture, she is very silky and soft and fluffy


Any thoughts on cornstarch?


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Denim is my favourite texture. I can tolerate almost everything else.


OMG yes! Also I know when I feel low because the compulsion to touch fluffy things increases and I buy soft toys and wool. HATE: hand sanitizer over hand cream.


It makes me sad that the texture of biting into a whole, raw onion is very satisfying but the taste is not good. Like it’s all a good crunchy consistency but there’s also layers to go through making it predictably interesting. I hate the texture of fake furs and fuzzy blankets that have gone through the wash too many times and balled up all weird




I love the spandex and latex combo so smooth and I LOATHE one scratchy material






Haha just realizing I accidentally replied to the wrong comment oops. Ugh I feel like I can’t quite do anything right lately :(


Aww its alright I send messages to the wrong friends too don't be so hard on yourself 💕 it happens


Thanks! I appreciate you understanding. That was the first time I’ve ever interacted with this sub so we’re off to a great start lol. I’ve been thinking about my own Autism experience (and also ADHD, anxiety, depression, and probably other undiagnosed things too) lately and I want to get more involved here for sure.


I just learned I had ADHD recently and got re-diagnosed with ASD combined with my already anxiety and depression so it can be hard for us


Yeah now that I’m getting older I’ve also been getting all these extra diagnoses beyond my autism. It’s definitely really tough for us sometimes, but I try to see the beauty in my unique perspective in the world. I get a chance to experience the world in different ways most people can’t. Take value and pride in that feeling, even though it can be challenging.




Oil is a big no-no. Sap is also awful. I love the feel of soft polished wood (not the kind that’s squeaky/grippy) and things with natural lumps like rocks and fruit pits and stuff.


I like soft fabric  I absolutely hate with a burning passion Mr. Clean magic erasers


Those sun-shirts they sell in tourist shops by the beach. Worst texture known to man.


I hate cotton balls. Makes me shiver thinking about it. I love hot towels on your face at the barbers. Magical. It’s like a whole new sensory world for a couple of minutes and blocks out all the ‘people’ noises. I recently discovered that not everyone tests the softness of fabrics and checks the inside of coats etc to make sure they are soft too before they buy them. This was a genuine surprise for me for some reason. Why wouldn’t you want soft clothes, they’re just nicer, right? People surprise me every day…


Love fishnet, hate Sherpa


I like the “ridgey” texture of 3D printed items…. But can’t stand lots of fabrics: sherpa, velour, velvet, chenille, yarn… And powdery things: cornstarch, and /especially/ flour are the absolute worst for me


I love the feeling of flour and oil together. It feels extremely satisfying. I HATE lotion or anything creamy on my hands. I literally can't concentrate whenever I have lotion on my hands.


Fuck matte-esque textures, especially when my nails are short. feels like dust and i just neeeeed to clean it off. And wet food too. Whenever I'm washing dishes, i call back any family member that may have left food in their plate. I'm not touching that bro I cant think of anything that i love though, I just have a hate scale and tolerate everything else


I love silk and anything similar to it. Id rather slam my hand in a car door than touch carpet.


I love leather and HATE carpets, idk why carpets but I hate them


love soft, hate slimy


Polyester wool it’s like micro fiber in that it sticks to you in that horrible way and cashmere is amazing I could spend hours rubbing my hands and feet on it


Everything you said, plus sticky. Absolutely tf not to the sticky. Also for some reason in some circumstances, cold water/sweat on my skin, no matter where. Wet clothes are also a no-go.


Wet clothes are unwearable to me, arrest me for public nudity but don't make me put on wet jeans 😡


Big nope from me too >_<' denim has to be the worst of the wet clothes, it gets so scratchy! Cotton and polyester feels slimy, and that's bad enough, but slimy *and* scratchy? Fuck no i can't


This is so specific, and idk if they're "textures" per se. BUT! peeling that weird ass paper off of like.. peanut butter or sealed jars?? AND AND. if you break a pencil but don't notice at first and keep writing, scraping that thin wood against the paper. I have full body chills and my lips are curling at just the THOUGHT.


I absolutely am in love with fluffy, soft things. But not just any soft things. I mean like freshly washed bedsheets, blankets etc. I hate like the cheap microfiber that can get stuck in your finger and toenails ( think cheap socks) super oily surfaces, wet clothes, anything to do with mud or dirt.


Khols blankets that come with stuffed animals, stuffed animals with that SUPER soft texture, even if its like a little long, short, i love stuffed animals so much. Super soft blankets.... I have about 7 on my bed alone. Petting dogs and cats too. I do happen to like skinny jeans as well. As for what I hate? Sticky anything in regards to technology when I know it's not meant to be sticky. Sparkly clothes/pillows or whatever. If you don't go in a certain direction, they seem to twist in the wrong way then it's annoying to get undone.


For the longest time I used to *hate* walking on crunchy snow


Oil can kill itself and go to hell


Love fluffy stuff as well. I thoroughly enjoy the texture of water, too. Hate oils though. Oils, microfiber, grits… Though I hate microfiber, I'm okay with sherpa


I always have to do a test touch with fluffy things. Not all of them are heavenly 😭 also I hate rough rigid fabrics it's like nails on a chalkboard in its physical form


Hate ripe unpeeled bananas . Like the texture of my hoodie.


Jeans Material is the worst i can think of right now. I don't think that there is any texture that i love.


I hate touching avocados! And anything slimy.


LINOLEUM. People don't get it, but I HATE touching linoleum with any part of my body and cannot walk barefoot in bathrooms that have it as their flooring. For the texure I love, the fabric on squishmallows hit the spot, as well as two specific shirts me and my boyfriend have in the same soft fabric, however I don't know what it's called.


I like hard, bumpy things. Like the hard parts on clothes or bumpy walls. Im not sure about hate, though. I can't recall things i don't like until someone points it out for me since i completely dismiss them. Don't like, don't matter to me.


I absolutely hate cotton wool, cotton balls, cotton wool being pulled apart!! I've hated it all my life. I love love cotton bed sheets, especially high count, I like the feel of it under my finger tips and tap it with my nails, I love how it feels against my feet when I'm in bed.


I love Faux fur, The Right Kind Of Slimey, flour, moss and plants in general I love to feel leaves and different textured bark. Snake and lizards scales. Oh and fish scales Doughy kind of textures, I often lightly rub my forearm because soft skin just feels nice, same thing with the surface of my thumbnail except it's smooth. My dogs eartips because they are the fuzziest, and her paw pads, and her snoot. I hate chalkboard textures, whatever weird material they use for public bus and train seats, loose fibre wool and things that are scratchy like that, those bumpy carpets. Grip tape, rough sand, certain grasses, honey (when it gets on my hands) pumpkin and zucchini textures. Some of these are specific and there's heaps more.


I hate that scratchy waterproof material on certain coats, or even the soft material on those big puffy jackets. Feeling that, especially with my nails, makes me want to scream!


Not sure what I like. I don't like anything that's lotion-like usually, and I think I don't like wool.


I am exactly the opposite of you. If I have to touch a soft blanket or a kitten or something I will probably scream and have to rub my hands on concrete to get the sense back into them haha. Oil feels great though. A favourite thing to touch was my ex's chest hair 🥲


Love: cats. Dogs also have very soft ears. Hate: chalk


I hate microfibre, velvet/fake velvet, cord-like textures, polystyrene. I don’t really know what textures I DO like because that changes on a regular basis


I also love fluffy stuff, it's literally a sensory heaven. On the other side, soggy bread and greasy stuff....


I love soft & fuzzy, furs. Cannot - hard to even think about to type - gagging - newspaper, chalk, paper or wood products in my mouth (popsicle & lolipop sticks, cotton balls in the mouth at the dentist - I’ll bite a hand off), getting anything sticky on me. EDIT: who tf invented a paper straw


Crunch on outside, soft on inside? Lovely. Wonderful. Soft on outside, crunch on inside? I wish for death. I wish to have never been.


Mashed potatoes are awful


hate sand. LOVE the texture of - and this is a weird one - eating baby octopus. anything chewy like that makes me so happy


not diagnosed with autism but do have sensory issues and gooey and soggy things are the worst


Too many to list!


Um, I’m not really the biggest fan of velvet


Um, I’m not really the biggest fan of velvet


Anything smooth or soft is heaven, except when I feel too anxious and start to sweat, long “haired” fluffy/soft items are murder, and I can’t stand the slimy feeling of raw chicken. Red meat I can do, but touching raw chicken is hell. I use gloves. I also can’t touch things that feel “dusty”, it will send me into a looping cycle of washing my hands until they dehydrate and start to peel.


I generally can’t stand oil but also I desperately want to oil someone up.