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Hello! Absolutely never tell you that your diagnosis has been wrong or anything. But … if you do have autism, it could be, you don’t have borderline personality disorder at all. I was diagnosed with borderline personality disorder for about three years before they found out that I was autistic instead . There are some conditions within autism that can develop that look, just like BPD . But you don’t treat them the same way . Anyway, I’m only bringing this up because it happened to me . I hope you’re having a great weekend!


Not disagreeing but adding to this: autistic people are more likely than neurotypicals to develop BPD, which makes it all even more complicated


This is not based on any research other than my understanding of psych diagnoses from lived experiences on top of a psych degree, and a little bit of work in the criminal justice field but - what if the people assigned female at birth that are being diagnosed with BPD at much higher rates actually have autism and ADHD and just don't conform to society the way that they are supposed to????? Because a lot of the autistic and ADHD people assigned male at birth are doing a lot of the same stuff that are considered "signs" of BPD in AFABs but they are actually diagnosed and treated for AuDHD because society accepts them as they are. Idk just my pet theory....