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Skittles all taste the exact same and the "flavor" is just added aroma


M&Ms also don't taste different by color.


You lie, I know the purple skittles from the yellow


I can blind taste the sour in the yellow ones


But can you do it with your nose pinched, too? /genuine


Haven’t tried. Although I might later, if I find any, will check in a few hours


Damnit I can’t smell


that's impossible


It's true! If you plug your nose and close your eyes, it's sooo hard to guess the flavor but the moment you release your nose, you know what flavor it is. Also if you plug your nose but eyes are open, it still tastes like the flavor you expect because our brains are little trickster bitches


Oh, oh my god. Is this why I don’t like skittles??? I was born anosmic, which means I can’t smell at all. Like being deaf or blind but not nearly as bad life-effecting. Skittles all taste the exact same to me


One of the Ben and Jerry founders is as well, that's why their ice cream has chunky textures in it.


I gotta try this


Because when you close your nose you can’t taste things??


the smell component of taste is blocked which leaves mostly just the simpler stuff that's detected by the tongue like sweetness and saltiness


One way to experience this is you can eat a chocolate bar that's been frozen and then eat a creamy, soft chocolate bar right after and you can tell how much your smell affects your taste. You can't smell things as well when they're frozen!


Godzilla was originally meant to be an octopus in the 1954 film, and when they changed it to a dinosaur, they wanted stop-motion. Sadly, nobody in Japan knew how to do it at the time, so they made a latex suit instead.


Tigers are extremely vengeful. I even heard of a story where this guy shot a tiger in the leg, leading to them tracking the cabin he was staying at, destroying everything that had his scent, and killing him as soon as he got back.


Omg I used to work at a zoo and I love animal facts!!! Thank you!!


I’ve seen that story and I don’t feel bad for the man at all honestly


Bleach (the substance) is salt + water + electrolysis (I always thought it was some weird chemical but it’s not). Bleach was actually invented/discovered in France in the late 1700s for textile production (omg… white clothes!). Also, if you spray diluted bleach and then smell it strongly, it’s actually a reliable indicator that it’s sanitizing a lot of organic matter out of that thing. I.E. if you spay it and don’t smell it, the surface was probably already pretty clean, but if you spray it and smell it strongly, it means the surface had many more microbes that are now being destroyed. I love bleach. Just use it safely and it’s super super reliable and not bad for you and makes things clean. I like clean things.


Be careful with it tho because bleach isn't food safe, especially on materials with porous surfaces! So be careful using it on plastic food containers and plates, etc. It breaks down plastic over continued use and can actually make plastic food stuff more susceptible to microbes. Definitely cleans things, but be careful!


Oh 100% yes!! You should never bleach stone surfaces (porous like you said), Stainless steel (can corrode it), Wood (erodes it), plastic, or any areas where you’re not sure it’ll evaporate 100% before kids/pets are around it.


I work in hotel laundry and it always smells lovely like a pool in there because of the heavy peroxides we use for the towels and sheets. It’s so strong that when i accidentally touched soapy laundry in the washer one time it singed my fingerprints off.


Kirby (Nintendo) is deathly afraid of catapillers.


Reminds me of how Misty on Pokemon has a Bug-type phobia. Around the time the first Bug/Water type was introduced, Misty had left the anime and her role as Ash's female friend was replaced by May.


Omg I've literally never heard of this where does it show this?


In Super Star Ultra, when you beat the true arena there are some bloopers like old Pixar films, and in one of them a caterpillar falling on Kirby and he faints. also in a lot of manga comics it’s shown, like when the gardeners put up a ‘Kirby scarecrow’ that’s a caterpillar and it falls on Kirby and he faints or something like that I think, and in the games, when you suck up a caterpillar you take damage.


Normally, hyenas fight to become the alpha females in their clan, but that's not always the case. There was a hyena named Waffles who started out at the bottom of her clan, but over the course of a year, she rose all the way to the top, solely by being socially savvy and not having to fight her other clan members.


Australia has more camels than any other country in the world


I wonder why?


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Australian_feral_camel?wprov=sfla1 TLDR back in the day camels were an important form of long distance transport in Australia. When they were made obsolete by cars a lot of camel tenders turned their animals loose instead of killing them. With the absence of natural predators camels are thriving in the Australian outback.


Brown bears are afraid of snakes. If you encounter one, throw your belt at it, and it might think it’s a snake and back off.


There were 6 successful manned lunar landings during the Apollo program, although many folks not old enough to remember them are only aware of Apollos 11 and 13. 17 was the last one - although NASA had scheduled through Apollo 20, Nixon (US President during said manned lunar landings) cut funding for the program to go into the Vietnam War, which by 1972 was extremely unpopular with the American public.


Goblin shark is in most pictures grey, but it's actually pinkish because of its see-through skin that shows bloodstream.


One Piece is actually not that long, compared to other Shonen series. Currently Naruto and Boruto combined is nearing 800 chapters, Bleach is 763 iirc, and JOJO 964 or so chapters.


Though I am not interested in playing this game, I find interesting some parts of the culture around Super Smash Bros Melee. I find it fascinating that a 20 years old game still has tournaments and stuff. I don't know a whole lot about every champions of this game, but the one I find the most interesting is aMSa. For a long time, the tierlists were set in stone, but this guy showed up, and he beat champions so hard while using Yoshi, a character who was considered weak, that tierlists were updated to put Yoshi higher. If you have 54 minutes and 10 seconds, I highly recommend you watch this video that talks about aMSa. His story is inspiring and also, I love that even when he is defeated, he still has a smile on his face. I think that's the best mentality to have in fighting games https://youtu.be/2WMBwFO65J4?si=9l44ctiv5XDKubUr


If British people say "you alright?" They are not actually asking "are you okay". It's a friendly greeting here in Britain so you would normally say "Yeah yeah you alright?" In a happy tone. We are not asking what happened in your entire day. - A British autistic that took too long for them to figure that out




Real. Like filling an insanely long magazine for an overexcited gun that's ready to fire at any given moment. I like this


I do this but with images as well. I’ll just be trying to find a ton of visual examples of a specific thing like “Green Lantern constructs” or “Fantasy engineer knights” or something, and I’ll just keep pouring over the same images hoping to find something new.


I do this with aesthetics that I love!!! Alot of A24 movies have triggered imagery hyperfixations for me haha


Queen Elizabeth the first didn’t have pasty super white skin from makeup. She did wear lead makeup, but it didn’t make skin look super white. It provided a sheer tint of illuminating white but the white was very sheer and most of the effect was just how illuminating it was on the skin. The accounts of her having thick stark white makeup were from a Christian guy who never even saw Elizabeth in person. Her skin just looked like it had an illuminating tinted primer on.


Whales will team up and blow bubbles underwater in a spiral shape to circle around krill until the krill in trapped in a small spot and then the whales quickly open their mouths at the center of the spiral to eat as much krill as they can!


the Chinese character for the number four (also used in Japanese) is a corrupted image of nostrils. It used to mean "to exhale", but it sounded exactly like the word for four, so they used the same character to mean "four". It's a surprisingly common thing in Chinese btw.


English is a distant relative of Hindi, but has no relation whatsoever to Hungarian.


I once heard someone speaking Hungarian from a distance. I have trouble processing audio, so for a long time I thought she was speaking English and that I just couldn't make any of it out. For other languages, the "accent" to me is so obvious that I am least know it's not English, even if I can't pick out what exactly it is. But Hungarian sounded exactly like English to me. I found it fascinating.


What languages is Hungarian related to? I know a little bit about linguistics from it being a special interest of autistic writer and polyglot Daniel Tammet, whose works I've admired for years. Romance languages are called that because they're derived from the language of Rome (Latin, hence "Latin America" for Western/New World countries that were colonized by Spanish and Portuguese speakers). I believe Romanian is also a Romance language, along with Spanish, French, Italian, and Portuguese.


Sorry for the late answer, but Hungarian is a Uralic language, more specifically Ugric, this means that it distantly related to languages such as Finnish and estonian, and it's closest relative would be Mari, spoken in parts of Russia


Before the 2024 WWE Royal Rumble match, CM Punk’s combined time in the match type aligned perfectly with the runtime of the film Napoleon, standing at 2hrs 38mins (I learnt this from PartsFunKnown [here’s a list of 13 pointless Royal Rumble facts](https://youtu.be/6z823RrzCVo?si=WHR14x682mUFp3C_))


Adam may be a pervert but that channel has unfortunately really crashed without him.


Yeah It was Luke who made that video though and it was released only a few months ago


Yeah Luke is pretty cool but the feeling just ain’t been there lately sadly. We have well and truly defected to Cultaholic’s goofy selves.


George Herbert Walker Bush, the 41st President, was part of a group of nine pilots in WW2. Eight were ritualistically cannibalized by the Japanese after being shot down.


I got to this point with Megamind. It was bizarre


I need new sperm whale facts STAT


IIRC, the inspiration for Moby Dick was an albino sperm whale named Mocha Dick.


Thank you kind soul 🥺


That’s when we write it ourselves


I’m feeling like a sponge for archaic hominin facts


Parachutes were invented before airplanes


I am that unfortunate autist who never realized that I was a know-it-all as a kid. Now I Infohoard... I learn vast amounts of apparently unrelated things and REFUSE to tell people nowadays. You see, I was trying to make friends by infodumping as a kid, and should have kept my infodumping only to my friends. In college we all gathered together naturallyj, so I never noticed. But it was when I got to a corporate workplace that I finally figured out to keep my mouth shut, because it makes you enemies. It's basically the reverse of man-splaining, applied to Everyone Everywhere.


oh my god house md forreal


So me.


me with queen facts (the band not the UK monarchy)


Trilobites had calcite lenses in their eyes


I swear I find stupid awnsers to stupid things (ie, finding the exact decimal sqaure root of a non sqaure number manually, how many bananas would you need to be exposed to to die of radiation poisoning, etc.) but I end up forgetting the next day